Merged revisions 609-614 via svnmerge from
r609 | julie | 2008-12-16 17:17:52 -0500 (Tue, 16 Dec 2008) | 1 line
Polish routines to fit the LAPACK framework and allow manpages generation
r610 | langou | 2008-12-19 12:12:38 -0500 (Fri, 19 Dec 2008) | 30 lines
bug reported on the forum
the complete thread is available at
Tobias Burnus also sent us an email:
> Hello,
> this was reported at
> The problem is the line 47:
> 47: IF( M.EQ.0 .OR. A(M, 1).NE.ZERO .OR. A(M, N).NE.ZERO ) THEN
> If M == 0 the one accesses A(0,1) which is invalid as the lower bound is 1
> and not 0.
> Note: Contrary to C there is no left-to-right evaluation of expressions in
> Fortran; the order is left to the compiler. One might assume that a smart
> compiler does not evaluate "A(M,1)" if "M==0", however, there is nothing in
> the standard guarantees this.
> If bounds checks are turned on (see post at the URL above), gfortran aborts
> with an out-of-bounds error.
r611 | julie | 2008-12-19 15:00:58 -0500 (Fri, 19 Dec 2008) | 5 lines
Modify the formatting of the comments.
Replace Note and Notes section by Further Details
This allow the manpages to be generated corectly.
r612 | julie | 2008-12-19 16:29:21 -0500 (Fri, 19 Dec 2008) | 3 lines
Reformat the xblas routines comments to be able to generate the manpages
r613 | julie | 2008-12-19 16:30:31 -0500 (Fri, 19 Dec 2008) | 1 line
Update version number
r614 | jason | 2008-12-27 09:44:45 -0500 (Sat, 27 Dec 2008) | 13 lines
Fix non-short-circuited tests in ILAxL{C,R}.
Fortran doesn't short-circuit logical operators, so the check that the leading
dimension /= 0 may not prevent indexing into a 0-length array.
Reported by "hes selex" in
and forwarded to the LAPACK maintainers by Tobias Burnus <>.
Chalk up more bugs found by gfortran's diagnostics!
Signed-off-by: Jason Riedy <>
Cc: Tobias Burnus <>
XBLAS: Added gbmv2 (including test codes).
This routines computes the matrix product:
y <- alpha * op(A) * (x_head + x_tail) + beta * y
where A is a general banded matrix.
XBLAS: Added hemv2 (including test codes).
This routines computes the matrix product:
y <- alpha * A * (x_head + x_tail) + beta * y
where A is a complex Hermitian matrix.
XBLAS: Added symv2 (including tests).
symv2 performs
y <- alpha * A * (x_head + x_tail) + beta * y
where A is a symmetric matrix.
XBLAS: Fix increment adjustment in do_test_axpby.
We need to double the increment for complex cases.
XBLAS: Fix bug in testgen_BLAS_[cz]dot2.
Wrong parameter was being passed to gen_y_to_cancel.
Should pass n_fix2+1 instead of k+1, since k and n_fix2
differ by factor of two for complex case.
XBLAS: Fix bug in testing/test-dot2/testgen_BLAS_[sd]dot2.
Scaling factor to compute x_tail was being rounded to integer,
and thus was producing all zeros for x_tail (and hence didn't
test whether *mv2 routines were looking at x_tail at all).
XBLAS: Removed unused variable x_vec in testing/test-symv/do_test_symv.c.
XBLAS: Make argument error return codes more specific in gbmv.
Should return -k if the k-th argument is in error, instead of just 0.
XBLAS: Fix lda check in gbmv.
For banded storage lda can be smaller than n or m.
XBLAS: Fix lda check in gemv.
We need to raise error if lda < m for column major format,
and lda < n for row major format. Previously it was checking
for lda < leny.
Also test lda in do_test_gemv more carefully.
Move LAPACK trunk into position.