Changed discovery JSON for spec compliance to contain device ID.
[platform/upstream/iotivity.git] / resource / include / OCHeaderOption.h
2015-03-13 Jon A. CruzCorrected @file tags and restored 'Files' section.
2015-03-09 Jon A. CruzCorrected @file tags and restored 'Files' section.
2015-02-21 Erich KeaneAdding OCRep destructor, various move activities
2015-02-06 Erich KeaneAdding OCRep destructor, various move activities
2014-12-25 Sashi PentaFix to copy the header options from CA to Stack correctly.
2014-12-25 Sudarshan PrasadMerge "Enabling Multiple Interfaces in CStack." into...
2014-12-25 Sudarshan PrasadMerge "[CA-Integration] Initial changes to enable CPP...
2014-12-25 Sashi Penta[CA-Integration] Initial changes to enable CPP stack.
2014-11-06 William R. DieterRepo Merge: Moving resource API down a directory