2019-12-09 Nicolas VasilacheAdd a layer of recursive matchers that compose.
2019-12-08 Lei ZhangNFC: Expose constFoldBinaryOp via a header
2019-12-07 River RiddleUpdate the builder API to take ValueRange instead of...
2019-12-07 River RiddleAdd a new ValueRange class.
2019-12-07 Nicolas VasilacheImprove Linalg documentation following the Structured...
2019-12-07 River RiddleAdd a flag to the IRPrinter instrumentation to only...
2019-12-07 Uday BondhugulaNFC - update doc, comments, vim syntax file
2019-12-07 nmostafaFix langref code snippet - NFC
2019-12-06 Mahesh RavishankarNFC: Separate implementation and definition in ConvertS...
2019-12-06 Jacques PienaarChange inferReturnTypes to return LogicalResult and...
2019-12-06 Alex ZinenkoReplace custom getBody method with an ODS-generated...
2019-12-06 Mahesh RavishankarDuring serialization do a walk of ops in module to...
2019-12-06 Alex ZinenkoMove GPU::LaunchOp to ODS. NFC.
2019-12-06 Alex ZinenkoUse named traits in the ODS definition of LLVMFuncOp
2019-12-06 Aart Bik[VecOps] Rename vector.[insert|extract]element to just...
2019-12-06 Alex ZinenkoLLVM::GlobalOp: take address space as builder argument
2019-12-06 Alex ZinenkoMove GPU::FuncOp definition to ODS - NFC
2019-12-06 MLIR TeamProvide a way to get the type of a ValueHandle.
2019-12-06 Aart Bik[VectorOps] Add lowering of vector.broadcast to LLVM IR
2019-12-06 Jacques PienaarGenerate builder for ops that use InferTypeOpInterface...
2019-12-06 Alex ZinenkoAdd conversions of GPU func with memory attributions...
2019-12-06 Alexandre E... fix examples in comments
2019-12-06 River RiddleUse regex to fix failure when stats are disabled.
2019-12-06 Andy DavisUnroll vector masks along with their associated vector...
2019-12-06 Denis Khalikov[spirv] Reorder `erase` and `emplace` to avoid "invalid...
2019-12-06 Uday BondhugulaDimOp folding for alloc/view dynamic dimensions
2019-12-06 Kazuaki Ishizakiminor spelling tweaks
2019-12-06 Alex ZinenkoLLVM::AddressOfOp: properly take into account the addre...
2019-12-06 River RiddleNFC: Add documentation for `-mlir-print-op-on-diagnosti...
2019-12-05 River RiddleAdd include path to the TestDialect to fix broken build.
2019-12-05 Jose Ignacio... [Linalg] Add permutation information to tiling
2019-12-05 River RiddleRefactor the IRPrinting instrumentation to take a deriv...
2019-12-05 nmostafaAdd UnrankedMemRef Type
2019-12-05 Denis Khalikov[spirv] Add CompositeInsertOp operation
2019-12-05 River RiddleAdd support for instance specific pass statistics.
2019-12-05 Mahesh RavishankarAllow specification of the workgroup size for GPUToSPIR...
2019-12-05 Lei ZhangAdd spv.AtomicCompareExchangeWeak
2019-12-05 River RiddleAdd a flag to dump the current stack trace when emittin...
2019-12-05 Lei Zhang[spirv] Fix nested loop (de)serialization
2019-12-05 Mehdi AminiFix MLIR Build after LLVM upstream JIT changes (getMain...
2019-12-05 Tres PoppMove ModuleManager functionality into mlir::SymbolTable.
2019-12-05 Lei ZhangAdd MLIRIR as a dependency to LLVM and related dialects
2019-12-05 River RiddleOptimize operation ordering to support non-congruent...
2019-12-04 River RiddleAdd emitOptional(Error|Warning|Remark) functions to...
2019-12-04 Nicolas VasilacheAdd a CL option to Standard to LLVM lowering to use...
2019-12-04 Andy DavisAdd canonicalization patterns for vector CreateMaskOp...
2019-12-04 River Riddle[CSE] NFC: Hash the attribute dictionary pointer instea...
2019-12-04 Nicolas VasilacheDrop MaterializeVectorTransfers in favor of simpler...
2019-12-04 River RiddleNFC: Fix mismatches between and actual parse...
2019-12-04 Lei Zhang[spirv] Define a few more extensions in
2019-12-04 Sean SilvaPrint out large elementsattr's such that they are parse...
2019-12-04 Uday BondhugulaNFC - fix name / comments - isAccessInvariant
2019-12-04 Scott Todd[spirv] Adding sqrt op in the GLSL extension.
2019-12-04 Alex ZinenkoLoop coalescing: fix pointer chainsing in use-chain...
2019-12-04 Julian GrossAdded new FAbs, FCeil, Cos, Neg, Sign, Tanh operations.
2019-12-04 Andy DavisAdds support for unrolling single-result vector operati...
2019-12-04 Kazuaki Ishizakiminor spelling tweaks
2019-12-04 Smit HinsuAvoid variable name conflict in MLIR tutorial code...
2019-12-04 Nicolas VasilacheRefactor dependencies to expose Vector transformations...
2019-12-04 Lei Zhang[spirv] Add spv.GroupNonUniformBallot
2019-12-04 Mahesh RavishankarAdd a pass to legalize operations before lowering to...
2019-12-03 Sean SilvaMake diagnostic a bit clearer.
2019-12-03 Andy DavisAdd CreateMaskOp to the VectorOps dialect.
2019-12-03 Sean SilvaVerifier: Better error message in case of successor...
2019-12-03 River RiddleAllow analyses to provide a hook 'isInvalidated' to...
2019-12-03 Mahesh RavishankarConvert MemRefType to a linearized array in SPIR-V...
2019-12-03 MLIR TeamAdd Python bindings for affine expressions with binary...
2019-12-03 MLIR TeamAdd python bindings for ArrayAttr, AffineMapAttr.
2019-12-03 Alex ZinenkoFix ViewOp to have at most one offset operand
2019-12-03 Diego CaballeroAffineLoopFusion: Prevent fusion of multi-out-edge...
2019-12-03 Stephan HerhutExtend conversion of SubViewOp to llvm to also support...
2019-12-03 Lei Zhang[spirv] Add spv.SubgroupBallotKHROp
2019-12-03 Alexander Belyaev[Linalg] Update/fix documentation for linalg.indexed_ge...
2019-12-03 Alex ZinenkoAdd linkage support to LLVMFuncOp
2019-12-02 Lei Zhang[spirv] NFC: reorder sections in
2019-12-02 Lei ZhangNFC: use `&&` instead of `and`
2019-12-02 Aart Bik[VectorOps] Add legality rules to broadcast
2019-12-02 Lei Zhang[ODS] Generate builders taking unwrapped value and...
2019-12-02 Mehdi AminiGenerate dialect documentations in the doc folder for...
2019-12-02 brett kooncedocs: minor spelling tweaks
2019-12-02 Denis KhalikovAdd missing `>` to the description of std.view.
2019-12-02 Lei Zhang[DRR] Introduce `$_` to ignore op argument match
2019-12-02 Lei ZhangNFC: Update std.subview op to use AttrSizedOperandSegments
2019-12-02 JKIsaacLeeadd missing '>' in Ch-2
2019-12-02 Alexander BelyaevLower linalg.indexed_generic with libcall to LLVM.
2019-12-02 Alex ZinenkoIntroduce Linkage attribute to the LLVM dialect
2019-11-29 Jacques Pienaarmlir-tblgen: Dump input records when no generator is set
2019-11-29 Jacques PienaarFix redundant convert and use NamedAttributeList as...
2019-11-29 JKIsaacLeeFixed typo in Ch-1 of Toy tutorial
2019-11-28 Denis Khalikov[spirv] Check that operand of `spirv::CompositeExtractO...
2019-11-28 Alex ZinenkoSplit out FunctionLike printing/parsing into FunctionIm...
2019-11-28 Jose Ignacio... [Linalg] Change attribute n_loop_types to iterator
2019-11-27 Lei ZhangNFC: A few cleanups for SPIRVLowering
2019-11-27 Lei Zhang[spirv] NFC: Add getZero() and getOne() static method...
2019-11-27 Lei Zhang[spirv] Add folders for spv.IAdd and spv.IMul
2019-11-27 Aart BikFixed typo in Toy tutorial (second var e -> var f)
2019-11-27 Nicolas VasilacheImplement Linalg to loops lowering as a pattern
2019-11-27 Aart Bik[VectorOps] Refine BroadcastOp in VectorOps dialect
2019-11-26 Jacques PienaarAdd create method that takes equivalent of OperationSta...
2019-11-26 Aart Bik[VectorOps] Add a BroadcastOp to the VectorOps dialect