gdbus: change 'peripheral_gdbus.h' file name to 'peripheral_gdbus_common.h'
[platform/core/api/peripheral-io.git] / include / interface /
2017-11-14 Segwoninterface: use the CHECK_ERROR macro for error set... 22/160022/3
2017-11-14 Segwoni2c: remove unused interface function that peripheral_i... 77/159977/3
2017-11-14 Segwoninterface: change the type of parameters in interface... 75/159975/4
2017-11-14 Segwoninterface: unuse the enum types defined in the interface 71/159971/4
2017-11-14 Segwonuart: remove unused interface function that peripheral_... 70/159970/1
2017-11-14 Segwoninterface: add prefix 'peripheral_interface' to file... 68/159968/3
2017-11-13 Segwon[3/6] fd passing: use fd directly without opening it 65/159865/1
2017-11-13 Segwoninterface: move interface header files to top level... 05/159805/3