From 44397cb57df3a94e0265ab94619e4aa18e1da46b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: adrianknight89 Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2016 13:57:15 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] Full feature compatibility with WPF's Colors class (#393) Added color definitions to match X11 color table. Warning: the saturation of Pink was changed lightly --- Xamarin.Forms.Core/Color.cs | 127 +- Xamarin.Forms.Core/ColorTypeConverter.cs | 126 +- docs/Xamarin.Forms.Core/Xamarin.Forms/Color.xml | 1978 ++++++++++++++++++++++- 3 files changed, 2225 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) diff --git a/Xamarin.Forms.Core/Color.cs b/Xamarin.Forms.Core/Color.cs index 1444d98..deb0f4f 100644 --- a/Xamarin.Forms.Core/Color.cs +++ b/Xamarin.Forms.Core/Color.cs @@ -350,26 +350,149 @@ namespace Xamarin.Forms #region Color Definitions - public static readonly Color Transparent = FromRgba(0, 0, 0, 0); + // matches colors in WPF's System.Windows.Media.Colors + public static readonly Color AliceBlue = FromRgb(240, 248, 255); + public static readonly Color AntiqueWhite = FromRgb(250, 235, 215); public static readonly Color Aqua = FromRgb(0, 255, 255); + public static readonly Color Aquamarine = FromRgb(127, 255, 212); + public static readonly Color Azure = FromRgb(240, 255, 255); + public static readonly Color Beige = FromRgb(245, 245, 220); + public static readonly Color Bisque = FromRgb(255, 228, 196); public static readonly Color Black = FromRgb(0, 0, 0); + public static readonly Color BlanchedAlmond = FromRgb(255, 235, 205); public static readonly Color Blue = FromRgb(0, 0, 255); + public static readonly Color BlueViolet = FromRgb(138, 43, 226); + public static readonly Color Brown = FromRgb(165, 42, 42); + public static readonly Color BurlyWood = FromRgb(222, 184, 135); + public static readonly Color CadetBlue = FromRgb(95, 158, 160); + public static readonly Color Chartreuse = FromRgb(127, 255, 0); + public static readonly Color Chocolate = FromRgb(210, 105, 30); + public static readonly Color Coral = FromRgb(255, 127, 80); + public static readonly Color CornflowerBlue = FromRgb(100, 149, 237); + public static readonly Color Cornsilk = FromRgb(255, 248, 220); + public static readonly Color Crimson = FromRgb(220, 20, 60); + public static readonly Color Cyan = FromRgb(0, 255, 255); + public static readonly Color DarkBlue = FromRgb(0, 0, 139); + public static readonly Color DarkCyan = FromRgb(0, 139, 139); + public static readonly Color DarkGoldenrod = FromRgb(184, 134, 11); + public static readonly Color DarkGray = FromRgb(169, 169, 169); + public static readonly Color DarkGreen = FromRgb(0, 100, 0); + public static readonly Color DarkKhaki = FromRgb(189, 183, 107); + public static readonly Color DarkMagenta = FromRgb(139, 0, 139); + public static readonly Color DarkOliveGreen = FromRgb(85, 107, 47); + public static readonly Color DarkOrange = FromRgb(255, 140, 0); + public static readonly Color DarkOrchid = FromRgb(153, 50, 204); + public static readonly Color DarkRed = FromRgb(139, 0, 0); + public static readonly Color DarkSalmon = FromRgb(233, 150, 122); + public static readonly Color DarkSeaGreen = FromRgb(143, 188, 143); + public static readonly Color DarkSlateBlue = FromRgb(72, 61, 139); + public static readonly Color DarkSlateGray = FromRgb(47, 79, 79); + public static readonly Color DarkTurquoise = FromRgb(0, 206, 209); + public static readonly Color DarkViolet = FromRgb(148, 0, 211); + public static readonly Color DeepPink = FromRgb(255, 20, 147); + public static readonly Color DeepSkyBlue = FromRgb(0, 191, 255); + public static readonly Color DimGray = FromRgb(105, 105, 105); + public static readonly Color DodgerBlue = FromRgb(30, 144, 255); + public static readonly Color Firebrick = FromRgb(178, 34, 34); + public static readonly Color FloralWhite = FromRgb(255, 250, 240); + public static readonly Color ForestGreen = FromRgb(34, 139, 34); public static readonly Color Fuchsia = FromRgb(255, 0, 255); [Obsolete("Fuschia is obsolete as of version 1.3, please use the correct spelling of Fuchsia")] public static readonly Color Fuschia = FromRgb(255, 0, 255); + public static readonly Color Gainsboro = FromRgb(220, 220, 220); + public static readonly Color GhostWhite = FromRgb(248, 248, 255); + public static readonly Color Gold = FromRgb(255, 215, 0); + public static readonly Color Goldenrod = FromRgb(218, 165, 32); public static readonly Color Gray = FromRgb(128, 128, 128); public static readonly Color Green = FromRgb(0, 128, 0); + public static readonly Color GreenYellow = FromRgb(173, 255, 47); + public static readonly Color Honeydew = FromRgb(240, 255, 240); + public static readonly Color HotPink = FromRgb(255, 105, 180); + public static readonly Color IndianRed = FromRgb(205, 92, 92); + public static readonly Color Indigo = FromRgb(75, 0, 130); + public static readonly Color Ivory = FromRgb(255, 255, 240); + public static readonly Color Khaki = FromRgb(240, 230, 140); + public static readonly Color Lavender = FromRgb(230, 230, 250); + public static readonly Color LavenderBlush = FromRgb(255, 240, 245); + public static readonly Color LawnGreen = FromRgb(124, 252, 0); + public static readonly Color LemonChiffon = FromRgb(255, 250, 205); + public static readonly Color LightBlue = FromRgb(173, 216, 230); + public static readonly Color LightCoral = FromRgb(240, 128, 128); + public static readonly Color LightCyan = FromRgb(224, 255, 255); + public static readonly Color LightGoldenrodYellow = FromRgb(250, 250, 210); + public static readonly Color LightGray = FromRgb(211, 211, 211); + public static readonly Color LightGreen = FromRgb(144, 238, 144); + public static readonly Color LightPink = FromRgb(255, 182, 193); + public static readonly Color LightSalmon = FromRgb(255, 160, 122); + public static readonly Color LightSeaGreen = FromRgb(32, 178, 170); + public static readonly Color LightSkyBlue = FromRgb(135, 206, 250); + public static readonly Color LightSlateGray = FromRgb(119, 136, 153); + public static readonly Color LightSteelBlue = FromRgb(176, 196, 222); + public static readonly Color LightYellow = FromRgb(255, 255, 224); public static readonly Color Lime = FromRgb(0, 255, 0); + public static readonly Color LimeGreen = FromRgb(50, 205, 50); + public static readonly Color Linen = FromRgb(250, 240, 230); + public static readonly Color Magenta = FromRgb(255, 0, 255); public static readonly Color Maroon = FromRgb(128, 0, 0); + public static readonly Color MediumAquamarine = FromRgb(102, 205, 170); + public static readonly Color MediumBlue = FromRgb(0, 0, 205); + public static readonly Color MediumOrchid = FromRgb(186, 85, 211); + public static readonly Color MediumPurple = FromRgb(147, 112, 219); + public static readonly Color MediumSeaGreen = FromRgb(60, 179, 113); + public static readonly Color MediumSlateBlue = FromRgb(123, 104, 238); + public static readonly Color MediumSpringGreen = FromRgb(0, 250, 154); + public static readonly Color MediumTurquoise = FromRgb(72, 209, 204); + public static readonly Color MediumVioletRed = FromRgb(199, 21, 133); + public static readonly Color MidnightBlue = FromRgb(25, 25, 112); + public static readonly Color MintCream = FromRgb(245, 255, 250); + public static readonly Color MistyRose = FromRgb(255, 228, 225); + public static readonly Color Moccasin = FromRgb(255, 228, 181); + public static readonly Color NavajoWhite = FromRgb(255, 222, 173); public static readonly Color Navy = FromRgb(0, 0, 128); + public static readonly Color OldLace = FromRgb(253, 245, 230); public static readonly Color Olive = FromRgb(128, 128, 0); + public static readonly Color OliveDrab = FromRgb(107, 142, 35); public static readonly Color Orange = FromRgb(255, 165, 0); + public static readonly Color OrangeRed = FromRgb(255, 69, 0); + public static readonly Color Orchid = FromRgb(218, 112, 214); + public static readonly Color PaleGoldenrod = FromRgb(238, 232, 170); + public static readonly Color PaleGreen = FromRgb(152, 251, 152); + public static readonly Color PaleTurquoise = FromRgb(175, 238, 238); + public static readonly Color PaleVioletRed = FromRgb(219, 112, 147); + public static readonly Color PapayaWhip = FromRgb(255, 239, 213); + public static readonly Color PeachPuff = FromRgb(255, 218, 185); + public static readonly Color Peru = FromRgb(205, 133, 63); + public static readonly Color Pink = FromRgb(255, 192, 203); + public static readonly Color Plum = FromRgb(221, 160, 221); + public static readonly Color PowderBlue = FromRgb(176, 224, 230); public static readonly Color Purple = FromRgb(128, 0, 128); - public static readonly Color Pink = FromRgb(255, 102, 255); public static readonly Color Red = FromRgb(255, 0, 0); + public static readonly Color RosyBrown = FromRgb(188, 143, 143); + public static readonly Color RoyalBlue = FromRgb(65, 105, 225); + public static readonly Color SaddleBrown = FromRgb(139, 69, 19); + public static readonly Color Salmon = FromRgb(250, 128, 114); + public static readonly Color SandyBrown = FromRgb(244, 164, 96); + public static readonly Color SeaGreen = FromRgb(46, 139, 87); + public static readonly Color SeaShell = FromRgb(255, 245, 238); + public static readonly Color Sienna = FromRgb(160, 82, 45); public static readonly Color Silver = FromRgb(192, 192, 192); + public static readonly Color SkyBlue = FromRgb(135, 206, 235); + public static readonly Color SlateBlue = FromRgb(106, 90, 205); + public static readonly Color SlateGray = FromRgb(112, 128, 144); + public static readonly Color Snow = FromRgb(255, 250, 250); + public static readonly Color SpringGreen = FromRgb(0, 255, 127); + public static readonly Color SteelBlue = FromRgb(70, 130, 180); + public static readonly Color Tan = FromRgb(210, 180, 140); public static readonly Color Teal = FromRgb(0, 128, 128); + public static readonly Color Thistle = FromRgb(216, 191, 216); + public static readonly Color Tomato = FromRgb(255, 99, 71); + public static readonly Color Transparent = FromRgba(255, 255, 255, 0); + public static readonly Color Turquoise = FromRgb(64, 224, 208); + public static readonly Color Violet = FromRgb(238, 130, 238); + public static readonly Color Wheat = FromRgb(245, 222, 179); public static readonly Color White = FromRgb(255, 255, 255); + public static readonly Color WhiteSmoke = FromRgb(245, 245, 245); public static readonly Color Yellow = FromRgb(255, 255, 0); + public static readonly Color YellowGreen = FromRgb(154, 205, 50); #endregion } diff --git a/Xamarin.Forms.Core/ColorTypeConverter.cs b/Xamarin.Forms.Core/ColorTypeConverter.cs index 0eb6fab..49c624a 100644 --- a/Xamarin.Forms.Core/ColorTypeConverter.cs +++ b/Xamarin.Forms.Core/ColorTypeConverter.cs @@ -19,25 +19,147 @@ namespace Xamarin.Forms switch (color) { case "Default": return Color.Default; case "Accent": return Color.Accent; - case "Transparent": return Color.Transparent; + case "AliceBlue": return Color.AliceBlue; + case "AntiqueWhite": return Color.AntiqueWhite; case "Aqua": return Color.Aqua; + case "Aquamarine": return Color.Aquamarine; + case "Azure": return Color.Azure; + case "Beige": return Color.Beige; + case "Bisque": return Color.Bisque; case "Black": return Color.Black; + case "BlanchedAlmond": return Color.BlanchedAlmond; case "Blue": return Color.Blue; + case "BlueViolet": return Color.BlueViolet; + case "Brown": return Color.Brown; + case "BurlyWood": return Color.BurlyWood; + case "CadetBlue": return Color.CadetBlue; + case "Chartreuse": return Color.Chartreuse; + case "Chocolate": return Color.Chocolate; + case "Coral": return Color.Coral; + case "CornflowerBlue": return Color.CornflowerBlue; + case "Cornsilk": return Color.Cornsilk; + case "Crimson": return Color.Crimson; + case "Cyan": return Color.Cyan; + case "DarkBlue": return Color.DarkBlue; + case "DarkCyan": return Color.DarkCyan; + case "DarkGoldenrod": return Color.DarkGoldenrod; + case "DarkGray": return Color.DarkGray; + case "DarkGreen": return Color.DarkGreen; + case "DarkKhaki": return Color.DarkKhaki; + case "DarkMagenta": return Color.DarkMagenta; + case "DarkOliveGreen": return Color.DarkOliveGreen; + case "DarkOrange": return Color.DarkOrange; + case "DarkOrchid": return Color.DarkOrchid; + case "DarkRed": return Color.DarkRed; + case "DarkSalmon": return Color.DarkSalmon; + case "DarkSeaGreen": return Color.DarkSeaGreen; + case "DarkSlateBlue": return Color.DarkSlateBlue; + case "DarkSlateGray": return Color.DarkSlateGray; + case "DarkTurquoise": return Color.DarkTurquoise; + case "DarkViolet": return Color.DarkViolet; + case "DeepPink": return Color.DeepPink; + case "DeepSkyBlue": return Color.DeepSkyBlue; + case "DimGray": return Color.DimGray; + case "DodgerBlue": return Color.DodgerBlue; + case "Firebrick": return Color.Firebrick; + case "FloralWhite": return Color.FloralWhite; + case "ForestGreen": return Color.ForestGreen; case "Fuchsia": return Color.Fuchsia; + case "Gainsboro": return Color.Gainsboro; + case "GhostWhite": return Color.GhostWhite; + case "Gold": return Color.Gold; + case "Goldenrod": return Color.Goldenrod; case "Gray": return Color.Gray; case "Green": return Color.Green; + case "GreenYellow": return Color.GreenYellow; + case "Honeydew": return Color.Honeydew; + case "HotPink": return Color.HotPink; + case "IndianRed": return Color.IndianRed; + case "Indigo": return Color.Indigo; + case "Ivory": return Color.Ivory; + case "Khaki": return Color.Khaki; + case "Lavender": return Color.Lavender; + case "LavenderBlush": return Color.LavenderBlush; + case "LawnGreen": return Color.LawnGreen; + case "LemonChiffon": return Color.LemonChiffon; + case "LightBlue": return Color.LightBlue; + case "LightCoral": return Color.LightCoral; + case "LightCyan": return Color.LightCyan; + case "LightGoldenrodYellow": return Color.LightGoldenrodYellow; + case "LightGray": return Color.LightGray; + case "LightGreen": return Color.LightGreen; + case "LightPink": return Color.LightPink; + case "LightSalmon": return Color.LightSalmon; + case "LightSeaGreen": return Color.LightSeaGreen; + case "LightSkyBlue": return Color.LightSkyBlue; + case "LightSlateGray": return Color.LightSlateGray; + case "LightSteelBlue": return Color.LightSteelBlue; + case "LightYellow": return Color.LightYellow; case "Lime": return Color.Lime; + case "LimeGreen": return Color.LimeGreen; + case "Linen": return Color.Linen; + case "Magenta": return Color.Magenta; case "Maroon": return Color.Maroon; + case "MediumAquamarine": return Color.MediumAquamarine; + case "MediumBlue": return Color.MediumBlue; + case "MediumOrchid": return Color.MediumOrchid; + case "MediumPurple": return Color.MediumPurple; + case "MediumSeaGreen": return Color.MediumSeaGreen; + case "MediumSlateBlue": return Color.MediumSlateBlue; + case "MediumSpringGreen": return Color.MediumSpringGreen; + case "MediumTurquoise": return Color.MediumTurquoise; + case "MediumVioletRed": return Color.MediumVioletRed; + case "MidnightBlue": return Color.MidnightBlue; + case "MintCream": return Color.MintCream; + case "MistyRose": return Color.MistyRose; + case "Moccasin": return Color.Moccasin; + case "NavajoWhite": return Color.NavajoWhite; case "Navy": return Color.Navy; + case "OldLace": return Color.OldLace; case "Olive": return Color.Olive; + case "OliveDrab": return Color.OliveDrab; case "Orange": return Color.Orange; - case "Purple": return Color.Purple; + case "OrangeRed": return Color.OrangeRed; + case "Orchid": return Color.Orchid; + case "PaleGoldenrod": return Color.PaleGoldenrod; + case "PaleGreen": return Color.PaleGreen; + case "PaleTurquoise": return Color.PaleTurquoise; + case "PaleVioletRed": return Color.PaleVioletRed; + case "PapayaWhip": return Color.PapayaWhip; + case "PeachPuff": return Color.PeachPuff; + case "Peru": return Color.Peru; case "Pink": return Color.Pink; + case "Plum": return Color.Plum; + case "PowderBlue": return Color.PowderBlue; + case "Purple": return Color.Purple; case "Red": return Color.Red; + case "RosyBrown": return Color.RosyBrown; + case "RoyalBlue": return Color.RoyalBlue; + case "SaddleBrown": return Color.SaddleBrown; + case "Salmon": return Color.Salmon; + case "SandyBrown": return Color.SandyBrown; + case "SeaGreen": return Color.SeaGreen; + case "SeaShell": return Color.SeaShell; + case "Sienna": return Color.Sienna; case "Silver": return Color.Silver; + case "SkyBlue": return Color.SkyBlue; + case "SlateBlue": return Color.SlateBlue; + case "SlateGray": return Color.SlateGray; + case "Snow": return Color.Snow; + case "SpringGreen": return Color.SpringGreen; + case "SteelBlue": return Color.SteelBlue; + case "Tan": return Color.Tan; case "Teal": return Color.Teal; + case "Thistle": return Color.Thistle; + case "Tomato": return Color.Tomato; + case "Transparent": return Color.Transparent; + case "Turquoise": return Color.Turquoise; + case "Violet": return Color.Violet; + case "Wheat": return Color.Wheat; case "White": return Color.White; + case "WhiteSmoke": return Color.WhiteSmoke; case "Yellow": return Color.Yellow; + case "YellowGreen": return Color.YellowGreen; } var field = typeof(Color).GetFields().FirstOrDefault(fi => fi.IsStatic && fi.Name == color); if (field != null) diff --git a/docs/Xamarin.Forms.Core/Xamarin.Forms/Color.xml b/docs/Xamarin.Forms.Core/Xamarin.Forms/Color.xml index 4368943..218a62a 100644 --- a/docs/Xamarin.Forms.Core/Xamarin.Forms/Color.xml +++ b/docs/Xamarin.Forms.Core/Xamarin.Forms/Color.xml @@ -43,7 +43,150 @@ Application developers can specify colors in XAML either as a hexadecimal number or as a valid color name. When specifying a color with a hexadecimal number, app developers can use 3, 4, or 6 digits. If the developer specifies 3 digits, they are interpreted as RGB doublet data for a fully opaque color. For example, "#123" specifies the color that is represented by "#FF112233". If the developer provides a 4-digit hexadecimal number, then the data are interpreted as above, except that the first digit specifies the alpha channel. For example, "#1234" specifies the color that is represented by "#11223344". Finally, if the developer provides a 6 digit hexadecimal number, the data are interpreted as a fully opaque color with those RGB values. For example, "#112233" specifies the color that is represented by "#FF112233". When specifying a color with a string, app developers can use color name in isolation, or prefix it with "Color.". For example, both Purple and Color.Purple are valid ways to specify the color purple. The following table describes the valid color names that can be used to specify colors in XAML. -ColorShort NameRGB ValueColor.TransparentTransparent0, 0, 0 (With the alpha channel set to 0.)Color.AquaAqua0, 255, 255Color.BlackBlack0, 0, 0Color.BlueBlue0, 0, 255Color.FuchsiaFuchsia255, 0, 255Color.GrayGray128, 128, 128Color.GreenGreen0, 128, 0Color.LimeLime0, 255, 0Color.MaroonMaroon128, 0, 0Color.NavyNavy0, 0, 128Color.OliveOlive128, 128, 0Color.OrangeOrange255, 165, 0Color.PurplePurple128, 0, 128Color.PinkPink255, 102, 255Color.RedRed255, 0, 0Color.SilverSilver192, 192, 192Color.TealTeal0, 128, 128Color.WhiteWhite255, 255, 255Color.YellowYellow255, 255, 0 +ColorShort NameRGB Value +Color.TransparentTransparent255, 255, 255 (With the alpha channel set to 0.) + Color.AquaAqua0, 255, 255 + Color.BlackBlack0, 0, 0 + Color.BlueBlue0, 0, 255 + Color.FuchsiaFuchsia255, 0, 255 + Color.GrayGray128, 128, 128 + Color.GreenGreen0, 128, 0 + Color.LimeLime0, 255, 0 + Color.MaroonMaroon128, 0, 0 + Color.NavyNavy0, 0, 128 + Color.OliveOlive128, 128, 0 + Color.OrangeOrange255, 165, 0 + Color.PurplePurple128, 0, 128 + Color.PinkPink255, 102, 255 + Color.RedRed255, 0, 0 + Color.SilverSilver192, 192, 192 + Color.TealTeal0, 128, 128 + Color.WhiteWhite255, 255, 255 + Color.YellowYellow255, 255, 0 + + Color.AliceBlueAliceBlue240, 248, 255 + Color.AntiqueWhiteAntiqueWhite250, 235, 215 + Color.AquamarineAquamarine127, 255, 212 + Color.AzureAzure240, 255, 255 + Color.BeigeBeige245, 245, 220 + Color.BisqueBisque255, 228, 196 + Color.BlanchedAlmondBlanchedAlmond255, 235, 205 + Color.BlueVioletBlueViolet138, 43, 226 + Color.BrownBrown165, 42, 42 + Color.BurlyWoodBurlyWood222, 184, 135 + Color.CadetBlueCadetBlue95, 158, 160 + Color.ChartreuseChartreuse127, 255, 0 + Color.ChocolateChocolate210, 105, 30 + Color.CoralCoral255, 127, 80 + Color.CornflowerBlueCornflowerBlue100, 149, 237 + Color.CornsilkCornsilk255, 248, 220 + Color.CrimsonCrimson220, 20, 60 + Color.CyanCyan0, 255, 255 + Color.DarkBlueDarkBlue0, 0, 139 + Color.DarkCyanDarkCyan0, 139, 139 + Color.DarkGoldenrodDarkGoldenrod184, 134, 11 + Color.DarkGrayDarkGray169, 169, 169 + Color.DarkGreenDarkGreen0, 100, 0 + Color.DarkKhakiDarkKhaki189, 183, 107 + Color.DarkMagentaDarkMagenta139, 0, 139 + Color.DarkOliveGreenDarkOliveGreen85, 107, 47 + Color.DarkOrangeDarkOrange255, 140, 0 + Color.DarkOrchidDarkOrchid153, 50, 204 + Color.DarkRedDarkRed139, 0, 0 + Color.DarkSalmonDarkSalmon233, 150, 122 + Color.DarkSeaGreenDarkSeaGreen143, 188, 143 + Color.DarkSlateBlueDarkSlateBlue72, 61, 139 + Color.DarkSlateGrayDarkSlateGray47, 79, 79 + Color.DarkTurquoiseDarkTurquoise0, 206, 209 + Color.DarkVioletDarkViolet148, 0, 211 + Color.DeepPinkDeepPink255, 20, 147 + Color.DeepSkyBlueDeepSkyBlue0, 191, 255 + Color.DimGrayDimGray105, 105, 105 + Color.DodgerBlueDodgerBlue30, 144, 255 + Color.FirebrickFirebrick178, 34, 34 + Color.FloralWhiteFloralWhite255, 250, 240 + Color.ForestGreenForestGreen34, 139, 34 + Color.GainsboroGainsboro220, 220, 220 + Color.GhostWhiteGhostWhite248, 248, 255 + Color.GoldGold255, 215, 0 + Color.GoldenrodGoldenrod218, 165, 32 + Color.GreenYellowGreenYellow173, 255, 47 + Color.HoneydewHoneydew240, 255, 240 + Color.HotPinkHotPink255, 105, 180 + Color.IndianRedIndianRed205, 92, 92 + Color.IndigoIndigo75, 0, 130 + Color.IvoryIvory255, 255, 240 + Color.KhakiKhaki240, 230, 140 + Color.LavenderLavender230, 230, 250 + Color.LavenderBlushLavenderBlush255, 240, 245 + Color.LawnGreenLawnGreen124, 252, 0 + Color.LemonChiffonLemonChiffon255, 250, 205 + Color.LightBlueLightBlue173, 216, 230 + Color.LightCoralLightCoral240, 128, 128 + Color.LightCyanLightCyan224, 255, 255 + Color.LightGoldenrodYellowLightGoldenrodYellow250, 250, 210 + Color.LightGrayLightGray211, 211, 211 + Color.LightGreenLightGreen144, 238, 144 + Color.LightPinkLightPink255, 182, 193 + Color.LightSalmonLightSalmon255, 160, 122 + Color.LightSeaGreenLightSeaGreen32, 178, 170 + Color.LightSkyBlueLightSkyBlue135, 206, 250 + Color.LightSlateGrayLightSlateGray119, 136, 153 + Color.LightSteelBlueLightSteelBlue176, 196, 222 + Color.LightYellowLightYellow255, 255, 224 + Color.LimeGreenLimeGreen50, 205, 50 + Color.LinenLinen250, 240, 230 + Color.MagentaMagenta255, 0, 255 + Color.MediumAquamarineMediumAquamarine102, 205, 170 + Color.MediumBlueMediumBlue0, 0, 205 + Color.MediumOrchidMediumOrchid186, 85, 211 + Color.MediumPurpleMediumPurple147, 112, 219 + Color.MediumSeaGreenMediumSeaGreen60, 179, 113 + Color.MediumSlateBlueMediumSlateBlue123, 104, 238 + Color.MediumSpringGreenMediumSpringGreen0, 250, 154 + Color.MediumTurquoiseMediumTurquoise72, 209, 204 + Color.MediumVioletRedMediumVioletRed199, 21, 133 + Color.MidnightBlueMidnightBlue25, 25, 112 + Color.MintCreamMintCream245, 255, 250 + Color.MistyRoseMistyRose255, 228, 225 + Color.MoccasinMoccasin255, 228, 181 + Color.NavajoWhiteNavajoWhite255, 222, 173 + Color.OldLaceOldLace253, 245, 230 + Color.OliveDrabOliveDrab107, 142, 35 + Color.OrangeRedOrangeRed255, 69, 0 + Color.OrchidOrchid218, 112, 214 + Color.PaleGoldenrodPaleGoldenrod238, 232, 170 + Color.PaleGreenPaleGreen152, 251, 152 + Color.PaleTurquoisePaleTurquoise175, 238, 238 + Color.PaleVioletRedPaleVioletRed219, 112, 147 + Color.PapayaWhipPapayaWhip255, 239, 213 + Color.PeachPuffPeachPuff255, 218, 185 + Color.PeruPeru205, 133, 63 + Color.PlumPlum221, 160, 221 + Color.PowderBluePowderBlue176, 224, 230 + Color.RosyBrownRosyBrown188, 143, 143 + Color.RoyalBlueRoyalBlue65, 105, 225 + Color.SaddleBrownSaddleBrown139, 69, 19 + Color.SalmonSalmon250, 128, 114 + Color.SandyBrownSandyBrown244, 164, 96 + Color.SeaGreenSeaGreen46, 139, 87 + Color.SeaShellSeaShell255, 245, 238 + Color.SiennaSienna160, 82, 45 + Color.SkyBlueSkyBlue135, 206, 235 + Color.SlateBlueSlateBlue106, 90, 205 + Color.SlateGraySlateGray112, 128, 144 + Color.SnowSnow255, 250, 250 + Color.SpringGreenSpringGreen0, 255, 127 + Color.SteelBlueSteelBlue70, 130, 180 + Color.TanTan210, 180, 140 + Color.ThistleThistle216, 191, 216 + Color.TomatoTomato255, 99, 71 + Color.TurquoiseTurquoise64, 224, 208 + Color.VioletViolet238, 130, 238 + Color.WheatWheat245, 222, 179 + Color.WhiteSmokeWhiteSmoke245, 245, 245 + Color.YellowGreenYellowGreen154, 205, 50 + @@ -1107,7 +1250,7 @@ Xamarin.Forms.Color - The transparent color, represented by the RGB value #00000000. + The transparent color, represented by the RGB value #ffffff00. The Alpha channel of the color is set to 0. @@ -1233,5 +1376,1836 @@ + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + AliceBlue, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFF0F8FF. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + AntiqueWhite, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFFAEBD7. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + Aquamarine, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FF7FFFD4. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + Azure, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFF0FFFF. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + Beige, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFF5F5DC. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + Bisque, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFFFE4C4. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + BlanchedAlmond, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFFFEBCD. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + BlueViolet, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FF8A2BE2. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + Brown, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFA52A2A. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + BurlyWood, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFDEB887. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + CadetBlue, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FF5F9EA0. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + Chartreuse, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FF7FFF00. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + Chocolate, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFD2691E. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + Coral, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFFF7F50. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + CornflowerBlue, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FF6495ED. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + Cornsilk, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFFFF8DC. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + Crimson, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFDC143C. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + Cyan, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FF00FFFF. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + DarkBlue, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FF00008B. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + DarkCyan, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FF008B8B. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + DarkGoldenrod, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFB8860B. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + DarkGray, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFA9A9A9. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + DarkGreen, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FF006400. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + DarkKhaki, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFBDB76B. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + DarkMagenta, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FF8B008B. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + DarkOliveGreen, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FF556B2F. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + DarkOrange, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFFF8C00. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + DarkOrchid, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FF9932CC. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + DarkRed, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FF8B0000. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + DarkSalmon, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFE9967A. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + DarkSeaGreen, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FF8FBC8F. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + DarkSlateBlue, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FF483D8B. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + DarkSlateGray, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FF2F4F4F. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + DarkTurquoise, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FF00CED1. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + DarkViolet, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FF9400D3. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + DeepPink, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFFF1493. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + DeepSkyBlue, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FF00BFFF. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + DimGray, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FF696969. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + DodgerBlue, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FF1E90FF. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + Firebrick, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFB22222. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + FloralWhite, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFFFFAF0. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + ForestGreen, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FF228B22. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + Gainsboro, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFDCDCDC. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + GhostWhite, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFF8F8FF. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + Gold, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFFFD700. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + Goldenrod, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFDAA520. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + GreenYellow, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFADFF2F. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + Honeydew, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFF0FFF0. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + HotPink, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFFF69B4. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + IndianRed, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFCD5C5C. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + Indigo, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FF4B0082. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + Ivory, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFFFFFF0. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + Khaki, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFF0E68C. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + Lavender, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFE6E6FA. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + LavenderBlush, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFFFF0F5. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + LawnGreen, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FF7CFC00. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + LemonChiffon, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFFFFACD. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + LightBlue, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFADD8E6. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + LightCoral, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFF08080. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + LightCyan, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFE0FFFF. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + LightGoldenrodYellow, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFFAFAD2. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + LightGray, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFD3D3D3. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + LightGreen, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FF90EE90. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + LightPink, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFFFB6C1. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + LightSalmon, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFFFA07A. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + LightSeaGreen, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FF20B2AA. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + LightSkyBlue, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FF87CEFA. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + LightSlateGray, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FF778899. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + LightSteelBlue, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFB0C4DE. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + LightYellow, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFFFFFE0. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + LimeGreen, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FF32CD32. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + Linen, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFFAF0E6. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + Magenta, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFFF00FF. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + MediumAquamarine, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FF66CDAA. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + MediumBlue, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FF0000CD. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + MediumOrchid, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFBA55D3. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + MediumPurple, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FF9370DB. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + MediumSeaGreen, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FF3CB371. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + MediumSlateBlue, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FF7B68EE. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + MediumSpringGreen, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FF00FA9A. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + MediumTurquoise, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FF48D1CC. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + MediumVioletRed, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFC71585. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + MidnightBlue, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FF191970. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + MintCream, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFF5FFFA. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + MistyRose, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFFFE4E1. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + Moccasin, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFFFE4B5. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + NavajoWhite, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFFFDEAD. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + OldLace, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFFDF5E6. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + OliveDrab, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FF6B8E23. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + OrangeRed, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFFF4500. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + Orchid, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFDA70D6. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + PaleGoldenrod, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFEEE8AA. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + PaleGreen, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FF98FB98. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + PaleTurquoise, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFAFEEEE. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + PaleVioletRed, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFDB7093. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + PapayaWhip, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFFFEFD5. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + PeachPuff, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFFFDAB9. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + Peru, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFCD853F. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + Plum, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFDDA0DD. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + PowderBlue, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFB0E0E6. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + RosyBrown, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFBC8F8F. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + RoyalBlue, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FF4169E1. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + SaddleBrown, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FF8B4513. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + Salmon, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFFA8072. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + SandyBrown, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFF4A460. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + SeaGreen, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FF2E8B57. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + SeaShell, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFFFF5EE. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + Sienna, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFA0522D. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + SkyBlue, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FF87CEEB. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + SlateBlue, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FF6A5ACD. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + SlateGray, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FF708090. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + Snow, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFFFFAFA. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + SpringGreen, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FF00FF7F. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + SteelBlue, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FF4682B4. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + Tan, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFD2B48C. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + Thistle, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFD8BFD8. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + Tomato, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFFF6347. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + Turquoise, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FF40E0D0. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + Violet, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFEE82EE. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + Wheat, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFF5DEB3. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + WhiteSmoke, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FFF5F5F5. + + + + + + + Field + + + + + Xamarin.Forms.Color + + + YellowGreen, the color that is represented by the RGB value #FF9ACD32. + + + -- 2.7.4