Check PDM Initialization before excuting exposed PDM APIs
[platform/upstream/iotivity.git] / resource / include / OutOfProcServerWrapper.h
2015-08-05 Sachin AgrawalMerge branch 'master' into 'security-basecamp'
2015-08-02 Jon A. CruzFix issues revealed by -Wextra flag.
2015-05-19 Mandeep ShettySpec compliance change to move oc/core/d to oic/p.
2014-12-25 Sudarshan PrasadMerge "scons changes for connectivity-abstraction branc...
2014-12-24 Sudarshan PrasadMerge "Updates occlientbasicops to include (resource...
2014-12-24 Sudarshan PrasadMerge "[CA-Integration] fix for presence." into connect...
2014-12-23 Sudarshan PrasadMerge "Remove the dead code" into connectivity-abstraction
2014-12-23 Sudarshan PrasadMerge from master to connectivity-abstraction branch
2014-12-19 sudarshan prasadMerge "Replaced sprintf with snprintf in the sdk to...
2014-12-19 Patrick LankswertMerge changes Ie4233a5c,I4d7aba08
2014-12-19 sudarshan prasadMerge "Fixed Warning in OCException"
2014-12-19 Uze ChoiMerge "Fix issues of Things Manager"
2014-12-19 Uze ChoiMerge "Add scons script and things manager samples."
2014-12-19 Uze ChoiMerge "[SSM] Reference & Trackee Thing release for...
2014-12-19 Uze ChoiMerge "[SSM] Apply OIC presence feature"
2014-12-18 omkarDevice Discovery - C & C++ SDK changes
2014-12-15 Uze ChoiMerge "There are Two modifications. 1. Restucturing...
2014-12-08 Sudarshan PrasadMerge branch 'master' into connectivity-abstraction
2014-12-05 sudarshan prasadMerge "Implement functionality to set PSK credentials...
2014-12-04 Doug HudsonImplement slow response feature.
2014-12-02 sudarshan prasadMerge "Implemented JSON Serialization using Cereal...
2014-12-01 Erich KeaneImplemented JSON Serialization using Cereal Library
2014-11-14 Erich KeaneMerge "Implemented libcoap's tinyDTLS interface"
2014-11-13 Erich KeaneMerge "Added support for multicast presence"
2014-11-13 Uze ChoiMerge "fix coding standard problem"
2014-11-13 jjack.leefix coding standard problem
2014-11-10 jjack.lee(1) add platform overload api : registerResource(resour...
2014-11-06 William R. DieterRepo Merge: Moving resource API down a directory