modified BT on/off monitoring logic in EDR Adapter
[platform/upstream/iotivity.git] / service /
2016-03-30 Jay Sharma[Easy-Setup] Fixed arduino issue.
2016-03-30 Manoj GuptaRedefinition of Macro removed
2016-03-29 coderhymeFix a bug of RCSResourceObject.
2016-03-29 Manoj GuptaProper Format Specifier for unsigned value
2016-03-28 lankamadan[Easy-setup] Fixed Security feature
2016-03-28 Jay Sharma[Easy-Setup] Changed the enrollee's cpp files to c...
2016-03-25 Jay Sharma[Easy-Setup] Updated Mediator Java SDK.
2016-03-25 Markus Jung[IOT-1020], [IOT-1024], [IOT-1029], [IOT-1030] fixes
2016-03-25 coderhyme[IOT-1032][IOT-1033][IOT-1034] Fixed for an issue with...
2016-03-25 Jay Sharma[Easy-setup] Commented check for Intended resource
2016-03-25 Sandipan Patra[Tizen Secure mode] Copy json file in rpm package
2016-03-24 Jay Sharma[Easy-Setup][IOT-1016] Fixed Jira issue.
2016-03-24 Jay Sharma[Easy-setup] Unit test case fixes for Mediator SDK
2016-03-24 coderhyme[IOT-1208] fix for jira issue
2016-03-24 coderhymeFixed coding styles in of RE-android
2016-03-21 coderhymeFixed a bug in the cache module of RE
2016-03-18 Shashank Shekhar... Static Analysis correction of testcases
2016-03-18 lankamadanAdding security json file to easysetup android assets...
2016-03-18 lankamadanUpdated Tizen easysetup readme with proper rpms names
2016-03-18 lankamadan[Tizen Secure Mode] Tizen enrollee build using security...
2016-03-17 Shashank Shekhar... Corrected spelling mistake in ReadMe
2016-03-17 G S Senthil KumarFix for klocwork issues.
2016-03-17 Markus JungIOT-945: Fixing segmentation fault issue
2016-03-17 jaesick.shinAdded Unittests and Added LICENSE
2016-03-17 Jihun HaAdd required header file in sceneserver and sceneclient
2016-03-15 Shashank Shekhar... Corrected spelling mistake in README
2016-03-10 Minji Parkadd doxygen comments for exceptions in Scene-manager...
2016-03-10 jaesick.shinRE ServerBuilder always included "oic.if.baseline"...
2016-03-09 Philippe CovalFixed build issue by including condition_variable header
2016-03-09 Philippe CovalFixed build issue by implicitly capture by reference...
2016-03-08 Jihun HaFix a problem in SceneCollectionResource.cpp file for...
2016-03-08 jyong2.kimModified const variable of baseline interface and excet...
2016-03-08 wonnyModified Exception and Doxygen in SceneManager Local...
2016-03-08 Minji Parkremove build warnings for resource container
2016-03-08 Philippe CovalFixed build issue by generating ~DiscoveryTask code
2016-03-08 lankamadan[Mediator] Removed hard-coded Secure Flag from android...
2016-03-07 Madan LankaMerge "Merge branch 'simulator'."
2016-03-07 Harish Kumara MarappaMerge branch 'simulator'.
2016-03-07 Jee Hyeok KimMerge "Merge branch 'cloud-interface'"
2016-03-07 Markus JungAdditional unit tests for the resource container component
2016-03-07 coderhymeModified RCSResourceObject to eliminate its inheritance...
2016-03-07 Jee Hyeok KimMerge branch 'cloud-interface'
2016-03-07 G S Senthil KumarResolved issues and concerns found during overall funct...
2016-03-07 G S Senthil KumarAdded UI Support for updating model arrays.
2016-03-07 Jee Hyeok KimMerge "Merge branch 'master' into cloud-interface"...
2016-03-07 Uze ChoiMerge "Merge branch 'group-manager'"
2016-03-07 Philippe CovalFixed build issue by implicitly capture by value (of...
2016-03-07 Markus JungFixed unit tests for resource container
2016-03-07 Jee Hyeok KimMerge branch 'master' into cloud-interface
2016-03-07 Jihun HaMerge branch 'group-manager'
2016-03-07 Saurav BabuDestroy ap handle after use
2016-03-07 Philippe CovalFixed build issue caused by merge of 2 similar changes...
2016-03-06 Philippe CovalFixed tests in resource-encapsulation by using move...
2016-03-06 Jihun HaRemove duplicated statements in sceneclient application
2016-03-06 jyong2.kimAdd API doxygen and Code Refactoring of SceneManager...
2016-03-06 jyong2.kimadd doxygen comments for scene manager remote apis...
2016-03-06 jyong2.kimImprove some components for simple and performance.
2016-03-05 G S Senthil KumarMinor bug fixes.
2016-03-05 Harish Kumara MFix for SVACE and Klocwork issues.
2016-03-05 jaesick.shinAdded Unittests for RE InterfaceHandler
2016-03-05 lankamadanMerge "Merge branch 'easysetup'"
2016-03-05 coderhymeAdd new operations to RCSResourceAttributes
2016-03-05 coderhymeFixed a compilation error in DiscoveryManagerTest.cpp.
2016-03-04 lankamadanMerge branch 'easysetup'
2016-03-04 coderhymeModified RCSSeparateResponse to send the response built...
2016-03-04 Harish Kumara MarappaFix for SVACE and Klocwork issues in RAML parser module.
2016-03-04 Harish Kumara MarappaFix for issue of allowed values property of IntegerProp...
2016-03-04 G S Senthil KumarResolved an issue related to array value validation.
2016-03-04 lankamadanChanged PUT to POST, fix for not sending SSID/PWD in...
2016-03-03 Jihun HaEnrich a sceneclient sample application for executing...
2016-03-03 coderhymeModified util functions to call oc functions.
2016-03-03 wonnyAdd API doxygen to SceneManager Local-side interface
2016-03-03 Minji Parkmodify scene manager(remote) for exception handling
2016-03-03 G S Senthil KumarAdded UI Support to change resource type.
2016-03-03 G S Senthil KumarAdded a Java API required and updated Javadoc comments.
2016-03-02 jyong2.kimModified query interface on request for resource creations.
2016-03-02 jyong2.kimUpdated unit test for Resource Hosting.
2016-03-02 jyong2.kimFix for defects detected by static analysis in Scene...
2016-03-02 coderhymeUpdated api description for response classes of RE.
2016-03-01 Markus JungRC Configuration: fixing potential dereference of null...
2016-03-01 saurabh.s9IoTivity Security bug fix and enable security api usage...
2016-02-29 Jihun HaRemove a sample application for group-manager
2016-02-29 coderhymeUpdated api description for the client side of RE.
2016-02-29 jyong2.kimFixed bug for execution of scene with empty scene member.
2016-02-29 coderhymeAdd example for separate response of RE.
2016-02-29 JungHo KimMerge "Merge branch 'resource-container'"
2016-02-29 coderhymeRefine RequestHandler in RE.
2016-02-29 jyong2.kimFix for defects detected by static analysis in Resource...
2016-02-29 jyong2.kimModify Scene Manager Local-side Interface Logic
2016-02-29 lankamadanSVACE issue fix and renaming of files as per naming...
2016-02-29 Minji ParkFix initializing logic of remote scene list
2016-02-29 jyong2.kimFix for defects detected by static analysis in Group...
2016-02-29 Markus JungMerge branch 'resource-container'
2016-02-29 Minji ParkAdd Scene Manager Remote-side unittests
2016-02-29 ChaJiwonAdd Scene Manager Local-side Unittest & Fixed Logic Bug
2016-02-27 Sandipan Patra[Enrollee] Unit Test case implementation for linux...
2016-02-27 wonnyUpdate Scene Manager Sample Application
2016-02-27 Minji ParkAdd Scene manager - remote linux sample application
2016-02-27 jyong2.kimFixed bug of sending empty child attribute at Scene...
2016-02-27 coderhymeUpdated api description for RCSRepresentation.