2018-02-15 Sandeep N GuptaNew roadmap (#16984)
2018-02-13 Andrew HarpAdd instructions for building CUDA-enabled Android...
2018-02-13 Martin WickeMerge pull request #16991 from yifeif/branch_185565363
2018-02-13 DONGGEON LIMAdd (#14847)
2018-02-13 resecadd not equal op to tf_op_files.txt (#14319)
2018-02-13 Yifei FengMerge commit for internal changes
2018-02-13 Akshay ModiMinor eager-related performance improvements
2018-02-13 Benoit SteinerExplicitely place the swap-in node: this ensures that...
2018-02-13 Jianwei XieError out or log a warning if user sets the TPUConfig...
2018-02-13 Igor SaprykinAllow other types of variables to act as a resource...
2018-02-13 Mark Daoustadd missing blank line
2018-02-13 A. Unique TensorFlowerAdd empty scaffolding for loop optimizers in Grappler.
2018-02-13 A. Unique TensorFlowerClarify that the behavior of the iterator (advancing...
2018-02-13 A. Unique TensorFlowerFix documentation for the real shape of the output...
2018-02-13 Akshay ModiUse _set_attr instead of directly modifying the nodedef
2018-02-13 Anjali SridharMove two common utility functions used by training...
2018-02-13 Eugene BrevdoTiny bugfix to eager TensorArray error message.
2018-02-13 Martin WickeMerge pull request #16494 from rongjiecomputer/unroll
2018-02-13 Martin WickeMerge pull request #15404 from codrut3/doc_fused_fix
2018-02-13 A. Unique TensorFlowerTF to XLA compiler to support FakeQuantWithMinMaxVars...
2018-02-13 A. Unique TensorFlowerAdd gradient norm target arg to wass gradient penalty...
2018-02-13 A. Unique TensorFlowerForce the use of print function in generated code.
2018-02-13 A. Unique TensorFlowerMechanical variable renaming to improve consistency...
2018-02-13 Gunhan GulsoyInternal change
2018-02-13 Surya BhupatirajuAdd test to ensure that covariance terms of FID is...
2018-02-13 Gunhan GulsoyDisable and remove a...
2018-02-13 MyungsungKwakFix typo in (#16968)
2018-02-13 A. Unique TensorFlower1. Add image_ops.is_jpeg Op to decide if a input string...
2018-02-13 Peter Hawkins[TF:XLA] Work around crash in Gather op on CPU backend...
2018-02-13 Sanjoy Das[XLA:CPU] Implement vectorized Log in LLVM IR
2018-02-13 Peter Hawkins[TF:XLA] Implement ScatterNd.
2018-02-13 Yu-Cheng LingFix TFLite examples/image_label
2018-02-13 Francois CholletEnable Model subclassing, both in eager-mode and symbol...
2018-02-13 Jacques PienaarRollforward switch group identification with fixes.
2018-02-13 A. Unique TensorFlowerFix a typo in the comments.
2018-02-13 Bixia Zheng[XLA:GPU] Extend the CustomCall for cudnn convolutions...
2018-02-13 Yifei FengMerge pull request #16253 from samikama/tensorrt
2018-02-13 Igor SaprykinSupport None trainable variables that don't produce...
2018-02-13 Suharsh SivakumarAutomated g4 rollback of changelist 185420228
2018-02-12 Martin WickeMerge pull request #16928 from rongjiecomputer/shapeutil
2018-02-12 Martin WickeMerge pull request #16945 from yongtang/02122018-keep_dims
2018-02-12 Martin WickeMerge pull request #16958 from nfelt/tb-nightly-1.7.0a0
2018-02-12 gracehoneyFix format
2018-02-12 Yong TangAdd documentation for s3 usage with TensorFlow (#16923)
2018-02-12 Sami Kamafix typo
2018-02-12 Sami Kamafix typo
2018-02-12 Sami Kamafix import
2018-02-12 Sami KamaDon't use tf as directly and import individual modules...
2018-02-12 Jianwei XieAvoid setting `ConfigProto.cluster_def` when `run_confi...
2018-02-12 Guangda LaiAdd an option to tf_gen_op_wrapper_py to make it able...
2018-02-12 A. Unique TensorFlowerAdd a caveat that pixel value range might not be preser...
2018-02-12 Jacques PienaarRename op name in comments to reflect renamed op names...
2018-02-12 Sami KamaMake buildifier happy
2018-02-12 Nick FeltUpdate tb-nightly dep to >= 1.7.0a0, < 1.8.0a0
2018-02-12 Suharsh SivakumarAdd tests for visible api arguments in quantize_graph.
2018-02-12 A. Unique TensorFlowerReturn false instead of crashing in Tensor::SharesBuffe...
2018-02-12 Benoit SteinerFilter out the fake XLA devices to avoid double countin...
2018-02-12 Sami KamaFix merge issues
2018-02-12 Sami KamaFix Py3 byte and string issue after swig update. Clarif...
2018-02-12 Mark Daoustallow @{} links to break across lines.
2018-02-12 Benoit SteinerExtend the memory optimizations to also support accumul...
2018-02-12 Jianwei XieRespect the cluster spec prop during TPU system auto...
2018-02-12 Alexandre PassosScope and decorator to automatically add control depend...
2018-02-12 Suharsh SivakumarAlso add quantization step node to MODEL_VARIABLES...
2018-02-12 Sanjoy Das[TF:XLA] Bump open source llvm revision to r324889
2018-02-12 A. Unique TensorFlowerAdd missing feature in make_parse_example_spec document...
2018-02-12 Martin WickeMerge pull request #16952 from yifeif/branch_185398372
2018-02-12 A. Unique TensorFlowerAdd yield_single_examples arg to Estimator.predict
2018-02-12 Asim Shankar[Java]: Add link to samples in the tensorflow/models...
2018-02-12 Benoit SteinerEnable the use of scheduling heuristics to reduce peak...
2018-02-12 Yao ZhangSupport reduction with true keep_dims and squeeze along...
2018-02-12 A. Unique TensorFlowerAdding support for tf.reduce_sum with keep_dims=True.
2018-02-12 Yuanzhong Xu[XLA] An HLO pass that folds BF16 F32 conversions:...
2018-02-12 Sanjoy DasMake variable_ops_test optonly
2018-02-12 Neal WuChange the column name in tutorials/ from 'incom...
2018-02-12 Yifei FengMerge commit for internal changes
2018-02-12 A. Unique TensorFlowerAdd support for scalars in `tf.contrib.all_reduce`.
2018-02-12 Peter Hawkins[TF:XLA] Add additional test case for tf.gather.
2018-02-12 Alexandre PassosFix shape inference bug in tensorlist
2018-02-12 Yifei FengUpdate bazel version in docker (#16880)
2018-02-12 Derek MurrayUpdate `` API docstring.
2018-02-12 gracehoneyFix linter errors in
2018-02-12 Jacques PienaarParseNodeName fix.
2018-02-12 A. Unique TensorFlowerInternal Change
2018-02-12 Brian PattonFor debugging purposes, it can be useful to know which...
2018-02-12 A. Unique TensorFlower[XLA] Support generating tuple shaped fake data in...
2018-02-12 Yong TangFix some keep_dims warnings in math_ops_tests
2018-02-12 Yong TangFix some warnings with keep_dims in `tf.contrib.distrib...
2018-02-12 Yukun ChenFix warning about keep_dims. keep_dims -> keepdims...
2018-02-12 Christopher YehImprove formatting of shapes in tf.losses documentation...
2018-02-12 MyungJoo HamCMAKE: optionally link to ZLIB as systemlib / shared...
2018-02-12 Vijay VasudevanProvide more diagnostic shape information in output...
2018-02-12 Guangda LaiAutomated g4 rollback of changelist 185233116
2018-02-12 Jianwei Xie[TPUEstimator] Automatically detect the TPU system...
2018-02-11 gracehoneyFix segment_test and run clang-format on trt_conversion.i.
2018-02-11 A. Unique TensorFlowerDisable flaky halton_sequence_test
2018-02-11 Loo Rong Jie[MSVC] Use explicit func pointer to static method inste...
2018-02-11 gracehoneyFix python lint errors internally. One important change...
2018-02-11 A. Unique TensorFlowerAdd support for kConditional to the module group scheduler.
2018-02-11 DylanDmitritypo fix (#16903)