2012-06-22 commit-queue... Web Inspector: Support 'Restart frame' in inspector...
2012-06-22 commit-queue... [Qt] Fix the remote inspector loading problems on Mac
2012-06-22 yosin@chromium.orgREGRESSION(r117738):[Forms] validationMessage IDL attri...
2012-06-22 kov@webkit.orgCauses crashes in LLVMPipe
2012-06-22 commit-queue... Web Inspector: Add frontend-side Entry object to FileSy...
2012-06-22 commit-queue... Renamed DeviceOrientation to DeviceOrientationData
2012-06-22[WK2] FindController::hideFindUI should unmark highligh...
2012-06-22 vsevik@chromium.orgWeb Inspector: Support separate script compilation...
2012-06-22 commit-queue... Web Inspector: InspectorState::updateCookie should...
2012-06-22 rniwa@webkit.orgUse testRunner instead of layoutTestController in fast...
2012-06-22 mario@webkit.orgUnreviewed gardening. Unskipping test passing after...
2012-06-22 mario@webkit.orgMemory corruption on HashTable.h
2012-06-22[Qt] Allow DumpRenderTree to dump about:blank
2012-06-22 rniwa@webkit.orgUse testRunner instead of layoutTestController in fast...
2012-06-22[EFL] Unreviewed gardening, unskip now passing tests.
2012-06-22 hans@chromium.orgs/layoutTestController/testRunner/ in speech tests
2012-06-22 commit-queue... Unreviewed, rolling out r120982.
2012-06-22 tkent@chromium.orgMake FormControlState capable to store multiple values
2012-06-22 rniwa@webkit.orgSource/WebCore: LabelsNodeList isn't updated properly...
2012-06-22 commit-queue... Web Inspector: Properly display native memory sizes...
2012-06-22 inferno@chromium.orgCrash in RenderBlock::layoutPositionedObjects.
2012-06-22[Chromium][Win] Missing trailing newlines in one text...
2012-06-22 haraken@chromium.orgAdd a perf-test for innerHTML setter for a large DOM...
2012-06-22 kseo@webkit.orgMake HTMLDocumentParser::create(DocumentFragment*,Eleme...
2012-06-22 commit-queue... [chromium] Initialize compositor's visibility state...
2012-06-22[Chromium] Reset mediaPlaybackRequiresUserGesture WebSe...
2012-06-22 commit-queue... [GTK] Use the empty plugin support on non-X11 and non...
2012-06-22 commit-queue... [chromium] Add touch-event support for WebPluginContain...
2012-06-22[Shadow][Editing] Assertion in VisibleSelection::adjuse...
2012-06-22 commit-queue... Make GL error messages consistent in LayoutTests
2012-06-22 fpizlo@apple.comop_resolve_global should not prevent DFG inlining
2012-06-22 caseq@chromium.orgWeb Inspector: exception in TimelinePresentationModel...
2012-06-22 commit-queue... [Blackberry] BlackBerry::Platform::Settings::get()...
2012-06-22[chromium] Layout Test fast/speech/scripted/speechgramm...
2012-06-22 commit-queue... Add methods to select between offsets in an editable...
2012-06-22 jchaffraix... Add support for the grid and inline-grid display types.
2012-06-21 rniwa@webkit.orgClang build fix.
2012-06-21[chromium] LayerRendererChromium is not getting visibil...
2012-06-21[chromium] Layout test failures after fixing GraphicsLa...
2012-06-21 rniwa@webkit.orgShrink NodeListsNodeData
2012-06-21 commit-queue... Unreviewed, rolling out r120945.
2012-06-21 zoltan@webkit.orgDRT/WTR python interface handles about:blank incorrectly
2012-06-21 jsbell@chromium.orgIndexedDB: Fix layout tests to clear previous database...
2012-06-21[GStreamer] Use setGstElementClassMetadata.
2012-06-21 fpizlo@apple.comDFG should inline 'new Array()'
2012-06-21 commit-queue... [Chromium] Enable CSP_NEXT on the Chromium port.
2012-06-21[Chromium] Rebaseline video tests after r120939
2012-06-21 mhahnenberg... Adding copyrights to new files.
2012-06-21[V8] Use v8::V8::AddImplicitReferences instead of SetHi...
2012-06-21 commit-queue... IndexedDB: Implement spec behavior for multiEntry index...
2012-06-21 commit-queue... [chromium] Overlays when using the web inspector are...
2012-06-21 dpranke@chromium.orgreenable perf tests on win
2012-06-21[Qt] REGRESSION(r120790): broke video rendering
2012-06-21 commit-queue... [WK2] Add C API to inspect a Web Intent
2012-06-21[Resource Timing] Implement Resource Timing interface
2012-06-21 hans@chromium.orgSpeech JavaScript API: Remove FIXMEs about whether...
2012-06-21 commit-queue... Add a parameter to handletTouchPoint to bypass FatFingers
2012-06-21 commit-queue... Web Inspector: [WebGL] Rename InjectedWebGLScriptSource...
2012-06-21 commit-queue... [GTK] Fix NPAPI plugins on Windows
2012-06-21 commit-queue... Unreviewed, rolling out r120937.
2012-06-21<rdar://problem/11718988> and
2012-06-21 timothy_horton... SVGImageCache isn't invalidated for <img> on dynamic...
2012-06-21 bdakin@apple.comSkipping this failing test. Filed
2012-06-21 pdr@google.comAdd pending resource even if others are pending
2012-06-21 commit-queue... [GTK] Replace the use of "struct stat" with GStatBuf
2012-06-21 commit-queue... remove ENABLE_FULLSCREEN_MEDIA_CONTROL flag
2012-06-21 commit-queue... [WK2] Properly encode/decode service in IntentData
2012-06-21 tony@chromium.orgUnreviewed gardening. Removing pixel results for CSS...
2012-06-21 tony@chromium.orgUnreviewed gardening. The computed style tests should...
2012-06-21 hayato@chromium.orgModify event re-targeting algorithm so that we can...
2012-06-21[GTK] Combine WebKit API tests into fewer binaries
2012-06-21 commit-queue... [CSSRegions]Change WEBKIT_REGION_RULE value to 16
2012-06-21 Moving myself from committer list to reviewer.
2012-06-21 commit-queue... make sure headers are included only once per file
2012-06-21 jonlee@apple.comr120835: fast/box-decoration-break/box-decoration-break...
2012-06-21 commit-queue... Paint played and buffered ranges differently in Chrome...
2012-06-21 commit-queue... Remove unused static variable uninitializedLineNumberValue.
2012-06-21[GTK] Add a new webkit2 tests slave bot
2012-06-21 commit-queue... Remove unused static function skipComment.
2012-06-21 thakis@chromium.orgRemove two more member variables found by clang's Wunus...
2012-06-21 jchaffraix... Non-fixed length margins don't work with align=center
2012-06-21[chromium] style improvement for setDeviceScaleFactor...
2012-06-21 commit-queue... [GTK] Update TestExpectations
2012-06-21[Crash][Editing] Pressing enter on LI element triggers...
2012-06-21 commit-queue... DeviceOrientation and DeviceMotion Test Cleanup
2012-06-21 commit-queue... Web Inspector: [WebGL] Add injected WebGL module class
2012-06-21 pfeldman@chromium.orgWeb Inspector: do not add separator to the end of the...
2012-06-21 commit-queue... [EFL][WK2] Make WebKit2/Efl headers and resources insta...
2012-06-21 commit-queue... Web Inspector: Unify FileSystem callbacks
2012-06-21 ryuan.choi... [EFL[WK2] Add WKViewEfl and WebKit2 API Object to repre...
2012-06-21[Qt] Unreviewed gardening, unskip now passing tests.
2012-06-21[BlackBerry] Input mode should adapt automatically...
2012-06-21 kbalazs@webkit.orgCompile error: 'bool std::isinf(float)' is not 'constex...
2012-06-21 commit-queue... [Qt] Add a custom Color Chooser widget to MiniBrowser
2012-06-21 commit-queue... Remove the warning "File not found" in MiniBrowser...
2012-06-21 commit-queue... [GTK] Add new baseline and update TestExpectations
2012-06-21 commit-queue... [GTK] Backport run-file-chooser to WebKit1
2012-06-21[Qt] DRT in standalone mode hangs after the first test
2012-06-21 commit-queue... [Qt] API tests for ColorChooser
2012-06-21 commit-queue... [WK2][Qt] Color chooser API missing