2013-08-05 ozantonkalfix conversion functions to use appropriate vtk function
2013-08-05 ozantonkalfix field of view computation in setWindowSize
2013-08-05 ozantonkalremove old camera, rename new camera
2013-08-05 ozantonkalfix window_size setter, remove camera related old metho...
2013-08-05 ozantonkalinitial implementation of projection matrix, 3D to...
2013-08-04 ozantonkalfix field of view formula in camera class, implement...
2013-08-03 ozantonkalinitial setCamera implementation
2013-08-03 ozantonkalremove boost include (caused by Kdevelop autocomplete)
2013-08-03 ozantonkalspheres trajectory widget implementation
2013-08-03 ozantonkalinitial camera implementation (camera2), fix bug (zeros...
2013-08-03 ozantonkalinitial setViewerPose implementation
2013-08-02 Anatoly Baksheevupdated license header
2013-08-02 Anatoly Baksheevfixed little bug in makeCameraPose
2013-07-31 Anatoly BaksheevMerge pull request #17 from ozantonkal/implementing_widgets
2013-07-29 ozantonkalfix setting color of 3D objects
2013-07-29 ozantonkalstatic function for appending clouds in cloud collectio...
2013-07-29 ozantonkalmakeCameraPose implementation
2013-07-29 ozantonkalfix: trajectory path is now relative to the global...
2013-07-26 ozantonkalcloud collection widget implementation
2013-07-26 ozantonkaltrajectory with spheres and lines (based on the code...
2013-07-25 ozantonkalCameraPositionWidget: a workaround for setting frustum...
2013-07-25 ozantonkaltrajectorywidget display modes are combined with &...
2013-07-25 ozantonkaltrajectory widget constructor with field of view
2013-07-25 ozantonkaltrajectory widget display options: display path, displa...
2013-07-25 ozantonkalfix aspect_ratio computation from fovs, add casting...
2013-07-24 ozantonkalmove image copying structure to viz3d_impl: ConvertToVt...
2013-07-24 ozantonkalGridImpl structure to shorten grid widget implementation
2013-07-24 ozantonkalGridwidget with plane coefficients
2013-07-23 ozantonkaladd const keywords to gridwidget constructor
2013-07-23 ozantonkalintial implementation of frustum + image (the color...
2013-07-22 ozantonkalimage 3d widget with position, normal, up_vector
2013-07-22 ozantonkalimage 3d widget use texture instead of imageactor for...
2013-07-22 ozantonkaloverlay image widget constructor with Rect
2013-07-22 ozantonkalremove unnecessary declaration
2013-07-22 ozantonkalshorten Trajectory widget implementation
2013-07-22 ozantonkalplane widget size fix
2013-07-22 ozantonkaltrajectory widget with frustums
2013-07-22 ozantonkalinitial implementation of trajectory widget
2013-07-22 ozantonkalavoid memory leak in mesh widget
2013-07-19 ozantonkalCameraPositionWidget: constructor with Vec2f fov (tenta...
2013-07-18 ozantonkalfix aspect_ratio in camera position widget, add scale...
2013-07-18 ozantonkalcamera position widget: constructor with no parameter...
2013-07-18 ozantonkalinitial CameraPositionWidget implementation using eye...
2013-07-17 ozantonkalImage widgets implementation, GridWidget: vtkExtractEdg...
2013-07-16 ozantonkalcube wire_frame fix using vtkOutlineSource
2013-07-16 ozantonkalfix rgb and bgr incompatibility
2013-07-16 ozantonkalarrow widget thickness parameter
2013-07-15 Anatoly Baksheevremoved Mesh::Ptr since mesh itself consists of shared...
2013-07-15 Anatoly Baksheevminor mesh load fixes
2013-07-15 Anatoly Baksheevfixed copilation
2013-07-15 Anatoly BaksheevMerge pull request #16 from ozantonkal/implementing_widgets
2013-07-15 ozantonkalMerge branch 'implementing_widgets' of https://github...
2013-07-15 ozantonkalmesh widget casting
2013-07-15 ozantonkalmesh widget implementation
2013-07-15 Anatoly Baksheevrestored OpenCVModule.cmake
2013-07-13 Anatoly Baksheevadded comments with future work for VizImpl
2013-07-13 Anatoly Baksheevmore refactoring
2013-07-13 Anatoly Baksheevbeatification of test_viz
2013-07-13 Anatoly Baksheevtemp_viz removed
2013-07-13 Anatoly Baksheevremoved q subfolder
2013-07-12 Anatoly Baksheevremoved Affine3f from coordinate frame constructor
2013-07-12 Anatoly Baksheevadded makeTransformToGlobal() function
2013-07-12 Anatoly Baksheevreshape continuous clouds for better performance.
2013-07-12 Anatoly Baksheevviz license header template
2013-07-11 Anatoly Baksheevfixed some warnings for windows
2013-07-11 ozantonkalfix grid widget unused color
2013-07-11 Anatoly BaksheevMerge pull request #15 from ozantonkal/implementing_widgets
2013-07-11 ozantonkalclean unnecessary methods, make text3d face camera
2013-07-10 ozantonkaltext3D widget implementation
2013-07-10 ozantonkalgrid widget implementation
2013-07-10 ozantonkalPolyLine widget implementation
2013-07-10 ozantonkalexplicit casting among widgets, removed implicit casting
2013-07-09 Anatoly Baksheevexperimental widget casting functionality
2013-07-09 Anatoly Baksheevminor naming
2013-07-09 ozantonkalrearrange widget constructors
2013-07-09 ozantonkalwidget2d setcolor implementation
2013-07-09 ozantonkalimplement assignment operator and copy constructor...
2013-07-09 ozantonkalfix widget delete bug
2013-07-09 ozantonkalinitial redesigning widgets
2013-07-08 Anatoly BaksheevMerge pull request #14 from ozantonkal/implementing_widgets
2013-07-08 ozantonkalcloudwidget private implementation for duplicate code...
2013-07-08 ozantonkalremove redundant statements
2013-07-08 ozantonkalset/get/updateWidgetPose implemented, cloudNormals...
2013-07-08 ozantonkalcloud normals widget implementation
2013-07-08 ozantonkalinitial cloud widget implementation, fix safedowncasts
2013-07-08 ozantonkalcube widget wireframe
2013-07-08 ozantonkaltext widget implementation
2013-07-08 ozantonkalshowWidget takes Affine3f as argument
2013-07-07 ozantonkalplane widget size
2013-07-07 ozantonkalcircle widget thickness property
2013-07-05 Anatoly BaksheevFixed ref counting bug, minor formatting
2013-07-05 Anatoly BaksheevMerge pull request #13 from ozantonkal/implementing_widgets
2013-07-04 ozantonkalremoved shape files
2013-07-04 ozantonkalremove ModelCoefficients, remove showShape methods...
2013-07-04 ozantonkalremove widget implementation
2013-07-04 ozantonkalcoordinate system widget implementation, update pose fix
2013-07-04 ozantonkalcube widget implementation
2013-07-04 ozantonkalcylinder widget implementation
2013-07-04 ozantonkalcircle widget and arrow widget implementation
2013-07-04 ozantonkalsphere widget implementation