[IOT-1361]Change "CAFindInterfaceChange()" to support IPv4/6
[platform/upstream/iotivity.git] / resource / csdk / connectivity / src /
2016-10-26 bg.chun[IOT-1361]Change "CAFindInterfaceChange()" to support...
2016-10-26 Todd Malsbary[IOT-1371] Use both addr and port to identify the endpo...
2016-10-24 George NashFixed sign-compare warning
2016-10-24 Jaehong JoFixed static analysis issues in RI.
2016-10-24 jihwan.seo[IOT-1458] fix to handle unexpected disconnected state...
2016-10-24 hyuna0213.joAdd a maximum observer TTL of 24 hours
2016-10-24 bg.chun[IOT-1459]Add CA API which returns selected transport...
2016-10-20 jihwan.seoremove warning issue fragmentation and rdclient
2016-10-20 jihwan.seo[IOT-1391] fix BLE scan logic which create thread.
2016-10-19 Chul LeeMultiple Ownership Transfer support.
2016-10-18 jihwan.seo[IOT-1388] fixed duplicate start server in EDR adapter.
2016-10-14 Mike FenelonIOT-1448 - Fix Windows x86 Build issue
2016-10-14 Dave ThalerIOT-1447 Fix scope_id usage
2016-10-13 Dmitriy ZhuravlevRemove unnecessary define and files for SSL
2016-10-13 Oleksii BeketovUnit tests for SSL adapter (ca_adapter_net_ssl.c)
2016-10-12 Dave ThalerAdd network monitor support for Windows
2016-10-12 Dmitriy ZhuravlevCommon adapter for DTLS/TLS
2016-10-10 Oleksii BeketovparseChain() fix
2016-10-05 bg.chun[IOT-1389]Release netlink socket event in Android ip...
2016-10-03 Daniel FergusonIOT-1378 Fix windows\CAIPNWMonitor.c
2016-09-30 Randeep SinghUpdate the CADtlsClose API to remove the DTLS peer...
2016-09-29 jihwan.seodisable fragmentaton file when BLE is not included
2016-09-29 hyuna0213.jo[IOT-1346] Enable network status monitoring for tcp...
2016-09-29 daeken.kwonTo build static libarary from CSDK
2016-09-28 jihwan.seo[IOT-1332] add unregister network state changed callbac...
2016-09-28 Andrii ShtompelClose tls session with tcp session
2016-09-27 Randeep SinghAdded CASelectCipherSuite for android
2016-09-27 Veeraj KhokaleFix for Tizen BLE build
2016-09-27 Jaewook Jungmodified SConscript for building arduino with tcp
2016-09-26 hyuna0213.joImprove log message in tcpserver.
2016-09-23 hyuna0213.joSupport CAGetNetworkInformation API for TCP
2016-09-23 jihwan.seo[IOT-1332] support multi network state changed callback...
2016-09-20 Abhishek SharmaRemove WITH_CHPROXY flag for build cleanup
2016-09-19 Dmitriy ZhuravlevFix build SECURED=1 WITH_TCP=yes
2016-09-19 Jee Hyeok KimMerge branch 'master' into cloud-interface
2016-09-17 Daniel FergusonRename all threading and synchronization to oc_*
2016-09-17 Daniel FergusonAdd generic thread & synchro facilities
2016-09-16 Dave ThalerIOT-1072 Unfork libcoap: update forked headers
2016-09-16 Daniel FergusonIOT-1072 Unfork libcoap: add build flag
2016-09-15 Veeraj KhokaleFix for Jira issues [IOT-1157, IOT-1194]
2016-09-15 George Nash[IOT-1294] Fixed build failure for WITH_RA_IBB flags
2016-09-14 Abhishek SharmaOptimize stack for Arduino.
2016-09-13 Philippe Covalyocto: connectivity should build as linux
2016-09-13 ccMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/notification-service'
2016-09-12 jihwan.seofix warning caleadapter and fragmentation
2016-09-12 Andrii ShtompelCloud Client
2016-09-12 hyuna0213.joEnable IPv6 Interface for Android, Tizen
2016-09-12 Abhishek SharmaDevelopment of CoAP-HTTP Proxy
2016-09-12 ccMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/notification-service'
2016-09-09 Dave ThalerFixes for build errors hit by some versions of Visual...
2016-09-09 George NashFixed discarded-qualifiers warning
2016-09-09 George NashFixed shift-negative-value warning
2016-09-09 jihwan.seoFix setting adapter type value of Endpoint for TCP...
2016-09-09 Abhishek SharmaFix for JIRA issue 1242, 1245, 1247
2016-09-09 jihwan.seo[IOT-1265] fix writeCharacteristic success signal logic
2016-09-08 David AntlerUndo revert "Generate iotivity_config.h at build time"
2016-09-08 Madan LankaRevert "Development of CoAP-HTTP Proxy"
2016-09-08 Abhishek SharmaDevelopment of CoAP-HTTP Proxy
2016-09-08 Uze ChoiMerge "Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master...
2016-09-08 ccMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into notif...
2016-09-07 Oleksii BeketovparseChain() PEM update
2016-09-06 saurabh.s9Build scripts updated for android build issue for conne...
2016-09-05 Jaewook JungRevert "Generate iotivity_config.h at build time"
2016-09-03 Hun-je YeonMerge branch 'notification-service'
2016-09-02 David AntlerGenerate iotivity_config.h at build time
2016-09-02 Uze ChoiMerge "Merge branch 'master' into notification-service...
2016-09-02 ccMerge branch 'master' into notification-service
2016-09-02 Andrii ShtompelCAIsTlsMessage fix
2016-09-02 Jee Hyeok KimMerge branch 'master' into cloud-interface
2016-09-01 jaehyun ChoAdded CA BLE packet format changed codes
2016-08-31 hyuna0213.joUpdate SConscript of connectivity-abstraction
2016-08-30 Jaewook Jungresolve build warnings in base layer for linux
2016-08-30 Andrii ShtompelTCPServer's CAReceiveMessage fix
2016-08-30 hyuna0213.joUsing shared library instead of static on linux platform
2016-08-28 saurabh.s9[IOT-1230] Resolving tizen platform build issue with...
2016-08-26 Dmitriy Zhuravlev[IOT-1237] [IOT-1225] [IOT-1233] Resolving build issue...
2016-08-25 Jaewook Jungresolve build warnings for android
2016-08-25 hyuna0213.joResolved build warning for linux
2016-08-25 George NashClean compilar warnings
2016-08-25 Jee Hyeok KimMerge branch 'master' into cloud-interface
2016-08-23 Jee Hyeok KimMerge branch 'cloud-interface'
2016-08-23 Uze ChoiMerge "Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master...
2016-08-23 Hun-je YeonMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into notif...
2016-08-22 hyuna0213.joRemoved the duplicated code in catcpserver.c
2016-08-22 Oleksii BeketovModify TLS adapter implementation to store subjectAltName
2016-08-19 Hun-je YeonMerge branch 'notification-service'
2016-08-19 Uze ChoiMerge "Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master...
2016-08-19 hyuna0213.joFixed wrong address conversion of ip information
2016-08-19 hyuna0213.joFix wrong network interface length when secured option...
2016-08-19 jihwan.seomodified scan interval logic when BT adapter is on.
2016-08-19 ch79.choMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into notif...
2016-08-17 Andrii ShtompelTLS support
2016-08-13 Jee Hyeok KimMerge branch 'cloud-interface'
2016-08-13 Hun-je YeonMerge branch 'master' into notification-service
2016-08-11 ch79.choMerge branch 'notification-service'
2016-08-11 Jihun HaMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/extended-easysetup'
2016-08-10 hyuna0213.joResolved tizen build issue regarding ip network
2016-08-09 Madan LankaMerge "Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master...
2016-08-08 Hun-je YeonMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into notif...
2016-08-08 hyuna0213.joEnabled IP CAGetNetworkInformation() API