[IE CLDNN] Fixed fsv16 lrn kernel with fp16 input (#2086)
[platform/upstream/dldt.git] / inference-engine / thirdparty /
2020-09-07 Vladimir Paramuzov[IE CLDNN] Fixed fsv16 lrn kernel with fp16 input ...
2020-09-05 Lukasz Debski[IE CLDNN] Fixing blocked format opting for strided_sli...
2020-09-05 Vladimir Paramuzov[IE CLDNN] Disable unsupported blocked formats for...
2020-09-04 Konrad Dobros[IE CLDNN] Enable bfyx fully_connected for large batche...
2020-09-04 Gorokhov Dmitriy[CPU] Disabled several non-valid static assertions...
2020-09-04 Vladimir Paramuzov[IE CLDNN] Fix performance degradation for brain-tumor...
2020-09-04 Alexey Varyzgin[CPU][BF16] bf16 for Gemm or MatMul was enabled (#1920)
2020-09-04 Jedrzej Hajduczenia[IE CLDNN] Fix i8 regression on single-image-super...
2020-09-03 Ilya Znamenskiy[IE CLDNN] Fix result storing in leftover's branch...
2020-09-03 Vladimir Paramuzov[IE CLDNN] Fallback to FP16 for non-quantized layers...
2020-09-03 Dmitry Kurtaev[IE][VPU][Watchdog]: Reduce CPU usage for idle VPU...
2020-09-03 Anna KhakimovaAVX2/AVX512 32FC1 Resize (#1788)
2020-09-02 Mikołaj Życzyński[IE CLDNN] Reduce b_fs_yx_fsv16 optimized kernel (...
2020-09-02 Konrad Dobros[IE CLDNN] Add fc kernel for bfyx with batches (#1946)
2020-09-01 Konrad Dobros[IE CLDNN] Add verbose macros for reorder_inputs (...
2020-09-01 Vladimir Paramuzov[IE CLDNN] First conv 3d imad (#1935)
2020-09-01 RomanZm[IE CLDNN] ScatterUpdate layer added (#1839)
2020-09-01 Lukasz Debski[IE CLDNN] Loosen restrictions on channels in 3d fsv16...
2020-09-01 Vladimir Paramuzov[IE CLDNN] Disabled choose_impl call for generic nodes...
2020-08-31 Alexander Chaiko[IE CLDNN] Restrict bsv16_fsv16 convolution to int8...
2020-08-31 Konrad Dobros[IE CLDNN] Improve performance of fc block fp16 impleme...
2020-08-27 Vladimir Paramuzov[IE CLDNN] Cleanup part 2 (#1865)
2020-08-27 Mikhail Letavin[IE CLDNN] Move iGPU to first position in GPU device...
2020-08-27 Vladimir Paramuzov[IE CLDNN] Improved GWS for 3d fsv16 eltwise (#1957)
2020-08-27 Alexey Varyzgin[CPU] [MSVC] memcpy and memcpy_s were unified for all...
2020-08-27 Vladimir Paramuzov[IE CLDNN] Mixed mode support for proposal primitive...
2020-08-26 Jedrzej Hajduczenia[IE CLDNN] Fix fused ops in 1x1 conv fsv16 kernel ...
2020-08-26 Vladimir Paramuzov[IE CLDNN] Fixed memory allocation for case when usm...
2020-08-26 Vladimir Paramuzov[IE CLDNN] int8 output support in fsv16 dw conv (#1886)
2020-08-26 Sergey Shlyapnikov[IE CLDNN] Weights reorders optimization (#1542)
2020-08-25 Alexandra Sidorova[CPU] Added H-Swish activation (#1445)
2020-08-24 Konrad Dobros[IE CLDNN] Fix concat in place with conv interactions...
2020-08-24 Vladimir Paramuzov[IE CLDNN] Enabled tensor pitches in topk kernel for...
2020-08-24 Lukasz Debski[IE CLDNN] Forcing bfzyx format in MVN layer (#1903)
2020-08-24 Vladimir Paramuzov[IE CLDNN] FP16 support for some quantized kernels...
2020-08-20 Anton PotapovUpdating ADE version (#1877)
2020-08-20 Jedrzej Hajduczenia[IE CLDNN] Add 3d spatials support to conv & pool imad...
2020-08-19 Vladimir Paramuzov[IE CLDNN] Enable fsv16 format for all quantized models...
2020-08-19 Jedrzej Hajduczenia[IE CLDNN] Fix vector iterators incompatibility issue...
2020-08-19 Vladimir Paramuzov[IE CLDNN] Mixed precision scale support (#1848)
2020-08-19 Vladimir Paramuzov[IE CLDNN] Use fsv4 instead of af32 layout for imad...
2020-08-19 Sergey Nesterov[IE CLDNN] added fusing support for ref and b_fs_yx_fsv...
2020-08-18 Evgeny Latkin[IE][VPU]: Fixed MX firmware memory type patching ...
2020-08-17 Vladimir Paramuzov[IE CLDNN] All input layouts support in ref pooling...
2020-08-17 Maxim Andronov[CPU] fix conv + concat case and add tests (#1747)
2020-08-17 Vladimir Paramuzov[IE CLDNN] Set arguments once (#1699)
2020-08-17 Ilya Znamenskiy[IE CLDNN] Gemm floating point unit-tests fix (#1797)
2020-08-17 Sergey Shlyapnikov[IE CLDNN] Fix for DepthToSpace fusing into convolution...
2020-08-14 Alexander Chaiko[IE CLDNN] Disable non-performant fp32 batches FC layer...
2020-08-14 Mikhail Letavin[IE CLDNN] dp4a check that works both with old and...
2020-08-12 Konrad Dobros[IE CLDNN] Add asymmetric dw convolution improvements...
2020-08-11 Vladimir Paramuzov[IE CLDNN] Enabled fsv16 asymmetric first conv (#1372)
2020-08-11 Egor Churaev[IE CLDNN] Fix reshape for yxfb layout (#1632)
2020-08-11 Ilya Znamenskiy[IE CLDNN] Gemm fp16/fp32 optimized kernel (#1646)
2020-08-10 Alexandra Sidorova[CPU] Added Mish activation (#1555)
2020-08-07 Konrad Dobros[IE CLDNN] Extend resample int8 packing optimization...
2020-08-05 Alexander Chaiko[IE CLDNN] Support IC={1,2,4} in the first convolution...
2020-08-04 Marcin PenkowskiFeature/ar24 int8 optimizations (#1208)
2020-08-03 Roman Lyamin[IE CLDNN] Added fsv16 and int8 support in BatchToSpace...
2020-08-03 Roman Lyamin[IE CLDNN] Added HSwish-4 operation (#1585)
2020-08-03 Lukasz Debski[IE CLDNN] Gather 5d/6d support (#1553)
2020-07-30 Vladimir Paramuzov[IE CLDNN] Prod mode support in eltwise fusings (#1491)
2020-07-27 Anna KhakimovaPreprocessing(GAPI): Universal intrinsics (AVX512)...
2020-07-27 Vladimir Paramuzov[IE CLDNN] Fixed gemm fusings with FP precision (#1490)
2020-07-27 Konrad Dobros[IE CLDNN] Add b_fs_fsv16 concat optimizations (#1452)
2020-07-27 Vladimir Paramuzov[IE CLDNN] Improvements for SpaceToDepth (#1454)
2020-07-24 Sergey Shlyapnikov[IE CLDNN] fix warnings from gcc-9 compiler (#1431)
2020-07-23 Ruslan GarnovUpdated fluid to 4.3.0 (#1422)
2020-07-23 Vladimir Paramuzov[IE CLDNN] Shrink reshapes (#1362)
2020-07-22 Andrey ZaytsevFixes LFS issues (#1440)
2020-07-21 Ilya Znamenskiy[IE CLDNN] Gemm int8 with slm optimization. Fused ops...
2020-07-21 Anna KhakimovaPre-processing(GAPI): ARM(NEON) integration + Split...
2020-07-20 Anna KhakimovaFix for issue (#1335)
2020-07-16 Alexander Chaiko[IE CLDNN] Adjustment of layouts to choose optimal...
2020-07-16 Nikita Kudriavtsev[IE Myriad] Remove Myriad 2 from supported devices...
2020-07-14 Jedrzej Hajduczenia[IE CLDNN] Disable inserting reorders if num_dims misma...
2020-07-13 Mikhail Letavin[IE CLDNN] Optimize kernel cache memory usage in GPU...
2020-07-13 Egor Churaev[IE CLDNN] LRN int8 fsv16 optimizations (#814)
2020-07-13 Maxim Andronov[CPU] Add check quantize ranges (#850)
2020-07-10 Michał KarzyńskiAdd nGraph-ONNX tests (#1215)
2020-07-09 Roman Lyamin[IE CLDNN] Added Mish operation (#1125)
2020-07-07 Anna KhakimovaPreprocessing(GAPI): Universal intrinsics (AVX2) implem...
2020-07-06 Lukasz Debski[IE CLDNN] Addition of eltwise support for different...
2020-07-05 Jedrzej Hajduczenia[IE CLDNN] Fix input feature padding handling in dw...
2020-07-05 Konrad Dobros[IE CLDNN] Add additional check for local block io...
2020-07-03 Anton Voronov[MKLDNN] Fixed bias datatype in jit_uni_dw_conv kernel...
2020-07-02 Konrad Dobros[IE CLDNN] Add some auto-tuning improvements (#1154)
2020-07-02 Jedrzej Hajduczenia[IE CLDNN] Don't force expected reorder layout & improv...
2020-07-02 Vladimir Paramuzov[IE CLDNN] Autoremove comments from processed cl files...
2020-06-30 Vladimir Paramuzov[IE CLDNN] Removed unused primitives and related struct...
2020-06-30 Konrad Dobros[IE CLDNN] Add two early optimization capabilites ...
2020-06-29 Alexander Chaiko[IE CLDNN] Fix Android build error: braces around scala...
2020-06-29 Alexander Chaiko[IE CLDNN] int8 batches optimization (#632)
2020-06-29 Egor Churaev[IE CLDNN] Implement ExtractImagePatches operation...
2020-06-25 Jedrzej Hajduczenia[IE CLDNN] Set strided slice out_format to bfyx when...
2020-06-24 Roman Lyamin[IE CLDNN] Added space_to_batch operation (#984)
2020-06-24 Ilya ChuraevRemoved reference implementations for some data types...
2020-06-23 Egor Churaev[IE CLDNN] Fix device release with static plugin instan...
2020-06-22 Vladimir Paramuzov[IE CLDNN] fsv4 to fsv16 conv (#1030)
2020-06-22 Evgeny LazarevCleanup IR v7 from the MO (#1008)