From 538c4c0e6e3715a091dd12cd6b91157b169c592e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Manu Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2016 09:05:15 +0900 Subject: [PATCH] Update version based on new content of clrconfigvalues.h --- .../project-docs/ | 60 +++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 36 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-) diff --git a/Documentation/project-docs/ b/Documentation/project-docs/ index 9416f02..3d696e4 100644 --- a/Documentation/project-docs/ +++ b/Documentation/project-docs/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ #CLR Configuration Knobs -This Document is machine-generated from commit 65f7881 on 08/15/15. It might be out of date. +This Document is machine-generated from commit 26efa5f on 03/17/16. It might be out of date. When using these configurations from environment variables, the variable need to have `COMPlus_` prefix in its name. e.g. To set DumpJittedMethods to 1, add `COMPlus_DumpJittedMethods=1` to envvars. @@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Name | Description | Type | Class | Default Value | Flags `AppDomainNoUnload` | Not used | DWORD | INTERNAL | 0 | `TargetFrameworkMoniker` | Allows the test team to specify what TargetFrameworkMoniker to use. | STRING | INTERNAL | | IgnoreHKLM / IgnoreHKCU / IgnoreConfigFiles / IgnoreWindowsQuirkDB `AppContextSwitchOverrides` | Allows default switch values defined in AppContext to be overwritten by values in the Config | STRING | INTERNAL | | IgnoreEnv / IgnoreHKLM / IgnoreHKCU / IgnoreWindowsQuirkDB / ConfigFile_ApplicationFirst +`FinalizeOnShutdown` | When enabled, on shutdown, blocks all user threads and calls finalizers for all finalizable objects, including live objects | DWORD | EXTERNAL | DEFAULT_FinalizeOnShutdown | `ARMEnabled` | Set it to 1 to enable ARM | DWORD | UNSUPPORTED | (DWORD)0 | `designerNamespaceResolution` | Set it to 1 to enable DesignerNamespaceResolve event for WinRT types | DWORD | EXTERNAL | FALSE | IgnoreEnv / IgnoreHKLM / IgnoreHKCU / FavorConfigFile `GetAssemblyIfLoadedIgnoreRidMap` | Used to force loader to ignore assemblies cached in the rid-map | DWORD | INTERNAL | 0 | REGUTIL_default @@ -154,6 +155,7 @@ Name | Description | Type | Class | Default Value | Flags `AssertOnFailFast` | | DWORD | INTERNAL | | `legacyCorruptedStateExceptionsPolicy` | Enabled Pre-V4 CSE behaviour | DWORD | UNSUPPORTED | 0 | FavorConfigFile `SuppressLostExceptionTypeAssert` | | DWORD | INTERNAL | 0 | REGUTIL_default +`FailFastOnCorruptedStateException` | Failfast if a CSE is encountered | DWORD | UNSUPPORTED | 0 | FavorConfigFile `FastGCCheckStack` | | DWORD | INTERNAL | 0 | `FastGCStress` | reduce the number of GCs done by enabling GCStress | DWORD | INTERNAL | | `GCBreakOnOOM` | Does a DebugBreak at the soonest time we detect an OOM | DWORD | UNSUPPORTED | | @@ -171,9 +173,12 @@ Name | Description | Type | Class | Default Value | Flags `SuspendTimeLog` | Specifies the name of the log file for suspension statistics | STRING | UNSUPPORTED | | `GCMixLog` | Specifies the name of the log file for GC mix statistics | STRING | UNSUPPORTED | | `GCLatencyMode` | Specifies the GC latency mode - batch, interactive or low latency (note that the same thing can be specified via API which is the supported way) | DWORD | INTERNAL | | +`GCConfigLogEnabled` | Specifies if you want to turn on config logging in GC | DWORD | UNSUPPORTED | 0 | `GCLogEnabled` | Specifies if you want to turn on logging in GC | DWORD | UNSUPPORTED | 0 | `GCLogFile` | Specifies the name of the GC log file | STRING | UNSUPPORTED | | -`GCLogFileSize` | Specifies the maximum GC log file size | DWORD | UNSUPPORTED | 0 | +`GCConfigLogFile` | Specifies the name of the GC config log file | STRING | UNSUPPORTED | | +`GCLogFileSize` | Specifies the GC log file size | DWORD | UNSUPPORTED | 0 | +`GCCompactRatio` | Specifies the ratio compacting GCs vs sweeping | DWORD | UNSUPPORTED | 0 | `GCPollType` | | DWORD | EXTERNAL | | `NewGCCalc` | | STRING | EXTERNAL | | REGUTIL_default `GCprnLvl` | Specifies the maximum level of GC logging | DWORD | UNSUPPORTED | | @@ -221,12 +226,17 @@ Name | Description | Type | Class | Default Value | Flags `JitDisasm` | Dumps disassembly for specified method | STRING | INTERNAL | | REGUTIL_default `JitDoubleAlign` | | DWORD | INTERNAL | | `JitDump` | Dumps trees for specified method | STRING | INTERNAL | | REGUTIL_default +`JitDumpIR` | Dumps trees (in linear IR form) for specified method | STRING | INTERNAL | | REGUTIL_default +`JitDumpIRFormat` | Comma separated format control for JitDumpIR, values = {types | locals | ssa | valnums | kinds | flags | nodes | nolists | nostmts | noleafs | trees | dataflow} | STRING | INTERNAL | | REGUTIL_default +`JitDumpIRPhase` | Phase control for JitDumpIR, values = {* | phasename} | STRING | INTERNAL | | REGUTIL_default `JitDumpVerboseTrees` | Enable more verbose tree dumps | DWORD | INTERNAL | 0 | REGUTIL_default `JitDumpVerboseSsa` | Produce especially verbose dump output for SSA | DWORD | INTERNAL | 0 | REGUTIL_default `JitDumpBeforeAfterMorph` | If 1, display each tree before/after morphing | DWORD | INTERNAL | 0 | REGUTIL_default -`JitDumpFg` | Xml Flowgraph support | STRING | INTERNAL | | REGUTIL_default -`JitDumpFgDir` | Xml Flowgraph support | STRING | INTERNAL | | REGUTIL_default -`JitDumpFgFile` | Xml Flowgraph support | STRING | INTERNAL | | REGUTIL_default +`JitDumpFg` | Dumps Xml/Dot Flowgraph for specified method | STRING | INTERNAL | | REGUTIL_default +`JitDumpFgDir` | Directory for Xml/Dot flowgraph dump(s) | STRING | INTERNAL | | REGUTIL_default +`JitDumpFgFile` | Filename for Xml/Dot flowgraph dump(s) | STRING | INTERNAL | | REGUTIL_default +`JitDumpFgPhase` | Phase-based Xml/Dot flowgraph support. Set to the short name of a phase to see the flowgraph after that phase. Leave unset to dump after COLD-BLK (determine first cold block) or set to * for all phases | STRING | INTERNAL | | REGUTIL_default +`JitDumpFgDot` | Set to non-zero to emit Dot instead of Xml Flowgraph dump | DWORD | INTERNAL | 0 | REGUTIL_default `JitDumpLevel` | | DWORD | INTERNAL | 1 | REGUTIL_default `JitDumpASCII` | Uses only ASCII characters in tree dumps | DWORD | INTERNAL | 1 | REGUTIL_default `JitDumpTerseLsra` | Produce terse dump output for LSRA | DWORD | INTERNAL | 1 | REGUTIL_default @@ -248,6 +258,7 @@ Name | Description | Type | Class | Default Value | Flags `JitHashHalt` | Same as JitHalt, but for a method hash | DWORD | INTERNAL | (DWORD)-1 | REGUTIL_default `JitHashBreak` | Same as JitBreak, but for a method hash | DWORD | INTERNAL | (DWORD)-1 | REGUTIL_default `JitHashDump` | Same as JitDump, but for a method hash | DWORD | INTERNAL | (DWORD)-1 | REGUTIL_default +`JitHashDumpIR` | Same as JitDumpIR, but for a method hash | DWORD | INTERNAL | (DWORD)-1 | REGUTIL_default `JitHeartbeat` | | DWORD | INTERNAL | 0 | `JitHelperLogging` | | DWORD | INTERNAL | 0 | `JitImportBreak` | | STRING | INTERNAL | | REGUTIL_default @@ -258,7 +269,6 @@ Name | Description | Type | Class | Default Value | Flags `JITInlineSize` | | DWORD | INTERNAL | | `JitLateDisasm` | | STRING | INTERNAL | | REGUTIL_default `JITLateDisasmTo` | | STRING | INTERNAL | | REGUTIL_default -`JitLRSampling` | | DWORD | EXTERNAL | 0 | REGUTIL_default `JITMaxTempAssert` | | DWORD | INTERNAL | 1 | REGUTIL_default `JitMaxUncheckedOffset` | | DWORD | INTERNAL | (DWORD)8 | REGUTIL_default `JITMinOpts` | Forces MinOpts | DWORD | UNSUPPORTED | | @@ -268,11 +278,13 @@ Name | Description | Type | Class | Default Value | Flags `JITMinOptsLvNumcount` | Internal jit control of MinOpts | DWORD | INTERNAL | | `JITMinOptsLvRefcount` | Internal jit control of MinOpts | DWORD | INTERNAL | | `JITBreakOnMinOpts` | Halt if jit switches to MinOpts | DWORD | INTERNAL | | +`JITMinOptsName` | Forces MinOpts for a named function | STRING | INTERNAL | | REGUTIL_default `JitName` | Primary Jit to use | STRING | EXTERNAL | | `AltJitName` | Alternative Jit to use, will fall back to primary jit. | STRING | EXTERNAL | | REGUTIL_default `AltJit` | Enables AltJit and selectively limits it to the specified methods. | STRING | EXTERNAL | | REGUTIL_default `AltJitExcludeAssemblies` | Do not use AltJit on this semicolon-delimited list of assemblies. | STRING | EXTERNAL | | REGUTIL_default `AltJitLimit` | Max number of functions to use altjit for (decimal) | DWORD | INTERNAL | 0 | REGUTIL_default +`RunAltJitCode` | If non-zero, and the compilation succeeds for an AltJit, then use the code. If zero, then we always throw away the generated code and fall back to the default compiler. | DWORD | INTERNAL | 1 | REGUTIL_default `StackSamplingEnabled` | Is stack sampling based tracking of evolving hot methods enabled. | DWORD | UNSUPPORTED | 0 | `StackSamplingAfter` | When to start sampling (for some sort of app steady state), i.e., initial delay for sampling start in milliseconds. | DWORD | UNSUPPORTED | 0 | `StackSamplingEvery` | How frequent should thread stacks be sampled in milliseconds. | DWORD | UNSUPPORTED | 100 | @@ -287,7 +299,8 @@ Name | Description | Type | Class | Default Value | Flags `JitNoCSE` | | DWORD | INTERNAL | 0 | REGUTIL_default `JitNoCSE2` | | DWORD | INTERNAL | 0 | REGUTIL_default `JitNoHoist` | | DWORD | INTERNAL | 0 | REGUTIL_default -`JitNoInline` | Disables inlining | DWORD | INTERNAL | 0 | REGUTIL_default +`JitNoInline` | Disables inlining of all methods | DWORD | INTERNAL | 0 | REGUTIL_default +`JitAggressiveInlining` | Aggressive inlining of all methods | DWORD | INTERNAL | 0 | REGUTIL_default `JitNoProcedureSplitting` | Disallow procedure splitting for specified methods | STRING | INTERNAL | | REGUTIL_default `JitNoProcedureSplittingEH` | Disallow procedure splitting for specified methods if they contain exception handling | STRING | INTERNAL | | REGUTIL_default `JitNoRegLoc` | | DWORD | INTERNAL | 0 | REGUTIL_default @@ -302,6 +315,7 @@ Name | Description | Type | Class | Default Value | Flags `JITPInvokeCheckEnabled` | | DWORD | INTERNAL | 0 | REGUTIL_default `JITPInvokeEnabled` | | DWORD | INTERNAL | 1 | `JitPrintInlinedMethods` | | DWORD | EXTERNAL | 0 | REGUTIL_default +`JitTelemetry` | If non-zero, gather JIT telemetry data | DWORD | EXTERNAL | 1 | `JitRange` | | STRING | INTERNAL | | REGUTIL_default `JITRequired` | | DWORD | INTERNAL | (unsigned)-1 | REGUTIL_default `JITRoundFloat` | | DWORD | INTERNAL | | @@ -316,6 +330,7 @@ Name | Description | Type | Class | Default Value | Flags `JitStressOnly` | Internal Jit stress mode: stress only the specified method(s) | STRING | INTERNAL | | REGUTIL_default `JitStressRange` | Internal Jit stress mode | STRING | INTERNAL | | REGUTIL_default `JitStressRegs` | | DWORD | INTERNAL | 0 | REGUTIL_default +`JitStressBiasedCSE` | Internal Jit stress mode: decimal bias value between (0,100) to perform CSE on a candidate. 100% = All CSEs. 0% = 0 CSE. (> 100) means no stress. | DWORD | INTERNAL | 0x101 | REGUTIL_default `JitStrictCheckForNonVirtualCallToVirtualMethod` | | DWORD | INTERNAL | 1 | REGUTIL_default `JitTimeLogFile` | If set, gather JIT throughput data and write to this file. | STRING | INTERNAL | | `JitTimeLogCsv` | If set, gather JIT throughput data and write to a CSV file. This mode must be used in internal retail builds. | STRING | INTERNAL | | @@ -327,8 +342,10 @@ Name | Description | Type | Class | Default Value | Flags `TailCallMax` | | STRING | INTERNAL | | REGUTIL_default `TailCallOpt` | | STRING | EXTERNAL | | REGUTIL_default `TailcallStress` | | DWORD | INTERNAL | 0 | REGUTIL_default +`TailCallLoopOpt` | Convert recursive tail calls to loops | DWORD | EXTERNAL | 1 | `NetFx40_PInvokeStackResilience` | Makes P/Invoke resilient against mismatched signature and calling convention (significant perf penalty). | DWORD | EXTERNAL | (DWORD)-1 | `JitDoSsa` | Perform Static Single Assignment (SSA) numbering on the variables | DWORD | INTERNAL | 1 | REGUTIL_default +`JitDoEarlyProp` | Perform Early Value Propagataion | DWORD | INTERNAL | 1 | REGUTIL_default `JitDoValueNumber` | Perform value numbering on method expressions | DWORD | INTERNAL | 1 | REGUTIL_default `JitDoLoopHoisting` | Perform loop hoisting on loop invariant values | DWORD | INTERNAL | 1 | REGUTIL_default `JitDoCopyProp` | Perform copy propagation on variables that appear redundant | DWORD | INTERNAL | 1 | REGUTIL_default @@ -350,6 +367,7 @@ Name | Description | Type | Class | Default Value | Flags `JitVNMapSelBudget` | Max # of MapSelect's considered for a particular top-level invocation. | DWORD | patsubst(INTERNAL_JitVNMapSelBudget, _.*, ) | 100 | `FeatureSIMD` | Enable SIMD support with companion SIMDVector.dll | DWORD | EXTERNAL | EXTERNAL_FeatureSIMD_Default | REGUTIL_default `EnableAVX` | Enable AVX instruction set for wide operations as default | DWORD | EXTERNAL | EXTERNAL_JitEnableAVX_Default | REGUTIL_default +`JitEnablePCRelAddr` | Whether absolute addr be encoded as PC-rel offset by RyuJIT where possible | DWORD | INTERNAL | 1 | REGUTIL_default `MultiCoreJitProfile` | If set, use the file to store/control multi-core JIT. | STRING | INTERNAL | | `MultiCoreJitProfileWriteDelay` | Set the delay after which the multi-core JIT profile will be written to disk. | DWORD | INTERNAL | 12 | `JitFunctionTrace` | If non-zero, print JIT start/end logging | DWORD | INTERNAL | 0 | @@ -385,6 +403,8 @@ Name | Description | Type | Class | Default Value | Flags `WinMDPath` | Path for Windows WinMD files | STRING | INTERNAL | | `LoaderHeapCallTracing` | Loader heap troubleshooting | DWORD | INTERNAL | 0 | REGUTIL_default `CodeHeapReserveForJumpStubs` | Percentage of code heap to reserve for jump stubs | DWORD | INTERNAL | 2 | +`NGenReserveForJumpStubs` | Percentage of ngen image size to reserve for jump stubs | DWORD | INTERNAL | 0 | +`BreakOnOutOfMemoryWithinRange` | Break before out of memory within range exception is thrown | DWORD | INTERNAL | 0 | `LogEnable` | Turns on the traditional CLR log. | DWORD | INTERNAL | | `LogFacility` | Specifies a facility mask for CLR log. (See 'loglf.h'; VM interprets string value as hex number.) Also used by stresslog. | DWORD | INTERNAL | | `LogFacility2` | Specifies a facility mask for CLR log. (See 'loglf.h'; VM interprets string value as hex number.) Also used by stresslog. | DWORD | INTERNAL | | @@ -430,21 +450,7 @@ Name | Description | Type | Class | Default Value | Flags `NgenBind_ZapForbidExcludeList` | | STRING | INTERNAL | | `NgenBind_ZapForbidList` | | STRING | INTERNAL | | `NgenBind_OptimizeNonGac` | Skip loading IL image outside of GAC when NI can be loaded | DWORD | EXTERNAL | 0 | -`JIT_MDIL_MIN_TOKEN` | TBD | DWORD | INTERNAL | 0 | REGUTIL_default -`JIT_MDIL_MAX_TOKEN` | TBD | DWORD | INTERNAL | 0xffffffff | REGUTIL_default -`JitDisassembleMDIL` | TBD | DWORD | INTERNAL | 0 | REGUTIL_default -`JitListMDILtoNative` | TBD | DWORD | INTERNAL | 0 | REGUTIL_default -`MDIL_BREAK_ON` | TBD | STRING | INTERNAL | | REGUTIL_default `SymDiffDump` | Used to create the map file while binding the assembly. Used by SemanticDiffer | DWORD | INTERNAL | 0 | REGUTIL_default -`TritonStressSeed` | Seed used for random number used to drive mdil stress modes | DWORD | INTERNAL | 0 | -`TritonStressLogFlags` | Triton stress logging | DWORD | INTERNAL | 3 | -`TritonStressPartialMDIL` | This stress mode will cause some number of methods to abort MDIL compilation. This should trigger them to fall back to JIT at runtime. | DWORD | INTERNAL | 0 | -`TritonStressPartialCTL` | This stress mode will cause some number of types from this module to fail to generate CTL. | DWORD | INTERNAL | 0 | -`TritonStressTypeLoad` | Triton Stress of type loading in mdilbind, parameter is LoadStressFlag | DWORD | INTERNAL | 0 | -`TritonStressMethodLoad` | Triton Stress of method loading in mdilbind, parameter is LoadStressFlag | DWORD | INTERNAL | 0 | -`TritonStressFieldLoad` | Triton Stress of field loading in mdilbind, parameter is LoadStressFlag | DWORD | INTERNAL | 0 | -`TritonStressAssemblyLoad` | Triton Stress of assembly loading in mdilbind, parameter is LoadStressFlag | DWORD | INTERNAL | 0 | -`MdilNIGenDefaultFailureMode` | Override default failure mode of mdil ni generation | DWORD | INTERNAL | 0 | `NGen_JitName` | | STRING | EXTERNAL | | REGUTIL_default `NGEN_USE_PRIVATE_STORE` | | DWORD | EXTERNAL | -1 | REGUTIL_default `NGENBreakOnInjectPerAssemblyFailure` | | DWORD | INTERNAL | 0 | REGUTIL_default @@ -456,12 +462,16 @@ Name | Description | Type | Class | Default Value | Flags `NGenDependencyWorkerHang` | If set to 1, NGen dependency walk worker process hangs forever | DWORD | UNSUPPORTED | 0 | REGUTIL_default `NgenDisasm` | Same as JitDisasm, but for ngen | STRING | INTERNAL | | REGUTIL_default `NgenDump` | Same as JitDump, but for ngen | STRING | INTERNAL | | REGUTIL_default +`NgenDumpIR` | Same as JitDumpIR, but for ngen | STRING | INTERNAL | | REGUTIL_default +`NgenDumpIRFormat` | Same as JitDumpIRFormat, but for ngen | STRING | INTERNAL | | REGUTIL_default +`NgenDumpIRPhase` | Same as JitDumpIRPhase, but for ngen | STRING | INTERNAL | | REGUTIL_default `NgenDumpFg` | Ngen Xml Flowgraph support | STRING | INTERNAL | | REGUTIL_default `NgenDumpFgDir` | Ngen Xml Flowgraph support | STRING | INTERNAL | | REGUTIL_default `NgenDumpFgFile` | Ngen Xml Flowgraph support | STRING | INTERNAL | | REGUTIL_default `NGenFramed` | same as JitFramed, but for ngen | DWORD | UNSUPPORTED | -1 | REGUTIL_default `NgenGCDump` | | STRING | INTERNAL | | REGUTIL_default `NgenHashDump` | same as JitHashDump, but for ngen | DWORD | INTERNAL | (DWORD)-1 | REGUTIL_default +`NgenHashDumpIR` | same as JitHashDumpIR, but for ngen | DWORD | INTERNAL | (DWORD)-1 | REGUTIL_default `NGENInjectFailuresServiceOnly` | | DWORD | INTERNAL | 1 | REGUTIL_default `NGENInjectPerAssemblyFailure` | | DWORD | INTERNAL | 0 | REGUTIL_default `NGENInjectTransientFailure` | | DWORD | INTERNAL | 0 | REGUTIL_default @@ -615,6 +625,10 @@ Name | Description | Type | Class | Default Value | Flags `StressOn` | Enables the STRESS_ASSERT macro that stops runtime quickly (to prevent the clr state from changing significantly before breaking) | DWORD | INTERNAL | | `stressSynchronized` | Unknown if or where this is used; unless a test is specifically depending on this, it can be removed. | DWORD | INTERNAL | 0 | REGUTIL_default `StressThreadCount` | | DWORD | EXTERNAL | | +`DiagnosticSuspend` | | DWORD | INTERNAL | 0 | +`SuspendDeadlockTimeout` | | DWORD | INTERNAL | 40000 | +`SuspendThreadDeadlockTimeoutMs` | | DWORD | INTERNAL | 2000 | +`INTERNAL_ThreadSuspendInjection` | Specifies whether to inject activations for thread suspension on Unix | DWORD | INTERNAL | 1 | `ThreadPool_ForceMinWorkerThreads` | Overrides the MinThreads setting for the ThreadPool worker pool | DWORD | INTERNAL | 0 | `ThreadPool_ForceMaxWorkerThreads` | Overrides the MaxThreads setting for the ThreadPool worker pool | DWORD | INTERNAL | 0 | `ThreadPool_DisableStarvationDetection` | Disables the ThreadPool feature that forces new threads to be added when workitems run for too long | DWORD | INTERNAL | 0 | @@ -659,6 +673,7 @@ Name | Description | Type | Class | Default Value | Flags `DebugAssertOnMissedCOWPage` | | DWORD | INTERNAL | 1 | `ReadyToRun` | Enable/disable use of ReadyToRun native code | DWORD | EXTERNAL | 1 | // On by default for CoreCLR `ReadyToRun` | Enable/disable use of ReadyToRun native code | DWORD | EXTERNAL | 0 | // Off by default for desktop +`EnableEventLog` | Enable/disable use of EnableEventLogging mechanism | DWORD | EXTERNAL | 0 | // Off by default `ExposeExceptionsInCOM` | | DWORD | INTERNAL | | `PreferComInsteadOfManagedRemoting` | When communicating with a cross app domain CCW, use COM instead of managed remoting. | DWORD | EXTERNAL | 0 | `GenerateStubForHost` | Forces the host hook stub to be built for all unmanaged calls, even when not running hosted. | DWORD | INTERNAL | 0 | @@ -691,7 +706,6 @@ Name | Description | Type | Class | Default Value | Flags `DeadCodeMax` | Sets internal jit constants for Dead Code elmination | STRING | INTERNAL | | REGUTIL_default `DefaultVersion` | Version of CLR to load. | STRING | INTERNAL | | `developerInstallation` | Flag to enable DEVPATH binding feature | STRING | EXTERNAL | | // TODO: check special handling -`DiagnosticSuspend` | | DWORD | INTERNAL | 0 | `shadowCopyVerifyByTimestamp` | Fusion flag to enable quick verification of files in the shadow copy directory by using timestamps. | DWORD | EXTERNAL | 0 | FavorConfigFile / MayHavePerformanceDefault `disableFusionUpdatesFromADManager` | Fusion flag to prevent changes to the AppDomainSetup object made by implementations of AppDomainManager.InitializeNewDomain from propagating to Fusion | DWORD | EXTERNAL | 0 | FavorConfigFile `disableCachingBindingFailures` | Fusion flag to re-enable Everett bind caching behavior (Whidbey caches failures for sharing) | DWORD | EXTERNAL | 0 | FavorConfigFile @@ -762,8 +776,6 @@ Name | Description | Type | Class | Default Value | Flags `StubLinkerUnwindInfoVerificationOn` | | DWORD | INTERNAL | | `SuccessExit` | | DWORD | UNSUPPORTED | 0 | REGUTIL_default `SupressAllowUntrustedCallerChecks` | Disable APTCA | DWORD | INTERNAL | 0 | -`SuspendDeadlockTimeout` | | DWORD | INTERNAL | 40000 | -`SuspendThreadDeadlockTimeoutMs` | | DWORD | INTERNAL | 2000 | `SymbolReadingPolicy` | Specifies when PDBs may be read | DWORD | EXTERNAL | | `TestDataConsistency` | allows ensuring the left side is not holding locks (and may thus be in an inconsistent state) when inspection occurs | DWORD | UNSUPPORTED | FALSE | `ThreadGuardPages` | | DWORD | EXTERNAL | 0 | REGUTIL_default -- 2.7.4