2019-06-25 subhransu mohantyrlottie: ran clang-format with the latest code
2019-06-25 subhransu mohantyrlottie: Fix build break
2019-06-25 Hermet Parkexample: changed file permission.
2019-06-25 Hermet Parkexample: remove some example resources.
2019-06-25 subhransu mohantyrlottie: Fix clang-tidy warning
2019-06-25 subhransu mohantyrlottie: Fix issue with Line join(Miter) by using the...
2019-06-25 sub.mohanty... rlottie: Add LOTTIE_CACHE_SUPPORT config variable to...
2019-06-25 subhransu mohantyrlottie: disable copy and move operation for layeritem...
2019-06-25 Hermet Parkcapi: expose layer item name for utiliziing by demand.
2019-06-25 subhransu mohantyrlottie: Fix all cppcheck warnings.
2019-06-25 Subhransu Mohantyrlottie: Fix a issue when shape animation data are...
2019-06-19 subhransu mohantylottie/vector: Added reset api to VBitmap class 53/208153/1 accepted/tizen/unified/20190620.071909 submit/tizen/20190619.051039
2019-06-19 subhransu mohantyrlottie: fix typo which was causing invalid memory... 52/208152/1
2019-06-19 subhransu mohantyrlottie: Fix issue with handling hidden Layer
2019-06-19 subhransu mohantyrlottie/optimization: remove unnecessary pointer indire...
2019-06-19 subhransu mohantyrlottie: Refactor Rle Generation to optimize memory...
2019-06-19 subhransu mohantyrlottie: Keep an offscreen buffer in the layer.
2019-06-19 JunsuChoilottieitem : Fix layer alpha transparency issue.
2019-06-19 sub.mohanty... rlottie/cmake: Fix cmake build issue for Mac
2019-06-19 subhransu mohantymeson/build: meson has builtin option 'b_sanitize'...
2019-06-19 subhransu mohantyrlottie/json: updated to latest rapidjson
2019-06-19 subhransu mohantyrlottie/parser: opacity attribute can be float
2019-06-19 subhransu mohantyrlottie/example: refactor to use evas_object_image_pixe...
2019-06-19 subhransu mohantyrlottie/parser: Fix build after refactoring
2019-06-19 subhransu mohantyrlottie: Fix precomp layer rendering issue when it...
2019-06-19 subhransu mohantyraster/drawing: updated drawbitmap api with const_alpha...
2019-06-19 subhransu mohantyrlottie: optimize rendering when final opacity of...
2019-06-19 subhransu mohantyvector: reserve some memory before starting dash operation
2019-06-19 subhransu mohantyexample: update example with exploding star resource
2019-06-19 subhransu mohantyrlottie: optimize matte rendering when both src and...
2019-06-19 subhransu mohantyvector: refactor gradient cache
2019-06-19 subhransu mohantyvector: keep a shared reference to cached color table
2019-06-19 subhransu mohantyrlottie/example: Fixed asan warning of unintialized...
2019-06-19 Hermet Parkupdated AUTHORS
2019-06-19 subhransu mohantyrlottie: Use optimization level -Os to further reduce...
2019-06-19 subhransu mohantyrlottie: Optimize library size by disabling exception...
2019-06-19 subhransu mohantyrlottie: Optimize library size when logging is disabled
2019-06-19 subhransu mohantyrlottie: disable RTTI use to optimize library size
2019-06-19 subhransu mohantyrefactor to remove all dynamic_cast usage
2019-06-19 subhransu mohantyrlottie: Added no-exception flag to build
2019-06-19 Hermet Parklottie2gif: support set background color as an extra...
2019-06-19 subhransu mohantyadded more json resource to example
2019-06-19 subhransu mohantyvector/raster: check for 0 size stroke width
2019-06-19 subhransu mohantyrlottie/parser: refactor image asset parsing.
2019-06-19 Hermet ParkREADME: correct a usage of words in a sentence.
2019-06-19 subhransu mohantyrlottie: updated showcase gif file
2019-06-19 subhransu mohantyrlottie/pareser: remove unused property
2019-06-19 JunsuChoiexample : Fix resource path in efl_animation
2019-06-19 JunsuChoilottieitem: Add image property in LOTNode
2019-06-19 subhransu mohantyrlottie/parser: Don't create transform object for root...
2019-06-19 subhransu mohantyrlottie/parser: Refactor static property handling of...
2019-06-19 Hermet Parkexample: update image object pixels properly.
2019-06-19 Hermet Parkexample: fix lottieviwer to properly resizable.
2019-06-19 SubhransuUpdate
2019-06-19 subhransu mohantyrlottie/test: Fix test cases
2019-06-19 subhransu mohantyFixed regression in VPath::Clone() api and updated...
2019-06-19 subhransu mohantycmake: if LIB_INSTALL_DIR is not set default it to...
2019-06-19 subhransu mohantyrlottie: make sure rle object shared between 2 threads...
2019-06-19 subhransu mohantyrlottie/vector: Added unique(), refcount and clone...
2019-06-19 subhransu mohantylottie/model: refactor LOTAnimatable to optimize size.
2019-06-19 Hermet Parklicense: keep standard lgpl2 license text
2019-06-19 subhransu mohantyrlottie/model: refactor repeater object model to optimi...
2019-06-19 subhransu mohantyrlottie/trim: Fix trim segment calculation.
2019-05-22 Hermet Parkexample: fix screwed code by upstream merge. 97/206597/1 accepted/tizen/unified/20190603.095318 accepted/tizen/unified/20190604.014638 submit/tizen/20190530.111225 submit/tizen/20190531.122943 submit/tizen/20190603.083549
2019-05-22 subhransu mohantyrlottie/parser: Fix float data parsing when data in... 96/206596/1
2019-05-22 subhransu mohantyrlottie/model: Fix repeater processing when its part...
2019-05-22 subhransu mohantyrlottie/meson: Add neon code only if building for arm...
2019-05-22 subhransu mohantyvector: fixed build error with gcc7 using fallthrough
2019-05-22 subhransu mohantyRevert "vector: fix a compile error of strict fallthrou...
2019-05-22 subhransu mohantylottie/parser: Fixed regression of interpolator string...
2019-05-22 Hermet Parkvector: fix a compile error of strict fallthrough case...
2019-05-22 subhransu mohantyexample:refactor to remove naked malloc and RAII warning
2019-05-22 subhransu mohantybuildfix: make it build with c++11
2019-05-22 subhransu mohantyexample:refactor to remove naked malloc and RAII warning
2019-05-22 sub.mohanty... rlottie: always propagate update for precomp layer.
2019-05-22 subhransu mohantyrlottie: Fixed wrong calculation of duration.
2019-05-22 subhransu mohantyvector: refactor vraster to remove naked new and delete...
2019-05-22 subhransu mohantyrlottie: updated compiler flags to treat warning as...
2019-05-22 subhransu mohantyrlottie: remove remaining warnings
2019-05-22 subhransu mohantylottie/example: remove all warnings in example
2019-05-22 subhransu mohantyrlottie: added support of lambda expression in setValue.
2019-05-14 Hermet ParkRevert "vector: build for ARM NEON" accepted/tizen/unified/20190514.082636 submit/tizen/20190514.082137
2019-05-13 Hermet Parklottie: shutdown a static analizyer tool warning. accepted/tizen/unified/20190514.080039 submit/tizen/20190514.054145 submit/tizen/20190514.062834
2019-05-13 subhransu mohantyupdated travis for clang build
2019-05-13 subhransu mohantyrlottie: updated demo section of the README
2019-05-13 subhransu mohantyadded missing cmake file
2019-05-13 subhransu mohantyadded lottie2gif converter for both cmake and meson...
2019-05-13 subhransu mohantyrlottie: refactor with standard algorithms
2019-05-13 Mihai Serbanvector: build for ARM NEON
2019-05-08 Hermet Parklottie: resolve c++11 compatible problem. 82/205682/1 submit/tizen/20190513.044419
2019-05-08 subhransu mohantyrlottie: mask item shouldn't inherit parent opacity accepted/tizen/unified/20190508.234040 submit/tizen/20190508.044527
2019-04-30 subhransu mohantyrlottie/header: fixed issue with public header dependen... 20/205220/1
2019-04-30 subhransu mohantyrlottie/example: added rlottie example app to convert... 19/205219/1
2019-04-30 kimcinooUpdate style of README 18/205218/1
2019-04-30 subhransu mohantyupdated quick start guide in readme file 17/205217/1
2019-04-30 subhransu mohantyupdate README with showcase gif and online viewer section 16/205216/1
2019-04-30 subhransu mohantyOrganized Readme Page of lottie 15/205215/1
2019-04-25 subhransu mohantyrlottie/parser: refactor to optimize code size 36/204636/1 submit/tizen/20190430.023700
2019-04-25 subhransu mohantyrlottie/parser: refactor keyframe parsing 35/204635/1
2019-04-25 subhransu mohantyrlottie: added sync version of render function in capi