2019-05-09 Maryam Ariyanskip all OleDb tests first to unblock other PRs. (dotne...
2019-05-09 Paul BuonopaneFix dotnet/corefx#37506: System.Text.Json fails to...
2019-05-09 Steve MacLeanReenable tests (dotnet/corefx#37521)
2019-05-09 Stephen ToubFix unnecessary culture-aware comparisons in System...
2019-05-09 Matt GalbraithMerge pull request dotnet/corefx#37530 from dotnet...
2019-05-08 Matt GalbraithUpdate linux.yml
2019-05-08 Matt GalbraithUpdate CI docker images
2019-05-08 Maryam AriyanUpdate
2019-05-08 Tomas Weinfurthandle Http2Stream add/remove better (dotnet/corefx...
2019-05-08 dotnet-maestro-botUpdate ProjectNTfs, ProjectNTfsTestILC to beta-27708...
2019-05-08 Eric StJohn React to APICompat changes enabling reverse APICompat...
2019-05-07 Matt GalbraithMerge pull request dotnet/corefx#37501 from dotnet...
2019-05-07 Tanner GoodingFixing SystemNative_GetTimestampResolution for CLOCK_MO...
2019-05-07 Jeremy KoritzinskyPropagate System.Runtime.WindowsRuntime package build...
2019-05-07 Stephen ToubFix nullability mismatch on partial declarations
2019-05-07 Stephen ToubMove WithCancellation/ConfigureAwait extension methods...
2019-05-07 Eric StJohnRemove suppression for EventRegistrationToken now that...
2019-05-07 Steve HarterRefactor null handling and add tests (dotnet/corefx...
2019-05-07 dotnet-maestro-botUpdate ProjectNTfs, ProjectNTfsTestILC to beta-27707...
2019-05-07 Anirudh AgnihotryMaking ctors internal for types with internal abstract...
2019-05-07 Afsaneh Rafighiupdate Area Owners (dotnet/corefx#37475)
2019-05-07 Steve HarterAdd JsonException and make JsonSerializationException...
2019-05-06 Eric StJohnRemove runtime.json from Microsoft.NETCore.Targets...
2019-05-06 Jose Perez... Fix VS Configurations for all projects in corefx (dotne...
2019-05-06 Tanner GoodingRegenerating the System.Numerics.Vectors ref assembly...
2019-05-06 Randolph WestUpdate (dotnet/corefx...
2019-05-06 Viktor HoferMerge pull request dotnet/corefx#37340 from dotnet...
2019-05-06 ericstjDon't include the nupkg/nuspec from the package folder
2019-05-06 Matt GalbraithMerge pull request dotnet/corefx#37474 from dotnet...
2019-05-06 Jeremy BartonUpdate RID graph
2019-05-06 David FowlerFix remaining races in WriteAsync (dotnet/corefx#37414)
2019-05-06 Matt GalbraithUpdate Ubuntu 19.04 Docker Image
2019-05-06 Tarek Mahmoud... Fix Timezone Test with Morocco on Windows (dotnet/coref...
2019-05-06 Stephen ToubOptimize Enumerable.Range(...).Select(...) (dotnet...
2019-05-06 dotnet-maestro-botUpdate ProjectNTfs, ProjectNTfsTestILC to beta-27706...
2019-05-06 Shay RojanskySwitch to newer, explicit atomic API (dotnet/corefx...
2019-05-06 Gérald BarréAdd FlushAsync (dotnet/corefx#37458)
2019-05-06 Viktor HoferDisable GetSchema test on Win7 (dotnet/corefx#37450)
2019-05-05 Levi BroderickMove System.Text.Encodings.Web inbox (dotnet/corefx...
2019-05-04 Jeremy BartonDefine X509_CHECK_FLAG_NO_PARTIAL_WILDCARDS on non...
2019-05-04 Jose Perez... Adding Microsoft.Bcl.HashCode package for .NET Standard...
2019-05-04 Maryam AriyanSystem.Data.OleDb.Tests.OleDbConnectionTests.GetSchema...
2019-05-04 Charles StonerPort several Interaction methods (dotnet/corefx#37436)
2019-05-04 Dávid KayaChanged File.Copy to throw if destination is a director...
2019-05-04 Tanner GoodingRegenerating the System.Runtime.Intrinsics and System...
2019-05-04 Levi BroderickCreate Utf8String package install docs (dotnet/corefx...
2019-05-04 Stephen ToubFix deadlock in SystemEventsTests.CreateTimerTests...
2019-05-03 Jeremy BartonUse X509_check_host when available instead of a custom...
2019-05-03 Steve HarterUpdate doc for Preview 5 (dotnet/corefx#37433)
2019-05-03 Stephen ToubDisable GetPropertyValues_NotStoredProperty_ValueEquals...
2019-05-03 Stephen ToubLog exceptions from asynchronously failing Expect:...
2019-05-03 Stephen ToubUse RemoveInvoke in several StringTests (dotnet/corefx...
2019-05-03 Charles StonerPort AssemblyInfo, ConsoleApplicationBase.CommandLineAr...
2019-05-03 Kevin JonesBetter support RSAES_OAEP certificates for EnvelopedCms
2019-05-03 Tarek Mahmoud... Fix Macedonian display name in ComponentModel CultureIn...
2019-05-03 Charles StonerPort Constants, Globals, DateAndTime (dotnet/corefx...
2019-05-03 dotnet-maestro-botUpdate ProjectNTfs, ProjectNTfsTestILC to beta-27703...
2019-05-03 Stephen ToubTweak asserts used in GetGCMemoryInfo test to be more...
2019-05-03 Viktor HoferFix build break in HttpClientHandlerTest
2019-05-03 Tomas Weinfurtimprove error handling on failed Http/2 handshake ...
2019-05-03 Tomas Weinfurtreject invalid pseudo-headers (dotnet/corefx#37069)
2019-05-03 Tomas Weinfurtimpove error reporting on OSX (dotnet/corefx#37382)
2019-05-03 Stephen ToubFix TestPriorityLevelProperty test (dotnet/corefx#37377)
2019-05-02 Jeremy KuhneStart on object serialization. (dotnet/corefx#36806)
2019-05-02 Stephen ToubFix SendAsync_No100ContinueReceived_RequestBodySentEven...
2019-05-02 Stephen ToubFix MultipleCallsToGetSpan test with pinning (dotnet...
2019-05-02 Maryam AriyanPorts System.Data.OleDb (dotnet/corefx#37101)
2019-05-02 Stephen ToubTweak preferLocal value in System.Net.Sockets (dotnet...
2019-05-02 Stephen ToubFix test failure in XmlWriterTraceListenerTests.Listene...
2019-05-02 Ahson KhanSurround InvalidLargeEncode outerloop test with try...
2019-05-02 Viktor HoferDisable flaky Dns GetHostName tests on OSX (dotnet...
2019-05-02 Santiago Fernandez... Nop LongProcessNamesAreSupported test on Alpine (dotnet...
2019-05-02 Stephen ToubEnable HTTP/2 in SocketsHttpHandler via HttpRequestMess...
2019-05-02 Dan MoseleyTypos etc (dotnet/corefx#37349)
2019-05-02 Stephen ToubDisable GetAsync_UnicodeHostName_SuccessStatusCodeInRes...
2019-05-02 Andrew HoeflingAdded Range Manipulation APIs to Collection<T> and...
2019-05-02 Stephen ToubMake ProcessTests.HandleCountChanges more reliable...
2019-05-02 Ahson KhanAdd JsonEncodedText with Utf8JsonWriter overloads that...
2019-05-02 Charles StonerRun Microsoft.VisualBasic.Core.Tests sequentially ...
2019-05-01 Viktor HoferUpdate
2019-05-01 Santiago Fernandez... Fix condition for send to helix step in public builds...
2019-05-01 David ShulmanImplement HttpClient.DefaultProxy property (dotnet...
2019-05-01 Viktor HoferPublish test artifacts to AzDO (dotnet/corefx#37296)
2019-05-01 Santiago Fernandez... Remove instances of myget in the docs and update to...
2019-05-01 Stephen ToubDisable AutomaticOrManual_DoesntFailRegardlessOfWhether...
2019-05-01 Stephen ToubAllow Http2Connection header-related processing buffers...
2019-05-01 Jeremy BartonFix NullReferenceException when a trusted cert chain...
2019-05-01 dotnet-maestro-botUpdate ProjectNTfs, ProjectNTfsTestILC to beta-27701...
2019-05-01 Santiago Fernandez... Send to helix only when previous steps succeeded (dotne...
2019-05-01 Stephen ToubFix two more System.Net async instead of sync calls...
2019-05-01 Stephen ToubAdd ManualResetValueTaskSourceCore / AsyncIterateMethod...
2019-05-01 duduUse Dns.GetHostAddresses in Socket.Connect (dotnet...
2019-05-01 Santiago Fernandez... Run tests only on public builds and scheduled or manual...
2019-05-01 David ShulmanInternal Http SystemProxyInfo object should never be...
2019-05-01 Tomas Weinfurtupdate tests using "localhost" to be more liberal on...
2019-05-01 Jose Perez... Adding Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces for .NET Standard...
2019-05-01 Tomas Weinfurthandle EPROTOTYPE on OSX (dotnet/corefx#37208)
2019-05-01 Stephen ToubFix order of "static public" in test file
2019-05-01 Tomas Weinfurtdisable ParallelQueryCombinationTests on ARM systems...
2019-05-01 Levi BroderickAdd more UTF-16 validation tests (dotnet/corefx#37252)