2014-03-07 Jihoon Kimupload isf-2.4.6716 74/17474/1
2014-03-07 JuHyun Kimfix settle height 73/17473/1
2014-03-07 JuHyun Kimremove _candidate_angle change code in get_ise_geometry 72/17472/1
2014-03-07 JuHyun Kimchange candidate window max value 71/17471/1
2014-03-07 Jihoon Kimupload isf-2.4.6715 70/17470/1
2014-03-07 Jihoon KimUse dlog instead of std::cerr 69/17469/1
2014-03-07 Jihoon Kimfix unchecked return value 68/17468/1
2014-03-07 Jihoon KimUse ea_editfield 67/17467/1
2014-03-07 Jihoon Kimupload isf-2.4.6712 66/17466/1
2014-03-07 Jihoon KimFix wrong candidate angle affects the geometry of ISE 65/17465/1
2014-03-07 Ji-hoon LeeRefined the routine for updating ISE size information 64/17464/1
2014-03-07 Ji-hoon LeeChanged to relocate candidate window instead of hiding... 63/17463/1
2014-03-07 JuHyun Kimcheck hardware keyboard status before set active ise 62/17462/1
2014-03-07 Jihoon Kimupload isf-2.4.6711 61/17461/1
2014-03-07 JuHyun Kimcheck hardware mode before back hw_keyboard_selection_v... 60/17460/1
2014-03-07 Jihoon KimAdd dbus smack rule for setting UG 57/17457/1
2014-03-07 Jihoon Kimupdate current keyboard engine on on_resume 56/17456/1
2014-03-07 Jihoon Kimupload isf-2.4.6709 55/17455/1
2014-03-07 Jihoon Kimfix candidate window stacking bug 54/17454/1
2014-03-07 Jihoon KimAdd smack rule for dbus 53/17453/1
2014-03-07 Jihoon Kimupload isf-2.4.6703 52/17452/1
2014-03-07 Jihoon Kimkeyboard setting view should be changed according to... 51/17451/1
2014-03-07 Jihoon Kimcheck return value of pkgmgr function 50/17450/1
2014-03-07 Jihoon Kimupload isf-2.4.6702 49/17449/1
2014-03-07 Jihoon KimAdd smack rule 48/17448/1
2014-03-07 Jihoon Kimfix indentation 47/17447/1
2014-03-07 Jihoon Kimupload isf-2.4.6628 46/17446/1
2014-03-07 Wonkeun OhChange word to newly translated word 45/17445/1
2014-03-07 Jihoon Kimfix bug back key isn't propagated in case of H/W keyboa... 44/17444/1
2014-03-07 JuHyun KimAdd candidate will hide for candidate hide sync 43/17443/1
2014-03-07 Jihoon Kimupload isf-2.4.6624 42/17442/1
2014-03-07 Jihoon KimSupport back key 41/17441/1
2014-03-07 Jihoon Kimupload isf-2.4.6621-3 40/17440/1
2014-03-07 Jihoon Kimfix bug hide request was dicarded 39/17439/1
2014-03-07 Jihoon Kimupload isf-2.4.6621-2 38/17438/1
2014-03-07 Jihoon Kimfix build warning 37/17437/1
2014-03-07 Jihoon Kimupload isf-2.4.6621 36/17436/1
2014-03-07 Jihoon KimAdd smack rule for supporting screen reader 35/17435/1
2014-03-07 Jihoon Kimupload isf-2.4.6620 34/17434/1
2014-03-07 Haifeng DengAdd launch/destroy/show/hide logs for scim-helper-launcher 33/17433/1
2014-03-07 Ji-hoon LeeAdded timer for off_prepare_done 32/17432/1
2014-03-07 Li ZhangAdd interface update_preedit_string_with_caret() 31/17431/1
2014-03-07 Haifeng DengAdd preedit window 30/17430/1
2014-03-07 Li ZhangRemove unnecessary config reload call 29/17429/1
2014-03-07 Jihoon Kimimprove autocapital condition check code 28/17428/1
2014-03-07 Jihoon Kimsupport japanese auto punctuation 27/17427/1
2014-03-07 Jihoon Kimfix autoperiod bug 26/17426/1
2014-03-07 Jihoon Kimcheck reverse question mark and exclamation mark to... 25/17425/1
2014-03-07 Jihoon Kimchange code to process back button 24/17424/1
2014-03-07 Jihoon KimChange naviframe back key event handling 23/17423/1
2014-03-07 Jihoon Kimremove debug printf 22/17422/1
2014-03-07 Jihoon Kimremove code for terminating app when END key is pressed 21/17421/1
2014-03-07 Jihoon Kimupload isf-2.4.6619 20/17420/1
2014-03-07 Jihoon KimMove smack rule into separate rule file 19/17419/1
2014-03-07 Jihoon Kimchange DLOG tagname of immodule 18/17418/1
2014-03-07 Haifeng DengAdd screen reader feature 17/17417/1
2014-03-07 Jihoon Kimremove unnecessary prepare and send 16/17416/1
2014-03-07 Jihoon Kimfix bug focus-in message couldn't be transferred 15/17415/1
2014-03-07 Jihoon Kimadd check focus ic 14/17414/1
2014-03-07 Jihoon Kimfix BS issue when S/W keyboard selection is selected 13/17413/1
2014-03-07 Jihoon Kimfix prevent issue 12/17412/1
2014-03-06 Ji-hoon LeeSeparated GEOMETRY_EVENT from set_keyboard_geometry_ato... 59/17359/1
2014-03-06 Jihoon Kimfix issue IME is hidden late in application does heavy job 58/17358/1
2014-03-06 Jihoon Kimupload isf package 57/17357/1
2014-03-06 Jihoon Kimupload isf-2.4.6610 56/17356/1
2014-03-06 Jihoon Kimremove code to check focus ic because of side effect 55/17355/1
2014-03-06 Jihoon KimRevert "move hide timer from immodule to panel" 54/17354/1
2014-03-06 Jihoon Kimupload isf-2.4.6607 53/17353/1
2014-03-06 Jihoon Kimmove hide timer from immodule to panel 52/17352/1
2014-03-06 Haifeng DengRemove keyboard wizard source codes 51/17351/1
2014-03-06 Haifeng DengSolve aux/candidate selection event broadcast issue 50/17350/1
2014-03-06 Haifeng DengRemove gtk_panel source codes 49/17349/1
2014-03-06 Jihoon Kimfix back space issue in MBE 48/17348/1
2014-03-06 Jihoon Kimupload isf-2.4.6605 47/17347/1
2014-03-06 Jihoon Kimfix memory leak issue when ecore_imf_context_surroundin... 46/17346/1
2014-03-06 shuo liuadd fa.po th.po ur.po 45/17345/1
2014-03-06 Haifeng DengDiscard input keys that does not match with current... 44/17344/1
2014-03-06 JuHyun Kimfix flickering problem at more and close button clicked 43/17343/1
2014-03-06 JuHyun KimCall window_rotation_app_set for ROOT_ANGLE_ROTATE 41/17341/1
2014-03-06 Jihoon Kimsend show callback when show is requested after focused... 40/17340/1
2014-03-06 Jihoon Kimupload isf-2.4.6530 39/17339/1
2014-03-06 Jihoon Kimadd datetime layout 38/17338/1
2014-03-06 Jihoon Kimupload isf 2.4.6529 37/17337/1
2014-03-06 Jihoon KimAdd focus window check routine 36/17336/1
2014-03-06 Ji-hoon LeeModified the update_preedit_string() function to work... 35/17335/1
2014-03-06 Jihoon Kimupload isf-2.4.6527 34/17334/1
2014-03-06 Jihoon Kimremove unused code 33/17333/1
2014-03-06 Jihoon KimUse the window manager rotation 32/17332/1
2014-03-06 Jihoon Kimfix abort issue in case EFL abort option turn on 31/17331/1
2014-03-06 Jihoon Kimupload package 30/17330/1
2014-03-06 Jihoon Kimprepare and send is needed when set_prediction_allow... 29/17329/1
2014-03-06 Jihoon Kimfix bug hide_lookup_table doesn't work in set_layout... 28/17328/1
2014-03-06 liushuofix prevent issue 27/17327/1
2013-09-23 Anas Nashifupdate changelog accepted/tizen/20130923.223209 accepted/tizen/20130924.165907 submit/tizen/20130923.143321
2013-09-23 Anas Nashifdo not install service file in spec 85/10185/1
2013-09-23 Anas NashifCleanup packaging and reset manifest 77/10077/2
2013-09-23 Anas Nashifcompile with dlog headers and libs 76/10076/2
2013-09-21 Chengwei YangMake systemd unit file as part of source code 25/10125/2
2013-09-18 Chengwei YangDo not run scim in daemon mode 08/10108/1 submit/tizen/20130918.203111
2013-07-23 Chengwei Yangsystemd: can not set negative OOMScoreAdjust for user... 77/5977/1 accepted/tizen/20130724.121800 submit/tizen/20130724.052249