2016-10-11 Vance MorrisonUpdate to lead you through basic repo workflo...
2016-10-11 Pat GavlinMerge pull request #7562 from pgavlin/x86PreemptiveAssert
2016-10-11 Pat GavlinRemove an overly fragile assertion.
2016-10-11 Michal StrehovskýRemove AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers from a test (#7555)
2016-10-11 Michelle McDanielMerge pull request #7518 from adiaaida/cmpByteable
2016-10-11 Jan KotasUpdate (#7544)
2016-10-11 Pat GavlinMerge pull request #7537 from pgavlin/PushStructArgsX86
2016-10-10 Michelle McDanielForce byteable register for CMP if op2 is CNS_INT
2016-10-10 Pat GavlinAddress PR feedback.
2016-10-10 Rama krishnan... Merge pull request #7530 from ramarag/StrongNameKeyPair
2016-10-10 Rama Krishnan... Exposing StrongNameKeyPair
2016-10-10 Joseph TremouletMerge pull request #7543 from JosephTremoulet/NoRngChec...
2016-10-10 John ChenFix buffer length usage in UTF-8 to Unicode conversion...
2016-10-10 Hugh BellamyFix various CustomAttributeBuilder bugs (#7206)
2016-10-10 Joseph TremouletStop making JitNoRngChecks debug-only
2016-10-09 Pat GavlinFix the codegen for by-value struct args on x86.
2016-10-09 Gaurav KhannaMerge pull request #7538 from dotnet-bot/master-UpdateD...
2016-10-09 dotnet-botUpdate CoreClr to beta-24609-02
2016-10-09 Michal StrehovskýAdd test to validate ByRef type unification (#7534)
2016-10-09 Stephen ToubImplement CultureNotFoundException id-based ctors ...
2016-10-09 Gaurav KhannaMerge pull request #7531 from dotnet-bot/master-UpdateD...
2016-10-09 dotnet-botUpdate CoreClr, CoreFx to beta-24609-01, beta-24608...
2016-10-08 Vance MorrisonStandardize on _echo name (#7532)
2016-10-08 Sergiy KuryataMerge pull request #7521 from vkvenkat/master
2016-10-07 Sean GillespieReturn null on allocation failure due to OOM instead...
2016-10-07 John Chen ... Disable CER code that is causing access violation
2016-10-07 Gaurav KhannaMerge pull request #7522 from dotnet-bot/master-UpdateD...
2016-10-07 Pat GavlinMerge pull request #7520 from pgavlin/PutStructArgStk
2016-10-07 Pat GavlinFix formatting.
2016-10-07 dotnet-botUpdate CoreClr, CoreFx to beta-24607-03, beta-24607...
2016-10-07 vkvenkatFixed #7519 - Dotnet crashes while saturating multiple...
2016-10-07 Pat GavlinRefactor genPutStructArgStk for clarity.
2016-10-07 Bruce ForstallMerge pull request #7515 from BruceForstall/FixMerge
2016-10-07 sandreenkoMerge pull request #7509 from sandreenko/master
2016-10-07 Gaurav KhannaMerge pull request #7514 from dotnet-bot/master-UpdateD...
2016-10-07 Michelle McDanielMerge pull request #7466 from adiaaida/fix7224
2016-10-07 Michelle McDanielForce byteable registers for indir op source
2016-10-07 dotnet-botUpdate CoreClr, CoreFx to beta-24607-02, beta-24607...
2016-10-07 Tarek Mahmoud... Enable netstandard1.7 collations APIs (#7502)
2016-10-07 Sean GillespieRestore some changes lost in a merge conflict (#7512)
2016-10-07 Bruce ForstallFix bad merge
2016-10-07 Bruce ForstallMerge pull request #7490 from BruceForstall/EnableLegacy
2016-10-06 Gaurav KhannaMerge pull request #7507 from dotnet-bot/master-UpdateD...
2016-10-06 Pat GavlinMerge pull request #7504 from pgavlin/NormalizeSpills
2016-10-06 Sergey AndreenkoSet missed default value for coreclr runtest.cmd.
2016-10-06 Bruce ForstallEnable legacy JIT fallback for CoreCLR on Windows x86
2016-10-06 Pat GavlinFix a typo and a formatting issue.
2016-10-06 Pat GavlinAlways normalize stores when spilling lclVars.
2016-10-06 dotnet-botUpdate CoreClr, CoreFx to beta-24606-03, beta-24606...
2016-10-06 Evgeny PavlovFix incorrect index for localsDebug array (#7495)
2016-10-06 Gaurav KhannaMerge pull request #7505 from dotnet-bot/master-UpdateD...
2016-10-06 dotnet-botUpdate CoreClr, CoreFx to beta-24606-02, beta-24606...
2016-10-05 Carol EidtMerge pull request #7486 from CarolEidt/Fix7008
2016-10-05 SivarvMerge pull request #7500 from mikedn/and-cmp-to-test
2016-10-05 Carol EidtSupport double-aligned frames for RyuJIT/x86
2016-10-05 Mike DanesFix and-cmp to test recognition
2016-10-05 Gaurav KhannaMerge pull request #7498 from dotnet-bot/master-UpdateD...
2016-10-05 dotnet-botUpdate CoreClr to beta-24605-03
2016-10-05 Gaurav KhannaMerge pull request #7492 from dotnet-bot/master-UpdateD...
2016-10-05 Jan KotasDelete mscorlib from CoreCLR targeting pack (#7494)
2016-10-05 dotnet-botUpdate CoreClr to beta-24605-02
2016-10-04 Gaurav KhannaMerge pull request #7472 from dotnet-bot/master-UpdateD...
2016-10-04 Pat GavlinMerge pull request #7481 from pgavlin/RyuJITCrossgen
2016-10-04 Pat GavlinAdd an option to crossgen S.P.CoreLib using the alt...
2016-10-04 Atsushi KanamoriMerge pull request #7436 from giuliohome/issue-7346
2016-10-04 Michelle McDanielMerge pull request #7484 from adiaaida/assertOnNYI
2016-10-04 giuliohomeIssue 7346 ConstructorArguments with null array of...
2016-10-04 Michelle McDanielSet default x86 test run to assert on nyi
2016-10-04 dotnet-botUpdate CoreClr, CoreFx to beta-24604-03, beta-24604...
2016-10-04 Pat GavlinMerge pull request #7476 from jkotas/security-annotations
2016-10-04 Evgeny Pavlov[Linux][GDB-JIT] Fix incorrect frame location when...
2016-10-04 Daniel PodderAdd PGO GENPROFILE support to coreclr and clrjit (...
2016-10-04 Ian HaysAPI: Move Synchronized from StreamReader to TextReader...
2016-10-04 Jan KotasCorrect security annotations
2016-10-04 Jan KotasMerge pull request #7473 from dotnet-bot/from-tfs
2016-10-04 Rahul KumarRemove coreclr checks from AppDomain apis (#7471)
2016-10-04 Carol EidtMerge pull request #7468 from CarolEidt/Fix7460
2016-10-04 Bruce ForstallMerge pull request #7467 from dotnet-bot/from-tfs
2016-10-04 Jan VorlicekAdd support for Alpine Linux (#7440)
2016-10-03 Carol EidtAllow GT_FIELD_LIST as legal arg for RyuJIT/x86
2016-10-03 Pat GavlinMerge pull request #7464 from pgavlin/RyuJITPInvokeFrame
2016-10-03 Pat GavlinMark new UnmanagedMemoryAccessor methods as SafeCritical.
2016-10-03 Rahul KumarRemove FirstChanceExceptionEventArgs from BCL folder...
2016-10-03 Pat GavlinAdd comment anchors.
2016-10-03 Pat GavlinFix P/Invoke call and method {pro,epi}logs in RyuJIT...
2016-10-03 Hugh BellamyAdd Math.Clamp overloads to mscorlib.cs (#7462)
2016-10-03 Gaurav KhannaMerge pull request #7445 from dotnet-bot/master-UpdateD...
2016-10-03 Dmitri-Botcharnikov[Linux] [SOS.NETCore] Quick fix for Path.GetFileName...
2016-10-03 Igor KulaychukFix DWARF linetable info provided by GDBJIT (#7444)
2016-10-03 dotnet-botUpdate CoreClr to beta-24603-03
2016-10-02 Sean GillespieFix a bug where the DAC read four more bytes than neces...
2016-10-02 Koundinya VeluriRemove WaitHandleExtensions, as it is implemented in...
2016-10-02 Vance MorrisonMerge pull request #7361 from vancem/MessageInLttng...
2016-10-02 Vance MorrisonMerge pull request #7359 from vancem/EventSOurceNullRef...
2016-10-01 Evgeny PavlovInitial support of local variables and method arguments...
2016-10-01 Gaurav KhannaMerge pull request #7437 from dotnet-bot/master-UpdateD...
2016-10-01 dotnet-botUpdate CoreClr, CoreFx to beta-24601-02, beta-24601...
2016-10-01 Jan KotasMerge pull request #7433 from dotnet-bot/from-tfs
2016-10-01 Pat GavlinMerge pull request #7438 from pgavlin/gh7090
2016-10-01 Pat GavlinMerge pull request #7432 from pgavlin/gh6920