2018-02-16 A. Unique TensorFlowerClarifying the docstring for how gradients are reduced...
2018-02-16 A. Unique TensorFlowerFix pontential issue with number of blocks launched...
2018-02-16 Bjarke Hammersholt... Add TODOs.
2018-02-16 A. Unique TensorFlowerOptimized quantized LSTM cell runtime NEON implementation.
2018-02-16 David Majnemer[XLA] Factor out the code which adds operands to a...
2018-02-16 Akshay ModiCache a variable scope context manager in EagerTemplate...
2018-02-16 A. Unique TensorFlowerAdd getmodule to tf_inspect.
2018-02-16 A. Unique TensorFlowerInternal change
2018-02-16 Reed Wanderman... Automated g4 rollback of changelist 185927310
2018-02-16 A. Unique TensorFlowerMade cost_analyzer_tool accept fetch nodes when running...
2018-02-16 Mark DaoustRemove "make_oneshot_iterator" from "datasets_quickstar...
2018-02-16 A. Unique TensorFlowerAvoid running //third_party/tensorflow/contrib/gan...
2018-02-16 Benjamin Kramer[TF:XLA] Bump open source llvm revision to r325320
2018-02-16 A. Unique TensorFlowerbuild fix
2018-02-16 A. Unique TensorFlowerUnifying common CMake CUDA file copy between Windows...
2018-02-16 Benjamin KramerAdapt to API changes in LLVM revisions r325155 and...
2018-02-16 A. Unique TensorFlowerRemove a possible ambiguity in the `py_func` documentation.
2018-02-16 Yu-Cheng LingCode generator for builtin_ops.h, and a test to ensure...
2018-02-16 Suharsh SivakumarMake the default values for experimental and non experi...
2018-02-16 Alina SbirleaAutomated g4 rollback of changelist 185891869
2018-02-16 A. Unique TensorFloweroptimized quantized softmax
2018-02-16 A. Unique TensorFlowerFix handling of types in RNN state import. Sanitize...
2018-02-16 A. Unique TensorFlowerAdd tuple targets to the context handling mechanism...
2018-02-16 Sanjoy DasError out when building XLA's CPU and GPU backends...
2018-02-16 Shanqing CaiTFE SPINN example: use tensor instead of numpy array
2018-02-16 Guangda LaiAdd a new tag no_cuda_on_cpu_tap for excluding failing...
2018-02-16 Francois CholletBug fix and typo fixes.
2018-02-16 Francois CholletAdd stateful metrics support in tf.keras.
2018-02-16 A. Unique TensorFlowerAddress timeout of conv_ops_test.
2018-02-16 A. Unique TensorFlowerKeep the results below 2^31 in exp() test to avoid...
2018-02-16 Reed Wanderman... Use np.frombuffer instead of np.fromstring to avoid...
2018-02-16 Alexandre PassosFixes broken test
2018-02-16 Rohan JainAdding Shape inference functions to infeed ops.
2018-02-16 A. Unique TensorFlowerK-FAC: Support for embedding layers, add FisherFactor...
2018-02-16 Akshay AgrawalUpdate eager's MNIST example to inherit from `tf.keras...
2018-02-16 Yu-Cheng LingFix a typo in error message.
2018-02-15 A. Unique TensorFlowerDon't spam the logs.
2018-02-15 A. Unique TensorFlowerAdd /learning/tfx/ to the visibility group of tensorflo...
2018-02-15 Anjali SridharUpdate tf.keras to Keras 2.1.4 API
2018-02-15 A. Unique TensorFlowerImplement Split
2018-02-15 A. Unique TensorFlowerAutomated g4 rollback of changelist 185072479
2018-02-15 Derek Murray[] Return OK and set `*end_of_sequence = true...
2018-02-15 Anjali SridharUpdate tf.keras to version 2.1.4.
2018-02-15 Allen LavoieObject-based saving: Switch to "everything is Checkpoin...
2018-02-15 Jacques PienaarWrap XlaOpRegistry::DeviceKernels call to call in python.
2018-02-15 Alina SbirleaOptimize dot(DynamicSlice(ConstA), ConstantB) by memoiz...
2018-02-15 A. Unique TensorFlowerAdd auc_with_confidence_intervals
2018-02-15 Alexandre PassosRegister kernels for Assign and AssignVariableOp on...
2018-02-15 Yuanzhong Xu[XLA] Fix priority queue in HLO scheduling.
2018-02-15 A. Unique TensorFlowerRegister "Snapshot" op inserted by Grappler arithmetic...
2018-02-15 A. Unique TensorFlowerImplementation of tf.nn.top_k in TfLite
2018-02-15 A. Unique TensorFlowerMake conversions from ShapedBuffer <-> ScopedShapedBuff...
2018-02-15 Jacques Pienaar[HLOEval] Logical right shift returns 0 if shift amount...
2018-02-15 Bixia ZhengEnable half precision convolution for the CPU and GPU...
2018-02-15 A. Unique TensorFlowerFix a bug of overestimating AUC_PR. When TP and FP...
2018-02-15 A. Unique TensorFlowerOptimize away multiply by constant zero
2018-02-15 Mark DaoustFix "cudnn64_7.dll" in
2018-02-15 Asim ShankarJava: Release 1.6.0-rc1
2018-02-15 Asim Shankartf.image.resize_bilinear gradient support for float16
2018-02-15 Yao ZhangFix a bug to update reduction axes for all supported...
2018-02-15 Jianwei XieError out if user provided num_shards is incorrect...
2018-02-15 David G. AndersenFix integer overflow in BMP decoder by making the check...
2018-02-15 Sanjoy DasInternal-only change.
2018-02-15 Guangda LaiFix the build hdrs dependency for gpu_id. Reported...
2018-02-15 A. Unique TensorFlowerExtract ReadOutput method to test runner
2018-02-15 Yangzihao WangAdd env-var to specify whether to use CUDNN_BATCHNORM_S...
2018-02-15 Allen LavoieRemoves odd stack traces from trying to delete things...
2018-02-15 A. Unique TensorFlowerRemove dynamic shape check from Bernoulli.
2018-02-15 A. Unique TensorFlowerTest to show how TOCO fails with mismatched shapes...
2018-02-15 A. Unique TensorFlowerAdd dedicated code for the print function instead of...
2018-02-14 Chris Leary[XLA:python] Add ability to set result layouts via...
2018-02-14 Tatiana ShpeismanBuild error fix - make allocator_ to be VisitableAlloca...
2018-02-14 Peter Hawkins[TF:XLA] Add a hook to allow reshaping of TensorFlow...
2018-02-14 A. Unique TensorFlowerSupports op exp (tf.exp) in Toco and Tensorflow Lite.
2018-02-14 Alexandre Passosset_shape fix in _UnreadVariable
2018-02-14 Nick Desaulniers[XLA] Add reproducer that shows perf issues in HloDataf...
2018-02-14 A. Unique TensorFlowerFixes MovingAverageOptimizer when dealing with resource...
2018-02-14 Mingsheng HongAdded C-API based unit tests for GPU and XLA GPU testing.
2018-02-14 Derek Murray[] Add usage note to `
2018-02-14 A. Unique TensorFlowerFor Split, pick the 'axis' value from the first input...
2018-02-14 Chris Leary[XLA:python] Plumb method to get program shape / return...
2018-02-14 A. Unique TensorFlowerAdd the utils module to the uncompiled whitelist.
2018-02-14 A. Unique TensorFlowerExposing a tensor_list data structure
2018-02-14 Sanjoy Das[TF:XLA] Bump open source llvm revision to r325135
2018-02-14 A. Unique TensorFlowerFixing IdentifyRelu1 transform to recognize min+max...
2018-02-14 Jonathan HseuReturn Status instead of bool in Init(), Flush(), and...
2018-02-14 Roy Frostig[XLA] Add a test for map with static operands in the...
2018-02-14 A. Unique TensorFlowerMinor refactoring: rename the
2018-02-14 A. Unique TensorFlowerCheck if ops used in the model are supported by op...
2018-02-14 Yu-Cheng LingChange the title of the compatibility guide document
2018-02-14 A. Unique TensorFlowerMake the TF Lite test driver more informative.
2018-02-14 David G. AndersenCall png_error if reading fails
2018-02-14 A. Unique TensorFlowerAdding specialized logic for depthwise convolution...
2018-02-14 A. Unique TensorFlowerTensorflow driver to execute the given tf graphdef...
2018-02-14 A. Unique TensorFlowerFactor VectorOfTensors out of
2018-02-14 Alexandre PassosAPI incompatibility fix in _UnreadVariable
2018-02-14 A. Unique TensorFlowerCanonicalize list comprehensions into equivalent for...
2018-02-14 Noah EisenDecreases number of gRPC polling threads from 8 to 2.
2018-02-14 A. Unique TensorFlowerBuild file bug fix for iOS simulators.
2018-02-14 Ian Langmoreeffective_sample_size kwarg change (same default behavior).