From e9f92f61822114fd69e847b227f2115badf65cce Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Editor Lionbridge Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2017 13:11:29 +0300 Subject: [PATCH] Add .NET Secure Repository Guide Note that since the general structure of the .NET content is still open, the new topic has not been added to any index files, and there is no parent topic introducing the .NET guides. Also, since there is no .NET AR content in git, all AR links lead directly to TD. Change-Id: Ie93764050c7e296c01756f3dfbf4e20bb9a11cb9 --- .../html/dotnet/security/secure_repository.htm | 689 +++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 689 insertions(+) create mode 100644 org.tizen.guides/html/dotnet/security/secure_repository.htm diff --git a/org.tizen.guides/html/dotnet/security/secure_repository.htm b/org.tizen.guides/html/dotnet/security/secure_repository.htm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3d2e674 --- /dev/null +++ b/org.tizen.guides/html/dotnet/security/secure_repository.htm @@ -0,0 +1,689 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Secure Repository + + + + +

Mobile C# TV C#

+ + +
+ +
+ +

Secure Repository

+ +

You can use a secure repository to store keys, certificates, and sensitive data related to users and their password-protected applications. In addition, the repository provides cryptographic operations for generating new key pairs and verifying signatures. The central secure repository is protected by a password.

+ +

The secure repository features are provided by a key manager. An application functions as a key manager client, and accesses the secure repository through the key manager.

+ +

The main features of the Tizen.Security.SecureRepository namespace include:

+ +
  • Data store policy +

    A client can specify simple access rules when storing items in the secure repository:

    • Extractable or non-extractable +

      The secure repository returns the raw value only for items marked extractable. For items marked non-extractable, the secure repository provides secure cryptographic operations to handle it without revealing the key values to the client.

    • +
    • Per key password +

      All items in the secure repository are protected by a user password. Additionally, a client can provide its own password to encrypt items when saving them into the repository. The same password must then be provided when getting the item from the secure repository.

    • +
  • +
  • Access control +

    By default, only the data owner can access the data. If the owner grants access to other applications, those applications can read or delete the data from the secure depository.


    When an application is deleted, the data and access control information granted by the application are also removed.

  • +
+ +

Figure: Key manager process


Key manager process

+ +

The key manager provides 2 types of operations:

+ + +


+All data stored in the secure repository is saved under an alias, which is a text string that must conform to certain conditions: +
  • The format of an alias is "<package_id> <name>" and the name cannot contain any white space characters.
  • +
  • If the client does not provide the package ID, the CreateFullAlias() method of the Tizen.Security.SecureRepository.Manager class adds the client package ID to the name internally.
  • +
  • The client can only specify its own package ID in the alias when storing a key, certificate, or data.
  • +
  • The client must specify the package ID of the owner in the alias to retrieve a key, certificate, or data shared by other applications.
  • +
+ +



To use the methods and properties of the Tizen.Security.SecureRepository namespace, include it in your application:

+using Tizen.Security.SecureRepository;
+ +

Saving, Getting, or Removing a Key

+To store, retrieve, or remove a client's keys from the key manager: + +
  • Save a new key by using the Save() method of the Tizen.Security.SecureRepository.KeyManager class: +
    +using System;
    +using System.Text;
    +string aliasAes = "C#API_AESKEY_TEST";
    +string aliasPublic = "C#API_PUBLICKEY_TEST";
    +string aliasPrivate = "C#API_PRIVATEKEY_TEST";
    +byte[] bin = new byte[16];
    +Random rnd = new Random();
    +Key keyAes = new Key(bin, KeyType.Aes, null);
    +string privateKeyPasswd = "1234";
    +string privateKeyString = "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n" +
    +    "Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED\n" +
    +    "DEK-Info: DES-EDE3-CBC,6C6507B11671DABC\n" +
    +    "\n" +
    +    "YiKNviNqc/V/i241CKtAVsNckesE0kcaka3VrY7ApXR+Va93YoEwVQ8gB9cE/eHH\n" +
    +    "S0j3ZS1PAVFM/qo4ZnPdMzaSLvTQw0GAL90wWgF3XQ+feMnWyBObEoQdGXE828TB\n" +
    +    "SLz4UOIQ55Dx6JSWTfEhwAlPs2cEWD14xvuxPzAEzBIYmWmBBsCN94YgFeRTzjH0\n" +
    +    "TImoYVMN60GgOfZWw6rXq9RaV5dY0Y6F1piypCLGD35VaXAutdHIDvwUGECPm7SN\n" +
    +    "w05jRro53E1vb4mYlZEY/bs4q7XEOI5+ZKT76Xn0oEJNX1KRL1h2q8fgUkm5j40M\n" +
    +    "uQj71aLR9KyIoQARwGLeRy09tLVjH3fj66CCMqaPcxcIRIyWi5yYBB0s53ipm6A9\n" +
    +    "CYuyc7MS2C0pOdWKsDvYsHR/36KUiIdPuhF4AbaTqqO0eWeuP7Na7dGK56Fl+ooi\n" +
    +    "cUpJr7cIqMl2vL25B0jW7d4TB3zwCEkVVD1fBPeNoZWo30z4bILcBqjjPkQfHZ2e\n" +
    +    "xNraG3qI4FHjoPT8JEE8p+PgwaMoINlICyIMKiCdvwz9yEnsHPy7FkmatpS+jFoS\n" +
    +    "mg8R9vMwgK/HGEm0dmb/7/a0XsG2jCDm6cOmJdZJFQ8JW7hFs3eOHpNlQYDChG2D\n" +
    +    "A1ExslqBtbpicywTZhzFdYU/hxeCr4UqcY27Zmhr4JlBPMyvadWKeOqCamWepjbT\n" +
    +    "T/MhWJbmWgZbI5s5sbpu7cOYubQcUIEsTaQXGx/KEzGo1HLn9tzSeQfP/nqjAD/L\n" +
    +    "T5t1Mb8o4LuV/fGIT33Q3i2FospJMqp2JINNzG18I6Fjo08PTvJ3row40Rb76+lJ\n" +
    +    "wN1IBthgBgsgsOdB6XNc56sV+uq2TACsNNWw+JnFRCkCQgfF/KUrvN+WireWq88B\n" +
    +    "9UPG+Hbans5A6K+y1a+bzfdYnKws7x8wNRyPxb7Vb2t9ZTl5PBorPLVGsjgf9N5X\n" +
    +    "tCdBlfJsUdXot+EOxrIczV5zx0JIB1Y9hrDG07RYkzPuJKxkW7skqeLo8oWGVpaQ\n" +
    +    "LGWvuebky1R75hcSuL3e4QHfjBHPdQ31fScB884tqkbhBAWr2nT9bYEmyT170bno\n" +
    +    "8QkyOSb99xZBX55sLDHs9p61sTJr2C9Lz/KaWQs+3hTkpwSjSRyjEMH2n491qiQX\n" +
    +    "G+kvLEnvtR8sl9zinorj/RfsxyPntAxudfY3qaYUu2QkLvVdfTVUVbxS/Fg8f7B3\n" +
    +    "hEjCtpKgFjPxQuHE3didNOr5xM7mkmLN/QA7yHVgdpE64T5mFgC3JcVRpcR7zBPH\n" +
    +    "3OeXHgjrhDfN8UIX/cq6gNgD8w7O0rhHa3mEXI1xP14ykPcJ7wlRuLm9P3fwx5A2\n" +
    +    "jQrVKJKw1Nzummmspn4VOpJY3LkH4Sxo4e7Soo1l1cxJpzmERwgMF+vGz1L70+DG\n" +
    +    "M0hVrz1PxlOsBBFgcdS4TB91DIs/RcFDqrJ4gOPNKCgBP+rgTXXLFcxUwJfE3lKg\n" +
    +    "Kmpwdne6FuQYX3eyRVAmPgOHbJuRQCh/V4fYo51UxCcEKeKy6UgOPEJlXksWGbH5\n" +
    +    "VFmlytYW6dFKJvjltSmK6L2r+TlyEQoXwTqe4bkfhB2LniDEq28hKQ==\n" +
    +    "-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n";
    +Key keyPrivate = new Key(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(privateKeyString), KeyType.RsaPrivate, privateKeyPasswd);
    +String publicKeyString = "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n" +
    +    "MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA2b1bXDa+S8/MGWnMkru4\n" +
    +    "T4tUddtZNi0NVjQn9RFH1NMa220GsRhRO56F77FlSVFKfSfVZKIiWg6C+DVCkcLf\n" +
    +    "zXJ/Z0pvwOQYBAqVMFjV6efQGN0JzJ1Unu7pPRiZl7RKGEI+cyzzrcDyrLLrQ2W7\n" +
    +    "0ZySkNEOv6Frx9JgC5NExuYY4lk2fQQa38JXiZkfyzif2em0px7mXbyf5LjccsKq\n" +
    +    "v1e+XLtMsL0ZefRcqsP++NzQAI8fKX7WBT+qK0HJDLiHrKOTWYzx6CwJ66LD/vvf\n" +
    +    "j55xtsKDLVDbsotvf8/m6VLMab+vqKk11TP4tq6yo0mwyTADvgl1zowQEO9I1W6o\n" +
    +    "zQIDAQAB\n" +
    +    "-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n";
    +Key keyPublic = new Key(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(publicKeyString), KeyType.RsaPublic, null);
    +    KeyManager.Save(aliasAes, keyAes, new Policy());
    +    KeyManager.Save(aliasPrivate, keyPrivate, new Policy());
    +    KeyManager.Save(aliasPublic, keyPublic, new Policy());
    +catch (Exception e)
    +    /// Error handling
  • +
  • Get a specific key with a given alias by using the Get() method: +
    +string alias = "C#API_KEY_TEST";
    +    Key key = KeyManager.Get(alias, null);
    +catch (Exception e)
    +    /// Error handling
  • +
  • Get the entire list of key aliases the client has access to by using the GetAliases() method: +
    +    IEnumerable<string> aliases = KeyManager.GetAliases();
    +catch (Exception e)
    +    /// Error handling
  • +
  • Remove the key using the RemoveAlias() method: +
    +string alias = "C#API_KEY_TEST";
    +    KeyManager.RemoveAlias(alias);
    +catch (Exception e)
    +    /// Error handling
  • +
+ +

Saving, Getting, or Removing a Certificate


To store, retrieve, or remove a client's certificates from the key manager:

+ +
  • Save a new certificate by using the Save() method of the Tizen.Security.SecureRepository.CertificateManager class: +
    +using System.Text;
    +string certPem = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n" +
    +"cm5ldCBBdXRob3JpdHkgRzIwHhcNMTQwNTIyMTEyOTQyWhcNMTQwODIwMDAwMDAw\n" +
    +"TW91bnRhaW4gVmlldzETMBEGA1UECgwKR29vZ2xlIEluYzEcMBoGA1UEAwwTYWNj\n" +
    +"ALtlLWVWPN3q3bSEQl1Z97gPdgl5vbgJOZSAr0ZY0tJCuFLBbUKetJWryyE+5KpG\n" +
    +"gMMpLS4v8/bvXaZc6mAs+RfAqGM24C3vQg5hPnj4dflnhL0WiOCZBurm1tV4oexk\n" +
    +"HLXs3jr/jpnb738AQpj8zZ9a4VEBuHJRZALnWZ/XhqU+dvYomAoRQNuL5OhkT7uu\n" +
    +"d0NKJL9JjYLyQglGgE2sVsWv2kj7EO/P9Q6NEKt9BGmhMsFvtfeKUaymynaxpR1g\n" +
    +"wEPlqYvB38goh1dIOgVLT0OVyLImeg5Mdwar/8c1U0OYhLOc6PJapOZAfUkE+3+w\n" +
    +"BwMBBggrBgEFBQcDAjAeBgNVHREEFzAVghNhY2NvdW50cy5nb29nbGUuY29tMGgG\n" +
    +"CCsGAQUFBwEBBFwwWjArBggrBgEFBQcwAoYfaHR0cDovL3BraS5nb29nbGUuY29t\n" +
    +"L0dJQUcyLmNydDArBggrBgEFBQcwAYYfaHR0cDovL2NsaWVudHMxLmdvb2dsZS5j\n" +
    +"b20vb2NzcDAdBgNVHQ4EFgQU0/UtToEtNIfwDwHuYGuVKcj0xK8wDAYDVR0TAQH/\n" +
    +"MAwGCisGAQQB1nkCBQEwMAYDVR0fBCkwJzAloCOgIYYfaHR0cDovL3BraS5nb29n\n" +
    +"bGUuY29tL0dJQUcyLmNybDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFAAOCAQEAcGNI/X9f0g+7ij0o\n" +
    +"ehLpk6vxSMQGrmOZ4+PG/MC9SLClCkt7zJkfU7erZnyVXyxCpwlljq+Wk9YTPUOq\n" +
    +"xD/V2ikQVSAANoxGJFO9UoL5jzWusPhKKv8CcM7fuiERz8K+CfBcqfxbgI5rH0g5\n" +
    +"dYclmLC81cJ/08i+9Nltvxv69Y3hGfEICT6K+EdSxwnQzOhpMZmvxZsIj+d6CVNa\n" +
    +"9ICYgUthsNQVWzrIs5wknpjjZ9liDMwJX0vu8A0rce4X/Lna5hh2bW9igz2iP5WM\n" +
    +"9fuwdbTw4y3jfPQgszU4YZxWxhMzccxe058Qx1tLndAknBQEBesQjXytVQpuM1SV\n" +
    +"rHva8A==\n" +
    +"-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n";
    +Certificate cert = new Certificate(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(certPem), DataFormat.Pem);
    +string alias = " C#API_CERT_TEST";
    +    CertificateManager.Save(alias, cert, new Policy());
    +catch (Exception e)
    +    /// Error handling
  • +
  • Get a specific certificate with a given alias by using the Get() method: +
    +string alias = "C#API_CERT_TEST";
    +    Certificate cert = CertificateManager.Get(alias, null);
    +catch (Exception e)
    +    /// Error handling
  • +
  • Get the entire list of certificate aliases the client has access to by using the GetAliases() method: +
    +    IEnumerable<string> aliases = CertificateManager.GetAliases();
    +catch (Exception e)
    +    /// Error handling
  • +
  • Remove the certificate using the RemoveAlias() method: +
    +string alias = "C#API_CERT_TEST";
    +    CertificateManager.RemoveAlias(alias);
    +catch (Exception e)
    +    /// Error handling
  • +
+ +

Saving, Getting, or Removing Data


To store, retrieve, or remove a client's data from the key manager:

+ +
  • Save new data using the Save() method of the Tizen.Security.SecureRepository.DataManager class: +
    +using System;
    +string alias = "C#API_DATA_TEST";
    +byte[] bin = new byte[16];
    +Random rnd = new Random();
    +Key keyAes = new Key(bin, KeyType.Aes, null);
    +    DataManager.Save(alias, bin, new Policy());
    +catch (Exception e)
    +    /// Error handling
  • +
  • Get a specific item of data with a given alias by using the Get() method: +
    +string alias = "C#API_KEY_TEST";
    +    byte[] data = DataManager.Get(alias, null);
    +catch (Exception e)
    +    /// Error handling
  • +
  • Get the entire list of data aliases the client has access to by using the GetAliases() method: +
    +    IEnumerable<string> aliases = DataManager.GetAliases();
    +catch (Exception e)
    +    /// Error handling
  • +
  • Remove the item of data using the RemoveAlias() method: +
    +string alias = "C#API_KEY_TEST";
    +    DataManager.RemoveAlias(alias);
    +catch (Exception e)
    +    /// Error handling
  • +
+ +

Creating Keys


You can create 4 kinds of keys or key pairs with the Tizen.Security.SecureRepository.KeyManager class: RSA, ECDSA, DSA, and AES.


To create keys:

  • Create an RSA key pair using the CreateRsaKeyPair() method: +
    +string aliasPrivate = "C#API_KEY_PRIVATE";
    +string aliasPublic = "C#API_KEY_PUBLIC";
    +int size = 2048;
    +    KeyManager.CreateRsaKeyPair(size, aliasPrivate, aliasPublic, new Policy(), new Policy());
    +    Key keyPrivate = KeyManager.Get(aliasPrivate, null);
    +    Key keyPublic = KeyManager.Get(aliasPublic, null);
    +catch (Exception e)
    +    /// Error handling
  • +
  • Create an ECDSA key pair using the CreateEcdsaKeyPair() method: +
    +string aliasPrivate = "C#API_KEY_PRIVATE";
    +string aliasPublic = "C#API_KEY_PUBLIC";
    +EllipticCurveType type = EllipticCurveType.Prime256V1;
    +    KeyManager.CreateEcdsaKeyPair(type, aliasPrivate, aliasPublic, new Policy(), new Policy());
    +    Key keyPrivate = KeyManager.Get(aliasPrivate, null);
    +    Key keyPublic = KeyManager.Get(aliasPublic, null);
    +catch (Exception e)
    +    /// Error handling
  • +
  • Create an DSA key pair using the CreateDsaKeyPair() method: +
    +string aliasPrivate = "C#API_KEY_PRIVATE";
    +string aliasPublic = "C#API_KEY_PUBLIC";
    +int size = 2048;
    +    KeyManager.CreateDsaKeyPair(size, aliasPrivate, aliasPublic, new Policy(), new Policy());
    +    Key keyPrivate = KeyManager.Get(aliasPrivate, null);
    +    Key keyPublic = KeyManager.Get(aliasPublic, null);
    +catch (Exception e)
    +    /// Error handling
  • +
  • Create an AES key by using the CreateAesKey() method: +
    +string alias = "C#API_KEY_TEST";
    +    KeyManager.CreateAesKey(128, alias, new Policy());
    +    Key key = KeyManager.Get(alias, null);
    +catch (Exception e)
    +    /// Error handling
  • +
+ + +

Creating and Verifying Signatures


To create and verify a signature:

  1. Create an RSA key pair with the CreateRsaKeyPair() method of the Tizen.Security.SecureRepository.KeyManager class: +
    +string aliasPrivate = "C#API_KEY_PRIVATE";
    +string aliasPublic = "C#API_KEY_PUBLIC";
    +int size = 2048;
    +    KeyManager.CreateRsaKeyPair(size, aliasPrivate, aliasPublic, new Policy(), new Policy());
    +    Key keyPrivate = KeyManager.Get(aliasPrivate, null);
    +    Key keyPublic = KeyManager.Get(aliasPublic, null);
    +catch (Exception e)
    +    /// Error handling
  2. +
  3. Create the signature as a new instance of the Tizen.Security.SecureRepository.Crypto.Signature class: +
    +using System;
    +byte[] message = new byte[16];
    +Random rnd = new Random();
    +string aliasPrivate = "C#API_KEY_PRIVATE";
    +string aliasPublic = "C#API_KEY_PUBLIC";
    +    SecureRepository.Crypto.RsaSignatureParameters rsaParam = new SecureRepository.Crypto.RsaSignatureParameters();
    +    rsaParam.HashAlgorithm = SecureRepository.Crypto.HashAlgorithm.Sha256;
    +    rsaParam.RsaPadding = SecureRepository.Crypto.RsaPaddingAlgorithm.Pkcs1;
    +    var signature = new SecureRepository.Crypto.Signature(rsaParam);
  4. +
  5. Sign the message with the Sign() method of the Tizen.Security.SecureRepository.Crypto.Signature class: +
    +    var sig = signature.Sign(aliasPrivate, null, message);
  6. +
  7. Verify the signature with the Verify() method of the Tizen.Security.SecureRepository.Crypto.Signature class: +
    +    bool valid = signature.Verify(aliasPublic, null, message, sig);
    +catch (Exception e)
    +    /// Error handling
  8. +
+ +

Verifying and Returning a Certificate Chain


The certificate manager verifies a certificate chain and returns it. The trusted root certificate of the chain must exist in the system certificate storage or be specified in the parameters.


To handle certificate chains:

  • Verify and return a certificate chain using the GetCertificateChain() method of the Tizen.Security.SecureRepository.CertificateManager class: +
    +string certPath = "/tmp/ckmc_leaf_cert.pem";
    +string certIntermediatePath = "/tmp/ckmc_intermediate_cert.pem";
    +    var certLeaf = Certificate.Load(certPath);
    +    var certIntermediate = Certificate.Load(certIntermediatePath);
    +    var untrustedCerts = new List<Certificate>();
    +    untrustedCerts.Add(certIntermediate);
    +    var certChain = CertificateManager.GetCertificateChain(certLeaf, untrustedCerts);
    +catch (Exception e)
    +    /// Error handling
  • +
  • Verify and return a certificate chain using trusted CA certificates in exactly the same way, by passing the additional list of trusted certificates to the GetCertificateChain() method as a parameter: +
    +string certPath = "/tmp/ckmc_leaf_cert.pem";
    +string certIntermediatePath = "/tmp/ckmc_intermediate_cert.pem";
    +string certRootPath = "/tmp/ckmc_root_cert.pem";
    +    var certLeaf = Certificate.Load(certPath);
    +    var certIntermediate = Certificate.Load(certIntermediatePath);
    +    var certRoot = Certificate.Load(certRootPath);
    +    var untrustedCerts = new List<Certificate>();
    +    untrustedCerts.Add(certIntermediate);
    +    var trustedCerts = new List<Certificate>();
    +    trustedCerts.Add(certRoot);
    +    var certChain = CertificateManager.GetCertificateChain(certLeaf, untrustedCerts, trustedCerts, false);
    +catch (Exception e)
    +    /// Error handling
  • +
+ +

Loading a Certificate File or a PKCS#12 File


You can load a certificate from a file in the DER or PEM formats. The secure repository can also load a private key, certificate, or chain of CA certificates from a PKCS#12 file.


To load files:

  • Load a certificate from an external file with the Load() method of the Tizen.Security.SecureRepository.Certificate class: +
    +string certPath = "/tmp/ckmc_test_cert.pem";
    +    Certificate cert = Certificate.Load(certPath);
    +catch (Exception e)
    +    /// Error handling
  • +
  • Load keys, certificates, or certificate chains from a PKCS#12 file by using the Load() method of the Tizen.Security.SecureRepository.Pkcs12 class: +
    +string p12Path = "/tmp/ckmc_test_pkcs.p12";
    +string p12Pass = "password";
    +    Pkcs12 p12 = Pkcs12.Load(p12Path, p12Pass);
    +    Key privateKey = p12.PrivateKey;
    +    Certificate cert = p12.Certificate;
    +    IEnumerable<Certificate> caChain = p12.CaChain;
    +catch (Exception e)
    +    /// Error handling
  • +
+ + +

Implementing Access Control


Each client can adjust access control rules for their own data, certificates, and keys.


To implement access control rules:

+ +
  1. Store the data for which you want to define access control rules by using the Save() method of the Tizen.Security.SecureRepository.DataManager class: +
    +using System;
    +using System.Text;
    +string alias = "C#API_DATA_TEST";
    +byte[] data = new byte[16];
    +Random rnd = new Random();
    +    DataManager.Save(alias, data, new Policy());
    +catch (Exception e)
    +    /// Error handling
  2. +
  3. Set access control rules: +
    • Set a rule for a client application with the "other_package_id" package ID to give it permission to read or remove the data. Use the SetPermission() method of the Tizen.Security.SecureRepository.Manager class, and define the permissions in the third parameter by using the Tizen.Security.SecureRepository.Permission enumeration values: +
      +    Manager.SetPermission(alias, "other_package_id", (int) Permission.Read | (int) Permission.Remove);
      +catch (Exception e)
      +    /// Error handling
    • +
    • Set a rule for the same client application as above to deny it permission to access the data. In theSetPermission() method, set the third parameter to None: +
      +    Manager.SetPermission(alias, "other_package_id", (int) Permission.None);
      +catch (Exception e)
      +    /// Error handling
  4. +
+ + + +
+ +Go to top + + + + + + + -- 2.7.4