2019-09-20 Nicolas VasilacheAdd utility to extract strides from layout map in MemRe...
2019-09-20 Jacques PienaarRemove unused import and two import forms
2019-09-19 Mahesh RavishankarAllow specification of decorators on SPIR-V StructType...
2019-09-19 George KarpenkovAutomated rollback of commit 5684a12434f923d03b6870f2aa...
2019-09-19 Feng LiuQuantize attribute values by per axis quantization...
2019-09-19 Prakalp SrivastavaNFC: Fix return indentation in generated op definitions.
2019-09-19 MLIR TeamAdd address space attribute to LLVMIR's GlobalOp.
2019-09-19 MLIR TeamOutline GPU kernel function into a nested module.
2019-09-19 River RiddleNFC: Remove stray logging from ~Block().
2019-09-19 River RiddleFix nested dominance relationship between parent result...
2019-09-18 Uday BondhugulaSupport symbolic operands for memref replacement; fix...
2019-09-18 MLIR TeamUnify error messages to start with lower-case.
2019-09-18 Alex ZinenkoSDBM: support sum expressions on the LHS of stripe...
2019-09-18 Alex ZinenkoSimplify SDBM expressions more aggressively in operator...
2019-09-18 River RiddleAdd support to OpAsmParser for parsing unknown keywords.
2019-09-17 Mahesh RavishankarAdd (de)serialization support for OpRuntimeArray.
2019-09-17 Lei ZhangRegister a -test-spirv-roundtrip hook to mlir-translate
2019-09-17 River RiddleAdd a preprocess pass to remove sequences that are...
2019-09-17 Lei ZhangSupport file-to-file translation in mlir-translate
2019-09-17 Lei ZhangChange MLIR translation functions signature
2019-09-17 Uday BondhugulaAdd rewrite pattern to compose maps into affine load...
2019-09-17 Mehdi AminiAdd missing CMake dependency from libAnalysis to the...
2019-09-17 Mahesh RavishankarAutogenerate (de)serialization for Extended Instruction...
2019-09-16 Denis Khalikov[spirv] Add support for function calls.
2019-09-16 River RiddleAdd support for multi-level value mapping to DialectCon...
2019-09-16 Lei Zhang[spirv] Add support for BitEnumAttr
2019-09-16 Alex ZinenkoOverhaul the SDBM expression kind hierarchy
2019-09-16 Alex ZinenkoIntroduce SDBMDirect expression into the SDBM expressio...
2019-09-16 MLIR TeamUnify how errors are emitted in LaunchFuncOp verification.
2019-09-16 MLIR TeamError out when kernel function is not found while trans...
2019-09-16 Alex ZinenkoDrop makePositionAttr and the like in favor of Builder...
2019-09-16 Mahesh RavishankarAdd mechanism to specify extended instruction sets...
2019-09-15 River RiddleUpdate the pass registration section and add a sub...
2019-09-15 Uday BondhugulaFix typo in test/AffineOps/ops.mlir
2019-09-15 River RiddleNFC: Update the PassInstrumentation section.
2019-09-15 River RiddleNFC: Update the expected outputs of pass-timing.
2019-09-15 River RiddleUpdate the IRPrinter instrumentation to work on non...
2019-09-15 River RiddleNFC: Pass PassInstrumentations by unique_ptr instead...
2019-09-15 River RiddleNFC: Merge OpPass with OperationPass into just Operatio...
2019-09-15 Jing PuAdd convenience methods to create i8 and i16 attributes...
2019-09-14 Uday BondhugulaNFC - Move explicit copy/dma generation utility out...
2019-09-14 Uday Bondhugulaupdate normalizeMemRef utility; handle missing failure...
2019-09-14 Uday BondhugulaClean up build trip count analysis method - avoid mutat...
2019-09-14 River RiddleNFC: Fix stray character in error message: 1 -> '
2019-09-14 Lei ZhangUpdate regarding op definition...
2019-09-14 Uday BondhugulaAdd pattern to canonicalize for loop bounds
2019-09-14 River RiddleVerify that ModuleOps only contain dialect specific...
2019-09-14 Uday Bondhugulaadd missing memref cast fold pattern for dim op
2019-09-14 River RiddlePublicly expose the functionality to parse a textual...
2019-09-13 Geoffrey Martin... Add type constraints for shaped types with same rank...
2019-09-13 Lei ZhangUpdate SPIR-V symbols and use GLSL450 instead of VulkanKHR
2019-09-13 River RiddleNFC: Finish replacing FunctionPassBase/ModulePassBase...
2019-09-13 Geoffrey Martin... Add tablegen class for memrefs with rank constraints
2019-09-13 River RiddleForward diagnostics from untracked threads in ParallelD...
2019-09-13 MLIR TeamImprove verifier error reporting on type mismatch ...
2019-09-13 River RiddleRefactor pass pipeline command line parsing to support...
2019-09-13 Geoffrey Martin... NFC: Update comments about rank constraints
2019-09-13 MLIR TeamFixing typo in documentation.
2019-09-13 Smit HinsuLog name of the generated illegal operation name in...
2019-09-12 Geoffrey Martin... Cmpf constant folding for nan and inf
2019-09-12 Geoffrey Martin... NFC: Clean up constant fold tests
2019-09-11 Lei Zhang[spirv] Add support for spv.loop (de)serialization
2019-09-11 Alex ZinenkoRename SDBMPositiveExpr to SDBMTermExpr
2019-09-11 Alex ZinenkoFix typos in SDBMTest.cpp
2019-09-11 MLIR TeamAdd logical groups to NVVM op definitions.
2019-09-11 MLIR TeamFix a typo in comments. The Inequality and Equality...
2019-09-11 MLIR TeamDon't leak TargetMachine in ExecutionEngine::setupTarge...
2019-09-11 Lei ZhangAdd folding rule for spv.CompositeExtract
2019-09-10 Feng LiuRemove the constraint that min / max should stride...
2019-09-10 Feng LiuConvert ConstFakeQuantPerAxis to qcast and dcast pair
2019-09-10 Jacques PienaarRemove unused variable
2019-09-10 Jacques PienaarRemove redundant qualification
2019-09-10 Jacques PienaarAvoid sign-compare warning
2019-09-10 Jacques PienaarAdd pass generate per block in a function a GraphViz...
2019-09-09 Feng LiuAdd quant.const_fake_quant_per_axis op
2019-09-09 Feng Liu[NFC] Rename ExpressedToUniformQuantizedType to Express...
2019-09-09 Feng LiuConvert per channel fake quant attributes to type
2019-09-09 River RiddleExplicitly declare the OpPassManager move constructor...
2019-09-09 MLIR TeamOverload LLVM::TerminatorOp::build() for empty operands...
2019-09-09 MLIR TeamAdd warpsize and laneid intrinsics to NVVM dialect.
2019-09-09 River RiddleAdd support for coalescing adjacent nested pass pipelines.
2019-09-09 Stephan HerhutAddressing some late review comments on kernel inlining.
2019-09-09 Mehdi AminiAdd `parseGenericOperation()` to the OpAsmParser
2019-09-09 River RiddleRefactor PassTiming to support nested pipelines.
2019-09-08 Mehdi AminiUse "final" instead of marking method virtual in overri...
2019-09-08 Mehdi AminiRefactor getUsedValuesDefinedAbove to expose a variant...
2019-09-07 Uday BondhugulaSet mlir-cpu-runner JIT codegen opt level correctly
2019-09-07 Mehdi AminiWrap debug dump in LLVM_DEBUG
2019-09-07 Lei ZhangAdd doc for declarative rewrite rules
2019-09-06 Mehdi AminiFix typo in the documentation for tensor_cast (NFC)
2019-09-06 River RiddleRestrict affine inlining to just Function operations.
2019-09-06 Nagy MostafaAdd custom builder for AffineIfOp
2019-09-06 Nicolas VasilacheSimplify Linalg ABI integration with external function...
2019-09-06 Alex ZinenkoFix typos in
2019-09-06 Uday BondhugulaInteger set + operands / affine if op canonicalization
2019-09-05 River RiddleAdd support for conservatively inlining Affine operations.
2019-09-05 Lei Zhang[spirv] Add spv.loop
2019-09-05 River RiddleAdd the initial inlining infrastructure.
2019-09-05 Stephan HerhutMake GPU kernel outlining test independent of value...
2019-09-05 Smit HinsuGeneralize I32ElementsAttr definition and introduce...