big patch from Samsung SAIT (Advanced research group) for async multi-frame
[framework/uifw/evas.git] / src / lib / canvas / evas_object_text.c
2010-05-21 rasterbig patch from Samsung SAIT (Advanced research group...
2010-04-29 cedric * evas: specify Evas canvas for Evas_Object.
2010-03-18 barbierievas: mega documentation improving commit.
2010-03-07 barbieriupdate text when secundary colors change.
2009-12-21 cedric * evas: Remove lot's of warning.
2009-11-10 rasteraaag found the bugger. printf--
2009-11-10 rasterok. i'm hunting the bug. yes! printf debuggin gets...
2009-11-09 rastergod damnt that took some time! fixed some bugs with...
2009-11-06 rasterfix smart map redraw errors.
2009-09-30 rasterFrom: Tom <> (tasn)
2009-09-24 carofix double to Evas_Coord conversion warnings
2009-09-17 sachielImprove documentation for Evas, Ecore, Edje and Elementary.
2009-09-04 caroremove trailing spaces
2009-08-19 rasteroh suncc - shut up!
2009-07-20 cedric * evas: Return Eina_Bool when it make sense.
2009-06-17 cedric * evas: Remove Evas_Bool.
2009-06-14 barbieriCleanup llvm warnings.
2009-05-22 rasterrevertg big R to L patches because they break cursors...
2009-05-22 andreassome docs
2009-05-18 rastertasn's rtl pathes and improvements... continued!
2009-04-15 cedric * evas: Finally remove as much free/malloc from the...
2009-04-14 cedric * evas: Now all Evas_Rectangle are part of a pool...
2009-04-14 cedric * evas: Another attempt to fix clip cache. Now invalid...
2009-02-23 rasterupdate debug code.
2009-02-17 rasterand support obscured rects for clip-out if middle of...
2008-12-15 sachielAdd function to get the length in characters of a string
2008-11-15 rastermake scale set apply immediately on objects that do...
2008-11-01 davemds * More better cats\'
2008-11-01 davemds * put all the verious objects (rect, image, text....
2008-10-21 cedricRemove Evas_List from Evas.
2008-10-17 cedricMove from Evas_Object_List to Eina_Inlist and completly...
2008-10-15 cedricSwitch evas internal use of evas_stringshare to eina_st...
2008-09-10 rasterensure scaling multiplies are promoted to fp.
2008-09-10 rasterpromote scale to fp.
2008-09-09 rasterand add a scale factor per object. right now text and...
2008-08-31 rasterupdated patches from jose!
2008-08-26 rasterjose has some new gradient work - these are his patches...
2008-08-17 rastermove around - flatter.