Force linking of liboctbstack to require all symbols resolved
[platform/upstream/iotivity.git] / service /
2015-02-20 Minji Park[SSM] Fix issue about initializing SSM with invalid...
2015-02-19 Sachin AgrawalRemoved ocsocket
2015-02-19 Yuliya KamatkovaRemoved obsolete OC_WELL_KNOWN_PORT
2015-02-18 OssamaAutomatically detect C++11 flags for supported compilers.
2015-02-17 jk13[SSM] Modify ommited arduino sample and soft sensor...
2015-02-17 jk13[SSM] Fix console sample
2015-02-13 jk13[SSM] Fix Tizen sample and soft sensor declaration
2015-02-13 HyunJun KimFix runtime error of ThingsManager API.
2015-02-12 Yuliya KamatkovaRemoved libcoap and occoap
2015-02-09 Caiwen ZhangAdd external package management support
2015-02-09 jk13[SSM] Upload Tizen sample for 2.3 public sdk IDE
2015-02-09 Erich KeaneRemoved Cereal from Build Except where necessary
2015-02-06 Minji Park[SSM] Fix SSM Sample App to handle invalid input for...
2015-02-06 jk13[SSM] Cleanup JNI dead code and add NDEBUG definition
2015-02-04 jjack.leeFix problem for multiple api call
2015-02-04 Jihun HaFix an exception handling issue in con-client app.
2015-02-02 Sashi PentaRemoved #ifdef CA_INTs and other code cleanup.
2015-02-02 HyunJun KimFix API of ThingsManger.
2015-02-02 jk13[SSM] Add android sample and fix jni issues.
2015-01-30 HyunJun KimApply the 'CA_INT' of Connectivity Abstraction for...
2015-01-30 HyunJun KimAdd API description of Things Manager.
2015-01-29 Sudarshan PrasadRemoving Internal calls to CA APIs in OCPlatform
2015-01-23 HyunJun KimFix FindGroup API of Things Manager about group sync...
2015-01-23 Minji Park[SSM] Change to make SSM work with Connectivity Abstraction
2015-01-23 HyunJun KimFix GroupSync API of about GroupSync of Group feature.
2015-01-23 Minji Park[SSM] Fix issue about initializing SSM with invalid...
2015-01-22 HyunJun KimImprove usability of ActionSet for Group Action Feature.
2015-01-22 HyunJun KimAdd method of Things-Manager.
2015-01-22 Ossama OthmanRemoved executable bit from non-executable files.
2015-01-22 Minji Park[SSM] Fix issues about initializing SSM
2015-01-22 jk13[SSM] Add omitted arduino sample and soft sensor sample
2015-01-22 jk13[SSM] Fix context query parser issues
2015-01-22 junho13.lee[PPM] fix Plugin Manager Destructor segment fault.
2015-01-22 Soyoung YounFix some issues of GroupSynchronization
2015-01-22 jjack.leeFix some issues of GroupManager
2015-01-22 Heewon Parkfix "Coding convention followed in this commit"
2015-01-21 Caiwen ZhangFix soft-sensor-manager service build errors
2015-01-21 Caiwen ZhangFix android build compatibility problems
2015-01-21 Ashok ChannaAPI for DTLS registration and Scon script addition
2015-01-20 George BowdenAdded services programmer's guides without DRM for...
2015-01-20 Uze ChoiRemove DRM doc
2015-01-20 Uze Choiremove DRM doc
2015-01-20 HyunJun KimFix GroupAction API of Things Manager.
2015-01-20 jihun.haFix an exception handling issue in doBootStrap() functi...
2015-01-20 Sudarshan PrasadMerge "Add missing enum value of OCStackResult to switc...
2015-01-20 Uze ChoiMerge "Improve usability of ActionSet for Group Action...
2015-01-16 Sudarshan PrasadMerge "Enable building C Samples using scons"
2015-01-16 HyunJun KimImprove usability of ActionSet for Group Action Feature.
2015-01-15 Patrick LankswertMerge "Remove high frequency log to avoid the log full...
2015-01-15 Patrick LankswertMerge "Adding tinyDTLS into iotivity repo"
2015-01-15 Sudarshan PrasadMerge "Reduce footprint by using string literals."
2015-01-15 Sudarshan PrasadMerge "Changed OCStackResult to be consistent across...
2015-01-14 Sudarshan PrasadMerge "Update gitignore."
2015-01-14 HyunJun KimAdd method of Things-Manager.
2015-01-14 Sudarshan PrasadMerge "Fix Memory leak of getResourceType() in ocstack.c"
2015-01-13 Sudarshan PrasadMerge "Fixed seg fault in simpleclient sample app ...
2015-01-13 Sudarshan PrasadMerge "Added style formatting config files for iotivity...
2015-01-12 Sudarshan PrasadMerge "Fixed simpleclient crash caused by curResource...
2015-01-12 Sudarshan PrasadMerge "Fix failed unit tests for CSDK stack."
2015-01-12 Sudarshan PrasadMerge "C++ Avoid crash in case of Invalid/Empty Payload"
2015-01-10 Sudarshan PrasadMerge "Fixed invalid memory read, removed dead code"
2015-01-10 Sudarshan PrasadMerge "Adding OK Response Code for POST"
2015-01-09 Sudarshan PrasadMerge "Fixing repeated EH calls when client retransmits...
2015-01-09 Ossama OthmanRemoved executable bit from non-executable files.
2015-01-09 Patrick LankswertMerge "Add quick guide into the readme"
2015-01-09 Minji Park[SSM] Fix issues about initializing SSM
2015-01-09 Uze ChoiMerge changes I5acd9c57,I90e7a69e
2015-01-09 junho13.lee[PPM] fix Plugin Manager Destructor segment fault.
2015-01-09 jk13[SSM] Fix context query parser issues
2015-01-09 jk13[SSM] Add omitted arduino sample and soft sensor sample
2015-01-07 Sudarshan PrasadMerge "Fixing OCCancel with High_QOS in observe isn...
2015-01-07 Patrick LankswertMerge "Removing getting started and how to guides from...
2015-01-07 Uze ChoiMerge "Fix some issues of GroupSynchronization - findG...
2015-01-07 Soyoung YounFix some issues of GroupSynchronization
2015-01-05 Sudarshan PrasadFixed build error when scons is used.
2015-01-05 Uze ChoiMerge "Fix some issues of GroupManager"
2014-12-30 Heewon Parkfix "Coding convention followed in this commit"
2014-12-30 jjack.leeFix some issues of GroupManager
2014-12-30 Patrick LankswertMerge "This a complete version of OICMiddle. The ReST...
2014-12-30 Patrick C LankswertMerge "Android SDK - Initial commit and build system...
2014-12-30 Patrick C LankswertAndroid SDK - Initial commit and build system updates
2014-12-29 Patrick LankswertMerge "OICSensorBoard: App for Intel Edison Platform."
2014-12-27 Patrick LankswertMerge "Add spec file for Tizen build"
2014-12-27 Patrick LankswertMerge "Fix soft-sensor-manager service build errors"
2014-12-27 Patrick LankswertMerge "Fix android build compatibility problems"
2014-12-27 Patrick LankswertMerge "Added services programmer's guides without DRM...
2014-12-26 George BowdenAdded services programmer's guides without DRM for...
2014-12-26 Patrick LankswertMerge "Update scons build relative documents"
2014-12-26 Uze ChoiMerge "remove DMR doc"
2014-12-26 Uze Choiremove DMR doc
2014-12-26 Uze ChoiMerge "remove DRM doc"
2014-12-26 Uze Choiremove DRM doc
2014-12-26 Uze ChoiMerge "Soft Sensor Manager Build Error fix" into connec...
2014-12-26 Uze ChoiMerge "Fix GroupAction API of Things Manager."
2014-12-26 Uze ChoiMerge "Fix an exception handling issue in doBootStrap...
2014-12-26 Uze ChoiSoft Sensor Manager Build Error fix
2014-12-26 Caiwen ZhangFix android build compatibility problems
2014-12-26 Caiwen ZhangFix soft-sensor-manager service build errors
2014-12-25 Sudarshan PrasadMerge "Merge from master to CA branch" into connectivit...
2014-12-25 Sudarshan PrasadMerge from master to CA branch