2018-02-21 Mark DaoustAdd link to from doc describing model loading.
2018-02-21 Jeremy LauInternal change.
2018-02-21 Justin Lebar[XLA] Add FindInstruction and FindComputation helpers...
2018-02-21 Jeffrey A.... Create fast path for common case of finite values in...
2018-02-21 A. Unique TensorFlowerInternal Change
2018-02-21 A. Unique TensorFlowerInternal updates.
2018-02-21 Benoit SteinerIn the arithmetic optimizer enqueue the fanout of optim...
2018-02-21 Benoit Steinermemory_size should be expressed in Bytes, but port...
2018-02-21 Mark Daoustfix not_covered anchor
2018-02-21 A. Unique TensorFlowerModify optimized quantized LSTM implementation so that...
2018-02-21 A. Unique TensorFlowerAdding some beginner advice to the README.
2018-02-21 A. Unique TensorFlowerMinor corrections in feature_columns doc
2018-02-21 Sanjoy Das[XLA:CPU] Add FP32<->FP16 conversion routines
2018-02-21 Suharsh SivakumarAdd a small test to ensure that rewrites are idempotent.
2018-02-21 A. Unique TensorFlowerClarify the shape of convolution arguments.
2018-02-21 Yu-Cheng LingTFLite: Define a DELEGATE op type.
2018-02-21 Yu-Cheng LingTFLite Conv2D: Create temporary tensors in Prepare...
2018-02-21 Jacques Pienaar[TF2XLA] Account for input edge of predicate.
2018-02-21 Benoit SteinerMake sure the nodes that are refered to by a collection...
2018-02-21 Dustin TranAutomated g4 rollback of changelist 186260342
2018-02-21 A. Unique TensorFlowerUpdate decorators transformer with additional clarifica...
2018-02-21 A. Unique TensorFlowerAdd a utility that generalizes getcallargs to non-funct...
2018-02-21 Yu-Cheng LingFill the new `custom_initial_data(_size)?` fields in...
2018-02-21 Sanjoy Das[XLA] Emit saturating shifts on CPU, GPU and interpreter
2018-02-20 A. Unique TensorFlowerShorten grappler per-node report by default with previo...
2018-02-20 A. Unique TensorFlowerGo: Update generated wrapper functions for TensorFlow...
2018-02-20 Yu-Cheng LingFix a typo in the comment (TFLite)
2018-02-20 Suharsh SivakumarUpdate contrib/quantize docs to add description of...
2018-02-20 A. Unique TensorFlowerUpdate ops-related pbtxt files.
2018-02-20 Derek Murray[] Fix memory leak when not all elements of...
2018-02-20 A. Unique TensorFlowerFix a memory corruption issue in boosted trees as the...
2018-02-20 Suharsh SivakumarAdd documentation to contrib/quantization to reduce...
2018-02-20 A. Unique TensorFlowerBasic LogSoftmax support
2018-02-20 A. Unique TensorFlowerAdd an inspection helper module for related routines...
2018-02-20 Benoit SteinerTurn on swapping heuristic by default to better manage...
2018-02-20 Asim ShankarJava: Fix #17130
2018-02-20 Peter Hawkins[TF:XLA] Tiny fixes.
2018-02-20 Igor GanichevClarify GpuDeviceInfo struct
2018-02-20 A. Unique TensorFlowerAdding Transpose to optimized_ops.
2018-02-20 Ian LangmoreDOCFIX: hmc.sample_chain kwarg num_steps_between_resul...
2018-02-20 A. Unique TensorFlowerSimplify and enforce diagnostic ArrayDataType strings.
2018-02-20 A. Unique TensorFlowerGo: Update generated wrapper functions for TensorFlow...
2018-02-20 A. Unique TensorFlowerMore BcastAdd benchmarks in
2018-02-20 Francois CholletMove the `maxout` layer implementation to contrib.
2018-02-20 Chris YingAdd Timestamp Op which returns the current timestamp...
2018-02-20 Sanjoy Das[TF:XLA] Bump open source llvm revision to r325553
2018-02-20 A. Unique TensorFlowerTemporarily disable flaky test.
2018-02-20 Mark DaoustAdd numpy compatibility note to transpose operations.
2018-02-20 Mark DaoustDoc fixes for switching to 10.12.6 (Sierra) as min...
2018-02-20 A. Unique TensorFlowerIntroduce tflite diff test to verify difference between...
2018-02-20 Yao ZhangSupport multiple fetch nodes and add a flag for memory...
2018-02-20 A. Unique TensorFlowerReplace private method call _ref() with read_value()
2018-02-20 Yu-Cheng LingTFLite: Check if builtin_code is in valid range by...
2018-02-20 Igor SaprykinAdd API to switch certain parts of Graph state to be...
2018-02-20 A. Unique TensorFlowerImplementation of `len` that uses multiple dispatch...
2018-02-20 A. Unique TensorFlowerInternal change.
2018-02-20 Dustin TranAutomated g4 rollback of changelist 186260342
2018-02-20 Dustin TranReduce tfp.layers boilerplate via programmable docstrings.
2018-02-20 Derek Murray[] Delete contrib version of
2018-02-19 A. Unique TensorFlowerShare Variable objects among collections when importing...
2018-02-19 A. Unique TensorFlowerRemove experimental C API from srcs rule as it requires...
2018-02-19 Blake Hechtman[TF:XLA] Select the update value instead of the buffer...
2018-02-17 A. Unique TensorFlowerTweak `tf.slice` documentation.
2018-02-17 Bixia Zheng[XLA:GPU] Fix a problem in DoGemmAutotune.
2018-02-17 A. Unique TensorFlowerAutomated g4 rollback of changelist 186019263
2018-02-17 Mingsheng HongAdded an experimental C API TF_EnableXLACompilation...
2018-02-17 Yu-Cheng LingAutomated g4 rollback of changelist 186053793
2018-02-17 A. Unique TensorFlowerModify reference quantized LSTM implementation so that...
2018-02-17 Ankur TalyMerge changes from github.
2018-02-17 A. Unique TensorFlowerAdds a `shape` property to LabeledTensor.
2018-02-17 Michael Kuperstein[XLA] Pass the module to HloDataflowAnalysis by const...
2018-02-17 A. Unique TensorFlowerActivates Eigen path for CPU implementation of atrous...
2018-02-17 A. Unique TensorFlowerChanges keep_dims to keepdims to remove deprecation...
2018-02-17 Akshay ModiMake tf.py_func and tf.smart_cond play better with...
2018-02-17 Alexandre PassosInitializing the thread-local device to the right value.
2018-02-17 Sanjoy DasReset the DAZ bit when entering the XLA CPU/GPU compiler
2018-02-17 Allen LavoieCheckpointable: Don't run ops automatically when graph...
2018-02-16 Alexandre PassosDefault eager tensor device name should match default...
2018-02-16 Sanjoy Das[XLA] Add some plumbing, documentation, verification...
2018-02-16 A. Unique TensorFlowerExpose the main API to the generated code as well....
2018-02-16 Yu-Cheng LingTFLite Conv2D: Create temporary tensors in Prepare...
2018-02-16 A. Unique TensorFlowerAdd qint8 to list of types supported by the GPU ConstOp.
2018-02-16 Francois CholletAdd support for explicit `training` argument in subclas...
2018-02-16 Yuefeng ZhouAdd a `hash_keys` argument to the sparse hash column...
2018-02-16 Billy LambertaFix sentence in Getting Started for ML Beginners guide.
2018-02-16 Billy LambertaFix crop on images in datasets_performance guide.
2018-02-16 A. Unique TensorFlowerChanged FTRL formula for scalars to match vector versio...
2018-02-16 A. Unique TensorFlower[TF:XLA] Adds HostCompute HLO - a pseudo-op to represen...
2018-02-16 Reed Wanderman... Automated g4 rollback of changelist 186018787
2018-02-16 Yuanzhong Xu[XLA] HLO scheduling: update entries in ready queue...
2018-02-16 A. Unique TensorFlowerOptimization of quantized LSTM cell for the common...
2018-02-16 Allen LavoieRemove the __setattr__ override for Variables
2018-02-16 Allen LavoieTFTS: Support tf.Example input
2018-02-16 Sanjoy Das[XLA:CPU] Minor cleanup to simple_orc_jit
2018-02-16 A. Unique TensorFlowerAutomated g4 rollback of changelist 185623948
2018-02-16 A. Unique TensorFlowerClarifying the docstring for how gradients are reduced...
2018-02-16 A. Unique TensorFlowerFix pontential issue with number of blocks launched...
2018-02-16 Bjarke Hammersholt... Add TODOs.
2018-02-16 A. Unique TensorFlowerOptimized quantized LSTM cell runtime NEON implementation.
2018-02-16 David Majnemer[XLA] Factor out the code which adds operands to a...