2015-04-08 Mitch CurtisReturn the correct type from Item::mapToItem/Item:...
2015-04-07 Caroline ChaoTests: Make qquickloader tests significant again
2015-04-02 Friedemann... Improve debug formatting of QAbstractAnimationJob and...
2015-04-02 Friedemann... Improve debug operator for QQuickItem.
2015-04-01 Marko KangasFix Text item linkColor update
2015-04-01 Liang QiMerge "Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/5.4' into...
2015-03-31 Liang QiMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/5.4' into 5.5
2015-03-31 Eskil Abrahamsen... Android: Work around bug on Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 10.1
2015-03-31 Friedemann... Add inheritance documentation markup to animator classes.
2015-03-31 Friedemann... Fix some qdoc warnings.
2015-03-30 Andy ShawDon't send deferred delete events from windowDestroyed()
2015-03-30 Jason ErbImproved QML test robustness and logging.
2015-03-30 Albert Astals CidAlways remove reply from replies when processing cancelled
2015-03-30 Frederik GladhornBlacklist QQuickWindow::testWindowVisibilityOrder for...
2015-03-30 Kai Uwe BroulikHonor setFocusOnTouchRelease in QQuickTextInput
2015-03-30 Shawn Rutledgeadd logging category
2015-03-27 Paul Olav TveteUpdate the shader when devicePixelRatio changes
2015-03-27 Ulf HermannGuard profiler service test against unusual clock behavior.
2015-03-27 Giuseppe D... QQuickWidget: expose the underlying QQuickWindow
2015-03-26 Laszlo AgocsFix flushing QQuickWidget
2015-03-25 Thiago MacieiraRemove the old headersclean unit test
2015-03-25 Robert GrieblFixing yet another memory leak
2015-03-25 Robert GrieblAnother fix to avoid detaching the m_windows list.
2015-03-25 Robert GrieblFixed a memory-leak when changing property bindings...
2015-03-24 Ulf HermannFix profiler adapter documentation
2015-03-24 Venugopal ShivashankarDoc: Removed a col from the table of qmldir statements
2015-03-24 Eskil Abrahamsen... Fix disappearing text in selections
2015-03-22 Sérgio MartinsFix inconsistent overrides. [-Winconsistent-missing...
2015-03-22 Gabriel de... Remove QItemSelection value-type, use Array instead
2015-03-22 Gabriel de... Remove QModelIndexList value type, use Array instead
2015-03-21 Maks NaumovRemove unused variable in InstructionSelection::run()
2015-03-21 Christian StrømmeFix conversion between char and string.
2015-03-20 Shawn RutledgeQQuickWindow touch event compression: retain previous...
2015-03-19 Venugopal ShivashankarDoc: Added info. about the singleton type declaration
2015-03-19 Andrew den... Allow Flickable's grab to be stolen if dragging over...
2015-03-18 Lars KnollRemove forward declaration of QScriptContext
2015-03-18 Tor Arne Vestbøqmltest: Make sure we inherit all of testlib's MODULE_C...
2015-03-17 Frederik GladhornMerge "Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/5.4' into...
2015-03-17 Jørgen LindRepeater: Don't rely on the createFrom variable
2015-03-17 Frederik GladhornMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/5.4' into 5.5
2015-03-16 Aleix PolFix warning
2015-03-16 Simon HausmannFix usage of QtQmlDevTools private headers on OSX with...
2015-03-16 Simon HausmannRemove QQmlDirParser from QtQmlDevTools
2015-03-13 Shawn RutledgePathView: use qt.quick.itemview.lifecycle logging category
2015-03-12 Gabriel de... Acknowledge QPersistentModelIndex is a built-in meta...
2015-03-12 Kai KoehneRemove bogus autotests for invalid ports
2015-03-12 Kai KoehneFix qqmldebuggingenabler autotest
2015-03-12 Laszlo AgocsHandle context loss in the threaded render loop
2015-03-11 Friedemann... tst_QQuickPathView::mouseDrag(): Skip on Windows if...
2015-03-11 Lars KnollDon't evaluate the expression in switch() multiple...
2015-03-11 Andrew den... Fix flickable stealing gestures when height >= contentH...
2015-03-10 Thiago Macieiraqt quick particles: Fix const correctness in old style...
2015-03-10 Andrew KnightFix clang warning
2015-03-09 Valery KotovQML Engine: ArrayBuffer XHR response type support
2015-03-09 Caroline Chaotestlib: Fix qml objects not deleted between data tests
2015-03-09 Venugopal ShivashankarDoc: Removed the release notes for Qt Quick and Qt Qml
2015-03-09 Laszlo AgocsRe-enable readback test in tst_qquickwidget
2015-03-09 Laszlo AgocsAdd missing flush for multisampled QQuickWidget
2015-03-09 Eskil Abrahamsen... Reduce number of allocations when constructing text...
2015-03-07 Sergio AhumadaAdd test data for tst_GuiAppLauncher
2015-03-06 Daiwei LiImplement cache property for QQuickAnimatedImage
2015-03-06 Frederik GladhornMerge "Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/5.4' into...
2015-03-06 Gabriel de... QV4::Primitive: Help clang disambiguate symbols
2015-03-06 Gunnar SlettaMake sure we deref an item from its window.
2015-03-05 Thiago MacieiraFix build: QString needs to be fully-defined for QString()
2015-03-05 Gabriel de... tst_qqmlitemmodels: Remove pointless QVariant::type...
2015-03-05 Ruslan NigmatullinTextEdit: Block's update should update paint node
2015-03-05 Maurice KalinowskiWinRT: Set alignment boundary to page size
2015-03-05 Nico VertriestDoc: Changed title GridView example
2015-03-05 Gabriel de... Work around QPersistentModelIndex being a built-in...
2015-03-05 Friedemann... Fix invocations of static methods of QGuiApplication...
2015-03-05 Sergio AhumadaDoc: Replace with
2015-03-05 Thiago MacieiraFix thread-safety: _POSIX_THREAD_SAFE_FUNCTIONS is...
2015-03-04 Dmitry ShachnevDisable JIT on x32 ABI
2015-03-03 Frederik GladhornMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/5.4' into 5.5
2015-03-03 Michael BrasserUse of fullsize distance field textures should be font...
2015-03-03 Erik VerbruggenV4: fix ToFixed rounding for 0 fraction digits.
2015-03-03 Erik VerbruggenV4: fix regalloc for loops with many life&changing...
2015-03-03 Erik VerbruggenV4: fix phi node use position calculation.
2015-03-02 Sergio Ahumadabic: Add 5.{3,4}.0 bic data for QtQuickWidgets
2015-03-02 Eskil Abrahamsen... Avoid assert in rich text when img width is invalid
2015-03-02 Caroline Chaotestlib: Introduce MouseDoubleClickSequence() method
2015-02-27 Shawn RutledgeQQuickWindow: rename deliverGestureEvent to deliverNati...
2015-02-27 Shawn RutledgeQQuickWindow: move deliverGestureEvent outside QT_NO_WH...
2015-02-26 Friedemann... QtQuick: Micro-optimize iterator loops.
2015-02-26 Friedemann... QtQml: Micro-optimize iterator loops.
2015-02-25 Michael BrasserOptimize distance field construction.
2015-02-25 Ulf HermannInclude <limits> in qqmlprofilerservice_p.h
2015-02-25 Michael BrasserAllow glyph cache textures to be created at full size.
2015-02-25 Daiwei LiFix crash in overdraw and change visualizers
2015-02-24 jian liangFix memory leak of QSGContext object in QSGThreadedRend...
2015-02-24 Frederik GladhornMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/5.4' into 5.5
2015-02-24 Aaron McCarthyHandle TouchCancel events in QQuickPinchArea
2015-02-23 Friedemann... Fix deprecation warnings about constructing QString...
2015-02-23 Friedemann... Fix MSVC 64 bit warnings about loss of data when conver...
2015-02-23 Friedemann... Fix some qdoc-warnings.
2015-02-20 Eskil Abrahamsen... Account for leading when drawing text decoration
2015-02-19 Jani Heikkinenremove unnecessary LICENSE.GPLv2
2015-02-19 Allan Sandfeld... Cleanup math function includes and usage
2015-02-18 Sean HarmerAdd Qt.hsva() function