2015-06-01 Sung-jae ParkFix build error accepted/tizen/mobile/20150604.122530 submit/tizen/20150602.020843
2015-06-01 Sung-jae ParkFix prevent issue.
2015-06-01 Sung-jae ParkImplement PREVIEW overriding feature
2015-05-27 Sung-jae ParkUse the TBM for 3.0 buffer sharing 95/39995/1 accepted/tizen/mobile/20150531.234705 submit/tizen_mobile/20150529.103225
2015-05-26 Sung-jae ParkSync with the tizen 2.4 submit/tizen_mobile/20150527.071719
2015-05-26 Sung-jae ParkMerge branch 'tizen_2.4' of ssh://spin:29418/apps/widge...
2015-05-26 Sung-jae ParkMerge branch 'tizen_2.3' into tizen_2.4
2015-05-26 Sung-jae ParkChange the color to 0,0,0,0
2015-05-20 Sung-jae ParkUpdate SDK Viewer.
2015-05-20 Sung-jae ParkUpdate SDK Viewer
2015-05-20 Sung-jae ParkUse the conf value for click_region
2015-05-20 Sung-jae ParkDevelop the VIEWER App for SDK
2015-05-19 Sung-jae ParkFix the type of return value. (true/false)
2015-05-18 Sung-jae ParkMerge branch 'tizen_2.3' of ssh://spin:29418/apps/widge... accepted/tizen/mobile/20150518.080948 submit/tizen_mobile/20150518.044618
2015-05-18 Sung-jae ParkMerge branch 'tizen_2.3' into tizen_2.4
2015-05-15 Sung-jae ParkEnable the scroller only if it required by developer.
2015-05-15 Sung-jae ParkMerge branch 'tizen_2.3' of ssh://spin:29418/apps/widge... accepted/tizen/mobile/20150515.060258 submit/tizen_mobile/20150515.034343
2015-05-14 Sung-jae ParkFix LIBDIR accepted/tizen/mobile/20150514.140015 submit/tizen_mobile/20150514.083903
2015-05-13 Sung-jae ParkGet the icon of main uiapp if it fails to get it from...
2015-05-12 Sung-jae ParkFix 64bits build error accepted/tizen/mobile/20150513.005834 submit/tizen_mobile/20150512.142131
2015-05-12 Kyuho JoUpdate doxygen comments.
2015-05-12 Sung-jae ParkFix build breaks for 64 bits submit/tizen_mobile/20150512.125148
2015-05-12 Sung-jae ParkFix build error for X11 65/39265/1
2015-05-12 Sung-jae ParkPrepare the wayland.
2015-05-12 Sung-jae ParkMerge branch 'tizen_2.3' of ssh://spin:29418/apps/widge...
2015-05-12 Sung-jae ParkMerge branch 'tizen_2.3' into tizen_2.4
2015-05-12 Sung-jae ParkResize widget buffer using supported one only
2015-05-12 Kyuho Jo1. Update doxygen comments
2015-05-11 Sung-jae ParkFix build errors 78/39178/1 submit/tizen_mobile/20150511.123737 submit/tizen_mobile/20150511.123926 submit/tizen_mobile/20150512.034625
2015-05-11 Sung-jae ParkMerge branch 'tizen_2.3' of ssh://spin:29418/apps/widge...
2015-05-11 Kyuho JoMerge "Changes by ACR" into tizen_2.3
2015-05-08 Sung-jae ParkMerge branch 'tizen_2.3' into tizen_2.4
2015-05-08 Sung-jae ParkDo not reset the size type even if the FB is not created.
2015-05-08 Sung-jae ParkMerge branch 'tizen_2.3' into tizen_2.4
2015-05-07 Sung-jae ParkAdd input event source information
2015-05-07 Kyuho JoChanges by ACR
2015-05-07 Sung-jae ParkMerge branch 'tizen_2.4' into tizen_2.3
2015-05-07 Sung-jae ParkActivate faulted package if it is not activated before...
2015-05-06 Sung-jae ParkFix build warning
2015-05-06 Sung-jae ParkFix build warning
2015-05-06 Sung-jae ParkMerge branch 'tizen_2.3' into tizen_2.4
2015-05-06 Sung-jae ParkAdd more exceptional case handling codes.
2015-05-06 Sung-jae ParkChange the file permissions, License plate
2015-05-04 Sung-jae ParkChange the file permissions to 644
2015-05-01 Sung-jae ParkPull from 2.3.1 with its history
2015-05-01 Sung-jae ParkClean up all
2015-05-01 Kyuho JoGive detail license information
2015-04-29 Kyuho JoMerge latest codes from tizen 2.3 branch
2015-04-29 Kyuho JoMerge from tizen 2.3.1 97/38797/1
2015-04-28 Kyuho JoMerge "Remove widget_viewer_evas_emit_text_signal from...
2015-04-28 Kyuho JoRemove widget_viewer_evas_emit_text_signal from public...
2015-04-28 hyun leeFix prevent issue
2015-04-23 Kyuho JoChange by ACR
2015-04-22 Sung-jae ParkSend X,Y for MOUSE_UNSET
2015-04-21 Sung-jae ParkReplace delayed_pause_resume with delayed_resume.
2015-04-21 Sung-jae ParkImplement the body of orientation notify API
2015-04-21 Kyuho JoNew API set for notifying the orientation of the viewer.
2015-04-21 KyungMi LeeInitial empty repository master
2015-04-20 Kyuho JoFix PREVENT issue
2015-04-20 Sung-jae ParkPrepare for porting to wayland
2015-04-20 Kyuho JoMerge latest codes from tizen 2.3 branch
2015-04-20 Sung-jae ParkRemove AIL code
2015-04-20 Kyuho JoMerge latest codes from tizen 2.3 branch
2015-04-16 Kyuho JoChanges by ACR
2015-04-15 Sung-jae ParkImplement the delayed_pause_resume feature.
2015-04-14 Kyuho JoMerge latest codes from tizen 2.3 branch
2015-04-14 Sung-jae ParkCheck the pressed state before processing the cancel...
2015-04-14 Sung-jae ParkAdd missing type qualifier.
2015-04-09 Kyuho JoAdd tags for widget_visibility_status_e
2015-04-09 Kyuho JoMerge latest codes from tizen 2.4 branch
2015-04-09 Sung-jae ParkUpdate code for new API signature.
2015-04-09 Kyuho JoAdd enum types for setting vibibility of a widget.
2015-04-08 Kyuho JoInstall widget_viewer_evas_internal.h file for widget_v...
2015-04-07 Kyuho JoModify doxygen comments
2015-04-06 Kyuho JoChange by ACR
2015-04-02 Sung-jae Parkchange file permission 755 -> 644
2015-04-01 Kyuho JoChanges by ACR
2015-03-31 Kyuho JoSet @since_tizen tag.
2015-03-31 Kyuho JoChanges by ACR
2015-03-31 Sung-jae ParkMigrate from private
2015-03-25 Kyuho JoMerged from tizen 2.4
2015-03-20 Kyuho JoMerge branch 'tizen_2.4' of ssh://
2015-03-18 Kyuho JoFix a bug on naming of widget.edj file
2015-03-16 Kyuho JoAPI chnages by ACR
2015-03-12 Kyuho JoFix a bug on event handling.
2015-03-05 Kyuho JoRename of some symbols.
2015-02-27 Kyuho JoModify API set by API guide
2015-02-24 Kyuho JoModify API set by tizen API guide
2015-02-13 Kyuho JoRename to widget
2015-02-12 Kyuho JoMerge branch 'tizen_2.4' of ssh://
2015-02-12 KyungMi LeeInitial empty repository
2015-02-12 Kyuho JoReplace using of deprecated inhouse API(app_efl_main...
2015-02-09 Kyuho JoComments are changed for ACR.
2015-02-03 Sung-jae ParkFix the pc file.
2015-02-03 Sung-jae ParkAdd more exceptional case checking code.
2015-02-03 Sung-jae ParkClean up code for handling subscribed dbox creation.
2015-02-02 Sung-jae ParkCreate system_created event handler.
2015-02-02 Sung-jae ParkCreate dbox content object if it is subscribed object.
2015-02-02 Sung-jae ParkUpdate handler state when it is created by master.
2015-02-02 Sung-jae ParkCheck the category info if the group info is not matched