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Zofia Abramowska [Mon, 13 May 2013 14:27:11 +0000 (16:27 +0200)]
Removing test for revoking access given by app_give_access
[Issue#] SSDWSSP-229
[Bug/Feature] N/A
[Cause] Reimplementing process_app_give_access in security server
[Solution] Commented out test for revoking access given by
[Verification] Successful build
Change-Id: Ia4b2ba2b532adaf27d0d3f703520f7d2a90b0b47
Krzysztof Jackiewicz [Fri, 10 May 2013 15:44:56 +0000 (17:44 +0200)]
Label comparison fixed
[Issue#] N/A
[Problem] Test is sometimes failing
[Cause] Wrong comparison method
[Solution] Strcmp has been used.
[Verification] Run security-server-tests-label
Change-Id: Ib9bbe59c2b2e2e61c18726e479a7642ce8ad1238
Marcin Niesluchowski [Mon, 29 Apr 2013 14:45:59 +0000 (16:45 +0200)]
5 tests added - 1 smack_accesses_clear() test; 1 smack_revoke_subject() test; 1 smack_accesses_add_modify() test; 1 test for adding, removing rules; 1 test for saving, loading rules from file.
[Issue#] SSDWSSP-58
[Bug/Feature] Create additional 5 test cases for libsmack
[Cause] N/A
[Solution] N/A
[Verification] N/A
Change-Id: Ia3484d6ebdb48ba27e22018ca9c0e7dab5470db8
Marcin Niesluchowski [Wed, 24 Apr 2013 08:29:39 +0000 (10:29 +0200)]
Tests added to 5 functions (app_id_from_socket(), app_enable_permissions(), app_disable_permissions(), app_reset_permissions(), app_add_friend()) in libprivilege control and added file check in app_revoke_permissions().
[Issue#] SSDWSSP-199
[Bug/Feature] Tests to 5 functions.
[Cause] N/A
[Solution] N/A
[Verification] N/A
Change-Id: I8271f0c5f2f15f94ce185b9a3bf7ac77e02af03f
Krzysztof Jackiewicz [Tue, 7 May 2013 08:28:13 +0000 (10:28 +0200)]
Second app_install attempt should succeeed
[Issue#] N/A
[Problem] Test fails since multiple app_install calls have been allowed
[Cause] Test was not updated
[Solution] Test updated
[Verification] libprivilege-control-test --regexp=app_install
Change-Id: I23ee02848e43001376b90f50d3e746d9d56f119d
Marcin Niesluchowski [Tue, 7 May 2013 13:35:00 +0000 (15:35 +0200)]
tc04_security_server_get_gid_client_is_not_allowed changed
[Issue#] SSDDWSSP-225
[Bug/Feature] test tc04_security_server_get_gid_client_is_not_allowed fails.
[Cause] N/A
[Solution] N/A
[Verification] N/A
Change-Id: If1baf00bb89a0b7482b4f5c093daf2b2ca877b17
Zofia Abramowska [Fri, 26 Apr 2013 14:20:03 +0000 (16:20 +0200)]
Fixing klocwork bugs
[Issue#] N/A
[Bug] N/A
[Cause] N/A
[Solution] N/A
[Verification] Build and run tests
Change-Id: I651ac1a7d409024751952a11336b77561a7080cc
Marcin Niesluchowski [Thu, 2 May 2013 09:23:50 +0000 (11:23 +0200)]
Changed test to app_register_av() in tests to libprivilege-control
[Issue#] SSDWSSP-223
[Bug/Feature] Should fix bug in app_register_av() in libprivilege-control, but test needs to be fixed first
[Cause] N/A
[Solution] N/A
[Verification] N/A
Change-Id: I78005e206a860814683956b776dba8461d4b758e
Bartlomiej Grzelewski [Tue, 30 Apr 2013 14:56:15 +0000 (16:56 +0200)]
Add additional test for app_give_access.
[Issue#] N/A
[Bug] N/A
[Cause] N/A
[Solution] N/A
[Verification] Build.
Change-Id: I1227696cb0ab5480c15e7dd9c9c09ce4165ede11
Jan Cybulski [Tue, 23 Apr 2013 11:11:42 +0000 (13:11 +0200)]
Add test for security_server_get_smacklabel_sockfd
[Issue#] SSDWSSP-198
[Feature/Bug] security_server_get_smacklabel_sockfd has no tests yet
[Problem] N/A
[Cause] N/A
[Solution] Add test for API in existing testcase tc06_check_privilege_by_sockfd
[Verification] build, run the test, verify if it pass.
Change-Id: I2cbc713c37ff77270e83855d51bddc5048cbd233
Bartlomiej Grzelewski [Mon, 22 Apr 2013 16:23:37 +0000 (18:23 +0200)]
Test to: Implemet data control solution for OSP apps.
[Issue#] SSDWSSP-177
[Bug] N/A
[Cause] OPS application need to share memory.
[Solution] Add cross rules between OSP application.
Change-Id: I29b24d3fa8410b0f444f494d45e1c283605ce2af
Jan Cybulski [Thu, 18 Apr 2013 13:41:42 +0000 (15:41 +0200)]
Fixed tests for app_shared_dir_add_readers()
[Issue#] SSDWSSP-196
[Feature/Bug] app_shared_dir_add_readers() has to accept NULL in an argument list 'app_list'. Also added test to check what happens if the label in 'app_list' is not correct SMACK label
[Problem] N/A
[Cause] N/A
[Solution] As above mentioned.
[Verification] libprivilege-control-test --output=text
Change-Id: If53fc929d4900cefda345b240fce8d8d26250505
Jan Cybulski [Mon, 15 Apr 2013 13:00:39 +0000 (15:00 +0200)]
Change test tc07_check_privilege_by_sockfd
[Issue#] SDWSSP-189
[Feature] Changing testcase
[Cause] Test failed. Label kept in the socket can be different
than the label of the peer, when the peer changed the label
after creating socket.
[Solution] Changing label before creating socket.
Socket and peer label will stay the same.
[Verification] Successful build. Running the security server tests
Change-Id: I7f409492ea33cfa0a354d2527ae2752fe04e749e
Krzysztof Jackiewicz [Wed, 17 Apr 2013 17:47:04 +0000 (19:47 +0200)]
Tests for libprivilege add_new_feature API including guids
[Issue#] N/A
[Problem] N/A
[Cause] Tests for new API needed
[Solution] tests implemented
[Verification] libprivilege-control-test --output=text --regexp=add_api_feature
should pass
Change-Id: I2908f4a60da91bf21225527ff0044398f1f06c78
Jan Cybulski [Tue, 2 Apr 2013 11:09:41 +0000 (13:09 +0200)]
Added test for app_label_shared_dir on same subject as object behaviour
[Issue#] SSDWSSP-154
[Feature] Tests for new functionalities.
[Cause] Change in libsmack.
[Solution] Test checks what the function does when labels are equal
[Verification] Successful build. Running the tests
Change-Id: I59adbe589817172594187473d51a22fb5b2cc1d8
Jan Cybulski [Wed, 17 Apr 2013 16:38:47 +0000 (18:38 +0200)]
Add test privilege_control05_add_shared_dir_readers
[Issue#] SSDWSSP-154
[Feature] Tests the functionality of a new API add_shared_dir_readers.
[Verification] Successful build, running the libprivilige tests.
Change-Id: I25c6c9c0f4ae072477b6177e6dd6d2d7a92e702e
Pawel Polawski [Mon, 15 Apr 2013 15:01:56 +0000 (17:01 +0200)]
Add new tests for new security-server api function
[Issue#] SSDWSSP-185
[Feature] New security-server API
[Problem] N/A
[Cause] N/A
[Solution] N/A
[Verification] New test should not fail
Change-Id: Ie733c0b47545f874b7b7856fc479ccda204cfdbd
Rafal Krypa [Wed, 17 Apr 2013 15:59:36 +0000 (17:59 +0200)]
Modify, systematize and reorder tests related the following libprivilege-control APIs:
- app_install
- app_add_permissions
- app_revoke_permissions
- set_app_privilege
- app_uninstall
They now depend on each other and use the same app_id. Current tests conform
to latest libprivilege-control requirements and design.
Change-Id: I13f675b8d8840d9cb6d0ee538e33409b025c7648
Janusz Kozerski [Mon, 8 Apr 2013 15:44:13 +0000 (17:44 +0200)]
Add API app_register_av and app_install function test cases. Change tests that drops privileges to "RUNNER_CHILD_TEST".
[Issue#] SSDWSSP-176
[Feature] 2 new testcases.
[Cause] N/A
[Solution] N/A
[Verification] Needs commit:
Change-Id: Ie727f0ce172aeced6cde1d473220452e3c5b1975
Bartlomiej Grzelewski [Tue, 16 Apr 2013 11:53:51 +0000 (13:53 +0200)]
Test of function security_server_app_give_access.
[Issue#] N/A
[Bug] N/A
[Cause] N/A
[Solution] N/A
[Verification] Two test has been added to
security_server_app_give_access. First must pass.
Change-Id: Ic28b713bb4cb3f0ac419bbdd1d56ea4f70abecfa
Zofia Abramowska [Mon, 15 Apr 2013 11:46:53 +0000 (13:46 +0200)]
Fixing Klocwork bugs
[Issue#] N/A
[Bug] N/A
[Cause] N/A
[Solution] N/A
[Verification] Successful build, tests passed
Change-Id: I206403dacfa4211f5f8367203fbdadccd511687b
Jan Cybulski [Thu, 11 Apr 2013 13:50:18 +0000 (15:50 +0200)]
Revert "Test binaries added to middleware list"
[Issue#] SSDWSSP-186
[Feature] This reverts commit
55543351efa199b142aa017d907605d3ab87866d. Middleware list is no longer used in security-server.
[Verification] Successful build.
Change-Id: I9040e5ff52044526f6795cdabcf6982c853404f8
Krzysztof Jackiewicz [Thu, 11 Apr 2013 08:27:02 +0000 (10:27 +0200)]
Test case for libprivilegecontrol add_api_feature API
[Issue#] N/A
[Feature] Unit tests for new API
[Problem] N/A
[Cause] N/A
[Solution] Unit tests implemented
[Verification] Run libprivilege-control-test --output=text
Change-Id: I6a0dd071b1acf3dda717669990a2cddeca89af86
Bartlomiej Grzelewski [Wed, 10 Apr 2013 14:32:50 +0000 (16:32 +0200)]
Test for app_give_access, app_revoke_access function.
[Issue#] SSDWSSP-177
[Bug] N/A
[Cause] N/A
[Solution] N/A
[Verification] Build. Run libprivilege-control tests.
New test has been added and it should pass.
Change-Id: I5877111a60f2b95d871df45095eaf00da6e4f3f5
Krzysztof Jackiewicz [Fri, 29 Mar 2013 10:31:59 +0000 (11:31 +0100)]
Test binaries added to middleware list
[Issue#] N/A
[Feature/Bug] N/A
[Problem] security-server tests binaries are not present in allowed middleware
list. Because of that tests fail on rsa image.
[Cause] N/A
[Solution] Test binaries are added in postinstall
[Verification] Build and install test package on rsa image. Check
/usr/share/security-server/mw-list. Test binaries should be added to the list.
Install package again. There should be no duplicates. Run tests for
client-smack, label and server. Results should be identical to those from slp
Change-Id: Idc66e54ffbe3a430ceff6602856863c1e27148eb
Pawel Polawski [Thu, 7 Feb 2013 17:54:26 +0000 (18:54 +0100)]
Fix security-server passwor failing tests.
[Issue#] SSDWSSP-85
[Cause] Fix security-server-password failing tests.
[Problem] Some of security-server password tests fails.
[Solution] Tests fixed.
[Verification] None of security-server password tests should fail.
Change-Id: Ibd111e61bf0ea255ae6b3884e4a4ffe9cca3e19f
Bartlomiej Grzelewski [Tue, 26 Mar 2013 16:45:25 +0000 (17:45 +0100)]
Fix build break on i586 architecture.
[Issue#] N/A
[Problem] Build break on i586 arch.
[Cause] System header sys/time.h was not included in tests.
[Solution] Add header file to tests.
[Verification] Successful build.
Change-Id: I845a562c1d132cb9e8df3516deb701271ca8436c
Krzysztof Jackiewicz [Thu, 21 Mar 2013 09:20:47 +0000 (10:20 +0100)]
Release version 0.0.45
[model] REDWOOD
[binary_type] PDA
[customer] OPEN
[issue#] N/A
[problem] N/A
[cause] Bugfixes and refactoring
[solution] Released
[team] SRPOL Security
[request] N/A
[horizontal_expansion] N/A
[Verification] Build package. Check version.
Change-Id: I1ed10729aa0298628d69c71689ec747ab18c7471
Zofia Abramowska [Thu, 21 Feb 2013 13:47:48 +0000 (14:47 +0100)]
Fix security-server failing tests in ss-server tests
[Issue#] SSDWSSP-84
[Bug] Failing tests
[Cause] Two test cases not independent and one incorrect test
[Solution] Rewritten two cases and deleted incorrect test
[Verification] Build, install on target and run
security-server-test-server. All test cases should pass.
Change-Id: I9462a4abc121d859e1826e110130f486d86af93a
Janusz Kozerski [Mon, 11 Feb 2013 11:00:29 +0000 (12:00 +0100)]
Remove duplicated tests
[Issue#] SSDSWSSP-82
[Cause] Duplicated tests: SS Client and SS Client Smack
[Solution] Remove tests
[Problem] N/A
[Verification] Run all security test. And run ss client smack test ( ss-client-smack --output=text), 6 test should pass.
Change-Id: Id916134ec8821528c76e21a446c6a7db326aa78d
Bartlomiej Grzelewski [Wed, 6 Feb 2013 12:47:45 +0000 (13:47 +0100)]
security-server-tests-client-smack refactoring.
[Issue#] SSDSWSSP-83
[Cause] N/A
[Solution] N/A
[Problem] N/A
[Verification] Run security-server-tests-client-smack.
6 tests must pass.
Change-Id: Iee41a0520ba92435bc2084e7af5d9e312d43a835
Rafal Krypa [Tue, 5 Feb 2013 16:20:56 +0000 (17:20 +0100)]
Verify proper handling of symlinks by set_app_privilege().
[Issue#] SSDWSSP-80
[Feature] Verify proper handling of symlinks by set_app_privilege().
[Cause] Requirements about following symlinks for Smack exec labels have been given.
[Solution] Use symlink for running app, label symlink and its target differently.
[Verification] Build, install, run libprivilege-control tests.
Change-Id: Ia6fd9c76538a55e44f19c410b36f0ee535d08f0a
Rafal Krypa [Tue, 5 Feb 2013 15:35:46 +0000 (16:35 +0100)]
libprivilege-control-tests: rewrite test of app_label_dir(), new test for app_label_shared_dir()
[Issue#] SSDWSSP-70
[Feature] Tests for new libprivilege-control API.
[Cause] New API requested by Bumjin.
[Solution] Two new tests added.
[Verification] Build, install, run libprivilege-control tests.
Change-Id: Ic487fb83ec82e63b9e696b8c9ade60cd9f8089cb
Rafal Krypa [Fri, 1 Feb 2013 16:49:21 +0000 (17:49 +0100)]
libsmack-tests: change expected result for revoking unknown subject.
[Issue#] N/A
[Bug] Libsmack test expects revoking of unknown subject to fail.
[Cause] That behaviour was present in kernel, but improper.
[Solution] Expect revoke to succeed. The kernel has been fixed already.
[Verification] Build, install, run libsmack tests.
Change-Id: Ib0d9e3b3564288f6c4f32398545e1ef8325d5850
Bartlomiej Grzelewski [Tue, 5 Feb 2013 10:59:25 +0000 (11:59 +0100)]
Add security-server tests to script.
[Issue#] SSDWSSP-62
[Casue] N/A
[Problem] New tests have been added to security-server.
All these tests should be run by
[Solution] Add tests to scripts.
[Verification] Run script - additional test
suites should be executed.
Change-Id: I2b166f1a6061e8394ebaea4f3d4da906070e0330
Mariusz Domanski [Wed, 23 Jan 2013 09:41:37 +0000 (10:41 +0100)]
security-server tests on DPL framework
based on security_server_tests form security-server repository
[Issue] N/A
[Bug] N/A
[Cause] N/A
[Solution] N/A
[Verification] Build and run tests. The new tests are named security-server-tests*
Change-Id: I2dd47aad5363e7c595f7df03a46899638ec7f5bb
Bartlomiej Grzelewski [Fri, 1 Feb 2013 10:19:13 +0000 (11:19 +0100)]
Add smack and libprivilege-control tests to security-tests.
Remove vcore, cert-svc, ace, security-daemon tests from security-tests.
[Issue#] SSDWSSP-62
[Bug] N/A
[Problem] N/A
[Solution] N/A
Change-Id: I9ba672e49bfdbea51bf360c4ce20945d8dd7fe54
Jan Olszak [Fri, 25 Jan 2013 15:14:27 +0000 (16:14 +0100)]
Added libprivilege-control set_app_privilege tests.
[Issue] N/A
[Bug] N/A
[Cause] N/A
[Solution] N/A
[Verification] Build, run tests: pc --output=text
Change-Id: I2bc6ed25e250d0f54d1939683b2f11c6017d927f
Jan Olszak [Fri, 18 Jan 2013 13:38:16 +0000 (14:38 +0100)]
Added libprivilege-control tests.
[Issue] N/A
[Bug] N/A
[Cause] N/A
[Solution] N/A
[Verification] Build, run tests: pc --output=text
Change-Id: I98e81ccf506ed29d9ec79a336b8ee2990d9524b8
Jan Olszak [Tue, 22 Jan 2013 15:46:46 +0000 (16:46 +0100)]
Added test cases for smack_accesses_add_modify() from libsmack
[Issue] N/A
[Bug] N/A
[Cause] N/A
[Solution] N/A
[Verification] Build and run tests. The new tests are named smack_accesses_add_modify_test.
Change-Id: Ie8043840dd2ceca97af9c333f95f5c0c7229a063
Pawel Polawski [Fri, 11 Jan 2013 10:58:59 +0000 (11:58 +0100)]
Moved SMACK test from wrt-security repository.
[Issue#] LINUXSWAP-444
[Cause] Move SMACK tests to new security-tests repository.
[Problem] SMACK tests must be removed from wrt-security.
[Solution] SMACK tests moved to security-tests repository.
[Verification] Succesfuul compilation and run SMACK tests.
Change-Id: Ia54493b989e8cc3eca0b68dbecc316dbd68abf0b
Jung Minsun [Fri, 11 Jan 2013 08:30:56 +0000 (17:30 +0900)]
Initial empty repository