From 38d1e6b5e24184caea5330e68490fe635aafc32b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sehong Na Date: Sat, 31 May 2014 12:45:00 +0900 Subject: [PATCH 1/1] Initialize Tizen 2.3 --- COPYING | 340 + ChangeLog | 820 + LICENSE | 6 + Makefile | 94 + MonitorsDB | 5578 +++ README | 4 + blacklist.conf | 42 + | 39 + | 38 + hwdata.spec | 781 + | 240 + mconvert | 7 + oui.txt | 88508 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ packaging/hwdata.changes | 3 + packaging/hwdata.spec | 28 + pci.ids | 18847 ++++++++++ pnp.ids | 2029 ++ upgradelist | 61 + usb.ids | 15629 ++++++++ videodrivers | 44 + 20 files changed, 133138 insertions(+) create mode 100644 COPYING create mode 100644 ChangeLog create mode 100644 LICENSE create mode 100644 Makefile create mode 100644 MonitorsDB create mode 100644 README create mode 100644 blacklist.conf create mode 100755 create mode 100755 create mode 100644 hwdata.spec create mode 100755 create mode 100755 mconvert create mode 100644 oui.txt create mode 100644 packaging/hwdata.changes create mode 100644 packaging/hwdata.spec create mode 100644 pci.ids create mode 100644 pnp.ids create mode 100644 upgradelist create mode 100644 usb.ids create mode 100644 videodrivers diff --git a/COPYING b/COPYING new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d60c31a --- /dev/null +++ b/COPYING @@ -0,0 +1,340 @@ + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs + + If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest +possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it +free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. + + To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest +to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively +convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least +the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. + + + Copyright (C) + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA + + +Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. + +If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this +when it starts in an interactive mode: + + Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author + Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. + This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it + under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. + +The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate +parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may +be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be +mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program. + +You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your +school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if +necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: + + Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program + `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. + + , 1 April 1989 + Ty Coon, President of Vice + +This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into +proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may +consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the +library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General +Public License instead of this License. diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a7f80e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/ChangeLog @@ -0,0 +1,820 @@ +commit 2cf1269ae705860700a4fa5370530ef7691a83d1 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Thu Aug 5 13:20:28 2010 +0200 + + - update usb.ids, out.txt and pci.ids (#550020, #611860) + - fix incorrect syntax doc/comment in blacklist.conf (Ville Skyttä, #532802) + - add Acer B243HL and BenQ G2420HDBL (Ville Skyttä, #590787) + - add HP LP2475w and Samsung 2494HM (Ville Skyttä, #595059) + +commit 61232acc757b1dedc3dceff06d43f6036eec7484 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Thu Aug 5 13:15:13 2010 +0200 + + Add HP LP2475w and Samsung 2494HM + +commit bac99084b136f01b90e9fc49bead91ce41463547 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Thu Aug 5 12:00:57 2010 +0200 + + - add Acer B243HL and BenQ G2420HDBL (Ville Skyttä, #590787) + +commit fd440dcf6ab4d40fe2305ea4d3756932c0272e16 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Thu Aug 5 10:53:26 2010 +0200 + + fix Incorrect syntax doc/comment in blacklist.conf (#532802) + +commit 7361dc65a2d47c427257e8431e513baa37521d7c +Author: Philip Knirsch +Date: Tue May 25 19:13:14 2010 +0200 + + - update usb.ids, out.txt and pci.ids + - Resolves: #584788 + +commit 568cf9d32089f72abdfc199aa55b54785882e5e1 +Author: Matt Domsch +Date: Wed Mar 31 10:38:21 2010 -0500 + + add 14 Dell monitors + +commit b015c34f6186f15afb214190384f642a1cc8824c +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Mon Mar 29 12:39:27 2010 +0200 + + - update usb.ids, out.txt and pci.ids for F-13 (#571914) + +commit 8d1a5ea764656c69854a02f48334419a2627110b +Author: Philip Knirsch +Date: Wed Mar 17 12:05:47 2010 +0100 + + - Blacklist chsc_sch for s390x + +commit ad7603fea5508e822f965b4dd87c78f9f161ce4d +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Mon Feb 22 18:09:01 2010 +0100 + + - update oui.txt pci.ids usb.ids , license + +commit a9fa19769d79f87780d463baef17c69921e9ff30 +Author: Dave Airlie +Date: Tue Feb 23 08:06:35 2010 +1000 + + hwdata: add viafb to the fb blacklist + +commit 539c655211290d207c592dcb4751aa3b9ec469da +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Fri Jan 15 16:23:11 2010 +0100 + + fix changelog + +commit b2bb33a9ceb7644d3e94ce9b1ed2f677f4230f3e +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Fri Jan 15 16:21:21 2010 +0100 + + - update release number + +commit be2fc6832b38c1491a439668d9c4d30b2ba8446b +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Fri Jan 15 16:17:48 2010 +0100 + + - update usb.ids pci.ids oui.txt + +commit b74271fcbe41aac2e29f9f9e6b3f59e68c641577 +Author: Matt Domsch +Date: Tue Sep 1 12:08:08 2009 -0500 + + add 4 Dell monitors + +commit 40bce2a3b88530356ccc61d43afb2000553816f8 +Author: Matt Domsch +Date: Wed Aug 19 15:45:41 2009 -0500 + + add 42 new Dell monitors + +commit 253e468c4991ceae48740a146f2defcf9a4545be +Merge: bd0e652 de79002 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Wed Jul 8 15:06:11 2009 +0200 + + update + +commit de79002fc0d0ebb32633907823eb977372473ee7 +Author: Adam Jackson +Date: Tue Jul 7 18:14:36 2009 -0400 + + pnp.ids: DEL -> Dell + + Don't know who Deltec is, and don't care either. + +commit c54650f5504140e8b86504aae582ece57024dbdd +Author: Adam Jackson +Date: Fri Jun 12 15:50:31 2009 -0400 + + pnp.ids: Update + +commit 1b216e8decd37f56d77267e2c818400112b7a88a +Author: Matt Domsch +Date: Mon Apr 13 11:17:18 2009 -0500 + + add 12 Dell monitors + +commit c8f2fbbfe37bc9cd06e6aa46a8a2be9fe8f955cd +Author: Adam Jackson +Date: Thu Apr 9 14:33:30 2009 -0400 + + hwdata 0.225 + + Missed a specfile change + +commit b46eb3c8ff6b14edb0020ed603aa833b34545a74 +Author: Adam Jackson +Date: Thu Apr 9 14:30:54 2009 -0400 + + hwdata 0.224 + +commit dac9640a1ac63a60752c663662a1b279bf5beb82 +Author: Adam Jackson +Date: Thu Apr 9 14:30:22 2009 -0400 + + mv blacklist blacklist.conf + +commit ead2541d4badb743f8f9fab1ebba9ccb626ed425 +Author: Adam Jackson +Date: Thu Apr 9 14:26:46 2009 -0400 + + Fix upload target + +commit a1c5ab9276d09ee8bab78325659122db6596fd12 +Author: Adam Jackson +Date: Thu Apr 9 14:20:08 2009 -0400 + + Release 0.223 + +commit e278beb31bd7d0964c3812dda38b3e9841a08d18 +Author: Adam Jackson +Date: Thu Apr 9 14:24:47 2009 -0400 + + Fix create-archive target + +commit c8b69e84f6a66738873a4222e19fd7395eb9e5b6 +Author: Adam Jackson +Date: Thu Apr 9 14:24:01 2009 -0400 + + Add 'upload' target for releaseballs + +commit e952123b799f831f18a91a229bb4840bc409e0d6 +Author: Adam Jackson +Date: Thu Apr 9 14:19:28 2009 -0400 + + Fix ChangeLog rule + +commit efbb0335d93132ccabe007f212d4fb17f6cf9867 +Author: Adam Jackson +Date: Thu Apr 9 14:18:00 2009 -0400 + + Update README + +commit 740c0293beb84eb6987e08b69fbf0f9eddaca7b5 +Author: Adam Jackson +Date: Thu Apr 9 14:16:08 2009 -0400 + + Add pnp.ids + + Hand-maintained, sadly + +commit c6334bd4e29e4e3e516ebad4930e771c6da075db +Author: Adam Jackson +Date: Thu Apr 9 14:09:19 2009 -0400 + + Update oui.txt + +commit fc46377e8680cbbb7e6b81a06e0f643cbd9d25aa +Author: Adam Jackson +Date: Thu Apr 9 14:08:01 2009 -0400 + + Update usb.ids + +commit a844b422f808da67d547ce44cd784675e070476a +Author: Adam Jackson +Date: Thu Apr 9 14:07:53 2009 -0400 + + Update pci.ids + +commit bd0e6525410000571376c9e6f6b685bfb120f29d +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Thu Mar 19 20:42:17 2009 +0100 + + - fix syntax of git-archive and git-log + +commit 9ebe79d15a91bbca0191129f679117374f21796a +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Thu Mar 19 20:39:24 2009 +0100 + + - rename /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf + +commit a6e5970e33c6b963294501949aec6fc0b8d58f2c +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Thu Mar 19 20:38:47 2009 +0100 + + - update usb.ids oui.txt pci.ids + +commit 609f9485187bb6e99a63ebc8e392397b71b37abd +Author: Adam Jackson +Date: Sun Feb 8 18:19:53 2009 -0500 + + Update videodrivers to match reality + +commit 55501f0bd440564a607d999224c41dbd02a688cc +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Wed Jan 28 10:46:46 2009 +0100 + + - update usb.ids pci.ids oui.txt and build for all current releases + Fixes p.e. #465440 + +commit cc07688bfe87ace7239a5293512b4ab79a5eda21 +Merge: eea1522 a9cfa56 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Wed Jan 21 14:08:31 2009 +0100 + + Merge branch 'master' of ssh:// + + * 'master' of ssh:// + MonitorsDB: add 12 Dell Monitors + +commit eea1522c244546d0ce22bfafae59309868d2ec3a +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Wed Jan 21 13:57:33 2009 +0100 + + - update usb.ids pci.ids oui.txt + +commit a9cfa563d02a768779594c66203bfebe68a8808b +Author: Raghavendra B +Date: Fri Dec 26 00:28:48 2008 -0600 + + MonitorsDB: add 12 Dell Monitors + +commit 35db4ea5e354241232273e34c070972f1bb8a6dd +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Tue Dec 2 17:14:13 2008 +0100 + + - add changelog + +commit 89d9d8eb05a5153e40756693d264133faa9085c0 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Tue Dec 2 16:54:22 2008 +0100 + + - add new monitor entries from Mandriva hardware database (Thierry Vignaud) + +commit ad9a5db69dc8cba9d2de709b739abd8221858680 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Tue Dec 2 15:10:55 2008 +0100 + + - make generic entries have properly formated frequencies (Thierry Vignaud) + +commit 79e982e50edb4ac854c3c2520e188b2ed3a8b7b2 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Tue Dec 2 14:12:52 2008 +0100 + + - remove duplicate Dell monitor entries (Thierry Vignaud) + +commit e12d509410d7a9e17a12cf7bd4b6ae75f6b9f97a +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Wed Nov 19 11:41:07 2008 +0100 + + - more vendor name fixes + +commit 2686854d00a96048a72b44480e730bfeda030be6 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Tue Nov 18 17:17:39 2008 +0100 + + - fix extra field in 'Compudyne KD-1500N' definition (Thierry Vignaud) + - make Dell monitors case consistent (Thierry Vignaud) + - make all GoldStar monitors have the same vendor name (Thierry Vignaud) + +commit 4b04168b192a402c7cc099986dfd234565f0ff34 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Tue Nov 18 13:04:15 2008 +0100 + + - sort again with LANG=C + +commit b1fca1d93e2834124da514fbf1274448d88eefa3 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Tue Nov 18 12:15:21 2008 +0100 + + - add URL of git repository + +commit 59c9ae2afa5c18f6c8e8e8772e438dac784e2229 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Tue Nov 18 11:56:43 2008 +0100 + + - fix spacing (Thierry Vignaud) + - sort file with sort -f -t ";" -k1,2 + +commit 1569cfbb7a816c91c68bde7692157cd2e54e908f +Merge: abe5f53 41d815c +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Wed Nov 5 13:17:29 2008 +0100 + + Merge branch 'master' of ssh:// + + * 'master' of ssh:// + MonitorsDB: add 16 Dell Monitors + MonitorsDB: add Dell E1709W + +commit abe5f534ab911f72bd2720d936c2a08ef85b14cb +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Wed Nov 5 13:12:53 2008 +0100 + + - add Samsung SyncMaster 2443BWX (Marc van den Dikkenberg) + +commit 41d815c2972110bde8d967d2ba0e58ff2897faf1 +Author: Raghavendra B +Date: Sun Sep 28 07:13:12 2008 -0500 + + MonitorsDB: add 16 Dell Monitors + +commit e96b0c7b8999766df7bedb2cab9a7cd71f3d3155 +Author: Matt Domsch +Date: Mon Aug 4 11:04:12 2008 -0500 + + MonitorsDB: add Dell E1709W + +commit e904375aaa861bb70c89401af1d34368924112e5 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Mon Aug 4 11:49:51 2008 +0200 + + - add some Lenovo monitors (Im Sza) + +commit 1be9f70065622a1123b9f4a226edae3081db103d +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Wed Jul 23 12:18:30 2008 +0200 + + build new Rawhide version: + - update pci.ids, usb.ids, oui.txt + - MonitorsDB: add some Samsung monitors (Ronald Warsow) + - MonitorsDB: add Dell E1609W (Matt Domsch) + - MonitorsDB: add 7 Dell monitors (Matt Domsch) + - MonitorsDB: add a bunch of Hyundai and ImageQuest monitors + +commit 953378d28dca1ba873898749aaa76999d15bc668 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Wed Jul 23 12:18:02 2008 +0200 + + - update usb.ids pci.ids oui.txt + +commit 8f2d40b54304a5715f5eb51b8ec1cb166ac61649 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Wed Jul 23 12:10:36 2008 +0200 + + - add some Samsung monitors (Ronald Warsow) + +commit f76188a2a463862e6285aebbb93fb946e1680c19 +Author: Matt Domsch +Date: Tue Jul 1 09:14:53 2008 -0500 + + MonitorsDB: add Dell E1609W + +commit a07420d7f050f72cc002b29e4adbce0796b74070 +Author: Matt Domsch +Date: Tue Jun 24 15:29:09 2008 -0500 + + add 7 Dell monitors + +commit 71031f400f414a9acef187c45c7f390edb6bd8f4 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Mon Jun 9 14:00:19 2008 +0200 + + - add a bunch of Hyundai and ImageQuest monitors + +commit 0313e32723ceec41aaeece48cd3e83a05afcc462 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Mon Jun 9 13:49:00 2008 +0200 + + add a bunch of Hyundai and ImageQuest monitors + +commit eb8527a9cfcaef02eb759383fe73667178af8e1c +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Mon Jun 9 11:40:54 2008 +0200 + + - add BenQ FP2091 monitor (Peter Williams) + +commit 401e23c636b77255486ade376a85d356b964db22 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Mon Jun 9 11:39:46 2008 +0200 + + - add BenQ FP2091 monitor + +commit e2329665c69a5c2bb825de4310702354920dbe30 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Thu Jun 5 14:17:12 2008 +0200 + + - add check script from Sergey Scobich (#246102) + +commit cde1ddf2c0536c5cc8093a1ddaee2d9b9c5d6305 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Mon Jun 2 14:28:35 2008 +0200 + + - update pci.ids, usb.ids, oui.txt + - blacklist snd-pcsp (#448425) + +commit 53eff24fe9f34162e7faf95ff28cbf52b2ba1cd3 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Mon Jun 2 14:27:39 2008 +0200 + + - fix check output + +commit 8d0cc1f09a14c2c9254bb752103ef8b3b931157d +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Mon Jun 2 14:22:54 2008 +0200 + + - add targets for oui.txt download and a shortcut for all downloads + +commit 20696e063455422c4d18c59e962d42c1747950be +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Mon Jun 2 14:22:31 2008 +0200 + + - update oui.txt + +commit 8f8cf0610758532753cd10edf245eb469ab0fded +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Mon Jun 2 14:18:19 2008 +0200 + + - blacklist snd-pcsp (#448425) + +commit 63e0128a1d36ef3a2411c85da94c1ec83af6a729 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Mon Jun 2 14:17:42 2008 +0200 + + - update pci.ids, oui.txt + +commit 4c6a5b93be47ae328beb356defec4aa511944522 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Mon May 19 11:54:56 2008 +0200 + + - add some Acer monitors (Im Sz) + +commit c19a94f67e8567672aac54a3c75d00032050e5eb +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Tue Apr 1 16:24:01 2008 +0200 + + - update + +commit 582482c296f0bb30f6f653234f55581a13afad8c +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Tue Apr 1 15:47:11 2008 +0200 + + - fix some monitor entries (Stanislav Ievlev, #430276) + +commit 5ae63e88c1224ad8309dfa3ee0cb9bdf1cb794e9 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Tue Apr 1 14:45:25 2008 +0200 + + - update + +commit 275fa484ff71ff9930668c5790322af488a04aeb +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Tue Apr 1 14:45:10 2008 +0200 + + - update + +commit 49e4a4bfa38981b9d7ef30a6df5fe204ce8cd4e0 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Tue Apr 1 14:44:40 2008 +0200 + + - update + +commit 51bc15c96ceab2b7da09f227ffeb28211e218ec5 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Tue Apr 1 14:43:21 2008 +0200 + + - add HP w1907 LCD monitor. (#431359) + +commit e79e984bbe6d831baddb046f9cded4267be712fb +Author: Matt Domsch +Date: Mon Mar 17 00:05:45 2008 -0500 + + MonitorsDB: add Dell 2009W + +commit ff48263a462bd7648d9fc09ad3fdfd2878a92d6e +Author: Matt Domsch +Date: Wed Mar 5 11:22:00 2008 -0600 + + MonitorsDB: add LG L222W + + from + +commit 41f19a8da1774361770db752c2f2316c0dff7c66 +Author: Matt Domsch +Date: Wed Mar 5 10:35:31 2008 -0600 + + MonitorsDB: add ViewSonic VA702b + + from + +commit 5ba15f6ae558649510b913a167b12d0ee862eb68 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Mon Mar 3 11:03:03 2008 +0100 + + - update pci.ids, usb.ids (#431658) + +commit 9352289e6b924246c9ac0297d7911aea5e0b960e +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Wed Jan 23 10:45:39 2008 +0100 + + - add oui.txt, #429714 + +commit 778fa9c8d91f459de9ee11facfba035dd4775e8a +Author: Philip Knirsch +Date: Tue Jan 29 11:26:04 2008 +0100 + + - Forgot to bump version. Fixed. + - Added changelog entry for pci.ids pull from upstream + +commit 070562f3cf3af46894cfc1c7fc9b233c7ebe92f5 +Author: Philip Knirsch +Date: Tue Jan 29 10:45:04 2008 +0100 + + Updated pci.ids from upstream 28.1.2008 + +commit 663a1151509357ca174271374fa5acec5be887d6 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Tue Jan 22 17:31:18 2008 +0100 + + - add HP W2207 monitor + +commit d0b3fcd4184a14026e8a3a9b3a3a06454482d5fa +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Fri Jan 18 11:25:00 2008 +0100 + + - bump version and rebuild + +commit 5d91b2e8e44564e40b337257b4a3d2bfc4c71e44 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Fri Jan 18 11:21:10 2008 +0100 + + remove MonitorsDB.generic as it isn't used anywhere + +commit dfe0797b4c99fecea15e616610e1ab67c74f5748 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Fri Jan 18 11:19:27 2008 +0100 + + drop RHEL-5 blacklist patch in -devel + +commit 6e04827ab12dc3463e224bada5755f8550784139 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Tue Jan 15 17:11:34 2008 +0100 + + - add many monitor entries (Im Sza, #367111) + +commit bca2f3e40e8c26ef274cc82c5937d8510e5f0ea2 +Merge: fc46dd1 f68bb00 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Tue Jan 15 17:02:31 2008 +0100 + + Merge commit 'origin/master' + + * commit 'origin/master': + MonitorsDB: add Dell C22W + +commit fc46dd133d0fdfd7e32f97fb2ca56152de9bb37c +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Tue Jan 15 16:42:32 2008 +0100 + + - add > 600 LG monitors (Im Sza) + +commit f68bb00f11968becaa8ce5e9385758ca027dc85d +Author: Matt Domsch +Date: Tue Jan 15 09:40:25 2008 -0600 + + MonitorsDB: add Dell C22W + +commit e2fdb30ea8b8e40d48eed471eb2418b2fb35ede1 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Fri Jan 11 23:22:38 2008 +0100 + + fix erroneous tab in videodrivers + +commit f157062ea1a94f93f5eb1646ce6019f6c6f6d7e6 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Fri Jan 11 23:17:35 2008 +0100 + + - add Samsung Monitors + +commit 9c07d4bddd2d50e12bd5f635e84b85f1331d0ad4 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Fri Jan 11 23:02:22 2008 +0100 + + add Samsung 795DF/795MB + +commit 1c5b48ca727b0da54bcad26300165920dddcbc1b +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Fri Jan 11 23:00:29 2008 +0100 + + add Eizo L568 + +commit 9fe002b2873ddc29b8c01768f9b93095012c3491 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Fri Jan 11 22:33:26 2008 +0100 + + update usb.ids + +commit 2cf4c157e0872a11e91bd34d51884b40afd9d14d +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Fri Jan 11 22:32:48 2008 +0100 + + update pci.ids + +commit b3edaa6da9b8636054191ef86a1a3cc75192a5eb +Merge: d40ede6 3e81c4b +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Fri Jan 11 22:31:39 2008 +0100 + + Merge commit '3e81c4bd3a889849da7a0bdeaa266e22dbff8977' into rhel5 + + * commit '3e81c4bd3a889849da7a0bdeaa266e22dbff8977': + MonitorsDB: add Dell 2408WFP + - add Proview 926w monitor + - add Proview 926w monitor (#363091) + - use bzip2 sources + - new release + add Dell 3008WFP monitor + - changes for git + - fix license tag + Update pci.ids and usb.ids + Add helper targets for updating PCI and USB ID lists. + Document which versions of the license we mean + MonitorsDB: add Dell E157FPT + - sort Acer monitors + inf2mondb: replace various forms of "DELL" with "Dell" for consistency + inf2mondb: remove double-quote characters in ini string table + inf2mondb: add --inflist to pass filename with list of ini files + -drop dell-monitors patch, move all entries to MonitorsDB + add Proview monitors (#363091) + + Conflicts: + + MonitorsDB + hwdata.spec + pci.ids + usb.ids + +commit d40ede652bbd6d93202f03f051933ece4b035a85 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Fri Jan 11 21:58:39 2008 +0100 + + add missing file from hwdata-0.211 + +commit 3121e41ef89b82c8c5a98ad7ca319cf8d4f68d1b +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Fri Jan 11 21:49:07 2008 +0100 + + commit hwdata-0.211 from rhel5 + +commit 3e81c4bd3a889849da7a0bdeaa266e22dbff8977 +Author: Matt Domsch +Date: Wed Dec 26 23:04:52 2007 -0600 + + MonitorsDB: add Dell 2408WFP + +commit 7c71fb47722a3d4e2697d77e32ebc08c2453e20b +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Sat Dec 22 22:56:10 2007 +0100 + + - add Proview 926w monitor + +commit c0ba445bb19e39a942aed0e955e8cd94e6727530 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Sat Dec 22 22:55:09 2007 +0100 + + - add Proview 926w monitor (#363091) + +commit 1b5061aaf95e21211477fb43c42be8bacd5a7fc9 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Sat Dec 22 22:37:54 2007 +0100 + + - use bzip2 sources + - drop dell-monitors patch + +commit 7e840b9da881a6022b0bada34bb76fc8a6f61ca5 +Merge: fb2d992 9bfd21a +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Sat Dec 22 19:06:56 2007 +0100 + + Merge branch 'master' of ssh:// + + * 'master' of ssh:// + add Dell 3008WFP monitor + +commit fb2d9923934a9dc76733b51faa3886c35b4b20af +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Sat Dec 22 19:06:20 2007 +0100 + + - new release + +commit 9bfd21aeb33546e2441469796a2e9950cd3a4081 +Author: Matt Domsch +Date: Mon Dec 17 13:47:32 2007 -0600 + + add Dell 3008WFP monitor + +commit a0496010e0728ec0fffc052ec8857539326578c8 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Thu Dec 13 13:25:12 2007 +0100 + + - changes for git + +commit d6b450a241edd7a2a30c0f83017e89b4c7363da3 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Thu Dec 13 12:15:06 2007 +0100 + + - fix license tag + - add %%build section + +commit 8c429ee6f9b074f7c451e4b74ee16b48159c6e1f +Author: Adam Jackson +Date: Mon Nov 5 10:50:24 2007 -0500 + + Update pci.ids and usb.ids + +commit f6f34cd96d1eaa2e2ed59c1ac0034fc502af8074 +Author: Adam Jackson +Date: Mon Nov 5 10:41:14 2007 -0500 + + Add helper targets for updating PCI and USB ID lists. + + Also mark a bunch of stuff .PHONY for correctness. + +commit e9f674ef932fbe83e0b7bbebc93fd9ed02b8aa13 +Author: Adam Jackson +Date: Mon Nov 5 10:35:51 2007 -0500 + + Document which versions of the license we mean + +commit f5f8ff731af831504fa5bdaead4f9a9de54469d3 +Merge: 819bd4b db5d42c +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Mon Nov 5 16:58:44 2007 +0100 + + Merge branch 'master' of git:// + +commit db5d42c1a4aa4754dcd0a2dd0e0765175f94d729 +Author: Matt Domsch +Date: Mon Nov 5 09:37:51 2007 -0600 + + MonitorsDB: add Dell E157FPT + +commit 819bd4b085e9bd45bea33476a09f17abf4e2a228 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Mon Nov 5 13:04:37 2007 +0100 + + - sort Acer monitors + - add and change a few Acer entries (bz #350111) + +commit 93c3a84eecfcab9f1ec421e5c6b21ee9d985a637 +Author: Matt Domsch +Date: Fri Nov 2 13:37:17 2007 -0500 + + inf2mondb: replace various forms of "DELL" with "Dell" for consistency + +commit 5dfd20cef1f8a97f0948dc7ffbfeda78b0f12e07 +Author: Matt Domsch +Date: Fri Nov 2 13:36:00 2007 -0500 + + inf2mondb: remove double-quote characters in ini string table + + They're unnecessary and don't belong in the output file. + +commit b81e6c83bbeb87c6899e96f103de0c5543e2df93 +Author: Matt Domsch +Date: Fri Nov 2 13:33:14 2007 -0500 + + inf2mondb: add --inflist to pass filename with list of ini files + + This avoids problems with shell expands in paths to ini files that + include spaces and other odd characters. Files listed in inflist are + parsed before the rest of the args on the command line. + +commit 52e9c9d85155c2c878eecbbcfc1db080097f7122 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Fri Nov 2 17:38:03 2007 +0100 + + -drop dell-monitors patch, move all entries to MonitorsDB + +commit 812267dfe6be2a98460584ac346a5f49289a25d0 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Fri Nov 2 16:31:07 2007 +0100 + + add Proview monitors (#363091) + +commit 0ae29dfc90b6e49a4a886ba7a4b588c180614cb5 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Fri Nov 2 11:56:53 2007 +0100 + + remove vim swap file + +commit 6e3fe3dc08c3892cf80e1699f8ae6ed9853fa248 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Fri Nov 2 11:55:53 2007 +0100 + + Initial git import diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aac60f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +This data is licenced under 2 different licenses + +1) GNU General Public License, version 2 or later +2) XFree86 1.0 license + +This data can be used freely under either license. diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e9573c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ +NAME=$(shell awk '/Name:/ { print $$2 }' hwdata.spec) +VERSION=$(shell awk '/Version:/ { print $$2 }' hwdata.spec) +RELEASE=$(shell awk '/Release:/ { a=$$2; sub("%.*","",a); print a }' hwdata.spec) +SOURCEDIR := $(shell pwd) + +prefix=$(DESTDIR)/usr +sysconfdir=$(DESTDIR)/etc +bindir=$(prefix)/bin +sbindir=$(prefix)/sbin +datadir=$(prefix)/share +mandir=$(datadir)/man +includedir=$(prefix)/include +libdir=$(prefix)/lib + +CC=gcc +CFLAGS=$(RPM_OPT_FLAGS) -g + +CVSROOT = $(shell cat CVS/Root 2>/dev/null || :) + +CVSTAG = $(NAME)-r$(subst .,-,$(VERSION)) + +FILES = MonitorsDB pci.ids upgradelist usb.ids videodrivers oui.txt pnp.ids + +.PHONY: all install tag force-tag check create-archive archive srpm-x clean clog new-pci-ids new-usb-ids + +all: + +install: + mkdir -p -m 755 $(datadir)/$(NAME) + for foo in $(FILES) ; do \ + install -m 644 $$foo $(datadir)/$(NAME) ;\ + done + mkdir -p -m 755 $(datadir)/$(NAME)/videoaliases + mkdir -p -m 755 $(sysconfdir)/modprobe.d + install -m 644 blacklist.conf $(sysconfdir)/modprobe.d + +tag: + @git tag -a -m "Tag as $(NAME)-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE)" $(NAME)-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE) + @echo "Tagged as $(NAME)-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE)" + +force-tag: + @git tag -f $(NAME)-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE) + @echo "Tag forced as $(NAME)-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE)" + +changelog: + @rm -f ChangeLog + @(GIT_DIR=.git git log > .changelog.tmp && mv .changelog.tmp ChangeLog || rm -f .changelog.tmp) || (touch ChangeLog; echo 'git directory not found: installing possibly empty changelog.' >&2) + +check: + @[ -x /sbin/lspci ] && /sbin/lspci -i pci.ids > /dev/null || { echo "FAILURE: /sbin/lspci -i pci.ids"; exit 1; } && echo "OK: /sbin/lspci -i pci.ids" + @./ || { echo "FAILURE: ./"; exit 1; } && echo "OK: ./" + @: videodrivers is tab-separated + @[ `grep -vc ' ' videodrivers` -eq 0 ] || { echo "FAILURE: videodrivers not TAB separated"; exit 1; } && echo "OK: videodrivers" + +create-archive: + @rm -rf $(NAME)-$(VERSION) $(NAME)-$(VERSION).tar* 2>/dev/null + @make changelog + @git archive --format=tar --prefix=$(NAME)-$(VERSION)/ HEAD > $(NAME)-$(VERSION).tar + @mkdir $(NAME)-$(VERSION) + @cp ChangeLog $(NAME)-$(VERSION)/ + @tar --append -f $(NAME)-$(VERSION).tar $(NAME)-$(VERSION) + @bzip2 -f $(NAME)-$(VERSION).tar + @rm -rf $(NAME)-$(VERSION) + @echo "" + @echo "The final archive is in $(NAME)-$(VERSION).tar.bz2" + +archive: check clean tag create-archive + +upload: + @scp ${NAME}-$(VERSION).tar.bz2$(NAME) + +dummy: + +srpm-x: create-archive + @echo Creating $(NAME) src.rpm + @rpmbuild --nodeps -bs --define "_sourcedir $(SOURCEDIR)" --define "_srcrpmdir $(SOURCEDIR)" $(NAME).spec + @echo SRPM is: $(NAME)-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE).src.rpm + +clean: + @rm -f $(NAME)-*.gz $(NAME)-*.src.rpm + +clog: hwdata.spec + @sed -n '/^%changelog/,/^$$/{/^%/d;/^$$/d;s/%%/%/g;p}' $< | tee $@ + +download: new-usb-ids new-pci-ids new-oui.txt + +new-usb-ids: + @curl -O + +new-pci-ids: + @curl -O + +new-oui.txt: + @curl -O diff --git a/MonitorsDB b/MonitorsDB new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7d1386a --- /dev/null +++ b/MonitorsDB @@ -0,0 +1,5578 @@ +# +# Monitor information +# +# Each line has format: +# ; ; ; ; ; DPMS support +# +# Horiz and vert sync can be a range; like 35.2-55.75; or 31.5,35.5 +# BUT remember to use ';' to separate fields +# +# This file has been sorted with 'LANG=C sort -f -t ";" -k1,2' +# Source URL: + +Aamazing; Aamazing CM-8426; cm-8426; 31.0-60.0; 40.0-80.0; 1 +Aamazing; Aamazing MS-8431; ms-8431; 15.0-36.0; 50.0-70.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 11D; API440B; 31.0-35.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 1455; API5514; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 1555; API5515; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 15P; acer_15p; 15.0-70.0; 45.0-90.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 211c; API9708; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 33; acer_33; 31.0-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 33D; API4421; 31.0-35.5; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 33DL; API4C21; 31.0-35.5; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 34e; API4522; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 34e-2; API9709; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 34T; API5422; 31.0-48.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 34TL; API4C22; 31.0-48.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 35; acer_35; 30.0-55.0; 45.0-90.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 35c; API9703; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 35c; API970A; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 54e; API4536; 31.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 54es; API9715; 31.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 55; API0037; 30.0-56.9; 50.0-80.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 55c; API9704; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 55e; API9701; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 55L; API4C37; 30.0-56.9; 50.0-80.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 56c; API9705; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 56e; API4538; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 56e-2; API9710; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 56i; API4938; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 56i-2; API9712; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 56is; API0138; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 56is-2; API4138; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 56j; API9713; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 56L; API4C38; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 57e; API9809; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 57i; API971B; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 58c; API9901; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 7015; acer_7015; 15.0-36.0; 45.0-90.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 76c; API9706; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 76e; API9702; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 76i; API494C; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 76ie; API424C; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 76j; API9711; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 76N; API4E4C; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 76sl; API9717; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 77c; API9720; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 77c-2; API980A; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 77e; API971C; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 77e-2; API9808; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 78c; API9719; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 78c/G781; API9805; 31.0-86.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 78i; API494E; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 78ie; API424E; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 78ie; API454E; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 79g; API9716; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 79g/P791; API971E; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 98e/V981; API9806; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 98i; API4962; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 99c; API9718; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 99g/P911; API9804; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 99sl; API9721; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AC501; ABO5572; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0 +Acer; Acer AC511; ACRAC02; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0 +Acer; Acer AC701; ABO7086; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0 +Acer; Acer AC711; ABO7087; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0 +Acer; Acer AC713; ACRAC04; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-160.0 +Acer; Acer AC901; ACR1902; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0 +Acer; Acer AF-706; PTS0309; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AF-707; PTS0313; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AF705; ABO7084; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0 +Acer; Acer AF715; ACRAC05; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1511; ACRAD14; 30.0-63.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1512; AL1512; 28.0-63.0; 55.0-78.0 +Acer; Acer AL1516E; ACR05EC; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1516V; ACRAD71; 30.0-63.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1517V; ACRAD58; 30.0-63.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1521; ACRAD05; 30.0-63.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1702; ACRAD31; 30.0-82.0; 56.0-76.0 +Acer; Acer AL1703; ACRAD34; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-75.0 +Acer; Acer AL1711; ACRAD12; 30.0-83.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1713; ACRAD17; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0 +Acer; Acer AL1714; ACRAD18; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-75.0 +Acer; Acer AL1715; ACR5770; 24.0-80.0; 49.0-75.0 +Acer; Acer AL1716E; ACR06AA; 30.0-81.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1716V; ACRAD51; 30.0-83.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1716X; ACRAD46; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1717P; ACRAD60; 24.0-80.0; 49.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1717T; ACR56AD; 30.0-82.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1717V; ACRAD72; 30.0-83.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1717X; ACRAD46; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1721; ACRAD04; 30.0-83.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1723E; ACR06BB; 30.0-81.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1731 (Analog); ACRAD06; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1731 (Digital); ACRAE06; 30.0-64.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1732; ACR06C4; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-75.0 +Acer; Acer AL1751W; ACR1751; 30.0-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1751W DVI; ACR1752; 30.0-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL17xx; ACR02DC; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1906; ACRAD50; 30.0-83.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1911; ACRAD10; 24.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1912; ACR5990; 24.0-80.0; 49.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1913; ACRAD36; 30.0-82.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1913W; ACRAD43; 30.0-82.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1914; ACRAD29; 30.0-83.0; 55.0-75.0 +Acer; Acer AL1916E; ACR077C; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1916P; ACRAD47; 24.0-80.0; 49.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1916V; ACRAD49; 30.0-83.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1916W; ACRAD52; 30.0-82.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1916Wc; ACRAD52; 30.0-82.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1916Wp; ACRAD76; 30.0-80.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1916Wx; ACRAD80; 31.5-84.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1917C; ACRAD53; 30.0-82.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1917T (Analog); ACR57AD; 30.0-82.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1917T (Digital); ACR57AD; 30.0-82.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1917V; ACRAD73; 30.0-83.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1917W; ACRAD87; 31.0-84.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1917X; ACRAD63; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1923E; ACR0783; 31.0-81.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1923We; ACRAD83; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1931; ACRAD07; 24.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1951; ACRAD41; 30.0-83.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL2016Wx; ACRAD64; 31.0-84.0; 56.0-77.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL2017; ACRAD69; 30.0-82.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL2021m; ACR02DC; 31.0-81.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL2023E; ACR07E7; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL2032W; ACR07F0; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL2051W; ACRAD70; 31.0-94.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL2216Wc; ACRAD74; 30.0-82.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL2216Wv; ACRAD92; 47.0-84.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL2216Wx; ACRADA1; 31.0-84.0; 56.0-77.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL2223We; ACRAD84; 31.0-81.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL2251W; ACRAD85; 47.0-84.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL2416W (Analog); ACR2416; 24.0-80.0; 49.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL2416W (Digital); ACR2417; 24.0-80.0; 49.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL2416Wp (Analog); ACRAD61; 24.0-80.0; 49.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL2416Wp (Digital); ACRAD62; 15.0-80.0; 49.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL2423We; ACR0977; 31.0-81.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL2616Wv; ACRAD82; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL2623Wx; ACRAD81; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL501; ABO5580; 24.0-60.0; 56.0-75.0 +Acer; Acer AL501-502; LTN020E; 31.0-60.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL502; ACR1602; 30.0-60.0; 55.0-75.0 +Acer; Acer AL506; ACRAD03; 24.0-61.0; 54.0-76.0 +Acer; Acer AL511; ABO5581; 24.0-60.0; 56.0-75.0 +Acer; Acer AL513; ACR02A6; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL532; ACR0214; 31.0-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL702; ACR7204; 31.5.0-81.0; 56.3.0-75.0 +Acer; Acer AL707; ACRA707; 30.0-83.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL711; ABO6781; 24.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL712; ABO7772; 24.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL715; ABO6785; 24.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL718; ACRAD02; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL732; ACR02DC; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL801; ACRAD01; 30.0-83.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL922; ABO9990; 24.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer B243HL; ACR00d3; 30-80; 55-75; 1 +Acer; Acer F19; ACR078C; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer F31; api1035; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer F31e; api7601; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Acer; Acer F50p; api7604; 48.4; 60; 1 +Acer; Acer F51; api7602; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Acer; Acer FP350; API7614; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer FP450; API761C; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0 +Acer; Acer FP500; API7606; 48.4; 60 +Acer; Acer FP501; API7616; 49; 61; 1 +Acer; Acer FP502; API760D; 48.4; 60 +Acer; Acer FP503; API7617; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer FP51e; API760A; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer FP550; API7612; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer FP551; API7607; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Acer; Acer FP553; API761F; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0 +Acer; Acer FP555; API7609; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer FP556; API7613; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer FP558; API7615; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer FP559; API761b; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0 +Acer; Acer FP560; API7608; 48.4; 60 +Acer; Acer FP561; API760B; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0 +Acer; Acer FP563; API761E; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0 +Acer; Acer FP581; API7621; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0 +Acer; Acer FP730; API761A; 31.5-81.0; 56.0-75.0 +Acer; Acer FP750; API7619; 31.5-81.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer FP751; API7618; 31.5-81.0; 56.0-75.0 +Acer; Acer FP850; API7605; 31.5-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer FP851; API760C; 31.5-80.0; 56.0-75.0 +Acer; Acer FP855; API7611; 31.5-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer G571; API0004; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0 +Acer; Acer G772; API9902; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Acer; Acer G991; API9903; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Acer; Acer LM551; API760E; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-85.0 +Acer; Acer LM552; API760F; 48.4; 60 +Acer; Acer LM554; API7610; 48.4; 60 +Acer; Acer P193W; ACRADAA; 30.0-81.0; 55.0-76.0; 1 +Acer; Acer P193Wv; ACR0005; 30.0-83.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer P203Wt; ACRADAB; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer P211; API0003; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0 +Acer; Acer P221Wt; ACRADAE; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer P223Wt; ACRADAD; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer V551; API0002; 31.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Acer V771; API0001; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Acer; Acer V772; API0102; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-120.0 +Acer; Acer V991; API0105; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0 +Acer; Acer X173V; ACR0003; 30.0-83.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer X173Wv; ACR0004; 30.0-83.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer X192W; ACRAD95; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer X193W; ACRADA9; 30.0-81.0; 55.0-76.0; 1 +Acer; Acer X202W; ACRAD97; 30.0-81.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer X203Wt; ACRADAC; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer X222W; ACRAD98; 31.0-81.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer X243Wt; ACR0000; 30.0-82.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Acer; Aspire 33s; API5321; 31.0-35.5; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Acer; Aspire 34Ts; API5322; 31.0-48.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Acer; Aspire 54s; API5336; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Aspire 55s; API9802; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Acer; Aspire 56s; API5338; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Aspire 76is; API414C; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Aspire 76is; API534C; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Aspire 77is; API9707; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Aspire 77s; API9803; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Action Systems, Inc.; Action Monitor CA-1454; ACI0608; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Action Systems, Inc.; Action Monitor CA-1570; ACI0622; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Action Systems, Inc.; Action Monitor CH-1999; ACI1999; 30.0-99.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Action Systems, Inc.; Action Monitor CK-1566; ACI061E; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Action Systems, Inc.; Action Monitor CK-4148; ACI1034; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-85.0; 1 +Action Systems, Inc.; Action Monitor CK-4158; ACI103E; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Action Systems, Inc.; Action Monitor CL-1566; ACI061E; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Action Systems, Inc.; Action Monitor CL-1570; ACI1570; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Action Systems, Inc.; Action Monitor CL-1766; ACI06E6; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Action Systems, Inc.; Action Monitor CL-1770; ACI1770; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Action Systems, Inc.; Action Monitor CL-1792; ACI1792; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Action Systems, Inc.; Action Monitor CL-1999; ACI1999; 30.0-99.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Action Systems, Inc.; Action Monitor CX-1566; ACI061E; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Action Systems, Inc.; Action Monitor CX-4158; ACI103E; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Action Systems, Inc.; AXION LCD Monitor LA-1560U; ACI1560; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Actix; Actix Systems CX1557; cx1557; 30.0-57.0; 40.0-100.0; 1 +Adara; Adara AML-1402; aml-1402; 15.0-36.0; 45.0-90.0; 1 +Adara; Adara AML-2001; aml-2001; 30.0-36.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ADIV30; adi3230; 30.0-48.5; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI DMC-2304; adidmc; 30.6-36.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +ADI; ADI Duo; adi1430; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI Duo; adi1452; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI Duo; adi1453; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI Duo; adi1454; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI Duo; adi1455; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 17; adi1130; 30.0-87.5; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 17; adi1131; 30.0-87.5; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 17; adi1140; 30.0-87.5; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 17; adi1150; 30.0-87.5; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 17X; adi0e30; 24.6-60.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 17X; adi0e31; 24.6-60.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 17X; adi0e32; 24.6-60.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 17X; adi0e40; 24.6-60.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 17X+; adi0f30; 24.6-60.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 17X+; adi0f40; 24.6-60.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 2E; sm5514b; 30.0-38.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 3E; sm5514a; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 3E+; sm-5514e; 30.0-58.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 3V; adi0610; 24.6-48.9; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 3V; adi0620; 24.6-48.9; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 3V; adi0630; 24.6-48.9; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 3V; adi0638; 24.6-48.9; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 3V; adi0640; 24.6-48.9; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4A; sm-5515; 30.0-58.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4G; adi4g; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4GP; adi4gp; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi1630; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi1632; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi1633; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi1634; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi1635; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi1640; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi1642; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi1643; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi1644; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi1645; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi1650; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi1653; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi1654; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi1655; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi1f30; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi1f40; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi1f50; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi2130; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi2140; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi2150; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi2530; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi2540; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi2550; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4V; adi0730; 30-64; 50-100; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4V; adi0739; 30-64; 50-100; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4V; adi073c; 30-64; 50-100; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4V; adi073e; 30-64; 50-100; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4V; adi073f; 30-64; 50-100; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4V; adi0740; 30-64; 50-100; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4V; adi0750; 30-64; 50-100; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4V; adi0755; 30-64; 50-100; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4V; adi0940; 30-64; 50-100; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4V; adi4v; 30-64; 50-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5AP; adi5ap; 30-64; 50-100; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5EP; adi5ep; 30-64; 50-100; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5G; adi1550; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5G; adi1552; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5G; adi1553; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5G; adi1554; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5G; adi1555; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5G; adi1556; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5G; adi1572; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5G; adi1c50; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5G; adi1c52; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5GT; adi1530; 30.0-94.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5L; adi3e50; 30.0-56.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5L; adi3f50; 30.0-56.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi1730; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi1733; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi1734; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi1735; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi1740; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi1743; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi1750; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi1751; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi1753; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi1754; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi1755; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi1772; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi2230; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi2240; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi2250; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi2430; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi2440; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi2443; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi2444; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi2445; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi2450; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi2480; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi2481; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi2630; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi2640; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi2650; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5PD; adi3430; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5T; adi3650; 30.0-56.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5T; adi3750; 30.0-56.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5V; adi0b30; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5V; adi0b32; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5V; adi0b35; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5V; adi0b40; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5V; adi0b50; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5V+; adi0c30; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5V+; adi0c32; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5V+; adi0c40; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5V+; adi0c50; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5V+; adi0c51; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5V+; adi0d40; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 6G; adi1250; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 6G; adi1252; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 6G; adi1253; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 6G; adi1254; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 6G; adi1255; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 6G; adi1256; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 6G; adi1257; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 6G; adi1270; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 6G; adi1272; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 6L; adi4050; 30.0-56.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 6P; adi2050; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 6P; adi20b0; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 6P; adi20b1; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 6P; adi20b2; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 6P; adi20b3; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 6P; adi20b4; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 6P; adi20b5; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 6T+; adi7850; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 9L; adi4E50; 31.0-91.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan A600; adi5D10; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan A610; adi6450; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan E50; adi2E30; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan E66; adi3E30; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan E66; adi8930; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan E75; adi5230; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan F520; adi9830; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan F720; adi9530; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan F730; adi9630; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan G1000; adi5850; 30.0-121.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan G500; adi5130; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan G55; adi3630; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan G56; adi3730; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan G60; adi3930; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan G66; adi3e50; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan G70; adi3830; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan G700; adi7550; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan G700i; adi9750; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan G710; adi5450; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan G900; adi3E50; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan G910; adi5750; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan GT56; adi3730; 30.0-94.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan I600; adi8350; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan I610; adiA950; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan I612; adi8450; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan M500; adi8630; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan M510; adi8730; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan M700; adi8830; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan P40; adi2c30; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan P50; adi3330; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan P55; adi3430; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista 14; adi1350; 30.6-48.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista 5PM; adi3530; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E30; adi1830; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E30; adi1832; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E30; adi1833; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E30; adi1834; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E30; adi1835; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E30; adi1836; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E30; adi1840; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E30; adi1843; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E33; adi2d30; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E35; adi2330; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E35; adi2332; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E35; adi2340; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E35; adi2342; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E35; adi2350; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E40; adi1930; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E40; adi1932; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E40; adi1933; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E40; adi1934; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E40; adi1935; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E40; adi1936; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E40; adi1937; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E40; adi1938; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E40; adi1940; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E40; adi1942; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E40; adi1943; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E40; adi1944; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E40; adi1950; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E40; adi1952; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E44; adi2e30; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E44+; adi7650; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E55; adi4430; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E66; adi3e30; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI TM-29; adi8110; 31.0-50.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI TM-34; adi5F10; 31.0-38.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Amptron International,Inc.; Amptron AV5S; AMPAV5S; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0 +Amptron International,Inc.; Amptron AV6S; AMPAV6S; 30.0-68.0; 50.0-110.0 +Amptron International,Inc.; Amptron AV8S; AMPAV8S; 30.0-68.0; 50.0-110.0 +Amptron International,Inc.; Amptron CS17; AMPCS17; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0 +Amptron International,Inc.; Amptron CS19; AMPCS19; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0 +Amptron International,Inc.; Amptron ES14; AMPD356; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0 +Amptron International,Inc.; Amptron ES15; AMPD556; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0 +Amptron International,Inc.; Amptron GS17; AMPA785; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-130.0 +Amptron International,Inc.; Amptron GS17e; AMPA770; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-130.0 +AOC; AOC CM-324; cm-324; 15.0-37.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +AOC; AOC CM-325; cm-325; 31.0-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +AOC; AOC CM-326; cm-326; 15.0-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +AOC; AOC LM560; aoca566; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +AOC; AOC Monochrome MM-415; mm-415; 30.0-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +AOC; AOC SPECTRUM 21Hlr; aoce2182; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +AOC; AOC SPECTRUM 4V,4VA,4Vlr & 4VlrA, 4Vn, 4VnA; aocd350; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +AOC; AOC SPECTRUM 4Vlr & 4VlrA & 4V & 4VA; aocd356; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +AOC; AOC SPECTRUM 5Elr & 5ElrA & 5E & 5EA; aocd556; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +AOC; AOC SPECTRUM 5Glr; aoce570; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +AOC; AOC SPECTRUM 5Glr & 5GlrA & 5Glr+ & 5GlrA+; aoc569e; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +AOC; AOC SPECTRUM 5Llr & 5LlrA; aocc564; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +AOC; AOC SPECTRUM 5Nlr; aoca569; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120; 1 +AOC; AOC SPECTRUM 5Vlr & 5VlrA; aocd566; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +AOC; AOC SPECTRUM 7Clr; aocf764; 30.0-64.0; 47.0-100.0; 1 +AOC; AOC SPECTRUM 7Dlr & 7DlrA; aoce750; 30.0-68.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +AOC; AOC SPECTRUM 7Glr & 7GlrA; aoca785; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +AOC; AOC SPECTRUM 7Nlr; aoca782; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +AOC; AOC SPECTRUM 7Vlr & 7VlrA & 7Vlr+ & 7VlrA+; aoca770; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +AOC; AOC SPECTRUM 9Glr; aoce995; 30.0-95.0; 47.0-150.0; 1 +Apollo; Apollo 1280x1024-68Hz; 0; 73.702; 68.24 +Apollo; Apollo 1280x1024-70Hz; 0; 75.118; 70.07 +Apple; Apple Aluminum PowerBook G4; APP359c; 30.0-100.0; 50-60 +Apple; Apple AudioVision 14; 0; 35.0; 66.7 +Apple; Apple Basic Color Monitor; 0; 31.5; 60.0 +Apple; Apple Cinema Display 20 LCD; APP1d92; 30-75; 60 +Apple; Apple Cinema Display 22 LCD; APP1692; 30-130; 60 +Apple; Apple Cinema Display 23 LCD; APP1892; 30-130; 60 +Apple; Apple Color Plus 14; 0; 35.0 ; 67.0 +Apple; Apple ColorSync 17; 0; 30-82; 40-120 +Apple; Apple ColorSync 20; 0; 30-94; 48-120 +Apple; Apple eMac; APP079d; 71-73; 70-140 +Apple; Apple iBook; 0; 28-50; 60 +Apple; Apple iBook2 12; APP129c; 30-70; 60 +Apple; Apple iMac CRT; APP059d; 60.015; 75-117 +Apple; Apple iMac LCD 15; APP229c; 28.0-49.0; 60 +Apple; Apple iMac LCD 17; APP279c; 28.0-49.0; 60 +Apple; Apple Macintosh 16" Color Display; 0; 50.0; 75.0 +Apple; Apple Macintosh 21" Color Display; 0; 68.7; 75.0 +Apple; Apple Multiple Scan 14; 0; 31.5-48.1; 60-72 +Apple; Apple Multiple Scan 15; 0; 30-61 ; 60-75 +Apple; Apple Multiple Scan 15AV; 0; 30-56.5; 56-75 +Apple; Apple Multiple Scan 17; 0; 60-75; 31.4-60.2 +Apple; Apple Multiple Scan 1705; 0; 30-65; 50-120 +Apple; Apple Multiple Scan 20; 0; 60-75; 31.4-80 +Apple; Apple Multiple Scan 720; 0; 30-69; 48-160 +Apple; Apple Performa Display; 0; 35.0 ; 66.7 +Apple; Apple PowerBook G3 (pre-1999); 0; 119; 196 +Apple; Apple PowerBook G3 Series (1999-2000); 0; 31.5-57.0; 60 +Apple; Apple PowerBook G4 12 (2003); APP2a9c; 30-70; 60 +Apple; Apple PowerBook G4 12 (2003); APP2b9c; 30-70; 60 +Apple; Apple Studio Display 15 LCD; APP1592; 28.0-49.0; 60 +Apple; Apple Studio Display 15 LCD (pre-2001); APPf401; 48-60; 60-75 +Apple; Apple Studio Display 17 CRT; 0; 30-85; 48-160 +Apple; Apple Studio Display 17 LCD; APP1792; 30-130; 60 +Apple; Apple Studio Display 20 LCD; APP1992; 30-130; 60 +Apple; Apple Studio Display 21 CRT; 0; 31-107; 48-120 +Apple; Apple Titanium PowerBook G4 (2001); APP1d9c; 30.0-100.0; 50-60 +Apple; Apple Titanium PowerBook G4 (2002); APP209c; 30.0-100.0; 50-60 +Apple; Apple Vision 1710; APP1017; 30-80; 40-120 +Apple; Apple Vision 1710AV; 0; 30-82; 50-120 +Apple; Apple Vision 750AV; 0; 30-82; 40-120 +Apple; Apple Vision 850 AV; APP0352; 30-94; 48-120 +AST; AST Sabre; ast8009; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +AST; AST Vision 20H; ast8008; 29.0-82.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +AST; AST Vision 4I; ast8002; 30.0-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +AST; AST Vision 4L; ast8004; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +AST; AST Vision 4N; ast8003; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +AST; AST Vision 4V; ast8001; 31.5; 60.0-70.0; 1 +AST; AST Vision 5L; ast8005; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +AST; AST Vision 5V; ast800a; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +AST; AST Vision 7H; ast8007; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +AST; AST Vision 7L; ast8006; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +AT&T; AT&T 14 in. Color Economy; 0; 31.5; 50-90 +AT&T; AT&T 14 in. Color Economy; 0; 35.0; 50-90 +AT&T; AT&T 14 in. Color Value; 0; 31.5; 50-90 +AT&T; AT&T 14 in. Color Value; 0; 38.0; 50-90 +AT&T; AT&T 14 in. Color Value; 0; 48.0; 50-90 +AT&T; AT&T 14 in. Mono; 0; 31; 55-75 +AT&T; AT&T 15 in. Color; 0; 30-64; 50-90 +AT&T; AT&T 17 in. Color Professional; 0; 30-82; 50-160 +AT&T; AT&T 17 in. Color Value; 0; 30-64; 50-90 +AT&T; AT&T CRT-365; 0; 30.0-75.0; 60.0-70.0 +AT&T; AT&T CRT-395; 0; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-90.0 +Belinea; Belinea 10 14 10; MAX0582; 30.0-61.0; 50.0-77.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 15 10; MAX05E6; 30.0-61.0; 50.0-77.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 15 15; MAX05EB; 30.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 15 20; MAX05F0; 48.0-48.0; 60.0-60.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 15 25; MAX05F5; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 15 30; MAX05FA; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-85.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 15 35; MAX05FF; 30.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 15 36 / Art. No. 101536; MAX0600; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 15 36 / Art. No. 111504; MAX05E0; 30.0-62.0; 50.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 15 36 / Art. No. 111508; MAX05E4; 30.0-63.0; 50.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 15 36 / Art. No. 111513; MAX05E9; 30.0-63.0; 50.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 15 36 / Art. No. 111514; MAX05EA; 30.0-63.0; 50.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 15 37; MAX0601; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 15 40; MAX0604; 30.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 15 50; MAX060E; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-85.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 15 51; MAX05E1; 31.0-62.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 15 55 / Art. No. 101555; MAX0613; 31.0-66.0; 50.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 15 55 / Art. No. 111501; MAX05DD; 31.0-66.0; 50.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 15 55 / Art. No. 111503; MAX05DF; 31.0-62.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 15 55 / Art. No. 111509; MAX05E5; 31.0-62.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 15 55 / Art. No. 111516; MAX05EC; 31.0-62.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 15 56 / Art. No. 101556; MAX0614; 31.0-66.0; 50.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 15 56 / Art. No. 111502; MAX05DE; 31.0-66.0; 50.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 15 60; MAX0618; 30.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 15 70; MAX0622; 30.0-62.0; 50.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 15 75; MAX05E3; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-76.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 15 80; MAX05E8; 31.0-62.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 05 / Art. No. 111718; MAX06B6; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 05 / Art. No. 111723; MAX06BB; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 10 / Art. No. 101710; MAX06AE; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 10 / Art. No. 111722; MAX06BA; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 10 / Art. No. 111728; MAX06C0; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 10 / Art. No. 111738; MAX06CA; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 11 / Art. No. 111724; MAX06BC; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 11 / Art. No. 111743; MAX06CF; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-77.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 11 / Art. No. 111750; MAX06D6; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-77.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 13; MAX06DB; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 15 / Art. No. 111706; MAX06AA; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 15 / Art. No. 111715; MAX06B3; 31.0-81.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 15 / Art. No. 111717; MAX06B5; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 15 / Art. No. 111746; MAX06D2; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 17; MAX06DC; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 20; MAX06B8; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 20 / Art. No. 111747; MAX06D3; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 25 / Art. No. 111707; MAX06AB; 30.0-84.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 25 / Art. No. 111719; MAX06B7; 30.0-84.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 25 / Art. No. 111727; MAX06BF; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 25 / Art. No. 111737; MAX06C9; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 25 / Art. No. 111751; MAX06D7; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 27; MAX06DD; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 28; MAX06D9; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-77.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 30 / Art. No. 101730; MAX06C2; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 30 / Art. No. 111703; MAX06A7; 31.0-82.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 30 / Art. No. 111711; MAX06AF; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 30 / Art. No. 111716; MAX06B4; 30.0-84.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 30 / Art. No. 111731; MAX06C3; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 30 / Art. No. 111744; MAX06D0; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 35 / Art. No. 111714; MAX06B2; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 35 / Art. No. 111734; MAX06C6; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 35 / Art. No. 111745; MAX06D1; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-77.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 35 / Art. No. 111749; MAX06D5; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-77.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 40; MAX06CC; 30.0-80.0; 50.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 41; MAX06CD; 30.0-80.0; 50.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 50 / Art. No. 111708; MAX06AC; 30.0-84.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 50 / Art. No. 111732; MAX06C4; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 50 / Art. No. 111739; MAX06CB; 31.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 51 / Art. No. 111709; MAX06AD; 30.0-84.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 51 / Art. No. 111733; MAX06C5; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 51 / Art. No. 111742; MAX06CE; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 18 10; MAX0712; 31.0-80.0; 60.0-85.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 18 20; MAX0716; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 18 30; MAX0726; 30.0-82.0; 56.0-76.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 19 01 / Art. No. 111914; MAX077A; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 19 01 / Art. No. 111922; MAX0782; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 19 02 / Art. No. 111916; MAX077C; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 19 02 / Art. No. 111923; MAX0783; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 19 03 / Art. No. 111928; MAX0788; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 19 06; MAX0772; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 19 10 / Art. No. 101910; MAX0776; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 19 10 / Art. No. 111904; 0; 20.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 19 10 / Art. No. 111908; MAX0774; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 19 10 / Art. No. 111929; MAX0789; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 19 11; MAX077E; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 19 15 / Art. No. 111915; MAX077B; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 19 15 / Art. No. 111921; MAX0781; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 19 20 / Art. No. 111902; MAX076E; 30.0-84.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 19 20 / Art. No. 111912; MAX0778; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 19 20 / Art. No. 111919; MAX077F; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 19 25; MAX0784; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 19 27; MAX0785; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 19 30; MAX0786; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 19 35; MAX0787; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 20 05; MAX07D3; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-85.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 20 10; MAX07FA; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 20 15 / Art. No. 112001; MAX07D1; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 20 15 / Art. No. 112004; MAX07D4; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-85.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 20 20; MAX07E4; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 20 25; MAX07D2; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-86.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 20 30; MAX07EE; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 20 30 W; MAX07D7; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 20 35 W; MAX07D5; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 30 10; MAX0BC2; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 30 15; MAX0BC7; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 30 20; MAX0BCC; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 30 22; MAX0BCE; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 30 22 Black; MAX06A9; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 30 25; MAX0BD1; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 30 26 / Art. No. 103026; MAX0BD2; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 30 26 / Art. No. 121701; MAX06A5; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 30 26 / Art. No. 121713; MAX06B1; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 30 26 / Art. No. 121729; MAX06C1; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 30 30; MAX0BD6; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 30 35; MAX0BDB; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 30 40; MAX0BE0; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-150.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 30 45; MAX0BE5; 30.0-87.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 30 50; MAX0BEA; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 30 51; MAX06A8; 30.0-97.0; 50.0-150.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 30 52; MAX06B9; 30.0-97.0; 50.0-150.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 30 55 / Art. No. 103055; MAX0BEF; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 30 55 / Art. No. 121712; MAX06B0; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 30 60; MAX0BF4; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-150.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 30 65; MAX0BF9; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 30 70; MAX0BFE; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 30 75 / Art. No. 103075; MAX0C03; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 30 75 / Art. No. 121726; MAX06BE; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 30 80; MAX0C08; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 30 85 / Art. No. 103085; MAX0C0D; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 30 85 / Art. No. 121702; MAX06A6; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 30 90; MAX0C12; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 40 10; MAX0FAA; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 40 40; MAX0FC8; 30.0-38.0; 50.0-80.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 40 45; MAX0FCD; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-120.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 40 65; MAX0FE1; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-120.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 50 30; MAX13A6; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 50 35; MAX13AB; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 50 45; MAX13B5; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 50 46; MAX13B6; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 50 50; MAX13BA; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 50 65; MAX5620; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 50 66; MAX5624; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 50 75; MAX13D3; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 50 76; MAX13D4; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 50 95; MAX3539; 30.0-64.0; 55.0-120.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 55 40; MAX3430; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 55 50; MAX15AE; 24.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 55 70; MAX15C2; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 55 75; MAX15C7; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 55 76; MAX15C8; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 55 86; MAX15D2; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 55 90; MAX15D6; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 55 95; MAX15DB; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 55 96; MAX15DC; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 60 20; MAX1784; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-150.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 60 30; MAX178E; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 60 35; MAX1793; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 60 50; MAX17A2; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 60 55 / Art. No. 106055; MAX17A7; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 60 55 / Art. No. 121901; MAX076D; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 60 60; MAX17AC; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 60 65; MAX17B1; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 60 70; MAX17B6; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-180.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 60 75 / Art. No. 106075; MAX17BB; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 60 75 / Art. No. 121903; MAX076F; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-150.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 60 80; MAX17C0; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 60 90; MAX17CA; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-150.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 60 95; MAX17CF; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 70 10; MAX1B62; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 70 15; MAX1B67; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-180.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 70 20; MAX1B6C; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 70 25; MAX1B71; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-180.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 70 30; MAX1B76; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 70 35; MAX1B7B; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-180.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 70 40; MAX1B80; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 70 50; MAX1B8A; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 70 60; MAX1B94; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 70 65; MAX1B99; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 80 10; MAX1F4A; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 80 15; MAX1F4F; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 80 20; MAX1F54; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 80 25; MAX1F59; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 80 30 / Art. No. 122101; MAX0835; 30.0-125.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 80 35 / Art. No. 122103; MAX0837; 30.0-125.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 80 50; MAX1F72; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 80 60; MAX1F7C; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 80 80; MAX1F90; 30.0-121.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 80 90; MAX1F9A; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 80 95; MAX1F9F; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 1705 S1 / Art. No. 111754; MAX06DA; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 1770 S1 / Art. No. 111758; MAX06DE; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-77.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 1905 G1; MAX078D; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 1905 S1; MAX078B; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 2080 S1 / Art. No. 112008; MAX07D8; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-85.0 ; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP2091 (Analog); BNQ766B; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP2091 (Digital); BNQ766C; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP231W (Analog); BNQ7669; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP231W (Digital); BNQ766A; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP531; BNQ765E; 31-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP547; BNQ7652; 31-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP556ms; BNQ765D; 31.5-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP556s; BNQ765C; 31.5-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP557s; BNQ7650; 31.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP567s; BNQ7651; 31.5-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP567s ver.2; BNQ7664; 31.5-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP581s; BNQ7643; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP591; BNQ7641; 31.0-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP71E; BNQ7683; 31-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP71G; BNQ7688; 31-83; 56-76 +BenQ; BenQ FP731; BNQ7659; 31.5-83.0; 60.0-76.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP747; BNQ765A; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP752-T; BNQ7635; 31.5-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP756ms; BNQ7661; 31.5-83.0; 60.0-76.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP757 ver.2; BNQ7660; 31.5-83.0; 60.0-76.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP767; BNQ7638; 31.5-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP781s (Analog); BNQ7652; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP781s (Digital); BNQ7653; 31.0-73.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP783; BNQ7668; 31-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP785; BNQ7678; 31-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP791; BNQ7640; 31.5-83.0; 60.0-76.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP882 (Analog); BNQ7633; 31.5-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP882 (Digital); BNQ763D; 31.5-71.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP937s; BNQ7685; 31-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP951; BNQ7666; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP991; BNQ7646; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP992; BNQ7276; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ G2400W; BNQ780a; 31-94; 50-85 +BenQ; BenQ G2420HDBL (Analog); BNQ785e; 24-83; 50-76; 1 +BenQ; BenQ G2420HDBL (Digital); BNQ785f; 24-83; 50-76; 1 +BenQ; BenQ P992; BNQ0106; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ T720; BNQ7659; 31.5-83.0; 60.0-76.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ T903; BNQ7680; 31-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ T904; BNQ7681; 31-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Bridge; Bridge BM17C; brg00ab; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Brother; Brother BM85L; 0; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Bus Computer Systems; Bus Computer Systems Bus_VGA; bus_vga; 31.5-38.0; 50.0-70.0; 1 +Carroll Touch; Carroll Touch CT1381A; ct1381a; 15.7-38.0; 45.0-90.0; 1 +CMC; CMC 17 AD; CMO7801; 30-82; 50-75 +Colorgraphic; Colorgraphic EG2040; eg2040; 20.0-40.0; 40.0-100.0; 1 +Compal; Compal BJ350; CPL9565; 31.5-61.0; 50-90 +Compal; Compal BP350; CPL9566; 24-60; 56-75 +Compal; Compal CM350; CPL1509; 24-61.0; 56-75 +Compal; Compal CM870; CPL1702; 24-80.0; 56-75 +Compal; Compal FC340; CPL24EB; 31.5-61.0; 50-90 +Compal; Compal FC350; CPL254F; 31.5-61.0; 50-90 +Compal; Compal FD350; CPL2551; 31.5-61.0; 50-90 +Compal; Compal FT340; CPL24EC; 31.5-61.0; 50-90 +Compal; Compal G450; CPL0975; 30-50; 50-100 +Compal; Compal G554; CPL09D9; 30-54; 50-120 +Compal; Compal G566; CPL09DA; 30-66; 50-120 +Compal; Compal G567; CPL09DB; 30-66; 50-120 +Compal; Compal G569; CPL09DD; 30-70; 50-120 +Compal; Compal GC220; CPL2419; 31.5-38.5; 55-85 +Compal; Compal GT220; CPL241A; 31.5-38.5; 55-85 +Compal; Compal H113; CPL1130; 30-115; 50-160 +Compal; Compal H450; CPL096B; 30-50; 50-100 +Compal; Compal H554; CPL09CF; 30-54; 50-120 +Compal; Compal H566; CPL09D0; 30-66; 50-120 +Compal; Compal H567; CPL09D1; 30-66; 50-120 +Compal; Compal H569; CPL09D3; 30-70; 50-120 +Compal; Compal H763; CPL0A9B; 30-70; 50-120 +Compal; Compal H767; CPL0A99; 30-66; 50-110 +Compal; Compal H787; CPL0A9C; 30-87; 50-120 +Compal; Compal K450; CPL097F; 30-50; 50-100 +Compal; Compal K567; CPL09E5; 30-66; 50-120 +Compal; Compal LC220; CPL240F; 31.5-38.5; 55-85 +Compal; Compal LT220; CPL2410; 31.5-38.5; 55-85 +Compal; Compal M454; CPL4541; 30-54; 50-120 +Compal; Compal M500; CPL5001; 30-54; 50-120 +Compal; Compal M554; CPL5541; 30-54; 50-120 +Compal; Compal M557; CPL5571; 30-70; 50-120 +Compal; Compal M570; CPL5701; 30-70; 50-120 +Compal; Compal M571; CPL5711; 30-70; 50-120 +Compal; Compal M573; CPL5731; 30-70; 50-120 +Compal; Compal M576; CPL5761; 30-70; 50-120 +Compal; Compal M577; CPL5771; 30-70; 50-120 +Compal; Compal M770; CPL7701; 30-70; 50-120 +Compal; Compal M773; CPL7731; 30-70; 50-120 +Compal; Compal M787; CPL7871; 30-87; 50-120 +Compal; Compal M980; CPL9801; 30-87; 50-120 +Compal; Compal M990; CPL9901; 30-95; 50-160 +Compal; Compal M993; CPL9931; 30-95; 50-160 +Compal; Compal M999; CPL9991; 30-95; 50-120 +Compal; Compal P454; CPL4542; 30-54; 50-120 +Compal; Compal P554; CPL5542; 30-54; 50-120 +Compal; Compal P570; CPL5702; 30-70; 50-120 +Compal; Compal P571; CPL5712; 30-70; 50-120 +Compal; Compal P576; CPL5762; 30-70; 50-120 +Compal; Compal P577; CPL5772; 30-70; 50-120 +Compal; Compal P770; CPL7702; 30-70; 50-120 +Compal; Compal P773; CPL7732; 30-70; 50-120 +Compal; Compal P787; CPL7872; 30-87; 50-120 +Compal; Compal P980; CPL9802; 30-87; 50-120 +Compal; Compal P990; CPL9902; 30-95; 50-160 +Compal; Compal P993; CPL9932; 30-95; 50-160 +Compal; Compal S450; CPL0989; 30-50; 50-100 +Compal; Compal S554; CPL09ED; 30-54; 50-120 +Compal; Compal S566; CPL09EE; 30-66; 50-120 +Compal; Compal S567; CPL09EF; 30-66; 50-120 +Compal; Compal S569; CPL09F1; 30-70; 50-120 +Compal; Compal S763; CPL0AB9; 30-70; 50-120 +Compal; Compal S767; CPL0AB7; 30-66; 50-110 +Compal; Compal S787; CPL0AB5; 30-87; 50-120 +Compal; Compal V799; CPL7993; 30-70; 50-120 +Compal; Compal V999; CPL9993; 30-95; 50-120 +Compaq; Compaq 1024; cpq0011; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 1024; cpq0012; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 1024; cpq0013; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 1024; cpq0014; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 1024; cpq0015; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 1024; cpq0016; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 1024; cpq0100; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 1024; cpq0146; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 1024; cpq0147; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 140; cpq0d46; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 140; cpq0d47; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 140; cpq0d48; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 140; cpq0d49; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 140; cpq0d4a; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 140; cpq0d4b; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 140; cpq0d4c; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 140; cpq0d4d; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 150; cpq0f46; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 150; cpq0f47; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 150; cpq0f48; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 150; cpq0f49; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 150; cpq0f4a; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 150; cpq0f4b; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 150; cpq0f4c; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 150; cpq0f4d; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 151FS; cpq0022; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 151FS; cpq0023; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 151FS; cpq0024; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 151FS; cpq0025; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 151FS; cpq0026; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 151FS; cpq0027; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 151FS; cpq0028; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 151FS; cpq0346; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 151FS; cpq0347; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 151FS; cpq0348; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 151FS; cpq0349; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 151FS; cpq034a; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 151FS; cpq034b; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 1520 Flat Panel Monitor; cpq1456; 30.0-60.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 171FS; cpq002d; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 171FS; cpq002e; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 171FS; cpq002f; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 171FS; cpq0030; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 171FS; cpq0031; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 171FS; cpq0032; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 171FS; cpq0033; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 171FS; cpq0546; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 171FS; cpq0547; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 171FS; cpq0548; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 171FS; cpq0549; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 172; cpq_172; 31.5-82.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 1720 Flat Panel Monitor; cpq144f; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 5500 Color Monitor; cpq1444; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 7500 Color Monitor; cpq1445; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-140.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 7550 Color Monitor; cpq1446; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-140.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Advanced Graphics; ags; 54.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq FP15 Flat Panel Monitor; cpq145c; 30.0-61.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq FP17 Flat Panel Monito; cpq145e; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq FP5315 Flat Panel Monitor; cpq1459; 30.0-61.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq FP7317 Flat Panel Monitor; cpq145b; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Internal VGA Panel; ivga; 31.5; 50.0-70.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq MV920; CPQ3027; 30-96; 50-160 +Compaq; Compaq P110 Color Monitor; cpq1321; 30.0-107.0; 48.0-160.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq P1110 Color Monitor; 0; 50.0-160.0; 30.0-121.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq P1210 Color Monitor; cpq1386; 30.0-121.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq P1220 Color Monitor; cpq1421; 30.0-130.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq P1610 Color Monitor; cpq1327; 30.0-96.0; 48.0-160.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq P50 Color Monitor; cpq1323; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-125.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq P70 Color Monitor; cpq1320; 30.0-92.0; 48.0-150.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq P710 Color Monitor; cpq1384; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq P720 Color Monitor; cpq1419; 31.0-96.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq P75 Color Monitor; cpq1330; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq P900 Color Monitor; cpq1353; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq P910 Color Monitor; cpq1385; 30.0-108.0; 50.0-140.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq P920 Color Monitor; cpq1420; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 140; cpq0017; 31-62; 48-90; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 140; cpq0018; 31-62; 48-90; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 140; cpq0019; 31-62; 48-90; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 140; cpq001a; 31-62; 48-90; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 140; cpq0020; 31-62; 48-90; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 140; cpq0021; 31-62; 48-90; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 140; cpq0746; 31-62; 48-90; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 140; cpq0747; 31-62; 48-90; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 140; cpq0846; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 140; cpq0847; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 140; cpq0848; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 140; cpq0849; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 140; cpq084a; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 140; cpq084b; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 140; cpq084c; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 140; cpq084d; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 150; cpq0029; 31-62; 48-90; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 150; cpq002a; 31-62; 48-90; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 150; cpq002b; 31-62; 48-90; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 150; cpq002c; 31-62; 48-90; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 150; cpq0946; 31-62; 48-90; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 150; cpq0947; 31-62; 48-90; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 150; cpq0948; 31-62; 48-90; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 150; cpq0949; 31-62; 48-90; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 150; cpq0a46; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 150; cpq0a47; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 150; cpq0a48; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 150; cpq0a49; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 150; cpq0a4a; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 150; cpq0a4b; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 150; cpq0a4c; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 150; cpq0a4d; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario Integrated Monitor; pres; 35.2-38.0; 56.0-60.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario MV400 Color Monitor; cpq3014; 31-50; 50-90; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario MV500 Color Monitor; cpq3012; 31-54; 50-90; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario MV700 Color Monitor; cpq3013; 30-70; 50-100; 1 +Compaq; Compaq QVision 150; cpq_qv150; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq QVision 170; cpq_qv170; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq QVision 172; cpq0040; 31.5-82.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq QVision 172; cpq0041; 31.5-82.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq QVision 172; cpq0042; 31.5-82.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq QVision 200; cpq0043; 31.5-82.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq QVision 200; cpq0044; 31.5-82.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq QVision 200; cpq0045; 31.5-82.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq QVision 210; cpq0046; 31.5-82.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq QVision 210; cpq0047; 31.5-82.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq QVision 210; cpq0048; 31.5-82.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq QVision 210; cpq0049; 31.5-82.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq S500 Color Monitor; cpq1356; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq S510 Color Monitor; cqp1371; 30.0-61.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq S700 Color Monitor; cpq1349; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq S710 Color Monitor; cpq1362; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq S900 Color Monitor; cpq1350; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq S910 Color Monitor; cpq1361; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq SVGA; svga; 35.2-38.0; 56.0-60.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq TFT450 Flat Panel Monitor; cpq1333; 31.5-60.0; 56.3-85.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq TFT500 Flat Panel Monitor; cpq1324; 32.0-60.0; 57.0-85.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq TFT5000 Flat Panel Monitor; cpq1341; 32.0-60.0; 57.0-85.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq TFT5005 Flat Panel Monitor; cpq1383; 24.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq TFT5010 Flat Panel Monitor; cpq1370; 31.5-60.0; 58.0-78.75; 1 +Compaq; Compaq TFT5030 Flat Panel Monitor; cpq1391; 31.47-60.0; 58.0-75.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq TFT8000 Flat Panel Monitor; cpq1329; 31.0-80.0; 58.0-85.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq TFT8020 Flat Panel Monitor; cpq1345; 31.5-80.0; 58.0-85.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq TFT8030 Flat Panel Monitor; cpq1395; 32.0-91.0; 58.0-85.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq V1000 Color Monitor; cpq1347; 30.0-107.0; 48.0-160.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq V1100 Color Monitor; cpq1336; 30.0-107.0; 48.0-160.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq V40 Color Monitor; cpq1334; 31.0-48.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq V45 Color Monitor; cpq1338; 31-48; 50-100; 1 +Compaq; Compaq V50 Color Monitor; cpq1322; 30.0-60.0; 50-125.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq V55 Color Monitor; cpq1331; 30.0-60.0; 47.5-125.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq V70 Color Monitor; cpq170a; 30.0-69.0; 50-125.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq V700 Color Monitor; cpq1340; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq V710 Color Monitor; cpq1382; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq V75 Color Monitor; cpq1332; 31.5-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq V900 Color Monitor; cpq1325; 30.0-96.0; 48.0-160.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq VGA; cvga; 31.5; 50.0-70.0; 1 +Compdyne; Compudyne KD-1500N; 0; 30.00-66; 50-90 +Compeq USA/Focus; Compeq CT-1458; ct-1458; 15.0-48.0; 47.0-100.0; 1 +Compeq USA/Focus; Compeq CT-1958; ct-1958; 15.0-51.0; 47.0-100.0; 1 +Conrac; Conrac 7126; 7126; 15.0-32.0; 48.0-75.0; 1 +Conrac; Conrac 7211; 7211; 15.0-37.0; 47.0-80.0; 1 +Conrac; Conrac 7214; 7214; 15.0-37.5; 48.0-90.0; 1 +Conrac; Conrac 7241; 7241; 15.0-37.0; 47.0-80.0; 1 +Conrac; Conrac 7250; 7250; 15.5-37.0; 47.0-80.0; 1 +Conrac; Conrac 7351; 7351; 62.5-67.5; 47.0-63.0; 1 +Conrac; Conrac 7550; 7550; 46.0-80.0; 47.0-80.0; 1 +Conrac; Conrac 9250; 9250; 15.0-37.5; 48.0-90.0; 1 +Cordata; Cordata CMC-141M; cmc-141m; 15.5-39.0; 50.0-70.0; 1 +Cordata; Cordata CMC-1500BF; cmc-1500bf; 15.5-39.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Cordata; Cordata CMC-1500M; cmc-1500m; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Cordata; Cordata CMC-1500TF; cmc-1500tf; 35.0-38.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Cordata; Cordata CMC-1700M; cmc-1700m; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Cordata; Cordata CMC-2100H; cmc-2100h; 60.0-65.0; 50.0-85.0; 1 +Cordata; Cordata CMC-2100M; cmc-2100m; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Cornerstone; Cornerstone c1001; crn000e; 31.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Cornerstone; Cornerstone c700; crn000a; 31.0-95.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Cornerstone; Cornerstone c900; 0; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-180.0 +Cornerstone; Cornerstone Color 20/70; 0; 60.0-87.0; 60.0-120.0 +Cornerstone; Cornerstone Color 20/77; 0; 31.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0 +Cornerstone; Cornerstone Color 21/75; 0; 30.0-94.0; 50.0-150.0 +Cornerstone; Cornerstone Color 40/95; 0; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-180.0 +Cornerstone; Cornerstone Color 45/101sf; 0; 31.0-100.7; 50.0-160.0 +Cornerstone; Cornerstone Color 50/101sf, 21/81; 0; 31.0-100.7; 50.0-160.0 +Cornerstone; Cornerstone Color 50/115sf; crn0007; 31-115; 50-160; 1 +Cornerstone; Cornerstone p1400; crn000d; 31.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Cornerstone; Cornerstone p1401; crn0016; 31.0-110.0; 50.0-180.0; 1 +Cornerstone; Cornerstone p1500; crn000f; 31.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Cornerstone; Cornerstone p1600; crn0010; 31.0-117.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Cornerstone; Cornerstone p1700; crn0012; 31.0-130.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Cornerstone; Cornerstone v300; crn0013; 31.0-93.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTL; CTL 910TF; dwe90a5; 30.0-95.0; 50-160; 1 +CTX; CTX 1451; ctx1451; 30.0-50.0; 45.0-90.0; 1 +CTX; CTX 1451ES; ctx-1451es; 30-50; 50-90; 1 +CTX; CTX 1451GM; ctx-1451gm; 30-50; 50-90; 1 +CTX; CTX 1462GM; ctx-1462; 30.0-62.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +CTX; CTX 15-Group 65KHz/100Hz Monitor; ctx3500; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +CTX; CTX 1551; ctx1551; 30.0-50.0; 45.0-90.0; 1 +CTX; CTX 1561; ctx1561; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +CTX; CTX 1562; ctx1562; 30.0-62.0; 45.0-90.0; 1 +CTX; CTX 1562ES; ctx-1562es; 30-62; 50-90; 1 +CTX; CTX 1562GM; ctx-1562gm; 30-62; 50-90; 1 +CTX; CTX 1565; ctx1565; 30.0-65.0; 45.0-90.0; 1 +CTX; CTX 1565; ctx5650; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +CTX; CTX 1565GM; ctx-1565gm; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +CTX; CTX 1569; ctx0150; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +CTX; CTX 1765; ctx1765; 30.0-65.0; 45.0-110.0; 1 +CTX; CTX 1765GM; ctx-1765gm; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +CTX; CTX 1769UA; 0; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0 +CTX; CTX 1785; ctx1785; 30.0-85.0; 45.0-110.0; 1 +CTX; CTX 1785GM; ctx-1785gm; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +CTX; CTX 1792UA; 0; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0 +CTX; CTX 1792UD; 0; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0 +CTX; CTX 19D-Group 107KHz/160Hz Monitor; ctx5100; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX 2085; ctx2085; 30.0-85.0; 45.0-110.0; 1 +CTX; CTX 2185; ctx2185; 30.0-85.0; 45.0-110.0; 1 +CTX; CTX 5090; ctx5090; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX 960D Class Monitor; ctx5102; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX 960T Class Monitor; ctx5092; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX CPS-1460; cps-1460; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +CTX; CTX CPS-1560; cps-1560; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +CTX; CTX CPS-1561; cps-1561; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +CTX; CTX CPS-1750; cps-1750; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +CTX; CTX CPS-1760; cps-1760; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +CTX; CTX CPS-2160; cps-2160; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +CTX; CTX CPS-2180; cps-2180; 30.0-80.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +CTX; CTX CVP-5439; cvp-5439; 30.0-35.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +CTX; CTX CVP-5468; cvp-5468; 30.0-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +CTX; CTX CVP-5468NI; cvp-5468ni; 44.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +CTX; CTX CVP-5468NL; cvp-5468nl; 30.0-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +CTX; CTX CVS-3436; cvp-3436; 15.0-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +CTX; CTX CVS-3450; cvp-3450; 20.0-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +CTX; CTX EX1200 series; ctx3800; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX EX1200 series; ctx3810; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX EX1300; ctx3900; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX EX1300; ctx3902; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX EX1300 series; ctx3911; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX EX700; ctx3670; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +CTX; CTX EX800; ctx3720; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +CTX; CTX EX900; ctx3750; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +CTX; CTX EX960 series; ctx3780; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX EX960 series; ctx3781; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX MS600; ctx3600; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +CTX; CTX Multiscan 3436; multiscan-3436; 15.0-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR1200 series; ctx3830; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR1200 series; ctx3831; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR1250 series; ctx3835; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR1250 series; ctx3836; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR1300 series; ctx3904; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR1300 series; ctx3905; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR1350 series; ctx3907; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR1350 series; ctx3908; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR1400 series; ctx3915; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR1400 series; ctx3916; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR1400F; ctx3920; 30.0-125.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR1450 series; ctx3918; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR1450 series; ctx3919; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR500 series; ctx3524; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR500 series; ctx3525; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR500 series; ctx5694; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR700 series; ctx5010; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR700 series; ctx7691; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR705F series; ctx5310; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR710 series; ctx5020; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR710 series; ctx5021; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR710, PR711 series; ctx5050; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR710, PR711 series; ctx5053; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR710, PR711 series; ctx7920; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR711F series; ctx5320; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR715 series; ctx5030; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR715 series; ctx5031; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR715 series; ctx5060; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR715 series; ctx5063; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR715 series; ctx5066; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR950 series; ctx5070; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR950 series; ctx5072; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR955 series; ctx5080; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR955 series; ctx5082; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR960F series; ctx5420; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX TopView 150; ctxa001; 30.0-65.0; 60.0-120.0; 1 +CTX; CTX TopView 150-A; ctxa002; 30.0-60.0; 60.0-75.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL400, PL4; ctx3400; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL400, PL4; ctx3410; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL400, PL4; ctx4516; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL410; ctx3450; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL410; ctx3451; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL410; ctx3455; 30.0-55.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL410; ctx3456; 30.0-55.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL500 series, MS500 series (100 Hz); ctx3550; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL500 series, MS500 series (100 Hz); ctx3560; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL500 series, MS500 series (100 Hz); ctx5002; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL500 series, MS500 series (100 Hz); ctx5690; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL500 series, MS500 series (120 Hz; ctx3575; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL500 series, MS500 series (120 Hz; ctx3576; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL500 series, MS500 series (120 Hz; ctx5696; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL500 series, MS500 series (120 Hz); ctx0150; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL500 series, MS500 series (120 Hz); ctx5695; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL500 series, MS500 series (120 Hz); ctx5699; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL500 series, MS500 series (130 Hz); ctx3571; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL500 series, MS500 series (130 Hz); ctx3572; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL500 series, MS500 series (160 Hz); ctx3520; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL500 series, MS500 series (160 Hz); ctx3521; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL500 series, MS500 series (160 Hz); ctx5696; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL510 series, PL5 series; ctx3580; 30.0-55.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL510 series, PL5 series; ctx3590; 30.0-55.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL510 series, PL5 series; ctx5655; 30.0-55.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL700; ctx3615; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL700 (Win); ctx3621; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL700 series, MS700 series, PL7 series (120 Hz); ctx3620; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL700 series, MS700 series, PL7 series (130 Hz); ctx3650; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL700 series, MS700 series, PL7 series (130 Hz); ctx3651; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL700 series, MS700 series, PL7 series (160 Hz); ctx3655; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL700 series, MS700 series, PL7 series (160 Hz); ctx3656; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL700 series, MS700 series, PL7 series (160 Hz); ctx7694; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL700 series, MS700 series, PL7 series (160 Hz); ctx7695; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL705; ctx3675; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL710 series; ctx3680; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL710 series; ctx3683; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL710 series; ctx3685; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL710 series; ctx7854; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL710 series; ctx7855; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL710 series; ctx7927; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL710 series, EX710 series; ctx3660; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL710 series, EX710 series; ctx3661; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL950 series, EX950 series, PL9 series; ctx3700; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL950 series, EX950 series, PL9 series; ctx3710; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Cybervision; Cybervision C112; CYB3131; 30-95; 50-150; 1 +Cybervision; Cybervision C40; CYB5031; 30-50; 50-90; 1 +Cybervision; Cybervision C50; CYB5331; 30-50; 50-90; 1 +Cybervision; Cybervision C50-2; CYB5434; 30-54; 50-100; 1 +Cybervision; Cybervision C52; CYB5332; 30-70; 50-90; 1 +Cybervision; Cybervision C52-2; CYB5334; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +Cybervision; Cybervision C70; CYB5631; 30-70; 50-90; 1 +Cybervision; Cybervision C70-2; CYB5635; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +Cybervision; Cybervision C72; CYB5632; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +Cybervision; Cybervision C72-2; CYB5637; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +Cybervision; Cybervision C92; CYB5931; 30-85; 50-150; 1 +Cybervision; Cybervision CP21; CYB5032; 30-50; 50-75; 1 +Cybervision; Cybervision CP45; CYB5333; 30-62; 50-75; 1 +Daewoo; Daewin LCD17/HGM; hglec20; 31.5-80.0; 58.0-75.0; 1 +Daewoo; Daewoo 1509B; dwe5093; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Daewoo; Daewoo 1705B; dwe7053; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Daewoo; Daewoo 431X; dwe4312; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Daewoo; Daewoo 511B; dwe5113; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Daewoo; Daewoo 512B; dwe5123; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Daewoo; Daewoo 518B; dwe5183; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Daewoo; Daewoo 518X; dwe5182; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Daewoo; Daewoo 519B; dwe5193; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Daewoo; Daewoo 707B; dwe7073; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Daewoo; Daewoo 710B; dwe7103; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Daewoo; Daewoo 710C; dwe7104; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Daewoo; Daewoo 901D; dwe9015; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Daewoo; Daewoo CMC-1423B1; dwe1423; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Daewoo; Daewoo CMC-1427X1; dwe1427; 30.0-48.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Daewoo; Daewoo CMC-1502B1; dwe1502; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Daewoo; Daewoo CMC-1505X; dwe1505; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Daewoo; Daewoo CMC-1507X1; dwe1507; 30.0-48.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Daewoo; Daewoo CMC-1703B; dwe1703; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Daewoo; Daewoo CMC-1704C; dwe7044; 24.0-86.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Darius; Darius TSM-1431; tsm-1431; 15.5-39.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Daytek; Daewoo DT-1414AV; dwe4142; 30.0-48.0; 50.0-90.0; 0 +Daytek; Daewoo DT-1414BA; dwe4143; 30.0-58.0; 50.0-90.0; 0 +Daytek; Daewoo DT-1418S; dwe418b; 30.0-35.5; 50.0-70.0; 0 +Daytek; Daewoo DT-1420AV; dwe4202; 30.0-48.0; 50.0-90.0; 0 +Daytek; Daewoo DT-1420BA; dwe4203; 30.0-58.0; 50.0-90.0; 0 +Daytek; Daewoo DT-1501BA/MPR; dwe5013; 30.0-58.0; 50.0-90.0; 0 +Daytek; Daewoo DT-1501BA1/MPR; dwe501a; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Daytek; Daewoo DT-1503B/MPR; dwe503a; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Daytek; Daewoo DT-1701M2/MPR; dwe701b; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Daytek; Daewoo DT-1704C/MPR; dwe7044; 24.0-86.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Daytek; Daewoo DT-2000M/MPR; dwe0000; 30.0-78.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Daytek; Daewoo DT-2102M/MPR; dwe102a; 30.0-78.0; 50.0-90.0; 0 +Daytek; Daytek 755DF; oec7704; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Daytek; Daytek DT-1531D; oec020f; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Daytek; Daytek DT-1536D; oec0504; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Daytek; Daytek DT-1569D; oec020f; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Daytek; Daytek DT-1728D; oec0707; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Daytek; Daytek DT-1731D; oec0211; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Daytek; Daytek DT-1770; oec0706; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Daytek; Daytek DT-1995D; oec19db; 31.0-96.0; 50.0-155.0; 1 +Daytek; Daytek TM-1554D; oec0504; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Daytek; Daytek TM-1569D; oec020f; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Daytek; Daytek TM-1769D; oec0211; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Daytek; Daytek TM-1770D; oec0707; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Daytek; Vista v19; STC032b; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0 +Dell; Alienware AW2210 (Digital); DEL404F; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Alienware AW2210 (HDMI2); DEL4050; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Alienware AW2310 (HDMI); DEL4052; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Alienware AW2310 (Digital); DEL405C; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1024i; 0; 35.5; 87.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1024i-P/1024i-Color; 0; 35.5; 87.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1024x768 Laptop Display Panel; QDS005; 31.5-48.5; 59.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1280x1024 Laptop Display Panel; 0; 31.5-90.0; 59.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1280x800 Laptop Display Panel (16/10); 0; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-185.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1400FP; del8162; 31.0-60.0; 55.0-86.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1400x1050 Laptop Display Panel; SEC3450; 31.5-90.0; 59.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1401FP; delc0ec; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1500FP; del715d; 30.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1501FP (Analog); del73a4; 30.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1501FP (Digital); del7140; 30.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1503FP (Analog); del3004; 30.0-60.0; 60.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1503FP (Digital); del3003; 30.0-60.0; 60.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1504FP (Analog); DEL300C; 30.0-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1504FP (Digital); DEL300D; 30.0-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1505FP (Analog); DEL4006; 30.0-61.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1505FP (Digital); DEL4007; 30.0-61.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1569; del1569; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1569; del6915; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1600x1200 Laptop Display Panel; 0; 31.5-90.0; 59.0-85.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1680x1050 Laptop Display Panel (16/10); 0; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-185.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1700FP; del3092; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1701FP (Analog); del3002; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1701FP (Digital); del3001; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1702FP (Analog); DEL3007; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1702FP (Digital); DEL3006; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1703FP (Analog); DEL3010; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1703FP (Digital); DEL3011; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1704FPT (Analog); DEL4004; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1704FPT (Digital); DEL4005; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1704FPV (Analog); DEL3015; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1704FPV (Digital); DEL3016; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1706FPV (Analog); DEL3017; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1706FPV (Digital); DEL3018; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1707FP (Analog); DEL4012; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1707FP (Digital); DEL4013; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1707FPV(Analog); DEL4021; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1707FPV(Digital); DEL4022; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1708FP(Analog); DEL4023; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1708FP(Digital); DEL4024; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1708FP-BLK(Analog); DEL4045; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1708FP-BLK(Digital); DEL4046; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1726T-HS/D1025HT; del5319; 31.0-85.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1800FP (Analog); DELE000; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1800FP (Analog); DELE002; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1800FP (Digital); DELE001; 30.0-70.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1800FP (Digital); DELE003; 30.0-70.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1801FP (Analog); DELE004; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1801FP (Digital); DELE005; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1900FP (Analog); DEL300B; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1900FP (Digital); DEL3009; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1901FP (Analog); DEL4000; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1901FP (Digital); DEL4001; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1905FP (Analog); DEL400C; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1905FP (Digital); DEL400D; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1906FP (Analog); DEL400E; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1906FP (Digital); DEL400F; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1907FP (Analog); DEL4014; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1907FP (Digital); DEL4015; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1907FPV(Analog); DEL4019; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1907FPV(Digital); DEL4020; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1908FP(Analog); DEL4025; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1908FP(Digital); DEL4026; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1908FP-BLK(Analog); DEL4047; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1908FP-BLK(Digital); DEL4048; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1908WFP(Analog); DELF007; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1908WFP(Digital); DELF008; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1909W(Analog); DELA03C; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1909W(Digital); DELA03D; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1920x1200 Laptop Display Panel (16/10); 0; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-185.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 2000FP (Analog); DELA002; 31.5-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 2000FP (Digital); DELA003; 31.5-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 2001FP (Analog); DELA007; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 2001FP (Digital); DELA008; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 2005FPW (Analog); DELE008; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 2005FPW (Digital); DELE009; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 2007FP (Analog); DELA020; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 2007FP (Digital); DELA021; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 2007WFP (Analog); DELA018; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 2007WFP (Digital); DELA019; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 2009W(Analog); DEL4041; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 2009W(Digital); DEL4042; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 2208WFP(Analog); DEL403B; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 2208WFP(Digital); DEL403C; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 2209WA(Analog); DELF010; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 2209WA(Digital); DELF011; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 2405FPW (Analog); DELA00F; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 2405FPW (Digital); DELA010; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 2407WFP (Analog); DELA016; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 2407WFP (Digital); DELA017; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 2407WFP-HC (Analog); DELA025; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 2407WFP-HC (Digital); DELA026; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 2408WFP(Analog); DELA029; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 2408WFP(Digital); DELA02A; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 2707WFP; DELD013; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 2709W(Analog); DELA02F; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 2709W(Digital); DELA030; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 2709W(HDMI); DELA032; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 3007WFP; DEL4016; 30.0-100.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 3008WFP(Analog); DEL4034; 29.0-94.0; 49.0-86.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 3008WFP(Digital); DEL4035; 29.0-113.0; 49.0-86.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 3008WFP(DP); DEL4036; 29.0-113.0; 49.0-86.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 3008WFP(HDMI); DEL4037; 29.0-94.0; 49.0-86.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 800M; del5697; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 828FI; del3319; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Dell; Dell C22W(HDMI); DEL4040; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell D1025HE; del6124; 31.5-92.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Dell; Dell D1025HTX; del5062; 31.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Dell; Dell D1025TM; del5155; 31.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell D1028L; del730b; 31.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Dell; Dell D1226H; del7077; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell D1428L; del3276; 31.0-48.0; 43.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell D1626HT; del515b; 31.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell D2026T; del5314; 31.0-96.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Dell; Dell D2128-TCO; del602f; 31.0-102.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Dell; Dell D825HR; del62ff; 31.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Dell; Dell D825HT; del5033; 31.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Dell; Dell D825TM; del512c; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Dell; Dell D828L; del32fe; 31.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E151FP; DELA004; 31.0-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E151FPb; DELA005; 30.0-61.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E151FPp; DEL7006; 30.0-61.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E152FP; DELA009; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E153FP; DELA00C; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E156FP; DELA013; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E157FP; DELA022; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E157FPT; DEL7400; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E1609W; DELD021; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E170S; DELA04A; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E1709W; DELD022; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E171FP; DEL300F; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E171FPb; DELA006; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0 +Dell; Dell E172FP; DELA00A; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E173FP; DELA00B; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E176FP; DELA014; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E177FP; DELA023; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E178FP; DELA027; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E178WFP; DELD016; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-77.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E190S; DELA04B; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E1909W(Analog); DELF00D; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E1909W(Digital); DELF00E; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E1909WDD(Disport); DELD020; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E1910(Analog); DELD034; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E1910(Digital); DELD035; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; DELL E1910H; DELD023; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E193FP; DEL700E; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E196FP; DELA015; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E197FP; DELA024; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E198FP; DELA028; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E198WFP(Analog); DELF005; 24.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E198WFP(Digital); DELF006; 24.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E2009W(Analog); DEL4043; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E2009W(Digital); DEL4044; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E2010H (Analog); DEL4053; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E2010H (Digital); DEL4054; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; DeLL E207WFP; DELD010; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E207WFP; DELD011; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E2209W; DELD01F; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E2210(Analog); DELD036; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E2210(Digital); DELD037; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E2210H(Analog); DELD030; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E2210H(Digital); DELD031; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E228WFP; DELD015; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E2310H(Analog); DELD032; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E2310H(Digital); DELD033; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E248WFP(Analog); DELA02D; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E248WFP(Digital); DELA02E; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E550; dela2f1; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E550mm; dela355; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E551a; dela000; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E551c; deld000; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E770p; del7340; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E770s; del300a; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E771a; delA001; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E771mm; DEL7003; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E771p; del7002; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E772c; DELD002; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E772p; DEL7005; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E773c; DELD005; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E773mm; DELD009; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E773p; DEL700B; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E773s; DEL3012; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Eizo 9080i; 0; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Dell; Dell ES-17; del635e; 31.0-85.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Dell; Dell GPD-16C; 0; 20.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Dell; Dell GPD-19C; 0; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Dell; Dell G2210 (Analog); DELD01E; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell G2410 (Analog); DEL404A; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell G2410 (Digital); DEL404B; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Hewitt; 0; 30.0-48.1; 50.0-72.0; 1 +Dell; DELL IN1720(Analog); DELD040; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell IN1910N(Analog); DELA04C; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; DELL IN1920(Analog); DELF021; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell IN2010N(Analog); DELA049; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Laptop Display Panel 1024x768; QDS005; 31.5-48.5; 59.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Laptop Display Panel 1280x1024; 0; 31.5-90.0; 59.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Laptop Display Panel 1280x800; 0; 31.5-50.0; 56.0 - 65.0 +Dell; Dell Laptop Display Panel 1400x1050; SEC3450; 31.5-90.0; 59.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Laptop Display Panel 1440x900; 0; 31.5-56.0; 56.0 - 65.0 +Dell; Dell Laptop Display Panel 1600x1200; 0; 31.5-90.0; 59.0-85.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Laptop Display Panel 1680x1050; 0; 31.5-65.5; 56.0 - 65.0 +Dell; Dell Laptop Display Panel 1920x1080; 0; 31.5-67.0; 56.0 - 65.0 +Dell; Dell Laptop Display Panel 1920x1200; 0; 31.5-74.5; 56.0 - 65.0 +Dell; Dell M1110; del93d5; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell M570; del30cc; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell M770; del71a5; 30.0-69.0; 48.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell M780; del3142; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell M781p; del73bd; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell M781s; del32b0; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell M782; DEL3008; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell M782p; DEL7004; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell M783c; DELD008; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell M783p; DEL700D; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell M783s; DEL3013; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell M791; del7001; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell M990; del708a; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell M991; DEL7001; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell M992; DEL300E; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell M993c; DELD006; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell M993s; DEL3014; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell P1110; del50ab; 30.0-121.0; 48.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell P1130; del5000; 30.0-130.0; 48.0-170.0; 1 +Dell; Dell P1230; DEL700C; 30.0-130.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell P1690; del5348; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell P170S(Analog); DEL4058; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell P170S(Digital); DEL4059; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell P190S(Analog); DEL405A; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell P190S(Digital); DEL405B; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell P2010H (Analog); DEL4055; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell P2010H (Digital); DEL4056; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell P2010H (DP); DEL4057; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell P2210 (Analog); DEL404C; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell P2210 (DP); DEL404D; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell P2210 (Digital); DEL404E; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell P2210H(Analog); DELD024; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell P2210H(Digital); DELD025; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell P2210H(Display Port); DELD026; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell P2310H(Analog); DELD027; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell P2310H(Digital); DELD028; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell P2310H(Display Port); DELD029; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell P780; del510f; 30.0-85.0; 48.0-120.0; 1 +Dell; Dell P790; del62f5; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Dell; Dell P791; del3000; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell P792; DEL5001; 30.0-96.0; 48.0-170.0; 1 +Dell; Dell P793; DEL3005; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell P990; del50dd; 30.0-96.0; 48.0-120.0; 1 +Dell; Dell P991; del5178; 30.0-107.0; 48.0-120.0; 1 +Dell; Dell P992; DEL5002; 30.0-107.0; 48.0-170.0; 1 +Dell; Dell S1709W; DELD018; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell S1909W(Analog); DELA03E; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell S1909W(Digital); DELA03F; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell S1909WN(Analog); DELF00F; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell S1909WX(Analog); DELF00B; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell S1909WX(Digital); DELF00C; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell S199WFP(Analog); DELF009; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell S199WFP(Digital); DELF00A; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell S2009W(Analog); DELA044; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell S2009W(Digital); DELA045; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell S2209W(Analog); DELA042; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell S2209W(Digital); DELA043; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell S2309W(Analog); DELA040; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell S2309W(Digital); DELA041; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell S2409W(Analog); DELA037; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell S2409W(Digital); DELA038; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell S2409W(HDMI); DELA039; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell SE177FP; DELF001; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell SE178WFP; DELD017; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-77.0; 1 +Dell; Dell SE197FP; DELF002; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell SE198WFP; DELF003; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell SP1908FP; DEL4030; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell SP1908FP (DVI); DEL4031; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell SP2008WFP(Analog); DEL4032; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell SP2008WFP(Digital); DEL4033; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell SP2009W; DELD01A; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell SP2208WFP(Analog); DEL4038; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell SP2208WFP(Digital); DEL4039; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell SP2208WFP(HDMI); DEL403A; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell SP2309W(Analog); DELD01B; 30.0-92.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Dell; Dell SP2309W(Digital); DELD01C; 30.0-92.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Dell; Dell SP2309W(HDMI); DELD01D; 30.0-92.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Dell; Dell ST2010; DELF018; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell ST2010; DELF019; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell ST2210(Analog); DELA058; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell ST2210(Digital); DELA059; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell ST2210(HDMI); DELA05A; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell ST2310; DELF01B; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell ST2310; DELF01C; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell ST2310; DELF01D; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell ST2310WA_Analog; DELF01E; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell ST2310WA_Digital; DELF01F; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell ST2310WA_HDMI; DELF020; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell ST2410(Analog); DELA05B; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell ST2410(Digital); DELA05C; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell ST2410(HDMI); DELA05D; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell SX2210(Analog); DELA046; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell SX2210(Digital); DELA047; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell SX2210(HDMI); DELA048; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell SX2210T(Analog); DELA051; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell SX2210T(Digital); DELA052; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell SX2210T(HDMI); DELA053; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Super VGA; 0; 30.0-38.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Super VGA Colour; 0; 29.0-38.0; 47.0-100.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Super VGA DL 1428 I/L; 0; 35.5; 87.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Super VGA Jostens; 0; 30.0-48.1; 50.0-72.0; 1 +Dell; Dell UGA DL 1460 NI; 0; 30.0-58.2; 50.0-72.2; 1 +Dell; Dell U2211H (Analog); DEL405D; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell U2211H (Digital); DEL405E; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell U2211H (DP); DEL405F; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell U2410(Analog); DELF014; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell U2410(Digital); DELF015; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell U2410(HDMI); DELF016; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell U2410(DP); DELF017; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell U2711(Analog); DELA054; 29.0-94.0; 49.0-86.0; 1 +Dell; Dell U2711(Digital); DELA055; 29.0-113.0; 49.0-86.0; 1 +Dell; Dell U2711(HDMI); DELA056; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell U2711(DP); DELA057; 29.0-113.0; 49.0-86.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Ultrascan 14C; 0; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Ultrascan 14C-E; 0; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Ultrascan 14C-EN; 0; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Ultrascan 14ES; 0; 31.5-62.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Ultrascan 14LR; 0; 30.0-58.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Ultrascan 14XE; del139a; 30.0-62.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Ultrascan 14XE; del139b; 30.0-62.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Ultrascan 14XE; del139c; 30.0-62.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Ultrascan 14XE; del139d; 30.0-62.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Ultrascan 15ES/15ES-P; 0; 31.5-62.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Ultrascan 15FS-N/15FS-EN; 0; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Ultrascan 15FS/15FS-E; 0; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Ultrascan 15LR; 0; 31.5-57.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Ultrascan 15TE; 0; 31.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Ultrascan 17ES; 0; 30.0-78.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Ultrascan 17FS-ELR; 0; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Ultrascan 17FS-EN; 0; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Ultrascan 17FS-LR; 0; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Ultrascan 17FS-N; 0; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Ultrascan 21FS; 0; 30.0-78.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Ultrascan 21TE; del2214; 30.0-93.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Ultrascan 21TE; del2215; 30.0-93.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Ultrascan 21TE; del2216; 30.0-93.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Ultrascan 21TE; del2217; 30.0-93.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Ultrascan V17X; del2210; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Ultrascan V17X; del2211; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Ultrascan V17X; del2212; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Ultrascan V17X; del2213; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Dell; Dell V15X; del4273; 57.0-64.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Dell; Dell V17X; 0; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Dell; Dell VC15 Colour; 0; 31.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Dell; Dell VGA 800; 0; 29.0-38.0; 50.0-87.0; 1 +Dell; Dell VGA Color/Color Plus; 0; 31.5; 60.0; 1 +Dell; Dell VGA Monochrome; 0; 31.5; 60.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Vi14X; 0; 35.5; 87.0; 1 +Dell; Dell VS14/15; 0; 30.0-58.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Dell; Dell VS17; 0; 30.0-62.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Dell; Dell VS17X; del3024; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Dell; Dell VS17X; del3025; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Dell; Dell VS17X; del3026; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Dell; Dell VS17X; del3027; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Dell; Dell W1700LCDTV (Analog); DEL7007; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell W1700LCDTV (Digital); DEL7008; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell W2300LCDTV (Analog); DEL7009; 30.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell W2300LCDTV (Digital); DEL700A; 30.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell W2600LCDTV (Analog); DEL4002; 31.0-64.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell W2600LCDTV (Digital); DEL4003; 31.0-64.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell W3000 (Analog); DELE006; 30.0-61.0; 56.0-120.0; 1 +Dell; Dell W3000 (Digital); DELE007; 30.0-61.0; 56.0-120.0; 1 +Delta; Delta DA-1565; dpc1565; 30-65; 50-100; 1 +Delta; Delta DA-570; dpc0570; 30-70; 50-100; 1 +Delta; Delta DA-995; dpc0995; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-180.0; 1 +Delta; Delta DB-1765; dpc1765; 30-65; 50-100; 1 +Delta; Delta DB-770; dpc0770; 30-70; 50-100; 1 +Delta; Delta DC-770; dpc1770; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Delta; Delta DE-570; dpc4570; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 14 in. Color (FR-PCXBV-PF); fr-pcxbv-pf; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 14 in. Color (FR-PCXBV-SA); fr-pcxbv-sa; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 14 in. Color (FR-PCXCV-GE); fr-pcxcv-ge; 31.0-32.0; 59.0-61.0; 1 +Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 14 in. Color (FR-PCXCV-RA); fr-pcxcv-ra; 31.0-32.0; 59.0-61.0; 1 +Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 14 in. Color Monitor (FR-PCXCV-C*); dec770c; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 14 in. Monochrome (FR-PC7XV-KA); fr-pc7xv-ka; 31.2-31.7; 57.0-73.0; 1 +Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 15 in. Color (FR-PCXBV-PC); fr-pcxbv-pc; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 15 in. Color (FR-PCXBV-RA); fr-pcxbv-ra; 30.0-48.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 15 in. Color (FR-PCXBV-RD); fr-pcxbv-rd; 30.0-65.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 15 in. Color (FR-PCXBV-RL); fr-pcxbv-rl; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 15 in. Color (FR-PCXBV-SC); fr-pcxbv-sc; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 15 in. Color (FR-PCXCV-AC); fr-pcxcv-ac; 31.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 15 in. Color Monitor (FR-PCXBV-E*); decba08; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 15 in. Color Monitor (FR-PCXCV-D*); dec970c; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 17 in. Color (FR-PCXAV-EC); fr-pcxav-ec; 29.0-82.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 17 in. Color (FR-PCXAV-YZ); dec073a; 30.0-85.0; 48.0-150.0; 1 +Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 17 in. Color (FR-PCXBV-KA); fr-pcxbv-ka; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 17 in. Color (SN-VRTX7-WA); dece162; 31.5-82; 50-90; 1 +Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 17 in. Color Monitor (FR-PCXBV-F*); decda08; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 19 in. Color (FR-PCXAV-CY); dec0479; 30.0-95.0; 48.0-160.0; 1 +Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 19 in. Color (FR-PCXAV-CZ); dec047a; 30.0-95.0; 48.0-160.0; 1 +Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 19 in. Color (FR-PCXAV-TZ); dec9a06; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 21 in. Color (FR-PCXAV-HA); fr-pcxav-ha; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 21 in. Color (FR-PCXAV-WZ); dec06fa; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 21 in. Color (SN-VRCX1-WA); dec62e1; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 24 in. Color (FR-PCXAV-AZ); dec043a; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital FR-PCXAV-VY; dec06d9; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital FR-PCXAV-WY; dec06f9; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital FR-PCXAV-YY; dec0739; 30.0-85.0; 48.0-150.0; 1 +Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital FR-PCXBV-JZ; dec5a09; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Eizo Nanao; Eizo F520; enc1602; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo Nanao; Eizo F730; enc1604; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo Nanao; Eizo F930; enc1612; 30.0-130.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo Nanao; Eizo F980; enc1603; 30.0-137.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo Nanao; Eizo L351; enc1616; 30.0-50.0; 59.0-61.0; 1 +Eizo Nanao; Eizo L371; enc1618; 27.0-61.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Eizo Nanao; Eizo L371D; enc1617; 27.0-65.0; 59.0-61.0; 1 +Eizo Nanao; Eizo L557; enc1689; 31-64; 59-61 +Eizo Nanao; Eizo L568; enc1734; 24.0-80.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Eizo Nanao; Eizo L568D; enc1733; 31.0-64.0; 59.0-61.0; 1 +Eizo Nanao; Eizo L771; enc1622; 27.0-81.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Eizo Nanao; Eizo T550; enc1600; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo Nanao; Eizo T561; enc1615; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo Nanao; Eizo T760; enc1605; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo Nanao; Eizo T761; enc1613; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo Nanao; Eizo T961; enc1610; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo Nanao; Eizo T962; enc1614; 30.0-130.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo 9060S; eiz0302; 15.5-38.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo 9065S; eiz0303; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo 9070S; eiz0306; 20.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo 9080i; eiz0307; 30.0-64.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo 9400i; eiz0308; 30.0-65.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo 9500; eiz0309; 30.0-78.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo F35; eiz1000; 27.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo F55; eiz1008; 27.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo F55S; eiz1015; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo F56; eiz1004; 27.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo F57; eiz1020; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo F67; eiz1013; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo F77; eiz1006; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo F77S; eiz1018; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo F78; eiz1007; 31.5-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan 6500; eiz0300; 56.0-80.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan 6600; eiz0206; 56.0-110.0; 70.0-90.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan E151L; nan1212; 24.0-61.0; 50.0-85.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan E54F; nan1220; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan E76F; nan1218; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan F340iW; eiz030a; 27.0-61.5; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan F351; eiz0200; 24.5-69.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan F550iW; eiz038c; 30.0-65.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan F552; eiz030c; 24.5-69.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan F553; eiz0201; 24.5-69.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan F560iW; eiz030d; 30.0-82.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan F563; eiz0202; 24.5-86.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan F57; eiz1020; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan F750i; eiz030e; 30.0-80.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan F760iW; eiz030f; 30.0-78.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan F764; eiz0203; 30.0-90.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan F77S; eiz1018; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan F780iW; eiz0310; 45.0-100.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan F784; eiz0204; 31.5-102.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan F931; enc1630 ; 30.0-130.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan L23; eiz1009; 24.0-50.0; 50.0-60.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan L23; eiz1409; 24.0-50.0; 50.0-60.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan L34; eiz1012; 24.0-61.0; 50.0-85.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan L34; eiz1412; 24.0-61.0; 50.0-85.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan L360; eiz1021; 27.0-61.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan L360; eiz1421; 27.0-61.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan L66; eiz1019; 27.0-80.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan L66; eiz1419; 27.0-80.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan T560i; eiz0311; 30.0-82.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan T562; eiz0313; 30.0-82.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan T563; eiz0305; 24.5-86.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan T660i; eiz0312; 30.0-78.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan T662; eiz0314; 30.0-85.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FX-B5; eiz1400; 27.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FX-C5; eiz1408; 27.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FX-C5S; eiz1415; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FX-C6; eiz1404; 27.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FX-C7; eiz1420; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FX-D7; eiz1413; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FX-E7; eiz1406; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FX-E8; eiz1407; 31.5-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo NANAO FlexScan FX-C7; eiz1420; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo Nanao FlexScan FX-E7S; eiz1418; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo T57; eiz1005; 27.0-92.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo T57S; eiz1001; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo T67; eiz1002; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo T67S; eiz1003; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo T68; eiz1014; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo T77; eiz1011; 27.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo T960; eiz1022; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo T960; eiz1422; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo TX-C7; eiz1405; 27.0-92.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo TX-C7S; eiz1401; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo TX-D7; eiz1414; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo TX-D7S; eiz1403; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Elitegroup Computer Systems; ECS VERTOS 1401; ecs0001; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Elitegroup Computer Systems; ECS VERTOS 1501; ecs0002; 24.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Elitegroup Computer Systems; ECS VERTOS 1502; ecs0003; 24.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Elitegroup Computer Systems; ECS VERTOS 1503; ecs0004; 24.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Elitegroup Computer Systems; ECS VERTOS 1700; ecs0005; 24.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Elitegroup Computer Systems; ECS VERTOS 1701; ecs0006; 24.0-82.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Elitegroup Computer Systems; ECS VERTOS 1702; ecs0007; 24.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Elitegroup Computer Systems; ECS VERTOS 2101; ecs0008; 24.0-90.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Elitegroup Computer Systems; ECS VERTOS 2102; ecs0009; 24.0-90.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Elsa AG; Elsa Ecomo Office; els4160; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Elsa AG; Elsa GDM-17E40; 135; 29-82; 50-150 +EMC; EMC 787n Flat Panel; EMC0313; 30-80; 50-160; 1 +EMC; EMC EF-836; 0; 31.5,35.5; 50-90 +EMC; EMC SA-560; 0; 30-64; 50-100; 1 +Epson; Epson CG1428I; epson2; 35.5; 56.0-87.0; 1 +Epson; Epson CG1428N; epson3; 48.0; 56.0-87.0; 1 +Epson; Epson CG1439I; epson1; 35.5; 56.0-87.0; 1 +Epson; Epson CG1528N; epson4; 30-65; 50-120.0; 1 +Epson; Epson CG1728N; epson5; 30-65; 50-120.0; 1 +ESCOM; ESCOM Mono-LCD screen; 28; 30-36; 43-72 +Everex Systems, Inc.; Everex Eversync_SVGA; eversync_svga; 15.5-35.0; 50.0-70.0; 1 +Falco Data Products, Inc.; Falco Data Products, Inc. FMS; fms; 15.0-38.0; 47.0-90.0; 1 +Fora, Inc.; Fora, Inc. MON-7C5; mon-7c5; 15.0-36.0; 45.0-90.0; 1 +Forefront Technology Corp.; Forefront Technology MTS-9608S; mts-9608s; 15.0-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Fujikama O.A. Distribution; Fujikama PVGA-1024A; pvga-1024a; 31.5-38.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu 151E; FUS0170; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu 1554G+; fpa0612; 30-54; 50-120; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu 1568G1; fpa2d30; 30-69; 50-120; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu 1769G; fpa2df9; 30-69; 50-120; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu 38B1; FUS0371; 30.0-61.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu e155; fuj3118; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu e175; icl2500; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu e176; icl2a00; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu e213; icl2700; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu ErgoPro 140v; icl-ep140v; 37.9; 58.0-75.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu ErgoPro 141p; icl0d00; 47.0-49.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu ErgoPro 141v; icl0b00; 37.9; 58.0-75.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu ErgoPro 142v; icl1400; 37.9; 58.0-75.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu ErgoPro 151p; icl0700; 30.0-64.0; 48.0-100.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu ErgoPro 151p AutoBrite; icl0800; 30.0-64.0; 48.0-100.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu ErgoPro 151v; icl0a00; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu ErgoPro 152v; icl0f00; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu ErgoPro 171p; icl0200; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu ErgoPro 171v; icl0400; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu ErgoPro 211v; icl0100; 24.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu ErgoPro e153; icl1600; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu ErgoPro e154; icl2200; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu ErgoPro e173; icl1d00; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu ErgoPro e174; icl2300; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu ErgoPro x152; icl1c00; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu ErgoPro x153; icl2100; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu ErgoPro x173; icl1900; 31.0-85.0; 48.0-100.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu ErgoPro x173a; icl1a00; 31.0-85.0; 48.0-100.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu ErgoPro x174; icl2400; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP845; fuj5501; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP846; fuj5601; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP846A; fuj5701; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP847; fuj3110; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP84X1; fujb801; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP84X2; fuj7110; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP84X3(G); fuj7210; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP84Y4; fujb601; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP84Y5; fujb701; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP976; fuj4401; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP977; fuj4601; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP978; fuj4701; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP979; fuj2210; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP97X1; fuja801; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP97X2; fuja901; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP97X3; fujaa01; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP97X4; fuj6110; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP97Y3; fuja401; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP97Y4; fuja501; 31.0-64.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP97Y5; fuja601; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP97Y6; fuja701; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP981; fuj1110; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-180.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP982; fuj1210; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-180.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP98X1; fuj5110; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-180.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP994; fuj9301; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP995; fuj9401; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP996; fuj0110; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP997; fuj0210; 30.0-121.0; 48.0-160.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DPA972; fuj4801; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DPA973; fuj2310; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMVC-DP832; fmvcdp832; 35.5-48.0; 60.0-87.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMVDP84X4G; fuj7310; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMVDP84X5G/848; fuj7410; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMVDP9710; fuj2110; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMVDP9712; fuj2510; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMVDP97X5(G)/FMVDP97X6; fuj6210; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMVDP97X5(G)/X6/9711; fuj6210; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMVDP97X7(G)/X8; fuj6310; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMVDP97X9(G)/9713; fuj6410; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FP-2500; fuj2112; 24.0-85.0; 50.0-86.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-1400SS; fuj8501; 31.5-57.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-1410SS; fuj8601; 31.5-57.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-1410TS; fuj8801; 31.5-56.5; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-1420T; fuj4111; 31.5-48.4; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-14TX1; fuj9111; 31.5-48.4; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-14TX2; fuj9211; 30.0-48.4; 56.3-75.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-1500T; fuj8701; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-1510T; fuj3111; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-1520A; fuj3311; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-1520T; fuj3211; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-1530A; fuj3511; 31.5-48.4; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-1530B; fuj3611; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-1530S; fuj3411; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-1530SW; fuj3711; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-15DX1G; fuj8411; 48.4; 60.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-15DX2G; fuj8811; 48.4; 60.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-15DX3G; fuj8711; 48.4; 60.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-15TX1(G); fuj8111; 31.5-48.4; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-15TX2; fuj8311; 31.5-48.4; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-15TX3G; fuj8211; 31.5-48.4; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-15TX4G; fuj8611; 31.5-48.4; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-1800TS; fuj1111; 31.5-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-2100T; fuj8401; 31.5-80.0; 59.9-75.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu x150f; fuj0119; 31.0-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu x154; icl2900; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu x176; fuj2118; 30.0-100.0; 50.0-200.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu x177; fuj2218; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu x177a; fuj2318; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu x191; icl2800; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Funai Electric Company of Taiwan; Funai 17GD; fcm3313; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Futura; Futura K7034LD 0; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Futura; Futura K9034LD 0; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway 14SVGA; 14svga; 31.5-35.5; 50-90; 1 +Gateway; Gateway AN1_15; gwy07d0; 30-60; 50-100; 1 +Gateway; Gateway CM751; gwy0013; 31-95; 50-160; 1 +Gateway; Gateway CM803; gwy138b; 31.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway CrystalScan 1024; cs1024; 31.5-35.5; 50-90; 1 +Gateway; Gateway CrystalScan 1024NI; cs1024ni; 30-50; 50-90; 1 +Gateway; Gateway CrystalScan 1024NI2G; cs1024ni2g; 31.5-48; 50-90; 1 +Gateway; Gateway CrystalScan 1572DG; 1572dg; 30-62; 50-120; 1 +Gateway; Gateway CrystalScan 1572DGM; cs1572dgm; 30-62; 50-100; 1 +Gateway; Gateway CrystalScan 1572FS; 1572fs; 30-62; 50-120; 1 +Gateway; Gateway CrystalScan 17762LEG; cs17762leg; 30-64; 50-100; 1 +Gateway; Gateway CrystalScan 500; gwy0f04; 30-64; 50-100; 1 +Gateway; Gateway CrystalScan 500-069; gwy138a; 31-69; 50-110; 1 +Gateway; Gateway CrystalScan 700-069; gwy1b5a; 31-69; 50-110; 1 +Gateway; Gateway CrystalScan 700-069; gwy1b5b; 31-69; 50-110; 1 +Gateway; Gateway DL27-1; gwy0a8d; 31.0-38.0; 50-75; 1 +Gateway; Gateway DL31-1; gwy0089; 31.0-38.0; 50-75; 1 +Gateway; Gateway DL31-1; gwy0c1e; 31.0-38.0; 50-75; 1 +Gateway; Gateway DL36-1; gwy0e11; 31.0-38.0; 50-75; 1 +Gateway; Gateway EV500; gwy138a; 31-69; 50-110; 1 +Gateway; Gateway EV500; gwy138b; 31-69; 50-110; 1 +Gateway; Gateway EV500; gwy138c; 31-69; 50-110; 1 +Gateway; Gateway EV500; gwy5005; 31-69; 50-110; 1 +Gateway; Gateway EV500 (Variant 2); gwy1393; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway EV500B; gwy1390; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway EV530; gwy1394; 30.0-56.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway EV575; gwy15c7; 31.0-60.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway EV700; gwy1B62; 30-70; 50-110; 1 +Gateway; Gateway EV700; gwy1b5a; 30-70; 50-110; 1 +Gateway; Gateway EV700; gwy1b5b; 30-70; 50-110; 1 +Gateway; Gateway EV700; gwy1b5c; 30-70; 50-110; 1 +Gateway; Gateway EV700; gwy1b5d; 30-70; 50-110; 1 +Gateway; Gateway EV700; gwy1b5e; 30-70; 50-110; 1 +Gateway; Gateway EV700; gwy1b5f; 30-70; 50-110; 1 +Gateway; Gateway EV700 (Win1); gwy1B67; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway EV700 (Win2); gwy7658; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway EV700-H; gwy7659; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway EV700B; gwy1B64; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway EV700C; gwy1B66; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway EV730; gwy1B6A; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway EV730; gwy1B6B; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway EV730 (LiteOn manufactured); gwy1B69; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway EV900; gwy8883; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway EV910C; gwy232C; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway EVF720; gwy031b; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1500; gwy05dc; 30-61; 56-75; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1510 (Analog); gwy05E6; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1510 (Digital); gwy05E7; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1520 R0; gwy05F0; 37.0-66.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1520 R1; gwy05F1; 31.0-60.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1520 R2; gwy05F2; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1530 R0; gwy05FA; 31.0-63.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1530 R1; gwy05FB; 31.0-66.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1530 R2; gwy05FC; 31.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1530 R3; gwy05FD; 31.0-66.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1530 R4; gwy05FE; 31.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1530 R5; gwy05FF; 31.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1540 R0; gwy0604; 31.0-63.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1540 R1; gwy0605; 31.0-63.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1540 R2; gwy0606; 31.0-63.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1700 R0; gwy06A4; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1700 R1; gwy06A5; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1720; gwy06C3; 30.0-82.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1730 R0; gwy06C2; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1730 R1; gwy06C4; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1730 R10; gwy06CE; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1730 R11; gwy06CF; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1730 R2; gwy06C5; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1730 R3; gwy06C6; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1730 R4; gwy06C7; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1730 R5; gwy06C8; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1730 R6; gwy06C9; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1730 R7; gwy06CA; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1730 R8; gwy06CB; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1730 R9; gwy06CC; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1800; gwy0708; 63.9; 60.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1810 (Analog); gwy0712; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1810 (Digital); gwy0713; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1830 R0 (Analog); gwy0726; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1830 R0 (Digital); gwy0727; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1830 R1 (Analog); gwy0728; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1830 R1 (Digital); gwy0729; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1830 R2 (Analog); gwy072C; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1830 R2 (Digital); gwy072D; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1830 R3 (Analog); gwy0726; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1830 R3 (Digital); gwy0727; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1830 R4 (Analog); gwy072E; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1830 R4 (Digital); gwy072F; 30.0-68.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1930 (Analog); gwy078A; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1930 (Digital); gwy078B; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1940 (Analog); gwy0794; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1940 (Digital); gwy0795; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD2020 R0 (Analog); gwy07E4; 30.0-96.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD2020 R0 (Digital); gwy07E5; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD2020 R1 (Analog); gwy07E6; 30.0-96.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD2020 R1 (Digital); gwy07E7; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD2020 R2 (Analog); gwy07E9; 28.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD2020 R2 (Digital); gwy07E8; 28.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD2200 (Analog); gwy0899; 30.0-70.0; 56.0-61.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD2200 (Digital); gwy0898; 30.0-70.0; 56.0-61.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway LE500; gwy1392; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway PF41500; gtw7800; 31.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway PF41700; gtw7900; 30.0-82.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway PFL2-15A; gwy060e; 48.0; 60; 1 +Gateway; Gateway Vivitron 15; vivitron15; 31-64; 50-120; 1 +Gateway; Gateway Vivitron 17; vivitron17; 31.5-64; 50-120; 1 +Gateway; Gateway Vivitron 20; vivitron20; 29-82; 50-150; 1 +Gateway; Gateway VX1100; gwy0454; 31.0-108.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway VX1110; gwy045b; 31.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway VX1120; gwy0460; 30.0-121.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway VX1120; gwy046A; 30.0-130.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway VX1130; gwy046B; 30.0-140.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway VX700; gwy044d; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway VX700; mel1673; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway VX700A; gwy044e; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway VX720; gwy02d0; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway VX720A; gwy02DA; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway VX730; gwy1B68; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway VX730; gwy1B6C; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway VX730; gwy1B6D; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway VX900; gwy0013; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway VX900; gwy9095; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway VX900T; gwy00c0; 30.0-96.0; 48.0-120.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway VX920; gwy0398; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-140.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway VX920A; gwy03A2; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway VX930; gwy232D; 30.0-97.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Generic CRT Display; Monitor 1024x768; 0; 31.5-61.0; 50-75 +Generic CRT Display; Monitor 1280x1024; 0; 31.5-81.0; 50-75 +Generic CRT Display; Monitor 1400x1050; 0; 31.5-94.0; 50-85 +Generic CRT Display; Monitor 1600x1200; 0; 31.5-107.5; 50-85 +Generic CRT Display; Monitor 640x480; 0; 31.5; 50-61 +Generic CRT Display; Monitor 800x600; 0; 31.5-35.1; 50-61 +Generic LCD Display; LCD Panel 1024x768; 0; 31.5-48.0; 56.0-65.0 +Generic LCD Display; LCD Panel 1280x1024; 0; 31.5-64.0; 56.0-65.0 +Generic LCD Display; LCD Panel 1280x800; 0; 31.5-50.0; 56.0-65.0 +Generic LCD Display; LCD Panel 1360x768; 0; 31.5-48.0; 56.0-65.0 +Generic LCD Display; LCD Panel 1400x1050; 0; 31.5-65.5; 56.0-65.0 +Generic LCD Display; LCD Panel 1440x900; 0; 31.5-56.0; 56.0-65.0 +Generic LCD Display; LCD Panel 1600x1200; 0; 31.5-74.7; 56.0-65.0 +Generic LCD Display; LCD Panel 1680x1050; 0; 31.5-65.5; 56.0-65.0 +Generic LCD Display; LCD Panel 1920x1080; 0; 31.5-67.0; 56.0-65.0 +Generic LCD Display; LCD Panel 1920x1200; 0; 31.5-74.5; 56.0-65.0 +Generic LCD Display; LCD Panel 2560x1600; 0; 31.5-99.0; 56.0-65.0 +Generic LCD Display; LCD Panel 640x480; 0; 31.5; 56.0-65.0 +Generic LCD Display; LCD Panel 800x600; 0; 31.5-37.9; 56.0-65.0 +Geritec; Geritec PR568; BMM0238; 31-60; 60-75 +Golden Dragon; Golden Dragon TY-1411; ty-1411; 15.5-37.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Golden Dragon; Golden Dragon TY-2015; ty-2015; 30.0-65.0; 49.0-88.0; 1 +GoldStar Technology, Inc.; GoldStar 1423; 1423; 31.5; 70; 1 +GoldStar Technology, Inc.; GoldStar 1423 Plus VGA; 1423+vga; 31.5; 70; 1 +GoldStar Technology, Inc.; GoldStar 1453 Plus; 1453_plus; 35.5; 87; 1 +GoldStar Technology, Inc.; GoldStar 1460 Plus VGA; 1460+vga; 48.0; 70; 1 +GoldStar Technology, Inc.; GoldStar 1470_Plus; 1470_plus; 30.0-50.0; 45.0-90.0; 1 +GoldStar Technology, Inc.; GoldStar 1490; 1490; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +GoldStar Technology, Inc.; GoldStar 1510; 1510; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-105.0; 1 +GoldStar Technology, Inc.; GoldStar 1620; 1620; 30.0-50.0; 45.0-90.0; 1 +GoldStar Technology, Inc.; GoldStar 1710; 1710; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-105.0; 1 +GoldStar Technology, Inc.; GoldStar 1725; 1725; 30-65; 50-120; 1 +GoldStar Technology, Inc.; GoldStar LG StudioWorks20i; 0; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0 +GoldStar Technology, Inc.; GoldStar LG StudioWorks56i; 0; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-110.0 +GoldStar Technology, Inc.; GoldStar LG StudioWorks56m; 0; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-110.0 +GoldStar Technology, Inc.; GoldStar LG StudioWorks74m; 0; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0 +GoldStar Technology, Inc.; GoldStar LG StudioWorks76i; 0; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-110.0 +GoldStar Technology, Inc.; GoldStar LG StudioWorks76m; 0; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-110.0 +GoldStar Technology, Inc.; GoldStar LG StudioWorks77i; 0; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +GoldStar Technology, Inc.; GoldStar LG StudioWorks78i; 0; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0 +GoldStar Technology, Inc.; GoldStar LG StudioWorks78T; 0; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0 +Hanns.G; Hanns.G HG216D; HSD1ca3; 30-82; 50-75 +Hanns.G; Hanns.G HW191; HSD8991; 30-80; 49-75 +Hansol Electronics; Hansol Electronics Mazellan14px; hsl0579; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hansol Electronics; Hansol Electronics Mazellan15ax; hsl05dd; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hansol Electronics; Hansol Electronics Mazellan17ax; hsl06a6; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hansol Electronics; Hansol Electronics Mazellan17px; hsla605; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hansol Electronics; Hansol Electronics Mazellan400A; hsl057a; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hansol Electronics; Hansol Electronics Mazellan400P; hsl0579; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hansol Electronics; Hansol Electronics Mazellan500A; hsl05dd; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hansol Electronics; Hansol Electronics Mazellan500P; hsl05de; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hansol Electronics; Hansol Electronics Mazellan700A; hsl06a6; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hansol Electronics; Hansol Electronics Mazellan700P; hsl06a5; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hansol Electronics; Hansol Electronics Mazellan710P; hsl06ab; 30-95; 47-160; 1 +Hansol Electronics; Hansol Electronics Mazellan900P; hsl076d; 30.0-96.0; 47.0-150.0; 1 +HCI; HCI Maxiscan; maxiscan; 15.0-35.0; 50.0-70.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP 1024 LCD Flat Panel 14-inch Display; 0; 32-61; 50-90 +Hewlett-Packard; HP 1024 LE Flat Panel 14-inch Display; 0; 32-54; 50-105 +Hewlett-Packard; HP 1825 Flat Panel Monitor; hwp0721; 30.0-82.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP 2025 (P4831) Flat Panel Monitor; hwp144a; 30.0-94.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP 2025 Flat Panel Monitor (Variant 2); hwp144b; 30.0-92.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP 5500 Color Monitor; hwp2602; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP 7500 Color Monitor; hwp2603; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-140.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP 7550 Color Monitor; hwp2604; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-140.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP 9500 Color Monitor; hwp2605; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP A1295A 24-inch Display; 0; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP A4033A 21-inch Display; 0; 30-80; 50-120; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP A4331A 20-inch Display; 0; 30-82; 48-150; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP A4576A (P1100) 21-inch Display; 0; 30-107; 50-160; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP A7217A Wide-Aspect; 0; 30-121; 48-160; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D1187A 20-inch Display; hp_d1187a; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D1188A 20-inch Display; hp_d1188a; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D1192A VGA Monochrome 14-inch Display; hp_d1192a; 31.5; 70; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D1192B VGA Monochrome 14-inch Display; hp_d1192b; 31.5; 70; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D1193A Ultra VGA 17-inch; hp_d1193a; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D1194A SVGA 14-inch Display; hp_d1194a; 37.9; 72; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D1195A Ergo-SVGA 14-inch Display; hp_d1195a; 48.1; 72; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D1196A Ergo Ultra VGA 15-inch Display; hp_d1196a; 56.4; 72; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D1197A Color VGA 14-inch Display; hp_d1197a; 31.5; 70; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D1198A SVGA 14-inch Display; hp_d1198a; 37.9; 70; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D1199A Ultra VGA 1600 21-inch Display; hp_d1199a; 30-82; 50-152; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D1815A 1024 Low Emissions 14-inch Display; hwp0aff; 31-48.4; 50-100; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2800 Ultra VGA 1600 21-inch Display; hwp0af0; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2801 Monochrome VGA 14-inch Display; hwp0af1; 31.5; 60; 0 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2802 Entry-Level SVGA 14-inch Display; hwp0af2; 35.5; 43.5; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2803 Super VGA 1024i 14-inch Display; hwp0af3; 35.5; 43.5; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2804 Super VGA 1024i 14-inch Display; hwp0af4; 35.5; 43.5; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2805 Ergo 1024 14-inch Display; hwp0af5; 30.0-62.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2806 Ergo Ultra VGA 15-inch Display; hwp0af6; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2807 Ultra VGA 1280 17-inch Display; hwp0af7; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2808 1024 Low Emissions 15-inch Display; hwp0af8; 30.0-48.5; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2809 1024 Low Emissions MM 15-inch Display; hwp0af9; 30.0-48.5; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2810 1024 14-inch Display; hwp0afa; 48.4; 60; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2811 1024 Low Emissions 14-inch Display; hwp0afb; 48.4; 60; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2813 1024 14-inch Display; hwp0afd; 30.9-49.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2814 Super VGA Low Emissions 14-inch Display; hwp0afe; 35.5; 43.5; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2815 1024 Low Emissions 14-inch Display; hwp0aff; 30.9-49.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2817 Ultra VGA 1280 17-inch Display; hwp0b01; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2818 Ultra VGA 1280 17-inch Display; hwp0b02; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2819 Ultra VGA 1280 Extra Low Emissions 17-inch Display; hwp0b03; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2821 1024 Low Emissions 14-inch Display; hwp0b05; 31.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2825 Ultra VGA 1024 15-inch Display; hwp0b09; 31.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2826 HP 50 15-inch Display; hwp0b0a; 31.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2827 HP 51 15-inch Display; hwp0b0b; 31.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2828 HP 52 15-inch Monitor; hwp0b0c; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2830 Ergo 1024 15-inch Display; hwp0b0e; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2831 Ergo 1024 Extra Low Emissions 15-inch Display; hwp0b0f; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2832 HP 500 15-inch Monitor; hwp0b10; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2835 Ultra VGA 1280 17-inch Display; hwp0b13; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-132.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2836 Ultra VGA 1280 Extra Low Emissions 17-inch Display; hwp0b14; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2837 HP 70 17-inch Display; hwp0b15; 31.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2838 M700 17-inch Display; hwp0b16; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2839 HP 70 17-inch Monitor; hwp0b17; 31.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2840 Ergo 1280 17-inch Display; hwp0b18; 31.0-92.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2842 HP 90 19-inch Display; hwp0b1a; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2843 M900 19-inch Monitor; hwp0b1b; 31.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2845 Ergo 1600 21-inch Display; hwp0b1d; 31.5-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2846 P1100 21-inch Monitor; hwp0b1e; 30.0-107.0; 48.0-160.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2847 P1110 21-inch Monitor; hwp0b1f; 29.0-121.0; 50.0-180.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D3857A Multi Media 15-inch Display; hwp0f11; 31.0-48.4; 40.0-60.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D3858A Multi Media 14-inch Display; hwp0f12; 31.469-50.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D3859A Multi Media 17-inch Display; hwp0f13; 30.0-68.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D3861A Multi Scan 14-inch Display; hwp0f15; 31.469-50.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D3899A Multi Media 14-inch Display; hwp0f3b; 31.469-50.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D5060 1024 14-inch Liquid Crystal Display; hwp13c4; 31.5-61.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D5061 L1500 15-inch LCD Monitor; hwp13c5; 31.0-69.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D5062 L1510 15-inch LCD Monitor; 0; 31.0-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D5063A L1520 15-inch LCD Monitor; 0; 30.0-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D5064A L1720 17-inch LCD Monitor; 0; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D5065 L1800 18.1-inch LCD Monitor; hwp13c9; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D5069J L1810 18.1-inch LCD Monitor; hwp13cd; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D5258A Pavilion F50S Monitor; hwp12d7; 31.0-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D5258A Pavilion M50 Monitor; hwp0102; 31.468-54.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D5258A Pavilion M50 Monitor; hwp0486; 31.468-54.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D5258A Pavilion M50 Monitor; hwp04ea; 31.468-54.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D5258A Pavilion M50 Monitor; hwp054e; 31.468-54.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D5258A Pavilion M50 Monitor; hwp086e; 31.468-54.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D5258A Pavilion M50 Monitor; hwp08d2; 31.468-54.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D5258A Pavilion M50 Monitor; hwp0936; 31.468-54.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D5258A Pavilion M50 Monitor; hwp148a; 31.468-54.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D5259A Pavilion M70 Monitor; hwp0487; 31.468-71.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D5259A Pavilion M70 Monitor; hwp04eb; 31.468-71.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D5259A Pavilion M70 Monitor; hwp054f; 31.468-71.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D5259A Pavilion M70 Monitor; hwp148b; 31.468-71.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D5269A Pavilion M40 Monitor; hwp0491; 31.468-54.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D5269A Pavilion M40 Monitor; hwp04f5; 31.468-54.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D5269A Pavilion M40 Monitor; hwp0559; 31.468-54.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D6433A Pavilion M90 Monitor; hwp1921; 31.468-98.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D6433A Pavilion M90 Monitor; hwp1922; 31.468-98.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D6433A Pavilion M90 Monitor; hwp1923; 31.468-98.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D7739A Pavilion S50 Monitor; hwp1e3b; 31.468-54.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D7740A Pavilion S70 Monitor; hwp1e3c; 31.468-71.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D8891 HP 40 14-inch Monitor; hwp22bb; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D8894 HP 55 15-inch Monitor; hwp22be; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D8895 HP 55 15-inch Monitor; hwp22bf; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D8896 HP 55 15-inch Monitor; hwp22c0; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D8897 HP 55 15-inch Monitor; hwp22c1; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D8898 HP 55 TCO95 15-inch Monitor; hwp22c2; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D8900 HP 75 17-inch Monitor; hwp22c4; 31.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D8901A HP 71 17-inch Monitor; hwp22c5; 31.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D8902A HP 71 17-inch Monitor; hwp22c6; 31.0-72.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D8903A HP 71 17-inch Monitor; hwp22c7; 31.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D8904A HP 72 17-inch Monitor; 0; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D8906A HP P700 17-inch Monitor; hwp22ca; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D8910A HP P910 19-inch Monitor; hwp22ce; 29.0-107.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D8911A HP 91 19-inch Monitor; hwp22cf; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D8912A HP P920 19-inch Monitor; hwp22d0; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D8915A HP P1120 21-inch Monitor; hwp22d3; 30.0-121.0; 48.0-160.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP F1503 Flat Panel Monitor; hwp2590; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP F1523 Flat Panel Monitor; hwp2607; 30.0-61.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP F1703 Flat Panel Monitor; hwp2594; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP F1723 Flat Panel Monitor; hwp2609; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP F2105 Flat Panel Monitor; hwp2655; 30.0-94.0; 48.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP L1502 Flat Panel Monitor; hwp2600; 30.0-61.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP L1506 Flat Panel Monitor; hwp265b; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP L1530 Flat Panel Monitor; hwp260c; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP L1702 Flat Panel Monitor; hwp2601; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP L1730 Flat Panel Monitor; hwp260e; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP L1740 LCD Flat Panel Monitor; hwp2649; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP L1755 LCD Flat Panel Monitor; hwp264b; 30.0-82.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP L1906 Flat Panel Monitor; hwp265e; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP L1925 Flat Panel Monitor; hwp259a; 30.0-82.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP L1925 Flat Panel Monitor; hwp259b; 30.0-82.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP L1940 Flat Panel Monitor; hwp262e; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP L1940 LCD Flat Panel Monitor; hwp262f; 30.0-83.0; 65.0-76.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP L1940T Flat Panel Monitor; hwp2683; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP L1955 LCD Flat Panel Monitor; hwp262c; 30.0-82.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP L2035 Flat Panel Monitor; HWP2612; 30.0-94.0; 48.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP L2035 Flat Panel Monitor; HWP2613; 30.0-94.0; 48.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP L2335 Flat Panel Monitor; HWP2614; 30.0-107.0; 48.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP L2335 Flat Panel Monitor; HWP2615; 30.0-107.0; 48.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP L2335 LCD Flat Panel Monitor; hwp2615; 30.0-92.0; 48.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP LP2065 Flat Panel Monitor; hwp0a72; 30.0-92.0; 48.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP LP2465 Flat Panel Monitor; hwp2676; 30.0-92.0; 48.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP LP2475w Widescreen LCD Monitor; HWP26f7; 30-94; 48-85; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP LP3065 Wide LCD Monitor; HWP2690; 98.0-100.0; 59-60; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP M500 15-inch Display; 0; 30-70; 50-120 +Hewlett-Packard; HP M700 17-inch Display; 0; 30-86; 50-160 +Hewlett-Packard; HP M703 Color Monitor; hwp2584; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-140.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP M720 17-inch Display; 0; 30-85; 50-150 +Hewlett-Packard; HP M900 19-inch Display; 0; 31-95; 50-150 +Hewlett-Packard; HP M910 19-inch Display; 0; 29-107; 50-150 +Hewlett-Packard; HP M920 19-inch Display; 0; 29-107; 50-150 +Hewlett-Packard; HP MX703 Color Monitor; hwp2585; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP P1130 (P4819) Color Monitor; hwp12d3; 30.0-130.0; 48.0-170.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP P1230 Color Monitor; HWP2617; 30.0-140.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP P4829 L1820 18.1-inch LCD Monitor; hwp12dd; 31-80; 56-75; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP P4829J L1820 18.1-inch LCD Monitor; 0; 25-82; 54-88; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP P930 Color Monitor; hwp03a2; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP Pavilion M45/S40 Monitor; hwp14b2; 31.468-50.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP TFT5600 RKM; 0; 29.2-48.4; 40.0-70.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP VF15 Flat Panel Monitor; hwp2608; 30.0-61.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP VF17 Flat Panel Monitor; hwp260a; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP W1907 Wide LCD Monitor; HWP26A2; 24.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP W1907 Wide LCD Monitor; HWP26A3; 24.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP W2207 Wide LCD Monitor; HWP26A8; 24.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP W2207 Wide LCD Monitor; HWP26A9; 24.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0; 1 +Highscreen; Highscreen LE 1024; 45; 31.4-31.6,35.1-35.2,35.5-35.6; 50-87 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi 20-AP; 20-ap; 30.0-65.0; 55.0-80.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi 20-APF; 20-apf; 30.0-65.0; 55.0-80.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi 20-AS; 20-as; 30.0-65.0; 55.0-80.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi 21-AP; 21-ap; 30.0-65.0; 55.0-80.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi Accuvue GX17L; hit1717; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi Accuvue GX20; hit4810; 28.0-90.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi Accuvue GX20H; hit4830; 28.0-90.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi Accuvue GX21; hit4811; 28.0-90.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi Accuvue UX4721; hit4711; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi Accuvue UX4921; hit4911; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi Accuvue UX6821; hit6811; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM-1711M; htcab6f; 24.8-82.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM-2110M; htcabcc; 31.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM-2111M; htcabc7; 31.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM-2112M; htcabc2; 31.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM1798M; cm1798m; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM2198M; cm2198m; 30.0-94.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM2199M; cm2199m; 31.5-107.0; 50.0-150; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM500; htcafc8; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM500E; htcafce; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM515; HTCB3C5; 30-70; 50-160 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM600; htcafd2; 30.0-64.0; 47.0-104.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM611; htcafd7; 31.0-92.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM615; HTCB3B3; 30-70; 50-160 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM620; htcafdd; 31.0-69.0; 47.0-130.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM621F; HTC9C40; 30-70; 50-160 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM625; HTC7961; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM630; htcafe2; 31.0-86.0; 47.0-130.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM640; htcaffa; 31.0-69.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM640ET/CM640U; htcaffa; 31.0-69.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM641; htcafec; 31.0-95.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM643; htcb001; 31.0-95.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM650; htcb004; 31.0-69.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM651; htcb005; 31.0-95.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM701; htcabf4; 31.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM715; HTCB3BA; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM721F; HTCB3C4; 31.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM751; htcac13; 31.0-94.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM752; htcac15; 31.0-101.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM753; htcac22; 31.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM761; htcac76; 31.0-96.0; 50.0-180.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM766; htcb00f; 31.0-96.0; 50.0-180.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM768; htcb011; 31.0-107.0; 50.0-180.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM769; htcb02f; 31.0-115.0; 50.0-180.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM771; htcac82; 31.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM772; HTCB3C0; 31.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM776; HTCB03B; 31.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM800; htcabe3; 31.0-89.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM801; htcabe2; 31.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM802; htcabe0; 31.0-100.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM803; htcabea; 31.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM811; htcac46; 31.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM811PLUS; HTCAC4E; 31.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM812; htcac47; 31.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM813; htcac48; 31.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM814; htcac49; 31.0-125.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM815; HTCAC54; 31.0-130.0; 50.0-160.0 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM821F; HTCB404; 31.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM823F; HTCB3F7; 31.0-121.0; 50.0-160.0 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM827; HTCB3FC; 31.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM828; HTCB3FD; 31.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CML153X; HTC1799; 24-60; 56-75 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CML154X; HTC179C; 24-60; 56-75 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CML155X Analog; HTC179E; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CML155X Digital; HTC1F41; 31.0-49.0; 59.0-75.0 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CML170SX; HTCDAE0; 24-80; 56-85 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CML174SX; HTC178C; 24.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CML175SX; HTC1795; 24.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CML181SX; HTC1786; 24-80; 56-85 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CML190SX; HTC177D; 24.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CML200UX Analog; HTC7C17; 31.0-75.0; 56.0-75.0 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CML200UX Digital; HTC431F; 31.0-75.0; 59.0-75.0 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi HM-5219; hm-5219; 88.0-90.0; 88.0-89.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi HM1764; hit1727; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi HM1782; hit1827; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi HM4020; hit4020; 60.0-85.0; 60.0-120.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi HM4021; hit4021; 60.0-85.0; 60.0-120.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi HM4721; hit2147; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi HM4820; hit4820; 28.0-90.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi HM4821; hit4821; 28.0-90.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi HM4921; hit2149; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi HM6421; hit6421; 100.0-102.0; 72.0-77.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi HM6821; hit6821; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi TX36D79VC1CAB; HTC17AC; 50-65; 40-52 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi V700; HTCB3CD; 30-70; 50-160 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi V810; HTCB446; 30-96; 50-160 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi V900; HTCB3CE; 30-95; 50-160 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai DeluxScan 14; hn/l-4838x; 31.0-38.0; 56.0-87.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai DeluxScan 14 Plus; hn/l-4848; 31.0-48.4; 56.0-87.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai DeluxScan 14 Pro; hn/l-4860; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai Deluxscan 14S; hei12f0; 30-48; 50-120; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai DeluxScan 15; hl-5848; 31.0-48.4; 56.0-87.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai DeluxScan 15 Pro; hei5864; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai Deluxscan 15B; hei16d8; 30-48; 50-120; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai Deluxscan 15G; hei16e8; 30-64; 50-90; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai DeluxScan 15G+; hei16ee; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai DeluxScan 17; heib81e; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai Deluxscan 17 Pro; hei1e02; 30-82; 45-100; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai Deluxscan 17B; hei1eb8; 30-64; 50-100; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai DeluxScan 17B+; hei1ebe; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai DeluxScan 17MB/17MS; 0; 30-50; 50-130 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai Deluxscan 21; hei0b42; 30-82; 45-100; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai DeluxScan 2595; hei259c; 30.0-97.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai DeluxScan B790+; hei0790; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai DeluxScan HLM-1410A; hei141A; 24.0-69.0; 50.0-88.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai DeluxScan HLM-1500A; hei150A; 24.0-69.0; 50.0-88.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai DeluxScan HLM-1510A; hei151a; 30.0-70.0; 43.0-85.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai DeluxScan P210; hei0210; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai DeluxScan P910+; hei0910; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai DeluxScan V560; hei1560; 30.0-55.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai DeluxScan V570; hei1570; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai DeluxScan V770; hei1770; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HCM-40X; hcm-40x; 31.5; 60.0-70.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HCM-421E; 0; 30-36; 43-72; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HCM-42X; hcm-42x; 35.5; 87.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HCM-43X; hcm-43x; 48.3; 60.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HCM-44X; hcm-44x; 56.4; 70.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-2882; hei0b42; 30-82; 45-100; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-2885B; hei288b; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-4838E; hei12e6; 30-38; 50-90; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-4848; hei4848; 30-50; 50-90; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-4848F; hei12f0; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-4850B; hei12f2; 30-50; 50-130; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-4854B; hei12f6; 30-50; 50-130; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-4860E; hei12fc; 30-60; 50-120; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-5848; hei5848; 30-48; 50-90; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-5848F; hei16d8; 30-48; 50-120; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-5854B; hei585b; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-5854C; hei585c; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-5860; hl-5860; 30.0-60.0; 56.0-90.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-5864E; hei5864; 30-65; 50-120; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-5864F; hei16e8; 30-65; 50-120; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-5870A; hei16ee; 30-70; 50-150; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-5870B; hei58b0; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-5870BM; hei58b1; 30-70; 50-150; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-5870C; hei587c; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-7682; hl-7682; 31.0-82.0; 56.0-100.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-7682A; hei1e02; 30-82; 45-100; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-7682P; hl-7682p; 31.0-82.0; 56.0-100.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-7770A; hei777a; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-7770RD; hei777d; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-7864; hei1eb8; 30-65; 50-100; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-7864F; hei7864; 30-65; 50-120; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-7870A; hei1ebe; 30-70; 50-150; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-7870AM; hei78a0; 30-70; 50-150; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-7870B; hei787b; 30-70; 50-150; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-7870S; hei78b0; 30-70; 50-150; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-7948M; hei1f0c; 30-48; 50-120; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HMM-413; hmm-413; 31.5; 56.0-70.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HN-4938; hn-4938; 31.0-38.0; 56.0-87.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HN-7448M; hei1d18; 30-48; 50-120; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HN/L-4850; hn/l-4850; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HT-2896B; hei289b; 30-96; 50-150; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HT-7682B/DeluxScan 7687; hei768b; 30-82; 50-120; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HT-7695B; hei769b; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai Image Quest B91A; HIQ500a; 31-83; 56-75 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai Image Quest L70S+; IQT0704; 31-80; 56-75 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai Image Quest Q17; IQT217a; 31-80; 56-75; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai ImageFlat F790D; heif790; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai ImageFlat F910; heif910; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai Q320WD D-sub; HIQ500c; 31-83; 56-85 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai S450; hei0450; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai S560; hei0560; 30.0-57.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai S570; hei0570; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai S770; hei0770; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co.,Ltd.; Hyundai ImageFlat F790; HEIF790; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Hyundai IT Corporation; Hyundai IT T71S; hiq6009; 30.0-83.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Hyundai IT Corporation; Hyundai IT T91D Analog; hiq600b; 30.0-83.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Hyundai IT Corporation; Hyundai IT T91D Digital; hiq6d0b; 30.0-83.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Hyundai IT Corporation; Hyundai IT X71S; hit600f; 24.0-83.0; 55.0-77.0; 1 +Hyundai IT Corporation; Hyundai IT X90W Analog; hiq6008; 31-84.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Hyundai IT Corporation; Hyundai IT X90W Digital; hiq6d08; 31-84.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Hyundai IT Corporation; Hyundai IT X91D Analog; hit6010; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Hyundai IT Corporation; Hyundai IT X91D Analog; hit6012; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Hyundai IT Corporation; Hyundai IT X91D Digital; hit6d10; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Hyundai IT Corporation; Hyundai IT X91D Digital; hit6d12; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 2112; ibm2112; 31.0-38.0; 50.0-80.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 2113; ibm2113; 31.0-38.0; 50.0-80.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 2114; ibm2114; 31.0-62.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 2115; ibm2115; 31.0-62.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 2116 MM55 Multimedia; ibm0844; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 2117; ibm2117; 31.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 2122; ibm2221; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 2122-xxL; ibm7234; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 2124; ibm2421; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 2124-xxL; ibm7254; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 2126; ibm2621; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 2127; ibm2721; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 2128 MM75 Multimedia; ibm0850; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 2131; ibm3121; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 2132; ibm3221; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 2215; ibm2215; 31.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 2235 C50; ibm08bb; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 2236; ibm2236; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 2237 C71; ibm08bd; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 2238; ibm2238; 31.0-38.0; 50.0-80.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 2248; ibm2248; 31.0-48.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 2264; ibm2264; 31.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6307; ibm6307; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6312; ibm6312; 31.0-50.0; 47.0-100.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6314; ibm6314; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6315; ibm6315; 31.0-48.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6317; ibm6317; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6319; ibm6319; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6321; ibm6321; 31.5-38.0; 56.0-72.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6322; ibm6322; 31.0-48.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6324; ibm6324; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6325; ibm6325; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6327; ibm6327; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6331; ibm6331; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6332; ibm6332; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6332 E74; IBM18BC; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6517; ibm6517; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6518; ibm6518; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6540 G42; ibm198c; 30.0-50.0; 55.0-100.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6541 G51; ibm198d; 30.0-54.0; 55.0-100.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6546 G52; ibm1992; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6547 G72; ibm1993; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6549 G94; ibm1995; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6556 P72; ibm199c; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6557 P92; ibm199d; 30.0-94.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6558 P202; ibm199e; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6627; ibm6627; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6634; ibm6634; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6636; ibm6636; 30.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6637; ibm6637; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6639; ibm6639; 30.0-94.0; 48.0-170.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6651; ibm6651; 30.0-107.0; 48.0-170.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6652; ibm6652; 30.0-130.0; 48.0-170.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6656; ibm6656; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6657; ibm6657; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6658; ibm6658; 31.0-81.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6659; ibm6659; 31.0-120.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6734; ibm6734; 30.0-81.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6736a; ibm6736a; 31.0-94.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6736d; ibm6736a; 31.0-75.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6737; ibm6737; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6739; ibm6739; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 7095; ibm1bb7; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 7097; ibm1bb9; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 8504; ibm8504; 31.5; 60.0-70.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 8511; ibm8511; 31.5; 50.0-70.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 8512; ibm8512; 31.5; 60.0-70.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 8513; ibm8513; 31.5; 60.0-70.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 8514; ibm8514; 31.5; 60.0-70.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 8515; ibm8515; 35.5; 60.0-87.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 8517; ibm8517; 35.5; 60.0-87.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 8518; ibm8518; 31.5; 60.0-70.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 9494; ibm9494; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 9504; ibm9504; 101.66; 77.1; 1 +IBM; IBM 9512; ibm9512; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 9513 T55A TFT Monitor; ibm2529; 30.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 9514-B TFT Panel; ibm252a; 48.0-65.0; 60.0-75.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 9515; ibm9515; 61.1; 50.0-90.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 9517; ibm9517; 59; 50.0-90.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 9518; ibm9518; 39.4; 50.0-90.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 9521; ibm9521; 30.0-68.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 9524; ibm9524; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 9525; ibm9525; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 9525-0X1; ibm2535; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 9527; ibm9527; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +IBM; IBM Aptiva 9900; ibm26ac; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM Aptiva 9901; ibm27ad; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM C220p; IBM1A4F; 30.0-130.0; 50.0-160.0 +IBM; IBM G200; ibm1991; 31.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM G41; ibm198e; 31.0-58.5; 50.0-95.0; 1 +IBM; IBM G50; ibm198f; 31.0-58.5; 50.0-95.0; 1 +IBM; IBM G70; ibm1990; 31.0-64.0; 50.0-105.0; 1 +IBM; IBM MM55; ibm0844; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM MM75; ibm0850; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM P200; ibm199b; 29.0-90.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM P201; ibmp201; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +IBM; IBM P50; ibm1999; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM P70; ibm199a; 29.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM P76; IBM1996; 30.0-94.0; 48.0-120.0 +ICL; ICL 14C; icl14c; 34.2-36.2; 50.0-90.0; 1 +ICL; ICL 14M; icl14m; 31.5; 70; 1 +ICL; ICL 14V; icl14v; 37.9; 58.0-75.0; 1 +ICL; ICL 15V; icl15v; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ICL; ICL 17V; icl17v; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ICL; ICL ErgoPro 140v; icl-ep140v; 37.9; 58.0-75.0; 1 +ICL; ICL ErgoPro 141p; icl0d00; 47.0-49.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +ICL; ICL ErgoPro 141v; icl0b00; 37.9; 58.0-75.0; 1 +ICL; ICL ErgoPro 142v; icl1400; 37.9; 58.0-75.0; 1 +ICL; ICL ErgoPRO 14C; icl-ep14c; 47.0-49.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +ICL; ICL ErgoPro 151p; icl0700; 30.0-64.0; 48.0-100.0; 1 +ICL; ICL ErgoPro 151p AutoBrite; icl0800; 30.0-64.0; 48.0-100.0; 1 +ICL; ICL ErgoPro 151v; icl0a00; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ICL; ICL ErgoPro 152v; icl0f00; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ICL; ICL ErgoPRO 15C; icl-ep15c; 30.0-62.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ICL; ICL ErgoPro 171p; icl0200; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +ICL; ICL ErgoPro 171v; icl0400; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ICL; ICL ErgoPRO 17C; icl-ep17c; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +ICL; ICL ErgoPro 211v; icl0100; 24.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ICL; ICL ErgoPRO VE15C; icl-epve15c; 30.0-62.0; 48.0-100.0; 1 +ICL; ICL ErgoPRO VE15M; icl-epve15m; 44.5; 68.0-89.0; 1 +ICL; ICL SE14M; icl-se14m; 31.5; 70; 1 +ICL; ICL VE15C; icl-ve15c; 30.0-62.0; 48.0-100.0; 1 +ICL; ICL VE17C; icl-ve17c; 30.0-64.0; 48.0-100.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama A101GT, VisionMasterPro 501; ivm2118; 27.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama A102GT, VisionMasterPro 502; ivm2128; 27.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama A201HT, VisionMaster Pro 510; ivm2140; 30.0-130.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama A701GT, VisionMasterPro 400; ivm1711; 27.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama A702HT, VisionMaster Pro 410; ivm1740; 27.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama A705MT, VisionMaster Pro 411 /i70A; ivm174a; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-180.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama A901HT, VisionMaster Pro 450; ivm1901; 27.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama A902MT, VisionMaster Pro 451; ivm1918; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-180.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama AS4314UT 17inches; ivm4648; 24.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama AS4612UT 18inches; ivm4698; 24.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama DR-3114; dr-3114; 38.0; 43.0-70.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama HM903DT, VisionMaster Pro 454; ivm1942; 30-132; 45-200; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama LS902U; IVM1938; 30-96; 50-160 +Iiyama; Iiyama MA201D, VisionMaster Pro 511; ivm2150; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-180.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama MA901U, VisionMaster Pro 452; ivm1928; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-180.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama MF-5014A; mf-5014a; 15.5-38.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama MF-5015A; mf-5015a; 15.5-38.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama MF-5017; mf-5017; 15.0-40.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama MF-5021; mf-5021; 15.5-38.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama MF-5115; mf-5115; 21.8-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama MF-5117; mf-5117; 20.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama MF-5121A; mf-5121a; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama MF-5214A; mf-5214a; 30.0-38.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama MF-5215A; mf-5215a; 30.0-38.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama MF-5217; mf-5217; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama MF-5221; mf-5221; 30.0-80.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama MF-5315; mf-5315; 30.0-68.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama MF-5317; mf-5317; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama MF-5321; mf-5321; 30.0-80.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama MF-5421; mf-5421; 30.0-80.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama MF-5621; mf-5621; 30.0-80.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama MF-8217; mf-8217; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama MF-8221E/T, VisionMaster; ivm2100; 24-94; 50-160; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama MF-8515G, VisionMaster; ivm1501; 27-69; 50-160; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama MF-8617E/T, VisionMaster; ivm1700; 27-86; 50-160; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama MF-8617ES, VisionMaster; ivm1701; 27-86; 50-160; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama MF-8721E, VisionMaster; ivm2101; 27.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama MF901U, VisionMaster 452; ivm1920; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-180.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama MR-5314; mf-5314; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama MT-9017E/T, VisionMasterPro; ivm1730; 27-92; 50-160; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama MT-9021E/T, VisionMasterPro; ivm2130; 24-94; 50-160; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama MT-9221, VisionMasterPro; ivm2102; 27.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama Prolite E485S; ivm4822; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama S101GT, VisionMaster 501; ivm2110; 27.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama S102GT, VisionMaster 502; ivm2120; 27.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama S103MT, VisionMaster 503; ivm2138; 27.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama S104MT, VisionMaster 504; ivm2148; 27.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama S500M1; ivm0815; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama S700JT1; ivm17a8; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama S701GT, VisionMaster 400; ivm1702; 27.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama S702GT, VisionMaster 400; ivm1703; 27.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama S703HT, VisionMaster 403; ivm1742; 27.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama S704HT, VisionMaster 404; ivm1744; 27.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama S705MT, VisionMaster 405; ivm1748; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-180.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama S901GT, VisionMaster 450; ivm1900; 27.0-102.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama S902JT, VisionMaster Pro 451; ivm1910; 27.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama TSA3931HT, Prolite39; ivm3900; 24.8-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama TSA4632HT, Prolite46; ivm4600; 24.8-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama TSA4633JT, Prolite46b; ivm4610; 24.8-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama TSA4634JT; ivm4618; 24.8-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama TXA3601GT; ivm3601; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama TXA3602GT, Prolite36; ivm3602; 24.8-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama TXA3611/3621HT, Prolite36; ivm3604; 24.8-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama TXA3612JT, Prolite36c; ivm3606; 24.8-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama TXA3811/3821HT, Prolite38; ivm3801; 24.8-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama TXA3812JT/3822JT, Prolite38e/38f; ivm3810; 24.8-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama TXA3813/3823MT; ivm3820; 24.8-61.0; 55.0-76.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama TXA3832HT, Prolite38c; ivm3808; 24.8-68.7; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama TXA3833JT, Prolite38g; ivm3818; 24.8-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama Vision Master MF-8221; mf-8221; 24.8-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama Vision Master MF-8317; mf-8317; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama Vision Master MF-8421; mf-8421; 24.8-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama Vision Master MF-8617; mf-8617; 23.6-86.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama Vision Master MF-8617E; ivm1700; 23.6-86.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama Vision Master MF-8621; mf-8621; 24.8-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama Vision Master Pro 21 MT-9121; mf-9121; 25.0-90.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Ikegami; Ikegami C/CDE-165VB; cde-165vb; 48.0-64.0; 50.0-70.0; 1 +Ikegami; Ikegami C/DM-2010A; dm-2010a; 48.0-64.0; 50.0-70.0; 1 +Ikegami; Ikegami C/DM-2060; dm-2060; 48.0-64.0; 50.0-70.0; 1 +Ikegami; Ikegami CN-20; cn-20; 45.0-68.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Ikegami; Ikegami CT-20; ct-20; 48.0-64.0; 50.0-70.0; 1 +Image Systems Corp.; Image Systems C21LMAX; cs1lmax; 48.0-96.0; 60.0-80.0; 1 +Image Systems Corp.; Image Systems M24LMAX; m24lmax; 48.0-96.0; 60.0-80.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageFlat F770D; iqtf772; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageFlat F790; iqtf790; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest B70A; hiq5004; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest B70D Analog; hiq5008; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest B70D Digital; hiq5d08; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest B71D/B70D Analog; hiq501f; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest B71D/B70D Digital; hiq5d1f; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest B790+; iqt0790; 30.0-97.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest B90A; hiq5005; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest B91D/B70D Analog; hiq5020; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest B91D/B70D Digital; hiq5d20; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest F230; iqtf230; 30.0-125.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest F791; iqtf791; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest G210; iqt0210; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest L50A; iqt0520; 31.0-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest L50S; iqt0503; 31.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest L52S; hiq5006; 31.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest L70A Analog; iqt70aa; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest L70A Digital; iqt70ad; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest L70D+ Analog; hiq70da; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest L70D+ Digital; hiq70dd; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest L70N; hiq0705; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest L70S; iqt0703; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest L72D Analog; hiq5002; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest L72D Digital; hiq5003; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest L72S; hiq5001; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest L80A Analog; iqt80aa; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-87.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest L80A Digital; iqt80ad; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-87.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest L90D+ Analog; hiq91da; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest L90D+ Digital; hiq91dd; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest LM1510A; iqt151b; 31.0-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest N71S; hiq6001; 30-83; 56-75; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest N91S; hiq6002; 30-83; 56-75; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest P910+; iqt0910; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest P990+; iqt0990; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest Q15; iqt2015; 31.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest Q19+ D-sub; hiq500d; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest Q19+ DVI; hiq5d0d; 31.0-67.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest Q770; iqt2770; 30.0-73.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest Q790; iqt2790; 30.0-97.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest Q910; iqt2910; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest Q995; iqt2995; 30.0-97.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest V560; iqt1560; 30.0-55.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest V570; iqt1570; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest V770; iqt1770; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest V770+; iqt1772; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest V773; iqt1773; 30.0-73.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest V780; iqt1780; 30.0-87.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest V791; iqt1791; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest V995; iqt1995; 30.0-97.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Impression; Impression 3 3428G; dcm-1488e; 35.5; 87.0; 1 +Impression; Impression 3 Plus 14; ma-1450; 35.5; 87.0; 1 +Impression; Impression 3 Plus 3428NG; dcm-1458e; 35.5; 87.0; 1 +Impression; Impression 3A; jd144c; 35.5; 87.0; 1 +Impression; Impression 4VX; jd144k; 48.0; 60.0; 1 +Impression; Impression 5 5528NG; dcm-1588e; 63.8; 60.0; 1 +Impression; Impression 5 Plus; dpc6515; 64.0; 60.0; 1 +Impression; Impression 50 Plus; dwe8251; 30.0-55.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Impression; Impression 5V J51A; jen9d00; 30-70; 60.0; 1 +Impression; Impression 5VM; dwe8351; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Impression; Impression 5VX JD155L; jen5510; 30-55; 85.0; 1 +Impression; Impression 5VXL DE570BA; dpc7045; 30-70; 60.0; 1 +Impression; Impression 5VXM; dwe8f51; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Impression; Impression 7 Plus DB770; da-1765; 64.0; 60.0; 1 +Impression; Impression 7 Plus DC-770 BA; dpc7017; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +Impression; Impression 7SP; imp4191; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Impression; Impression 7VX; imp0295; 30.0-96.0; 65.0; 1 +Impression; Impression 9VX; dpc9509; 30-96; 60.0-85.0; 1 +Impression; Impression Vienna 15; dpc6515; 64.0; 60.0; 1 +Impression; Impression Vienna Pro 75; amt3844; 30.0-96.0; 65.0; 1 +Impression; Impression Vienna Pro 75; at1782d; 82.0; 65.0; 1 +Impression; Impression ViennaPro75; imp9802; 30.0-96.0; 65.0; 1 +Intra Electronics USA, Inc.; Intra Electronics USA CM-1403; cm-1403; 15.0-38.0; 40.0-100.0; 1 +Iocomm International Technology Corp.; Iocomm CM-7126; cm-7126; 30.0-75.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +JVC Information Products Co.; JVC GD-H4220US; h422ous; 15.0-37.0; 45.0-87.0; 1 +KFC Computek Components Corp.; KFC Computek CA-17; ca-17; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +KFC Computek Components Corp.; KFC Computek CH-14; ch-14; 15.0-36.0; 50.0-86.0; 1 +KFC Computek Components Corp.; KFC Computek CM-14; cm-14; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +KFC; KFC CA/CB1414VX; sml1414; 30-48; 50-70; 1 +KFC; KFC CA/CB6415DX/6515DX; sml6415; 30-54; 50-100; 1 +KFC; KFC CA/CB6425DX/6525DX; sml6425; 30-54; 50-100; 1 +KFC; KFC CA/CB6736DL/SL(NF); sml501a; 30-65; 50-100; 1 +KFC; KFC CA/CB6738SL; sml6738; 30-85; 50-100; 1 +KFC; KFC CA/CB6748SL; sml6748; 30-86; 50-150; 1 +KFC; KFC CA15/1505/1506/1507/1515DX; sml1506; 30-60; 50-100; 1 +KFC; KFC CA1511VX/CA1515VX; sml1511; 30-60; 50-100; 1 +KFC; KFC CA1516CX/CA1716CX; kfcec05; 30-65; 50-75; 1 +KFC; KFC CA1702/03/05/06 M2; sml1706; 30-80; 50-100; 1 +KFC; KFC CA1712/13/17/18; sml1718; 30-64; 50-100; 1 +KFC; KFC CA2011M2; sml2011; 30-80; 50-120; 1 +KFC; KFC CA2111M2; sml2111; 30-80; 50-120; 1 +KFC; KFC CA6013DX/CA9013DX; sml6013; 30-38; 50-75; 1 +KFC; KFC CA6719/29SL/CA6919/29SL; sml6719; 30-95; 50-150; 1 +KFC; KFC CA8111SL; sml8111; 30-107; 50-160; 1 +KFC; KFC CA8719SL; sml8719; 30-95; 50-150; 1 +KFC; KFC CA8729SL; sml8729; 30-95; 50-160; 1 +KFC; KFC CA8911SL; sml8911; 30-107; 50-160; 1 +KFC; KFC CA8919SL; sml8919; 30-95; 50-160; 1 +KFC; KFC CA8929SL; sml8929; 30-95; 50-160; 1 +KFC; KFC L133/L133E; smll133; 30-61; 55-75; 1 +KFC; KFC L150/L150E; smll150; 30-61; 55-75; 1 +KFC; KFC MA0933; sml0933; 30-31.5; 50-70; 0 +KFC; KFC MM/CA/CB6536DL/SL(NF); sml8819; 30-65; 50-100; 1 +KFC; KFC MM/CA/CB6746SL; sml6746; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +KFC; KFC MM/CA6546SX/(NF)/(MN); sml6546; 30-70; 50-100; 1 +KLH Computers; KLH Computers MN275; mn275; 34.5-38.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Komodo; Komodo P571; 0; 30-70; 50-120 +Korea Data Systems; KDS Avitron AV-5T; kds1540; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Korea Data Systems; KDS Avitron AV-7T; kds1740; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-19; kds07d0; 31.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-19; kdsd007; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-190/VS-195e/VS-195i; STC0812; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0 +Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-190i; STC0812; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0 +Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-190is; STC0812; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0 +Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-190p; STC0812; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0 +Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-195; kds1980; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-195xp; STC0812; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0 +Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-19SN; kds1981; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-21; kds0834; 30.0-117.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-21; kds3408; 30.0-117.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-4; kdsab05; 48.3; 60.0; 1 +Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-4(KD-1452); kds05ac; 28.0-50.0; 40.0-120.0; 1 +Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-450; STC01FF; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0 +Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-4D; kds05af; 28.0-55.0; 40.0-120.0; 1 +Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-4D; kdsaf05; 28.0-55.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-5; kdse605; 28.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-5/VS-51/VSx-5; kds05e6; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-55; kds05f5; 28.0-55.0; 40.0-120.0; 1 +Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-55; kdsf505; 28.0-55.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-55i/VS-55p; STC01FF; 30.0-58.0; 50.0-120.0 +Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-7; kdsc206; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-7/VSx-7; kds06c2; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-70/VS-77/VS-7b/VS-7p; STC02CE; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-160.0 +Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-9; kds06d6; 31.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-9; kdsd606; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VSx-5; kdsfa05; 28.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Korea Data Systems; KDS XFlat XF-70/XF-7b/XF-7e/XF-71/XF-7p; STC0777; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-160.0 +Korea Data Systems; KDS XFlat XF-9b/XF-9c/XF-9e/XF-9p; PTS03E5; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0 +Leading Technology, Inc.; Leading Technology 1730S; 1730s; 21.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Lenovo; Lenovo D153; LEN1154; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Lenovo; Lenovo E50; LEN1976; 30-58; 50-120; 1 +Lenovo; Lenovo E74; LEN18BC; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Lenovo; Lenovo E75; LEN1975; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +Lenovo; Lenovo L151; LEN23CD; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Lenovo; Lenovo L151P(Analog); LEN23F5; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-77.0; 1 +Lenovo; Lenovo L151P(Digital); LEN23F5; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-77.0; 1 +Lenovo; Lenovo L152; LEN24C7; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Lenovo; Lenovo L171p(Analog); LEN24C9; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Lenovo; Lenovo L171p(Digital); LEN4BD9; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Lenovo; Lenovo L172; LEN114C; 30.0-83.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Lenovo; Lenovo L190xC (Analog); LEN1157; 30.0-75.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Lenovo; Lenovo L190xC (Digital); LEN1157; 30.0-75.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Lenovo; Lenovo L191; LEN17F7; 30.0-81.0; 55.0-76.0; 1 +Lenovo; Lenovo L192 Wide; LEN6920; 30.0-80.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Lenovo; Lenovo L192p(Analog); LEN24CB; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Lenovo; Lenovo L192p(Digital); LEN4BDB; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Lenovo; Lenovo L193 Wide; LEN1B08; 30.0-80.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Lenovo; Lenovo L193pC (Analog); LEN114F; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Lenovo; Lenovo L193pC (Digital); LEN114F; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Lenovo; Lenovo L194W Wide LCD Monitor; LEN4434; 24.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0; 1 +Lenovo; Lenovo L200pwD LCD Monitor; LEN1156; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0; 1 +Lenovo; Lenovo L220xwC(Analog); LEN4433; 30.0-94.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Lenovo; Lenovo L220xwC(Digital); LEN4433; 30.0-75.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1455; 1455; 37.9; 72.8; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1455D; 1455d; 37.9; 72.8; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1455DL; 1455dl; 37.9; 72.8; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1460DL; 1460dl; 37.9; 72.8; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1461D; 1461d; 37.9; 72.8; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1462DM; 1462dm; 37.9; 72.8; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1465DL; 1465dl; 48.4; 60.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1465DLS; 1465dls; 48.4; 60.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1465DLS/1468; GSM36BA; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1466; 1466; 48.4; 60.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1466DM; 1466dm; 48.4; 60.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1466LR; 1466lr; 48.4; 60.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1466LRS; 1466lrs; 48.4; 60.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1467; 1467; 48.4; 60.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1468; 1468; 48.4; 60.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1485; 1485; 48.4; 60.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1505; 1505; 37.5; 75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1505S; GSM3AA0; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1515; 1515; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1520; 1520; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1520DM; 1520dm; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1527; 1527; 30.0-57.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1527; gsm3a9a; 30.0-57.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1725; 1725; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1725DM; 1725dm; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1725s; gsm42cf; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1727; 1727; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1730DM; 1730dm; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1771; GSM42F8; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 2010; 2010; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 285LT; GSM55F1; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 291U; GSM5215; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 295LM; GSM55F2; 30.0-94.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 500E; GSM3B65; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 500G; GSM3B66; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 500M; GSM3B38; 30.0-61.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 500N; GSM3B67; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 501E; GSM3B51; 30.0-61.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 501S; GSM3B50; 30.0-61.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 505E; GSM3B83; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 505G; GSM3B91; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 55W; GSM3AD0; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 563A / 563N; GSM3B1B; 30.0-63.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 563LE; GSM3B2F; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 563LS; GSM3B25; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 564LE; GSM3B4B; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 566LE; GSM3B60; 30.0-63.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 566LM; GSM3B5D; 30.0-63.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 568LM; GSM3B43; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 568LT; GSM3B5F; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 575E; GSM3B10; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 575LB / 575LE / 575MS; GSM3B34; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 575LC; GSM3B44; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 575LE; GSM3B02; 31.0-69.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 575LM; GSM3B03; 31.0-69.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 575LM-2; GSM3B35; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 575LS; GSM3B32; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 575MM; GSM3B07; 31.0-69.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 575MS; GSM3B06; 31.0-69.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 576LU; GSM3B08; 31.0-69.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 577LH; GSM3B09; 31.0-69.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 577LH-2; GSM3B3D; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 577LM; GSM3B0A; 31.0-69.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 577LM-2; GSM3B3E; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 585E; GSM3B23; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 680LE; GSM3E81; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 700B; GSM430C; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 700E; GSM4317; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 700M; GSM4336; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 700ME; GSM4335; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 700P; GSM43B9; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 700S; GSM430B; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 701B; GSM432C; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 701S; GSM432B; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 702B; GSM434F; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 702BE; GSM4398; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 702S; GSM4350; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 710E; GSM437C; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 710S; GSM4378; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 771EF; GSM4305; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 772E; GSM4311; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 772EF; GSM431F; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 772EF PLUS; GSM4345; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 772EH PLUS; GSM4355; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 772G; GSM4316; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 773E; GSM42EF; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 773N; GSM42ED; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 774FT; GSM42DB; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 774FT PLUS; GSM437D; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 775E; GSM42E7; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 775FC; GSM42F5; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 775FT; GSM42D1; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 775FT PLUS; GSM4349; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 775N; GSM42B9; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 776FM; GSM42F1; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 777FN; GSM42F7; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 77E; GSM42E5; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 77G; GSM42E4; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 77SFN / 77SFT; GSM431A; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 781C; GSM4312; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 782LE; GSM4327; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 782LM; GSM4341; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 782LS; GSM4351; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 786LS; GSM4353; 30.0-83.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 787LE; GSM437E; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 78FT; GSM4298; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 793FT; GSM42EA; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 793FT PLUS; GSM42EB; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 795FT; GSM42DC; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 795FT; gsm42c6; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 795FT PLUS/795FT SUPER; GSM42DD; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 870LE; GSM4657; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 882LE; GSM4656; 31.0-80.0; 58.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 882SL; GSM4654; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 885LE; GSM4653; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 885LE-2; GSM4655; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 900B; GSM4A5B; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 900B Plus; GSM4A5C; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 901B; GSM4A68; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 910B; GSM4A7D; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 910E; GSM4A7E; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 910S; GSM4A7A; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 915FT PLUS; GSM4A4D; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-200.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 915FT SUPER (Analog); GSM4A63; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-200.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 915FT SUPER (Digital); GSM4A65; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-87.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 995FT PLUS; GSM4A5D; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 995SU; GSM4A55; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 99G; GSM4A54; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG CB910C; GSM4A40; 30.0-100.0; 50.0-200.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG CF786C; GSM429F; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG CS778DC; GSM42CA; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG CS788C; GSM42A9; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG CS788T; GSM4293; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG CS911; GSM4A4E; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG CS990DC; GSM4A50; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG CS990DE; GSM4A53; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG E700B; GSM4313; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG E700BH; GSM4352; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG E700BH/SH; GSM4389; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG E700S; GSM430D; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG E701S; GSM4340; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG E900B; GSM4A5E; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG E900P; GSM4A62; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG EB771D; GSM4323; 31.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG ez T707B; GSM43F1; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG ez T707S; GSM43F2; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG ez T710BH; GSM4366; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG ez T710MH; GSM43AD; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG ez T710P; GSM4368; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG ez T710PH; GSM4367; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG ez T710PU; GSM437A; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG ez T710S; GSM436C; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG ez T710SH; GSM436B; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG ez T711S; GSM4397; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG ez T730B; GSM43BF; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG ez T730BH; GSM43C2; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG ez T730BH plus; GSM43C1; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG ez T730PH; GSM43E2; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG ez T730PU plus; GSM43CA; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG ez T730S; GSM43F8; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG ez T730SH; GSM43CB; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG ez T910B; GSM4A6D; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG ez T910BH; GSM4A6E; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG ez T910BU; GSM4A6C; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG F700B; GSM4344; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG F700P; GSM434C; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG F700PD (Analog); GSM435A; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG F700PD (Digital); GSM4359; 30.0-90.0; 50.0-87.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG F700PH; GSM435C; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG F702B/710B; GSM437B; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG F702P; GSM4379; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG F702PU; GSM4387; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG F710B; GSM436E; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG F720B; GSM4396; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG F720P; GSM4395; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG F720PD (Analog); GSM4394; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG F720PD (Digital); GSM4393; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-87.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG F730B; GSM43C3; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG F730BY; GSM43D7; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG F730P; GSM43C4; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG F900B; GSM4A66; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG F900BL; GSM4A6A; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG F900P; GSM4A67; 30.0-111.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG F900PL; GSM4A6B; 30.0-111.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG F920B; GSM4A95; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG F920P; GSM4A88; 30.0-111.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1510A; GSM3B69; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1510B; GSM3B5C; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1510BF; GSM3B7E; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1510H; GSM3B70; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1510M; GSM3B61; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1510P (Analog); GSM3B62; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1510P (Digital); GSM3B76; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1510P Plus (Analog); GSM3B77; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1510P Plus (Digital); GSM3B78; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1510S; GSM3B55; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1510SF; GSM3B73; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1510SG; GSM3B8D; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1510T; GSM3B6A; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1511S; GSM3B59; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1511SK; GSM3B68; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1512S; GSM3B64; 30.0-63.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1515S; GSM3B7C; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1515SR; GSM3B94; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1516S; GSM3B85; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1520B; GSM3B80; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1520P (Analog); GSM3B8E; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1520P (Digital); GSM3B90; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1521B; GSM3BA6; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1530B (Analog); GSM3B96; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1530B (Digital); GSM3B97; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1530P (Analog); GSM3B98; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1530P (Digital); GSM3B99; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1530S; GSM3B95; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1530TM (Analog); GSM3B92; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1530TM (Digital); GSM3B93; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1550G; GSM3BAE; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1550S; GSM3BA7; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1710B (Analog); GSM4356; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1710B (Digital); GSM4358; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1710M; GSM4370; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1710P (Analog); GSM4384; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1710P (Digital); GSM4388; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1710S; GSM4357; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1711S; GSM4371; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1712T (Analog); GSM4443; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1712T (Digital); GSM4444; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1713P (Analog); GSM43AB; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1713P (Digital); GSM43AC; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1714SQ; GSM4400; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1715S; GSM436F; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1715SR; GSM438B; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1716S; GSM4373; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1717S; GSM4404; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1718S; GSM443C; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1719S; GSM4441; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1719SP; GSM444C; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L171WT; GSM43A6; 30.0-66.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1720B; GSM4372; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1720B Plus; GSM43BC; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1720BQ; GSM4418; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1720BU; GSM442E; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1720P (Analog); GSM437F; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1720P (Digital); GSM4383; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1720P Plus (Analog); GSM43BD; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1720P Plus (Digital); GSM43BE; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1720PQ (Analog); GSM4419; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1720PQ (Digital); GSM441A; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1721B; GSM43DF; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1722P (Analog); GSM43FD; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1722P (Digital); GSM43FE; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L172WA; GSM4390; 30.0-66.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L172WT; GSM4385; 30.0-66.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1730B (Analog); GSM438E; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1730B (Digital); GSM438F; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1730P (Analog); GSM439D; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1730P (Digital); GSM439E; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1730S; GSM438D; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1730SF; GSM43D5; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1730SY; GSM43D8; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1732P (Analog); GSM441D; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1732P (Digital); GSM441E; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1732P Plus (Analog); GSM4459; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1732P Plus (Digital); GSM445A; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1732S; GSM4413; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1732S PLUS; GSM444F; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1732TQ (Analog); GSM43E9; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1732TQ (Digital); GSM43F9; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1732TX (Analog); GSM4401; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1732TX (Digital); GSM440A; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L173SA (Analog); GSM43A9; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L173SA (Digital); GSM43AA; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L173ST (Analog); GSM43B0; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L173ST (Digital); GSM43B1; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L173WT (Analog); GSM43EC; 30.0-66.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L173WT (Digital); GSM43ED; 30.0-66.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1740B; GSM43D4; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1740B PLUS; GSM4450; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1740BQ; GSM43E5; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1740BU; GSM442F; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1740P (Analog); GSM43CF; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1740P (Digital); GSM43D0; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1740P Plus (Analog); GSM4451; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1740P Plus (Digital); GSM4452; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1740PQ (Analog); GSM43E6; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1740PQ (Digital); GSM43E7; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1750B (Analog); GSM4406; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1750B (Digital); GSM4407; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1750E; GSM4405; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1750G; GSM43FF; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1750H (Analog); GSM43CD; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1750H (Digital); GSM43CE; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1750HQ (Analog); GSM43EA; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1750HQ (Digital); GSM43EB; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1750S; GSM43CC; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1750SQ; GSM43E8; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1750T (Analog); GSM4420; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1750T (Digital); GSM4421; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1751H (Analog); GSM43DA; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1751H (Digital); GSM43DB; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1751S; GSM43D9; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1751SQ; GSM43F3; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1752H (Analog); GSM443D; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1752H (Digital); GSM443E; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1752HM (Analog); GSM443F; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1752HM (Digital); GSM4440; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1752HQ (Analog); GSM4457; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1752HQ (Digital); GSM4458; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1752S; GSM4432; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1752T (Analog); GSM4433; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1752T (Digital); GSM4434; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1752TQ (Analog); GSM4453; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1752TQ (Digital); GSM4454; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1752TX (Analog); GSM4435; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1752TX (Digital); GSM4436; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1760SR; GSM445C; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1760TG (Analog); GSM4455; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1760TG (Digital); GSM4456; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1760TQ (Analog); GSM4446; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1760TQ (Digital); GSM4447; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1760TR (Analog); GSM445D; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1760TR (Digital); GSM445E; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1770H (Analog); GSM4425; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1770H (Digital); GSM4426; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1770HQ (Analog); GSM4408; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1770HQ (Digital); GSM4409; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1780Q (Analog); GSM43E0; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1780Q (Digital); GSM43E1; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1780Q Plus (Analog); GSM441B; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1780Q Plus (Digital); GSM441C; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1780U (Analog); GSM43BA; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1780U (Digital); GSM43BB; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1781Q/U (Analog); GSM43DC; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1781Q/U (Digital); GSM43DD; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1800P (Analog); GSM4659; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1800P (Digital); GSM466C; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1800P Plus (Analog); GSM466A; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1800P Plus (Digital); GSM466B; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1800PK (Analog); GSM465E; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1800PK (Digital); GSM466E; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1800PM (Analog); GSM465C; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1800PM (Digital); GSM466D; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1810A (Analog); GSM4661; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1810A (Digital); GSM4664; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1810B (Analog); GSM465D; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1810B (Digital); GSM4668; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1810M (Analog); GSM4660; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1810M (Digital); GSM4663; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1810S; GSM465B; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1810T (Analog); GSM4666; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1810T (Digital); GSM4667; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1810TS (Analog); GSM466F; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1810TS (Digital); GSM4670; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1811B (Analog); GSM465F; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1811B (Digital); GSM4669; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1811S (Analog); GSM4662; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1811S (Digital); GSM4665; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1900E (Analog); GSM4AFF; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1900E (Digital); GSM4B00; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1900J (Analog); GSM4B01; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1900J (Digital); GSM4B02; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1900R (Analog); GSM4AFD; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1900R (Digital); GSM4AFE; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1910B (Analog); GSM4A70; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1910B (Digital); GSM4A71; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1910BA (Analog); GSM4A9E; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1910BA (Digital); GSM4A9F; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1910BG (Analog); GSM4A7F; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1910BG (Digital); GSM4A80; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1910BM (Analog); GSM4A74; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1910BM (Digital); GSM4A75; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1910P (Analog); GSM4A72; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1910P (Digital); GSM4A73; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1910PM (Analog); GSM4A76; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1910PM (Digital); GSM4A77; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1910S; GSM4A78; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1910SA; GSM4A9D; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1910SM; GSM4A8A; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1912T (Analog); GSM4AF4; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1912T (Digital); GSM4AF5; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1913P (Analog); GSM4A8E; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1913P (Digital); GSM4A8F; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1915S; GSM4A90; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1915SV; GSM4A9B; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1917S; GSM4AC6; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1919S; GSM4AF2; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1919SP; GSM4B07; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1920B; GSM4A84; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1920P (Analog); GSM4A7B; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1920P (Digital); GSM4A7C; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1920P Plus (Analog); GSM4A99; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1920P Plus (Digital); GSM4A9A; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1921B; GSM4AAD; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1922P (Analog); GSM4AC4; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1922P (Digital); GSM4AC5; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1930B (Analog); GSM4A85; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1930B (Digital); GSM4A86; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1930BQ (Analog); GSM4A94; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1930BQ (Digital); GSM4A96; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1930P (Analog); GSM4A82; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1930P (Digital); GSM4A83; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1930PE (Analog); GSM4AA8; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1930PE (Digital); GSM4AA9; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1930S; GSM4A87; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1930SQ; GSM4A93; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1932P (Analog); GSM4AD4; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1932P (Digital); GSM4AD5; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1932P Plus (Analog); GSM4B1C; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1932P Plus (Digital); GSM4B1D; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1932S; GSM4ACD; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1932S PLUS; GSM4B12; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1932TQ (Analog); GSM4AB6; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1932TQ (Digital); GSM4AB7; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1932TX (Analog); GSM4AE3; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1932TX (Digital); GSM4AE4; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L193SA (Analog); GSM4A8C; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L193SA (Digital); GSM4A8D; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L193ST (Analog); GSM4A91; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L193ST (Digital); GSM4A92; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1940B; GSM4AA6; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1940B PLUS; GSM4B13; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1940BQ; GSM4AD2; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1940P (Analog); GSM4AA4; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1940P (Digital); GSM4AA5; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1940P Plus (Analog); GSM4B14; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1940P Plus (Digital); GSM4B15; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1940PQ (Analog); GSM4AD0; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1940PQ (Digital); GSM4AD1; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L194WT (Analog); GSM4B05; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L194WT (Digital); GSM4B06; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L194WTM (Analog); GSM4B0C; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L194WTM (Digital), GSM4B0D; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L194WTQ (Analog); GSM4B0E; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L194WTQ (Digital); GSM4B0F; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1950B (Analog); GSM4AC8; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1950B (Digital); GSM4AC9; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1950E; GSM4AC7; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1950G; GSM4ABE; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1950H (Analog); GSM4AA2; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1950H (Digital); GSM4AA3; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1950S; GSM4AA1; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1950SQ; GSM4AD3; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1950T (Analog); GSM4ACA; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1950T (Digital); GSM4ACB; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1951H (Analog); GSM4AAB; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1951H (Digital); GSM4AAC; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1951S; GSM4AAA; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1951SQ; GSM4AD6; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1952H (Analog); GSM4AEC; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1952H (Digital); GSM4AED; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1952HM (Analog); GSM4AEE; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1952HM (Digital); GSM4AEF; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1952HQ (Analog); GSM4B08; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1952HQ (Digital); GSM4B09; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1952S; GSM4AE0; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1952T (Analog); GSM4AE1; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1952T (Digital); GSM4AE2; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1952TQ (Analog); GSM4B16; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1952TQ (Digital); GSM4B17; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1952TX (Analog); GSM4AE6; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1952TX (Digital); GSM4AE7; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1960TG (Analog); GSM4B18; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1960TG (Digital); GSM4B19; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1960TQ (Analog); GSM4AF9; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1960TQ (Digital); GSM4AFA; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1960TR (Analog); GSM4B20; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1960TR (Digital); GSM4B21; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1970H (Analog); GSM4ADB; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1970H (Digital); GSM4ADC; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1970HQ (Analog); GSM4AD7; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1970HQ (Digital); GSM4AD8; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1970HR (Analog); GSM4AE8; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1970HR (Digital); GSM4AE9; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1980Q (Analog); GSM4AB2; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1980Q (Digital); GSM4AB3; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1980Q Plus (Analog); GSM4ACE; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1980Q Plus (Digital); GSM4ACF; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1980U (Analog); GSM4A97; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1980U (Digital); GSM4A98; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1981Q/U (Analog); GSM4AAE; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1981Q/U (Digital); GSM4AAF; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1982U (Analog); GSM4B0A; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1982U (Digital); GSM4B0B; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2000C (Analog); GSM4E39; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2000C (Digital); GSM4E3A; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2000CE (Analog); GSM4E41; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2000CE (Digital); GSM4E42; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2000CEM (Analog); GSM4E43; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2000CEM (Digital); GSM4E44; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2000CM (Analog); GSM4E45; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2000CM (Digital); GSM4E46; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2000CN (Analog); GSM4E52; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2000CN (Digital); GSM4E53; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2010B (Analog) GSM4E2A; 28.0-92.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2010B (Digital); GSM4E2B; 28.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2010P (Analog); GSM4E27; 30.0-96.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2010P (Digital); GSM4E28; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2010T (Analog); GSM4E35; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2010T (Digital); GSM4E36; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2012P (Analog); GSM4E37; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2012P (Digital); GSM4E38; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2013P (Analog); GSM4E2E; 28.0-92.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2013P (Digital); GSM4E2F; 28.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L203WT (Analog); GSM4E3D; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L203WT (Digital); GSM4E3E; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L203WTX (Analog); GSM4E3F; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L203WTX (Digital); GSM4E40; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2040P (Analog); GSM4E30; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2040P (Digital); GSM4E31; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L204WT (Analog); GSM4E47; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L204WT (Digital); GSM4E48; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L204WTM (Analog); GSM4E49; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L204WTM (Digital); GSM4E4A; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L204WTQ (Analog); GSM4E4B; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L204WTQ (Digital); GSM4E4C; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L222W (Analog); GSM5664; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L222W (Digital); GSM5665; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2300B (Analog); GSM5611; 30.0-92.0; 57.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2300B (Digital); GSM5612; 30.0-75.0; 57.0-63.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2300C (Analog); GSM5613; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2300C (Digital); GSM5614; 30.0-72.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2320A (ANALOG); GSM55F5; 30.0-96.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2320A (DVI-D); GSM55F7; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2320A (DVI-I); GSM55F6; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2320T (ANALOG); GSM55F8; 30.0-96.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2320T (DVI-D); GSM55FA; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2320T (DVI-I); GSM55F9; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2323T (Analog); GSM55FD; 30.0-66.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2323T (Digital); GSM55FE; 30.0-66.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L245WP (Analog); GSM5623; 28.0-84.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L245WP (Digital); GSM5624; 28.0-84.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L245WPM (Analog); GSM562B; 28.0-84.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L245WPM (Digital); GSM562C; 28.0-84.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L3000A (Analog); GSM7531; 30.0-66.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L3000A (Digital); GSM7532; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L3000H (Analog); GSM7537; 30.0-66.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L3000H (Digital); GSM7538; 30.0-66.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L3010T (Analog); GSM753B; 30.0-66.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L3010T (Digital); GSM753C; 30.0-66.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L3020A (Analog); GSM7535; 30.0-66.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L3020A (Digital); GSM7536; 30.0-66.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L3020AL/T (Analog); GSM7533; 30.0-66.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L3020AL/T (Digital); GSM7534; 30.0-66.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L3200A (Analog); GSM754F; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L3200A (Digital); GSM7550; 30.0-72.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L3200T (Analog); GSM7549; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L3200T (Digital); GSM754A; 30.0-72.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L3700A (Analog); GSM754D; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L3700A (Digital); GSM754E; 30.0-72.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L3700T (Analog); GSM7547; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L3700T (Digital); GSM7548; 30.0-72.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L4200A (Analog); GSM9C41; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L4200A (Digital); GSM9C42; 30.0-72.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L4200T (Analog); GSM9C43; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L4200T (Digital); GSM9C44; 30.0-72.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LB500; GSM3B6F; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LB563B; GSM3B3A; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LG777; GSM4320; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LGIBM 1510TFT; GSM3B5A; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LGIBM 1510TXW; GSM3B6B; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LGIBM 1520TFT; GSM3B9C; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LGIBM 1710TFT (Analog); GSM4360; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LGIBM 1710TFT (Digital); GSM4364; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LGIBM 1711TFT; GSM4376; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LGIBM 1770X; GSM431C; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LGIBM 1771FT; GSM42D3; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LGIBM 1771FT PLUS; GSM434D; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LGIBM 1771FXW; GSM4330; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LGIBM 1771X; GSM4380; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LGIBM 1772 SUPER; GSM4342; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LGIBM 1910TFT (Digital); GSM4A89; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LGIBM 568TXW; GSM3B49; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LGIBM 571TFT; GSM3B2D; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LGIBM 871TFT; GSM465A; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LN777F; GSM431D; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LPL-22W03 (Analog); GSM55FB; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LPL-22W03 (Digital); GSM55FC; 30.0-64.0; 60.0-60.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LS773; GSM4318; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX151; GSM3BA2; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX151M; GSM3BA3; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX152; GSM3BAA; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX171; GSM43C7; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX1717; GSM4415; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX171D (Analog); GSM43C5; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX171D (Digital); GSM43C6; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX172; GSM43C9; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX1721; GSM43DE; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX174D (Analog); GSM43F4; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX174D (Digital); GSM43F5; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX1751Q; GSM43FA; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX1751QD (Analog); GSM43FB; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX1751QD (Digital); GSM43FC; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX178QD (Analog); GSM43EE; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX178QD (Digital); GSM43EF; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX191; GSM4ABA; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX191D (Analog); GSM4A9C; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX191D (Digital); GSM4AB0; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX1921; GSM4AB1; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX194D (Analog); GSM4ABB; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX194D (Digital); GSM4ABC; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX1951; GSM4AC0; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX1951D (Analog); GSM4AC2; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX1951D (Digital); GSM4AC3; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX198QD (Analog); GSM4AB8; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX198QD (Digital); GSM4AB9; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX20D (Analog); GSM4E4E; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX20D (Digital); GSM4E4F; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX713D (Analog); GSM4416; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX713D (Digital); GSM4417; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX732J; GSM4442; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX74Q; GSM442A; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX752; GSM4445; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX752D (Analog); GSM444A; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX752D (Digital); GSM444B; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX77D (Analog); GSM443A; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX77D (Digital); GSM443B; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX932J; GSM4AF3; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX952; GSM4AF8; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX952D (Analog); GSM4B03; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX952D (Digital); GSM4B04; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX97D (Analog); GSM4AEA; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX97D (Digital); GSM4AEB; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M1510A; GSM3BA5; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M1510S; GSM3BAB; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M1710A; GSM43D6; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M1710S; GSM43F6; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M1717A; GSM4424; 30.0-70.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M1717S; GSM441F; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M1717TM (Analog); GSM442C; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M1717TM (Digital); GSM442D; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M173WA (Analog); GSM43D1; 30.0-66.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M173WA (Digital); GSM43D2; 30.0-66.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M1740A (Analog); GSM43E3; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M1740A (Digital); GSM43E4; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M1910A; GSM4AA7; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M1910S; GSM4ABF; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M1917A; GSM4ADA; 30.0-70.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M1917S; GSM4AD9; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M1917TM (Analog); GSM4ADD; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M1917TM (Digital); GSM4ADE; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M1940A (Analog); GSM4AB4; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M1940A (Digital); GSM4AB5; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M203WA (Analog); GSM4E3B; 28.0-83.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M203WA (Digital); GSM4E3C; 28.0-83.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M203WX (Analog); GSM4E2C; 28.0-83.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M203WX (Digital); GSM4E2D; 28.0-83.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M2040A (Analog); GSM4E32; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M2040A (Digital); GSM4E33; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M2343A (Analog); GSM5615; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M2343A (Digital); GSM5616; 30.0-72.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M3200C (Analog); GSM7551; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M3200C (Digital); GSM7552; 30.0-72.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M3201C (Analog); GSM7579; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M3201C (Digital); GSM757A; 30.0-72.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M3700C (Analog); GSM7555; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M3700C (Digital); GSM7556; 30.0-72.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M3701C (Analog); GSM757B; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M3701C (Digital); GSM757C; 30.0-72.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M4200C (Analog); GSM9C49; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M4200C (Digital); GSM9C4A; 30.0-72.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M4201C (Analog); GSM9C5F; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M4201C (Digital); GSM9C60; 30.0-72.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M4600C (Analog); GSM9C4B; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M4600C (Digital); GSM9C4C; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M5500C (Analog); GSMC353; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M5500C (Digital); GSMC354; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG MX172WT; GSM43F0; 30.0-66.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG MX94D (Analog); GSM4AF6; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG MX94D (Digital); GSM4AF7; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG N2200P; GSM55F3; 30.0-124.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG RM151; GSM3B86; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0, 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 20i; gsm4e21; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 28i; sw28i; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 44i; gsm36b9; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 44m; gsm36b4; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 45i; gsm36bb; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 500LC; GSM3ACE; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 54m; gsm3aa9; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 550m; CXO0f0f; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 55i; gsm3abd; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 560LS; GSM3B1A; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 56i; gsm3aa8; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 56m; gsm3aa2; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 56T; gsm3aaf; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 570LE; GSM3AF2; 31.0-69.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 570LS; GSM3AF3; 31.0-69.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 575N; GSM3AE1; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 5D; gsm3ab6; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 74i; gsm4278; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 74m; gsm4277; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 74m; sw74m; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 76i; gsm426e; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 76m; gsm4273; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 76T; gsm4284; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 78D; gsm427f; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 78DT; gsm4280; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 78i; gsm426c; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 78m; gsm4274; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 78T; gsm426b; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 78T; gsm426d; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 7D; GSM427E; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 7DT; gsm4281; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 880LC; GSM4658; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 995E; gsm4a4c; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG T530B; GSM3BA8; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG T530S; GSM3BA9; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG T705B; GSM43A2; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG T705BH; GSM43A4; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG T705S; GSM43A1; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG T705SH; GSM43A3; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG T710B; GSM4365; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG T711B; GSM43A7; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG T730BG; GSM43C0; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG TX171; GSM43C8; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG TX191; GSM4ABD; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG WS771A; GSM42F2; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG WS771B; GSM42F3; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG Zenith 515Z; GSM3BAC; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG Zenith 715Z; GSM43F7; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG Zenith 721Z; GSM440B; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG Zenith 921Z; GSM4ACC; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Link Computer, Inc.; Link Computer CE-8; ce-8; 15.5-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Link Computer, Inc.; Link Computer CM-3; cm-3; 15.5-36.0; 50.0-70.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On 1570; ltn1570; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On 1770NSL; ltn1770; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On A1454NE; ltna442; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On A1454NEL; ltna443; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On A1554NE; ltna542; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On A1554NEL; ltna543; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On A1570NSL; ltna595; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On A1570NST(92); ltna596; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On A1570NST(95); ltna597; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On A1770NSL; ltna795; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On A1770NST(92); ltna796; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On A1770NST(95); ltna797; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On A1770NST(99); ltna798; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On A1996NST(95); ltna967; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On B1770NSL; ltnb795; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On B1770NST(92); ltnb796; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On B1770NST(95); ltnb797; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On B1770NST(99); ltnb798; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On B1985NSL; ltnb955; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On B1996NSL; ltnb965; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On B1996NST(95); ltnb967; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On B1996NST(99); ltnb968; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On B1997NST(99); ltn1901; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On BL150AT; ltn0205; 24.0-61.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On BL150ATA; ltn0204; 24.0-61.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On CM-1412; ltn1412; 30.0-38.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On CM-1413; ltn1413; 30.0-38.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On CM-1414; ltn1414; 30.0-38.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On CM-1435; ltn1435; 30.0-38.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On CM-1438; ltn1438; 30.0-38.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On CM-1448; ltn1448; 30.0-48.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On CM-1450; ltn1450; 30.0-56.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On CM-1550MCLR; ltn1550; 30.0-56.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On CM-1554; ltn1554; 30.0-56.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On CM-1555NEL; ltn1555; 30.0-56.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On CM-1565MCLR; ltn1565; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On CM-1566; ltn1566; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On CM-1754; ltn1754; 30.0-56.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On CM-1766; ltn1766; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On CM-1785NSL; ltn1785; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On CM-1995NST; ltn1995; 30.0-97.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On CM-2090M; cm-2090m; 30.0-75.0; 40.0-120.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On DC150AT; ltn020c; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On DC150ATA; ltn0208; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On DP150AT; ltn020b; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On DR150ATA; ltn0209; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On H15ANC; ltn021c; 31.5-60.1; 56.3-75.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On L140PTA; ltn0201; 45.0-54.0; 57.0-65.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On L150ATA; ltn0202; 24.0-61.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On L150PTA; ltn0203; 48.0-61.0; 56.0-61.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On P150AT; ltn0207; 24.0-61.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On S1770NSL; ltn1704; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +Logitec; Logitec LCM-15FA; LOG1026; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0 +Logitec; Logitec LCM-15FA2; LOG1040; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0 +Logitec; Logitec LCM-15FA3; LOG1053; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0 +Logitec; Logitec LCM-15FS; LOG4536; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0 +Logitec; Logitec LCM-15TH; LOG1029; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-130.0 +Logitec; Logitec LCM-17DV; LOG1024; 30.0-69.0; 55.0-125.0 +Logitec; Logitec LCM-17FA; LOG1027; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0 +Logitec; Logitec LCM-17FS; LOG1039; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-120.0 +Logitec; Logitec LCM-17FS2; LOG1052; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-120.0 +Logitec; Logitec LCM-17TH; LOG1046; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0 +Logitec; Logitec LCM-17TS; LOG1054; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0 +Logitec; Logitec LCM-17TSU; LOG1048; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0 +Logitec; Logitec LCM-17TX; LOG1031; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-160.0 +Logitec; Logitec LCM-19FS; LOG1050; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0 +Logitec; Logitec LCM-19TS; LOG1062; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0 +Logitec; Logitec LCM-21DX; LOG1025; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-132.0 +Logitec; Logitec LCM-T041A; LOG1061; 24.8-37.5; 55.0-76.0 +Logitec; Logitec LCM-T133A; LOG1035; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0 +Logitec; Logitec LCM-T134AS; LOG1058; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-76.0 +Logitec; Logitec LCM-T141AS; LOG1049; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-85.0 +Logitec; Logitec LCM-T142AS; LOG1055; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-76.0 +Logitec; Logitec LCM-T151A; LOG1036; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-87.0 +Logitec; Logitec LCM-T151AS; LOG1047; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-76.0 +Logitec; Logitec LCM-T152A; LOG1045; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-76.0 +Logitec; Logitec LCM-T153A; LOG1056; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-76.0 +Logitec; Logitec LCM-T181A; LOG1057; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-120.0 +MacroView; MacroView mp712; OEM7692; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG 410V2; mag4561; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG 510V2; mag5662; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG 570FD; mag9510; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG 570V; mag9501; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG 710V2; mag7663; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG 720V2; mag7764; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG 770T; mag9704; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG 770V; mag9701; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG 786FD; mag9705; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG 796FD; mag9706; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG 800V; mag9807; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG 810FD; mag9809; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG 986PF; mag03da; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG Computronic Colorview/15; colorview15; 30.0-68.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG Computronic PMV-14AC/plus; pmv-14ac; 15.0-36.0; 45.0-90.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG Computronic PMV-1531; pmv-1531; 15.0-38.0; 45.0-90.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG D410; mag4577; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DJ530; mag5775; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DJ530AV; mag5767; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DJ700; mag7746; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DJ702; mag7748; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DJ702E; mag7747; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DJ707; mag7752; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DJ707AV; mag7769; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DJ717; mag7854; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DJ800; mag6589; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DJ810; mag8991; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DJ920; mag9156; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DJ925T; mag9157; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DX-1595; mag5620; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DX1495; mag11a6; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DX1595; mag15f4; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DX15F; magdx15; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DX15T; mag5624; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DX1795; mag7626; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DX17F; magdx17; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DX17T; mag00e3; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DX500AV; mag5541; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DX500T; mag5781; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG dx700e; mag7745; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DX700T; mag7740; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DX715T; mag7842; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DX725T; mag7990; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG dx800; mag6589; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG InnoVision DX15F; dx15f; 30-64; 50-90; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG InnoVision DX17F; dx17f; 30-64; 50-90; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG InnoVision DX21F; dx21f; 30-68; 50-120; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG InnoVision LX1450; lx1450; 30-50; 50-100; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG InnoVision MX15F; mx15f; 30.0-68.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG InnoVision MX17F/S; mx17fs; 30.0-68.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG InnoVision MX21NT; mx21nt; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG LT530C; mag5020; 45.0-58.0; 57.0-63.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG LT541C; mag5021; 31.5-68.7; 50.0-85.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG LT541F; magc541; 31.0-69.0; 50.0-85.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG LT561D; magd561; 31.0-69.0; 50.0-85.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG LT561E; mage561; 31.0-69.0; 50.0-85.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG LX1450LG; mag1450; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG LX1564LG; mag1564; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG MX14S; magm14s; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG MX15F; magmx15; 30.0-68.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG MX17F; magmx17; 30.0-68.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG MX17FG; mag17fg; 30.0-68.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG MX17FP; 0; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG MX21F; magmx21; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG MXE15F; mmxe15f; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG MXP17F; mmxp17f; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG PMV14SV; pmv14sv; 30.0-36.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG XJ500; mag5801; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG XJ500T; mag5779; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG XJ530; mag5776; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG XJ700; mag7771; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG XJ700T; mag7780; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG XJ707; mag7772; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG XJ717; mag7874; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG xj770; mag9702; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG XJ796; mag9703; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG XJ810; mag8997; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG XJ910; mag9158; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Magnavox; Magnavox MB4010(14inch/CM1300); 0; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0 +Magnavox; Magnavox MB5314(15inch/CM1200); 0; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-110.0 +Magnavox; Magnavox MB7000(17inch/CM6800); 0; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-130.0 +Magnavox; Magnavox MV5011(15inch/CM1300); 0; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0 +Maxdata Computer; Maxdata Belinea 10 30 52; max06b9; 30.0-97.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Maxdata Computer; Maxdata Belinea 10 40 65; max4065; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Maxdata Computer; Maxdata Belinea 10 50 95; max3539; 30.0-64.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Maxdata Computer; Maxdata Belinea 10 55 75; max7555; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MED; MED 2914; MED2914; 30-98; 50-120 +MegaImage; MegaImage 17; 106; 30-64; 50-100 +Megavision; MV173 LCD; ate8506; 31.0-80.0; 58.0-75.0 +Microtec; Microtec MD15-9; PBR023c; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Microvitec, Inc.; Microvitec 1020/LP; 1020lp; 15.0-36.5; 45.0-100.0; 1 +Microvitec, Inc.; Microvitec 1020/SP; 1020sp; 15.0-36.5; 45.0-100.0; 1 +Microvitec, Inc.; Microvitec 2012/LP; 2012lp; 15.0-40.0; 45.0-100.0; 1 +Microvitec, Inc.; Microvitec 2014/LP; 2014lp; 15.0-40.0; 45.0-100.0; 1 +Microvitec, Inc.; Microvitec 2014/SVGA; 2014svga; 30.0-40.0; 45.0-90.0; 1 +Microvitec, Inc.; Microvitec 2019/SP; 2019sp; 15.0-38.0; 45.0-100.0; 1 +Microvitec, Inc.; Microvitec 4015/FST; 4015fst; 30.0-50.0; 45.0-100.0; 1 +Microvitec, Inc.; Microvitec 604/FST; 604fst; 15.0-36.5; 45.0-100.0; 1 +Microvitec, Inc.; Microvitec 704/FST; 704fst; 15.0-36.5; 45.0-100.0; 1 +Miro Computer Products AG; Miro miroD1568; mir6815; 31.5-68.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Miro Computer Products AG; Miro miroD1769; mir6917; 31.5-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Miro Computer Products AG; Miro PROOFSCREEN miroC1768; mir6817; 29.0-68.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Miro Computer Products AG; Miro PROOFSCREEN miroC1782; mir8217; 29.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Miro Computer Products AG; Miro PROOFSCREEN miroC2085 E; mir8520; 29.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Miro Computer Products AG; Miro PROOFSCREEN miroC21107; mir0721; 31.5-107.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Miro Computer Products AG; Miro PROOFSCREEN miroC2185; mir8521; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Miro Computer Products AG; Miro PROOFSCREEN miroC2193; mir9321; 30.0-93.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +MiTAC; MiTAC 1450FD; mtc0003; 31.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +MiTAC; MiTAC 1450FV; mtc0001; 31.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +MiTAC; MiTAC 1564FD/1564FS; mtc0002; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Mitsuba Corp.; Mitsuba Corp. 710MH; 710mh; 15.0-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 100 (TFW1105); MEL40E1; 30.0-108.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 100 (TFW1105); mel40e1; 30.0-108.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 120u (TFA1105); MEL42F0; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 120u (TFA1105); mel42f0; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 200 (NSH1117); MEL43F0; 30.0-108.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 200 (NSH1117); mel43f0; 30.0-108.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 230SB; MEL4631; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 230SB; mel4631; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 70 (TF-7700P); mel4190; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-180.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 71 (TFV6708); mel4240; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 72 (TFV8705); mel4160; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 73 (N9705); mel4460; 31.0-69.0; 59.0-86.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 74SB; MEL4623; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 91 (NFL9905); mel43a0; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-140.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 93SB; MEL4625; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 1000 (TFX1105); mel4100; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 1010 (TUX1107); mel4101; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 14 (FW6405); mel6405; 30.0-58; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 14 Plus (SD45xx); mel4500; 30.0-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 0 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 15FS (SD56xx); mel5600; 31.5-64.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 17 (TFS6705); mel6705; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 17TX (TFG8705); mel4040; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 20 (HL7955); mel7955; 30.0-78.0; 50.0-130.0; 0 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 2020u (NUB1107); mel4310; 30.0-121.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 2040u (NSB1107); mel4311; 30.0-121.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 2045u (NSH1157); MEL43F3; 30.0-121.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 2060u (NSZ1207); MEL4511; 30.0-121.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 2070SB; MEL4632; 30.0-140.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 20X (FR8905); mel2040; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 21FS (FFL7165); mel7165b; 30.0-78.0; 50.0-130.0; 0 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 21T (THZ8155); mel8155; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 21TX (THN9105); mel0040; 30.0-93.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 26H (HJ6505); mel6505; 45.0-70.0; 50.0-80.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 26M (HC3505); mel3505; 15.7-38.0; 45.0-90.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 29 (XC2930); mel2930; 15.0-82.0; 40.0-120.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 37 (XC3725); mel3725; 24.0-64.0; 40.0-120.0; 0 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 67TXV (TFV6705); mel4064; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 700 (TFK9705); mel4110; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 710 (NFF8705); mel4360; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 710s (NFN8705); MEL4380; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 720 (NFN9705); mel4381; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 740SB; MEL4521; 31.0-96.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 750SB; MEL4624; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 87TXM (TFM8705); mel40c0; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 900u (NFJ9905); mel42c0; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 91TXM (TFW9105); mel40e0; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 920 (NUR1905); MEL4440; 30.0-108.0; 50.0-140.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 930SB; MEL463D; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro SVGA (SD43xx); mel4300; 30.0-38.5; 50.0-70.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro VGA (SD41xx); mel4100; 31.5; 60.0-70.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Scan 15FS (SD55xx); mel5500; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Scan 15HX (SD57xx); mel8040; 31.5-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Scan 15VX (SD58xx); mel408f; 30-65.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Scan 17FS (FFY7705); mel7705; 30.0-78.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Scan 17HX (FFF8705); mel6140; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Scan 20 (HL6945/55); mel6955; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-130.0; 0 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Scan 20H (FR8905); mel2040; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Scan 20M (HC3925); mel3925; 15.7-38.0; 45.0-90.0; 0 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Scan 21 (FFL7165); mel7165; 30.0-78.0; 50.0-130.0; 0 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Scan 33 (XC3315); mel3315; 15.0-38.0; 40.0-120.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Scan 37 (XC3715); mel3715; 15.0-36.5; 40.0-120.0; 0 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Scan 50 (SD5904); mel41f0; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Scan 70 (SD7704); mel4210; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Scan 90e (FFT9905); mel4220; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi DiamondPoint M55LCD; MEL4647; 31.0-63.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi DiamondPoint NX85 LCD (Analog); MEL4638; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi DiamondPoint NX85 LCD (Digital); MEL4639; 31.0-67.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi DiamondPoint NX86LCD (Analog); MEL4659; 31.0-84.0; 55.0-85.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi DiamondPoint NX86LCD (Digital); MEL4658; 31.0-84.0; 55.0-85.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi DiamondPoint NXM56LCD; MEL4651; 31.0-63.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi DiamondPoint NXM76LCD (Analog); MEL464F; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi DiamondPoint NXM76LCD (Digital); MEL4650; 31.0-70.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi DiamondPoint V50LCD; MEL466C; 31.0-63.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi E55LCD; MEL464E; 31.0-60.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi E85LCD; MEL4344; 31.0-82.0; 55.0-85.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi LCD 151A (LXA572WB); MEL41D4; 31.0-63.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi LCD 40 (LXA420W); mel41c0; 31.5-60.2; 56.3-85.1; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi LCD 50 (LXA520W); mel41d0; 31.5-60.2; 56.3-85.1; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi LCD 51 (LXA530W); MEL41D1; 31.0-63.0; 30.0-85.1; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi LCD 52 (LXA550W/WB); MEL41D2; 31.5-60.5; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi LCD 52 (LXA565W); MEL41D3; 31.5-60.5; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi LCD 580 (LXA580W); MEL41D6; 31.0-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi LCD 80 (LSA810W); MEL4340; 31.0-83.0; 30.0-85.1; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi LCD 80 (LSA820W/WB); MEL4341; 31.0-81.5; 30.0-85.1; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi LCD 80 (LSA831W); MEL4343; 24.0-80.0; 30.0-85.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi LVP-X300 Projector (LVP-X300); mel3001; 15.0-91.0; 50.0-85.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi MegaView 29 (AM2752); mel2752; 15.0-39.0; 45.0-100.0; 0 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi MegaView 33 (XC3315); mel3315; 15.0-38.0; 40.0-120.0; 0 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi MegaView 37 (XC3716); mel3716; 15.0-39.5; 40.0-120.0; 0 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi MegaView 37 Plus (XC3717); mel3717; 15.0-61.0; 40.0-120.0; 0 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi MegaView Pro 29 (XC2930); mel2930; 15.0-82.0; 40.0-120.0; 0 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi MegaView Pro 37 (XC3730); mel3730; 15.0-85.0; 40.0-120.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi MegaView Pro 42 (AM4201); mel4201; 20.0-64.0; 45.0-120.0; 0 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi MERLIN; tat3044; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi PC Division V70 (XJ63754); tat3054; 30-70; 50-100; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Precise Point 5800; melpp_5800; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Precise Point 8705; melpp_8705; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Precise Point 8905; melpp_8905; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi RD15M; mel409f; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi RD17F; mel6040; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi RD17GR; mel4065; 30.0-69.0; 55.0-125.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi RD17GZ; mel4150; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi RD21GH; mel4141; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi RD21GII; mel40f0; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi RD21GIII; mel4140; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi RD21GX; mel40f1; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-132.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi RDF173H; MEL4627; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi RDF193H; MEL4628; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi RDS173X; MEL4626; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi RDT151; mel41b0; 24.8-60.2; 56.3-85.1; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi SpectraView 1000; mel4120; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi SpectraView 700; mel4130; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi TFT Monitor RDT150S; mel41b3; 24.8-63.0; 30.0-85.1; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi TFT Monitor RDT180S; mel42d0; 24.8-83.0; 30.0-85.1; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi The Big Easy 1281 (VS1281); mel1281; 15.0-103.0; 40.0-150.0; 0 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi The Big Easy G1A (LVPG1A); mellvpg1a; 25.0-37.86; 56.0-72.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi VS1280 Projector; mel1280; 15.0-100.0; 40.0-150.0; 0 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi XJ59992; tatbbcf; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Modgraph; Modgraph. MG-3200; mg-3200; 15.0-35.0; 47.0-80.0; 1 +Monitronix; Monitronix MX-200MC; mx-200mc; 15.0-75.0; 40.0-120.0; 1 +Monitronix; Monitronix MX-210EZ; mx-210ez; 30.0-75.0; 40.0-120.0; 1 +Monitronix; Monitronix MX-240EZ; mx-240ez; 30.0-75.0; 40.0-120.0; 1 +Monitronix; Monitronix MX240; mx240; 30.0-90.0; 20.0-120.0; 1 +Morse; Morse Monitor; morsemon; 30.0-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao 9060S; nan0502; 15.5-38.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao 9060S; nan0902; 15.5-38.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao 9065S; nan0503; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao 9070U; nan0506; 20.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao 9070U; nan0906; 20.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao 9080i; nan0507; 30.0-64.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao 9080i; nan0907; 30.0-64.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao 9400i; nan0508; 30.0-65.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao 9500; nan0509; 30.0-78.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao Eizo E35F; nan1200; 24.5-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao Eizo E51F; nan1208; 24.5-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao Eizo E51FS; nan1215; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao Eizo E53F; nan1204; 24.5-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao Eizo E54F; nan1220; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao Eizo E55D; nan1205; 24.5-92.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao Eizo E57T; nan1201; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao Eizo E57Ts; nan1210; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao Eizo E65T; nan1203; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao Eizo E66T; nan1202; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao Eizo E67F; nan1213; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao Eizo E67T; nan1214; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao Eizo E75F; nan1206; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao Eizo E76D; nan1211; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao Eizo E76F; nan1218; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao Eizo E78F; nan1207; 31.5-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao Eizo T960; nan1222; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan 33F; nan0800; 24.5-69.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan 52F; nan0882; 24.5-70.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan 53T; nan0993; 30.0-85.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan 54T; nan0805; 24.5-86.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan 55F; nan098c; 24.5-65.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan 56T; nan0913; 30.0-85.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan 6500; nan0900; 56.0-80.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan 6600; nan0406; 56.0-110.0; 70.0-90.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan 68T; nan0914; 30.0-85.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan 76F; nan098f; 30.0-78.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan 77F; nan090f; 24.5-90.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan 88F; nan0802; 31.5-102.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan E151L; nan1209; 24.0-61.0; 50.0-85.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan F340iW; nan050a; 27.0-61.5; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan F347; nan090a; 24.5-61.5; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan F347II; nan098a; 24.5-61.5; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan F550i; nan050b; 30.0-65.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan F550i; nan090b; 30.0-65.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan F550iW; nan050c; 30.0-65.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan F557; nan090c; 24.5-65.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan F560iW; nan050d; 30.0-82.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan F750i; nan050e; 30.0-80.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan F760iW; nan050f; 30.0-78.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan F780iJ; nan0910; 45.0-100.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan F780iW; nan0510; 45.0-100.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan L360; nan1221; 27.0-61.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan L66; nan1219; 27.0-80.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan T560i; nan0511; 30.0-82.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan T560iJ; nan0911; 30.0-82.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan T567; nan0991; 30.0-82.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan T660i; nan0512; 30.0-78.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan T660iJ; nan0912; 30.0-82.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao USA F2-15; nan0400; 24.5-69.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao USA F2-17; nan0401; 24.5-69.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao USA F2-17EX; nan0402; 24.5-86.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao USA F2-21; nan0403; 24.5-90.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao USA FlexScan 6300; nan0580; 56.0-80.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao USA FlexScan T2-17; nan0513; 30.0-85.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao USA FlexScan T2-17TS; nan0405; 24.5-86.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao USA FlexScan T2-20; nan0000; 30.0-85.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao USA FlexScan T2-20; nan0514; 30.0-85.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao USA FX2-21; nan0404; 31.5-102.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC 15TFT CP Monitor; necea8e; 48; 60; 1 +NEC; NEC AccuSync 120; nec5dd5; 31.0-96.0; 55.0-200.0; 1 +NEC; NEC AccuSync 125F; NEC61D4; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC AccuSync 50; nec5dc3; 31.0-70.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC AccuSync 500; NEC61DF; 30.0-71.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC AccuSync 70; nec5dc4; 31.0-70.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC AccuSync 700; NEC61E0; 30.0-71.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC AccuSync 700M; NEC61E1; 30.0-71.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC AccuSync 750F; NEC61E2; 30.0-71.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC AccuSync 75F; nec5dcf; 31.0-70.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC AccuSync 90; nec5dc5; 31.0-96.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC AccuSync 900; NEC61E3; 30.0-98.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC AccuSync 95F; nec5dd0; 31.0-96.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC AccuSync LCD200VX; NEC665C; 31.0-95.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +NEC; NEC AccuSync LCD5V; NEC6615; 30.0-63.0; 55.0-76.0; 1 +NEC; NEC AccuSync LCD7V; NEC6617; 30.0-83.0; 55.0-76.0; 1 +NEC; NEC AccuSync LCD9V; NEC6619; 31.0-84.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC C510; necea6b; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC C550; necea65; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +NEC; NEC C700; necea67; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +NEC; NEC C710; necea6c; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC C900; necea69; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +NEC; NEC C900; necea8d; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +NEC; NEC CI A727; GSM5011; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC CS500; nec3e53; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +NEC; NEC CS500 Multimedia Monitor; nec3e53; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC DH28W2; nec0afa; 30.0-38.0; 60.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC DH32W2; nec0c8a; 30.0-38.0; 60.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC DV15A1; nec006e; 30.0-63.0; 60.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC DV15A2; nec019a; 30.0-71.0; 59.0-86.0; 1 +NEC; NEC DV15D1; nec00aa; 30.0-63.0; 60.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC DV17A1; nec0078; 30.0-67.0; 60.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC DV17B1; nec0082; 30.0-67.0; 60.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC DV17B2; nec01ae; 30.0-71.0; 59.0-86.0; 1 +NEC; NEC DV17C1; nec008c; 30.0-67.0; 60.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC DV17C2; nec0096; 30.0-83.0; 60.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC DV17C3; nec01a4; 30.0-71.0; 59.0-86.0; 1 +NEC; NEC F14T1; nec00a0; 24.0-63.0; 60.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC F14T2; nec00b4; 30.0-63.0; 60.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC F14T2H; nec00dc; 31.0-61.0; 59.0-76.0; 1 +NEC; NEC F14T2L; nec00e6; 31.0-61.0; 59.0-76.0; 1 +NEC; NEC F15T1; nec00d2; 31.0-61.0; 59.0-76.0; 1 +NEC; NEC F727; NCI5015; 31.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC LCD1280; 0; 29.5-33.5; 60.0-62.0; 1 +NEC; NEC LCD200; nec2fb2; 24.0-62.0; 53.0-85.0; 1 +NEC; NEC LCD300; 0; 30.8-38.0; 55.0-72.8; 1 +NEC; NEC LCD300; nec-lcd300; 30.8-38.0; 55.0-72.8; 1 +NEC; NEC LCD51V; NEC661B; 31.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC LCD51VM; NEC661A; 31.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC LCD52V; NEC6656; 31.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC LCD52VM; NEC6657; 31.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC LCD71V; NEC661D; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC LCD71VM; NEC661C; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC LCD72V; NEC6658; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC LCD72VM; NEC6659; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC LCD92V; NEC6966; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync 125; nec61b2; 31.0-96.0; 55.0-200.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync 2A; nec-2a; 31.5-35.0; 50.0-70.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync 2V; nec-2v; 30-57; 50-100; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync 3D; nec-3d; 15.5-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync 3Ds; nec-3ds; 15.5-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync 3FGe; nec-3fge; 47.5-49.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync 3FGx; nec-3fgx; 47.8-49.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync 3V; nec-3v; 31.0-50.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync 4D; nec-4d; 30.0-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync 4Ds; nec-4ds; 30.0-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync 4FG; nec-4fg; 27.0-57.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync 4FGe; nec-4fge; 27.0-62.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync 50; nec1d4d; 31.0-69.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync 5D; nec-5d; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync 5FG; nec-5fg; 27.0-79.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync 5FGe; nec-5fge; 31.0-62.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync 5FGp; nec-5fgp; 27.0-79.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync 6FG; nec-6fg; 27.0-79.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync 6FGp; nec-6fgp; 27.0-79.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync 70; nec1e15; 31.0-69.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync 75; nec5dc9; 31.0-70.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync 75F; nec5dd1; 31.0-70.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync 90; nec4bf0; 31.0-92.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync 95; nec5dca; 31.0-96.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync 95F; nec5dd2; 31.0-96.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync A500; nec3d90; 31.0-65.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync A500+; nec3dc2; 31.0-70.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync A700; nec43d0; 31.0-69.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync A700+; nec43ee; 31.0-70.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync A900; nec4be6; 31.0-92.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync C400; nec3a66; 30.0-64.0; 47.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync C500; nec3e4e; 30.0-64.0; 47.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync E1100; nec53c0; 31.0-82.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync E1100+; nec53de; 31.0-96.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync E500; nec3d86; 31.0-69.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync E700; nec4434; 31.0-82.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync E750; nec443e; 31.0-92.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync E900; nec4bd2; 31.0-92.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync E900+; nec4bdc; 31.0-96.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync E950; nec4bfa; 31.0-96.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync FE1250; nec61ab; 31.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync FE1250+; NEC61B6; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync FE2111SB; NEC61DA; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync FE700; nec4272; 31.0-70.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync FE700+; NEC61BA; 31.0-70.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync FE750; nec61ad; 31.0-92.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync FE750+; NEC61B3; 31.0-96.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync FE770; NEC61D5; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync FE771SB; NEC61D6; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync FE791SB; NEC61D7; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync FE950; nec61ae; 31.0-96.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync FE950+; NEC61B4; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync FE990; NEC61DC; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync FE991SB; NEC61D8; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync FP1350; nec578a; 31.0-115.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync FP1370; nec61a8; 31.0-130.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync FP912SB; nec61dd; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync FP950; nec4c04; 31.0-110.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync HR17; 0; 31.0-96.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync HR19; 0; 31.0-110.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1500M; nec3b88; 30.0-61.0; 50.0-77.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1501; NEC65FB; 31.0-63.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1510; nec3b6a; 24.0-60.0; 55.0-86.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1510+; nec3d5f; 24.0-60.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1510V; nec3b74; 24.0-60.0; 55.0-86.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1510V+; nec3d73; 24.0-60.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1511M; NEC6607; 31.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1512; NEC660D; 30.0-63.0; 55.0-76.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1515; NEC6616; 30.0-63.0; 55.0-76.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1525M; nec3bb0; 24.0-60.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1525S; nec3bce; 24.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1525V; nec3ba6; 24.0-49.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1525X; nec6591; 24.0-60.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1530V; nec65a8; 31.0-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1550M; NEC65C7; 31.0-60.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1550V; NEC65C6; 31.0-60.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1550X; NEC65C8; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1560M; NEC65F2; 31.0-63.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1560NX; NEC65FA; 31.0-63.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1560V; NEC65F0; 31.0-63.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1560V+; NEC660F; 31.0-63.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1560VM; NEC65F1; 31.0-63.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1565; NEC6620; 31.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1570NX; NEC667E; 31.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD15T; nec6590; 24.0-60.0; 55.0-85.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1700M; NEC65A9; 31.0-81.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1700M+; NEC65B5; 31.0-81.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1700NX (Analog); NEC65E0; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1700NX (Digital); NEC65DF; 31.0-68.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1700V; NEC65D2; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1701; NEC65EF; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1711M; NEC6606; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1712; NEC660E; 30.0-83.0; 55.0-76.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1715; NEC6618; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1720M; NEC----; 31.0-82.0; 50.0-85.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1760NX (Analog); NEC65ED; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1760NX (Digital); NEC6604; 31.0-69.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1760V; NEC65EE; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1760VM (Analog); NEC65EA; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1760VM (Digital); NEC6603; 31.0-70.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1765; NEC6621; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1800; nec65a1; 24.0-80.0; 55.0-86.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1810; nec4786; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1810X; nec6594; 31.0-82.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1830; NEC65B1; 24.0-82.0; 55.0-85.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1850DX; NEC65B3; 31.0-82.0; 50.0-85.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1850E; NEC65D1; 31.0-82.0; 55.0-85.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1850X; NEC65C0; 31.0-82.0; 50.0-85.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1855NX (Analog); NEC65F7; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1855NX (Digital); NEC65F8; 31.0-68.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1860NX (Analog); NEC65E8; 31.0-82.0; 55.0-85.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1860NX (Digital); NEC65E9; 31.0-80.0; 55.0-85.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1880SX; NEC65D4; 31.0-82.0; 50.0-85.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1912; NEC6614; 31.0-84.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1915X (Analog); NEC663A; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1915X (Digital); NEC663B; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1920NX; NEC65DE; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1960NX (Analog); NEC661E; 31.0-84.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1960NX (Digital); NEC661F; 31.0-84.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1960NXi (Analog); NEC6632; 31.0-84.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1960NXi (Digital); NEC6633; 31.0-84.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1970GX; NEC6685; 31.0-84.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1980SX (Analog); NEC660C; 31.0-84.0; 50.0-85.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1980SX (Digital); NEC660B; 31.0-84.0; 50.0-85.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1980SX TCO-03 (Analog); NEC6627; 31.0-84.0; 50.0-85.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1980SX TCO-03 (Digital); NEC6626; 31.0-84.0; 50.0-85.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1980SXi (Analog); NEC6649; 31.0-84.0; 48.0-85.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1980SXi (Digital); NEC664A; 31.0-84.0; 48.0-85.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD2000; nec4f56; 24.0-81.0; 55.0-85.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD2010; nec4f60; 24.0-81.0; 55.0-85.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD2010X; nec65a2; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD2060NX; NEC6637; 31.0-95.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD2070NX; NEC667B; 31.0-95.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD2080UX; NEC6605; 30.0-98.0; 48.0-87.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD2110; nec6597; 24.0-82.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD2180UX; NEC662C; 30.0-96.0; 48.0-87.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD2335WXM (Analog); NEC667F; 31.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD2335WXM (Digital); NEC6680; 31.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD3000 (Analog); NEC65E6; 30.0-75.0; 58.0-62.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD3000 (Digital); NEC65E7; 30.0-48.0; 58.0-62.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD400; nec3782; 24.0-60.0; 55.0-86.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD4000 (Analog); NEC6609; 30.0-75.0; 58.0-62.0 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD4000 (Digital); NEC6608; 30.0-48.0; 58.0-62.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD400V; nec378c; 24.0-60.0; 55.0-86.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LT80; nec0320; 15.0-60.0; 50.0-85.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync M500; nec3d68; 30.0-69.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync M700; nec43c6; 31.0-69.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync MT1000; nec2710; 15.0-80.0; 50.0-85.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync MT810; nec1fa4; 15.0-60.0; 50.0-85.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync P1150; nec53ca; 31.0-94.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync P1250+; nec53e8; 31.0-110.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync P750; nec4420; 31.0-94.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync V500; nec3d7c; 31.0-65.0; 55.0-100.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync V520; nec251d; 31.0-70.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync XE15; nec3c00; 31.0-65.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync XE15; nec3c1e; 31.0-65.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync XE17; nec43a8; 31.0-65.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync XE17; nec43b2; 31.0-65.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync XE21; nec533e; 31.0-69.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync XP15; nec3c0a; 31.0-65.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync XP17; nec4416; 31.0-82.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync XP21; nec53b6; 31.0-89.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync XV14; nec37fa; 30.0-57.0; 55.0-100.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync XV14; nec37fb; 30.0-57.0; 55.0-100.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync XV15; nec3c14; 31.0-65.0; 55.0-100.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync XV15+; nec3d5e; 31.0-65.0; 55.0-100.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync XV17 / XV17+; nec43bc; 31.0-65.0; 55.0-100.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync XV17+ (-2); nec43bd; 31.0-82.0; 55.0-100.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync XV17+ (-2); nec442a; 31.0-82.0; 55.0-100.0; 1 +NEC; NEC PK-DH172; nec00c8; 30.0-63.0; 60.0-85.0; 1 +NEC; NEC Ready Monitor; nec-ready; 31.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +NEC; NEC VistaScan 7000; necea8b; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Nissei Sangyo; Nissei Sangyo CM1483M; cm1483m; 30.0-40.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Nissei Sangyo; Nissei Sangyo CM1584MU; cm1584mu; 30.0-58.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Nissei Sangyo; Nissei Sangyo CM1785MU; cm1785mu; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Nissei Sangyo; Nissei Sangyo CM2085M; cm2085m; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Nissei Sangyo; Nissei Sangyo CM2085MU; cm2085mu; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Nissei Sangyo; Nissei Sangyo CM2086A; cm2086a; 46.0-64.0; 55.0-65.0; 1 +Nissei Sangyo; Nissei Sangyo CM2087MU; cm2087mu; 30.0-78.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Nissei Sangyo; Nissei Sangyo CM2186AF; cm2186af; 60.0-65.0; 60.0-70.0; 1 +Nissei Sangyo; Nissei Sangyo CM2187MU; cm2187mu; 30.0-78.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 300Xa; nok1300; 48.3-60.3; 60.0-75.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 400Xa; nok1400; 48.3-60.3; 60.0-75.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 417TV; nok00b4; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 445G; nok00c7; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-115.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 445M; nok00cd; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 0 +Nokia; Nokia 445PRO; nok01ce; 29.0-125.0; 50.0-180.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 445R; nok00d2; 30.0-102.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 445X; nok00d8; 30.0-102.0; 50.0-120.0; 0 +Nokia; Nokia 445Xav; nok00c1; 30.0-102.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 445Xavc; nok01c0; 30.0-102.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 445Xi; nok00c9; 30.0-102.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 445XiPlus; nok00ca; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 445Xpro; nok01d0; 30.0-121.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 445Xpro125; nok01d2; 30.0-125.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 445ZA; nok01da; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 446PRO; nok0146; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 446Xpro; nok0150; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 446XS; nok0153; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 446Xt; nok0143; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 446ZA; nok0145; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 447B; nok00a2; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-124.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 447DTC; nok00b9; 31.0-92.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 447E; nok00a5; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 447i; nok01aa; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 447K; nok00bc; 30.0-91.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 447KA; nok00ab; 30.0-91.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 447KC; nok00a3; 30.0-91.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 447L; nok00ac; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 447M; nok00ad; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 447PRO; nok01bd; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 447S; nok00a6; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 447V; nok00b6; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 447W; nok00b7; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 447X; nok00b8; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 447Xa; nok00a1; 30.0-91.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 447Xav; nok00bb; 30.0-91.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 447Xavc; nok01a0; 30.0-91.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 447Xi; nok00a9; 30.0-91.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 447XiPlus; nok00aa; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 447Xpro; nok01b0; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 447XS; nok01b3; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 447ZA; nok01ba; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 447Za; nok00ba; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 447ZAPlus; nok01bb; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 447Zi; nok01a9; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 447ZiPlus; nok01bc; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 449E; nok0085; 30.0-62.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 449M; nok008d; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 449X; nok0098; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 449Xa; nok0081; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 449XaPlus; nok0082; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 449Xi; nok0089; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 449XiPlus; nok008a; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 449ZA; nok009a; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 44BS; nok0093; 30.0-62.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 500Xa; nok1500; 31.4-60.0; 56.2-75.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 800PRO-1; nok1802; 30.0-82.0; 55.0-86.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 800PRO-2; nok1803; 31.0-65.0; 58.0-62.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 800XA/820L; nok1801; 24.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 800Xi; nok1800; 24.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +OKI; Oki GD1203; OKI04B3; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 25-314 P-Y; dsm25-314p-y; 31.5; 60.0-70.0; 1 +Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 26-314 LE; dsm26-314le; 31.5; 60.0-70.0; 1 +Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 27-039; dsm27-039; 35.5; 87.0; 1 +Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 27-117; dsm27-117; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 27-120; dsm27-120; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 27-140 LE; dsm27-140le; 30.0-35.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 27-141 PS; dsm27-141ps; 35.5; 87.0; 1 +Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 27-514 MS; dsm27-514ms; 30.0-58.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 27-615; dsm27-615; 30.0-62.0; 48.0-100.0; 1 +Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 28-039 PS; dsm28-039ps; 30.0-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 28-142 PS; dsm28-142ps; 30.0-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 28-143 PS; dsm28-143ps; 30.0-48.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 28-143 PS-2; dsm28-143ps-2; 30.0-48.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 28-144 MS; dsm28-144ms; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-95.0; 1 +Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 28-171 HR; dsm28-171hr; 31.0-82.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 28-172 EY; dsm28-172ey; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 28-201 HR; dsm28-201hr; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 40-151; dsm40-151; 30.0-64.0; 48.0-100.0; 1 +Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 50-148; dsm50-148; 30.0-48.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 50-172; dsm50-172; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 50-201; dsm50-201; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest 1000; optiquest_1000; 30.0-48.0; 47.0-90.0; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest 1000S-2; oqi3234; 31.5-48.4; 50-100; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest 1562A-2; oqi3232; 31.5-62; 50-90; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest 1769DC; oqi3233; 30-69; 50-120; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest 1769DC; oqi4637; 30-69; 50-120; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest 1769DC; vsc4637; 30-69; 50-120; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest 3000; optiquest_3000; 30.0-55.0; 45.0-90.0; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest 4000; optiquest_4000; 30.0-76.0; 40.0-120.0; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest L700; oqi455a; 31-61; 56-75; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest L700-2; oqia20f; 31-62; 50-75; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest L900; oqi3757; 30-80; 50-75; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest Q100; oqi4a31; 30-86; 50-120; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest Q115; oqi4d35; 30-95; 50-180; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest Q41; oqi4136; 30-48; 50-90; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest Q41-2; oqiofoh; 30-48; 50-90; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest Q51; oqi4435; 30-54; 50-100; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest Q51-2; oqi4442; 30-54; 50-100; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest Q51-3; oqi4443; 30-56; 50-120; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest Q51-4; oqi4643; 30-56; 50-120; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest Q53; oqi4433; 30-70; 50-100; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest Q55; oqi4444; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest Q55-2; oqi4543; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest Q71; oqi4735; 30-71; 50-120; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest Q71-2; oqi4738; 30-71; 50-120; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest Q71-3; oqi465a; 30-71; 50-120; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest Q71-4; oqi5a55; 30-71; 50-120; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest Q71-5; oqi5141; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest Q73; oqi4559; 30-71; 50-160; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest Q75; oqi5241; 30-86; 50-160; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest Q75F; oqi4159; 30-95; 50-160; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest Q91; oqi4a38; 30-85; 50-160; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest Q95; oqi4a39; 30-86; 50-160; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest Q95-2; oqi4c39; 30-86; 50-160; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest V115; oqi4d31; 30-95; 50-160; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest V115T; oqi4d32; 30-96; 50-150; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest V55; oqi4436; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest V641; oqi4132; 31.5-48.4; 50-90; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest V655; oqi3332; 30-66; 50-100; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest V655-2; oqi4432; 30-65; 50-100; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest V655-3; oqi4434; 30-70; 50-100; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest V73; oqi5634; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest V75; oqi4739; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest V773; oqi4733; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest V773-2; oqi4736; 30-70; 50-180; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest V775; oqi3333; 30-82; 50-130; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest V775-2; oqi4732; 30-85; 50-120; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest V95; oqi4a32; 30-95; 50-150; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest V95-2; oqi4a36; 30-95; 50-160; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest VA656; oqi3138; 30-69; 50-120; 1 +Orchestra; Trumpet-14; 0; 31.5-48.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell 1010; pb1010; 30.0-40.0; 50.0-62.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell 1015; pb1015; 30.0-40.0; 50.0-73.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell 1020; pb1020; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell 1020; pbn4100; 30.0-50.0; 30.0-92.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell 1024; pb1024; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell 1024S; pbn4234; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell 1408SLE; pb1408sle; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell 1412SME; pb1412sme; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-62.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell 1428ME; pb1428me; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-80.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell 1511SL; pb1511sl; 30-62; 50-120; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell 1512SL; pb1512sl; 30-62; 50-120; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell 1512SME; pb1512sme; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-80.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell 1712SL; pb1712sl; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-80.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell 2020; pb2020; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell 2024; pb2024; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell 2025; pb2025; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell 3010; pb3010; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell 3010; pbe7123; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell 3020; pb3020; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell 3025; pb3025; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell Monitor; pbgeneric; 30.0-40.0; 50.0-62.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PB8510SV; pb8510sv; 30.0-37.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PB8528SVG; pb8528svg; 31.5-38.0; 55.0-87.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 2024S; pbe5234; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 2024S; pbn5222; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 2024S; pbn5234; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 2025; pbe2352; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-80.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 2025 (for Europe 3G); pbn5102; 30.0-65.0; 30.0-122.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 2025E; pbn5100; 30.0-54.0; 30.0-102.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 2160; pbn5002; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 2160; pbn5109; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 3025; pbe2372; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-80.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 3025 (for Europe 3G); pbn7100; 30.0-65.0; 30.0-122.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 3030; pbe1c9d; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 3030; pbn2372; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 3070; pbn7108; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 4480; pbn4480; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 4480; pbn4483; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 4480; pbn4484; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 4480 (for Europe 3G); pbn4101; 30.0-50.0; 30.0-92.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 5480; pbn5480; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 5480; pbn5481; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 5480; pbn5482; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 5480; pbn5483; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 5480; pbn5484; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 5480; pbn5486; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 5480 (for Europe 3G); pbn5103; 30.0-70.0; 30.0-122.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 5480E; pbn5101; 30.0-54.0; 30.0-102.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 5680; pbn5684; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 7480; pbn1d39; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 7480; pbn7481; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 7480; pbn7483; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 7480 (for Europe 3G); pbn7101; 30.0-70.0; 30.0-122.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 7680; pbn7683; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell Pnp LCD15; pbn5105; 60.0; 75.0; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic 264a; MEI264a; 30-61; 50-120 +Panasonic; Panasonic C-1591E; 7e_f; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic C-1591EA; 7e_e; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic C1491; mp2; 30-49; 50-90; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic C1791E; hv3_a; 30-64; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic C1791Ei; mei0c03; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic C1792P; mei0c12; 30-82; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic C2192P; mei1603; 30-82; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic E15; mei2618; 30-61; 50-90; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic E21; mei1638; 30-89; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic E50; mei2637; 30.0-61.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic E70i; mei2c03; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-180.0; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic LC40; mei1e02; 24.0-61.0; 50.0-77.0; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic LC50S (TX-D5L31F); mei1e07; 30.0-61.0; 50.0-77.0; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic P15; mei2617; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic P17; mei0c3d; 30-86; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic P21; mei1636; 30-115; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic P50; mei2632; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-180.0; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic P70; mei0c81; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-180.0; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic PAMAMEDIA-15; mei2609; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic PANAMEDIA-17; mei0c22; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic PF17; mei100b; 30-86; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic PF70; mei1007; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic PL70i(TX-D7S55); mei0c9b; 30.0-97.0; 50.0-180.0; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic PM15; mei2621; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic PM17; mei0c52; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic S110; mei1649; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-180.0; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic S15; mei2622; 30.0-67.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic S17; mei0c3b; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic S21; mei1630; 30-95; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic SL70i(TX-D7S36); mei0c96; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-180.0; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic SL90 (TX-D9S54); mei120d; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-180.0; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-1713MA series; hv1; 30-64; 50-90; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1562F-E; mei260e; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1562F-G; mei260b; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1562F-SW; mei260d; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1562F-U; mei260c; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1562NMF; mei260a; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1563PE1; mei2619; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1563PE2; mei261c; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1563PG2; mei261f; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1563PU1; mei261a; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1563PU2; mei261b; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1731 series; hv2; 30-82; 50-120; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1732 series; hv3; 30-64; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1733-E; mei0c0a; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1733-G; mei0c07; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1733-J; hv5; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1733-K; mei0c0d; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1733-SW; mei0c09; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1733-U; mei0c08; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1733F-E; mei0c27; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1733F-G; mei0c24; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1733F-J; mei0c48; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1733F-K; mei0c2a; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1733F-SW; mei0c26; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1733F-U; mei0c25; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1734-E; mei0c33; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1734-G; mei0c32; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1734-J; mei0c3c; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1734-SW; mei0c34; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1734-U; mei0c35; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1734F-E; mei0c58; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1734F-G; mei0c57; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1734F-J; mei0c63; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1734F-K; mei0c5b; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1734F-SW; mei0c59; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1734F-U; mei0c5a; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1751 series; hv4; 30-82; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1752-E; mei0c17; 30-82; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1752-G; mei0c14; 30-82; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1752-SW; mei0c16; 30-82; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1752-U; mei0c15; 30-82; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1753-E; mei0c38; 30-86; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1753-G; mei0c37; 30-86; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1753-SW; mei0c39; 30-86; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1753-U; mei0c3a; 30-86; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2051-G; mei1205; 30-82; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2051-K; mei120b; 30-82; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2051-SW; mei1207; 30-82; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2051-U; mei1206; 30-82; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2131 series; gv2; 30-82; 50-150; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2131P series; gv2p; 30-82; 50-150; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2151 series; hv4s; 30-82; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2151-EA; mei1608; 30-82; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2151-GA; mei1605; 30-82; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2151-J; mei1612; 30-82; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2151-KA; mei160b; 30-82; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2151-SWA; mei1607; 30-82; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2151-UA; mei1606; 30-82; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2162-E; mei162c; 30-95; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2162-G; mei162b; 30-95; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2162-J; mei162f; 30-95; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2162-K; mei1631; 30-95; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2162-SW; mei162d; 30-95; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2162-U; mei162e; 30-95; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2171-E; mei1633; 30-115; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2171-G; mei1632; 30-115; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2171-J; mei163e; 30-115; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2171-SW; mei1634; 30-115; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2171-U; mei1635; 30-115; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D4L31-J; mei1e01; 30-61; 50-77; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D7P53-E; mei1008; 30-86; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D7P53-G; mei1007; 30-86; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D7P53-J; mei1006; 30-86; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D7P53-K; mei100c; 30-86; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D7P53-SW; mei1009; 30-86; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D7P53-U; mei100a; 30-86; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-T1562CJ1; 7e_d; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-T1562PE1; 7e_b; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-T1562PE2; mei2604; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-T1562PG1; 7e_a; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-T1562PG2; mei2603; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-T1562PT2; mei2602; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-T1562PU1; 7e_c; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-T1563F-E; mei2623; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-T1563F-G; mei2620; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-T1563F-SW; mei2625; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-T1563F-U; mei2624; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-T1563PT1; mei261e; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-T1565PE1; mei2628; 30-67; 50-120; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-T1565PG1; mei2627; 30-67; 50-120; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-T1565PU1; mei2629; 30-67; 50-120; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-T1567PE1; mei261d; 30-61; 50-90; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-T1567PT1; mei2626; 30-61; 50-90; 1 +PC Brand; PC Brand Super_VGA; super_vga; 28.0-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Peacock; Peacock P1796 C2; actb013; 30-97; 50-150; 1 +Philips; Magnavox MB7000(17inch/CM6800); phla17b; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Philips; Philips 104B(14inch/CM1300); phl104b; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Philips; Philips 104B(14inch/CM2300); phlb14b; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Philips; Philips 105B(15inch/CM1200); phla15b; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Philips; Philips 105S(15inch/CM1300); phl105c; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Philips; Philips 105S(15inch/CM2300); phlb15c; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Philips; Philips 107B(17inch/CM6800); phl6800; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Philips; Philips 107B20(17inch/CM2317); phle003; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Philips; Philips 107E; PHL0004; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +Philips; Philips 107P(17inch); phle002; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Philips; Philips 107S(17inch/CM1300); phla17c; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Philips; Philips 107S(17inch/CM6800); phl107c; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Philips; Philips 109B40; PHLE00E; 30.0-97.0; 50.0-160.0 +Philips; Philips 109S; phl4109; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Philips; Philips 14C(14inch/7CM5209); 0; 31.5,35.2,35.5; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Philips; Philips 14C(14inch/7CM5279); 0; 31.5,35.2,35.5; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Philips; Philips 150C5 (15inch); PHLC00A; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Philips; Philips 150S; PHL0805; 30-61; 56-75; 1024x768 +Philips; Philips 170C5 (17inch); PHLC00B; 30.0-82.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Philips; Philips 170X; phlc00f; 30-83; 56-76 +Philips; Philips 17ACM38; phl3800; 30-82; 50-160; 1 +Philips; Philips 17BCM28; phl2800; 30-66; 50-130; 1 +Philips; Philips 17TCM26; phl2600; 30-66; 50-100; 1 +Philips; Philips 180B2; PHL0810; 30-82; 56-76 +Philips; Philips 190C; PHL0849; 30-83; 56-76 +Philips; Philips 190S; PHL082f; 30-83; 56-76 +Philips; Philips 200T(20inch/CM0700); phl200d; 30.0-90.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Philips; Philips 201B(21inch/CM0770); phl201b; 30.0-94.0; 48.0-160.0; 1 +Philips; Philips 20CM64; 20cm64; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Philips; Philips 29PX8031 Monitor/TV; phl5f1f; 31.5-35.2; 50.0-56.0; 1 +Philips; Philips 6CM321; 6cm321; 35.2; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Philips; Philips 7BM749; 7bm749; 31.5; 60.0-70.0; 1 +Philips; Philips 7CM321; 7cm321; 35.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Philips; Philips 7CM329; 7cm329; 35.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Philips; Philips 9CM062; 9cm062; 31.5; 60.0-70.0; 1 +Philips; Philips 9CM082; 9cm082; 31.5; 60.0-70.0; 1 +Philips; Philips Brilliance 105(15inch/CM2200); phl105a; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Philips; Philips Brilliance 107(17inch/CM8800); phl0107; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Philips; Philips Brilliance 107(PRODUCT ID 17A58...); phl1107; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Philips; Philips Brilliance 109(PRODUCT ID 19A58...); phl1109; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Philips; Philips Brilliance 201(21inch/CM1700); phl201a; 31.5-107.0; 50.0-170.0; 1 +Philips; Philips Brilliance 201CS; phl0201; 30.0-107.0; 50-170; 1 +Philips; Philips Brilliance AX4500(14.5 LCD MONITOR); phl4500; 30.0-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Philips; Philips CM0200 (14B); phl2000; 31-48; 50-100; 1 +Philips; Philips CM0200 (15C); phl0200; 31-48; 50-100; 1 +Philips; Philips CM0500 (20C); phl0500; 31-64; 50-120; 1 +Philips; Philips CM0700 (20T); phl0700; 30-90; 50-160; 1 +Philips; Philips CM0700 (21B); phl700b; 30-94; 50-160; 1 +Philips; Philips CM0800 (14A); phl8000; 30-58; 50-100; 1 +Philips; Philips CM0800 (15B); phl0800; 30-58; 50-100; 1 +Philips; Philips CM1200 (15A); phl1200; 31-66; 50-110; 1 +Philips; Philips CM1800 (15A); phl1800; 31-66; 50-110; 1 +Philips; Philips CM5600 (20B); phl5600; 31-82; 50-120; 1 +Philips; Philips CM9039; cm9039; 31.5; 60.0-70.0; 1 +Philips; Philips CM9079; cm9079; 35.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Philips; Philips CM9085; cm9085; 31.5; 70; 1 +Philips; Philips CM9089; cm9089; 35.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Philips; Philips CM9214; cm9214; 30.0-58.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Philips; Philips CM9217; cm9217; 30.0-57.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Philips; Philips Magnavox 109S; phl3109; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Philips; Philips Magnavox MB7000(17inch/CM6800); phla17b; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Philips; Philips PD5029S Monitor/TV; phla513; 31.5-35.2; 50.0-56.0; 1 +PLB; PLB 1410 Model; plb1410; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +PLB; PLB 1510 Model; plb1510; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +PLB; PLB 1710; plb1710; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +PLB; PLB 1910; plb1910; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Premier; Premier PM14V-S-1; pm14v-s-1; 34.5-38.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton 14; ultra14; 35.5-37.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton 14ni; ultra14ni; 31.5-48.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton 15; ultra15; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton 17; ultra17; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton AF3.0HD; pgs00f7; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton AGF900; pgs016f; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton AGX700; pgs00cc; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-140.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton AGX740; pgs0169; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-180.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton AGX750; pgs00cb; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton AGX900; pgs00cd; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton APP520; pgs010d; 60.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton APP550; pgs015f; 58.1; 55.0-85.1; 1 +Princeton; Princeton APP560; pgs00f5; 60.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton APP800; pgs0131; 80.0; 60.0-75.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Arcadia AR2.7; pgs006f; 31.5-38.0; 30.0-90.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Arcadia AR2.7AV; pgs0085; 31.5-38.0; 30.0-90.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Arcadia AR3.1; pgs0070; 31.5-38.0; 30.0-90.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Arcadia AR3.1AV; pgs0086; 31.5-38.0; 30.0-90.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Arcadia AR3.6; pgs00d1; 31.5-38.0; 30.0-90.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton C2001; pgs008b; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton DPP500; pgs00ca; 48.4; 60.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton DPP500; pgs3011; 48.4; 60.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton DPP550; pgs00e1; 56.5; 70.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton DPP550; pgs3012; 56.5; 70.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton DPP560; mtc1503; 48.4; 60.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton DPP560; pgs00e3; 48.4; 60.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton DPP560; pgs3013; 48.4; 60.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton DPP800; pgs00eb; 45.1; 42.7; 1 +Princeton; Princeton DPP810; pgs0165; 45.1; 42.7; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO14; pgs003a; 48.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO15; pgs003b; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO17; kds06c2; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO17; pgs003d; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO2000; pgs00f6; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO2010; pgs00ce; 30.0-117.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO40; pgs004e; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO400; pgs009d; 30.0-54.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO50; pgs004f; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO500; pgs008e; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO500n; pgs00d6; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-140.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO505; pgs00be; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO70; pgs0050; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO700; pgs00b6; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO700-1b; pgs00e6; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO700n; pgs00d5; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO705; pgs00bf; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO705n; pgs00dd; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO70n; pgs00d4; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO710; pgs008f; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO710-1b; pgs00e7; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO72; pgs0052; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO720; pgs00b7; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO74/74T; pgs0055; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO75; pgs003c; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO750; pgs00c2; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO76/76T; pgs0056; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO90; pgs0092; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO900; pgs0087; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO900; pgs0171; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO930; pgs00e2; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO935S; pgs0172; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton LD150; pgs00de; 68.7; 55.0-85.1; 1 +Princeton; Princeton LD50A; pgs00ae; 60.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton MAX-15; 0; 15.0-36.0; 45.0-120.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton MultiView; multiview; 15.0-60.0; 45.0-90.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton MultiView_II; multiview_ii; 15.0-70.0; 45.0-90.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra 100; pgs00d3; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra 17+; pgs003e; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra 20; pgs003f; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra 40; pgs0051; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra 41; pgs0090; 48.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra 42; pgs011a; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra 50; pgs004d; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra 50e; pgs011b; 30.0-57.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra 51; pgs009b; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra 52/52B; pgs00d0; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra 70F; ___7627; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra 70F; pgs0049; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra 71; pgs0079; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra 71; pgs7900; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra 72; pgs008d; 30.0-69.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra 72e; pgs015d; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra 74; pgs00f2; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra 75/75B; pgs00dc; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra 75e; pgs016a; 30.0-72.0; 47.0-160.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra 77; pgs00fc; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra 77e; pgs016b; 30.0-96.0; 47.0-160.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra 80; pgs0091; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra 90/90B; pgs00d2; 30.0-94.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra 90e; pgs0130; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra 92; pgs016c; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra 95; pgs00fa; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra 95e; pgs016d; 30.0-96.0; 47.0-150.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra 95n; pgs00db; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra-1200; max-15; 15.0-38.0; 45.0-120.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra-1400; ultra-1400; 15.0-38.0; 45.0-120.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra-1600; ultra-1600; 15.0-38.0; 45.0-120.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra-2000; ultra-2000; 45.0-68.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton VL173 Flat Panel; pgs4902; 31-75; 56-75; 1 +Princeton; Princeton VL1916 19inch LCD Display; 0; 24-83; 55-76; 1 +Princeton; W74; pgs00e5; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Princeton; W74n; pgs00fb; 30.0-70.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +Proview; Proview 2072; PTS0000; 30.0-93.0; 60.0-85.0; 1 +Proview; Proview 456/482; PTS0579; 30.0-60.0; 60.0-75.0; 1 +Proview; Proview 513/516; PTS05DD; 30.0-60.0; 60.0-75.0; 1 +Proview; Proview 570; pts023a; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Proview; Proview 576w; PTS05DF; 30.0-50.0; 60.0-70.0; 1 +Proview; Proview 713/716; PTS06A5; 30.0-80.0; 60.0-75.0; 1 +Proview; Proview 770; pts0302; 30.0-76.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Proview; Proview 775N; PTS0304; 30-75; 50-160; 1" +Proview; Proview 786N; 0; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Proview; Proview 860; pts035c; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Proview; Proview 913/916; PTS076D; 30.0-80.0; 60.0-75.0; 1 +Proview; Proview 926w; PTS077D; 31.0-94.0; 60.0-75.0; 1 +Proview; Proview 996N; pts025c; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Proview; Proview CY965; PTS03c5; 30-80; 60-75 +QDS; QDS 0014; QDS0014; 48-50; 57-62; 1280x800 +Quantex; Quantex TE1564M - Super View 1280; 75; 30-64; 50-100 +Qume; Qume QM835; qm835; 30.0-36.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Radius; Radius PrecisionColor Display/19; pcd19; 30.0-67.0; 72; 1 +Radius; Radius PrecisionColor Display/20; pcd20; 30.0-71.0; 75; 1 +Radius; Radius PrecisionColor Pivot; pcp; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +RasterOps; RasterOps 20/20; r2020; 31-69; 60-76; 1 +RasterOps; RasterOps ClearVueColor 17; cv17; 30-82; 50-90; 1 +RasterOps; RasterOps ClearVueColor 20T; cv20t; 30-82; 50-160; 1 +RasterOps; RasterOps ClearVueColor 21; cv21; 30-82; 50-90; 1 +REDMS Group; REDMS SRC-1401; src-1401; 28.0-40.0; 47.0-90.0; 1 +REDMS Group; REDMS SRC-1402; src-1402; 28.0-50.0; 47.0-90.0; 1 +Relisys; Relisys RE-1420; re-1420; 28.0-40.0; 60; 1 +Relisys; Relisys RE-1520; re-1520; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-80.0; 1 +Relisys; Relisys RE-1528; re-1528; 30.0-48.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Relisys; Relisys RE1438; rel1438; 30-38; 0-100; 1 +Relisys; Relisys RE1450; rel1450; 30-50; 50-100; 1 +Relisys; Relisys RE412; rel0412; 30-57; 50-150; 1 +Relisys; Relisys RE432; rel0432; 30-65; 50-100; 1 +Relisys; Relisys RE438; rel0438; 30-38; 0-100; 1 +Relisys; Relisys RE450; rel0450; 30-50; 50-100; 1 +Relisys; Relisys RE451; rel0451; 30-54; 50-100; 1 +Relisys; Relisys RE518; rel0518; 30-69; 50-150; 1 +Relisys; Relisys RE535; rel0535; 30-65; 50-100; 1 +Relisys; Relisys RE550; rel0550; 30-50; 50-100; 1 +Relisys; Relisys RE551; rel0551; 30-54; 50-150; 1 +Relisys; Relisys RE572; rel0572; 30-72; 50-150; 1 +Relisys; Relisys RE760; rel0760; 30-65; 50-100; 1 +Relisys; Relisys RE767; rel0767; 30-69; 50-150; 1 +Relisys; Relisys RE768; rel0768; 30-86; 50-150; 1 +Relisys; Relisys RE772; rel0772; 30-72; 50-150; 1 +Relisys; Relisys RE786; rel0786; 30-86; 50-150; 1 +Relisys; Relisys RE795; rel0795; 30-96; 50-150; 1 +Relisys; Relisys RE9516S; rel9516; 30-35; 0-100; 1 +Relisys; Relisys RE995; rel0995; 30-95; 50-150; 1 +Relisys; Relisys RM-1541; rm-1541; 48.0-65.0; 40.0-80.0; 1 +Royal Information Company; Royal Information Company TRL/RIC DH-1570M/DH-1570; trl0410; 29.0-70.0; 47.0-120.0; 1 +Royal Information Company; Royal Information Company TRL/RIC DH-1764M/DH-1764; trl0510; 29.0-70.0; 47.0-120.0; 1 +Royal Information Company; Royal Information Company TRL/RIC DH-1764UM/DH-1764U; trl0610; 29.0-85.0; 47.0-120.0; 1 +Royal Information Company; Royal Information Company TRL/RIC DL-1564; trl061c; 29.0-64.0; 47.0-100.0; 1 +Royal Information Company; Royal Information Company TRL/RIC DL-1564M/DL-1564; trl0110; 29.0-64.0; 47.0-120.0; 1 +Royal Information Company; Royal Information Company TRL/RIC DL-1750MU; trl0310; 29.0-70.0; 47.0-120.0; 1 +Royal Information Company; Royal Information Company TRL/RIC RH-1450; trl0010; 29.0-50.0; 47.0-90.0; 1 +Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 15/15g/15gx; 0; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0 +Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 15mx; 0; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-110.0 +Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 17; 0; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0 +Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 1788 17gx; 0; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0 +Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 1789 17gx; 0; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0 +Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 17e; 0; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-90.0 +Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 17g; 0; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0 +Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 17mx; 0; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0 +Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 410; 0; 30.0-48.0; 50.0-90.0 +Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 411; 0; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-120.0 +Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 500; 0; 30.0-48.0; 50.0-90.0 +Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 511; 0; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0 +Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 520; 0; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0 +Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 520A; 0; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0 +Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 711; 0; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0 +Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 720; 0; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0 +Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 730; 0; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0 +Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 731; 0; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0 +Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 750; 0; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-200.0 +Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 760; 0; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0 +Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 761; 0; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-200.0 +Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 830; 0; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0 +Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 850; 0; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-200.0 +Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 950; 0; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-200.0 +Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 960; 0; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-200.0 +Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan GL; 0; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0 +Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan GLX; 0; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0 +Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan Plus/GS; 0; 30.0-62.0; 50.0-90.0 +Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan SV; 0; 30.0-48.0; 50.0-90.0 +Samsung; Samsung 15GLsi; sam1530; 24.0-66.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Samsung; Samsung 17GLi; sam4d73; 24.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Samsung; Samsung 17GLsi; sam4d74; 24.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Samsung; Samsung 5b (CKB52*); sam2c56; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung 5e (CKA52*); sam2c36; 30-55; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung 7e (CKB72*); sam2c58; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung 900DF; SAM00B4; 30-85; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung 990DF; SAM0127; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung CSA-7571; csa-7571; 20.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Samsung; Samsung CT-4581; ct-4581; 15.0-38.0; 47.0-73.0; 1 +Samsung; Samsung MF-4771; mf-4771; 15.0-38.0; 48.0-72.0; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 40B; sam2034; 30-55; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 40Bn; sam202e; 30-55; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 45B(n); sam1034; 30-55; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 4Bi; sam2c33; 30-55; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 5(M)B (CGB5617*); sam1c54; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 5(M)E (CGK5517*); sam1d74; 30-54; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 50(M)E; sam2036; 30-61; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 50B; sam2056; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 55(M)E (Plus); sam1036; 30-61; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 55B (Plus); sam1056; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 55v; sam12b7; 30-55; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 56E/57E/56V; STN0002; 30-55; 50-120 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 5Bi; sam2c55; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 5Ei; sam2c35; 30-55; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 60(M)B; sam2042; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 70(M)E; sam2058; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 75(M)B; sam105a; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 75(M)E (Plus); sam1058; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 75G; sam105b; 30-85; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 75P; sam4ee7; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 75P Plus; sam40d8; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 76DF(X)/77DF(X)/78DF; STN0006; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 7Ei; sam2c57; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 9 In; sam25da; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 90SL; sam4dba; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 95in(T); sam25de; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 95P; sam4f28; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 95P Plus; sam40db; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 98PDF/99DF/99PDF; STN0020; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 9B; sam4f23; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 9P; sam4f27; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron SAMTRON 76E/77E; STN0005; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 1000b (CGX1607*); sam1f14; 30-107; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 1000p; sam1f13; 30-107; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 1000s (CGP1607*); sam0cf1; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 1100DF/2100DF/CD210C; SAM006D; 30-121; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 1100p/1109p/CM219C; SAM0051; 30-115; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 1200NF/2200NF/CPN22NF; SAM38D2; 30-121; 50-185; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 14GL; sam14gl; 30-62; 50-100; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 14GL; samsungsm14gl; 30-62; 50-100; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 150N/152N/153N; SAM00A4; 30-61; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 151MP/155MP/RB1500MP; SAM0004; 31-70; 50-85; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 152MP/156MP/CX510MP/CX500MB; SAM00A8; 30-71; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 153T; SAM00CD; 30-61; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 153V/153S/153B; SAM00A2; 30-61; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 15GL; sam15gl; 30-62; 50-100; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 15GL; samsungsm15gl; 30-62; 50-100; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 15GLe; sam4d50; 30-50; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 15GLe; sam6d20; 30-50; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 15GLi; sam4d51; 30-65; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 15M; sam4d52; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 15Me; sam5450; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 171MP/175MP/RB1700MP; SAM000A; 31-80; 50-85; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 171N/175N/171Np/171Nm/CX174N/CX171N/MX174N; SAM006B; 30-81; 56-76; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 171S/175S/170S/CX175S-AZ/LX175S; SAM001B; 30-81; 56-85; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 171v; samsungsm171v; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 172MP/176MP/CX710MP/CX700MB; SAM00A7; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 172T/176T/CX176T/CX171T (Analog); SAM006E; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 172T/176T/CX176T/CX171T (Digital); SAM006F; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 172X/177X/CX710X (Analog); SAM00C8; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 172X/177X/CX710X (Digital); SAM00E5; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 173P/CX710P (Analog); SAM00D3; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 173P/CX710P (Digital); SAM00E2; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 173T/177T/CX700T/CX710T; SAM00BA; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 173V/172V/173S/173B/174V/175V; SAM00A3; 30-81; 56-76; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 177MP/710MP/CX711MP/CX710MP; SAM00D2; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 17GL; sam17gl; 30-65; 50-100; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 17GL; samsungsm17gl; 30-65; 50-100; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 17GLi; sam4d70; 30-65; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 17GLs; sam17gls; 30-82; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 17GLs; samsungsm17gls; 30-82; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 17GLsi; sam4d71; 30-85; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 181T; sam0020; 30-81; 56-85; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 190N(M)/192N(M)/193N(M); SAM00A6; 30-81; 56-85; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 191+/191Tplus/193T/197T/CX900T; SAM00BB; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 191TFT; sam0014; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-85.0 ; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 192MPplus/930MP (Analog); SAM015B; 30-81; 56-85; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 192MPplus/930MP (Digital); SAM015C; 30-81; 56-85; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 192T/196T/CX910T(M); SAM00B6; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 193P/CX910P (Analog); SAM00EC; 30-81; 56-75 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 193P/CX910P (Digital); SAM00ED; 30-81; 56-75 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 198T/910T/CX901T (Analog); SAM010E; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 198T/910T/CX901T (Digital); SAM010F; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 2032BW(Analog); SAM0301; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 2032BW(Digital); SAM0302; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 2043BW/2043BWX,SyncMaster Magic CX2043BW(Analog); SAM0351; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 2043BW/2043BWX,SyncMaster Magic CX2043BW(Digital); SAM0352; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 204T/204Ts/214T,SyncMaster Magic CX201Ts(Analog); SAM01AD; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 204T/204Ts/214T,SyncMaster Magic CX201Ts(Digital); SAM01AE; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 205BW (Analog); SAM021D; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 205BW (Digital); SAM021E; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 206BW (Analog); SAM027C; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 206BW (Digital); SAM027D; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 20gls; sam20gls; 30-82; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 20gls; samsungsm20gls; 30-82; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 20GLsi; sam4690; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 210T/LXA210T (Analog); SAM4251; 30-93; 50-85; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 210T/LXA210T (Digital); SAM4252; 30-81; 50-85; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 211MP/215MP/CX211MP; SAMOO56; 30-85; 55-85; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 213T/CX210T; SAMOO91; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 215TW(Analog); SAM0213; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 215TW(Digital); SAM0214; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 21GLs; sam4610; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 2243BW/2243BWX,SyncMaster Magic CX2243BW(Analog); SAM0372; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 2243BW/2243BWX,SyncMaster Magic CX2243BW(Digital); SAM0373; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 225BW (Analog); SAM0254; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 225BW (Digital); SAM0255; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 226; SAM0226; 30-81; 56-75 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 226BW (Analog); SAM027E; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 226BW (Digital); SAM027F; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 240T (Analog); SAM4254; 30-93; 50-85; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 240T (Digital); SAM4255; 30-81; 50-85; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 241MP/245MP; SAMOO4B; 30-85; 50-85; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 243T/CX240T (Analog); SAM00D9; 30-80; 55-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 243T/CX240T (Digital); SAM00F7; 30-80; 55-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 2443BWX; SAM043F; 30-81; 56-60; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 2494HM (Analog); SAM04d3; 30-81; 56-60; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 2494HM (Digital); SAM04d4; 30-81; 56-60; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 3; sam3; 35.5; 43.5; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 3; samsungsm3; 35.5; 43.5; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 320TFT (LXB310*); sam6053; 30-61; 50-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 330/331TFT (LXB350*); sam6054; 30-61; 50-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 3NE; sam3ne; 48.4; 60.0; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 3NE; samsungsm3ne; 48.4; 60.0; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 3Ne; sam0000; 31.5-48.0; 43.5-75.0; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 400b (CKA4217*); sam2c34; 30-55; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 410b(CHA4217*); sam2033; 30-55; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 450(N)b; sam1033; 30-55; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 470S TFT; sam49d4; 30-61; 50-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 4NE; sam4ne; 30-50; 50-100; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 4NE; samsungsm4ne; 30-50; 50-100; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 4S; sam0100; 31.5-48.4; 43.5-75.0; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 500(M)p (CGC5607*); sam1c73; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 500(M)s (CGK5507*); sam1d73; 30-54; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 500(M)s Plus (CKE5507*); sam0d65; 30-60; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 500b; sam1c53; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 500b Plus (CKF5607*); sam0d66; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 510(M)s (CHA5807*); sam2035; 30-61; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 510b(CHB5707*); sam2055; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 510N/512N/CX511N/CX501N; SAM011D; 30-61; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 515V; SAM0172; 30-61; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 520TFT (LXB530*); sam6055; 30-61; 50-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 530/531TFT (LXB550*); sam6056; 30-61; 50-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 550(M)s; sam1035; 30-61; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 550b; sam1055; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 550v; sam12b6; 30-55; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 570B TFT/580B TFT; sam49d5; 30-61; 50-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 591v; sam022e; 30-55; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 610(M)b(CHB6107*); sam2041; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 6Ne; sam4d72; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 700(M)b (CGM7607*); sam1db3; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 700(M)s (CGE7507*); sam1cb3; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 700(M)s Plus (CKG7507*); sam0d67; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 700b Plus; sam2cf8; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 700DF; SAM00B3; 30-71; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 700IFT (CSH780B*); sam4ee9; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 700NF; sam38d7; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 700p Plus (CSH7839*); sam4ee6; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 700TFT; sam6057; 61.5-81.0; 59.0-76.0; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 701 IFT; sam4eeb; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 703(M)s/753(M)s/750(M)s/753(M)v/CM173A(M); SAM0027; 30-71; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 710(M)b (CHB7709*); sam2059; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 710(M)s (CHB7707*); sam2057; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 710N/177N/CX711N/CX701N; SAM011E; 30-81; 56-85; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 710Tplus/711T/712T (Analog); SAM0165; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 710Tplus/711T/712T (Digital); SAM0166; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 711N/712N; SAM0124; 30-81; 56-85; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 712V/713V/710S/715V; SAM0125; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 730B (Analog); SAM0191; 30-81; 56-75 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 730B (Digital); SAM0192; 30-81; 56-75 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 731B/731BF/731BA/730BA; SAM0215; 30-81; 56-75 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 750(M)b; sam1059; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 750(M)s(T); sam1057; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 750s(T); SAM12B6; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 753DF(X)/703DF(X)/783DF(X)/CD173A(T); SAM0022; 30-71; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 755DF(X)/705DF(X)/CDP17BDF(U)(UP); SAM1156; 30-85; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 755DFG/740DFG/CTT17DFG; SAM0009; 30-85; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 757DF(X)/707DF(X)/700IFT/CD177A(P); SAM0029; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 757MB/717MB/CD177D(P); SAM0059; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 757NF; SAM002a; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 763MB/713MB/CD173D(P); SAM0045; 30-71; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 765MB/715MB/CD175D(P); SAM0048; 30-85; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 770 TFT; SAM12D7; 30-81; 56-76; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 790DF; SAM0126; 30-71; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 793DF/793MB; SAM0107; 30-71; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 793S/793V/CM173G; SAM0117; 30-71; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 794MB/794MBplus/798MB; SAM01AB; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 795DF/795MB/CD175GP; SAM0108; 30-85; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 796MB/796MBplus; SAM01AC; 30-85; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 800TFT; sam6058; 61.5-81.0; 59.0-76.0; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 900 In; sam25d9; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 900IFT; sam4f29; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 900NF; sam38d9; 30-110; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 900p (CSH9839*); sam4f26; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 900SL (CSM92*); sam4db9; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 905DF(X)/955DF(X)/CD195A; SAM002D; 30-85; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 906BW; SAM0273; 30-81; 56-75 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 910MP; SAM0187; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 910N/912N; SAM011F; 30-81; 56-85; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 910V/910M/913V; SAM0115; 30-81; 56-75 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 917MB/950MB/957MB/CD197D(P); SAM0070; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 920T/CX911T (Analog); SAM014A; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 920T/CX911T (Digital); SAM014B; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 930B; sam0193; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 931BF (DVI); SAM0217; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 931BF (VGA); SAM0218; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 940N,SyncMaster Magic CX915N/CX916N/CX917N; SAM01E1; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 940T/940B/940Fn(Analog); SAM01BA; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 940T/940B/940Fn(Digital); SAM01BB; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 950in(T); sam25dc; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 955df; sam413b; 30-85; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 955MB/915MB/CD195D(P); SAM0081; 30-85; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 957FS/950FS/907FS/CS197A(P); SAM0023; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 957p; sam002c; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 959NF/900NF/909NF/CN199A(P); SAM002F; 30-110; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 997DF/927DF/997MB/927MB/927DFI/927MBI; SAM0109; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +Samtron; Samtron 428PT/PTL; sdi1428; 31.5-48.0; 43.5-75.0; 1 +Samtron; Samtron SC-208DXL+; sdi4690; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Samtron; Samtron SC-528MDL; sdi5451; 30.0-48.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Samtron; Samtron SC-528MXLJ; sdi1530; 24.0-66.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Samtron; Samtron SC-528TXL; sdi1528; 30.0-48.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Samtron; Samtron SC-528UXL; sdi1529; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Samtron; Samtron SC-726GXL; sdi4d71; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Samtron; Samtron SC-728FXL; sdi4d70; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Samtron; Samtron SC-728FXLJ; sdi4d73; 24.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Seiko; Seiko CM-1440; cm-1440; 31.0-40.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Seiko; Seiko CM-1450; cm-1450; 31.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Seiko; Seiko CM-2050; cm-2050; 31.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +SGI; SGI 1600SW FlatPanel; SGX0640; 72.0; 60.0 +SGI; SGI 17-inch 340C; 0; 30-95; 48-180 +SGI; SGI 17-inch GDM-17E11; 0; 30.0-85.0; 48.0-150.0 +SGI; SGI 17-inch GDM-17E21; 0; 30.0-85.0; 48.0-160.0 +SGI; SGI 17-inch GDM-2011P; 0; 30.0-92.0; 48.0-160.0 +SGI; SGI 17-inch M-7S54SG; 0; 30.0-95.0; 48.0-180.0 +SGI; SGI 19-inch CMNB024B; 0; 30-100; 48-200 +SGI; SGI 20-inch GDM-20E21; 0; 30.0-96.0; 48.0-160.0 +SGI; SGI 20-inch GDM-4011P; 0; 30.0-96.0; 48.0-160.0 +SGI; SGI 21-inch 420C; 0; 30-107; 48-160 +SGI; SGI 21-inch GDM-5011P; 0; 30.0-107.0; 48.0-160.0 +SGI; SGI 21-inch GDM-5021PT; 0; 30.0-107.0; 48.0-160.0 +SGI; SGI 21-inch GDM-5411; 0; 30-121; 48-160 +SGI; SGI 21-inch GDM5011P; 0; 30-107; 48-160 +SGI; SGI 24-inch GDM-90W11; 0; 30.0-96.0; 48.0-160.0 +SGI; SGI GDM-90W11; 0; 30.0-96.0; 48.0-160.0 +Shamrock; Shamrock C407L; 0; 31.5-55.0; 50-70 +Siemens Nixdorf; Siemens Nixdorf MCM1402; siemens1; 30-64; 50-100; 1 +Siemens Nixdorf; Siemens Nixdorf MCM1503; siemens2; 30-64; 50-100; 1 +Siemens Nixdorf; Siemens Nixdorf MCM1702; siemens3; 30-82; 50-150; 1 +Siemens Nixdorf; Siemens Nixdorf MCM2102; siemens4; 30-82; 50-160; 1 +Sliding Unika; Sliding S 2201 LCD 16/9 22inch; 0; 31-80; 50-75; 1 +Smile; Smile 85Khz Monitor; sml6738; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Smile; Smile CA6425DL/CB6425DL; sml6425; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Smile; Smile CA6525DL/CB6525DL; sml6525; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Smile; Smile CA6546SL/CB6546SL; sml6546; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Smile; Smile CA6719SL/CB6719SL; sml6719; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Smile; Smile CA6746SL/CB6746SL; sml6746; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Smile; Smile CA6748SL/CB6748SL; sml6748; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Smile; Smile CA6919SL/CB6919SL; sml6919; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-100ES; sny0450; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-100GS; sny0550; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-100SF; sny0150; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-100SX; sny8050; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-100VS; sny0050; 31.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-101VS iGPE; sny0a50; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-110GS/110EST/T9; sny0c50; 30.0-70.0; 48.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-120AS; sny0850; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-120VS; sny0650; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-1302; cpd-1302; 15.5-34.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-1304; cpd-1304; 28.0-50.0; 50.0-87.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-1304S; cpd-1304s; 28.0-57.0; 55.0-110.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-1430; cpd-1430; 28.0-58.0; 55.0-110.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-15ES; sny0750; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-15ES2; sny0b50; 30.0-70.0; 48.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-15SF2; sny0000; 31.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-15SF9; sny0350; 24.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-15SX1; sny0000; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-1604S; cpd-1604s; 28-57; 50-87; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-1730; cpd-1730; 28.0-58.0; 55.0-115.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-17C1; sny0b70; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-17ES2; sny0f70; 30.0-70.0; 48.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-17GS; sny0a70; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-17MS; sny0970; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-17SF2; sny0000; 31.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-17SF8; sny0000; 24.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-17SF8R; sny0070; 24.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-17SF9; sny0470; 24.0-80.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-2003GT; sny017b; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-200ES; sny0770; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-200GS; sny0a70; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-200SF; sny0270; 30.0-80.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-200SFT; sny0370; 30.0-80.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-200SX; sny0570; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-201VS iGPE; sny0e70; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-20SF2; sny0000; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-20SF2T; sny0000; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-20SF2T5; sny00a0; 30.0-85.0; 48.0-150.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-20SF3; sny01a0; 30.0-86.0; 48.0-150.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-210GS/210EST/T9; sny1070; 30.0-70.0; 48.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-210SFB; sny0870; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-220AS; sny0d70; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-220GS/17GS2; sny0071; 30.0-85.0; 48.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-220VS; sny0670; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-300SFT; sny03a0; 30.0-86.0; 48.0-150.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-300SFT5; sny04a0; 30.0-86.0; 48.0-150.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-420GS/GST/19GS2; sny0091; 30.0-96.0; 48.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-520GS/520GST/21GS2; sny02b0; 30.0-96.0; 48.0-160.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-A100/HMD-A100; sny0e50; 30.0-70.0; 48.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-A200/HMD-A200; sny1370; 30.0-70.0; 48.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-E100/E100E; sny0d50; 30.0-70.0; 48.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-E200/E200E; sny1470; 30.0-85.0; 48.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-E220/E220E; SNY1770; 30.0-85.0; 48.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-E400/E400E; sny0390; 30.0-96.0; 48.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-E500/E500E; sny04b0; 30.0-96.0; 48.0-160.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-G200; sny1270; 30.0-96.0; 48.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-G400; sny0290; 30.0-107.0; 48.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-G410R; sny0191; 30.0-110.0; 40.0-170.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-G420; sny0490; 30.0-110.0; 48.0-170.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-G500; sny03b0; 30.0-121.0; 48.0-160.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-H200; sny1170; 30.0-70.0; 48.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-L100; sny0140; 30.0-61.0; 50.0-65.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-L133; sny0030; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-65.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-L141; sny0040; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-65.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-L150; sny0950; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-65.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-L181/181A; sny0080; 30.0-92.0; 48.0-65.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-L200/M151; sny0f50; 30.0-61.0; 50.0-65.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-V200; sny1570; 30.0-70.0; 48.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony GDM-1310; cpd-1310; 15.7-36.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Sony; Sony GDM-17SE1; gdm-17se1; 31.5-82.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Sony; Sony GDM-17SE2T; sny0170; 30.0-85.0; 48.0-150.0; 1 +Sony; Sony GDM-1936; cpd-1936; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony GDM-200PS; sny0c70; 30.0-92.0; 48.0-160.0; 1 +Sony; Sony GDM-2038; cpd-2038; 28.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Sony; Sony GDM-20SE2T5; sny05a0; 30.0-96.0; 48.0-160.0; 1 +Sony; Sony GDM-20SE3T; sny06a0; 30.0-96.0; 48.0-160.0; 1 +Sony; Sony GDM-20SHT; sny0000; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony GDM-20SHT(NEW); sny08a0; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Sony; Sony GDM-400PS/400PST/19PS; sny0090; 30.0-95.0; 48.0-160.0; 1 +Sony; Sony GDM-500PS/T/T9/21PS; sny00b0; 30.0-107.0; 48.0-160.0; 1 +Sony; Sony GDM-C520; SNY01B1; 30.0-130.0; 48.0-170.0; 1 +Sony; Sony GDM-F400/F400T9; sny0190; 30.0-107.0; 48.0-160.0; 1 +Sony; Sony GDM-F500/F500T9; sny01b0; 30.0-121.0; 48.0-160.0; 1 +Sony; Sony GDM-W900; sny00e0; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Sony; Sony GVM-2020; cpd-2020; 15.7-36.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Sony; Sony HMD-A240; SNY0871; 30.0-70.0; 48.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony HMD-A440; SNY0E90; 30.0-96.0; 48.0-170.0; 1 +Sony; Sony HMD-H200; SNY1170; 30.0-70.0; 48.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony HMD-V200; SNY1570; 30.0-70.0; 48.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony KL-W7000; sny01f2; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-85.0; 1 +Sony; Sony MFM-HT75W (Analog); SNY1200; 28.0-64.0; 57.0-75.0; 1 +Sony; Sony MFM-HT75W (Digital); SNY1400; 28.0-64.0; 57.0-63.0; 1 +Sony; Sony MFM-HT95 (Analog); SNY1300; 28.0-81.0; 57.0-75.0; 1 +Sony; Sony MFM-HT95 (Digital); SNY1500; 28.0-65.0; 57.0-63.0; 1 +Sony; Sony Multiscan 15sf; ms-15sf; 31.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony Multiscan 17sf; ms-17sf; 31.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony Multiscan 20se; ms-20se; 31.5-85; 50-150; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-HS53; SNY2250; 28.0-49.0; 57.0-63.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-HS73; SNY2270; 28.0-65.0; 48.0-65.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-HS73P; SNY2B70; 28.0-80.0; 48.0-75.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-HS74P (Analog); SNY3070; 28.0-81.0; 48.0-75.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-HS74P (Digital); SNY3170; 28.0-65.0; 57.0-63.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-HS75; SNY2400; 28.0-81.0; 48.0-75.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-HS75P (Analog); SNY2200; 28.0-81.0; 48.0-75.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-HS75P (Digital); SNY2300; 28.0-65.0; 57.0-63.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-HS93; SNY1190; 28.0-65.0; 48.0-65.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-HS94P (Analog); SNY1B90; 28.0-81.0; 48.0-75.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-HS94P (Digital); SNY1C90; 28.0-65.0; 57.0-63.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-HX73 (Analog); SNY2870; 28.0-81.0; 57.0-75.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-HX73 (Digital); SNY2970; 28.0-65.0; 57.0-63.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-HX93 (Analog); SNY1490; 28.0-81.0; 57.0-75.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-HX93 (Digital); SNY1590; 28.0-65.0; 57.0-63.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-M51; SNY1650; 28.0-61.0; 48.0-65.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-M51D (Analog); SNY1850; 28.0-61.0; 48.0-65.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-M51D (Digital); SNY1950; 28.0-61.0; 59.0-61.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-M61 (Analog); SNY0060; 28.0-80.0; 48.0-75.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-M61 (Digital); SNY0160; 28.0-65.0; 59.0-61.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-M81 (Analog); SNY0380; 28.0-80.0; 48.0-75.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-M81 (Digital); SNY0480; 28.0-65.0; 59.0-61.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-N50; SNY1050; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-65.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-N50PS; SNY1150; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-65.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-N50TV; SNY1550; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-65.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-N80 (Analog); SNY0180; 28.0-107.0; 48.0-65.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-N80 (Digital); SNY0280; 28.0-92.0; 48.0-65.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-P232W (Analog); SNY00D0; 30.0-95.0; 55.0-65.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-P232W (Digital); SNY01D0; 30.0-92.0; 55.0-65.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-P234 (Analog); SNY03D0; 28.0-92.0; 57.0-85.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-P234 (Digital); SNY02D0; 28.0-75.0; 57.0-63.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-P82 (Analog); SNY0880; 28.0-65.0; 57.0-63.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-P82 (Digital); SNY0980; 28.0-65.0; 57.0-63.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-S204 (Analog); SNY0EA0; 28.0-92.0; 57.0-85.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-S204 (Digital); SNY0FA0; 28.0-75.0; 57.0-63.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-S51; SNY1E50; 28.0-61.0; 48.0-65.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-S53; SNY2450; 28.0-62.0; 57.0-75.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-S71; SNY1F70; 28.0-65.0; 48.0-65.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-S73; SNY2770; 28.0-65.0; 57.0-75.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-S74 (Analog); SNY2C70; 28.0-81.0; 48.0-75.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-S74 (Digital); SNY2D70; 28.0-65.0; 57.0-63.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-S81; SNY0580; 28.0-65.0; 48.0-65.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-S91; SNY1090; 28.0-65.0; 55.0-65.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-S93; SNY1390; 28.0-65.0; 57.0-75.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-S94 (Analog); SNY1790; 28.0-65.0; 57.0-75.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-S94 (Digital); SNY1890; 28.0-65.0; 57.0-63.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-V72W; SNY0B71; 28.0-70.0; 59.0-61.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-X202 (Analog); SNY09A0; 30.0-92.0; 55.0-65.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-X202 (Digital); SNY0AA0; 30.0-92.0; 55.0-65.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-X52 (Analog); SNY1F50; 28.0-49.0; 57.0-63.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-X52 (Digital); SNY2050; 28.0-49.0; 57.0-63.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-X53 (Analog); SNY2350; 28.0-52.0; 57.0-75.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-X53 (Digital); SNY2550; 28.0-52.0; 57.0-63.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-X72 (Analog); SNY1D70; 28.0-65.0; 57.0-63.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-X72 (Digital); SNY1E70; 28.0-65.0; 57.0-63.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-X73 (Analog); SNY2670; 28.0-65.0; 57.0-75.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-X73 (Digital); SNY2A70; 28.0-65.0; 57.0-63.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-X82 (Analog); SNY0680; 28.0-63.0; 57.0-63.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-X82 (Digital); SNY0780; 28.0-63.0; 57.0-63.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-X93 (Analog); SNY1290; 28.0-65.0; 57.0-75.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-X93 (Digital); SNY1690; 28.0-65.0; 57.0-63.0; 1 +Sony; Sony VMU-1000; sny07a0; 30.0-86.0; 48.0-150.0; 1 +Sun; Sun 16-inch 574; sun0574; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Sun; Sun 17-inch 447Z; 100; 31.0-72.0; 50.0-120.0 +Sun; Sun 17-inch CHB7727L (Samsung); 0; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Sun; Sun 18-inch Flat Panel Display; sun0004; 64.0-81.0; 60.0-76.0; 1 +Sun; Sun 21-inch N3; 0; 30.0-96.0; 48.0-160.0 +Sun; Sun 24-inch; 0; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0 +Sunshine; Sunshine DM-8 CM-1433H; 0; 31.5-35.1; 55.0-66.0 +Sylvania; Sylvania F74; syl00f4; 30.0-70.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +Talon; Talon Tuff/CRT; tuffcrt; 15.0-35.0; 47.0-73.0; 1 +Tandberg; Tandberg ErgoScan 21c; 0; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0 +Targa; TARGA TM 1710 D; 0; 30-65; 50-90 +Targa; Targa TM-3887, 15 Inch Monitor; tm-3887; 30-70; 50-130; 1 +Targa; Targa TM-4287, 17 Inch Monitor; tm-4287; 30-70; 50-130; 1 +Targa; Targa TM-xxxx, 19 Inch Monitor; tm-xxxx; 30-70; 50-130; 1 +Tatung; Intelliscan TM442x series; tat2f44; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Tatung; Intelliscan TM452x series; tat2f45; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Tatung; Intelliscan TM651x series; tat1f65; 31.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Tatung; Intelliscan TM671x series; tat1f67; 31.0-65.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung C4A; c4a; 31.5-48.4; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung C4D; c4d; 31.5-54.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung C4E; c4e; 31.5-54.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung C5D; c5d; 31.5-56.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung C5D; tat3044; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung C5E; c5e; 31.5-56.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung C5V; c5v; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung C7BZR; tat3742; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung C7G; c7g; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-1492V; cm-1492v; 31.5; 50.0-70.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-1495G; cm-1495g; 15.0-37.0; 40.0-120.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-1498M; cm-1498m; 35.5-37.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-1498R; cm-1498r; 35.5-37.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-1498T; cm-1498t; 35.5-37.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-1498X/T; cm-1498x/t; 31.5-35.6; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-14MP; cm-14mp; 31-50; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-14SBM/E with Power Saving; cm-14sbm/e-lp; 31.5-35.6; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-14SBM/S/E; cm-14sbm/s/e; 31.5-35.6; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-14SHS/E/R; cm-14shs/e/r; 31.5-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-14UAE with Power Saving; cm-14uae-lp; 31.5-48.4; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-14UAS/E; cm-14uas/e; 31.5-48.4; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-14UH; tat4855; 31.5-48.4; 56.0-87.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-14UHE/R; cm-14uhe/r; 31-50; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-15MCS; cm-15mcs; 29-65; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-15MOS/E/R; cm-15mos/e/r; 29.0-65; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-15MP; cm-15mp; 31-50; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-15UH; cm-15uh; 31-50; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-15VBE/R; cm-15vbe/r; 31.5-56.5; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-15VCR; cm-15vcr; 29-65; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-15VDE; cm-15vde; 31.5-56.5; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-1700; cm-1700; 31.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-17MBD/R; cm-17mbd/r; 29-65; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-17MC; tat434d; 31.5-65.0; 56.0-87.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-17MCR; cm-17mcr; 29-65; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-17MKR; cm-17mkr; 28-82; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-17MLP; cm-17mlp; 29-65; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-17MOR; cm-17mor; 29-65; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-17MVR; cm-17mvr; 28-82; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-2000; cm-2000; 21.0-65.0; 43.0-100.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-20MBD/R; cm-20mbd/r; 29-65; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-20MKR; cm-20mkr; 28-82; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-20MVR; cm-20mvr; 28-82; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung MM-1295; mm-1295; 15.0-35.0; 50.0-70.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung MM-14SAE; mm-14sae; 31.5-35.6; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung MM-14SCE; mm-14sce; 31.5-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung VM-14AF; vm-14af; 31.5-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Taxan; Ergovision 430LR; taxe430; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Taxan; Ergovision 550TCO95/TCO95-S; taxe550; 30.0-69.0; 55.0-110.0; 1 +Taxan; Ergovision 730TCO95/TCO95-S; taxe730; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Taxan; Ergovision 740TCO95/TCO95-S; taxe740; 30.0-85.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +Taxan; Ergovision 750TCO95; taxe750; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Taxan; Ergovision 760TCO95/TCO95-S; taxe760; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Taxan; Ergovision 975TCO95; taxe975; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Taxan; Taxan MV_770+; mv_770+; 15.0-37.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Taxan; Taxan MV_795; mv_795; 30.0-57.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Taxan; Taxan MV_875; mv_875; 30.0-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Taxan; Taxan UV_1000; uv_1000; 60.0-72.0; 50.0-80.0; 1 +Taxan; Taxan UV_1095; uv_1095; 28.0-80.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Taxan; Taxan UV_1150; uv_1150; 60.0-78.0; 50.0-80.0; 1 +TECO; TECO TE1438; tei1438; 30-38; 0-100; 0 +TECO; TECO TE1491; te1491; 38.0-80.0; 45.0-100.0; 1 +TECO; TECO TE1591; te1591; 30.0-50.0; 45.0-100.0; 1 +TECO; TECO TE1791; te1791; 30.0-50.0; 45.0-100.0; 1 +TECO; TECO TE2191; te2191; 60.0-66.0; 45.0-100.0; 1 +TECO; TECO TE412; tei0412; 30-57; 50-150; 1 +TECO; TECO TE432; tei0432; 30-65; 50-100; 1 +TECO; TECO TE438; tei0438; 30-38; 0-100; 1 +TECO; TECO TE450; tei0450; 30-50; 50-100; 1 +TECO; TECO TE518; tei0518; 30-69; 50-150; 1 +TECO; TECO TE535; tei0535; 30-65; 50-100; 1 +TECO; TECO TE550; tei0550; 30-50; 50-100; 1 +TECO; TECO TE551; tei0551; 30-54; 50-150; 1 +TECO; TECO TE572; tei0572; 30-72; 50-150; 1 +TECO; TECO TE760; tei0760; 30-65; 50-100; 1 +TECO; TECO TE767; tei0767; 30-69; 50-150; 1 +TECO; TECO TE768; tei0768; 30-86; 50-150; 1 +TECO; TECO TE772; tei0772; 30-72; 50-150; 1 +TECO; TECO TE786; tei0786; 30-86; 50-150; 1 +TECO; TECO TE795; tei0795; 30-96; 50-150; 1 +TECO; TECO TE9516S; tei9516; 30-35; 50-100; 0 +TECO; TECO TE995; tei0995; 30-95; 50-150; 1 +Toshiba; Toshiba DP566M, Equium 15-inch Monitor; tsb5002; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Toshiba; Toshiba DP782M, Equium 17-inch Monitor; tsb5003; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Toshiba; Toshiba DR569M (PV2001U); tsb5004; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Toshiba; Toshiba DR769MF (PV2002U); tsb5005; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Toshiba; Toshiba P17CM00; p17cm00; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Toshiba; Toshiba P17CM01; p17cm01; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Toshiba; Toshiba P17CS01; p17cs01; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Toshiba; Toshiba P17CU01; p17cu01; 30.0-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Toshiba; Toshiba P21CM00; p21cm00; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Toshiba; Toshiba P21CR01; p21cr01; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Toshiba; Toshiba TOS5082; tos5082; 31.5-48.5; 50.0-70.0; 1 +TPG; TPG 554e; TPG1554; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +TTX; TTX 3435AG; ttx3435ag; 15.5-35.5; 50.0-70.0; 1 +TTX; TTX 3436AG; ttx3436ag; 15.0-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +TTX; TTX 3450AG; ttx3450ag; 20.0-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +TVM; TVM AS4Dp/LR4Dp Model; tvm0487; 30.0-55.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +TVM; TVM AS5S Model; tvm0588; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +TVM; TVM MG-11; mg-11; 15.0-38.0; 47.0-75.0; 1 +TVM; TVM SuperSync 3+; ss_3+; 15.0-38.0; 47.0-90.0; 1 +TVM; TVM SuperSync 4A; ss_4a; 31.0-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +TVM; TVM SuperSync 5A; ss_5a; 31.0-48.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +TVM; TVM SuperSync 6A; ss_6a; 31.0-65.0; 40.0-100.0; 1 +TVM; TVM SuperSync 7A; ss_7a; 31.0-65.0; 40.0-100.0; 1 +TVM; TVM TCO5S Model; tvm0589; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +TVM; TVM TCO6S Model; tvm0688; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +TW Casper; TW Casper TM-5156H; tm-5156h; 15.5-50.0; 60.0-70.0; 1 +TW Casper; TW Casper TM-5414; tm-5414; 15.5-35.0; 50.0-70.0; 1 +Unisys; Unisys EVG-142-COL; unm2014; 30.0-48.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Unisys; Unisys EVG-152-COL; unm2015; 30.0-48.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Unisys; Unisys EVG-153-COL; unm3015; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Unisys; Unisys EVG-174-COL; unm4017; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Unisys; Unisys EVG-215-COL; unm5021; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Unisys; Unisys EVG-300-COL; evg300; 30-62.0; 50-100; 1 +Unisys; Unisys EVG-400-COL; evg400; 30-62.0; 50-100; 1 +Unisys; Unisys EVG-500-COL; evg500; 30-82; 50-120; 1 +Unisys; Unisys EVG1000-E2; unm1002; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-65.0; 1 +Unisys; Unisys EVG2000-E; unm2001; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Unisys; Unisys EVG2000-P; unm2002; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Unisys; Unisys EVG2100-E; unm2101; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Unisys; Unisys EVG2100-P; unm2102; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Unisys; Unisys EVG3000-E; unm3001; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Unisys; Unisys EVG3000-P; unm3002; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Unisys; Unisys EVG3100-E; unm3101; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Unisys; Unisys EVG3100-P; unm3102; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Unisys; Unisys EVG4000-P; unm4002; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Unisys; Unisys EVG5000-P; unm5002; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Unisys; Unisys SVG-100-COL; svg100; 31-38.0; 60-87; 1 +Unisys; Unisys SVG-200-COL; svg200; 31-38.0; 60-87; 1 +Unisys; Unisys SVG-201-COL; svg201; 31-38.0; 60-87; 1 +Unisys; Unisys SVG-250-COL; svg250; 31-38.0; 60-87; 1 +Unisys; Unisys VGA-200-MON; vga200; 31-32; 60-70; 1 +Unisys; Unisys VGA-250-MON; vga250; 31-32; 60-70; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 14ES; vsc3141; 31-51.0; 50-75; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 15; vs_15; 30-64; 50-90; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 15E; vs_15e; 30-62; 50-90; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 15ES-2; vsc3844; 31-62; 50-100; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 15EX; vs_15ex; 30-62; 50-100; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 15G; vs_15g; 30-64; 50-90; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 15G-2; vsc3744; 30-66; 50-100; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 15GA; vsc3644; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 15GA-2; vsc3245; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 15GS; vsc2601; 30-69; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 15GS-2; vsc4439; 30-69; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 15GS-3; vsc3145; 30-69; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 17; vs_17; 30-82; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 17E; vs_17e; 30-64; 50-90; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 17EA; vsc384a; 30-69; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 17G; vs_17g; 30-64; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 17GA; vsc0c1f; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 17GA-2; vsc444a; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 17GS; vsc0c00; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 17GS-2; vsc394a; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 17PS; vsc0c0f; 30-82; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 17PS-2; vsc434a; 30-86; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 20; vs_20; 30-82; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 21; vs_21; 30-82; 50-152; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 21PS; vsc1600; 30-82; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 4; vs_4; 20.0-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 4E; vs_4e; 35.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 5; vs_5; 31.0-55.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 5+; vs_5+; 31.0-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 5E; vs_5e; 31.0-60.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 6; vs_6; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 6E; vs_6e; 31.5-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 7; vs_7; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 8; vs_8; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic A50; vsc5a45; 30-56; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic A70; vsc5a43; 30-70; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic A70f+; VSC9E0B; 30-70; 60-150 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic A70f-2; VSC8E06; 30-70; 50-160 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic A72f-2; VSC8F06; 30-70; 50-160 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic A75f; vsc5841; 30-70; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic A75s; vsc5a42; 30-70; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic A75s-2; vsc8913; 30-70; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic A90; vsc504e; 30-86; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic A90f+; VSC200D; 30-86; 50-150 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic A95f; vsc594d; 30-97; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic airpanel V150; VSCF50B; 30-62; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic AL750; vsc5947; 30-60; 50-75; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic AL950; vsc3858; 30-80; 50-75; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E220; VSC6505; 30-97; 50-160 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E220-2; VSCBD0C; 30-97; 50-180 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E40; vsc4441; 30-54; 55-100; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E40-2; vsc4741; 30-54; 50-100; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E40-3; vsc4943; 30-48; 50-90; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E40-4; vsc0900; 30-48; 50-90; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E40-5; vsc4a42; 30-48; 50-90; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E41; vsc3741; 30-54; 50-100; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E50; vsc4545; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E50-4; VSC8B06; 30-56; 50-120 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E51; vsc3445; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E55-3; VSC5E13; 30-70; 50-160 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E641; vsc3441; 30-54; 50-100; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E641-2; vsc3641; 30-54; 50-100; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E641-3; vsc4541; 30-54; 50-100; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E651; vsc4645; 30-54; 50-100; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E651-2; vsc4d45; 30-50; 50-100; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E651-3; vsc5745; 30-56; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E653; vsc5249; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E653-2; vsc5645; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E653-3; vsc0e00; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E653-4; vsc1300; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E655; vsc3345; 30-65; 50-100; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E655-2; vsc3745; 30-70; 50-100; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E655-3; vsc4945; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E655-4; vsc5845; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E70; vsc5244; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E70-10; VSCF711; 30-72; 50-180 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E70-2; vsc5346; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E70-3; vsc4b41; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E70-4; vsc5041; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E70-7; VSC5007; 30-70; 50-120 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E70-8; VSCE905; 30-70; 50-160 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E70f+; VSC2B0B; 30-70; 60-150 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E70f+-2; VSCD313; 30-70; 50-150 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E70f-2; VSC4E07; 30-70; 50-150 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E70f-3; VSC3908; 30-70; 50-120 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E70f-5/E70fb-5; VSC2011; 30-72; 50-160 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E70fb-2; VSC4F07; 30-70; 50-150 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E71; vsc4e4a; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E75f; VSCD305; 30-86; 50-150 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E771; vsc564a; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E771-2; vsc4844; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E771-4; vsc5941; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E773; vsc5044; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E790; vsc4d4d; 30-95; 50-200; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E790-3; vsce005; 30-95; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E790B; vsc514d; 30-95; 50-200; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E790B-4; vsce405; 30-95; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E810; vsc5251; 30-95; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E90; vsc564e; 30-86; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E90-4; VSCA418; 30-86; 50-180 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E90f+; VSC890E; 30-86; 50-180 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E90f+-3; VSC9517; 30-86; 50-180 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E90fb; VSCA306; 30-86; 50-150 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E90fmb; VSC2408; 30-86; 50-150 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E92f+; VSC9417; 30-97; 50-180 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic EA771; vsc4d4a; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic EA771B; vsc4244; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic G220f; VSCE709; 30-110; 50-180 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic G220fb; VSCE809; 30-110; 50-180 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic G653; vsc3645; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic G653-2; vsc4745; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic G655; vsc5045; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic G655-3; vsc0400; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic G70f; VSC8D06; 30-70; 50-160 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic G70f-2; VSCEA18; 30-70; 50-160 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic G70fm; VSCD405; 30-70; 50-160 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic G70fmb; VSCC306; 30-70; 50-160 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic G71f+; VSCAC09; 30-70; 50-180 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic G71f+-2; VSC9312; 30-72; 50-160 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic G75f-2; VSCF505; 30-86; 50-180 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic G75f-3; VSC2E0C; 30-86; 50-180 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic G771; vsc4c4a; 30-70; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic G773; vsc524a; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic G773-2; vsc4a44; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic G773-3; vsc5341; 30-70; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic G790; vsc384d; 30-95; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic G790-2; vsc484d; 30-95; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic G800; vsc374d; 30-86; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic G810; vsc3751; 30-89; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic G810-2; vsc4951; 30-92; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic G810-4; vsc5151; 30-97; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic G810-6; VSCC308; 30-97; 50-180 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic G90f+; VSC3513; 30-110; 50-160 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic G90f-2; VSC8A06; 30-97; 50-180 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic G90fB; 0; 30-97; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic G90fb-2; VSC4907; 30-97; 50-180 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic GA655; vsc4145; 30-70; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic GA771; vsc514a; 30-70; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic GF775; vsc5744; 30-86; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic GS771; vsc594a; 30-70; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic GS773; vsc4c44; 30-70; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic GS773-2; vsc0202; 30-70; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic GS790; vsc4f4d; 30-97; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic GT770; vsc424a; 30-65; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic GT775; vsc4b4a; 30-86; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic GT775-3; vsc5944; 30-87; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic GT800; vsc354d; 30-85; 50-150; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic M50; vsc5445; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic M70; vsc5444; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic M70B; vsc4948; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic MB110; vsc4a51; 30-95; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic MB50; vsc4845; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic MB70; vsc4644; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic MB90; vsc444d; 30-95; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic N1700w; VSC5C0B; 24-82; 60-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic N3000w; VSC5A16; 30-83; 59-75; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest 1000S; oqi3234; 48.4; 0-60; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest 1562A-2; oqi3232; 31.5-62; 50-90; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest 1769DC; oqi4637; 30-69; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest Q100; oqi4a31; 30-86; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest Q41; oqi4136; 30-48; 50-90; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest Q51; oqi4435; 30-54; 50-100; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest Q53; oqi4433; 30-70; 50-100; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest Q71; oqi4735; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest Q71-2; oqi4738; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest Q71-6; oqie702; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest V115T; oqi4d32; 30-96; 50-150; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest V55; oqi4436; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest V641; oqi4132; 48.36; 60; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest V655; oqi3332; 30-66; 50-100; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest V655-2; oqi4432; 30-65; 50-100; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest V655-3; oqi4434; 30-70; 50-100; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest V73; oqi5634; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest V75; oqi4739; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest V773; oqi4733; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest V773-2; oqi4736; 30-70; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest V775; oqi3333; 30-82; 50-130; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest V775-2; oqi4732; 30-85; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest V95; oqi4a32; 30-95; 50-150; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest VA656; oqi3138; 30-63; 50-100; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic P220f-3; VSC7F12; 30-110; 50-160 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic P220fb-2; VSC430C; 30-110; 50-180 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic P225f-4; VSCBB0C; 30-127; 50-180 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic P225f-5; VSC8012; 30-127; 50-160 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic P225fb-4; VSCBC0C; 30-127; 50-180 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic P655; vsc4245; 30-70; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic P70f; VSC5107; 30-97; 50-120 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic P75f+; VSC2C09; 30-97; 50-160 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic P775; vsc504a; 30-95; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic P795; vsc424d; 30-107; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic P810; vsc3551; 30-95; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic P810-3; vsc4851; 30-95; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic P810-4; vsc5551; 30-110; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic P810-A; vsc3553; 30-95; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic P810-E; vsc3552; 30-95; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic P810-ER; vsc5235; 30-95; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic P810-MR; vsc5135; 30-95; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic P815; vsc3651; 30-115; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic P815-4; vsc4f51; 30-117; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic P817; vsc4c51; 30-137; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic P817-E; vsc4c52; 30-137; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic P90f; VSC5207; 30-110; 50-180 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic P95f+; VSC2B09; 30-110; 50-160 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic P95f+-2; VSC1114; 30-110; 50-160 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PF775; vsc5a44; 30-96; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PF77a; vscf801; 30-97; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PF77d; vscf901; 30-92; 50-85; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PF790; vsc554d; 30-97; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PF795; vsc4c4d; 30-110; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PF815; vsc5751; 30-117; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PF817; vsc5951; 30-127; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PF97a; vsce505; 30-97; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PF97d; vsce605; 30-92; 50-85; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PJ1000; vsc3454; 31-64; 50-85; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PJ1060; vsc4c56; 25-80; 56-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PJ1200; vsc4654; 24-80; 50-85; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PJ800; vsc3254; 15.75-69; 50-75; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PJ820; vsc3854; 30-69; 50-85; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PJ850; vsc4454; 31-90; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PJ860; vsc4754; 30-60; 56-85; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PJ860-2; vsc4c54; 25-80; 56-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PJL1005; vsc4456; 15-72; 43-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PJL1035; vsc4555; 25-80; 56-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PJL1035-2; vsc4a56; 25-80; 56-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PJL802; vsc3554; 31-61; 50-85; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PJL855; vsc4a54; 25-60; 56-85; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PS775; vsc4444; 30-97; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PS775-2; vsc4d44; 30-95; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PS790; vsc434d; 30-95; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PS795; vsc474e; 30-110; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PT770; vsc364a; 30-82; 50-130; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PT771; vsc5a4a; 30-92; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PT775; vsc474a; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PT775-6; vsc4b44; 30-96; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PT795; vsc454d; 30-110; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PT810; vsc3351; 30-86; 50-130; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PT810-2; vsc3451; 30-95; 50-130; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PT810-3; vsc3851; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PT813; vsc4151; 30-107; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VA500; VSCF605; 30-60; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VA520; VSCBA07; 30-62; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VA520-2; VSC6A01; 30-62; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VA520-3; VSCF70C; 30-62; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VA550; VSCFA02; 30-62; 50-60 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VA700; VSCF705; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VA702b; VSC231C; 30-82; 50-85; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VA720; VSC6C09; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VA720-2; VSC700B; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VA800; VSCDE00; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic vcdts21367-1; oqi4d31; 30-95; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VE150; VSC5547; 30-60; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VE150B; vsc8115; 30-60; 50-75; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VE150m; VSCC203; 30-60; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VE150mb; VSCED05; 30-60; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VE151; vsc5345; 31-61; 56-75; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VE155; VSCB807; 30-60; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VE155b; VSC260A; 30-62; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VE170; VSCA601; 30-80; 50-80 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VE170b; VSCA701; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VE170m; VSCE705; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VE170mb; VSCE805; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VE175; VSEE08 ; 30-80; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VE175-2; VSCC314; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VE175b; VSCE10A; 30-80; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VE175b-2; VSCC414; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VE500; VSC4108; 30-62; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VE500-2; VSCBC17; 30-62; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VE510+; VSC6500; 30-62; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VE700; VSC4308; 24-82; 56-85 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VE800; VSC3A08; 30-80; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG150; vsc5147; 30-62; 50-60; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG150m; VSCFC09; 30-62; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG150m-2; VSC4811; 30-62; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG150mb; VSCFD09; 30-62; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG151; vsc5a47; 24.8-61; 56-75; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG151b; VSCDA06; 30-62; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG171; 9E06 ; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG171b; VSCD906; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG175; VSCDD00; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG180; vsc464d; 30-80; 60-85; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG180-2; vsc464e; 30-80; 56-85; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG180-3; vsc7517; 30-82; 50-75; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG181; VSC7517; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG181b; VSCD806; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG191; VSC2007; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG191b; VSC2107; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG500; VSC3D08; 30-62; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG500-2; VSCF118; 30-62; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG500b; VSCB40A; 30-62; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG700; VSC3E08; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG700b; VSC9D0E; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG700b-2; VSCB50B; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG710b; VSCA318; 30-82; 50-85 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG710s; VSCA218; 30-82; 50-85 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG750; VSC3F08; 24-82; 56-85 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG800; VSC6F08; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG800-2; VSCF311; 30-83; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG800b; VSC230E; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG800b-2; VSCF411; 30-83; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG810b; VSCC018; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG810s; VSCBF18; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG900b; VSC240E; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG910b; VSCDB18; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG910s; VSCDA18; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VP140; vsc3541; 30-61; 50-77; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VP140-2; vsc4841; 30-60; 50-75; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VP140-3; vsc7d15; 30-62; 50-75; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VP150; vsc3845; 30-61; 50-77; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VP151; vsc5945; 30-94; 50-85; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VP171b; VSC0C11; 30-82; 50-85 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VP171s; VSCB716; 30-82; 50-85 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VP181; vsc574d; 30-95; 50-75; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VP181b-2; VSC6711; 30-92; 50-85 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VP181s; VSCB816; 30-92; 50-85 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VP190; vsc474d; 30-82; 50-77; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VP191b; VSC0E11; 30-82; 50-85 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VP191s; VSCB916; 30-82; 50-85 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VP201b; VSC6911; 30-95; 50-85 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VP201m; VSC5404; 30-82; 50-85 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VP201mb; VSCEB04; 30-82; 50-85 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VP201s; VSC0C18; 30-95; 50-85 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VP2030; VSC131C; 30-92; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VP211b; VSC6A11; 30-95; 50-85 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VP230mb; VSC7203; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VPA138; vsc4141; 30-62; 50-75; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VPA145; vsc3941; 30-62; 50-75; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VPA150; vsc4345; 30-62; 50-75; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VPD150; vsc4b47; 48; 60; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VPD180; vsc4b49; 64; 60; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VT550; VSCB711; 30-62; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VX2000; VSC4208; 30-82; 50-85 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VX2025wm; 0; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VX500+; VSCF008; 30-62; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VX500-2; VSCCB0F; 30-80; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VX700; VSC6206; 24-82; 56-85 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VX700-2; VSCEF08; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VX700-3; VSC8F11; 30-83; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VX800; VSC0B07; 24-82; 56-85 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VX800-2; VSC8209; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VX800-3; VSCF511; 30-83; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VX900; VSC0B08; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VX900-2; VSC9011; 30-83; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VX910; VSC3C19; 30-82; 50-85; 1 +Vobis; Vobis Highscreen MS 1795P; VOB0c7c; 30-82; 47-120 +WYSE; WYSE WY-670; wy-670; 34.0-38.0; 55.0-87.0; 1 +WYSE; WYSE WY-890N; wy-890n; 38.5-51.0; 58.0-77.0; 1 +Yakumo Electronics; Yakumo OF1564 DO; yak6146; 30-64; 50-100; 1 +Zenith; Zenith ZCM-1411; 0; 35.587; 86.96; 1 +Zenith; Zenith ZCM-1426; 0; 35.587; 86.96; 1 +Zenith; Zenith ZCM-1440; 0; 30.0-62; 48-100; 1 +Zenith; Zenith ZCM-1450; 0; 30.0-60; 48-90; 1 +Zenith; Zenith ZCM-1520; 0; 30.0-64; 50-100; 1 +Zenith; Zenith ZCM-1522; 0; 30.0-64; 50-120; 1 +Zenith; Zenith ZCM-1540; 0; 30.0-62; 48-100; 1 +Zenith; Zenith ZCM-1550; 0; 31.0-65.0; 55-100; 1 +Zenith; Zenith ZCM-1740; 0; 31.0-82; 50-100; 1 +Zenith; Zenith ZCM-1750; 0; 30.0-85; 50-100; 1 diff --git a/README b/README new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2ddfa28 --- /dev/null +++ b/README @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +To update the various IDs files, run 'make download'. + +MonitorsDB is woefully inadequate as a format. You are encouraged not to +rely on it. diff --git a/blacklist.conf b/blacklist.conf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a1e3466 --- /dev/null +++ b/blacklist.conf @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +# +# Listing a module here prevents the hotplug scripts from loading it. +# Usually that'd be so that some other driver will bind it instead, +# no matter which driver happens to get probed first. Sometimes user +# mode tools can also control driver binding. +# +# Syntax: see modprobe.conf(5). +# + +# watchdog drivers +blacklist i8xx_tco + +# framebuffer drivers +blacklist aty128fb +blacklist atyfb +blacklist radeonfb +blacklist i810fb +blacklist cirrusfb +blacklist intelfb +blacklist kyrofb +blacklist i2c-matroxfb +blacklist hgafb +blacklist nvidiafb +blacklist rivafb +blacklist savagefb +blacklist sstfb +blacklist neofb +blacklist tridentfb +blacklist tdfxfb +blacklist virgefb +blacklist vga16fb +blacklist viafb + +# ISDN - see bugs 154799, 159068 +blacklist hisax +blacklist hisax_fcpcipnp + +# sound drivers +blacklist snd-pcsp + +# I/O dynamic configuration support for s390x (bz #563228) +blacklist chsc_sch diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100755 index 0000000..c0f8a39 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python + +import re +import sys + +# Check that the sorting order is preserved in pci.ids + +vendor_id = None +device_id = None +lineno = 1 + +file = open("pci.ids") +hexnum = '([0-9a-fA-F]{4})' +desc = '(.*\S)' + +for line in file: + + m = re.match(hexnum + '\s+' + desc, line) + if m: + new_id = int('0x' + (1), 16) + if new_id <= vendor_id: + print ("%d: Vendor ID (0x%04x) is less that previous ID (0x%04x)" % + (lineno, new_id, vendor_id)) + sys.exit (-1) + + vendor_id = new_id + device_id = -1 + + m = re.match('\t' + hexnum + '\s+' + desc, line) + if m: + new_id = int('0x' + (1), 16) + if new_id <= device_id: + print ("%d: Device ID (0x%04x) is less that previous ID (0x%04x)" % + (lineno, new_id, device_id)) + sys.exit (-1) + + device_id = new_id + + lineno = lineno + 1 diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100755 index 0000000..72c19f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +#!/usr/bin/python + +f = open("MonitorsDB", "r") +out = open("MonitorsDBOut", "w") + +monIds = dict() + +for line in f.readlines(): + if len(line.strip()) and not line.strip().startswith('#'): + values = map(lambda x: x.strip(), line.split(';')) + if len(values) < 5: + print "This line contains two few values\n%s" % line + manufacturer = values[0] + model = values[1] + monId = values[2] + vGh = values[3] + hGh = values[4] + if len(manufacturer) == 0: + print "This line doesn't contain Manufacturer\t%s" % line + continue + if len(model) == 0: + print "This line contains empty model\t%s" % line + continue + if len(monId) == 0 or monId == "0": + print "This line contains empty monitor Id\n%s" % line + continue + if len(vGh) == 0 or len(hGh) == 0: + print "This line contains wrong Gh\t%s" % line + continue + if monIds.has_key(monId): + print "Two line have the same monitor Ids\n%s%s" % (monIds[monId], line) + continue + else: + monIds[monId] = line + out.write(line) +f.close() +out.close() + diff --git a/hwdata.spec b/hwdata.spec new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6b13456 --- /dev/null +++ b/hwdata.spec @@ -0,0 +1,781 @@ +Name: hwdata +Summary: Hardware identification and configuration data +Version: 0.232 +Release: 1%{?dist} +License: GPLv2+ +Group: System Environment/Base +Source: hwdata-%{version}.tar.bz2 +URL: +BuildArch: noarch +Conflicts: Xconfigurator, system-config-display < 1.0.31, pcmcia-cs, kudzu < 1.2.0 +Requires: module-init-tools >= 3.2 +BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n) + +%description +hwdata contains various hardware identification and configuration data, +such as the pci.ids database and MonitorsDb databases. + +%prep + +%setup -q + +%build +# nothing to build + +%install +rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT +make install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT + +%clean +rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT + +%files +%defattr(-,root,root) +%doc LICENSE COPYING +%dir %{_datadir}/%{name} +%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf +%{_datadir}/%{name}/* + +%changelog +* Thu Aug 05 2010 Karsten Hopp 0.232-1 +- update usb.ids, out.txt and pci.ids (#550020, #611860) +- fix incorrect syntax doc/comment in blacklist.conf (Ville Skyttä, #532802) +- add Acer B243HL and BenQ G2420HDBL (Ville Skyttä, #590787) +- add HP LP2475w and Samsung 2494HM (Ville Skyttä, #595059) + + + + + +* Tue May 25 2010 Phil Knirsch 0.230-1 +- update usb.ids, out.txt and pci.ids +- Resolves: #584788 + +* Mon Mar 29 2010 Karsten Hopp 0.229-1 +- update usb.ids, out.txt and pci.ids for F-13 (#571914) + +* Wed Mar 17 2010 Phil Knirsch 0.228-1 +- Blacklist chsc_sch for s390x +- Resolves: #563228 + +* Mon Feb 22 2010 Karsten Hopp 0.227-1 +- update usb.ids, pci.ids, oui.txt +- update license + +* Tue Feb 23 2010 Dave Airlie 0.227-1 +- add viafb to blacklist + +* Fri Jan 15 2010 Karsten Hopp 0.226-1 +- update release number + +* Fri Jan 15 2010 Karsten Hopp 0.225-4 +- update usb.ids pci.ids oui.txt + +* Mon Nov 30 2009 Dennis Gregorovic - 0.225-3.1 +- Rebuilt for RHEL 6 + +* Fri Jul 24 2009 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.225-3 +- Rebuilt for + +* Tue Jul 07 2009 Adam Jackson 0.225-2 +- pnp-dell.patch: Fix Dell's entry in pnp.ids + +* Thu Apr 09 2009 Adam Jackson 0.224-1 +- Update pci.ids, usb.ids, and oui.txt +- Add pnp.ids + +* Thu Mar 19 2009 Karsten Hopp 0.223-1 +- update usb.ids pci.ids oui.txt +- rename /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf + +* Wed Jan 28 2009 Karsten Hopp 0.222-1 +- update usb.ids pci.ids oui.txt and build for all current releases + Fixes p.e. #465440 + +* Wed Jan 21 2009 Karsten Hopp 0.221-1 +- update usb.ids pci.ids oui.txt + +* Tue Dec 02 2008 Karsten Hopp 0.220-1 +- add new monitor entries from Mandriva hardware database (Thierry Vignaud) +- make generic entries have properly formated frequencies (Thierry Vignaud) +- remove duplicate Dell monitor entries (Thierry Vignaud) +- more vendor name fixes +- fix extra field in 'Compudyne KD-1500N' definition (Thierry Vignaud) +- make Dell monitors case consistent (Thierry Vignaud) +- make all GoldStar monitors have the same vendor name (Thierry Vignaud) +- add URL of git repository +- fix spacing (Thierry Vignaud) +- sort MonitorDB file with LANG=C sort -f -t ";" -k1,2 +- add Samsung SyncMaster 2443BWX (Marc van den Dikkenberg) +- add some Lenovo monitors (Im Sza) + +* Wed Jul 23 2008 Karsten Hopp 0.220-1 +- update pci.ids, usb.ids, oui.txt +- MonitorsDB: add some Samsung monitors (Ronald Warsow) +- MonitorsDB: add Dell E1609W (Matt Domsch) +- MonitorsDB: add 7 Dell monitors (Matt Domsch) +- MonitorsDB: add a bunch of Hyundai and ImageQuest monitors + +* Mon Jun 09 2008 Karsten Hopp 0.219-1 +- add BenQ FP2091 monitor (Peter Williams) +- add a bunch of Hyundai and ImageQuest monitors + +* Mon Jun 02 2008 Karsten Hopp 0.219-1 +- update pci.ids, usb.ids, oui.txt +- blacklist snd-pcsp (#448425) + +* Mon May 19 2008 Karsten Hopp 0.218-1 +- add some Acer monitors (Im Sz) + +* Tue Apr 01 2008 Karsten Hopp 0.217-1 +- update pci.ids, oui.txt +- update usb.ids, fixes #439963 +- add HP w1907 LCD monitor, fixes #431359 +- fix many monitor entries (Stanislav Ievlev, #430276) + + +* Wed Mar 03 2008 Karsten Hopp 0.216-1 +- update pci.ids, usb.ids (#431658) + +* Tue Jan 29 2008 Phil Knirsch 0.215-1 +- Pull new upstream pci.ids + +* Wed Jan 23 2008 Karsten Hopp 0.215-1 +- add HP W2207 monitor +- add oui.txt, a list of bluetooth device makers + +* Fri Jan 18 2008 Karsten Hopp 0.214-1 +- remove MonitorsDB.generic as it isn't used anywhere +- drop RHEL-5 blacklist patch in -devel + +* Tue Jan 15 2008 Karsten Hopp 0.213-1 +- add many monitor entries (Im Sza, #367111) + +* Fri Jan 11 2008 Karsten Hopp 0.212-1 +- pull new upstream pci.ids, usb.ids +- Resolves: #300831 +- added HP TFT5600 LCD Monitor +- Resolves: #250569 +- added Acer AL1916W, Eizo L568/L568D, Samsung 795DF +- Resolves: #250582 +- Add Samsung 205BW/206BW/225BW/226BW +- Resolves: #250584 +- Add Samsung 931BF +- Resolves: #250587 + +* Sat Dec 22 2007 Karsten Hopp 0.209-1 +- add Proview 926w monitor (#363091) + +* Sat Dec 22 2007 Karsten Hopp 0.208-1 +- new release +- drop dell-monitors patch, already included in tarball + +* Thu Dec 13 2007 Karsten Hopp 0.207-3 +- fix License tag +- add empty %%build section for fedora-review + +* Thu Oct 25 2007 Matt Domsch 0.207-2 +- MonitorsDB: add 20 new Dell monitors + +* Wed Sep 26 2007 Karsten Hopp 0.211-1 +- pull new upstream pci.ids, usb.ids + +* Thu Sep 20 2007 Karsten Hopp 0.210-1 +- add for Chelsio 10GbE Ethernet Adapter +- Resolves: bz #296811 + +* Wed Sep 19 2007 Karsten Hopp 0.209-1 +- pull new upstream pci.ids, usb.ids + +* Wed Aug 29 2007 Karsten Hopp 0.207-1 +- update license tag + +* Wed Aug 15 2007 Karsten Hopp 0.207-1 +- pull new upstream pci.ids and rebuild +- Resolves: bz #251732 +- Resolves: bz #251734 +- Resolves: bz #252195 +- Resolves: bz #252196 +- Resolves: bz #241274 + +* Tue Aug 14 2007 Karsten Hopp 0.205-1 +- add HP TFT5600 #229370 + +* Mon Jul 09 2007 Karsten Hopp 0.205-1 +- enable iwl4965 blacklist +- Resolves: bz#245379 + +* Mon Jun 25 2007 Karsten Hopp 0.205-1 +- really update pci.ids, update-pciids downloaded an old file +- disable iwl4965 blacklist as it is not approved yet (#245379) + +* Mon Jun 25 2007 Karsten Hopp 0.202-1 +- don't load iwl4965 module automatically +- Resolves: #245379 + +* Tue Jun 19 2007 Karsten Hopp 0.201-1 +- add some monitors +- Resolves: #224511 +- update pci.ids +- Related: #223105 + +* Tue Jan 02 2007 Karsten Hopp 0.194-1 +- Update to latest pci.ids/usb.ids for RHEL5 +- Resolves: #220182 + Add some Dell monitors to MonitorDB + +* Mon Oct 09 2006 Phil Knirsch - 0.191-1 +- Update to latest pci.ids for RHEL5 + +* Thu Sep 21 2006 Adam Jackson - 0.190-1 +- Add a description for the 'intel' driver. + +* Mon Sep 18 2006 Phil Knirsch - 0.189-1 +- Updated usb.ids for FC6 + +* Mon Sep 11 2006 Phil Knirsch - 0.188-1 +- Update of pci.ids for FC6 + +* Thu Aug 31 2006 Adam Jackson - 0.187-1 +- Fix sync ranges for Samsung SyncMaster 710N (#202344) + +* Thu Aug 03 2006 Phil Knirsch - 0.186-1 +- Updated pci.ids once more. + +* Tue Jul 25 2006 Phil Knirsch - 0.185-1 +- Added the 17inch Philips LCD monitor entry (#199828) + +* Mon Jul 24 2006 Phil Knirsch - 0.184-1 +- Added one more entry for missing Philips LCD monitor (#199828) + +* Tue Jul 18 2006 Phil Knirsch - 0.183-1 +- Updated pci.ids before FC6 final (#198994) +- Added several missing Samsung monitors (#197463) +- Included a new from Matt Domsch (#158723) + +* Tue Jul 11 2006 Adam Jackson - 0.182-1 +- Added ast driver description to videodrivers +- Numerous Dell monitor additions (#196734) +- Numerous Belinea monitor additions (#198087) + +* Sat Jul 8 2006 Adam Jackson - 0.181-1 +- Updated videodrivers to mention i945 +- New monitors: Sony CPD-G420 (#145902), Compaq P1110 (#155120). + +* Thu May 11 2006 Phil Knirsch - 0.180-1 +- Updated and added some MonitorsDB entries + +* Tue May 02 2006 Phil Knirsch - 0.179-1 +- Updated PCI ids from upstream (#180402) +- Fixed missing monitor entry in MonitorsDB (#189446) + +* Wed Mar 01 2006 Phil Knirsch - 0.178-1 +- Commented out the VT lines at the end of usb.ids as our tools don't handle + them properly. + +* Fri Feb 24 2006 Bill Nottingham - 0.177-1 +- remove stock videoaliases in favor of driver-specific ones in + the X driver packages + +* Wed Feb 22 2006 Phil Knirsch - 0.176-1 +- More entries from Dell to MonitorsDB (#181008) + +* Fri Feb 10 2006 Phil Knirsch - 0.175-1 +- Added a few more entries to MonitorsDB + +* Wed Feb 01 2006 Phil Knirsch - 0.174-1 +- Some cleanup and adds to the MonitorDB which closes several db related bugs. + +* Tue Dec 13 2005 Bill Nottingham - 0.173-1 +- add some IDs to the generic display entries for matching laptops + +* Fri Nov 18 2005 Bill Nottingham - 0.172-1 +- ditto for radeon + +* Fri Nov 18 2005 Jeremy Katz - 0.171-1 +- r128 -> ati. should fix the unresolved symbol and kem says its more + generally the "right" thing to do + +* Wed Nov 16 2005 Bill Nottingham - 0.170-1 +- handle mptsas for migration as well +- move videoaliases file to a subdir + +* Fri Sep 16 2005 Bill Nottingham +- add Iiyama monitor (#168143) + +* Tue Sep 13 2005 Bill Nottingham +- add IBM monitor (#168080) + +* Thu Sep 8 2005 Bill Nottingham - 0.169-1 +- remove Cards, pcitable. Add videodrivers + +* Fri Sep 2 2005 Dan Williams - 0.168-1 +- Add more Gateway monitors + +* Fri Sep 2 2005 Dan Williams - 0.167-1 +- Add some ADI monitors, one BenQ, and and DPMS codes for two Apples + +* Fri Sep 2 2005 Bill Nottingham - 0.166-1 +- add videoaliases file +- remove CardMonitorCombos, as nothing uses it + +* Thu Aug 25 2005 Dan Williams - 0.165-1 +- Add a bunch of Acer monitors + +* Tue Aug 9 2005 Jeremy Katz - 0.164-1 +- migrate sk98lin -> skge + +* Sat Jul 30 2005 Bill Nottingham +- migrate mpt module names (#161420) +- remove pcitable entries for drivers in modules.pcimap +- switch lone remaining 'Server' entry - that can't work right + +* Tue Jul 26 2005 Bill Nottingham +- add Daytek monitor (#164339) + +* Wed Jul 13 2005 Bill Nottingham - 0.162-1 +- remove /etc/pcmcia/config, conflict with pcmcia-cs + +* Fri Jul 7 2005 Bill Nottingham - 0.160-1 +- move blacklist to /etc/modprobe.d, require new module-init-tools +- add LG monitors (#162466, #161734) +- add orinoco card (#161696) +- more mptfusion stuff (#107088) + +* Thu Jun 23 2005 Bill Nottingham +- add Samsung monitor (#161013) + +* Wed Jun 22 2005 Bill Nottingham - 0.159-1 +- pcitable: make branding happy (#160047) +- Cards: add required blank line (#157972) +- add some monitors +- add JVC CD-ROM (#160907, ) +- add hisax stuff to blacklist (#154799, #159068) + +* Mon May 16 2005 Bill Nottingham - 0.158-1 +- add a orinoco card (#157482) + +* Thu May 5 2005 Jeremy Katz - 0.157-1 +- add 20" Apple Cinema Display + +* Sun Apr 10 2005 Mike A. Harris 0.156-1 +- Update SiS entries in Cards/pcitable to match what Xorg X11 6.8.2 supports + +* Wed Mar 30 2005 Dan Williams 0.155-1 +- Add a boatload of BenQ, Acer, Sony, NEC, Mitsubishi, and Dell monitors + +* Wed Mar 30 2005 Dan Williams 0.154-1 +- Add Typhoon Speednet Wireless PCMCIA Card mapping to atmel_cs driver + +* Mon Mar 28 2005 Bill Nottingham 0.153-1 +- update the framebuffer blacklist + +* Wed Mar 9 2005 Bill Nottingham 0.152-1 +- fix qlogic driver mappings, add upgradelist mappings for the modules + that changed names (#150621) + +* Wed Mar 2 2005 Mike A. Harris 0.151-1 +- Added one hundred billion new nvidia PCI IDs to pcitable and Cards to + synchronize it with X.Org X11 6.8.2. (#140601) + +* Tue Jan 11 2005 Dan Williams - 0.150-1 +- Add Dell UltraSharp 1704FPV (Analog & Digital) + +* Sun Nov 21 2004 Bill Nottingham - 0.148-1 +- add Amptron monitors (#139142) + +* Wed Nov 10 2004 Bill Nottingham - 0.147-1 +- update usb.ids (#138533) +- migrate dpt_i2o to i2o_block (#138603) + +* Tue Nov 9 2004 Bill Nottingham - 0.146-1 +- update pci.ids (#138233) +- add Apple monitors (#138481) + +* Wed Oct 20 2004 Bill Nottingham - 0.145-1 +- remove ahci mappings, don't prefer it over ata_piix + +* Tue Oct 19 2004 Kristian Høgsberg - 0.144-1 +- update IDs for Cirrus, Trident, C&T, and S3 + +* Tue Oct 12 2004 Bill Nottingham - 0.143-1 +- add ahci mappings to prefer it over ata_piix +- map davej's ancient matrox card to vesa (#122750) + +* Thu Oct 7 2004 Dan Williams - 0.141-1 +- Add Belkin F5D6020 ver.2 (802.11b card based on Atmel chipset) + +* Fri Oct 1 2004 Bill Nottingham - 0.140-1 +- include /etc/hotplug/blacklist here + +* Thu Sep 30 2004 Bill Nottingham - 0.136-1 +- add S3 UniChrome (#131403) +- update pci.ids + +* Thu Sep 23 2004 Bill Nottingham - 0.135-1 +- megaraid -> megaraid_mbox + +* Wed Sep 22 2004 Bill Nottingham - 0.134-1 +- map ncr53c8xx to sym53c8xx (#133181) + +* Fri Sep 17 2004 Bill Nottingham - 0.132-1 +- fix 3Ware 9000 mapping (#132851) + +* Tue Sep 14 2004 Kristian Høgsberg - 0.131-1 +- Add python script to check sorting of pci.ids + +* Thu Sep 9 2004 Kristian Høgsberg 0.131-1 +- Add pci ids and cards for new ATI, NVIDIA and Intel cards + +* Sat Sep 4 2004 Bill Nottingham 0.130-1 +- trim pcitable - now just ids/drivers + +* Wed Sep 1 2004 Bill Nottingham 0.125-1 +- pci.ids updates +- remove updsftab.conf.* + +* Sun Aug 29 2004 Mike A. Harris 0.124-1 +- Updates to pcitable/Cards for 'S3 Trio64 3D' cards. (#125866,59956) + +* Fri Jul 9 2004 Mike A. Harris 0.123-1 +- Quick pcitable/Cards update for ATI Radeon and FireGL boards + +* Mon Jun 28 2004 Bill Nottingham +- add Proview monitor (#125853) +- add ViewSonic monitor (#126324) +- add a Concord camera (#126673) + +* Wed Jun 23 2004 Brent Fox - 0.122-1 +- Add Vobis monitor to MonitorsDB (bug #124151) + +* Wed Jun 09 2004 Dan Williams - 0.121-1 +- add Belkin F5D5020 10/100 PCMCIA card (#125581) + +* Fri May 28 2004 Bill Nottingham +- add modem (#124663) + +* Mon May 24 2004 Bill Nottingham - 0.120-1 +- mainly: + fix upgradelist module for CMPci cards (#123647) +- also: + add another wireless card (#122676) + add wireless card (#122625) + add 1280x800 (#121548) + add 1680x1050 (#121148) + add IntelligentStick (#124313) + +* Mon May 10 2004 Jeremy Katz - 0.119-1 +- veth driver is iseries_veth in 2.6 + +* Wed May 5 2004 Jeremy Katz - 0.118-1 +- add a wireless card (#122064) +- and a monitor (#121696) + +* Fri Apr 16 2004 Bill Nottingham 0.117-1 +- fix makefile + +* Thu Apr 15 2004 Bill Nottingham 0.116-1 +- move updfstab.conf here +- add wireless card (#116865) +- add laptop display panel (#117385) +- add clipdrive (#119928) +- add travelling disk (#119143) +- add NEXDISK (#106782) + +* Thu Apr 15 2004 Brent Fox 0.115-1 +- replace snd-es1960 driver with snd-es1968 in pcitable (bug #120729) + +* Mon Mar 29 2004 Bill Nottingham 0.114-1 +- fix entries pointing to Banshee (#119388) + +* Tue Mar 16 2004 Bill Nottingham 0.113-1 +- add a Marvell sk98lin card (#118467, <>) + +* Fri Mar 12 2004 Brent Fox 0.112-1 +- add a Sun flat panel to MonitorsDB (bug #118138) + +* Fri Mar 5 2004 Brent Fox 0.111-1 +- add Samsung monitor to MonitorsDB (bug #112112) + +* Mon Mar 1 2004 Mike A. Harris 0.110-1 +- Added 3Dfx Voodoo Graphics and Voodoo II entries to the Cards database, both + pointing to Alan Cox's new "voodoo" driver which is now included in XFree86 + 4.3.0-62 and later builds in Fedora development. Mapped their PCI IDs to + the new Cards entry in pcitable. +- Updated the entries for 3Dfx Banshee + +* Mon Feb 23 2004 Bill Nottingham 0.109-1 +- pci.ids and other updates + +* Thu Feb 19 2004 Mike A. Harris 0.108-1 +- Added Shamrock C407L to MonitorsDB for bug (#104920) + +* Thu Feb 19 2004 Mike A. Harris 0.107-1 +- Massive Viewsonic monitor update for MonitorsDB (#84882) + +* Fri Feb 13 2004 John Dennis 0.106-1 +- fix typo, GP should have been HP + +* Thu Jan 29 2004 Bill Nottingham 0.105-1 +- many monitor updates (#114260, #114216, #113993, #113932, #113782, + #113685, #113523, #111203, #107788, #106526, #63005) +- add some PCMCIA cards (#113006, #112505) + +* Tue Jan 20 2004 Bill Nottingham 0.104-1 +- switch sound module mappings to alsa drivers + +* Mon Jan 19 2004 Brent Fox 0.103-1 +- fix tab spacing + +* Fri Jan 16 2004 Brent Fox 0.102-1 +- added an entry for ATI Radeon 9200SE (bug #111306) + +* Sun Oct 26 2003 Jeremy Katz 0.101-1 +- add 1920x1200 Generic LCD as used on some Dell laptops (#108006) + +* Thu Oct 16 2003 Brent Fox 0.100-1 +- add entry for Sun (made by Samsung) monitor (bug #107128) + +* Tue Sep 23 2003 Mike A. Harris 0.99-1 +- Added entries for Radeon 9600/9600Pro/9800Pro to Cards +- Fixed minor glitch in pcitable for Radeon 9500 Pro + +* Tue Sep 23 2003 Jeremy Katz 0.98-1 +- add VMWare display adapter pci id and map to vmware X driver + +* Thu Sep 11 2003 Bill Nottingham 0.97-1 +- bcm4400 -> b44 + +* Sun Sep 7 2003 Bill Nottingham 0.96-1 +- fix provided Dell tweaks (#103892) + +* Fri Sep 5 2003 Bill Nottingham 0.95-1 +- Dell tweaks (#103861) + +* Fri Sep 5 2003 Bill Nottingham 0.94-1 +- add adaptec pci id (#100844) + +* Thu Sep 4 2003 Brent Fox 0.93-1 +- add an SGI monitor for bug (#74870) + +* Wed Aug 27 2003 Bill Nottingham 0.92-1 +- updates from pci.ids, update pcitable accordingly + +* Mon Aug 18 2003 Mike A. Harris 0.91-1 +- Added HP monitors for bug (#102495) + +* Fri Aug 15 2003 Brent Fox 0.90-1 +- added a sony monitor (bug #101550) + +* Tue Jul 15 2003 Bill Nottingham 0.89-1 +- updates from modules.pcimap + +* Sat Jul 12 2003 Mike A. Harris 0.88-1 +- Update MonitorsDB for new IBM monitors from upstream XFree86 bugzilla: + + +* Mon Jun 9 2003 Bill Nottingham 0.87-1 +- fusion update + +* Mon Jun 9 2003 Jeremy Katz 0.86-1 +- pci id for ata_piix + +* Wed Jun 4 2003 Brent Fox 0.85-1 +- correct entry for Dell P991 monitor + +* Tue Jun 3 2003 Bill Nottingham 0.84-1 +- fix qla2100 mapping (#91476) +- add dell mappings (#84069) + +* Mon Jun 2 2003 John Dennis +- Add new Compaq and HP monitors - bug 90570, bug 90707, bug 90575, IT 17231 + +* Wed May 21 2003 Brent Fox 0.81-1 +- add an entry for SiS 650 video card (bug #88271) + +* Wed May 21 2003 Michael Fulbright 0.80-1 +- Changed Generic monitor entries in MonitorsDB to being in LCD and CRT groups + +* Tue May 20 2003 Bill Nottingham 0.79-1 +- pci.ids and usb.ids updates + +* Tue May 6 2003 Brent Fox 0.78-1 +- added a Samsung monitor to MonitorsDB + +* Fri May 2 2003 Bill Nottingham +- add Xircom wireless airo_cs card (#90099) + +* Fri Apr 18 2003 Jeremy Katz 0.77-1 +- add generic framebuffer to Cards + +* Mon Mar 17 2003 Mike A. Harris 0.76-1 +- Updated MonitorsDb for Dell monitors (#86072) + +* Tue Feb 18 2003 Mike A. Harris 0.75-1 +- Change savage MX and IX driver default back to "savage" for the 1.1.27t + driver update + +* Tue Feb 18 2003 Brent Fox 0.74-1 +- Use full resolution description for Dell laptop screens (bug #80398) + +* Thu Feb 13 2003 Mike A. Harris 0.73-1 +- Updated pcitable and Cards database to fix Savage entries up a bit, and + change default Savage/MX driver to 'vesa' as it is hosed and with no sign + of working in time for 4.3.0. Fixes (#72476,80278,80346,80423,82394) + +* Wed Feb 12 2003 Brent Fox 0.72-1 +- slightly alter the sync rates for the Dell 1503FP (bug #84123) + +* Tue Feb 11 2003 Bill Nottingham 0.71-1 +- large pcitable and pci.ids updates +- more tg3, e100 + +* Mon Feb 10 2003 Mike A. Harris 0.69-1 +- Updated pcitable and Cards database for new Intel i852/i855/i865 support + +* Mon Feb 10 2003 Mike A. Harris 0.68-1 +- Massive update of all ATI video hardware PCI IDs in pcitable and a fair + number of additions and corrections to the Cards database as well + +* Wed Jan 29 2003 Brent Fox 0.67-1 +- change refresh rates of sny0000 monitors to use a low common denominator + +* Wed Jan 29 2003 Bill Nottingham 0.66-1 +- don't force DRI off on R200 (#82957) + +* Fri Jan 24 2003 Mike A. Harris 0.65-1 +- Added Card:S3 Trio64V2 (Unsupported RAMDAC) entry to pcitable, pci.ids, and + Cards database to default this particular variant to "vesa" driver (#81659) + +* Thu Jan 2 2003 Bill Nottingham 0.64-1 +- pci.ids and associated pcitable updates + +* Sun Dec 29 2002 Mike A. Harris 0.63-1 +- Updates for GeForce 2 Go, GeForce 4 (#80209) + +* Thu Dec 12 2002 Jeremy Katz 0.62-2 +- fix Cards for NatSemi Geode + +* Thu Dec 12 2002 Jeremy Katz 0.62-1 +- use e100 instead of eepro100 for pcmcia + +* Mon Nov 25 2002 Mike A. Harris +- Complete reconstruction of all Neomagic hardware entries in Cards + database to reflect current XFree86, as well as pcitable update, + and submitted cleaned up entries to sourceforge + +* Mon Nov 4 2002 Bill Nottingham 0.61-1 +- move pcmcia config file here +- sort MonitorsDB, add some entries, remove dups +- switch some network driver mappings + +* Tue Sep 24 2002 Bill Nottingham 0.48-1 +- broadcom 5704 mapping +- aic79xx (#73781) + +* Thu Sep 5 2002 Bill Nottingham 0.47-1 +- pci.ids updates +- add msw's wireless card + +* Tue Sep 3 2002 Jeremy Katz 0.46-1 +- Card entries in pcitable need matching in Cards + +* Sun Sep 1 2002 Mike A. Harris 0.45-1 +- Update G450 entry in Cards + +* Tue Aug 13 2002 Bill Nottingham 0.44-1 +- fix some of the Dell entries +- add cardbus controller id (#71198) +- add audigy mapping +- add NEC monitor (#71320) + +* Tue Aug 13 2002 Preston Brown 0.43-1 +- for SMC wireless PCI card (#67346) + +* Sat Aug 10 2002 Mike A. Harris 0.42-1 +- Change default driver for old S3 based "Miro" card for bug (#70743) + +* Fri Aug 9 2002 Preston Brown 0.41-1 +- fix tabs in pci.ids +- Change pci ids for the PowerEdge 4 series again... + +* Tue Aug 6 2002 Preston Brown 0.39-1 +- Dell PERC and SCSI additions + +* Tue Aug 6 2002 Mike A. Harris 0.38-1 +- Removed and/or invalid entries from Cards database BLOCKER (#70802) + +* Mon Aug 5 2002 Mike A. Harris 0.37-1 +- Changed Matrox G450 driver default options to fix bug (#66697) +- Corrected S3 Trio64V2 bug in Cards file (#66492) + +* Tue Jul 30 2002 Bill Nottingham 0.36-1 +- tweaks for Dell Remote Assisstant cards (#60376) + +* Thu Jul 26 2002 Mike A. Harris 0.35-1 +- Updated Cards db for CT69000 +- Various ATI cleanups and additions to Cards and pcitable +- Updated S3 Trio3D to default to "vesa" driver (#59956) + +* Tue Jul 23 2002 Bill Nottingham 0.33-1 +- Eizo monitor updates (#56080, ) +- pci.ids updates, corresponding pcitable updates +- pcilint for pcitable + +* Fri Jun 28 2002 Bill Nottingham 0.32-1 +- switch de4x5 back to tulip + +* Mon Jun 24 2002 Mike A. Harris 0.31-1 +- Modified ATI entries in pcitable to be able to autodetect the FireGL 8700 + and FireGL 8800 which both have the same ID, but different subdevice ID's. + Added entries to Cards database for the 8700/8800 as well. + +* Tue May 28 2002 Mike A. Harris 0.30-1 +- Reconfigured Cards database to default to XFree86 4.x for ALL video + hardware, since 3.3.6 support is being removed. Video cards not + supported natively by 4.x will be changed to use the vesa or vga + driver, or completely removed as unsupported. + +* Tue Apr 17 2002 Michael Fulbright 0.14-1 +- another megaraid variant + +* Mon Apr 15 2002 Michael Fulbright 0.13-1 +- fix monitor entry for Dell 1600X Laptop Display Panel + +* Fri Apr 12 2002 Bill Nottingham 0.13-1 +- more aacraid + +* Tue Apr 9 2002 Bill Nottingham 0.12-1 +- another 3ware, another megaraid + +* Fri Apr 5 2002 Mike A. Harris 0.11-1 +- Added commented out line for some Radeon 7500 cards to Cards database. + +* Tue Apr 2 2002 Mike A. Harris 0.10-1 +- Fixed i830 entry to use driver "i810" not "i830" which doesn't exist + +* Mon Apr 1 2002 Bill Nottingham 0.9-1 +- fix rebuild (#62459) +- SuperSavage ids (#62101) +- updates from pci.ids + +* Mon Mar 18 2002 Bill Nottingham 0.8-2 +- fix errant space (#61363) + +* Thu Mar 14 2002 Bill Nottingham 0.8-1 +- nVidia updates + +* Wed Mar 13 2002 Bill Nottingham 0.7-1 +- lots of pcitable updates + +* Tue Mar 5 2002 Mike A. Harris 0.6-1 +- Updated Cards database + +* Mon Mar 4 2002 Mike A. Harris 0.5-1 +- Built new package with updated database files for rawhide. + +* Fri Feb 22 2002 Bill Nottingham 0.3-1 +- return of XFree86-3.3.x + +* Wed Jan 30 2002 Bill Nottingham 0.1-1 +- initial build diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100755 index 0000000..6714f90 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,240 @@ +#!/usr/bin/python +# +# convert MicroSoft .inf files for monitors to MonitorDB +# +# originally by Matt Wilson +# option parsing and database comparison by Fred New +# ini parsing completely rewritten by Matt Domsch 2006 +# +# Copyright 2002 Red Hat, Inc. +# Copyright 2006 Dell, Inc. +# +# This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU +# library public license. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library Public License +# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software +# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. +""" +""" + + +import sys +import string +import re +import ConfigParser + +# this is a class to deal with various file line endings and leading whitespace +# converts all \r line endings to \n. +# It also strips leading whitespace. +# NOTE: be sure to always return _something_, even if it is just "\n", or we +# break the file API. (nothing == eof) +class myFile(object): + def __init__(self, *args): + self.fd = open(*args) + + def close(self): + return self.fd.close() + + def readline(self, *args): + line = self.fd.readline(*args) + line = line.replace('\r', '\n') + line = line.replace('\n\n', '\n') + line = line.lstrip(" \t") + return line + + +# we will use this to override default option parsing in ConfigParser to handle +# Microsoft-style "INI" files. (Which do not necessarily have " = value " after +# the option name +OPTCRE = re.compile( + r'(?P