Merge changes Iec23e69e,I6437eab9 into devel/master
[platform/core/uifw/dali-toolkit.git] / dali-toolkit / internal / controls / text-controls /
2016-12-14 Adeel KazmiMerge "Fix SWIG C# Build" into devel/master
2016-12-13 Agnelo VazText Selection popup to use Enums not string for Text 32/102432/5
2016-12-12 Paul WisbeyMerge "Text - TextClipper replaced by an Actor with...
2016-12-12 Victor CebolladaText - TextClipper replaced by an Actor with the CLIPPI... 55/103555/3
2016-11-23 dongsug songMerge "Update README for dali-swig" into devel/master
2016-11-22 Paul WisbeyMerge changes Ia2ec4b45,Ied29583a into devel/master
2016-11-21 Victor CebolladaModelView implementation. 49/86349/14
2016-11-15 dongsug songMerge "Dali C# binding : Creating Color Constructor...
2016-11-07 David SteeleMerge "Remove ResourceImages from Popup implementation...
2016-11-07 Paul WisbeyMerge "Revert the TextLabel to use the old renderer...
2016-11-04 Victor CebolladaRevert the TextLabel to use the old renderer. 53/95753/1
2016-11-02 dongsug songMerge "DALi C# binding - Avoid removal of dali-swig...
2016-11-01 Kimmo HoikkaRemove incorrect placement actor from the RegisterVisua... 73/94873/2
2016-11-01 Paul WisbeyMerge "Stop trying to find the URL parameter multiple...
2016-11-01 Kimmo HoikkaMerge "Prevent Image visuals creating a renderer and...
2016-11-01 Paul WisbeyMerge "Text - UNDERLINE, SHADOW, INPUT_UNDERLINE and...
2016-11-01 Kimmo HoikkaMerge "Fixed bug in 3x3 NPatch shader and Color visual...
2016-11-01 Victor CebolladaText - UNDERLINE, SHADOW, INPUT_UNDERLINE and INPUT_SHA... 17/94217/10
2016-11-01 Paul WisbeyMerge "Text - FONT_STYLE and INPUT_FONT_STYLE propertie...
2016-11-01 Victor CebolladaText - FONT_STYLE and INPUT_FONT_STYLE properties refactor. 03/94003/10
2016-10-28 Paul WisbeyMerge "Text - Initialize the mUpdateCursorHookPosition...
2016-10-28 Adeel KazmiMerge "Fix PageFactory to take in Texture rather than...
2016-10-27 Adeel KazmiMerge "Added devel-api mirroring of public enumeration...
2016-10-27 David SteeleAdded devel-api mirroring of public enumeration. 14/94014/4
2016-10-25 dongsug songMerge "Update the refined dali c# application to suppor...
2016-10-24 dongsug songMerge "DALi C# binding - Change Animte APIs to use...
2016-10-21 Adeel KazmiMerge "Added code for stylable transitions" into devel...
2016-10-20 Adeel KazmiMerge "Remove Atlas usage from ImageVisual" into devel...
2016-10-20 Paul WisbeyMerge "TextVisual implementation." into devel/master
2016-10-20 Paul WisbeyMerge "TextController refactor." into devel/master
2016-10-18 Victor CebolladaTextVisual implementation. 15/92615/3
2016-10-17 Victor CebolladaTextController refactor. 93/90593/6
2016-10-13 dongsug songMerge "This patch is for refining dali application...
2016-10-11 Adeel KazmiMerge "Changed control defaults to listen to style...
2016-10-11 David SteeleChanged control defaults to listen to style change 90/88390/6
2016-09-15 taeyoonRemove/Move experimental features 49/88249/1
2016-09-08 Paul WisbeyMerge "Clipping API feature in Actor" into devel/master
2016-09-08 Tom RobinsonClipping API feature in Actor 15/65815/17
2016-08-31 Paul WisbeyMerge "Patch to synchronize with bug fixes done in...
2016-08-31 Adeel KazmiMerge "Add Privilege tags to" into devel...
2016-08-30 Adeel KazmiMerge "Changed styles to use case-insensitive matching...
2016-08-30 Adeel KazmiMerge "Fixed interaction between scale dimensions and...
2016-08-26 Victor CebolladaTextController re-organization. 98/85698/2
2016-08-25 David SteeleChanged styles to use case-insensitive matching 71/84271/13
2016-08-17 Adeel KazmiMerge "Add descriptions and example codes" into devel...
2016-08-16 Paul WisbeyMerge "Add Text input style changed signal." into devel...
2016-08-16 Adeel KazmiMerge "Fix the texture bleeding with wrapping in atlas...
2016-08-16 Victor CebolladaAdd Text input style changed signal. 03/81803/13
2016-08-15 Adeel KazmiMerge "Changed text controls to re-apply style after...
2016-08-15 David SteeleChanged text controls to re-apply style after system... 35/69335/7
2016-07-26 Paul WisbeyMerge "Updating test-suite to match core" into devel...
2016-07-25 Agnelo VazMoving visuals into new folder with same level as controls 68/81368/3
2016-07-21 Paul WisbeyMerge "Fix for the cursor position with the arabic...
2016-07-14 Adeel KazmiMerge "Adding Automated tests for text-controller.cpp...
2016-07-14 Victor CebolladaVertical scrolling for text-editor. 84/72984/13
2016-07-07 Kimmo HoikkaMerge "Fix bug in mesh-renderer which failed to render...
2016-07-06 Paul WisbeyMerge "Text - Stop destroying the text renderer when...
2016-07-05 Victor CebolladaText - Stop destroying the text renderer when text... 50/78450/3
2016-07-04 Paul WisbeyMerge "Fix for text controller (IMF callback)." into...
2016-07-04 Adeel Kazmi(Touch) Using new Touch API in all controls 90/78190/2
2016-06-03 Xiangyin MaRemove ImageActor from comments and variable names 59/72359/4
2016-06-02 Paul WisbeyMerge "Fix for object loader not handling flags correct...
2016-06-02 Seoyeon KimMerge "Prevention for being assigned NULL value" into...
2016-06-01 Paul WisbeyMerge "APIs for text editor." into devel/master
2016-05-31 Victor CebolladaAPIs for text editor. 03/66603/9
2016-05-27 Victor CebolladaRemove alignment from text controller. 15/71915/4
2016-05-20 Adeel KazmiMerge "Type registry helper: Toolkit change to correct...
2016-05-20 Tom RobinsonType registry helper: Toolkit change to correct Program... 96/69996/9
2016-05-17 Agnelo VazGetNaturalSize() to restore ControlSize after relayouti... 87/69987/2
2016-05-17 Adeel KazmiMerge "Add CreatePropertyBuffer() back to test utils...
2016-05-17 Adeel KazmiFix issues with text scrolling & transition effects... 76/69776/5
2016-05-13 Adeel KazmiMerge "Auto Scrolling Text Label" into devel/master
2016-05-13 Agnelo VazAuto Scrolling Text Label 96/57796/43
2016-05-05 Adeel KazmiMerge "Svace issues." into devel/master
2016-05-05 Victor CebolladaSvace issues. 95/68495/1
2016-04-28 Kimmo HoikkaMerge "Moved StyleManager to the public API" into devel...
2016-04-27 David SteeleMoved StyleManager to the public API 47/67347/9
2016-04-27 Paul WisbeyMerge "Changes following "Make TextureSet a non propert...
2016-04-26 Adeel KazmiMerge "Changed signal order for StyleManager" into...
2016-04-26 David SteeleChanged signal order for StyleManager 86/66186/8
2016-04-20 Paul WisbeyVector-based text rendering 86/56486/29
2016-04-18 Adeel KazmiMerge "Remove sys-string and use dali-toolkit po files...
2016-04-15 Heeyong SongRemove sys-string and use dali-toolkit po files 46/56546/2
2016-04-05 Paul WisbeyMerge "Fixed testcases using sampler uniforms" into...
2016-04-04 Adeel KazmiMerge "GradientRenderer Property name changes and stopO...
2016-04-04 Xiangyin MaRemove more ImageActors from Toolkit 83/55083/8
2016-03-30 Adeel KazmiMerge "Stop Overriding Actor::Add() & Actor::Remove...
2016-03-30 Victor CebolladaTextModel - Layout a given range of characters inside... 13/62713/6
2016-01-26 Adeel KazmiMerge "Apply the new doxygen tagging rule for @SINCE...
2016-01-26 Adeel KazmiMerge "Add ALIASES for new DALi doxygen tagging rule...
2016-01-26 Kimmo HoikkaMerge "Updated programming guide for image-scaling...
2016-01-26 Paul WisbeyMerge "Fix for text's popup." into devel/master
2016-01-25 Victor CebolladaFix for text's popup. 80/57880/1
2016-01-18 Victor CebolladaMultiline - Create a text-editor control. 93/56893/5
2016-01-11 Paul WisbeyMerge "Markup procesor - Font." into devel/master
2016-01-08 Victor CebolladaMarkup procesor - Font. 00/53800/12
2016-01-06 Adeel KazmiMerge "Fix svace issue, DEREF_AFTER_NULL case" into...
2016-01-06 Victor CebolladaEnable markup processor in text controls. 40/54740/11
2016-01-05 Kimmo HoikkaMerge changes I000b9684,I1a6a0f46 into devel/master
2016-01-05 Adeel KazmiRestored control-depth-index-ranges.h to released versi... 37/56237/7