[Memory Planner] Update the Memory Planner
[platform/core/ml/nntrainer.git] / nntrainer / layers / layer_context.h
2023-04-04 jijoong.moon[Memory Planner] Update the Memory Planner
2022-06-13 hyeonseok lee[layer] fix typo
2022-02-09 Parichay Kapoor[layers] Support for weight decay to layers
2022-02-07 jijoong.moon[ SAVE/LOAD ] save / load optimizer variables
2021-12-29 Jihoon Lee[Clean] Remove getOutputDimensions()
2021-12-29 Jihoon Lee[context] Receive out conn info and use
2021-12-29 Jihoon Lee[Context] out_dim -> out spec
2021-12-29 Jihoon Lee[Tensor] OutputGrad defaults to be zero if not given
2021-12-29 Jihoon Lee[Const] Make incoming derivative const
2021-12-28 Jihoon Lee[Semantics] InitContext NumOutput is hint
2021-12-03 Jihoon Lee[Tensor Sharing] Make tensor sharing private by default
2021-12-01 Parichay Kapoor[model/graph] Skip apply gradients if it is to be clipped
2021-12-01 Parichay Kapoor[graph/manager] Extend gradient execution for clipping
2021-12-01 Parichay Kapoor[layernode] Add property clip gradient by norm
2021-11-29 Jihoon Lee[trivial/Fix] add dependency header
2021-11-19 Jihoon Lee[QuickFix] Check weight access for the last
2021-11-19 Jihoon Lee[Weights] Add last access concept
2021-11-19 Jihoon Lee[QuickFix] Add not dependent weight sharing
2021-11-01 Parichay Kapoor[layer] Support prefix for sharing weight names
2021-11-01 Parichay Kapoor[layer] Simplify naming scheme for requested tensors
2021-10-20 Jihoon Lee[Fix/Sharing] Fix gradient updation log
2021-10-18 Parichay Kapoor[mem-opt] Support in-place batch normalization
2021-10-18 Parichay Kapoor[in-place] Support in-place activation
2021-10-14 Parichay Kapoor[layer] Remove setBatch for init context
2021-10-07 Jihoon Lee[WeightSharing] Remove zero grad
2021-10-07 Jihoon Lee[Property] Add shared_from key to the layer node
2021-10-07 Parichay Kapoor[pkg] Enable debug mode for CI
2021-10-07 Parichay Kapoor[layer] Add checks for layer tensor overwrite bug
2021-10-01 Parichay Kapoor[batchnorm] Optimize batch norm layer
2021-09-30 Parichay Kapoor[Manager] Use TensorPool for Gradients
2021-09-28 Parichay Kapoor[manager] Create lifetime and usage list by tensors
2021-09-16 Jihoon Lee[Interpreter] Enable tests
2021-09-09 Jihoon Lee[LayerNode] Change context to be RAII
2021-08-20 Parichay Kapoor[context/graph] Catch lifespan + 3-way execution order
2021-08-20 Parichay Kapoor[layers] Make requested weight/tensor names unique
2021-08-10 Parichay Kapoor[layer] Add support for initializer in requestTensor
2021-08-10 Parichay Kapoor[var_grad] Support initializer for var_grad
2021-08-10 Parichay Kapoor[tensor] WeightInitializer refactor to Tensor::Initializer
2021-08-10 Parichay Kapoor[tensor/weight] Update WeightInitializer to TensorIniti...
2021-08-03 Parichay Kapoor[weight/var_grad] Remove exposure of weight/var_grad
2021-08-03 Parichay Kapoor[loss] BugFix for regularization loss
2021-08-02 hyeonseok lee[tensor_dim] package tensor_dim.h with ccapi
2021-07-22 Parichay Kapoor[layer] Enable time dist layer for V2
2021-07-22 Parichay Kapoor[layernode] Remove LayerNode dependence on LayerV1
2021-07-22 Parichay Kapoor[layer] Update multiout layer for V2
2021-07-22 Parichay Kapoor[pooling] Update pooling to use helper tensors
2021-07-22 Parichay Kapoor[pooling] Update to LayerV2
2021-07-22 Parichay Kapoor[tensor] Enable request additional tesnor with batchnorm
2021-07-22 Parichay Kapoor[batchnorm] Update to LayerV2
2021-07-22 Parichay Kapoor[test] Add common unittest for layers
2021-07-22 Parichay Kapoor[layercontext] Add unsafe methods
2021-07-22 Parichay Kapoor[unittest] Enable models unittests
2021-07-22 Parichay Kapoor[test] Enable modelfile unittest
2021-07-22 Parichay Kapoor[api/network] Update api/network for new losses
2021-07-22 Parichay Kapoor[losslayer] Update loss layer with LayerV2 design
2021-07-22 Parichay Kapoor[var_grad] Remove cloneTransposeVariableOnly interface
2021-07-22 Parichay Kapoor[layer/node] Update layer and node for LayerV2
2021-07-22 Parichay Kapoor[layer/optimizer] Reduce usage of getObject() for optimizer
2021-07-22 Parichay Kapoor[var_grad] Update trainable to need_gradient
2021-07-22 Parichay Kapoor[layernode] Move loss to layer node
2021-07-22 Parichay Kapoor[layer context] Add interfaces for setBatch
2021-06-23 Parichay Kapoor[layercontext] Minor bugfix for layer context
2021-06-23 Parichay Kapoor[networkgraph] Network graph updated for Layer V2
2021-06-23 Jihoon Lee[Layer] Add trainable prop
2021-06-23 Parichay Kapoor[manager] Add support for request Inputs/outputs
2021-06-23 Parichay Kapoor[graph] Support creating RunLayerContext
2021-06-23 Parichay Kapoor[manager] Support request Tensors and Weights
2021-06-23 hyeonseok lee[layer_internal] refactoring read, save
2021-06-23 Parichay Kapoor[context] Layer context creation scaffolding
2021-06-15 Parichay Kapoor[layer context] Propose layer context and layer_devel