2012-06-21 pdr@google.comAdd a performance test for paths in SVG
2012-06-21 caseq@chromium.orgWeb Inspector: reduce timeline refresh rate
2012-06-21 commit-queue... [WK2] Color chooser API missing
2012-06-21 commit-queue... [Chromium] Damage tracker is not used without partial...
2012-06-21 jsbell@chromium.orgIndexedDB: Remove redundant IDBObjectStore.delete(...
2012-06-21[Shadow][Editing] Selection will break editing boundari...
2012-06-20 fpizlo@apple.comFunctions on global objects should be specializable
2012-06-20 commit-queue... Source/WebCore: Moving cookieEnabled/setCookieEnabled...
2012-06-20 abarth@webkit.orginternals.settings.setDeviceScaleFactor doesn't work...
2012-06-20 caseq@chromium.orgWeb Inspector: persist timeline panel overview mode
2012-06-20 commit-queue... Perform hit-test from correct frame in isRectTopmost()
2012-06-20<rdar://problem/11653784> and
2012-06-20<> Teach run-safari and debug-safari...
2012-06-20 commit-queue... [chromium] Support mobile device rotation resizing
2012-06-20 commit-queue... Account for device scale factor when creating image...
2012-06-20 mitz@apple.comFixed typos in the change log.
2012-06-20 zhajiang@rim.comAdd a != operator to ViewportArguments
2012-06-20[Qt] Unreviewed gardening, skip new failing tests.
2012-06-20 tony@chromium.orgComputed style tests are a maintenance burden on the...
2012-06-20 rniwa@webkit.orgLet XCode have its own way.
2012-06-20 rniwa@webkit.orgMove m_listsInvalidatedAtDocument from NodeListsNodeDat...
2012-06-20 commit-queue... Unreviewed, rolling out r120821.
2012-06-20 commit-queue... Unreviewed, rolling out r120854.
2012-06-20 dpranke@chromium.orgnrwt outputs empty files for wdiff output if wdiff...
2012-06-20 dpranke@chromium.orgnrwt: fix unit tests for ensuring svn revision is correct
2012-06-20 dpranke@chromium.orgnew-run-webkit-tests appends "/Debug" or "/Release...
2012-06-20 inferno@chromium.orgCrash on accessing a removed renderer from percent...
2012-06-20 commit-queue... [BlackBerry] Add an API to immediately enable cross...
2012-06-20 fpizlo@apple.combuild-webkit failure due to illegal 32-bit integer...
2012-06-20 jchaffraix... REGRESSION(r113885): Margin not properly applied to...
2012-06-20[chromium] Separate LayerRenderer initialization from...
2012-06-20 robert@webkit.orgr120844: Skip two tests on Qt
2012-06-20 commit-queue... SecurityOrigin::canDisplay() should return true when...
2012-06-20[V8] Use v8::V8::AddImplicitReferences instead of SetHi...
2012-06-20 dpranke@chromium.orgFix import sorting missed in r120846
2012-06-20 dpranke@chromium.orgFix chromium win http servers after breakage introduced...
2012-06-20 dpranke@chromium.orgtweak output of webkit-patch print-{baselines,expectations}
2012-06-20 tony@chromium.orgRegression(r116408): Ctrl-A (select all) on large text...
2012-06-20 commit-queue... Add support for fit-content etc
2012-06-20 commit-queue... [chromium] webkit-backface-visibility doesn't work...
2012-06-20 dpranke@chromium.orgnew-run-webkit-tests should spin-up enough httpd proces...
2012-06-20 japhet@chromium.orgSource/WebCore: Don't re-enter CachedResource::removeCl...
2012-06-20 robert@webkit.orgNegative margin block doesn't properly clear a float...
2012-06-20 commit-queue... Web Inspector: Allow module injections into the Injecte...
2012-06-20 ggaren@apple.comMade the incremental sweeper more aggressive
2012-06-20 commit-queue... [BlackBerry] Enable setAcceleratedCompositingForFixedPo...
2012-06-20 pfeldman@chromium.orgWeb Inspector: Timeline label bar jiggles when scrolling
2012-06-20 commit-queue... [chromium] Make sure that render surfaces are not pixel...
2012-06-20 fpizlo@apple.comFix JSC ChangeLog, forgot to add a comment to the Chang...
2012-06-20 alexis.menard... [CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders] Implement box-decoration...
2012-06-20 fpizlo@apple.comDFG should be able to print disassembly interleaved...
2012-06-20 jsbell@chromium.orgUnreviewed build fix.
2012-06-20 jchaffraix... Use IntSize in RenderLayer to represent scroll offsets
2012-06-20 commit-queue... [WK2] Implement Web Intent delivery
2012-06-20 commit-queue... Web Inspector: mark used/allocated JS heap on the nativ...
2012-06-20[Chromium] IndexedDB: Don't close database if pending...
2012-06-20 commit-queue... Web Inspector: duplicating selected text when Enter...
2012-06-20 commit-queue... [Cairo] Fix memory leak in GraphicsContext3DCairo.cpp
2012-06-20 tomz@codeaurora.orgUnreviewed: Back out accidentally checked in debug...
2012-06-20 commit-queue... Use HitTestPoint instead of LayoutPoint for nodeAtPoint.
2012-06-20 tomz@codeaurora.orgImport
2012-06-20 yurys@chromium.orgWeb Inspector: don't report context ids before DidCommi...
2012-06-20 ossy@webkit.orgwebkit-patch should add reviewer if "Reviewed by NOBODY...
2012-06-20 commit-queue... [Chromium] Remove redundant #includes in compositor
2012-06-20 commit-queue... Web Inspector: Implement native memory bar diagram
2012-06-20 alexis.menard... REGRESSION (120705) : LayerTreeHostQt asserts in debug.
2012-06-20 hans@chromium.orgSpeech JavaScript API: add SpeechRecognition.maxAlterna...
2012-06-20 commit-queue... applyAuthorStyles makes rules declared in all enclosing...
2012-06-20 hausmann@webkit.orgUnreviewed trivial permissions fix.
2012-06-20 commit-queue... Adds DeviceMotionClientMock
2012-06-20[Qt] Unreviewed build fix
2012-06-20 sergio@webkit.orgUnreviewed GTK gardening. Removed some tests from TestE...
2012-06-20 morrita@google.comUnreviewed rebaselining.
2012-06-20[chromium] Select the marker range when right-clicking...
2012-06-20 commit-queue... Web Inspector: Clicking "Clear all profiles" while...
2012-06-20[Qt][Mac] Speculative skipping to try to paint the...
2012-06-20 ryuan.choi... [EFL][Regression] Build break after r120786
2012-06-20 hayato@chromium.orgAssertion for event's target is wrong.
2012-06-20[CMake] Unreviewed speculative buildfix after r120786.
2012-06-20 benjamin@webkit.orgRefactoring: Geolocation::startRequest() should not...
2012-06-20 commit-queue... Refine syncLayersTimeoutCallback for Accelerated Compos...
2012-06-20[Qt][Mac] Skip one more crashing test.
2012-06-20 cdn@chromium.orgSource/WebCore: Fixes condition where inserting a Count...
2012-06-20 ossy@webkit.orgUnreviewed expected update after r120735.
2012-06-20[Qt] Unreviewed buildfix after r120790. Typo fix.
2012-06-20 kinuko@chromium.orgUse testRunner instead of layoutTestController in fast...
2012-06-20 commit-queue... [Shadow DOM] should be gone
2012-06-20 tkent@chromium.orgFix a form restore test broken by HTML5 parser
2012-06-20 dpranke@chromium.orgNRWT spins up and down the WebSocket server when runnin...
2012-06-20 dpranke@chromium.orgtest-webkitpy: add a -p flag to pass through captured...
2012-06-20 rniwa@webkit.orgTest fix after r120521.
2012-06-20 rniwa@webkit.orgUse testRunner instead of layoutTestController in fast...
2012-06-20 adamk@chromium.orgPass ScriptValue by const ref where possible
2012-06-20[GStreamer] 0.11 video-sink
2012-06-20 commit-queue... Add monitor profile support for Win
2012-06-20 abarth@webkit.orggarden-o-matic fails to rebaseline tests with MISSING...
2012-06-20 abarth@webkit.orgsvn.delete_list fails to delete empty parent directories
2012-06-20 fpizlo@apple.comJSC should be able to show disassembly for all generate...
2012-06-20 commit-queue... webkitpy: Simplify fetch_bugs_matching_search()
2012-06-20 jhoneycutt... Remove the failing expected results added in