From 6444ca4a2ff19b7c62742d8efe602572e30d70bd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sergey Andreenko Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2017 22:40:25 -0700 Subject: [PATCH] .clang format from jit (dotnet/coreclr#12377) Commit migrated from --- src/coreclr/src/ToolBox/superpmi/.clang-format | 80 ++++++ .../superpmi/superpmi-shared/methodcontext.cpp | 65 ++--- .../superpmi/superpmi-shared/methodcontext.h | 276 ++++++++++----------- 3 files changed, 251 insertions(+), 170 deletions(-) create mode 100644 src/coreclr/src/ToolBox/superpmi/.clang-format diff --git a/src/coreclr/src/ToolBox/superpmi/.clang-format b/src/coreclr/src/ToolBox/superpmi/.clang-format new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1e3930f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/coreclr/src/ToolBox/superpmi/.clang-format @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +--- +Language: Cpp +AccessModifierOffset: -4 +AlignAfterOpenBracket: Align +AlignConsecutiveAssignments: true +AlignConsecutiveDeclarations: true +AlignEscapedNewlinesLeft: false +AlignOperands: true +AlignTrailingComments: true +AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine: true +AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine: false +AllowShortCaseLabelsOnASingleLine: false +AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine: Empty +AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false +AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine: false +AlwaysBreakAfterDefinitionReturnType: None +AlwaysBreakBeforeMultilineStrings: false +AlwaysBreakTemplateDeclarations: true +BinPackArguments: true +BinPackParameters: false +BraceWrapping: + AfterClass: true + AfterControlStatement: true + AfterEnum: false + AfterFunction: true + AfterNamespace: false + AfterObjCDeclaration: false + AfterStruct: true + AfterUnion: true + BeforeCatch: true + BeforeElse: true + IndentBraces: false +BreakBeforeBinaryOperators: None +BreakBeforeBraces: Allman +BreakBeforeTernaryOperators: true +BreakConstructorInitializersBeforeComma: true +ColumnLimit: 120 +CommentPragmas: '^ IWYU pragma:' +ConstructorInitializerAllOnOneLineOrOnePerLine: true +ConstructorInitializerIndentWidth: 4 +ContinuationIndentWidth: 4 +Cpp11BracedListStyle: true +DerivePointerAlignment: false +DisableFormat: false +ExperimentalAutoDetectBinPacking: false +ForEachMacros: [ ] +IndentCaseLabels: true +IndentWidth: 4 +IndentWrappedFunctionNames: false +KeepEmptyLinesAtTheStartOfBlocks: true +MacroBlockBegin: '' +MacroBlockEnd: '' +MaxEmptyLinesToKeep: 1 +NamespaceIndentation: None +ObjCBlockIndentWidth: 2 +ObjCSpaceAfterProperty: false +ObjCSpaceBeforeProtocolList: true +PenaltyBreakBeforeFirstCallParameter: 400 +PenaltyBreakComment: 50 +PenaltyBreakFirstLessLess: 500 +PenaltyBreakString: 1000 +PenaltyExcessCharacter: 1000000 +PenaltyReturnTypeOnItsOwnLine: 100000 +PointerAlignment: Left +ReflowComments: true +SortIncludes: false +SpaceAfterCStyleCast: false +SpaceBeforeAssignmentOperators: true +SpaceBeforeParens: ControlStatements +SpaceInEmptyParentheses: false +SpacesBeforeTrailingComments: 1 +SpacesInAngles: false +SpacesInContainerLiterals: true +SpacesInCStyleCastParentheses: false +SpacesInParentheses: false +SpacesInSquareBrackets: false +Standard: Cpp11 +TabWidth: 4 +UseTab: Never +... diff --git a/src/coreclr/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/methodcontext.cpp b/src/coreclr/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/methodcontext.cpp index 4c5fb61..6ee3806 100644 --- a/src/coreclr/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/methodcontext.cpp +++ b/src/coreclr/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/methodcontext.cpp @@ -574,7 +574,7 @@ void MethodContext::repEnvironmentSet() int MethodContext::repGetTestID() { // CLR Test asset only - we capture the testID via smarty-environnent (BVT_TEST_ID) during record time - //This procedure returns the test id if found and -1 otherwise + // This procedure returns the test id if found and -1 otherwise if (Environment == nullptr) return -1; @@ -1573,17 +1573,18 @@ void MethodContext::recGetCallInfo(CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN* pResolvedToken, value.stubLookup.runtimeLookup.indirections = (DWORD)pResult->stubLookup.runtimeLookup.indirections; value.stubLookup.runtimeLookup.testForNull = (DWORD)pResult->stubLookup.runtimeLookup.testForNull; value.stubLookup.runtimeLookup.testForFixup = (DWORD)pResult->stubLookup.runtimeLookup.testForFixup; - value.stubLookup.runtimeLookup.indirectFirstOffset = (DWORD)pResult->stubLookup.runtimeLookup.indirectFirstOffset; + value.stubLookup.runtimeLookup.indirectFirstOffset = + (DWORD)pResult->stubLookup.runtimeLookup.indirectFirstOffset; for (int i = 0; i < CORINFO_MAXINDIRECTIONS; i++) value.stubLookup.runtimeLookup.offsets[i] = (DWORDLONG)pResult->stubLookup.runtimeLookup.offsets[i]; } else { - value.stubLookup.runtimeLookup.signature = (DWORDLONG)0; - value.stubLookup.runtimeLookup.helper = (DWORD)0; - value.stubLookup.runtimeLookup.indirections = (DWORD)0; - value.stubLookup.runtimeLookup.testForNull = (DWORD)0; - value.stubLookup.runtimeLookup.testForFixup = (DWORD)0; + value.stubLookup.runtimeLookup.signature = (DWORDLONG)0; + value.stubLookup.runtimeLookup.helper = (DWORD)0; + value.stubLookup.runtimeLookup.indirections = (DWORD)0; + value.stubLookup.runtimeLookup.testForNull = (DWORD)0; + value.stubLookup.runtimeLookup.testForFixup = (DWORD)0; value.stubLookup.runtimeLookup.indirectFirstOffset = (DWORD)0; for (int i = 0; i < CORINFO_MAXINDIRECTIONS; i++) value.stubLookup.runtimeLookup.offsets[i] = (DWORDLONG)0; @@ -1759,10 +1760,10 @@ void MethodContext::repGetCallInfo(CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN* pResolvedToken, pResult->stubLookup.runtimeLookup.signature = (LPVOID)value.stubLookup.runtimeLookup.signature; // needs to be a more flexible copy based on // valuevalue.stubLookup.runtimeLookup.signature; - pResult->stubLookup.runtimeLookup.helper = (CorInfoHelpFunc)value.stubLookup.runtimeLookup.helper; - pResult->stubLookup.runtimeLookup.indirections = (WORD)value.stubLookup.runtimeLookup.indirections; - pResult->stubLookup.runtimeLookup.testForNull = value.stubLookup.runtimeLookup.testForNull != 0; - pResult->stubLookup.runtimeLookup.testForFixup = value.stubLookup.runtimeLookup.testForFixup != 0; + pResult->stubLookup.runtimeLookup.helper = (CorInfoHelpFunc)value.stubLookup.runtimeLookup.helper; + pResult->stubLookup.runtimeLookup.indirections = (WORD)value.stubLookup.runtimeLookup.indirections; + pResult->stubLookup.runtimeLookup.testForNull = value.stubLookup.runtimeLookup.testForNull != 0; + pResult->stubLookup.runtimeLookup.testForFixup = value.stubLookup.runtimeLookup.testForFixup != 0; pResult->stubLookup.runtimeLookup.indirectFirstOffset = value.stubLookup.runtimeLookup.indirectFirstOffset != 0; for (int i = 0; i < CORINFO_MAXINDIRECTIONS; i++) pResult->stubLookup.runtimeLookup.offsets[i] = (SIZE_T)value.stubLookup.runtimeLookup.offsets[i]; @@ -2686,7 +2687,7 @@ void MethodContext::recGetArgType(CORINFO_SIG_INFO* sig, Agnostic_GetArgType_Value value; // Only setting values for things the EE seems to pay attention to... this is necessary since some of the values - //are unset and fail our precise comparisions... + // are unset and fail our precise comparisions... key.sig.callConv = (DWORD)0; key.sig.retTypeClass = (DWORDLONG)0; key.sig.retTypeSigClass = (DWORDLONG)0; @@ -2869,7 +2870,7 @@ void MethodContext::recGetArgClass(CORINFO_SIG_INFO* sig, Agnostic_GetArgClass_Value value; // Only setting values for things the EE seems to pay attention to... this is necessary since some of the values - //are unset and fail our precise comparisions... + // are unset and fail our precise comparisions... key.sig.callConv = (DWORD)0; key.sig.retTypeClass = (DWORDLONG)0; key.sig.retTypeSigClass = (DWORDLONG)0; @@ -3216,22 +3217,22 @@ void MethodContext::recEmbedGenericHandle(CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN* pResolve value.lookup.constLookup.accessType = (DWORD)0; value.lookup.constLookup.handle = (DWORDLONG)0; // copy the runtimeLookup view of the union - value.lookup.runtimeLookup.signature = (DWORDLONG)pResult->lookup.runtimeLookup.signature; - value.lookup.runtimeLookup.helper = (DWORD)pResult->lookup.runtimeLookup.helper; - value.lookup.runtimeLookup.indirections = (DWORD)pResult->lookup.runtimeLookup.indirections; - value.lookup.runtimeLookup.testForNull = (DWORD)pResult->lookup.runtimeLookup.testForNull; - value.lookup.runtimeLookup.testForFixup = (DWORD)pResult->lookup.runtimeLookup.testForFixup; + value.lookup.runtimeLookup.signature = (DWORDLONG)pResult->lookup.runtimeLookup.signature; + value.lookup.runtimeLookup.helper = (DWORD)pResult->lookup.runtimeLookup.helper; + value.lookup.runtimeLookup.indirections = (DWORD)pResult->lookup.runtimeLookup.indirections; + value.lookup.runtimeLookup.testForNull = (DWORD)pResult->lookup.runtimeLookup.testForNull; + value.lookup.runtimeLookup.testForFixup = (DWORD)pResult->lookup.runtimeLookup.testForFixup; value.lookup.runtimeLookup.indirectFirstOffset = (DWORD)pResult->lookup.runtimeLookup.indirectFirstOffset; for (int i = 0; i < CORINFO_MAXINDIRECTIONS; i++) value.lookup.runtimeLookup.offsets[i] = (DWORDLONG)pResult->lookup.runtimeLookup.offsets[i]; } else { - value.lookup.runtimeLookup.signature = (DWORDLONG)0; - value.lookup.runtimeLookup.helper = (DWORD)0; - value.lookup.runtimeLookup.indirections = (DWORD)0; - value.lookup.runtimeLookup.testForNull = (DWORD)0; - value.lookup.runtimeLookup.testForFixup = (DWORD)0; + value.lookup.runtimeLookup.signature = (DWORDLONG)0; + value.lookup.runtimeLookup.helper = (DWORD)0; + value.lookup.runtimeLookup.indirections = (DWORD)0; + value.lookup.runtimeLookup.testForNull = (DWORD)0; + value.lookup.runtimeLookup.testForFixup = (DWORD)0; value.lookup.runtimeLookup.indirectFirstOffset = (DWORD)0; for (int i = 0; i < CORINFO_MAXINDIRECTIONS; i++) value.lookup.runtimeLookup.offsets[i] = (DWORDLONG)0; @@ -3305,11 +3306,11 @@ void MethodContext::repEmbedGenericHandle(CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN* pResolve if (pResult->lookup.lookupKind.needsRuntimeLookup) { // copy the runtimeLookup view of the union - pResult->lookup.runtimeLookup.signature = (LPVOID)value.lookup.runtimeLookup.signature; - pResult->lookup.runtimeLookup.helper = (CorInfoHelpFunc)value.lookup.runtimeLookup.helper; - pResult->lookup.runtimeLookup.indirections = (WORD)value.lookup.runtimeLookup.indirections; - pResult->lookup.runtimeLookup.testForNull = value.lookup.runtimeLookup.testForNull != 0; - pResult->lookup.runtimeLookup.testForFixup = value.lookup.runtimeLookup.testForFixup != 0; + pResult->lookup.runtimeLookup.signature = (LPVOID)value.lookup.runtimeLookup.signature; + pResult->lookup.runtimeLookup.helper = (CorInfoHelpFunc)value.lookup.runtimeLookup.helper; + pResult->lookup.runtimeLookup.indirections = (WORD)value.lookup.runtimeLookup.indirections; + pResult->lookup.runtimeLookup.testForNull = value.lookup.runtimeLookup.testForNull != 0; + pResult->lookup.runtimeLookup.testForFixup = value.lookup.runtimeLookup.testForFixup != 0; pResult->lookup.runtimeLookup.indirectFirstOffset = value.lookup.runtimeLookup.indirectFirstOffset != 0; for (int i = 0; i < CORINFO_MAXINDIRECTIONS; i++) pResult->lookup.runtimeLookup.offsets[i] = (size_t)value.lookup.runtimeLookup.offsets[i]; @@ -6678,10 +6679,10 @@ int MethodContext::dumpMethodIdentityInfoToBuffer(char* buff, int len) len -= t; // Add COMPLUS_* & dbflag environment variables to method Identity - //except complus_version and complus_defaultversion - //since they change the compilation behaviour of JIT - //we also need to sort them to ensure we don't produce a different - //hash based on the order of these variables + // except complus_version and complus_defaultversion + // since they change the compilation behaviour of JIT + // we also need to sort them to ensure we don't produce a different + // hash based on the order of these variables if (Environment != nullptr) { Agnostic_Environment val; diff --git a/src/coreclr/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/methodcontext.h b/src/coreclr/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/methodcontext.h index 4887522..14e6b5a 100644 --- a/src/coreclr/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/methodcontext.h +++ b/src/coreclr/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/methodcontext.h @@ -1169,149 +1169,149 @@ private: // ************************************************************************************* enum mcPackets { - Packet_AppendClassName = 149, // Added 8/6/2014 - needed for SIMD - Packet_AreTypesEquivalent = 1, - Packet_AsCorInfoType = 2, - Packet_CanAccessClass = 3, - Packet_CanAccessFamily = 4, - Packet_CanCast = 5, - Retired8 = 6, - Packet_GetLazyStringLiteralHelper = 147, // Added 12/20/2013 - as a replacement for CanEmbedModuleHandleForHelper - Packet_CanGetCookieForPInvokeCalliSig = 7, - Packet_CanGetVarArgsHandle = 8, - Packet_CanInline = 9, - Packet_CanInlineTypeCheckWithObjectVTable = 10, - Packet_CanSkipMethodVerification = 11, - Packet_CanTailCall = 12, - Retired4 = 13, - Packet_CheckMethodModifier = 142, // retired as 13 on 2013/07/04 - Retired3 = 14, - Retired5 = 141, // retired as 14 on 2013/07/03 - Packet_CompileMethod = 143, // retired as 141 on 2013/07/09 - Packet_ConstructStringLiteral = 15, - Packet_EmbedClassHandle = 16, - Packet_EmbedFieldHandle = 17, - Packet_EmbedGenericHandle = 18, - Packet_EmbedMethodHandle = 19, - Packet_EmbedModuleHandle = 20, - Packet_EmptyStringLiteral = 21, - Packet_Environment = 136, // Added 4/3/2013 - Packet_ErrorList = 22, - Packet_FilterException = 134, - Packet_FindCallSiteSig = 23, - Retired7 = 24, - Packet_FindNameOfToken = 145, // Added 7/19/2013 - adjusted members to proper types + Packet_AppendClassName = 149, // Added 8/6/2014 - needed for SIMD + Packet_AreTypesEquivalent = 1, + Packet_AsCorInfoType = 2, + Packet_CanAccessClass = 3, + Packet_CanAccessFamily = 4, + Packet_CanCast = 5, + Retired8 = 6, + Packet_GetLazyStringLiteralHelper = 147, // Added 12/20/2013 - as a replacement for CanEmbedModuleHandleForHelper + Packet_CanGetCookieForPInvokeCalliSig = 7, + Packet_CanGetVarArgsHandle = 8, + Packet_CanInline = 9, + Packet_CanInlineTypeCheckWithObjectVTable = 10, + Packet_CanSkipMethodVerification = 11, + Packet_CanTailCall = 12, + Retired4 = 13, + Packet_CheckMethodModifier = 142, // retired as 13 on 2013/07/04 + Retired3 = 14, + Retired5 = 141, // retired as 14 on 2013/07/03 + Packet_CompileMethod = 143, // retired as 141 on 2013/07/09 + Packet_ConstructStringLiteral = 15, + Packet_EmbedClassHandle = 16, + Packet_EmbedFieldHandle = 17, + Packet_EmbedGenericHandle = 18, + Packet_EmbedMethodHandle = 19, + Packet_EmbedModuleHandle = 20, + Packet_EmptyStringLiteral = 21, + Packet_Environment = 136, // Added 4/3/2013 + Packet_ErrorList = 22, + Packet_FilterException = 134, + Packet_FindCallSiteSig = 23, + Retired7 = 24, + Packet_FindNameOfToken = 145, // Added 7/19/2013 - adjusted members to proper types Packet_GetSystemVAmd64PassStructInRegisterDescriptor = 156, // Added 2/17/2016 Packet_FindSig = 25, Packet_GetAddressOfPInvokeFixup = 26, Packet_GetAddressOfPInvokeTarget = 153, // Added 2/3/2016 Packet_GetAddrOfCaptureThreadGlobal = 27, Retired1 = 28, - Packet_GetArgClass = 139, // retired as 28 on 2013/07/03 - Packet_GetHFAType = 159, - Packet_GetArgNext = 29, - Retired2 = 30, - Packet_GetArgType = 140, // retired as 30 on 2013/07/03 - Packet_GetArrayInitializationData = 31, - Packet_GetArrayRank = 32, - Packet_GetBBProfileData = 33, - Packet_GetBoundaries = 34, - Packet_GetBoxHelper = 35, - Packet_GetBuiltinClass = 36, - Packet_GetCallInfo = 37, - Packet_GetCastingHelper = 38, - Packet_GetChildType = 39, - Packet_GetClassAlignmentRequirement = 40, - Packet_GetClassAttribs = 41, - Packet_GetClassDomainID = 42, - Packet_GetClassGClayout = 43, - Packet_GetClassModuleIdForStatics = 44, - Packet_GetClassName = 45, - Packet_GetClassNumInstanceFields = 46, - Packet_GetClassSize = 47, - Packet_GetIntConfigValue = 151, // Added 2/12/2015 - Packet_GetStringConfigValue = 152, // Added 2/12/2015 - Packet_GetCookieForPInvokeCalliSig = 48, - Packet_GetDelegateCtor = 49, - Packet_GetEEInfo = 50, - Packet_GetEHinfo = 51, - Packet_GetFieldAddress = 52, - Packet_GetFieldClass = 53, - Packet_GetFieldInClass = 54, - Packet_GetFieldInfo = 55, - Packet_GetFieldName = 56, - Packet_GetFieldOffset = 57, - Packet_GetFieldThreadLocalStoreID = 58, - Packet_GetFieldType = 59, - Packet_GetFunctionEntryPoint = 60, - Packet_GetFunctionFixedEntryPoint = 61, - Packet_GetGSCookie = 62, - Packet_GetHelperFtn = 63, - Packet_GetHelperName = 64, - Packet_GetInlinedCallFrameVptr = 65, - Packet_GetIntrinsicID = 66, - Packet_GetJitFlags = 154, // Added 2/3/2016 - Packet_GetJitTimeLogFilename = 67, - Packet_GetJustMyCodeHandle = 68, - Packet_GetLocationOfThisType = 69, - Packet_GetMethodAttribs = 70, - Packet_GetMethodClass = 71, - Packet_GetMethodDefFromMethod = 72, - Packet_GetMethodHash = 73, - Packet_GetMethodInfo = 74, - Packet_GetMethodName = 75, - Packet_GetMethodSig = 76, - Packet_GetMethodSync = 77, - Packet_GetMethodVTableOffset = 78, - Packet_GetNewArrHelper = 79, - Packet_GetNewHelper = 80, - Packet_GetParentType = 81, - Packet_GetPInvokeUnmanagedTarget = 82, - Packet_GetProfilingHandle = 83, - Packet_GetRelocTypeHint = 84, - Packet_GetSecurityPrologHelper = 85, - Packet_GetSharedCCtorHelper = 86, - Packet_GetTailCallCopyArgsThunk = 87, - Packet_GetThreadTLSIndex = 88, - Packet_GetTokenTypeAsHandle = 89, - Packet_GetTypeForBox = 90, - Packet_GetTypeForPrimitiveValueClass = 91, - Packet_GetUnBoxHelper = 92, - Packet_GetReadyToRunHelper = 150, // Added 10/10/2014 - Packet_GetReadyToRunDelegateCtorHelper = 157, // Added 3/30/2016 - Packet_GetUnmanagedCallConv = 94, - Packet_GetVarArgsHandle = 95, - Packet_GetVars = 96, - Packet_HandleException = 135, - Packet_InitClass = 97, - Packet_InitConstraintsForVerification = 98, - Packet_IsCompatibleDelegate = 99, - Packet_IsDelegateCreationAllowed = 155, - Packet_IsFieldStatic = 137, // Added 4/9/2013 - needed for 4.5.1 - Packet_IsInSIMDModule = 148, // Added 6/18/2014 - SIMD support - Packet_IsInstantiationOfVerifiedGeneric = 100, - Packet_IsSDArray = 101, - Packet_IsStructRequiringStackAllocRetBuf = 102, - Packet_IsValidStringRef = 103, - Retired6 = 104, - Packet_IsValidToken = 144, // Added 7/19/2013 - adjusted members to proper types - Packet_IsValueClass = 105, - Packet_IsWriteBarrierHelperRequired = 106, - Packet_MergeClasses = 107, - Packet_PInvokeMarshalingRequired = 108, - Packet_ResolveToken = 109, - Packet_ResolveVirtualMethod = 160, // Added 2/13/17 - Packet_TryResolveToken = 158, // Added 4/26/2016 - Packet_SatisfiesClassConstraints = 110, - Packet_SatisfiesMethodConstraints = 111, - Packet_ShouldEnforceCallvirtRestriction = 112, - - PacketCR_AddressMap = 113, - PacketCR_AllocBBProfileBuffer = 131, - PacketCR_AllocGCInfo = 114, - PacketCR_AllocMem = 115, - PacketCR_AllocUnwindInfo = 132, - PacketCR_AssertLog = 138, // Added 6/10/2013 - added to nicely support ilgen + Packet_GetArgClass = 139, // retired as 28 on 2013/07/03 + Packet_GetHFAType = 159, + Packet_GetArgNext = 29, + Retired2 = 30, + Packet_GetArgType = 140, // retired as 30 on 2013/07/03 + Packet_GetArrayInitializationData = 31, + Packet_GetArrayRank = 32, + Packet_GetBBProfileData = 33, + Packet_GetBoundaries = 34, + Packet_GetBoxHelper = 35, + Packet_GetBuiltinClass = 36, + Packet_GetCallInfo = 37, + Packet_GetCastingHelper = 38, + Packet_GetChildType = 39, + Packet_GetClassAlignmentRequirement = 40, + Packet_GetClassAttribs = 41, + Packet_GetClassDomainID = 42, + Packet_GetClassGClayout = 43, + Packet_GetClassModuleIdForStatics = 44, + Packet_GetClassName = 45, + Packet_GetClassNumInstanceFields = 46, + Packet_GetClassSize = 47, + Packet_GetIntConfigValue = 151, // Added 2/12/2015 + Packet_GetStringConfigValue = 152, // Added 2/12/2015 + Packet_GetCookieForPInvokeCalliSig = 48, + Packet_GetDelegateCtor = 49, + Packet_GetEEInfo = 50, + Packet_GetEHinfo = 51, + Packet_GetFieldAddress = 52, + Packet_GetFieldClass = 53, + Packet_GetFieldInClass = 54, + Packet_GetFieldInfo = 55, + Packet_GetFieldName = 56, + Packet_GetFieldOffset = 57, + Packet_GetFieldThreadLocalStoreID = 58, + Packet_GetFieldType = 59, + Packet_GetFunctionEntryPoint = 60, + Packet_GetFunctionFixedEntryPoint = 61, + Packet_GetGSCookie = 62, + Packet_GetHelperFtn = 63, + Packet_GetHelperName = 64, + Packet_GetInlinedCallFrameVptr = 65, + Packet_GetIntrinsicID = 66, + Packet_GetJitFlags = 154, // Added 2/3/2016 + Packet_GetJitTimeLogFilename = 67, + Packet_GetJustMyCodeHandle = 68, + Packet_GetLocationOfThisType = 69, + Packet_GetMethodAttribs = 70, + Packet_GetMethodClass = 71, + Packet_GetMethodDefFromMethod = 72, + Packet_GetMethodHash = 73, + Packet_GetMethodInfo = 74, + Packet_GetMethodName = 75, + Packet_GetMethodSig = 76, + Packet_GetMethodSync = 77, + Packet_GetMethodVTableOffset = 78, + Packet_GetNewArrHelper = 79, + Packet_GetNewHelper = 80, + Packet_GetParentType = 81, + Packet_GetPInvokeUnmanagedTarget = 82, + Packet_GetProfilingHandle = 83, + Packet_GetRelocTypeHint = 84, + Packet_GetSecurityPrologHelper = 85, + Packet_GetSharedCCtorHelper = 86, + Packet_GetTailCallCopyArgsThunk = 87, + Packet_GetThreadTLSIndex = 88, + Packet_GetTokenTypeAsHandle = 89, + Packet_GetTypeForBox = 90, + Packet_GetTypeForPrimitiveValueClass = 91, + Packet_GetUnBoxHelper = 92, + Packet_GetReadyToRunHelper = 150, // Added 10/10/2014 + Packet_GetReadyToRunDelegateCtorHelper = 157, // Added 3/30/2016 + Packet_GetUnmanagedCallConv = 94, + Packet_GetVarArgsHandle = 95, + Packet_GetVars = 96, + Packet_HandleException = 135, + Packet_InitClass = 97, + Packet_InitConstraintsForVerification = 98, + Packet_IsCompatibleDelegate = 99, + Packet_IsDelegateCreationAllowed = 155, + Packet_IsFieldStatic = 137, // Added 4/9/2013 - needed for 4.5.1 + Packet_IsInSIMDModule = 148, // Added 6/18/2014 - SIMD support + Packet_IsInstantiationOfVerifiedGeneric = 100, + Packet_IsSDArray = 101, + Packet_IsStructRequiringStackAllocRetBuf = 102, + Packet_IsValidStringRef = 103, + Retired6 = 104, + Packet_IsValidToken = 144, // Added 7/19/2013 - adjusted members to proper types + Packet_IsValueClass = 105, + Packet_IsWriteBarrierHelperRequired = 106, + Packet_MergeClasses = 107, + Packet_PInvokeMarshalingRequired = 108, + Packet_ResolveToken = 109, + Packet_ResolveVirtualMethod = 160, // Added 2/13/17 + Packet_TryResolveToken = 158, // Added 4/26/2016 + Packet_SatisfiesClassConstraints = 110, + Packet_SatisfiesMethodConstraints = 111, + Packet_ShouldEnforceCallvirtRestriction = 112, + + PacketCR_AddressMap = 113, + PacketCR_AllocBBProfileBuffer = 131, + PacketCR_AllocGCInfo = 114, + PacketCR_AllocMem = 115, + PacketCR_AllocUnwindInfo = 132, + PacketCR_AssertLog = 138, // Added 6/10/2013 - added to nicely support ilgen PacketCR_CallLog = 116, PacketCR_ClassMustBeLoadedBeforeCodeIsRun = 117, PacketCR_CompileMethod = 118, @@ -1328,7 +1328,7 @@ enum mcPackets PacketCR_SetEHinfo = 128, PacketCR_SetMethodAttribs = 129, PacketCR_SetVars = 130, - PacketCR_RecordCallSite = 146, // Added 10/28/2013 - to support indirect calls + PacketCR_RecordCallSite = 146, // Added 10/28/2013 - to support indirect calls }; #endif -- 2.7.4