From 4591bda0d9fda516b7a448ff3283b5e5427620ee Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ravi Eda Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2017 21:32:08 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] Add security build definitions. Commit migrated from --- .../DotNet-Core-Setup-Security-Windows.json | 568 +++++++++++++++++++++ src/installer/buildpipeline/security/dir.props | 4 + src/installer/buildpipeline/security/pipeline.json | 22 + .../buildpipeline/security/syncAzure.proj | 20 + .../buildpipeline/security/syncAzure.targets | 29 ++ 5 files changed, 643 insertions(+) create mode 100644 src/installer/buildpipeline/security/DotNet-Core-Setup-Security-Windows.json create mode 100644 src/installer/buildpipeline/security/dir.props create mode 100644 src/installer/buildpipeline/security/pipeline.json create mode 100644 src/installer/buildpipeline/security/syncAzure.proj create mode 100644 src/installer/buildpipeline/security/syncAzure.targets diff --git a/src/installer/buildpipeline/security/DotNet-Core-Setup-Security-Windows.json b/src/installer/buildpipeline/security/DotNet-Core-Setup-Security-Windows.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1f8b65e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/installer/buildpipeline/security/DotNet-Core-Setup-Security-Windows.json @@ -0,0 +1,568 @@ +{ + "build": [ + { + "enabled": true, + "continueOnError": true, + "alwaysRun": false, + "displayName": "Run clean.cmd", + "timeoutInMinutes": 0, + "condition": "succeeded()", + "task": { + "id": "d9bafed4-0b18-4f58-968d-86655b4d2ce9", + "versionSpec": "1.*", + "definitionType": "task" + }, + "inputs": { + "filename": "clean.cmd", + "arguments": "-all", + "workingFolder": "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)", + "failOnStandardError": "false" + } + }, + { + "enabled": true, + "continueOnError": false, + "alwaysRun": false, + "displayName": "Download Packages", + "timeoutInMinutes": 0, + "condition": "succeeded()", + "task": { + "id": "c6c4c611-aa2e-4a33-b606-5eaba2196824", + "versionSpec": "1.*", + "definitionType": "task" + }, + "inputs": { + "solution": "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\\buildpipeline\\security\\syncAzure.proj", + "msbuildLocationMethod": "version", + "msbuildVersion": "15.0", + "msbuildArchitecture": "x64", + "msbuildLocation": "", + "platform": "x64", + "configuration": "$(BuildConfiguration)", + "msbuildArguments": "/p:AzureAccount=\"$(PB_CloudDropAccountName)\" /p:AzureToken=\"$(PB_CloudDropAccessToken)\" /p:BlobName=\"$(PB_BlobName)\" /verbosity:diag", + "clean": "false", + "maximumCpuCount": "false", + "restoreNugetPackages": "false", + "logProjectEvents": "false", + "createLogFile": "false" + } + }, + { + "enabled": true, + "continueOnError": true, + "alwaysRun": false, + "displayName": "Extract downloaded nupkgs", + "timeoutInMinutes": 0, + "condition": "succeeded()", + "task": { + "id": "e213ff0f-5d5c-4791-802d-52ea3e7be1f1", + "versionSpec": "1.*", + "definitionType": "task" + }, + "inputs": { + "scriptType": "inlineScript", + "scriptName": "", + "arguments": "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)", + "workingFolder": "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)", + "inlineScript": "param($SrcDir)\n$secDir = Join-Path \"$SrcDir\" \"security\"\n$pkgDir = \"$SrcDir\\packages\\AzureTransfer\"\ngci \"$pkgDir\\*.nupkg\" | rename-item -newname { [io.path]::ChangeExtension($, \"zip\") }\ngci \"$pkgDir\\*.zip\" | % {\n$dstDir = Join-Path \"$secDir\" $($_.BaseName)\nExpand-Archive -Path $($_.FullName) -DestinationPath \"$dstDir\" -Force\n}\n", + "failOnStandardError": "true" + } + }, + { + "enabled": true, + "continueOnError": false, + "alwaysRun": false, + "displayName": "List all files", + "timeoutInMinutes": 0, + "condition": "succeeded()", + "task": { + "id": "e213ff0f-5d5c-4791-802d-52ea3e7be1f1", + "versionSpec": "1.*", + "definitionType": "task" + }, + "inputs": { + "scriptType": "inlineScript", + "scriptName": "", + "arguments": "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)", + "workingFolder": "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)", + "inlineScript": "param($SrcDir)\n$fileCount = 0\ngci $SrcDir -recurse | % {\nWrite-Host $($_.FullName)\n$fileCount += 1\n}\nWrite-Host \"File Count: $fileCount\"\n", + "failOnStandardError": "true" + } + }, + { + "enabled": true, + "continueOnError": true, + "alwaysRun": false, + "displayName": "Remove files other than DLLs, PDBs and TXT", + "timeoutInMinutes": 0, + "condition": "succeeded()", + "task": { + "id": "e213ff0f-5d5c-4791-802d-52ea3e7be1f1", + "versionSpec": "1.*", + "definitionType": "task" + }, + "inputs": { + "scriptType": "inlineScript", + "scriptName": "", + "arguments": "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)", + "workingFolder": "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)", + "inlineScript": "param($SrcDir)\n$secDir = Join-Path \"$SrcDir\" \"security\"\n$extList = \".dll\", \".pdb\", \".txt\"\ngci $secDir -Recurse | where { !$_.PSIsContainer } | % {\nif ($extList -inotcontains $_.Extension)\n{\n rm $_.FullName -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue\n Write-Host \"Removed $($_.FullName)\"\n}\n}\n\n", + "failOnStandardError": "true" + } + }, + { + "enabled": true, + "continueOnError": true, + "alwaysRun": false, + "displayName": "Workaround for long path - DELETE files with path length greater than or equal to 240 characters", + "timeoutInMinutes": 0, + "condition": "succeeded()", + "task": { + "id": "e213ff0f-5d5c-4791-802d-52ea3e7be1f1", + "versionSpec": "1.*", + "definitionType": "task" + }, + "inputs": { + "scriptType": "inlineScript", + "scriptName": "", + "arguments": "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)", + "workingFolder": "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)", + "inlineScript": "param($SrcDir)\n$longPath = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList\ngci \"$SrcDir\\*\" -recurse | where {!$_.PSIsContainer} | % {\nif ($($_.FullName.Length) -ge 240)\n{\n$longPath.Add($($_.Directory.FullName)) | Out-Null\n}\n}\n$longPath | % {\nStart-Process \"cmd\" -ArgumentList \"/c rd /S /Q $_\" -Wait\nWrite-Host \"DELETED $_\"\n}\n", + "failOnStandardError": "true" + } + }, + { + "enabled": true, + "continueOnError": false, + "alwaysRun": false, + "displayName": "List all files - post delete", + "timeoutInMinutes": 0, + "condition": "succeeded()", + "task": { + "id": "e213ff0f-5d5c-4791-802d-52ea3e7be1f1", + "versionSpec": "1.*", + "definitionType": "task" + }, + "inputs": { + "scriptType": "inlineScript", + "scriptName": "", + "arguments": "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)", + "workingFolder": "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)", + "inlineScript": "param($SrcDir)\n$fileCount = 0\ngci $SrcDir -recurse | % {\nWrite-Host $($_.FullName)\n$fileCount += 1\n}\nWrite-Host \"File Count: $fileCount\"\n", + "failOnStandardError": "true" + } + }, + { + "enabled": true, + "continueOnError": true, + "alwaysRun": false, + "displayName": "Run BinSkim ", + "timeoutInMinutes": 0, + "condition": "succeeded()", + "task": { + "id": "3056813a-40e9-4b2f-8f6b-612d1bc4e045", + "versionSpec": "3.*", + "definitionType": "task" + }, + "inputs": { + "InputType": "CommandLine", + "arguments": "analyze security\\*.dll --recurse --sympath security\\*.pdb --verbose --statistics", + "Function": "analyze", + "AnalyzeTarget": "$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)", + "AnalyzeSymPath": "", + "AnalyzeConfigPath": "default", + "AnalyzePluginPath": "", + 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Stop\nStart-Process \"$git\" -ArgumentList \"checkout $sha\" -Wait -Verbose -ErrorAction Stop\nWrite-Host \"Checked out at $sha\"\nbreak\n}\n}", + "failOnStandardError": "true" + } + }, + { + "enabled": true, + "continueOnError": true, + "alwaysRun": false, + "displayName": "Run CredScan", + "timeoutInMinutes": 0, + "condition": "succeeded()", + "task": { + "id": "ea576cd4-c61f-48f8-97e7-a3cb07b90a6f", + "versionSpec": "2.*", + "definitionType": "task" + }, + "inputs": { + "outputFormat": "pre", + "toolVersion": "Latest", + "scanFolder": "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)", + "searchersFileType": "Default", + "searchersFile": "", + "suppressionsFile": "", + "suppressAsError": "false", + "batchSize": "" + } + }, + { + "enabled": true, + "continueOnError": true, + "alwaysRun": false, + "displayName": "Run PoliCheck", + "timeoutInMinutes": 0, + "condition": "succeeded()", + "task": { + "id": "d785890c-0d0d-46bd-8167-8fa9d49990c7", + "versionSpec": "1.*", + "definitionType": "task" + }, + 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"PlatformName": "", + "SDLToolName": "", + "SDLToolResultFile": "" + } + }, + { + "enabled": true, + "continueOnError": true, + "alwaysRun": false, + "displayName": "TSA upload to Codebase: DotNet-Core-Setup-Trusted_$(CodeBase) Stamp: Azure", + "timeoutInMinutes": 0, + "condition": "succeeded()", + "task": { + "id": "3da26988-bb64-4a23-8f06-45531d297dae", + "versionSpec": "1.*", + "definitionType": "task" + }, + "inputs": { + "codebase": "NewOrUpdate", + "tsaStamp": "Azure", + "tsaWebApiUrl": "$(TSAStamp)", + "codeBaseName": "DotNet-Core-Setup-Trusted_$(CodeBase)", + "notificationAlias": "$(NotificationAlias)", + "codeBaseAdmins": "NORTHAMERICA\\raeda", + "instanceUrlAzure": "MSAZURE", + "instanceUrlDevDiv": "DEVDIV", + "projectNameMSAZURE": "One", + "projectNameIDENTITYDIVISION": "", + "projectNameDEVDIV": "DevDiv", + "areaPath": "One\\DevDiv\\DotNetCore", + "iterationPath": "One", + "uploadAPIScan": "true", + "uploadBinScope": "false", + "uploadBinSkim": "true", + "uploadCredScan": 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{ + "id": 39, + "name": "DotNet-Build" + } + }, + "id": 6661, + "name": "DotNet-Core-Setup-Security-Windows", + "url": "", + "uri": "vstfs:///Build/Definition/6661", + "path": "\\", + "type": 2, + "revision": 2, + "createdDate": "2017-06-21T21:58:12.397Z", + "project": { + "id": "0bdbc590-a062-4c3f-b0f6-9383f67865ee", + "name": "DevDiv", + "description": "Visual Studio and DevDiv team project for git source code repositories. Work items will be added for Adams, Dev14 work items are tracked in vstfdevdiv. ", + "url": "", + "state": "wellFormed", + "revision": 418097676, + "visibility": 0 + } +} diff --git a/src/installer/buildpipeline/security/dir.props b/src/installer/buildpipeline/security/dir.props new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9024fa7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/installer/buildpipeline/security/dir.props @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/installer/buildpipeline/security/pipeline.json b/src/installer/buildpipeline/security/pipeline.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..07a18fa --- /dev/null +++ b/src/installer/buildpipeline/security/pipeline.json @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +{ + "Repository": "corefx", + "Definitions": { + "Path": ".", + "Type": "VSTS", + "BaseUrl": "", + "SkipBranchAndVersionOverrides": "false" + }, + "Pipelines": [ + { + "Name": "Security Build for Windows", + "Parameters": { + "TreatWarningsAsErrors": "false" + }, + "Definitions": [ + { + "Name": "DotNet-Core-Setup-Security-Windows" + } + ] + } + ] +} diff --git a/src/installer/buildpipeline/security/syncAzure.proj b/src/installer/buildpipeline/security/syncAzure.proj new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7eaa6ed --- /dev/null +++ b/src/installer/buildpipeline/security/syncAzure.proj @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ + + + + + + dotnet + $(PackagesDir)AzureTransfer + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/src/installer/buildpipeline/security/syncAzure.targets b/src/installer/buildpipeline/security/syncAzure.targets new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0bdd148 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/installer/buildpipeline/security/syncAzure.targets @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ + + + + + + + $(PackagesDir)/AzureTransfer + + + + + + + + + <_CoreHostPackages Include="%(_BlobList.Identity)" Condition="'%(_BlobList.Extension)' == '.nupkg'" /> + + + + + \ No newline at end of file -- 2.7.4