From: Sehong Na Date: Sat, 31 May 2014 03:45:00 +0000 (+0900) Subject: Initialize Tizen 2.3 X-Git-Tag: 2.3a_release X-Git-Url:;h=refs%2Fheads%2Ftizen_2.3;p=toolchains%2Fhwdata.git Initialize Tizen 2.3 --- 38d1e6b5e24184caea5330e68490fe635aafc32b diff --git a/COPYING b/COPYING new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d60c31a --- /dev/null +++ b/COPYING @@ -0,0 +1,340 @@ + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs + + If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest +possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it +free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. + + To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest +to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively +convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least +the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. + + + Copyright (C) + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA + + +Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. + +If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this +when it starts in an interactive mode: + + Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author + Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. + This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it + under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. + +The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate +parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may +be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be +mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program. + +You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your +school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if +necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: + + Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program + `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. + + , 1 April 1989 + Ty Coon, President of Vice + +This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into +proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may +consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the +library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General +Public License instead of this License. diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a7f80e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/ChangeLog @@ -0,0 +1,820 @@ +commit 2cf1269ae705860700a4fa5370530ef7691a83d1 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Thu Aug 5 13:20:28 2010 +0200 + + - update usb.ids, out.txt and pci.ids (#550020, #611860) + - fix incorrect syntax doc/comment in blacklist.conf (Ville Skyttä, #532802) + - add Acer B243HL and BenQ G2420HDBL (Ville Skyttä, #590787) + - add HP LP2475w and Samsung 2494HM (Ville Skyttä, #595059) + +commit 61232acc757b1dedc3dceff06d43f6036eec7484 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Thu Aug 5 13:15:13 2010 +0200 + + Add HP LP2475w and Samsung 2494HM + +commit bac99084b136f01b90e9fc49bead91ce41463547 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Thu Aug 5 12:00:57 2010 +0200 + + - add Acer B243HL and BenQ G2420HDBL (Ville Skyttä, #590787) + +commit fd440dcf6ab4d40fe2305ea4d3756932c0272e16 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Thu Aug 5 10:53:26 2010 +0200 + + fix Incorrect syntax doc/comment in blacklist.conf (#532802) + +commit 7361dc65a2d47c427257e8431e513baa37521d7c +Author: Philip Knirsch +Date: Tue May 25 19:13:14 2010 +0200 + + - update usb.ids, out.txt and pci.ids + - Resolves: #584788 + +commit 568cf9d32089f72abdfc199aa55b54785882e5e1 +Author: Matt Domsch +Date: Wed Mar 31 10:38:21 2010 -0500 + + add 14 Dell monitors + +commit b015c34f6186f15afb214190384f642a1cc8824c +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Mon Mar 29 12:39:27 2010 +0200 + + - update usb.ids, out.txt and pci.ids for F-13 (#571914) + +commit 8d1a5ea764656c69854a02f48334419a2627110b +Author: Philip Knirsch +Date: Wed Mar 17 12:05:47 2010 +0100 + + - Blacklist chsc_sch for s390x + +commit ad7603fea5508e822f965b4dd87c78f9f161ce4d +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Mon Feb 22 18:09:01 2010 +0100 + + - update oui.txt pci.ids usb.ids , license + +commit a9fa19769d79f87780d463baef17c69921e9ff30 +Author: Dave Airlie +Date: Tue Feb 23 08:06:35 2010 +1000 + + hwdata: add viafb to the fb blacklist + +commit 539c655211290d207c592dcb4751aa3b9ec469da +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Fri Jan 15 16:23:11 2010 +0100 + + fix changelog + +commit b2bb33a9ceb7644d3e94ce9b1ed2f677f4230f3e +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Fri Jan 15 16:21:21 2010 +0100 + + - update release number + +commit be2fc6832b38c1491a439668d9c4d30b2ba8446b +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Fri Jan 15 16:17:48 2010 +0100 + + - update usb.ids pci.ids oui.txt + +commit b74271fcbe41aac2e29f9f9e6b3f59e68c641577 +Author: Matt Domsch +Date: Tue Sep 1 12:08:08 2009 -0500 + + add 4 Dell monitors + +commit 40bce2a3b88530356ccc61d43afb2000553816f8 +Author: Matt Domsch +Date: Wed Aug 19 15:45:41 2009 -0500 + + add 42 new Dell monitors + +commit 253e468c4991ceae48740a146f2defcf9a4545be +Merge: bd0e652 de79002 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Wed Jul 8 15:06:11 2009 +0200 + + update + +commit de79002fc0d0ebb32633907823eb977372473ee7 +Author: Adam Jackson +Date: Tue Jul 7 18:14:36 2009 -0400 + + pnp.ids: DEL -> Dell + + Don't know who Deltec is, and don't care either. + +commit c54650f5504140e8b86504aae582ece57024dbdd +Author: Adam Jackson +Date: Fri Jun 12 15:50:31 2009 -0400 + + pnp.ids: Update + +commit 1b216e8decd37f56d77267e2c818400112b7a88a +Author: Matt Domsch +Date: Mon Apr 13 11:17:18 2009 -0500 + + add 12 Dell monitors + +commit c8f2fbbfe37bc9cd06e6aa46a8a2be9fe8f955cd +Author: Adam Jackson +Date: Thu Apr 9 14:33:30 2009 -0400 + + hwdata 0.225 + + Missed a specfile change + +commit b46eb3c8ff6b14edb0020ed603aa833b34545a74 +Author: Adam Jackson +Date: Thu Apr 9 14:30:54 2009 -0400 + + hwdata 0.224 + +commit dac9640a1ac63a60752c663662a1b279bf5beb82 +Author: Adam Jackson +Date: Thu Apr 9 14:30:22 2009 -0400 + + mv blacklist blacklist.conf + +commit ead2541d4badb743f8f9fab1ebba9ccb626ed425 +Author: Adam Jackson +Date: Thu Apr 9 14:26:46 2009 -0400 + + Fix upload target + +commit a1c5ab9276d09ee8bab78325659122db6596fd12 +Author: Adam Jackson +Date: Thu Apr 9 14:20:08 2009 -0400 + + Release 0.223 + +commit e278beb31bd7d0964c3812dda38b3e9841a08d18 +Author: Adam Jackson +Date: Thu Apr 9 14:24:47 2009 -0400 + + Fix create-archive target + +commit c8b69e84f6a66738873a4222e19fd7395eb9e5b6 +Author: Adam Jackson +Date: Thu Apr 9 14:24:01 2009 -0400 + + Add 'upload' target for releaseballs + +commit e952123b799f831f18a91a229bb4840bc409e0d6 +Author: Adam Jackson +Date: Thu Apr 9 14:19:28 2009 -0400 + + Fix ChangeLog rule + +commit efbb0335d93132ccabe007f212d4fb17f6cf9867 +Author: Adam Jackson +Date: Thu Apr 9 14:18:00 2009 -0400 + + Update README + +commit 740c0293beb84eb6987e08b69fbf0f9eddaca7b5 +Author: Adam Jackson +Date: Thu Apr 9 14:16:08 2009 -0400 + + Add pnp.ids + + Hand-maintained, sadly + +commit c6334bd4e29e4e3e516ebad4930e771c6da075db +Author: Adam Jackson +Date: Thu Apr 9 14:09:19 2009 -0400 + + Update oui.txt + +commit fc46377e8680cbbb7e6b81a06e0f643cbd9d25aa +Author: Adam Jackson +Date: Thu Apr 9 14:08:01 2009 -0400 + + Update usb.ids + +commit a844b422f808da67d547ce44cd784675e070476a +Author: Adam Jackson +Date: Thu Apr 9 14:07:53 2009 -0400 + + Update pci.ids + +commit bd0e6525410000571376c9e6f6b685bfb120f29d +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Thu Mar 19 20:42:17 2009 +0100 + + - fix syntax of git-archive and git-log + +commit 9ebe79d15a91bbca0191129f679117374f21796a +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Thu Mar 19 20:39:24 2009 +0100 + + - rename /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf + +commit a6e5970e33c6b963294501949aec6fc0b8d58f2c +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Thu Mar 19 20:38:47 2009 +0100 + + - update usb.ids oui.txt pci.ids + +commit 609f9485187bb6e99a63ebc8e392397b71b37abd +Author: Adam Jackson +Date: Sun Feb 8 18:19:53 2009 -0500 + + Update videodrivers to match reality + +commit 55501f0bd440564a607d999224c41dbd02a688cc +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Wed Jan 28 10:46:46 2009 +0100 + + - update usb.ids pci.ids oui.txt and build for all current releases + Fixes p.e. #465440 + +commit cc07688bfe87ace7239a5293512b4ab79a5eda21 +Merge: eea1522 a9cfa56 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Wed Jan 21 14:08:31 2009 +0100 + + Merge branch 'master' of ssh:// + + * 'master' of ssh:// + MonitorsDB: add 12 Dell Monitors + +commit eea1522c244546d0ce22bfafae59309868d2ec3a +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Wed Jan 21 13:57:33 2009 +0100 + + - update usb.ids pci.ids oui.txt + +commit a9cfa563d02a768779594c66203bfebe68a8808b +Author: Raghavendra B +Date: Fri Dec 26 00:28:48 2008 -0600 + + MonitorsDB: add 12 Dell Monitors + +commit 35db4ea5e354241232273e34c070972f1bb8a6dd +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Tue Dec 2 17:14:13 2008 +0100 + + - add changelog + +commit 89d9d8eb05a5153e40756693d264133faa9085c0 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Tue Dec 2 16:54:22 2008 +0100 + + - add new monitor entries from Mandriva hardware database (Thierry Vignaud) + +commit ad9a5db69dc8cba9d2de709b739abd8221858680 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Tue Dec 2 15:10:55 2008 +0100 + + - make generic entries have properly formated frequencies (Thierry Vignaud) + +commit 79e982e50edb4ac854c3c2520e188b2ed3a8b7b2 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Tue Dec 2 14:12:52 2008 +0100 + + - remove duplicate Dell monitor entries (Thierry Vignaud) + +commit e12d509410d7a9e17a12cf7bd4b6ae75f6b9f97a +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Wed Nov 19 11:41:07 2008 +0100 + + - more vendor name fixes + +commit 2686854d00a96048a72b44480e730bfeda030be6 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Tue Nov 18 17:17:39 2008 +0100 + + - fix extra field in 'Compudyne KD-1500N' definition (Thierry Vignaud) + - make Dell monitors case consistent (Thierry Vignaud) + - make all GoldStar monitors have the same vendor name (Thierry Vignaud) + +commit 4b04168b192a402c7cc099986dfd234565f0ff34 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Tue Nov 18 13:04:15 2008 +0100 + + - sort again with LANG=C + +commit b1fca1d93e2834124da514fbf1274448d88eefa3 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Tue Nov 18 12:15:21 2008 +0100 + + - add URL of git repository + +commit 59c9ae2afa5c18f6c8e8e8772e438dac784e2229 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Tue Nov 18 11:56:43 2008 +0100 + + - fix spacing (Thierry Vignaud) + - sort file with sort -f -t ";" -k1,2 + +commit 1569cfbb7a816c91c68bde7692157cd2e54e908f +Merge: abe5f53 41d815c +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Wed Nov 5 13:17:29 2008 +0100 + + Merge branch 'master' of ssh:// + + * 'master' of ssh:// + MonitorsDB: add 16 Dell Monitors + MonitorsDB: add Dell E1709W + +commit abe5f534ab911f72bd2720d936c2a08ef85b14cb +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Wed Nov 5 13:12:53 2008 +0100 + + - add Samsung SyncMaster 2443BWX (Marc van den Dikkenberg) + +commit 41d815c2972110bde8d967d2ba0e58ff2897faf1 +Author: Raghavendra B +Date: Sun Sep 28 07:13:12 2008 -0500 + + MonitorsDB: add 16 Dell Monitors + +commit e96b0c7b8999766df7bedb2cab9a7cd71f3d3155 +Author: Matt Domsch +Date: Mon Aug 4 11:04:12 2008 -0500 + + MonitorsDB: add Dell E1709W + +commit e904375aaa861bb70c89401af1d34368924112e5 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Mon Aug 4 11:49:51 2008 +0200 + + - add some Lenovo monitors (Im Sza) + +commit 1be9f70065622a1123b9f4a226edae3081db103d +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Wed Jul 23 12:18:30 2008 +0200 + + build new Rawhide version: + - update pci.ids, usb.ids, oui.txt + - MonitorsDB: add some Samsung monitors (Ronald Warsow) + - MonitorsDB: add Dell E1609W (Matt Domsch) + - MonitorsDB: add 7 Dell monitors (Matt Domsch) + - MonitorsDB: add a bunch of Hyundai and ImageQuest monitors + +commit 953378d28dca1ba873898749aaa76999d15bc668 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Wed Jul 23 12:18:02 2008 +0200 + + - update usb.ids pci.ids oui.txt + +commit 8f2d40b54304a5715f5eb51b8ec1cb166ac61649 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Wed Jul 23 12:10:36 2008 +0200 + + - add some Samsung monitors (Ronald Warsow) + +commit f76188a2a463862e6285aebbb93fb946e1680c19 +Author: Matt Domsch +Date: Tue Jul 1 09:14:53 2008 -0500 + + MonitorsDB: add Dell E1609W + +commit a07420d7f050f72cc002b29e4adbce0796b74070 +Author: Matt Domsch +Date: Tue Jun 24 15:29:09 2008 -0500 + + add 7 Dell monitors + +commit 71031f400f414a9acef187c45c7f390edb6bd8f4 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Mon Jun 9 14:00:19 2008 +0200 + + - add a bunch of Hyundai and ImageQuest monitors + +commit 0313e32723ceec41aaeece48cd3e83a05afcc462 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Mon Jun 9 13:49:00 2008 +0200 + + add a bunch of Hyundai and ImageQuest monitors + +commit eb8527a9cfcaef02eb759383fe73667178af8e1c +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Mon Jun 9 11:40:54 2008 +0200 + + - add BenQ FP2091 monitor (Peter Williams) + +commit 401e23c636b77255486ade376a85d356b964db22 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Mon Jun 9 11:39:46 2008 +0200 + + - add BenQ FP2091 monitor + +commit e2329665c69a5c2bb825de4310702354920dbe30 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Thu Jun 5 14:17:12 2008 +0200 + + - add check script from Sergey Scobich (#246102) + +commit cde1ddf2c0536c5cc8093a1ddaee2d9b9c5d6305 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Mon Jun 2 14:28:35 2008 +0200 + + - update pci.ids, usb.ids, oui.txt + - blacklist snd-pcsp (#448425) + +commit 53eff24fe9f34162e7faf95ff28cbf52b2ba1cd3 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Mon Jun 2 14:27:39 2008 +0200 + + - fix check output + +commit 8d0cc1f09a14c2c9254bb752103ef8b3b931157d +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Mon Jun 2 14:22:54 2008 +0200 + + - add targets for oui.txt download and a shortcut for all downloads + +commit 20696e063455422c4d18c59e962d42c1747950be +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Mon Jun 2 14:22:31 2008 +0200 + + - update oui.txt + +commit 8f8cf0610758532753cd10edf245eb469ab0fded +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Mon Jun 2 14:18:19 2008 +0200 + + - blacklist snd-pcsp (#448425) + +commit 63e0128a1d36ef3a2411c85da94c1ec83af6a729 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Mon Jun 2 14:17:42 2008 +0200 + + - update pci.ids, oui.txt + +commit 4c6a5b93be47ae328beb356defec4aa511944522 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Mon May 19 11:54:56 2008 +0200 + + - add some Acer monitors (Im Sz) + +commit c19a94f67e8567672aac54a3c75d00032050e5eb +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Tue Apr 1 16:24:01 2008 +0200 + + - update + +commit 582482c296f0bb30f6f653234f55581a13afad8c +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Tue Apr 1 15:47:11 2008 +0200 + + - fix some monitor entries (Stanislav Ievlev, #430276) + +commit 5ae63e88c1224ad8309dfa3ee0cb9bdf1cb794e9 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Tue Apr 1 14:45:25 2008 +0200 + + - update + +commit 275fa484ff71ff9930668c5790322af488a04aeb +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Tue Apr 1 14:45:10 2008 +0200 + + - update + +commit 49e4a4bfa38981b9d7ef30a6df5fe204ce8cd4e0 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Tue Apr 1 14:44:40 2008 +0200 + + - update + +commit 51bc15c96ceab2b7da09f227ffeb28211e218ec5 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Tue Apr 1 14:43:21 2008 +0200 + + - add HP w1907 LCD monitor. (#431359) + +commit e79e984bbe6d831baddb046f9cded4267be712fb +Author: Matt Domsch +Date: Mon Mar 17 00:05:45 2008 -0500 + + MonitorsDB: add Dell 2009W + +commit ff48263a462bd7648d9fc09ad3fdfd2878a92d6e +Author: Matt Domsch +Date: Wed Mar 5 11:22:00 2008 -0600 + + MonitorsDB: add LG L222W + + from + +commit 41f19a8da1774361770db752c2f2316c0dff7c66 +Author: Matt Domsch +Date: Wed Mar 5 10:35:31 2008 -0600 + + MonitorsDB: add ViewSonic VA702b + + from + +commit 5ba15f6ae558649510b913a167b12d0ee862eb68 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Mon Mar 3 11:03:03 2008 +0100 + + - update pci.ids, usb.ids (#431658) + +commit 9352289e6b924246c9ac0297d7911aea5e0b960e +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Wed Jan 23 10:45:39 2008 +0100 + + - add oui.txt, #429714 + +commit 778fa9c8d91f459de9ee11facfba035dd4775e8a +Author: Philip Knirsch +Date: Tue Jan 29 11:26:04 2008 +0100 + + - Forgot to bump version. Fixed. + - Added changelog entry for pci.ids pull from upstream + +commit 070562f3cf3af46894cfc1c7fc9b233c7ebe92f5 +Author: Philip Knirsch +Date: Tue Jan 29 10:45:04 2008 +0100 + + Updated pci.ids from upstream 28.1.2008 + +commit 663a1151509357ca174271374fa5acec5be887d6 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Tue Jan 22 17:31:18 2008 +0100 + + - add HP W2207 monitor + +commit d0b3fcd4184a14026e8a3a9b3a3a06454482d5fa +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Fri Jan 18 11:25:00 2008 +0100 + + - bump version and rebuild + +commit 5d91b2e8e44564e40b337257b4a3d2bfc4c71e44 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Fri Jan 18 11:21:10 2008 +0100 + + remove MonitorsDB.generic as it isn't used anywhere + +commit dfe0797b4c99fecea15e616610e1ab67c74f5748 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Fri Jan 18 11:19:27 2008 +0100 + + drop RHEL-5 blacklist patch in -devel + +commit 6e04827ab12dc3463e224bada5755f8550784139 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Tue Jan 15 17:11:34 2008 +0100 + + - add many monitor entries (Im Sza, #367111) + +commit bca2f3e40e8c26ef274cc82c5937d8510e5f0ea2 +Merge: fc46dd1 f68bb00 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Tue Jan 15 17:02:31 2008 +0100 + + Merge commit 'origin/master' + + * commit 'origin/master': + MonitorsDB: add Dell C22W + +commit fc46dd133d0fdfd7e32f97fb2ca56152de9bb37c +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Tue Jan 15 16:42:32 2008 +0100 + + - add > 600 LG monitors (Im Sza) + +commit f68bb00f11968becaa8ce5e9385758ca027dc85d +Author: Matt Domsch +Date: Tue Jan 15 09:40:25 2008 -0600 + + MonitorsDB: add Dell C22W + +commit e2fdb30ea8b8e40d48eed471eb2418b2fb35ede1 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Fri Jan 11 23:22:38 2008 +0100 + + fix erroneous tab in videodrivers + +commit f157062ea1a94f93f5eb1646ce6019f6c6f6d7e6 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Fri Jan 11 23:17:35 2008 +0100 + + - add Samsung Monitors + +commit 9c07d4bddd2d50e12bd5f635e84b85f1331d0ad4 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Fri Jan 11 23:02:22 2008 +0100 + + add Samsung 795DF/795MB + +commit 1c5b48ca727b0da54bcad26300165920dddcbc1b +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Fri Jan 11 23:00:29 2008 +0100 + + add Eizo L568 + +commit 9fe002b2873ddc29b8c01768f9b93095012c3491 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Fri Jan 11 22:33:26 2008 +0100 + + update usb.ids + +commit 2cf4c157e0872a11e91bd34d51884b40afd9d14d +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Fri Jan 11 22:32:48 2008 +0100 + + update pci.ids + +commit b3edaa6da9b8636054191ef86a1a3cc75192a5eb +Merge: d40ede6 3e81c4b +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Fri Jan 11 22:31:39 2008 +0100 + + Merge commit '3e81c4bd3a889849da7a0bdeaa266e22dbff8977' into rhel5 + + * commit '3e81c4bd3a889849da7a0bdeaa266e22dbff8977': + MonitorsDB: add Dell 2408WFP + - add Proview 926w monitor + - add Proview 926w monitor (#363091) + - use bzip2 sources + - new release + add Dell 3008WFP monitor + - changes for git + - fix license tag + Update pci.ids and usb.ids + Add helper targets for updating PCI and USB ID lists. + Document which versions of the license we mean + MonitorsDB: add Dell E157FPT + - sort Acer monitors + inf2mondb: replace various forms of "DELL" with "Dell" for consistency + inf2mondb: remove double-quote characters in ini string table + inf2mondb: add --inflist to pass filename with list of ini files + -drop dell-monitors patch, move all entries to MonitorsDB + add Proview monitors (#363091) + + Conflicts: + + MonitorsDB + hwdata.spec + pci.ids + usb.ids + +commit d40ede652bbd6d93202f03f051933ece4b035a85 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Fri Jan 11 21:58:39 2008 +0100 + + add missing file from hwdata-0.211 + +commit 3121e41ef89b82c8c5a98ad7ca319cf8d4f68d1b +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Fri Jan 11 21:49:07 2008 +0100 + + commit hwdata-0.211 from rhel5 + +commit 3e81c4bd3a889849da7a0bdeaa266e22dbff8977 +Author: Matt Domsch +Date: Wed Dec 26 23:04:52 2007 -0600 + + MonitorsDB: add Dell 2408WFP + +commit 7c71fb47722a3d4e2697d77e32ebc08c2453e20b +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Sat Dec 22 22:56:10 2007 +0100 + + - add Proview 926w monitor + +commit c0ba445bb19e39a942aed0e955e8cd94e6727530 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Sat Dec 22 22:55:09 2007 +0100 + + - add Proview 926w monitor (#363091) + +commit 1b5061aaf95e21211477fb43c42be8bacd5a7fc9 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Sat Dec 22 22:37:54 2007 +0100 + + - use bzip2 sources + - drop dell-monitors patch + +commit 7e840b9da881a6022b0bada34bb76fc8a6f61ca5 +Merge: fb2d992 9bfd21a +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Sat Dec 22 19:06:56 2007 +0100 + + Merge branch 'master' of ssh:// + + * 'master' of ssh:// + add Dell 3008WFP monitor + +commit fb2d9923934a9dc76733b51faa3886c35b4b20af +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Sat Dec 22 19:06:20 2007 +0100 + + - new release + +commit 9bfd21aeb33546e2441469796a2e9950cd3a4081 +Author: Matt Domsch +Date: Mon Dec 17 13:47:32 2007 -0600 + + add Dell 3008WFP monitor + +commit a0496010e0728ec0fffc052ec8857539326578c8 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Thu Dec 13 13:25:12 2007 +0100 + + - changes for git + +commit d6b450a241edd7a2a30c0f83017e89b4c7363da3 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Thu Dec 13 12:15:06 2007 +0100 + + - fix license tag + - add %%build section + +commit 8c429ee6f9b074f7c451e4b74ee16b48159c6e1f +Author: Adam Jackson +Date: Mon Nov 5 10:50:24 2007 -0500 + + Update pci.ids and usb.ids + +commit f6f34cd96d1eaa2e2ed59c1ac0034fc502af8074 +Author: Adam Jackson +Date: Mon Nov 5 10:41:14 2007 -0500 + + Add helper targets for updating PCI and USB ID lists. + + Also mark a bunch of stuff .PHONY for correctness. + +commit e9f674ef932fbe83e0b7bbebc93fd9ed02b8aa13 +Author: Adam Jackson +Date: Mon Nov 5 10:35:51 2007 -0500 + + Document which versions of the license we mean + +commit f5f8ff731af831504fa5bdaead4f9a9de54469d3 +Merge: 819bd4b db5d42c +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Mon Nov 5 16:58:44 2007 +0100 + + Merge branch 'master' of git:// + +commit db5d42c1a4aa4754dcd0a2dd0e0765175f94d729 +Author: Matt Domsch +Date: Mon Nov 5 09:37:51 2007 -0600 + + MonitorsDB: add Dell E157FPT + +commit 819bd4b085e9bd45bea33476a09f17abf4e2a228 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Mon Nov 5 13:04:37 2007 +0100 + + - sort Acer monitors + - add and change a few Acer entries (bz #350111) + +commit 93c3a84eecfcab9f1ec421e5c6b21ee9d985a637 +Author: Matt Domsch +Date: Fri Nov 2 13:37:17 2007 -0500 + + inf2mondb: replace various forms of "DELL" with "Dell" for consistency + +commit 5dfd20cef1f8a97f0948dc7ffbfeda78b0f12e07 +Author: Matt Domsch +Date: Fri Nov 2 13:36:00 2007 -0500 + + inf2mondb: remove double-quote characters in ini string table + + They're unnecessary and don't belong in the output file. + +commit b81e6c83bbeb87c6899e96f103de0c5543e2df93 +Author: Matt Domsch +Date: Fri Nov 2 13:33:14 2007 -0500 + + inf2mondb: add --inflist to pass filename with list of ini files + + This avoids problems with shell expands in paths to ini files that + include spaces and other odd characters. Files listed in inflist are + parsed before the rest of the args on the command line. + +commit 52e9c9d85155c2c878eecbbcfc1db080097f7122 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Fri Nov 2 17:38:03 2007 +0100 + + -drop dell-monitors patch, move all entries to MonitorsDB + +commit 812267dfe6be2a98460584ac346a5f49289a25d0 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Fri Nov 2 16:31:07 2007 +0100 + + add Proview monitors (#363091) + +commit 0ae29dfc90b6e49a4a886ba7a4b588c180614cb5 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Fri Nov 2 11:56:53 2007 +0100 + + remove vim swap file + +commit 6e3fe3dc08c3892cf80e1699f8ae6ed9853fa248 +Author: Karsten Hopp +Date: Fri Nov 2 11:55:53 2007 +0100 + + Initial git import diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aac60f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +This data is licenced under 2 different licenses + +1) GNU General Public License, version 2 or later +2) XFree86 1.0 license + +This data can be used freely under either license. diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e9573c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ +NAME=$(shell awk '/Name:/ { print $$2 }' hwdata.spec) +VERSION=$(shell awk '/Version:/ { print $$2 }' hwdata.spec) +RELEASE=$(shell awk '/Release:/ { a=$$2; sub("%.*","",a); print a }' hwdata.spec) +SOURCEDIR := $(shell pwd) + +prefix=$(DESTDIR)/usr +sysconfdir=$(DESTDIR)/etc +bindir=$(prefix)/bin +sbindir=$(prefix)/sbin +datadir=$(prefix)/share +mandir=$(datadir)/man +includedir=$(prefix)/include +libdir=$(prefix)/lib + +CC=gcc +CFLAGS=$(RPM_OPT_FLAGS) -g + +CVSROOT = $(shell cat CVS/Root 2>/dev/null || :) + +CVSTAG = $(NAME)-r$(subst .,-,$(VERSION)) + +FILES = MonitorsDB pci.ids upgradelist usb.ids videodrivers oui.txt pnp.ids + +.PHONY: all install tag force-tag check create-archive archive srpm-x clean clog new-pci-ids new-usb-ids + +all: + +install: + mkdir -p -m 755 $(datadir)/$(NAME) + for foo in $(FILES) ; do \ + install -m 644 $$foo $(datadir)/$(NAME) ;\ + done + mkdir -p -m 755 $(datadir)/$(NAME)/videoaliases + mkdir -p -m 755 $(sysconfdir)/modprobe.d + install -m 644 blacklist.conf $(sysconfdir)/modprobe.d + +tag: + @git tag -a -m "Tag as $(NAME)-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE)" $(NAME)-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE) + @echo "Tagged as $(NAME)-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE)" + +force-tag: + @git tag -f $(NAME)-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE) + @echo "Tag forced as $(NAME)-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE)" + +changelog: + @rm -f ChangeLog + @(GIT_DIR=.git git log > .changelog.tmp && mv .changelog.tmp ChangeLog || rm -f .changelog.tmp) || (touch ChangeLog; echo 'git directory not found: installing possibly empty changelog.' >&2) + +check: + @[ -x /sbin/lspci ] && /sbin/lspci -i pci.ids > /dev/null || { echo "FAILURE: /sbin/lspci -i pci.ids"; exit 1; } && echo "OK: /sbin/lspci -i pci.ids" + @./ || { echo "FAILURE: ./"; exit 1; } && echo "OK: ./" + @: videodrivers is tab-separated + @[ `grep -vc ' ' videodrivers` -eq 0 ] || { echo "FAILURE: videodrivers not TAB separated"; exit 1; } && echo "OK: videodrivers" + +create-archive: + @rm -rf $(NAME)-$(VERSION) $(NAME)-$(VERSION).tar* 2>/dev/null + @make changelog + @git archive --format=tar --prefix=$(NAME)-$(VERSION)/ HEAD > $(NAME)-$(VERSION).tar + @mkdir $(NAME)-$(VERSION) + @cp ChangeLog $(NAME)-$(VERSION)/ + @tar --append -f $(NAME)-$(VERSION).tar $(NAME)-$(VERSION) + @bzip2 -f $(NAME)-$(VERSION).tar + @rm -rf $(NAME)-$(VERSION) + @echo "" + @echo "The final archive is in $(NAME)-$(VERSION).tar.bz2" + +archive: check clean tag create-archive + +upload: + @scp ${NAME}-$(VERSION).tar.bz2$(NAME) + +dummy: + +srpm-x: create-archive + @echo Creating $(NAME) src.rpm + @rpmbuild --nodeps -bs --define "_sourcedir $(SOURCEDIR)" --define "_srcrpmdir $(SOURCEDIR)" $(NAME).spec + @echo SRPM is: $(NAME)-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE).src.rpm + +clean: + @rm -f $(NAME)-*.gz $(NAME)-*.src.rpm + +clog: hwdata.spec + @sed -n '/^%changelog/,/^$$/{/^%/d;/^$$/d;s/%%/%/g;p}' $< | tee $@ + +download: new-usb-ids new-pci-ids new-oui.txt + +new-usb-ids: + @curl -O + +new-pci-ids: + @curl -O + +new-oui.txt: + @curl -O diff --git a/MonitorsDB b/MonitorsDB new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7d1386a --- /dev/null +++ b/MonitorsDB @@ -0,0 +1,5578 @@ +# +# Monitor information +# +# Each line has format: +# ; ; ; ; ; DPMS support +# +# Horiz and vert sync can be a range; like 35.2-55.75; or 31.5,35.5 +# BUT remember to use ';' to separate fields +# +# This file has been sorted with 'LANG=C sort -f -t ";" -k1,2' +# Source URL: + +Aamazing; Aamazing CM-8426; cm-8426; 31.0-60.0; 40.0-80.0; 1 +Aamazing; Aamazing MS-8431; ms-8431; 15.0-36.0; 50.0-70.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 11D; API440B; 31.0-35.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 1455; API5514; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 1555; API5515; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 15P; acer_15p; 15.0-70.0; 45.0-90.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 211c; API9708; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 33; acer_33; 31.0-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 33D; API4421; 31.0-35.5; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 33DL; API4C21; 31.0-35.5; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 34e; API4522; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 34e-2; API9709; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 34T; API5422; 31.0-48.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 34TL; API4C22; 31.0-48.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 35; acer_35; 30.0-55.0; 45.0-90.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 35c; API9703; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 35c; API970A; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 54e; API4536; 31.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 54es; API9715; 31.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 55; API0037; 30.0-56.9; 50.0-80.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 55c; API9704; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 55e; API9701; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 55L; API4C37; 30.0-56.9; 50.0-80.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 56c; API9705; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 56e; API4538; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 56e-2; API9710; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 56i; API4938; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 56i-2; API9712; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 56is; API0138; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 56is-2; API4138; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 56j; API9713; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 56L; API4C38; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 57e; API9809; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 57i; API971B; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 58c; API9901; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 7015; acer_7015; 15.0-36.0; 45.0-90.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 76c; API9706; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 76e; API9702; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 76i; API494C; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 76ie; API424C; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 76j; API9711; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 76N; API4E4C; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 76sl; API9717; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 77c; API9720; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 77c-2; API980A; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 77e; API971C; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 77e-2; API9808; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 78c; API9719; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 78c/G781; API9805; 31.0-86.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 78i; API494E; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 78ie; API424E; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 78ie; API454E; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 79g; API9716; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 79g/P791; API971E; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 98e/V981; API9806; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 98i; API4962; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 99c; API9718; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 99g/P911; API9804; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Acer; Acer 99sl; API9721; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AC501; ABO5572; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0 +Acer; Acer AC511; ACRAC02; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0 +Acer; Acer AC701; ABO7086; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0 +Acer; Acer AC711; ABO7087; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0 +Acer; Acer AC713; ACRAC04; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-160.0 +Acer; Acer AC901; ACR1902; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0 +Acer; Acer AF-706; PTS0309; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AF-707; PTS0313; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AF705; ABO7084; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0 +Acer; Acer AF715; ACRAC05; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1511; ACRAD14; 30.0-63.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1512; AL1512; 28.0-63.0; 55.0-78.0 +Acer; Acer AL1516E; ACR05EC; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1516V; ACRAD71; 30.0-63.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1517V; ACRAD58; 30.0-63.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1521; ACRAD05; 30.0-63.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1702; ACRAD31; 30.0-82.0; 56.0-76.0 +Acer; Acer AL1703; ACRAD34; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-75.0 +Acer; Acer AL1711; ACRAD12; 30.0-83.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1713; ACRAD17; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0 +Acer; Acer AL1714; ACRAD18; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-75.0 +Acer; Acer AL1715; ACR5770; 24.0-80.0; 49.0-75.0 +Acer; Acer AL1716E; ACR06AA; 30.0-81.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1716V; ACRAD51; 30.0-83.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1716X; ACRAD46; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1717P; ACRAD60; 24.0-80.0; 49.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1717T; ACR56AD; 30.0-82.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1717V; ACRAD72; 30.0-83.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1717X; ACRAD46; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1721; ACRAD04; 30.0-83.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1723E; ACR06BB; 30.0-81.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1731 (Analog); ACRAD06; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1731 (Digital); ACRAE06; 30.0-64.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1732; ACR06C4; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-75.0 +Acer; Acer AL1751W; ACR1751; 30.0-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1751W DVI; ACR1752; 30.0-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL17xx; ACR02DC; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1906; ACRAD50; 30.0-83.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1911; ACRAD10; 24.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1912; ACR5990; 24.0-80.0; 49.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1913; ACRAD36; 30.0-82.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1913W; ACRAD43; 30.0-82.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1914; ACRAD29; 30.0-83.0; 55.0-75.0 +Acer; Acer AL1916E; ACR077C; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1916P; ACRAD47; 24.0-80.0; 49.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1916V; ACRAD49; 30.0-83.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1916W; ACRAD52; 30.0-82.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1916Wc; ACRAD52; 30.0-82.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1916Wp; ACRAD76; 30.0-80.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1916Wx; ACRAD80; 31.5-84.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1917C; ACRAD53; 30.0-82.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1917T (Analog); ACR57AD; 30.0-82.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1917T (Digital); ACR57AD; 30.0-82.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1917V; ACRAD73; 30.0-83.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1917W; ACRAD87; 31.0-84.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1917X; ACRAD63; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1923E; ACR0783; 31.0-81.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1923We; ACRAD83; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1931; ACRAD07; 24.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL1951; ACRAD41; 30.0-83.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL2016Wx; ACRAD64; 31.0-84.0; 56.0-77.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL2017; ACRAD69; 30.0-82.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL2021m; ACR02DC; 31.0-81.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL2023E; ACR07E7; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL2032W; ACR07F0; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL2051W; ACRAD70; 31.0-94.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL2216Wc; ACRAD74; 30.0-82.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL2216Wv; ACRAD92; 47.0-84.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL2216Wx; ACRADA1; 31.0-84.0; 56.0-77.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL2223We; ACRAD84; 31.0-81.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL2251W; ACRAD85; 47.0-84.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL2416W (Analog); ACR2416; 24.0-80.0; 49.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL2416W (Digital); ACR2417; 24.0-80.0; 49.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL2416Wp (Analog); ACRAD61; 24.0-80.0; 49.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL2416Wp (Digital); ACRAD62; 15.0-80.0; 49.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL2423We; ACR0977; 31.0-81.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL2616Wv; ACRAD82; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL2623Wx; ACRAD81; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL501; ABO5580; 24.0-60.0; 56.0-75.0 +Acer; Acer AL501-502; LTN020E; 31.0-60.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL502; ACR1602; 30.0-60.0; 55.0-75.0 +Acer; Acer AL506; ACRAD03; 24.0-61.0; 54.0-76.0 +Acer; Acer AL511; ABO5581; 24.0-60.0; 56.0-75.0 +Acer; Acer AL513; ACR02A6; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL532; ACR0214; 31.0-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL702; ACR7204; 31.5.0-81.0; 56.3.0-75.0 +Acer; Acer AL707; ACRA707; 30.0-83.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL711; ABO6781; 24.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL712; ABO7772; 24.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL715; ABO6785; 24.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL718; ACRAD02; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL732; ACR02DC; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL801; ACRAD01; 30.0-83.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer AL922; ABO9990; 24.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer B243HL; ACR00d3; 30-80; 55-75; 1 +Acer; Acer F19; ACR078C; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer F31; api1035; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer F31e; api7601; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Acer; Acer F50p; api7604; 48.4; 60; 1 +Acer; Acer F51; api7602; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Acer; Acer FP350; API7614; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer FP450; API761C; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0 +Acer; Acer FP500; API7606; 48.4; 60 +Acer; Acer FP501; API7616; 49; 61; 1 +Acer; Acer FP502; API760D; 48.4; 60 +Acer; Acer FP503; API7617; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer FP51e; API760A; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer FP550; API7612; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer FP551; API7607; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Acer; Acer FP553; API761F; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0 +Acer; Acer FP555; API7609; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer FP556; API7613; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer FP558; API7615; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer FP559; API761b; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0 +Acer; Acer FP560; API7608; 48.4; 60 +Acer; Acer FP561; API760B; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0 +Acer; Acer FP563; API761E; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0 +Acer; Acer FP581; API7621; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0 +Acer; Acer FP730; API761A; 31.5-81.0; 56.0-75.0 +Acer; Acer FP750; API7619; 31.5-81.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer FP751; API7618; 31.5-81.0; 56.0-75.0 +Acer; Acer FP850; API7605; 31.5-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer FP851; API760C; 31.5-80.0; 56.0-75.0 +Acer; Acer FP855; API7611; 31.5-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer G571; API0004; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0 +Acer; Acer G772; API9902; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Acer; Acer G991; API9903; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Acer; Acer LM551; API760E; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-85.0 +Acer; Acer LM552; API760F; 48.4; 60 +Acer; Acer LM554; API7610; 48.4; 60 +Acer; Acer P193W; ACRADAA; 30.0-81.0; 55.0-76.0; 1 +Acer; Acer P193Wv; ACR0005; 30.0-83.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer P203Wt; ACRADAB; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer P211; API0003; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0 +Acer; Acer P221Wt; ACRADAE; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer P223Wt; ACRADAD; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer V551; API0002; 31.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Acer V771; API0001; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Acer; Acer V772; API0102; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-120.0 +Acer; Acer V991; API0105; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0 +Acer; Acer X173V; ACR0003; 30.0-83.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer X173Wv; ACR0004; 30.0-83.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer X192W; ACRAD95; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer X193W; ACRADA9; 30.0-81.0; 55.0-76.0; 1 +Acer; Acer X202W; ACRAD97; 30.0-81.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer X203Wt; ACRADAC; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer X222W; ACRAD98; 31.0-81.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Acer; Acer X243Wt; ACR0000; 30.0-82.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Acer; Aspire 33s; API5321; 31.0-35.5; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Acer; Aspire 34Ts; API5322; 31.0-48.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Acer; Aspire 54s; API5336; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Aspire 55s; API9802; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Acer; Aspire 56s; API5338; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Aspire 76is; API414C; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Aspire 76is; API534C; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Aspire 77is; API9707; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Acer; Aspire 77s; API9803; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Action Systems, Inc.; Action Monitor CA-1454; ACI0608; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Action Systems, Inc.; Action Monitor CA-1570; ACI0622; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Action Systems, Inc.; Action Monitor CH-1999; ACI1999; 30.0-99.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Action Systems, Inc.; Action Monitor CK-1566; ACI061E; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Action Systems, Inc.; Action Monitor CK-4148; ACI1034; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-85.0; 1 +Action Systems, Inc.; Action Monitor CK-4158; ACI103E; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Action Systems, Inc.; Action Monitor CL-1566; ACI061E; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Action Systems, Inc.; Action Monitor CL-1570; ACI1570; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Action Systems, Inc.; Action Monitor CL-1766; ACI06E6; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Action Systems, Inc.; Action Monitor CL-1770; ACI1770; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Action Systems, Inc.; Action Monitor CL-1792; ACI1792; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Action Systems, Inc.; Action Monitor CL-1999; ACI1999; 30.0-99.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Action Systems, Inc.; Action Monitor CX-1566; ACI061E; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Action Systems, Inc.; Action Monitor CX-4158; ACI103E; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Action Systems, Inc.; AXION LCD Monitor LA-1560U; ACI1560; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Actix; Actix Systems CX1557; cx1557; 30.0-57.0; 40.0-100.0; 1 +Adara; Adara AML-1402; aml-1402; 15.0-36.0; 45.0-90.0; 1 +Adara; Adara AML-2001; aml-2001; 30.0-36.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ADIV30; adi3230; 30.0-48.5; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI DMC-2304; adidmc; 30.6-36.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +ADI; ADI Duo; adi1430; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI Duo; adi1452; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI Duo; adi1453; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI Duo; adi1454; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI Duo; adi1455; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 17; adi1130; 30.0-87.5; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 17; adi1131; 30.0-87.5; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 17; adi1140; 30.0-87.5; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 17; adi1150; 30.0-87.5; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 17X; adi0e30; 24.6-60.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 17X; adi0e31; 24.6-60.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 17X; adi0e32; 24.6-60.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 17X; adi0e40; 24.6-60.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 17X+; adi0f30; 24.6-60.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 17X+; adi0f40; 24.6-60.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 2E; sm5514b; 30.0-38.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 3E; sm5514a; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 3E+; sm-5514e; 30.0-58.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 3V; adi0610; 24.6-48.9; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 3V; adi0620; 24.6-48.9; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 3V; adi0630; 24.6-48.9; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 3V; adi0638; 24.6-48.9; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 3V; adi0640; 24.6-48.9; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4A; sm-5515; 30.0-58.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4G; adi4g; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4GP; adi4gp; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi1630; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi1632; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi1633; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi1634; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi1635; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi1640; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi1642; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi1643; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi1644; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi1645; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi1650; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi1653; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi1654; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi1655; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi1f30; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi1f40; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi1f50; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi2130; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi2140; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi2150; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi2530; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi2540; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi2550; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4V; adi0730; 30-64; 50-100; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4V; adi0739; 30-64; 50-100; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4V; adi073c; 30-64; 50-100; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4V; adi073e; 30-64; 50-100; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4V; adi073f; 30-64; 50-100; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4V; adi0740; 30-64; 50-100; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4V; adi0750; 30-64; 50-100; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4V; adi0755; 30-64; 50-100; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4V; adi0940; 30-64; 50-100; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 4V; adi4v; 30-64; 50-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5AP; adi5ap; 30-64; 50-100; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5EP; adi5ep; 30-64; 50-100; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5G; adi1550; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5G; adi1552; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5G; adi1553; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5G; adi1554; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5G; adi1555; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5G; adi1556; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5G; adi1572; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5G; adi1c50; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5G; adi1c52; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5GT; adi1530; 30.0-94.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5L; adi3e50; 30.0-56.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5L; adi3f50; 30.0-56.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi1730; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi1733; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi1734; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi1735; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi1740; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi1743; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi1750; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi1751; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi1753; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi1754; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi1755; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi1772; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi2230; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi2240; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi2250; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi2430; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi2440; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi2443; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi2444; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi2445; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi2450; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi2480; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi2481; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi2630; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi2640; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi2650; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5PD; adi3430; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5T; adi3650; 30.0-56.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5T; adi3750; 30.0-56.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5V; adi0b30; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5V; adi0b32; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5V; adi0b35; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5V; adi0b40; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5V; adi0b50; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5V+; adi0c30; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5V+; adi0c32; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5V+; adi0c40; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5V+; adi0c50; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5V+; adi0c51; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 5V+; adi0d40; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 6G; adi1250; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 6G; adi1252; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 6G; adi1253; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 6G; adi1254; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 6G; adi1255; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 6G; adi1256; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 6G; adi1257; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 6G; adi1270; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 6G; adi1272; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 6L; adi4050; 30.0-56.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 6P; adi2050; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 6P; adi20b0; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 6P; adi20b1; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 6P; adi20b2; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 6P; adi20b3; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 6P; adi20b4; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 6P; adi20b5; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 6T+; adi7850; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan 9L; adi4E50; 31.0-91.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan A600; adi5D10; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan A610; adi6450; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan E50; adi2E30; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan E66; adi3E30; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan E66; adi8930; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan E75; adi5230; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan F520; adi9830; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan F720; adi9530; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan F730; adi9630; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan G1000; adi5850; 30.0-121.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan G500; adi5130; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan G55; adi3630; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan G56; adi3730; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan G60; adi3930; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan G66; adi3e50; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan G70; adi3830; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan G700; adi7550; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan G700i; adi9750; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan G710; adi5450; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan G900; adi3E50; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan G910; adi5750; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan GT56; adi3730; 30.0-94.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan I600; adi8350; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan I610; adiA950; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan I612; adi8450; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan M500; adi8630; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan M510; adi8730; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan M700; adi8830; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan P40; adi2c30; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan P50; adi3330; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI MicroScan P55; adi3430; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista 14; adi1350; 30.6-48.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista 5PM; adi3530; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E30; adi1830; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E30; adi1832; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E30; adi1833; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E30; adi1834; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E30; adi1835; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E30; adi1836; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E30; adi1840; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E30; adi1843; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E33; adi2d30; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E35; adi2330; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E35; adi2332; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E35; adi2340; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E35; adi2342; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E35; adi2350; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E40; adi1930; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E40; adi1932; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E40; adi1933; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E40; adi1934; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E40; adi1935; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E40; adi1936; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E40; adi1937; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E40; adi1938; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E40; adi1940; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E40; adi1942; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E40; adi1943; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E40; adi1944; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E40; adi1950; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E40; adi1952; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E44; adi2e30; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E44+; adi7650; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E55; adi4430; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ADI; ADI ProVista E66; adi3e30; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI TM-29; adi8110; 31.0-50.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ADI; ADI TM-34; adi5F10; 31.0-38.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Amptron International,Inc.; Amptron AV5S; AMPAV5S; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0 +Amptron International,Inc.; Amptron AV6S; AMPAV6S; 30.0-68.0; 50.0-110.0 +Amptron International,Inc.; Amptron AV8S; AMPAV8S; 30.0-68.0; 50.0-110.0 +Amptron International,Inc.; Amptron CS17; AMPCS17; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0 +Amptron International,Inc.; Amptron CS19; AMPCS19; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0 +Amptron International,Inc.; Amptron ES14; AMPD356; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0 +Amptron International,Inc.; Amptron ES15; AMPD556; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0 +Amptron International,Inc.; Amptron GS17; AMPA785; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-130.0 +Amptron International,Inc.; Amptron GS17e; AMPA770; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-130.0 +AOC; AOC CM-324; cm-324; 15.0-37.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +AOC; AOC CM-325; cm-325; 31.0-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +AOC; AOC CM-326; cm-326; 15.0-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +AOC; AOC LM560; aoca566; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +AOC; AOC Monochrome MM-415; mm-415; 30.0-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +AOC; AOC SPECTRUM 21Hlr; aoce2182; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +AOC; AOC SPECTRUM 4V,4VA,4Vlr & 4VlrA, 4Vn, 4VnA; aocd350; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +AOC; AOC SPECTRUM 4Vlr & 4VlrA & 4V & 4VA; aocd356; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +AOC; AOC SPECTRUM 5Elr & 5ElrA & 5E & 5EA; aocd556; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +AOC; AOC SPECTRUM 5Glr; aoce570; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +AOC; AOC SPECTRUM 5Glr & 5GlrA & 5Glr+ & 5GlrA+; aoc569e; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +AOC; AOC SPECTRUM 5Llr & 5LlrA; aocc564; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +AOC; AOC SPECTRUM 5Nlr; aoca569; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120; 1 +AOC; AOC SPECTRUM 5Vlr & 5VlrA; aocd566; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +AOC; AOC SPECTRUM 7Clr; aocf764; 30.0-64.0; 47.0-100.0; 1 +AOC; AOC SPECTRUM 7Dlr & 7DlrA; aoce750; 30.0-68.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +AOC; AOC SPECTRUM 7Glr & 7GlrA; aoca785; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +AOC; AOC SPECTRUM 7Nlr; aoca782; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +AOC; AOC SPECTRUM 7Vlr & 7VlrA & 7Vlr+ & 7VlrA+; aoca770; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +AOC; AOC SPECTRUM 9Glr; aoce995; 30.0-95.0; 47.0-150.0; 1 +Apollo; Apollo 1280x1024-68Hz; 0; 73.702; 68.24 +Apollo; Apollo 1280x1024-70Hz; 0; 75.118; 70.07 +Apple; Apple Aluminum PowerBook G4; APP359c; 30.0-100.0; 50-60 +Apple; Apple AudioVision 14; 0; 35.0; 66.7 +Apple; Apple Basic Color Monitor; 0; 31.5; 60.0 +Apple; Apple Cinema Display 20 LCD; APP1d92; 30-75; 60 +Apple; Apple Cinema Display 22 LCD; APP1692; 30-130; 60 +Apple; Apple Cinema Display 23 LCD; APP1892; 30-130; 60 +Apple; Apple Color Plus 14; 0; 35.0 ; 67.0 +Apple; Apple ColorSync 17; 0; 30-82; 40-120 +Apple; Apple ColorSync 20; 0; 30-94; 48-120 +Apple; Apple eMac; APP079d; 71-73; 70-140 +Apple; Apple iBook; 0; 28-50; 60 +Apple; Apple iBook2 12; APP129c; 30-70; 60 +Apple; Apple iMac CRT; APP059d; 60.015; 75-117 +Apple; Apple iMac LCD 15; APP229c; 28.0-49.0; 60 +Apple; Apple iMac LCD 17; APP279c; 28.0-49.0; 60 +Apple; Apple Macintosh 16" Color Display; 0; 50.0; 75.0 +Apple; Apple Macintosh 21" Color Display; 0; 68.7; 75.0 +Apple; Apple Multiple Scan 14; 0; 31.5-48.1; 60-72 +Apple; Apple Multiple Scan 15; 0; 30-61 ; 60-75 +Apple; Apple Multiple Scan 15AV; 0; 30-56.5; 56-75 +Apple; Apple Multiple Scan 17; 0; 60-75; 31.4-60.2 +Apple; Apple Multiple Scan 1705; 0; 30-65; 50-120 +Apple; Apple Multiple Scan 20; 0; 60-75; 31.4-80 +Apple; Apple Multiple Scan 720; 0; 30-69; 48-160 +Apple; Apple Performa Display; 0; 35.0 ; 66.7 +Apple; Apple PowerBook G3 (pre-1999); 0; 119; 196 +Apple; Apple PowerBook G3 Series (1999-2000); 0; 31.5-57.0; 60 +Apple; Apple PowerBook G4 12 (2003); APP2a9c; 30-70; 60 +Apple; Apple PowerBook G4 12 (2003); APP2b9c; 30-70; 60 +Apple; Apple Studio Display 15 LCD; APP1592; 28.0-49.0; 60 +Apple; Apple Studio Display 15 LCD (pre-2001); APPf401; 48-60; 60-75 +Apple; Apple Studio Display 17 CRT; 0; 30-85; 48-160 +Apple; Apple Studio Display 17 LCD; APP1792; 30-130; 60 +Apple; Apple Studio Display 20 LCD; APP1992; 30-130; 60 +Apple; Apple Studio Display 21 CRT; 0; 31-107; 48-120 +Apple; Apple Titanium PowerBook G4 (2001); APP1d9c; 30.0-100.0; 50-60 +Apple; Apple Titanium PowerBook G4 (2002); APP209c; 30.0-100.0; 50-60 +Apple; Apple Vision 1710; APP1017; 30-80; 40-120 +Apple; Apple Vision 1710AV; 0; 30-82; 50-120 +Apple; Apple Vision 750AV; 0; 30-82; 40-120 +Apple; Apple Vision 850 AV; APP0352; 30-94; 48-120 +AST; AST Sabre; ast8009; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +AST; AST Vision 20H; ast8008; 29.0-82.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +AST; AST Vision 4I; ast8002; 30.0-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +AST; AST Vision 4L; ast8004; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +AST; AST Vision 4N; ast8003; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +AST; AST Vision 4V; ast8001; 31.5; 60.0-70.0; 1 +AST; AST Vision 5L; ast8005; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +AST; AST Vision 5V; ast800a; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +AST; AST Vision 7H; ast8007; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +AST; AST Vision 7L; ast8006; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +AT&T; AT&T 14 in. Color Economy; 0; 31.5; 50-90 +AT&T; AT&T 14 in. Color Economy; 0; 35.0; 50-90 +AT&T; AT&T 14 in. Color Value; 0; 31.5; 50-90 +AT&T; AT&T 14 in. Color Value; 0; 38.0; 50-90 +AT&T; AT&T 14 in. Color Value; 0; 48.0; 50-90 +AT&T; AT&T 14 in. Mono; 0; 31; 55-75 +AT&T; AT&T 15 in. Color; 0; 30-64; 50-90 +AT&T; AT&T 17 in. Color Professional; 0; 30-82; 50-160 +AT&T; AT&T 17 in. Color Value; 0; 30-64; 50-90 +AT&T; AT&T CRT-365; 0; 30.0-75.0; 60.0-70.0 +AT&T; AT&T CRT-395; 0; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-90.0 +Belinea; Belinea 10 14 10; MAX0582; 30.0-61.0; 50.0-77.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 15 10; MAX05E6; 30.0-61.0; 50.0-77.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 15 15; MAX05EB; 30.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 15 20; MAX05F0; 48.0-48.0; 60.0-60.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 15 25; MAX05F5; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 15 30; MAX05FA; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-85.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 15 35; MAX05FF; 30.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 15 36 / Art. No. 101536; MAX0600; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 15 36 / Art. No. 111504; MAX05E0; 30.0-62.0; 50.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 15 36 / Art. No. 111508; MAX05E4; 30.0-63.0; 50.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 15 36 / Art. No. 111513; MAX05E9; 30.0-63.0; 50.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 15 36 / Art. No. 111514; MAX05EA; 30.0-63.0; 50.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 15 37; MAX0601; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 15 40; MAX0604; 30.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 15 50; MAX060E; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-85.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 15 51; MAX05E1; 31.0-62.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 15 55 / Art. No. 101555; MAX0613; 31.0-66.0; 50.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 15 55 / Art. No. 111501; MAX05DD; 31.0-66.0; 50.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 15 55 / Art. No. 111503; MAX05DF; 31.0-62.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 15 55 / Art. No. 111509; MAX05E5; 31.0-62.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 15 55 / Art. No. 111516; MAX05EC; 31.0-62.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 15 56 / Art. No. 101556; MAX0614; 31.0-66.0; 50.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 15 56 / Art. No. 111502; MAX05DE; 31.0-66.0; 50.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 15 60; MAX0618; 30.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 15 70; MAX0622; 30.0-62.0; 50.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 15 75; MAX05E3; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-76.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 15 80; MAX05E8; 31.0-62.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 05 / Art. No. 111718; MAX06B6; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 05 / Art. No. 111723; MAX06BB; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 10 / Art. No. 101710; MAX06AE; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 10 / Art. No. 111722; MAX06BA; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 10 / Art. No. 111728; MAX06C0; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 10 / Art. No. 111738; MAX06CA; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 11 / Art. No. 111724; MAX06BC; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 11 / Art. No. 111743; MAX06CF; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-77.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 11 / Art. No. 111750; MAX06D6; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-77.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 13; MAX06DB; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 15 / Art. No. 111706; MAX06AA; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 15 / Art. No. 111715; MAX06B3; 31.0-81.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 15 / Art. No. 111717; MAX06B5; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 15 / Art. No. 111746; MAX06D2; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 17; MAX06DC; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 20; MAX06B8; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 20 / Art. No. 111747; MAX06D3; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 25 / Art. No. 111707; MAX06AB; 30.0-84.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 25 / Art. No. 111719; MAX06B7; 30.0-84.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 25 / Art. No. 111727; MAX06BF; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 25 / Art. No. 111737; MAX06C9; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 25 / Art. No. 111751; MAX06D7; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 27; MAX06DD; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 28; MAX06D9; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-77.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 30 / Art. No. 101730; MAX06C2; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 30 / Art. No. 111703; MAX06A7; 31.0-82.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 30 / Art. No. 111711; MAX06AF; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 30 / Art. No. 111716; MAX06B4; 30.0-84.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 30 / Art. No. 111731; MAX06C3; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 30 / Art. No. 111744; MAX06D0; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 35 / Art. No. 111714; MAX06B2; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 35 / Art. No. 111734; MAX06C6; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 35 / Art. No. 111745; MAX06D1; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-77.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 35 / Art. No. 111749; MAX06D5; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-77.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 40; MAX06CC; 30.0-80.0; 50.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 41; MAX06CD; 30.0-80.0; 50.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 50 / Art. No. 111708; MAX06AC; 30.0-84.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 50 / Art. No. 111732; MAX06C4; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 50 / Art. No. 111739; MAX06CB; 31.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 51 / Art. No. 111709; MAX06AD; 30.0-84.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 51 / Art. No. 111733; MAX06C5; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 17 51 / Art. No. 111742; MAX06CE; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 18 10; MAX0712; 31.0-80.0; 60.0-85.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 18 20; MAX0716; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 18 30; MAX0726; 30.0-82.0; 56.0-76.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 19 01 / Art. No. 111914; MAX077A; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 19 01 / Art. No. 111922; MAX0782; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 19 02 / Art. No. 111916; MAX077C; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 19 02 / Art. No. 111923; MAX0783; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 19 03 / Art. No. 111928; MAX0788; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 19 06; MAX0772; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 19 10 / Art. No. 101910; MAX0776; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 19 10 / Art. No. 111904; 0; 20.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 19 10 / Art. No. 111908; MAX0774; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 19 10 / Art. No. 111929; MAX0789; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 19 11; MAX077E; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 19 15 / Art. No. 111915; MAX077B; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 19 15 / Art. No. 111921; MAX0781; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 19 20 / Art. No. 111902; MAX076E; 30.0-84.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 19 20 / Art. No. 111912; MAX0778; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 19 20 / Art. No. 111919; MAX077F; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 19 25; MAX0784; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 19 27; MAX0785; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 19 30; MAX0786; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 19 35; MAX0787; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 20 05; MAX07D3; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-85.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 20 10; MAX07FA; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 20 15 / Art. No. 112001; MAX07D1; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 20 15 / Art. No. 112004; MAX07D4; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-85.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 20 20; MAX07E4; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 20 25; MAX07D2; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-86.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 20 30; MAX07EE; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 20 30 W; MAX07D7; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 20 35 W; MAX07D5; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 30 10; MAX0BC2; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 30 15; MAX0BC7; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 30 20; MAX0BCC; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 30 22; MAX0BCE; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 30 22 Black; MAX06A9; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 30 25; MAX0BD1; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 30 26 / Art. No. 103026; MAX0BD2; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 30 26 / Art. No. 121701; MAX06A5; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 30 26 / Art. No. 121713; MAX06B1; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 30 26 / Art. No. 121729; MAX06C1; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 30 30; MAX0BD6; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 30 35; MAX0BDB; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 30 40; MAX0BE0; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-150.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 30 45; MAX0BE5; 30.0-87.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 30 50; MAX0BEA; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 30 51; MAX06A8; 30.0-97.0; 50.0-150.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 30 52; MAX06B9; 30.0-97.0; 50.0-150.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 30 55 / Art. No. 103055; MAX0BEF; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 30 55 / Art. No. 121712; MAX06B0; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 30 60; MAX0BF4; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-150.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 30 65; MAX0BF9; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 30 70; MAX0BFE; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 30 75 / Art. No. 103075; MAX0C03; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 30 75 / Art. No. 121726; MAX06BE; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 30 80; MAX0C08; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 30 85 / Art. No. 103085; MAX0C0D; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 30 85 / Art. No. 121702; MAX06A6; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 30 90; MAX0C12; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 40 10; MAX0FAA; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 40 40; MAX0FC8; 30.0-38.0; 50.0-80.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 40 45; MAX0FCD; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-120.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 40 65; MAX0FE1; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-120.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 50 30; MAX13A6; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 50 35; MAX13AB; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 50 45; MAX13B5; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 50 46; MAX13B6; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 50 50; MAX13BA; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 50 65; MAX5620; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 50 66; MAX5624; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 50 75; MAX13D3; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 50 76; MAX13D4; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 50 95; MAX3539; 30.0-64.0; 55.0-120.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 55 40; MAX3430; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 55 50; MAX15AE; 24.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 55 70; MAX15C2; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 55 75; MAX15C7; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 55 76; MAX15C8; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 55 86; MAX15D2; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 55 90; MAX15D6; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 55 95; MAX15DB; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 55 96; MAX15DC; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 60 20; MAX1784; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-150.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 60 30; MAX178E; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 60 35; MAX1793; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 60 50; MAX17A2; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 60 55 / Art. No. 106055; MAX17A7; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 60 55 / Art. No. 121901; MAX076D; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 60 60; MAX17AC; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 60 65; MAX17B1; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 60 70; MAX17B6; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-180.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 60 75 / Art. No. 106075; MAX17BB; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 60 75 / Art. No. 121903; MAX076F; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-150.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 60 80; MAX17C0; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 60 90; MAX17CA; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-150.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 60 95; MAX17CF; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 70 10; MAX1B62; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 70 15; MAX1B67; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-180.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 70 20; MAX1B6C; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 70 25; MAX1B71; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-180.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 70 30; MAX1B76; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 70 35; MAX1B7B; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-180.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 70 40; MAX1B80; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 70 50; MAX1B8A; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 70 60; MAX1B94; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 70 65; MAX1B99; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 80 10; MAX1F4A; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 80 15; MAX1F4F; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 80 20; MAX1F54; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 80 25; MAX1F59; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 80 30 / Art. No. 122101; MAX0835; 30.0-125.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 80 35 / Art. No. 122103; MAX0837; 30.0-125.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 80 50; MAX1F72; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 80 60; MAX1F7C; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 80 80; MAX1F90; 30.0-121.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 80 90; MAX1F9A; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 10 80 95; MAX1F9F; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 1705 S1 / Art. No. 111754; MAX06DA; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 1770 S1 / Art. No. 111758; MAX06DE; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-77.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 1905 G1; MAX078D; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 1905 S1; MAX078B; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0 ; 1 +Belinea; Belinea 2080 S1 / Art. No. 112008; MAX07D8; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-85.0 ; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP2091 (Analog); BNQ766B; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP2091 (Digital); BNQ766C; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP231W (Analog); BNQ7669; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP231W (Digital); BNQ766A; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP531; BNQ765E; 31-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP547; BNQ7652; 31-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP556ms; BNQ765D; 31.5-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP556s; BNQ765C; 31.5-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP557s; BNQ7650; 31.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP567s; BNQ7651; 31.5-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP567s ver.2; BNQ7664; 31.5-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP581s; BNQ7643; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP591; BNQ7641; 31.0-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP71E; BNQ7683; 31-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP71G; BNQ7688; 31-83; 56-76 +BenQ; BenQ FP731; BNQ7659; 31.5-83.0; 60.0-76.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP747; BNQ765A; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP752-T; BNQ7635; 31.5-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP756ms; BNQ7661; 31.5-83.0; 60.0-76.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP757 ver.2; BNQ7660; 31.5-83.0; 60.0-76.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP767; BNQ7638; 31.5-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP781s (Analog); BNQ7652; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP781s (Digital); BNQ7653; 31.0-73.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP783; BNQ7668; 31-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP785; BNQ7678; 31-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP791; BNQ7640; 31.5-83.0; 60.0-76.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP882 (Analog); BNQ7633; 31.5-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP882 (Digital); BNQ763D; 31.5-71.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP937s; BNQ7685; 31-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP951; BNQ7666; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP991; BNQ7646; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ FP992; BNQ7276; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ G2400W; BNQ780a; 31-94; 50-85 +BenQ; BenQ G2420HDBL (Analog); BNQ785e; 24-83; 50-76; 1 +BenQ; BenQ G2420HDBL (Digital); BNQ785f; 24-83; 50-76; 1 +BenQ; BenQ P992; BNQ0106; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ T720; BNQ7659; 31.5-83.0; 60.0-76.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ T903; BNQ7680; 31-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +BenQ; BenQ T904; BNQ7681; 31-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Bridge; Bridge BM17C; brg00ab; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Brother; Brother BM85L; 0; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Bus Computer Systems; Bus Computer Systems Bus_VGA; bus_vga; 31.5-38.0; 50.0-70.0; 1 +Carroll Touch; Carroll Touch CT1381A; ct1381a; 15.7-38.0; 45.0-90.0; 1 +CMC; CMC 17 AD; CMO7801; 30-82; 50-75 +Colorgraphic; Colorgraphic EG2040; eg2040; 20.0-40.0; 40.0-100.0; 1 +Compal; Compal BJ350; CPL9565; 31.5-61.0; 50-90 +Compal; Compal BP350; CPL9566; 24-60; 56-75 +Compal; Compal CM350; CPL1509; 24-61.0; 56-75 +Compal; Compal CM870; CPL1702; 24-80.0; 56-75 +Compal; Compal FC340; CPL24EB; 31.5-61.0; 50-90 +Compal; Compal FC350; CPL254F; 31.5-61.0; 50-90 +Compal; Compal FD350; CPL2551; 31.5-61.0; 50-90 +Compal; Compal FT340; CPL24EC; 31.5-61.0; 50-90 +Compal; Compal G450; CPL0975; 30-50; 50-100 +Compal; Compal G554; CPL09D9; 30-54; 50-120 +Compal; Compal G566; CPL09DA; 30-66; 50-120 +Compal; Compal G567; CPL09DB; 30-66; 50-120 +Compal; Compal G569; CPL09DD; 30-70; 50-120 +Compal; Compal GC220; CPL2419; 31.5-38.5; 55-85 +Compal; Compal GT220; CPL241A; 31.5-38.5; 55-85 +Compal; Compal H113; CPL1130; 30-115; 50-160 +Compal; Compal H450; CPL096B; 30-50; 50-100 +Compal; Compal H554; CPL09CF; 30-54; 50-120 +Compal; Compal H566; CPL09D0; 30-66; 50-120 +Compal; Compal H567; CPL09D1; 30-66; 50-120 +Compal; Compal H569; CPL09D3; 30-70; 50-120 +Compal; Compal H763; CPL0A9B; 30-70; 50-120 +Compal; Compal H767; CPL0A99; 30-66; 50-110 +Compal; Compal H787; CPL0A9C; 30-87; 50-120 +Compal; Compal K450; CPL097F; 30-50; 50-100 +Compal; Compal K567; CPL09E5; 30-66; 50-120 +Compal; Compal LC220; CPL240F; 31.5-38.5; 55-85 +Compal; Compal LT220; CPL2410; 31.5-38.5; 55-85 +Compal; Compal M454; CPL4541; 30-54; 50-120 +Compal; Compal M500; CPL5001; 30-54; 50-120 +Compal; Compal M554; CPL5541; 30-54; 50-120 +Compal; Compal M557; CPL5571; 30-70; 50-120 +Compal; Compal M570; CPL5701; 30-70; 50-120 +Compal; Compal M571; CPL5711; 30-70; 50-120 +Compal; Compal M573; CPL5731; 30-70; 50-120 +Compal; Compal M576; CPL5761; 30-70; 50-120 +Compal; Compal M577; CPL5771; 30-70; 50-120 +Compal; Compal M770; CPL7701; 30-70; 50-120 +Compal; Compal M773; CPL7731; 30-70; 50-120 +Compal; Compal M787; CPL7871; 30-87; 50-120 +Compal; Compal M980; CPL9801; 30-87; 50-120 +Compal; Compal M990; CPL9901; 30-95; 50-160 +Compal; Compal M993; CPL9931; 30-95; 50-160 +Compal; Compal M999; CPL9991; 30-95; 50-120 +Compal; Compal P454; CPL4542; 30-54; 50-120 +Compal; Compal P554; CPL5542; 30-54; 50-120 +Compal; Compal P570; CPL5702; 30-70; 50-120 +Compal; Compal P571; CPL5712; 30-70; 50-120 +Compal; Compal P576; CPL5762; 30-70; 50-120 +Compal; Compal P577; CPL5772; 30-70; 50-120 +Compal; Compal P770; CPL7702; 30-70; 50-120 +Compal; Compal P773; CPL7732; 30-70; 50-120 +Compal; Compal P787; CPL7872; 30-87; 50-120 +Compal; Compal P980; CPL9802; 30-87; 50-120 +Compal; Compal P990; CPL9902; 30-95; 50-160 +Compal; Compal P993; CPL9932; 30-95; 50-160 +Compal; Compal S450; CPL0989; 30-50; 50-100 +Compal; Compal S554; CPL09ED; 30-54; 50-120 +Compal; Compal S566; CPL09EE; 30-66; 50-120 +Compal; Compal S567; CPL09EF; 30-66; 50-120 +Compal; Compal S569; CPL09F1; 30-70; 50-120 +Compal; Compal S763; CPL0AB9; 30-70; 50-120 +Compal; Compal S767; CPL0AB7; 30-66; 50-110 +Compal; Compal S787; CPL0AB5; 30-87; 50-120 +Compal; Compal V799; CPL7993; 30-70; 50-120 +Compal; Compal V999; CPL9993; 30-95; 50-120 +Compaq; Compaq 1024; cpq0011; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 1024; cpq0012; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 1024; cpq0013; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 1024; cpq0014; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 1024; cpq0015; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 1024; cpq0016; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 1024; cpq0100; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 1024; cpq0146; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 1024; cpq0147; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 140; cpq0d46; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 140; cpq0d47; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 140; cpq0d48; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 140; cpq0d49; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 140; cpq0d4a; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 140; cpq0d4b; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 140; cpq0d4c; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 140; cpq0d4d; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 150; cpq0f46; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 150; cpq0f47; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 150; cpq0f48; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 150; cpq0f49; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 150; cpq0f4a; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 150; cpq0f4b; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 150; cpq0f4c; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 150; cpq0f4d; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 151FS; cpq0022; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 151FS; cpq0023; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 151FS; cpq0024; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 151FS; cpq0025; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 151FS; cpq0026; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 151FS; cpq0027; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 151FS; cpq0028; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 151FS; cpq0346; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 151FS; cpq0347; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 151FS; cpq0348; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 151FS; cpq0349; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 151FS; cpq034a; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 151FS; cpq034b; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 1520 Flat Panel Monitor; cpq1456; 30.0-60.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 171FS; cpq002d; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 171FS; cpq002e; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 171FS; cpq002f; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 171FS; cpq0030; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 171FS; cpq0031; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 171FS; cpq0032; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 171FS; cpq0033; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 171FS; cpq0546; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 171FS; cpq0547; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 171FS; cpq0548; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 171FS; cpq0549; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 172; cpq_172; 31.5-82.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 1720 Flat Panel Monitor; cpq144f; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 5500 Color Monitor; cpq1444; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 7500 Color Monitor; cpq1445; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-140.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq 7550 Color Monitor; cpq1446; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-140.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Advanced Graphics; ags; 54.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq FP15 Flat Panel Monitor; cpq145c; 30.0-61.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq FP17 Flat Panel Monito; cpq145e; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq FP5315 Flat Panel Monitor; cpq1459; 30.0-61.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq FP7317 Flat Panel Monitor; cpq145b; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Internal VGA Panel; ivga; 31.5; 50.0-70.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq MV920; CPQ3027; 30-96; 50-160 +Compaq; Compaq P110 Color Monitor; cpq1321; 30.0-107.0; 48.0-160.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq P1110 Color Monitor; 0; 50.0-160.0; 30.0-121.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq P1210 Color Monitor; cpq1386; 30.0-121.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq P1220 Color Monitor; cpq1421; 30.0-130.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq P1610 Color Monitor; cpq1327; 30.0-96.0; 48.0-160.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq P50 Color Monitor; cpq1323; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-125.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq P70 Color Monitor; cpq1320; 30.0-92.0; 48.0-150.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq P710 Color Monitor; cpq1384; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq P720 Color Monitor; cpq1419; 31.0-96.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq P75 Color Monitor; cpq1330; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq P900 Color Monitor; cpq1353; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq P910 Color Monitor; cpq1385; 30.0-108.0; 50.0-140.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq P920 Color Monitor; cpq1420; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 140; cpq0017; 31-62; 48-90; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 140; cpq0018; 31-62; 48-90; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 140; cpq0019; 31-62; 48-90; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 140; cpq001a; 31-62; 48-90; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 140; cpq0020; 31-62; 48-90; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 140; cpq0021; 31-62; 48-90; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 140; cpq0746; 31-62; 48-90; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 140; cpq0747; 31-62; 48-90; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 140; cpq0846; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 140; cpq0847; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 140; cpq0848; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 140; cpq0849; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 140; cpq084a; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 140; cpq084b; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 140; cpq084c; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 140; cpq084d; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 150; cpq0029; 31-62; 48-90; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 150; cpq002a; 31-62; 48-90; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 150; cpq002b; 31-62; 48-90; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 150; cpq002c; 31-62; 48-90; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 150; cpq0946; 31-62; 48-90; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 150; cpq0947; 31-62; 48-90; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 150; cpq0948; 31-62; 48-90; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 150; cpq0949; 31-62; 48-90; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 150; cpq0a46; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 150; cpq0a47; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 150; cpq0a48; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 150; cpq0a49; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 150; cpq0a4a; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 150; cpq0a4b; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 150; cpq0a4c; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario 150; cpq0a4d; 31-49; 48-80; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario Integrated Monitor; pres; 35.2-38.0; 56.0-60.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario MV400 Color Monitor; cpq3014; 31-50; 50-90; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario MV500 Color Monitor; cpq3012; 31-54; 50-90; 1 +Compaq; Compaq Presario MV700 Color Monitor; cpq3013; 30-70; 50-100; 1 +Compaq; Compaq QVision 150; cpq_qv150; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq QVision 170; cpq_qv170; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq QVision 172; cpq0040; 31.5-82.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq QVision 172; cpq0041; 31.5-82.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq QVision 172; cpq0042; 31.5-82.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq QVision 200; cpq0043; 31.5-82.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq QVision 200; cpq0044; 31.5-82.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq QVision 200; cpq0045; 31.5-82.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq QVision 210; cpq0046; 31.5-82.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq QVision 210; cpq0047; 31.5-82.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq QVision 210; cpq0048; 31.5-82.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq QVision 210; cpq0049; 31.5-82.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq S500 Color Monitor; cpq1356; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq S510 Color Monitor; cqp1371; 30.0-61.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq S700 Color Monitor; cpq1349; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq S710 Color Monitor; cpq1362; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq S900 Color Monitor; cpq1350; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq S910 Color Monitor; cpq1361; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq SVGA; svga; 35.2-38.0; 56.0-60.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq TFT450 Flat Panel Monitor; cpq1333; 31.5-60.0; 56.3-85.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq TFT500 Flat Panel Monitor; cpq1324; 32.0-60.0; 57.0-85.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq TFT5000 Flat Panel Monitor; cpq1341; 32.0-60.0; 57.0-85.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq TFT5005 Flat Panel Monitor; cpq1383; 24.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq TFT5010 Flat Panel Monitor; cpq1370; 31.5-60.0; 58.0-78.75; 1 +Compaq; Compaq TFT5030 Flat Panel Monitor; cpq1391; 31.47-60.0; 58.0-75.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq TFT8000 Flat Panel Monitor; cpq1329; 31.0-80.0; 58.0-85.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq TFT8020 Flat Panel Monitor; cpq1345; 31.5-80.0; 58.0-85.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq TFT8030 Flat Panel Monitor; cpq1395; 32.0-91.0; 58.0-85.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq V1000 Color Monitor; cpq1347; 30.0-107.0; 48.0-160.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq V1100 Color Monitor; cpq1336; 30.0-107.0; 48.0-160.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq V40 Color Monitor; cpq1334; 31.0-48.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq V45 Color Monitor; cpq1338; 31-48; 50-100; 1 +Compaq; Compaq V50 Color Monitor; cpq1322; 30.0-60.0; 50-125.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq V55 Color Monitor; cpq1331; 30.0-60.0; 47.5-125.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq V70 Color Monitor; cpq170a; 30.0-69.0; 50-125.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq V700 Color Monitor; cpq1340; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq V710 Color Monitor; cpq1382; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq V75 Color Monitor; cpq1332; 31.5-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq V900 Color Monitor; cpq1325; 30.0-96.0; 48.0-160.0; 1 +Compaq; Compaq VGA; cvga; 31.5; 50.0-70.0; 1 +Compdyne; Compudyne KD-1500N; 0; 30.00-66; 50-90 +Compeq USA/Focus; Compeq CT-1458; ct-1458; 15.0-48.0; 47.0-100.0; 1 +Compeq USA/Focus; Compeq CT-1958; ct-1958; 15.0-51.0; 47.0-100.0; 1 +Conrac; Conrac 7126; 7126; 15.0-32.0; 48.0-75.0; 1 +Conrac; Conrac 7211; 7211; 15.0-37.0; 47.0-80.0; 1 +Conrac; Conrac 7214; 7214; 15.0-37.5; 48.0-90.0; 1 +Conrac; Conrac 7241; 7241; 15.0-37.0; 47.0-80.0; 1 +Conrac; Conrac 7250; 7250; 15.5-37.0; 47.0-80.0; 1 +Conrac; Conrac 7351; 7351; 62.5-67.5; 47.0-63.0; 1 +Conrac; Conrac 7550; 7550; 46.0-80.0; 47.0-80.0; 1 +Conrac; Conrac 9250; 9250; 15.0-37.5; 48.0-90.0; 1 +Cordata; Cordata CMC-141M; cmc-141m; 15.5-39.0; 50.0-70.0; 1 +Cordata; Cordata CMC-1500BF; cmc-1500bf; 15.5-39.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Cordata; Cordata CMC-1500M; cmc-1500m; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Cordata; Cordata CMC-1500TF; cmc-1500tf; 35.0-38.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Cordata; Cordata CMC-1700M; cmc-1700m; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Cordata; Cordata CMC-2100H; cmc-2100h; 60.0-65.0; 50.0-85.0; 1 +Cordata; Cordata CMC-2100M; cmc-2100m; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Cornerstone; Cornerstone c1001; crn000e; 31.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Cornerstone; Cornerstone c700; crn000a; 31.0-95.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Cornerstone; Cornerstone c900; 0; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-180.0 +Cornerstone; Cornerstone Color 20/70; 0; 60.0-87.0; 60.0-120.0 +Cornerstone; Cornerstone Color 20/77; 0; 31.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0 +Cornerstone; Cornerstone Color 21/75; 0; 30.0-94.0; 50.0-150.0 +Cornerstone; Cornerstone Color 40/95; 0; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-180.0 +Cornerstone; Cornerstone Color 45/101sf; 0; 31.0-100.7; 50.0-160.0 +Cornerstone; Cornerstone Color 50/101sf, 21/81; 0; 31.0-100.7; 50.0-160.0 +Cornerstone; Cornerstone Color 50/115sf; crn0007; 31-115; 50-160; 1 +Cornerstone; Cornerstone p1400; crn000d; 31.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Cornerstone; Cornerstone p1401; crn0016; 31.0-110.0; 50.0-180.0; 1 +Cornerstone; Cornerstone p1500; crn000f; 31.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Cornerstone; Cornerstone p1600; crn0010; 31.0-117.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Cornerstone; Cornerstone p1700; crn0012; 31.0-130.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Cornerstone; Cornerstone v300; crn0013; 31.0-93.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTL; CTL 910TF; dwe90a5; 30.0-95.0; 50-160; 1 +CTX; CTX 1451; ctx1451; 30.0-50.0; 45.0-90.0; 1 +CTX; CTX 1451ES; ctx-1451es; 30-50; 50-90; 1 +CTX; CTX 1451GM; ctx-1451gm; 30-50; 50-90; 1 +CTX; CTX 1462GM; ctx-1462; 30.0-62.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +CTX; CTX 15-Group 65KHz/100Hz Monitor; ctx3500; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +CTX; CTX 1551; ctx1551; 30.0-50.0; 45.0-90.0; 1 +CTX; CTX 1561; ctx1561; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +CTX; CTX 1562; ctx1562; 30.0-62.0; 45.0-90.0; 1 +CTX; CTX 1562ES; ctx-1562es; 30-62; 50-90; 1 +CTX; CTX 1562GM; ctx-1562gm; 30-62; 50-90; 1 +CTX; CTX 1565; ctx1565; 30.0-65.0; 45.0-90.0; 1 +CTX; CTX 1565; ctx5650; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +CTX; CTX 1565GM; ctx-1565gm; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +CTX; CTX 1569; ctx0150; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +CTX; CTX 1765; ctx1765; 30.0-65.0; 45.0-110.0; 1 +CTX; CTX 1765GM; ctx-1765gm; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +CTX; CTX 1769UA; 0; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0 +CTX; CTX 1785; ctx1785; 30.0-85.0; 45.0-110.0; 1 +CTX; CTX 1785GM; ctx-1785gm; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +CTX; CTX 1792UA; 0; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0 +CTX; CTX 1792UD; 0; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0 +CTX; CTX 19D-Group 107KHz/160Hz Monitor; ctx5100; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX 2085; ctx2085; 30.0-85.0; 45.0-110.0; 1 +CTX; CTX 2185; ctx2185; 30.0-85.0; 45.0-110.0; 1 +CTX; CTX 5090; ctx5090; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX 960D Class Monitor; ctx5102; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX 960T Class Monitor; ctx5092; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX CPS-1460; cps-1460; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +CTX; CTX CPS-1560; cps-1560; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +CTX; CTX CPS-1561; cps-1561; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +CTX; CTX CPS-1750; cps-1750; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +CTX; CTX CPS-1760; cps-1760; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +CTX; CTX CPS-2160; cps-2160; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +CTX; CTX CPS-2180; cps-2180; 30.0-80.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +CTX; CTX CVP-5439; cvp-5439; 30.0-35.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +CTX; CTX CVP-5468; cvp-5468; 30.0-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +CTX; CTX CVP-5468NI; cvp-5468ni; 44.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +CTX; CTX CVP-5468NL; cvp-5468nl; 30.0-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +CTX; CTX CVS-3436; cvp-3436; 15.0-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +CTX; CTX CVS-3450; cvp-3450; 20.0-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +CTX; CTX EX1200 series; ctx3800; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX EX1200 series; ctx3810; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX EX1300; ctx3900; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX EX1300; ctx3902; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX EX1300 series; ctx3911; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX EX700; ctx3670; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +CTX; CTX EX800; ctx3720; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +CTX; CTX EX900; ctx3750; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +CTX; CTX EX960 series; ctx3780; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX EX960 series; ctx3781; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX MS600; ctx3600; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +CTX; CTX Multiscan 3436; multiscan-3436; 15.0-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR1200 series; ctx3830; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR1200 series; ctx3831; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR1250 series; ctx3835; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR1250 series; ctx3836; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR1300 series; ctx3904; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR1300 series; ctx3905; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR1350 series; ctx3907; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR1350 series; ctx3908; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR1400 series; ctx3915; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR1400 series; ctx3916; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR1400F; ctx3920; 30.0-125.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR1450 series; ctx3918; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR1450 series; ctx3919; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR500 series; ctx3524; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR500 series; ctx3525; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR500 series; ctx5694; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR700 series; ctx5010; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR700 series; ctx7691; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR705F series; ctx5310; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR710 series; ctx5020; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR710 series; ctx5021; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR710, PR711 series; ctx5050; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR710, PR711 series; ctx5053; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR710, PR711 series; ctx7920; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR711F series; ctx5320; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR715 series; ctx5030; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR715 series; ctx5031; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR715 series; ctx5060; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR715 series; ctx5063; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR715 series; ctx5066; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR950 series; ctx5070; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR950 series; ctx5072; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR955 series; ctx5080; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR955 series; ctx5082; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX PR960F series; ctx5420; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX TopView 150; ctxa001; 30.0-65.0; 60.0-120.0; 1 +CTX; CTX TopView 150-A; ctxa002; 30.0-60.0; 60.0-75.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL400, PL4; ctx3400; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL400, PL4; ctx3410; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL400, PL4; ctx4516; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL410; ctx3450; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL410; ctx3451; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL410; ctx3455; 30.0-55.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL410; ctx3456; 30.0-55.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL500 series, MS500 series (100 Hz); ctx3550; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL500 series, MS500 series (100 Hz); ctx3560; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL500 series, MS500 series (100 Hz); ctx5002; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL500 series, MS500 series (100 Hz); ctx5690; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL500 series, MS500 series (120 Hz; ctx3575; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL500 series, MS500 series (120 Hz; ctx3576; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL500 series, MS500 series (120 Hz; ctx5696; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL500 series, MS500 series (120 Hz); ctx0150; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL500 series, MS500 series (120 Hz); ctx5695; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL500 series, MS500 series (120 Hz); ctx5699; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL500 series, MS500 series (130 Hz); ctx3571; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL500 series, MS500 series (130 Hz); ctx3572; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL500 series, MS500 series (160 Hz); ctx3520; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL500 series, MS500 series (160 Hz); ctx3521; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL500 series, MS500 series (160 Hz); ctx5696; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL510 series, PL5 series; ctx3580; 30.0-55.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL510 series, PL5 series; ctx3590; 30.0-55.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL510 series, PL5 series; ctx5655; 30.0-55.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL700; ctx3615; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL700 (Win); ctx3621; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL700 series, MS700 series, PL7 series (120 Hz); ctx3620; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL700 series, MS700 series, PL7 series (130 Hz); ctx3650; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL700 series, MS700 series, PL7 series (130 Hz); ctx3651; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL700 series, MS700 series, PL7 series (160 Hz); ctx3655; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL700 series, MS700 series, PL7 series (160 Hz); ctx3656; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL700 series, MS700 series, PL7 series (160 Hz); ctx7694; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL700 series, MS700 series, PL7 series (160 Hz); ctx7695; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL705; ctx3675; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL710 series; ctx3680; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL710 series; ctx3683; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL710 series; ctx3685; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL710 series; ctx7854; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL710 series; ctx7855; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL710 series; ctx7927; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL710 series, EX710 series; ctx3660; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL710 series, EX710 series; ctx3661; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL950 series, EX950 series, PL9 series; ctx3700; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +CTX; CTX VL950 series, EX950 series, PL9 series; ctx3710; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Cybervision; Cybervision C112; CYB3131; 30-95; 50-150; 1 +Cybervision; Cybervision C40; CYB5031; 30-50; 50-90; 1 +Cybervision; Cybervision C50; CYB5331; 30-50; 50-90; 1 +Cybervision; Cybervision C50-2; CYB5434; 30-54; 50-100; 1 +Cybervision; Cybervision C52; CYB5332; 30-70; 50-90; 1 +Cybervision; Cybervision C52-2; CYB5334; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +Cybervision; Cybervision C70; CYB5631; 30-70; 50-90; 1 +Cybervision; Cybervision C70-2; CYB5635; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +Cybervision; Cybervision C72; CYB5632; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +Cybervision; Cybervision C72-2; CYB5637; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +Cybervision; Cybervision C92; CYB5931; 30-85; 50-150; 1 +Cybervision; Cybervision CP21; CYB5032; 30-50; 50-75; 1 +Cybervision; Cybervision CP45; CYB5333; 30-62; 50-75; 1 +Daewoo; Daewin LCD17/HGM; hglec20; 31.5-80.0; 58.0-75.0; 1 +Daewoo; Daewoo 1509B; dwe5093; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Daewoo; Daewoo 1705B; dwe7053; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Daewoo; Daewoo 431X; dwe4312; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Daewoo; Daewoo 511B; dwe5113; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Daewoo; Daewoo 512B; dwe5123; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Daewoo; Daewoo 518B; dwe5183; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Daewoo; Daewoo 518X; dwe5182; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Daewoo; Daewoo 519B; dwe5193; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Daewoo; Daewoo 707B; dwe7073; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Daewoo; Daewoo 710B; dwe7103; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Daewoo; Daewoo 710C; dwe7104; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Daewoo; Daewoo 901D; dwe9015; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Daewoo; Daewoo CMC-1423B1; dwe1423; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Daewoo; Daewoo CMC-1427X1; dwe1427; 30.0-48.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Daewoo; Daewoo CMC-1502B1; dwe1502; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Daewoo; Daewoo CMC-1505X; dwe1505; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Daewoo; Daewoo CMC-1507X1; dwe1507; 30.0-48.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Daewoo; Daewoo CMC-1703B; dwe1703; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Daewoo; Daewoo CMC-1704C; dwe7044; 24.0-86.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Darius; Darius TSM-1431; tsm-1431; 15.5-39.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Daytek; Daewoo DT-1414AV; dwe4142; 30.0-48.0; 50.0-90.0; 0 +Daytek; Daewoo DT-1414BA; dwe4143; 30.0-58.0; 50.0-90.0; 0 +Daytek; Daewoo DT-1418S; dwe418b; 30.0-35.5; 50.0-70.0; 0 +Daytek; Daewoo DT-1420AV; dwe4202; 30.0-48.0; 50.0-90.0; 0 +Daytek; Daewoo DT-1420BA; dwe4203; 30.0-58.0; 50.0-90.0; 0 +Daytek; Daewoo DT-1501BA/MPR; dwe5013; 30.0-58.0; 50.0-90.0; 0 +Daytek; Daewoo DT-1501BA1/MPR; dwe501a; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Daytek; Daewoo DT-1503B/MPR; dwe503a; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Daytek; Daewoo DT-1701M2/MPR; dwe701b; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Daytek; Daewoo DT-1704C/MPR; dwe7044; 24.0-86.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Daytek; Daewoo DT-2000M/MPR; dwe0000; 30.0-78.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Daytek; Daewoo DT-2102M/MPR; dwe102a; 30.0-78.0; 50.0-90.0; 0 +Daytek; Daytek 755DF; oec7704; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Daytek; Daytek DT-1531D; oec020f; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Daytek; Daytek DT-1536D; oec0504; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Daytek; Daytek DT-1569D; oec020f; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Daytek; Daytek DT-1728D; oec0707; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Daytek; Daytek DT-1731D; oec0211; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Daytek; Daytek DT-1770; oec0706; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Daytek; Daytek DT-1995D; oec19db; 31.0-96.0; 50.0-155.0; 1 +Daytek; Daytek TM-1554D; oec0504; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Daytek; Daytek TM-1569D; oec020f; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Daytek; Daytek TM-1769D; oec0211; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Daytek; Daytek TM-1770D; oec0707; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Daytek; Vista v19; STC032b; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0 +Dell; Alienware AW2210 (Digital); DEL404F; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Alienware AW2210 (HDMI2); DEL4050; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Alienware AW2310 (HDMI); DEL4052; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Alienware AW2310 (Digital); DEL405C; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1024i; 0; 35.5; 87.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1024i-P/1024i-Color; 0; 35.5; 87.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1024x768 Laptop Display Panel; QDS005; 31.5-48.5; 59.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1280x1024 Laptop Display Panel; 0; 31.5-90.0; 59.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1280x800 Laptop Display Panel (16/10); 0; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-185.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1400FP; del8162; 31.0-60.0; 55.0-86.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1400x1050 Laptop Display Panel; SEC3450; 31.5-90.0; 59.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1401FP; delc0ec; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1500FP; del715d; 30.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1501FP (Analog); del73a4; 30.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1501FP (Digital); del7140; 30.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1503FP (Analog); del3004; 30.0-60.0; 60.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1503FP (Digital); del3003; 30.0-60.0; 60.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1504FP (Analog); DEL300C; 30.0-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1504FP (Digital); DEL300D; 30.0-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1505FP (Analog); DEL4006; 30.0-61.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1505FP (Digital); DEL4007; 30.0-61.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1569; del1569; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1569; del6915; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1600x1200 Laptop Display Panel; 0; 31.5-90.0; 59.0-85.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1680x1050 Laptop Display Panel (16/10); 0; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-185.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1700FP; del3092; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1701FP (Analog); del3002; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1701FP (Digital); del3001; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1702FP (Analog); DEL3007; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1702FP (Digital); DEL3006; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1703FP (Analog); DEL3010; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1703FP (Digital); DEL3011; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1704FPT (Analog); DEL4004; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1704FPT (Digital); DEL4005; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1704FPV (Analog); DEL3015; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1704FPV (Digital); DEL3016; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1706FPV (Analog); DEL3017; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1706FPV (Digital); DEL3018; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1707FP (Analog); DEL4012; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1707FP (Digital); DEL4013; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1707FPV(Analog); DEL4021; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1707FPV(Digital); DEL4022; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1708FP(Analog); DEL4023; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1708FP(Digital); DEL4024; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1708FP-BLK(Analog); DEL4045; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1708FP-BLK(Digital); DEL4046; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1726T-HS/D1025HT; del5319; 31.0-85.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1800FP (Analog); DELE000; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1800FP (Analog); DELE002; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1800FP (Digital); DELE001; 30.0-70.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1800FP (Digital); DELE003; 30.0-70.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1801FP (Analog); DELE004; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1801FP (Digital); DELE005; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1900FP (Analog); DEL300B; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1900FP (Digital); DEL3009; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1901FP (Analog); DEL4000; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1901FP (Digital); DEL4001; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1905FP (Analog); DEL400C; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1905FP (Digital); DEL400D; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1906FP (Analog); DEL400E; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1906FP (Digital); DEL400F; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1907FP (Analog); DEL4014; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1907FP (Digital); DEL4015; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1907FPV(Analog); DEL4019; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1907FPV(Digital); DEL4020; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1908FP(Analog); DEL4025; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1908FP(Digital); DEL4026; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1908FP-BLK(Analog); DEL4047; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1908FP-BLK(Digital); DEL4048; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1908WFP(Analog); DELF007; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1908WFP(Digital); DELF008; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1909W(Analog); DELA03C; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1909W(Digital); DELA03D; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 1920x1200 Laptop Display Panel (16/10); 0; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-185.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 2000FP (Analog); DELA002; 31.5-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 2000FP (Digital); DELA003; 31.5-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 2001FP (Analog); DELA007; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 2001FP (Digital); DELA008; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 2005FPW (Analog); DELE008; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 2005FPW (Digital); DELE009; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 2007FP (Analog); DELA020; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 2007FP (Digital); DELA021; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 2007WFP (Analog); DELA018; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 2007WFP (Digital); DELA019; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 2009W(Analog); DEL4041; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 2009W(Digital); DEL4042; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 2208WFP(Analog); DEL403B; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 2208WFP(Digital); DEL403C; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 2209WA(Analog); DELF010; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 2209WA(Digital); DELF011; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 2405FPW (Analog); DELA00F; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 2405FPW (Digital); DELA010; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 2407WFP (Analog); DELA016; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 2407WFP (Digital); DELA017; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 2407WFP-HC (Analog); DELA025; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 2407WFP-HC (Digital); DELA026; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 2408WFP(Analog); DELA029; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 2408WFP(Digital); DELA02A; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 2707WFP; DELD013; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 2709W(Analog); DELA02F; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 2709W(Digital); DELA030; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 2709W(HDMI); DELA032; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 3007WFP; DEL4016; 30.0-100.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 3008WFP(Analog); DEL4034; 29.0-94.0; 49.0-86.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 3008WFP(Digital); DEL4035; 29.0-113.0; 49.0-86.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 3008WFP(DP); DEL4036; 29.0-113.0; 49.0-86.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 3008WFP(HDMI); DEL4037; 29.0-94.0; 49.0-86.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 800M; del5697; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Dell; Dell 828FI; del3319; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Dell; Dell C22W(HDMI); DEL4040; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell D1025HE; del6124; 31.5-92.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Dell; Dell D1025HTX; del5062; 31.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Dell; Dell D1025TM; del5155; 31.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell D1028L; del730b; 31.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Dell; Dell D1226H; del7077; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell D1428L; del3276; 31.0-48.0; 43.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell D1626HT; del515b; 31.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell D2026T; del5314; 31.0-96.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Dell; Dell D2128-TCO; del602f; 31.0-102.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Dell; Dell D825HR; del62ff; 31.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Dell; Dell D825HT; del5033; 31.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Dell; Dell D825TM; del512c; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Dell; Dell D828L; del32fe; 31.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E151FP; DELA004; 31.0-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E151FPb; DELA005; 30.0-61.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E151FPp; DEL7006; 30.0-61.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E152FP; DELA009; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E153FP; DELA00C; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E156FP; DELA013; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E157FP; DELA022; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E157FPT; DEL7400; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E1609W; DELD021; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E170S; DELA04A; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E1709W; DELD022; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E171FP; DEL300F; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E171FPb; DELA006; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0 +Dell; Dell E172FP; DELA00A; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E173FP; DELA00B; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E176FP; DELA014; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E177FP; DELA023; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E178FP; DELA027; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E178WFP; DELD016; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-77.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E190S; DELA04B; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E1909W(Analog); DELF00D; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E1909W(Digital); DELF00E; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E1909WDD(Disport); DELD020; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E1910(Analog); DELD034; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E1910(Digital); DELD035; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; DELL E1910H; DELD023; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E193FP; DEL700E; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E196FP; DELA015; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E197FP; DELA024; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E198FP; DELA028; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E198WFP(Analog); DELF005; 24.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E198WFP(Digital); DELF006; 24.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E2009W(Analog); DEL4043; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E2009W(Digital); DEL4044; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E2010H (Analog); DEL4053; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E2010H (Digital); DEL4054; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; DeLL E207WFP; DELD010; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E207WFP; DELD011; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E2209W; DELD01F; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E2210(Analog); DELD036; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E2210(Digital); DELD037; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E2210H(Analog); DELD030; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E2210H(Digital); DELD031; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E228WFP; DELD015; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E2310H(Analog); DELD032; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E2310H(Digital); DELD033; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E248WFP(Analog); DELA02D; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E248WFP(Digital); DELA02E; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E550; dela2f1; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E550mm; dela355; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E551a; dela000; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E551c; deld000; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E770p; del7340; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E770s; del300a; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E771a; delA001; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E771mm; DEL7003; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E771p; del7002; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E772c; DELD002; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E772p; DEL7005; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E773c; DELD005; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E773mm; DELD009; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E773p; DEL700B; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell E773s; DEL3012; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Eizo 9080i; 0; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Dell; Dell ES-17; del635e; 31.0-85.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Dell; Dell GPD-16C; 0; 20.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Dell; Dell GPD-19C; 0; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Dell; Dell G2210 (Analog); DELD01E; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell G2410 (Analog); DEL404A; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell G2410 (Digital); DEL404B; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Hewitt; 0; 30.0-48.1; 50.0-72.0; 1 +Dell; DELL IN1720(Analog); DELD040; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell IN1910N(Analog); DELA04C; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; DELL IN1920(Analog); DELF021; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell IN2010N(Analog); DELA049; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Laptop Display Panel 1024x768; QDS005; 31.5-48.5; 59.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Laptop Display Panel 1280x1024; 0; 31.5-90.0; 59.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Laptop Display Panel 1280x800; 0; 31.5-50.0; 56.0 - 65.0 +Dell; Dell Laptop Display Panel 1400x1050; SEC3450; 31.5-90.0; 59.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Laptop Display Panel 1440x900; 0; 31.5-56.0; 56.0 - 65.0 +Dell; Dell Laptop Display Panel 1600x1200; 0; 31.5-90.0; 59.0-85.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Laptop Display Panel 1680x1050; 0; 31.5-65.5; 56.0 - 65.0 +Dell; Dell Laptop Display Panel 1920x1080; 0; 31.5-67.0; 56.0 - 65.0 +Dell; Dell Laptop Display Panel 1920x1200; 0; 31.5-74.5; 56.0 - 65.0 +Dell; Dell M1110; del93d5; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell M570; del30cc; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell M770; del71a5; 30.0-69.0; 48.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell M780; del3142; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell M781p; del73bd; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell M781s; del32b0; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell M782; DEL3008; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell M782p; DEL7004; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell M783c; DELD008; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell M783p; DEL700D; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell M783s; DEL3013; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell M791; del7001; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell M990; del708a; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell M991; DEL7001; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell M992; DEL300E; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell M993c; DELD006; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell M993s; DEL3014; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell P1110; del50ab; 30.0-121.0; 48.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell P1130; del5000; 30.0-130.0; 48.0-170.0; 1 +Dell; Dell P1230; DEL700C; 30.0-130.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell P1690; del5348; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell P170S(Analog); DEL4058; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell P170S(Digital); DEL4059; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell P190S(Analog); DEL405A; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell P190S(Digital); DEL405B; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell P2010H (Analog); DEL4055; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell P2010H (Digital); DEL4056; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell P2010H (DP); DEL4057; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell P2210 (Analog); DEL404C; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell P2210 (DP); DEL404D; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell P2210 (Digital); DEL404E; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell P2210H(Analog); DELD024; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell P2210H(Digital); DELD025; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell P2210H(Display Port); DELD026; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell P2310H(Analog); DELD027; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell P2310H(Digital); DELD028; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell P2310H(Display Port); DELD029; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell P780; del510f; 30.0-85.0; 48.0-120.0; 1 +Dell; Dell P790; del62f5; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Dell; Dell P791; del3000; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell P792; DEL5001; 30.0-96.0; 48.0-170.0; 1 +Dell; Dell P793; DEL3005; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Dell; Dell P990; del50dd; 30.0-96.0; 48.0-120.0; 1 +Dell; Dell P991; del5178; 30.0-107.0; 48.0-120.0; 1 +Dell; Dell P992; DEL5002; 30.0-107.0; 48.0-170.0; 1 +Dell; Dell S1709W; DELD018; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell S1909W(Analog); DELA03E; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell S1909W(Digital); DELA03F; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell S1909WN(Analog); DELF00F; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell S1909WX(Analog); DELF00B; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell S1909WX(Digital); DELF00C; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell S199WFP(Analog); DELF009; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell S199WFP(Digital); DELF00A; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell S2009W(Analog); DELA044; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell S2009W(Digital); DELA045; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell S2209W(Analog); DELA042; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell S2209W(Digital); DELA043; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell S2309W(Analog); DELA040; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell S2309W(Digital); DELA041; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell S2409W(Analog); DELA037; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell S2409W(Digital); DELA038; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell S2409W(HDMI); DELA039; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell SE177FP; DELF001; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell SE178WFP; DELD017; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-77.0; 1 +Dell; Dell SE197FP; DELF002; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell SE198WFP; DELF003; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell SP1908FP; DEL4030; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell SP1908FP (DVI); DEL4031; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell SP2008WFP(Analog); DEL4032; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell SP2008WFP(Digital); DEL4033; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell SP2009W; DELD01A; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell SP2208WFP(Analog); DEL4038; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell SP2208WFP(Digital); DEL4039; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell SP2208WFP(HDMI); DEL403A; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell SP2309W(Analog); DELD01B; 30.0-92.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Dell; Dell SP2309W(Digital); DELD01C; 30.0-92.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Dell; Dell SP2309W(HDMI); DELD01D; 30.0-92.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Dell; Dell ST2010; DELF018; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell ST2010; DELF019; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell ST2210(Analog); DELA058; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell ST2210(Digital); DELA059; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell ST2210(HDMI); DELA05A; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell ST2310; DELF01B; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell ST2310; DELF01C; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell ST2310; DELF01D; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell ST2310WA_Analog; DELF01E; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell ST2310WA_Digital; DELF01F; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell ST2310WA_HDMI; DELF020; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell ST2410(Analog); DELA05B; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell ST2410(Digital); DELA05C; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell ST2410(HDMI); DELA05D; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell SX2210(Analog); DELA046; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell SX2210(Digital); DELA047; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell SX2210(HDMI); DELA048; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell SX2210T(Analog); DELA051; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell SX2210T(Digital); DELA052; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell SX2210T(HDMI); DELA053; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Super VGA; 0; 30.0-38.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Super VGA Colour; 0; 29.0-38.0; 47.0-100.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Super VGA DL 1428 I/L; 0; 35.5; 87.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Super VGA Jostens; 0; 30.0-48.1; 50.0-72.0; 1 +Dell; Dell UGA DL 1460 NI; 0; 30.0-58.2; 50.0-72.2; 1 +Dell; Dell U2211H (Analog); DEL405D; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell U2211H (Digital); DEL405E; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell U2211H (DP); DEL405F; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell U2410(Analog); DELF014; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell U2410(Digital); DELF015; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell U2410(HDMI); DELF016; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell U2410(DP); DELF017; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell U2711(Analog); DELA054; 29.0-94.0; 49.0-86.0; 1 +Dell; Dell U2711(Digital); DELA055; 29.0-113.0; 49.0-86.0; 1 +Dell; Dell U2711(HDMI); DELA056; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Dell; Dell U2711(DP); DELA057; 29.0-113.0; 49.0-86.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Ultrascan 14C; 0; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Ultrascan 14C-E; 0; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Ultrascan 14C-EN; 0; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Ultrascan 14ES; 0; 31.5-62.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Ultrascan 14LR; 0; 30.0-58.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Ultrascan 14XE; del139a; 30.0-62.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Ultrascan 14XE; del139b; 30.0-62.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Ultrascan 14XE; del139c; 30.0-62.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Ultrascan 14XE; del139d; 30.0-62.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Ultrascan 15ES/15ES-P; 0; 31.5-62.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Ultrascan 15FS-N/15FS-EN; 0; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Ultrascan 15FS/15FS-E; 0; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Ultrascan 15LR; 0; 31.5-57.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Ultrascan 15TE; 0; 31.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Ultrascan 17ES; 0; 30.0-78.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Ultrascan 17FS-ELR; 0; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Ultrascan 17FS-EN; 0; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Ultrascan 17FS-LR; 0; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Ultrascan 17FS-N; 0; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Ultrascan 21FS; 0; 30.0-78.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Ultrascan 21TE; del2214; 30.0-93.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Ultrascan 21TE; del2215; 30.0-93.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Ultrascan 21TE; del2216; 30.0-93.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Ultrascan 21TE; del2217; 30.0-93.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Ultrascan V17X; del2210; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Ultrascan V17X; del2211; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Ultrascan V17X; del2212; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Ultrascan V17X; del2213; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Dell; Dell V15X; del4273; 57.0-64.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Dell; Dell V17X; 0; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Dell; Dell VC15 Colour; 0; 31.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Dell; Dell VGA 800; 0; 29.0-38.0; 50.0-87.0; 1 +Dell; Dell VGA Color/Color Plus; 0; 31.5; 60.0; 1 +Dell; Dell VGA Monochrome; 0; 31.5; 60.0; 1 +Dell; Dell Vi14X; 0; 35.5; 87.0; 1 +Dell; Dell VS14/15; 0; 30.0-58.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Dell; Dell VS17; 0; 30.0-62.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Dell; Dell VS17X; del3024; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Dell; Dell VS17X; del3025; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Dell; Dell VS17X; del3026; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Dell; Dell VS17X; del3027; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Dell; Dell W1700LCDTV (Analog); DEL7007; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell W1700LCDTV (Digital); DEL7008; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell W2300LCDTV (Analog); DEL7009; 30.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell W2300LCDTV (Digital); DEL700A; 30.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell W2600LCDTV (Analog); DEL4002; 31.0-64.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell W2600LCDTV (Digital); DEL4003; 31.0-64.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Dell; Dell W3000 (Analog); DELE006; 30.0-61.0; 56.0-120.0; 1 +Dell; Dell W3000 (Digital); DELE007; 30.0-61.0; 56.0-120.0; 1 +Delta; Delta DA-1565; dpc1565; 30-65; 50-100; 1 +Delta; Delta DA-570; dpc0570; 30-70; 50-100; 1 +Delta; Delta DA-995; dpc0995; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-180.0; 1 +Delta; Delta DB-1765; dpc1765; 30-65; 50-100; 1 +Delta; Delta DB-770; dpc0770; 30-70; 50-100; 1 +Delta; Delta DC-770; dpc1770; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Delta; Delta DE-570; dpc4570; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 14 in. Color (FR-PCXBV-PF); fr-pcxbv-pf; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 14 in. Color (FR-PCXBV-SA); fr-pcxbv-sa; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 14 in. Color (FR-PCXCV-GE); fr-pcxcv-ge; 31.0-32.0; 59.0-61.0; 1 +Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 14 in. Color (FR-PCXCV-RA); fr-pcxcv-ra; 31.0-32.0; 59.0-61.0; 1 +Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 14 in. Color Monitor (FR-PCXCV-C*); dec770c; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 14 in. Monochrome (FR-PC7XV-KA); fr-pc7xv-ka; 31.2-31.7; 57.0-73.0; 1 +Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 15 in. Color (FR-PCXBV-PC); fr-pcxbv-pc; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 15 in. Color (FR-PCXBV-RA); fr-pcxbv-ra; 30.0-48.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 15 in. Color (FR-PCXBV-RD); fr-pcxbv-rd; 30.0-65.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 15 in. Color (FR-PCXBV-RL); fr-pcxbv-rl; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 15 in. Color (FR-PCXBV-SC); fr-pcxbv-sc; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 15 in. Color (FR-PCXCV-AC); fr-pcxcv-ac; 31.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 15 in. Color Monitor (FR-PCXBV-E*); decba08; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 15 in. Color Monitor (FR-PCXCV-D*); dec970c; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 17 in. Color (FR-PCXAV-EC); fr-pcxav-ec; 29.0-82.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 17 in. Color (FR-PCXAV-YZ); dec073a; 30.0-85.0; 48.0-150.0; 1 +Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 17 in. Color (FR-PCXBV-KA); fr-pcxbv-ka; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 17 in. Color (SN-VRTX7-WA); dece162; 31.5-82; 50-90; 1 +Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 17 in. Color Monitor (FR-PCXBV-F*); decda08; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 19 in. Color (FR-PCXAV-CY); dec0479; 30.0-95.0; 48.0-160.0; 1 +Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 19 in. Color (FR-PCXAV-CZ); dec047a; 30.0-95.0; 48.0-160.0; 1 +Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 19 in. Color (FR-PCXAV-TZ); dec9a06; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 21 in. Color (FR-PCXAV-HA); fr-pcxav-ha; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 21 in. Color (FR-PCXAV-WZ); dec06fa; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 21 in. Color (SN-VRCX1-WA); dec62e1; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 24 in. Color (FR-PCXAV-AZ); dec043a; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital FR-PCXAV-VY; dec06d9; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital FR-PCXAV-WY; dec06f9; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital FR-PCXAV-YY; dec0739; 30.0-85.0; 48.0-150.0; 1 +Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital FR-PCXBV-JZ; dec5a09; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Eizo Nanao; Eizo F520; enc1602; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo Nanao; Eizo F730; enc1604; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo Nanao; Eizo F930; enc1612; 30.0-130.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo Nanao; Eizo F980; enc1603; 30.0-137.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo Nanao; Eizo L351; enc1616; 30.0-50.0; 59.0-61.0; 1 +Eizo Nanao; Eizo L371; enc1618; 27.0-61.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Eizo Nanao; Eizo L371D; enc1617; 27.0-65.0; 59.0-61.0; 1 +Eizo Nanao; Eizo L557; enc1689; 31-64; 59-61 +Eizo Nanao; Eizo L568; enc1734; 24.0-80.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Eizo Nanao; Eizo L568D; enc1733; 31.0-64.0; 59.0-61.0; 1 +Eizo Nanao; Eizo L771; enc1622; 27.0-81.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Eizo Nanao; Eizo T550; enc1600; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo Nanao; Eizo T561; enc1615; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo Nanao; Eizo T760; enc1605; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo Nanao; Eizo T761; enc1613; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo Nanao; Eizo T961; enc1610; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo Nanao; Eizo T962; enc1614; 30.0-130.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo 9060S; eiz0302; 15.5-38.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo 9065S; eiz0303; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo 9070S; eiz0306; 20.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo 9080i; eiz0307; 30.0-64.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo 9400i; eiz0308; 30.0-65.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo 9500; eiz0309; 30.0-78.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo F35; eiz1000; 27.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo F55; eiz1008; 27.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo F55S; eiz1015; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo F56; eiz1004; 27.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo F57; eiz1020; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo F67; eiz1013; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo F77; eiz1006; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo F77S; eiz1018; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo F78; eiz1007; 31.5-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan 6500; eiz0300; 56.0-80.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan 6600; eiz0206; 56.0-110.0; 70.0-90.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan E151L; nan1212; 24.0-61.0; 50.0-85.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan E54F; nan1220; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan E76F; nan1218; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan F340iW; eiz030a; 27.0-61.5; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan F351; eiz0200; 24.5-69.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan F550iW; eiz038c; 30.0-65.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan F552; eiz030c; 24.5-69.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan F553; eiz0201; 24.5-69.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan F560iW; eiz030d; 30.0-82.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan F563; eiz0202; 24.5-86.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan F57; eiz1020; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan F750i; eiz030e; 30.0-80.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan F760iW; eiz030f; 30.0-78.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan F764; eiz0203; 30.0-90.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan F77S; eiz1018; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan F780iW; eiz0310; 45.0-100.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan F784; eiz0204; 31.5-102.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan F931; enc1630 ; 30.0-130.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan L23; eiz1009; 24.0-50.0; 50.0-60.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan L23; eiz1409; 24.0-50.0; 50.0-60.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan L34; eiz1012; 24.0-61.0; 50.0-85.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan L34; eiz1412; 24.0-61.0; 50.0-85.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan L360; eiz1021; 27.0-61.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan L360; eiz1421; 27.0-61.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan L66; eiz1019; 27.0-80.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan L66; eiz1419; 27.0-80.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan T560i; eiz0311; 30.0-82.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan T562; eiz0313; 30.0-82.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan T563; eiz0305; 24.5-86.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan T660i; eiz0312; 30.0-78.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FlexScan T662; eiz0314; 30.0-85.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FX-B5; eiz1400; 27.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FX-C5; eiz1408; 27.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FX-C5S; eiz1415; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FX-C6; eiz1404; 27.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FX-C7; eiz1420; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FX-D7; eiz1413; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FX-E7; eiz1406; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo FX-E8; eiz1407; 31.5-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo NANAO FlexScan FX-C7; eiz1420; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo Nanao FlexScan FX-E7S; eiz1418; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo T57; eiz1005; 27.0-92.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo T57S; eiz1001; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo T67; eiz1002; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo T67S; eiz1003; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo T68; eiz1014; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo T77; eiz1011; 27.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo T960; eiz1022; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo T960; eiz1422; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo TX-C7; eiz1405; 27.0-92.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo TX-C7S; eiz1401; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo TX-D7; eiz1414; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Eizo; Eizo TX-D7S; eiz1403; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Elitegroup Computer Systems; ECS VERTOS 1401; ecs0001; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Elitegroup Computer Systems; ECS VERTOS 1501; ecs0002; 24.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Elitegroup Computer Systems; ECS VERTOS 1502; ecs0003; 24.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Elitegroup Computer Systems; ECS VERTOS 1503; ecs0004; 24.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Elitegroup Computer Systems; ECS VERTOS 1700; ecs0005; 24.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Elitegroup Computer Systems; ECS VERTOS 1701; ecs0006; 24.0-82.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Elitegroup Computer Systems; ECS VERTOS 1702; ecs0007; 24.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Elitegroup Computer Systems; ECS VERTOS 2101; ecs0008; 24.0-90.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Elitegroup Computer Systems; ECS VERTOS 2102; ecs0009; 24.0-90.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Elsa AG; Elsa Ecomo Office; els4160; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Elsa AG; Elsa GDM-17E40; 135; 29-82; 50-150 +EMC; EMC 787n Flat Panel; EMC0313; 30-80; 50-160; 1 +EMC; EMC EF-836; 0; 31.5,35.5; 50-90 +EMC; EMC SA-560; 0; 30-64; 50-100; 1 +Epson; Epson CG1428I; epson2; 35.5; 56.0-87.0; 1 +Epson; Epson CG1428N; epson3; 48.0; 56.0-87.0; 1 +Epson; Epson CG1439I; epson1; 35.5; 56.0-87.0; 1 +Epson; Epson CG1528N; epson4; 30-65; 50-120.0; 1 +Epson; Epson CG1728N; epson5; 30-65; 50-120.0; 1 +ESCOM; ESCOM Mono-LCD screen; 28; 30-36; 43-72 +Everex Systems, Inc.; Everex Eversync_SVGA; eversync_svga; 15.5-35.0; 50.0-70.0; 1 +Falco Data Products, Inc.; Falco Data Products, Inc. FMS; fms; 15.0-38.0; 47.0-90.0; 1 +Fora, Inc.; Fora, Inc. MON-7C5; mon-7c5; 15.0-36.0; 45.0-90.0; 1 +Forefront Technology Corp.; Forefront Technology MTS-9608S; mts-9608s; 15.0-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Fujikama O.A. Distribution; Fujikama PVGA-1024A; pvga-1024a; 31.5-38.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu 151E; FUS0170; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu 1554G+; fpa0612; 30-54; 50-120; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu 1568G1; fpa2d30; 30-69; 50-120; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu 1769G; fpa2df9; 30-69; 50-120; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu 38B1; FUS0371; 30.0-61.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu e155; fuj3118; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu e175; icl2500; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu e176; icl2a00; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu e213; icl2700; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu ErgoPro 140v; icl-ep140v; 37.9; 58.0-75.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu ErgoPro 141p; icl0d00; 47.0-49.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu ErgoPro 141v; icl0b00; 37.9; 58.0-75.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu ErgoPro 142v; icl1400; 37.9; 58.0-75.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu ErgoPro 151p; icl0700; 30.0-64.0; 48.0-100.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu ErgoPro 151p AutoBrite; icl0800; 30.0-64.0; 48.0-100.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu ErgoPro 151v; icl0a00; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu ErgoPro 152v; icl0f00; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu ErgoPro 171p; icl0200; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu ErgoPro 171v; icl0400; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu ErgoPro 211v; icl0100; 24.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu ErgoPro e153; icl1600; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu ErgoPro e154; icl2200; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu ErgoPro e173; icl1d00; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu ErgoPro e174; icl2300; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu ErgoPro x152; icl1c00; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu ErgoPro x153; icl2100; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu ErgoPro x173; icl1900; 31.0-85.0; 48.0-100.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu ErgoPro x173a; icl1a00; 31.0-85.0; 48.0-100.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu ErgoPro x174; icl2400; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP845; fuj5501; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP846; fuj5601; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP846A; fuj5701; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP847; fuj3110; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP84X1; fujb801; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP84X2; fuj7110; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP84X3(G); fuj7210; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP84Y4; fujb601; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP84Y5; fujb701; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP976; fuj4401; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP977; fuj4601; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP978; fuj4701; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP979; fuj2210; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP97X1; fuja801; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP97X2; fuja901; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP97X3; fujaa01; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP97X4; fuj6110; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP97Y3; fuja401; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP97Y4; fuja501; 31.0-64.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP97Y5; fuja601; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP97Y6; fuja701; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP981; fuj1110; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-180.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP982; fuj1210; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-180.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP98X1; fuj5110; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-180.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP994; fuj9301; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP995; fuj9401; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP996; fuj0110; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP997; fuj0210; 30.0-121.0; 48.0-160.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DPA972; fuj4801; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DPA973; fuj2310; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMVC-DP832; fmvcdp832; 35.5-48.0; 60.0-87.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMVDP84X4G; fuj7310; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMVDP84X5G/848; fuj7410; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMVDP9710; fuj2110; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMVDP9712; fuj2510; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMVDP97X5(G)/FMVDP97X6; fuj6210; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMVDP97X5(G)/X6/9711; fuj6210; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMVDP97X7(G)/X8; fuj6310; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMVDP97X9(G)/9713; fuj6410; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu FP-2500; fuj2112; 24.0-85.0; 50.0-86.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-1400SS; fuj8501; 31.5-57.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-1410SS; fuj8601; 31.5-57.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-1410TS; fuj8801; 31.5-56.5; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-1420T; fuj4111; 31.5-48.4; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-14TX1; fuj9111; 31.5-48.4; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-14TX2; fuj9211; 30.0-48.4; 56.3-75.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-1500T; fuj8701; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-1510T; fuj3111; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-1520A; fuj3311; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-1520T; fuj3211; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-1530A; fuj3511; 31.5-48.4; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-1530B; fuj3611; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-1530S; fuj3411; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-1530SW; fuj3711; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-15DX1G; fuj8411; 48.4; 60.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-15DX2G; fuj8811; 48.4; 60.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-15DX3G; fuj8711; 48.4; 60.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-15TX1(G); fuj8111; 31.5-48.4; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-15TX2; fuj8311; 31.5-48.4; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-15TX3G; fuj8211; 31.5-48.4; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-15TX4G; fuj8611; 31.5-48.4; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-1800TS; fuj1111; 31.5-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-2100T; fuj8401; 31.5-80.0; 59.9-75.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu x150f; fuj0119; 31.0-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu x154; icl2900; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu x176; fuj2118; 30.0-100.0; 50.0-200.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu x177; fuj2218; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu x177a; fuj2318; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Fujitsu; Fujitsu x191; icl2800; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Funai Electric Company of Taiwan; Funai 17GD; fcm3313; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Futura; Futura K7034LD 0; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Futura; Futura K9034LD 0; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway 14SVGA; 14svga; 31.5-35.5; 50-90; 1 +Gateway; Gateway AN1_15; gwy07d0; 30-60; 50-100; 1 +Gateway; Gateway CM751; gwy0013; 31-95; 50-160; 1 +Gateway; Gateway CM803; gwy138b; 31.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway CrystalScan 1024; cs1024; 31.5-35.5; 50-90; 1 +Gateway; Gateway CrystalScan 1024NI; cs1024ni; 30-50; 50-90; 1 +Gateway; Gateway CrystalScan 1024NI2G; cs1024ni2g; 31.5-48; 50-90; 1 +Gateway; Gateway CrystalScan 1572DG; 1572dg; 30-62; 50-120; 1 +Gateway; Gateway CrystalScan 1572DGM; cs1572dgm; 30-62; 50-100; 1 +Gateway; Gateway CrystalScan 1572FS; 1572fs; 30-62; 50-120; 1 +Gateway; Gateway CrystalScan 17762LEG; cs17762leg; 30-64; 50-100; 1 +Gateway; Gateway CrystalScan 500; gwy0f04; 30-64; 50-100; 1 +Gateway; Gateway CrystalScan 500-069; gwy138a; 31-69; 50-110; 1 +Gateway; Gateway CrystalScan 700-069; gwy1b5a; 31-69; 50-110; 1 +Gateway; Gateway CrystalScan 700-069; gwy1b5b; 31-69; 50-110; 1 +Gateway; Gateway DL27-1; gwy0a8d; 31.0-38.0; 50-75; 1 +Gateway; Gateway DL31-1; gwy0089; 31.0-38.0; 50-75; 1 +Gateway; Gateway DL31-1; gwy0c1e; 31.0-38.0; 50-75; 1 +Gateway; Gateway DL36-1; gwy0e11; 31.0-38.0; 50-75; 1 +Gateway; Gateway EV500; gwy138a; 31-69; 50-110; 1 +Gateway; Gateway EV500; gwy138b; 31-69; 50-110; 1 +Gateway; Gateway EV500; gwy138c; 31-69; 50-110; 1 +Gateway; Gateway EV500; gwy5005; 31-69; 50-110; 1 +Gateway; Gateway EV500 (Variant 2); gwy1393; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway EV500B; gwy1390; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway EV530; gwy1394; 30.0-56.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway EV575; gwy15c7; 31.0-60.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway EV700; gwy1B62; 30-70; 50-110; 1 +Gateway; Gateway EV700; gwy1b5a; 30-70; 50-110; 1 +Gateway; Gateway EV700; gwy1b5b; 30-70; 50-110; 1 +Gateway; Gateway EV700; gwy1b5c; 30-70; 50-110; 1 +Gateway; Gateway EV700; gwy1b5d; 30-70; 50-110; 1 +Gateway; Gateway EV700; gwy1b5e; 30-70; 50-110; 1 +Gateway; Gateway EV700; gwy1b5f; 30-70; 50-110; 1 +Gateway; Gateway EV700 (Win1); gwy1B67; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway EV700 (Win2); gwy7658; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway EV700-H; gwy7659; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway EV700B; gwy1B64; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway EV700C; gwy1B66; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway EV730; gwy1B6A; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway EV730; gwy1B6B; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway EV730 (LiteOn manufactured); gwy1B69; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway EV900; gwy8883; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway EV910C; gwy232C; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway EVF720; gwy031b; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1500; gwy05dc; 30-61; 56-75; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1510 (Analog); gwy05E6; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1510 (Digital); gwy05E7; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1520 R0; gwy05F0; 37.0-66.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1520 R1; gwy05F1; 31.0-60.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1520 R2; gwy05F2; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1530 R0; gwy05FA; 31.0-63.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1530 R1; gwy05FB; 31.0-66.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1530 R2; gwy05FC; 31.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1530 R3; gwy05FD; 31.0-66.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1530 R4; gwy05FE; 31.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1530 R5; gwy05FF; 31.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1540 R0; gwy0604; 31.0-63.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1540 R1; gwy0605; 31.0-63.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1540 R2; gwy0606; 31.0-63.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1700 R0; gwy06A4; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1700 R1; gwy06A5; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1720; gwy06C3; 30.0-82.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1730 R0; gwy06C2; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1730 R1; gwy06C4; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1730 R10; gwy06CE; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1730 R11; gwy06CF; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1730 R2; gwy06C5; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1730 R3; gwy06C6; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1730 R4; gwy06C7; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1730 R5; gwy06C8; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1730 R6; gwy06C9; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1730 R7; gwy06CA; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1730 R8; gwy06CB; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1730 R9; gwy06CC; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1800; gwy0708; 63.9; 60.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1810 (Analog); gwy0712; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1810 (Digital); gwy0713; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1830 R0 (Analog); gwy0726; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1830 R0 (Digital); gwy0727; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1830 R1 (Analog); gwy0728; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1830 R1 (Digital); gwy0729; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1830 R2 (Analog); gwy072C; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1830 R2 (Digital); gwy072D; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1830 R3 (Analog); gwy0726; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1830 R3 (Digital); gwy0727; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1830 R4 (Analog); gwy072E; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1830 R4 (Digital); gwy072F; 30.0-68.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1930 (Analog); gwy078A; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1930 (Digital); gwy078B; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1940 (Analog); gwy0794; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD1940 (Digital); gwy0795; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD2020 R0 (Analog); gwy07E4; 30.0-96.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD2020 R0 (Digital); gwy07E5; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD2020 R1 (Analog); gwy07E6; 30.0-96.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD2020 R1 (Digital); gwy07E7; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD2020 R2 (Analog); gwy07E9; 28.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD2020 R2 (Digital); gwy07E8; 28.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD2200 (Analog); gwy0899; 30.0-70.0; 56.0-61.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway FPD2200 (Digital); gwy0898; 30.0-70.0; 56.0-61.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway LE500; gwy1392; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway PF41500; gtw7800; 31.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway PF41700; gtw7900; 30.0-82.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway PFL2-15A; gwy060e; 48.0; 60; 1 +Gateway; Gateway Vivitron 15; vivitron15; 31-64; 50-120; 1 +Gateway; Gateway Vivitron 17; vivitron17; 31.5-64; 50-120; 1 +Gateway; Gateway Vivitron 20; vivitron20; 29-82; 50-150; 1 +Gateway; Gateway VX1100; gwy0454; 31.0-108.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway VX1110; gwy045b; 31.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway VX1120; gwy0460; 30.0-121.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway VX1120; gwy046A; 30.0-130.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway VX1130; gwy046B; 30.0-140.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway VX700; gwy044d; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway VX700; mel1673; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway VX700A; gwy044e; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway VX720; gwy02d0; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway VX720A; gwy02DA; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway VX730; gwy1B68; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway VX730; gwy1B6C; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway VX730; gwy1B6D; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway VX900; gwy0013; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway VX900; gwy9095; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway VX900T; gwy00c0; 30.0-96.0; 48.0-120.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway VX920; gwy0398; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-140.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway VX920A; gwy03A2; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Gateway; Gateway VX930; gwy232D; 30.0-97.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Generic CRT Display; Monitor 1024x768; 0; 31.5-61.0; 50-75 +Generic CRT Display; Monitor 1280x1024; 0; 31.5-81.0; 50-75 +Generic CRT Display; Monitor 1400x1050; 0; 31.5-94.0; 50-85 +Generic CRT Display; Monitor 1600x1200; 0; 31.5-107.5; 50-85 +Generic CRT Display; Monitor 640x480; 0; 31.5; 50-61 +Generic CRT Display; Monitor 800x600; 0; 31.5-35.1; 50-61 +Generic LCD Display; LCD Panel 1024x768; 0; 31.5-48.0; 56.0-65.0 +Generic LCD Display; LCD Panel 1280x1024; 0; 31.5-64.0; 56.0-65.0 +Generic LCD Display; LCD Panel 1280x800; 0; 31.5-50.0; 56.0-65.0 +Generic LCD Display; LCD Panel 1360x768; 0; 31.5-48.0; 56.0-65.0 +Generic LCD Display; LCD Panel 1400x1050; 0; 31.5-65.5; 56.0-65.0 +Generic LCD Display; LCD Panel 1440x900; 0; 31.5-56.0; 56.0-65.0 +Generic LCD Display; LCD Panel 1600x1200; 0; 31.5-74.7; 56.0-65.0 +Generic LCD Display; LCD Panel 1680x1050; 0; 31.5-65.5; 56.0-65.0 +Generic LCD Display; LCD Panel 1920x1080; 0; 31.5-67.0; 56.0-65.0 +Generic LCD Display; LCD Panel 1920x1200; 0; 31.5-74.5; 56.0-65.0 +Generic LCD Display; LCD Panel 2560x1600; 0; 31.5-99.0; 56.0-65.0 +Generic LCD Display; LCD Panel 640x480; 0; 31.5; 56.0-65.0 +Generic LCD Display; LCD Panel 800x600; 0; 31.5-37.9; 56.0-65.0 +Geritec; Geritec PR568; BMM0238; 31-60; 60-75 +Golden Dragon; Golden Dragon TY-1411; ty-1411; 15.5-37.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Golden Dragon; Golden Dragon TY-2015; ty-2015; 30.0-65.0; 49.0-88.0; 1 +GoldStar Technology, Inc.; GoldStar 1423; 1423; 31.5; 70; 1 +GoldStar Technology, Inc.; GoldStar 1423 Plus VGA; 1423+vga; 31.5; 70; 1 +GoldStar Technology, Inc.; GoldStar 1453 Plus; 1453_plus; 35.5; 87; 1 +GoldStar Technology, Inc.; GoldStar 1460 Plus VGA; 1460+vga; 48.0; 70; 1 +GoldStar Technology, Inc.; GoldStar 1470_Plus; 1470_plus; 30.0-50.0; 45.0-90.0; 1 +GoldStar Technology, Inc.; GoldStar 1490; 1490; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +GoldStar Technology, Inc.; GoldStar 1510; 1510; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-105.0; 1 +GoldStar Technology, Inc.; GoldStar 1620; 1620; 30.0-50.0; 45.0-90.0; 1 +GoldStar Technology, Inc.; GoldStar 1710; 1710; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-105.0; 1 +GoldStar Technology, Inc.; GoldStar 1725; 1725; 30-65; 50-120; 1 +GoldStar Technology, Inc.; GoldStar LG StudioWorks20i; 0; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0 +GoldStar Technology, Inc.; GoldStar LG StudioWorks56i; 0; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-110.0 +GoldStar Technology, Inc.; GoldStar LG StudioWorks56m; 0; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-110.0 +GoldStar Technology, Inc.; GoldStar LG StudioWorks74m; 0; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0 +GoldStar Technology, Inc.; GoldStar LG StudioWorks76i; 0; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-110.0 +GoldStar Technology, Inc.; GoldStar LG StudioWorks76m; 0; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-110.0 +GoldStar Technology, Inc.; GoldStar LG StudioWorks77i; 0; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +GoldStar Technology, Inc.; GoldStar LG StudioWorks78i; 0; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0 +GoldStar Technology, Inc.; GoldStar LG StudioWorks78T; 0; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0 +Hanns.G; Hanns.G HG216D; HSD1ca3; 30-82; 50-75 +Hanns.G; Hanns.G HW191; HSD8991; 30-80; 49-75 +Hansol Electronics; Hansol Electronics Mazellan14px; hsl0579; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hansol Electronics; Hansol Electronics Mazellan15ax; hsl05dd; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hansol Electronics; Hansol Electronics Mazellan17ax; hsl06a6; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hansol Electronics; Hansol Electronics Mazellan17px; hsla605; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hansol Electronics; Hansol Electronics Mazellan400A; hsl057a; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hansol Electronics; Hansol Electronics Mazellan400P; hsl0579; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hansol Electronics; Hansol Electronics Mazellan500A; hsl05dd; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hansol Electronics; Hansol Electronics Mazellan500P; hsl05de; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hansol Electronics; Hansol Electronics Mazellan700A; hsl06a6; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hansol Electronics; Hansol Electronics Mazellan700P; hsl06a5; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hansol Electronics; Hansol Electronics Mazellan710P; hsl06ab; 30-95; 47-160; 1 +Hansol Electronics; Hansol Electronics Mazellan900P; hsl076d; 30.0-96.0; 47.0-150.0; 1 +HCI; HCI Maxiscan; maxiscan; 15.0-35.0; 50.0-70.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP 1024 LCD Flat Panel 14-inch Display; 0; 32-61; 50-90 +Hewlett-Packard; HP 1024 LE Flat Panel 14-inch Display; 0; 32-54; 50-105 +Hewlett-Packard; HP 1825 Flat Panel Monitor; hwp0721; 30.0-82.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP 2025 (P4831) Flat Panel Monitor; hwp144a; 30.0-94.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP 2025 Flat Panel Monitor (Variant 2); hwp144b; 30.0-92.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP 5500 Color Monitor; hwp2602; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP 7500 Color Monitor; hwp2603; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-140.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP 7550 Color Monitor; hwp2604; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-140.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP 9500 Color Monitor; hwp2605; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP A1295A 24-inch Display; 0; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP A4033A 21-inch Display; 0; 30-80; 50-120; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP A4331A 20-inch Display; 0; 30-82; 48-150; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP A4576A (P1100) 21-inch Display; 0; 30-107; 50-160; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP A7217A Wide-Aspect; 0; 30-121; 48-160; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D1187A 20-inch Display; hp_d1187a; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D1188A 20-inch Display; hp_d1188a; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D1192A VGA Monochrome 14-inch Display; hp_d1192a; 31.5; 70; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D1192B VGA Monochrome 14-inch Display; hp_d1192b; 31.5; 70; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D1193A Ultra VGA 17-inch; hp_d1193a; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D1194A SVGA 14-inch Display; hp_d1194a; 37.9; 72; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D1195A Ergo-SVGA 14-inch Display; hp_d1195a; 48.1; 72; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D1196A Ergo Ultra VGA 15-inch Display; hp_d1196a; 56.4; 72; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D1197A Color VGA 14-inch Display; hp_d1197a; 31.5; 70; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D1198A SVGA 14-inch Display; hp_d1198a; 37.9; 70; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D1199A Ultra VGA 1600 21-inch Display; hp_d1199a; 30-82; 50-152; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D1815A 1024 Low Emissions 14-inch Display; hwp0aff; 31-48.4; 50-100; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2800 Ultra VGA 1600 21-inch Display; hwp0af0; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2801 Monochrome VGA 14-inch Display; hwp0af1; 31.5; 60; 0 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2802 Entry-Level SVGA 14-inch Display; hwp0af2; 35.5; 43.5; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2803 Super VGA 1024i 14-inch Display; hwp0af3; 35.5; 43.5; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2804 Super VGA 1024i 14-inch Display; hwp0af4; 35.5; 43.5; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2805 Ergo 1024 14-inch Display; hwp0af5; 30.0-62.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2806 Ergo Ultra VGA 15-inch Display; hwp0af6; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2807 Ultra VGA 1280 17-inch Display; hwp0af7; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2808 1024 Low Emissions 15-inch Display; hwp0af8; 30.0-48.5; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2809 1024 Low Emissions MM 15-inch Display; hwp0af9; 30.0-48.5; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2810 1024 14-inch Display; hwp0afa; 48.4; 60; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2811 1024 Low Emissions 14-inch Display; hwp0afb; 48.4; 60; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2813 1024 14-inch Display; hwp0afd; 30.9-49.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2814 Super VGA Low Emissions 14-inch Display; hwp0afe; 35.5; 43.5; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2815 1024 Low Emissions 14-inch Display; hwp0aff; 30.9-49.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2817 Ultra VGA 1280 17-inch Display; hwp0b01; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2818 Ultra VGA 1280 17-inch Display; hwp0b02; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2819 Ultra VGA 1280 Extra Low Emissions 17-inch Display; hwp0b03; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2821 1024 Low Emissions 14-inch Display; hwp0b05; 31.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2825 Ultra VGA 1024 15-inch Display; hwp0b09; 31.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2826 HP 50 15-inch Display; hwp0b0a; 31.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2827 HP 51 15-inch Display; hwp0b0b; 31.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2828 HP 52 15-inch Monitor; hwp0b0c; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2830 Ergo 1024 15-inch Display; hwp0b0e; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2831 Ergo 1024 Extra Low Emissions 15-inch Display; hwp0b0f; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2832 HP 500 15-inch Monitor; hwp0b10; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2835 Ultra VGA 1280 17-inch Display; hwp0b13; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-132.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2836 Ultra VGA 1280 Extra Low Emissions 17-inch Display; hwp0b14; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2837 HP 70 17-inch Display; hwp0b15; 31.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2838 M700 17-inch Display; hwp0b16; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2839 HP 70 17-inch Monitor; hwp0b17; 31.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2840 Ergo 1280 17-inch Display; hwp0b18; 31.0-92.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2842 HP 90 19-inch Display; hwp0b1a; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2843 M900 19-inch Monitor; hwp0b1b; 31.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2845 Ergo 1600 21-inch Display; hwp0b1d; 31.5-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2846 P1100 21-inch Monitor; hwp0b1e; 30.0-107.0; 48.0-160.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D2847 P1110 21-inch Monitor; hwp0b1f; 29.0-121.0; 50.0-180.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D3857A Multi Media 15-inch Display; hwp0f11; 31.0-48.4; 40.0-60.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D3858A Multi Media 14-inch Display; hwp0f12; 31.469-50.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D3859A Multi Media 17-inch Display; hwp0f13; 30.0-68.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D3861A Multi Scan 14-inch Display; hwp0f15; 31.469-50.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D3899A Multi Media 14-inch Display; hwp0f3b; 31.469-50.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D5060 1024 14-inch Liquid Crystal Display; hwp13c4; 31.5-61.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D5061 L1500 15-inch LCD Monitor; hwp13c5; 31.0-69.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D5062 L1510 15-inch LCD Monitor; 0; 31.0-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D5063A L1520 15-inch LCD Monitor; 0; 30.0-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D5064A L1720 17-inch LCD Monitor; 0; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D5065 L1800 18.1-inch LCD Monitor; hwp13c9; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D5069J L1810 18.1-inch LCD Monitor; hwp13cd; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D5258A Pavilion F50S Monitor; hwp12d7; 31.0-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D5258A Pavilion M50 Monitor; hwp0102; 31.468-54.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D5258A Pavilion M50 Monitor; hwp0486; 31.468-54.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D5258A Pavilion M50 Monitor; hwp04ea; 31.468-54.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D5258A Pavilion M50 Monitor; hwp054e; 31.468-54.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D5258A Pavilion M50 Monitor; hwp086e; 31.468-54.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D5258A Pavilion M50 Monitor; hwp08d2; 31.468-54.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D5258A Pavilion M50 Monitor; hwp0936; 31.468-54.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D5258A Pavilion M50 Monitor; hwp148a; 31.468-54.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D5259A Pavilion M70 Monitor; hwp0487; 31.468-71.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D5259A Pavilion M70 Monitor; hwp04eb; 31.468-71.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D5259A Pavilion M70 Monitor; hwp054f; 31.468-71.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D5259A Pavilion M70 Monitor; hwp148b; 31.468-71.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D5269A Pavilion M40 Monitor; hwp0491; 31.468-54.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D5269A Pavilion M40 Monitor; hwp04f5; 31.468-54.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D5269A Pavilion M40 Monitor; hwp0559; 31.468-54.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D6433A Pavilion M90 Monitor; hwp1921; 31.468-98.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D6433A Pavilion M90 Monitor; hwp1922; 31.468-98.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D6433A Pavilion M90 Monitor; hwp1923; 31.468-98.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D7739A Pavilion S50 Monitor; hwp1e3b; 31.468-54.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D7740A Pavilion S70 Monitor; hwp1e3c; 31.468-71.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D8891 HP 40 14-inch Monitor; hwp22bb; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D8894 HP 55 15-inch Monitor; hwp22be; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D8895 HP 55 15-inch Monitor; hwp22bf; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D8896 HP 55 15-inch Monitor; hwp22c0; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D8897 HP 55 15-inch Monitor; hwp22c1; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D8898 HP 55 TCO95 15-inch Monitor; hwp22c2; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D8900 HP 75 17-inch Monitor; hwp22c4; 31.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D8901A HP 71 17-inch Monitor; hwp22c5; 31.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D8902A HP 71 17-inch Monitor; hwp22c6; 31.0-72.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D8903A HP 71 17-inch Monitor; hwp22c7; 31.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D8904A HP 72 17-inch Monitor; 0; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D8906A HP P700 17-inch Monitor; hwp22ca; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D8910A HP P910 19-inch Monitor; hwp22ce; 29.0-107.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D8911A HP 91 19-inch Monitor; hwp22cf; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D8912A HP P920 19-inch Monitor; hwp22d0; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP D8915A HP P1120 21-inch Monitor; hwp22d3; 30.0-121.0; 48.0-160.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP F1503 Flat Panel Monitor; hwp2590; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP F1523 Flat Panel Monitor; hwp2607; 30.0-61.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP F1703 Flat Panel Monitor; hwp2594; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP F1723 Flat Panel Monitor; hwp2609; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP F2105 Flat Panel Monitor; hwp2655; 30.0-94.0; 48.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP L1502 Flat Panel Monitor; hwp2600; 30.0-61.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP L1506 Flat Panel Monitor; hwp265b; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP L1530 Flat Panel Monitor; hwp260c; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP L1702 Flat Panel Monitor; hwp2601; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP L1730 Flat Panel Monitor; hwp260e; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP L1740 LCD Flat Panel Monitor; hwp2649; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP L1755 LCD Flat Panel Monitor; hwp264b; 30.0-82.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP L1906 Flat Panel Monitor; hwp265e; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP L1925 Flat Panel Monitor; hwp259a; 30.0-82.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP L1925 Flat Panel Monitor; hwp259b; 30.0-82.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP L1940 Flat Panel Monitor; hwp262e; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP L1940 LCD Flat Panel Monitor; hwp262f; 30.0-83.0; 65.0-76.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP L1940T Flat Panel Monitor; hwp2683; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP L1955 LCD Flat Panel Monitor; hwp262c; 30.0-82.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP L2035 Flat Panel Monitor; HWP2612; 30.0-94.0; 48.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP L2035 Flat Panel Monitor; HWP2613; 30.0-94.0; 48.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP L2335 Flat Panel Monitor; HWP2614; 30.0-107.0; 48.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP L2335 Flat Panel Monitor; HWP2615; 30.0-107.0; 48.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP L2335 LCD Flat Panel Monitor; hwp2615; 30.0-92.0; 48.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP LP2065 Flat Panel Monitor; hwp0a72; 30.0-92.0; 48.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP LP2465 Flat Panel Monitor; hwp2676; 30.0-92.0; 48.0-85.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP LP2475w Widescreen LCD Monitor; HWP26f7; 30-94; 48-85; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP LP3065 Wide LCD Monitor; HWP2690; 98.0-100.0; 59-60; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP M500 15-inch Display; 0; 30-70; 50-120 +Hewlett-Packard; HP M700 17-inch Display; 0; 30-86; 50-160 +Hewlett-Packard; HP M703 Color Monitor; hwp2584; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-140.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP M720 17-inch Display; 0; 30-85; 50-150 +Hewlett-Packard; HP M900 19-inch Display; 0; 31-95; 50-150 +Hewlett-Packard; HP M910 19-inch Display; 0; 29-107; 50-150 +Hewlett-Packard; HP M920 19-inch Display; 0; 29-107; 50-150 +Hewlett-Packard; HP MX703 Color Monitor; hwp2585; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP P1130 (P4819) Color Monitor; hwp12d3; 30.0-130.0; 48.0-170.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP P1230 Color Monitor; HWP2617; 30.0-140.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP P4829 L1820 18.1-inch LCD Monitor; hwp12dd; 31-80; 56-75; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP P4829J L1820 18.1-inch LCD Monitor; 0; 25-82; 54-88; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP P930 Color Monitor; hwp03a2; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP Pavilion M45/S40 Monitor; hwp14b2; 31.468-50.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP TFT5600 RKM; 0; 29.2-48.4; 40.0-70.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP VF15 Flat Panel Monitor; hwp2608; 30.0-61.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP VF17 Flat Panel Monitor; hwp260a; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP W1907 Wide LCD Monitor; HWP26A2; 24.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP W1907 Wide LCD Monitor; HWP26A3; 24.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP W2207 Wide LCD Monitor; HWP26A8; 24.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0; 1 +Hewlett-Packard; HP W2207 Wide LCD Monitor; HWP26A9; 24.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0; 1 +Highscreen; Highscreen LE 1024; 45; 31.4-31.6,35.1-35.2,35.5-35.6; 50-87 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi 20-AP; 20-ap; 30.0-65.0; 55.0-80.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi 20-APF; 20-apf; 30.0-65.0; 55.0-80.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi 20-AS; 20-as; 30.0-65.0; 55.0-80.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi 21-AP; 21-ap; 30.0-65.0; 55.0-80.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi Accuvue GX17L; hit1717; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi Accuvue GX20; hit4810; 28.0-90.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi Accuvue GX20H; hit4830; 28.0-90.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi Accuvue GX21; hit4811; 28.0-90.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi Accuvue UX4721; hit4711; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi Accuvue UX4921; hit4911; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi Accuvue UX6821; hit6811; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM-1711M; htcab6f; 24.8-82.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM-2110M; htcabcc; 31.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM-2111M; htcabc7; 31.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM-2112M; htcabc2; 31.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM1798M; cm1798m; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM2198M; cm2198m; 30.0-94.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM2199M; cm2199m; 31.5-107.0; 50.0-150; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM500; htcafc8; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM500E; htcafce; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM515; HTCB3C5; 30-70; 50-160 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM600; htcafd2; 30.0-64.0; 47.0-104.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM611; htcafd7; 31.0-92.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM615; HTCB3B3; 30-70; 50-160 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM620; htcafdd; 31.0-69.0; 47.0-130.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM621F; HTC9C40; 30-70; 50-160 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM625; HTC7961; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM630; htcafe2; 31.0-86.0; 47.0-130.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM640; htcaffa; 31.0-69.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM640ET/CM640U; htcaffa; 31.0-69.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM641; htcafec; 31.0-95.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM643; htcb001; 31.0-95.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM650; htcb004; 31.0-69.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM651; htcb005; 31.0-95.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM701; htcabf4; 31.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM715; HTCB3BA; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM721F; HTCB3C4; 31.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM751; htcac13; 31.0-94.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM752; htcac15; 31.0-101.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM753; htcac22; 31.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM761; htcac76; 31.0-96.0; 50.0-180.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM766; htcb00f; 31.0-96.0; 50.0-180.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM768; htcb011; 31.0-107.0; 50.0-180.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM769; htcb02f; 31.0-115.0; 50.0-180.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM771; htcac82; 31.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM772; HTCB3C0; 31.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM776; HTCB03B; 31.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM800; htcabe3; 31.0-89.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM801; htcabe2; 31.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM802; htcabe0; 31.0-100.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM803; htcabea; 31.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM811; htcac46; 31.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM811PLUS; HTCAC4E; 31.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM812; htcac47; 31.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM813; htcac48; 31.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM814; htcac49; 31.0-125.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM815; HTCAC54; 31.0-130.0; 50.0-160.0 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM821F; HTCB404; 31.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM823F; HTCB3F7; 31.0-121.0; 50.0-160.0 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM827; HTCB3FC; 31.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM828; HTCB3FD; 31.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CML153X; HTC1799; 24-60; 56-75 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CML154X; HTC179C; 24-60; 56-75 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CML155X Analog; HTC179E; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CML155X Digital; HTC1F41; 31.0-49.0; 59.0-75.0 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CML170SX; HTCDAE0; 24-80; 56-85 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CML174SX; HTC178C; 24.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CML175SX; HTC1795; 24.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CML181SX; HTC1786; 24-80; 56-85 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CML190SX; HTC177D; 24.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CML200UX Analog; HTC7C17; 31.0-75.0; 56.0-75.0 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CML200UX Digital; HTC431F; 31.0-75.0; 59.0-75.0 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi HM-5219; hm-5219; 88.0-90.0; 88.0-89.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi HM1764; hit1727; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi HM1782; hit1827; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi HM4020; hit4020; 60.0-85.0; 60.0-120.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi HM4021; hit4021; 60.0-85.0; 60.0-120.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi HM4721; hit2147; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi HM4820; hit4820; 28.0-90.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi HM4821; hit4821; 28.0-90.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi HM4921; hit2149; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi HM6421; hit6421; 100.0-102.0; 72.0-77.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi HM6821; hit6821; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi TX36D79VC1CAB; HTC17AC; 50-65; 40-52 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi V700; HTCB3CD; 30-70; 50-160 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi V810; HTCB446; 30-96; 50-160 +Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi V900; HTCB3CE; 30-95; 50-160 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai DeluxScan 14; hn/l-4838x; 31.0-38.0; 56.0-87.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai DeluxScan 14 Plus; hn/l-4848; 31.0-48.4; 56.0-87.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai DeluxScan 14 Pro; hn/l-4860; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai Deluxscan 14S; hei12f0; 30-48; 50-120; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai DeluxScan 15; hl-5848; 31.0-48.4; 56.0-87.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai DeluxScan 15 Pro; hei5864; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai Deluxscan 15B; hei16d8; 30-48; 50-120; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai Deluxscan 15G; hei16e8; 30-64; 50-90; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai DeluxScan 15G+; hei16ee; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai DeluxScan 17; heib81e; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai Deluxscan 17 Pro; hei1e02; 30-82; 45-100; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai Deluxscan 17B; hei1eb8; 30-64; 50-100; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai DeluxScan 17B+; hei1ebe; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai DeluxScan 17MB/17MS; 0; 30-50; 50-130 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai Deluxscan 21; hei0b42; 30-82; 45-100; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai DeluxScan 2595; hei259c; 30.0-97.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai DeluxScan B790+; hei0790; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai DeluxScan HLM-1410A; hei141A; 24.0-69.0; 50.0-88.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai DeluxScan HLM-1500A; hei150A; 24.0-69.0; 50.0-88.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai DeluxScan HLM-1510A; hei151a; 30.0-70.0; 43.0-85.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai DeluxScan P210; hei0210; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai DeluxScan P910+; hei0910; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai DeluxScan V560; hei1560; 30.0-55.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai DeluxScan V570; hei1570; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai DeluxScan V770; hei1770; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HCM-40X; hcm-40x; 31.5; 60.0-70.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HCM-421E; 0; 30-36; 43-72; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HCM-42X; hcm-42x; 35.5; 87.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HCM-43X; hcm-43x; 48.3; 60.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HCM-44X; hcm-44x; 56.4; 70.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-2882; hei0b42; 30-82; 45-100; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-2885B; hei288b; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-4838E; hei12e6; 30-38; 50-90; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-4848; hei4848; 30-50; 50-90; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-4848F; hei12f0; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-4850B; hei12f2; 30-50; 50-130; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-4854B; hei12f6; 30-50; 50-130; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-4860E; hei12fc; 30-60; 50-120; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-5848; hei5848; 30-48; 50-90; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-5848F; hei16d8; 30-48; 50-120; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-5854B; hei585b; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-5854C; hei585c; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-5860; hl-5860; 30.0-60.0; 56.0-90.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-5864E; hei5864; 30-65; 50-120; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-5864F; hei16e8; 30-65; 50-120; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-5870A; hei16ee; 30-70; 50-150; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-5870B; hei58b0; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-5870BM; hei58b1; 30-70; 50-150; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-5870C; hei587c; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-7682; hl-7682; 31.0-82.0; 56.0-100.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-7682A; hei1e02; 30-82; 45-100; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-7682P; hl-7682p; 31.0-82.0; 56.0-100.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-7770A; hei777a; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-7770RD; hei777d; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-7864; hei1eb8; 30-65; 50-100; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-7864F; hei7864; 30-65; 50-120; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-7870A; hei1ebe; 30-70; 50-150; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-7870AM; hei78a0; 30-70; 50-150; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-7870B; hei787b; 30-70; 50-150; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-7870S; hei78b0; 30-70; 50-150; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-7948M; hei1f0c; 30-48; 50-120; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HMM-413; hmm-413; 31.5; 56.0-70.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HN-4938; hn-4938; 31.0-38.0; 56.0-87.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HN-7448M; hei1d18; 30-48; 50-120; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HN/L-4850; hn/l-4850; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HT-2896B; hei289b; 30-96; 50-150; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HT-7682B/DeluxScan 7687; hei768b; 30-82; 50-120; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HT-7695B; hei769b; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai Image Quest B91A; HIQ500a; 31-83; 56-75 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai Image Quest L70S+; IQT0704; 31-80; 56-75 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai Image Quest Q17; IQT217a; 31-80; 56-75; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai ImageFlat F790D; heif790; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai ImageFlat F910; heif910; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai Q320WD D-sub; HIQ500c; 31-83; 56-85 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai S450; hei0450; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai S560; hei0560; 30.0-57.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai S570; hei0570; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai S770; hei0770; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Hyundai Electronics Industries Co.,Ltd.; Hyundai ImageFlat F790; HEIF790; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Hyundai IT Corporation; Hyundai IT T71S; hiq6009; 30.0-83.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Hyundai IT Corporation; Hyundai IT T91D Analog; hiq600b; 30.0-83.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Hyundai IT Corporation; Hyundai IT T91D Digital; hiq6d0b; 30.0-83.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Hyundai IT Corporation; Hyundai IT X71S; hit600f; 24.0-83.0; 55.0-77.0; 1 +Hyundai IT Corporation; Hyundai IT X90W Analog; hiq6008; 31-84.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Hyundai IT Corporation; Hyundai IT X90W Digital; hiq6d08; 31-84.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Hyundai IT Corporation; Hyundai IT X91D Analog; hit6010; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Hyundai IT Corporation; Hyundai IT X91D Analog; hit6012; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Hyundai IT Corporation; Hyundai IT X91D Digital; hit6d10; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Hyundai IT Corporation; Hyundai IT X91D Digital; hit6d12; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 2112; ibm2112; 31.0-38.0; 50.0-80.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 2113; ibm2113; 31.0-38.0; 50.0-80.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 2114; ibm2114; 31.0-62.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 2115; ibm2115; 31.0-62.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 2116 MM55 Multimedia; ibm0844; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 2117; ibm2117; 31.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 2122; ibm2221; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 2122-xxL; ibm7234; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 2124; ibm2421; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 2124-xxL; ibm7254; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 2126; ibm2621; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 2127; ibm2721; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 2128 MM75 Multimedia; ibm0850; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 2131; ibm3121; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 2132; ibm3221; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 2215; ibm2215; 31.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 2235 C50; ibm08bb; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 2236; ibm2236; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 2237 C71; ibm08bd; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 2238; ibm2238; 31.0-38.0; 50.0-80.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 2248; ibm2248; 31.0-48.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 2264; ibm2264; 31.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6307; ibm6307; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6312; ibm6312; 31.0-50.0; 47.0-100.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6314; ibm6314; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6315; ibm6315; 31.0-48.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6317; ibm6317; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6319; ibm6319; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6321; ibm6321; 31.5-38.0; 56.0-72.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6322; ibm6322; 31.0-48.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6324; ibm6324; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6325; ibm6325; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6327; ibm6327; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6331; ibm6331; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6332; ibm6332; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6332 E74; IBM18BC; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6517; ibm6517; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6518; ibm6518; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6540 G42; ibm198c; 30.0-50.0; 55.0-100.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6541 G51; ibm198d; 30.0-54.0; 55.0-100.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6546 G52; ibm1992; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6547 G72; ibm1993; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6549 G94; ibm1995; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6556 P72; ibm199c; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6557 P92; ibm199d; 30.0-94.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6558 P202; ibm199e; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6627; ibm6627; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6634; ibm6634; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6636; ibm6636; 30.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6637; ibm6637; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6639; ibm6639; 30.0-94.0; 48.0-170.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6651; ibm6651; 30.0-107.0; 48.0-170.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6652; ibm6652; 30.0-130.0; 48.0-170.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6656; ibm6656; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6657; ibm6657; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6658; ibm6658; 31.0-81.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6659; ibm6659; 31.0-120.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6734; ibm6734; 30.0-81.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6736a; ibm6736a; 31.0-94.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6736d; ibm6736a; 31.0-75.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6737; ibm6737; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 6739; ibm6739; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 7095; ibm1bb7; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 7097; ibm1bb9; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 8504; ibm8504; 31.5; 60.0-70.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 8511; ibm8511; 31.5; 50.0-70.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 8512; ibm8512; 31.5; 60.0-70.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 8513; ibm8513; 31.5; 60.0-70.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 8514; ibm8514; 31.5; 60.0-70.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 8515; ibm8515; 35.5; 60.0-87.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 8517; ibm8517; 35.5; 60.0-87.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 8518; ibm8518; 31.5; 60.0-70.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 9494; ibm9494; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 9504; ibm9504; 101.66; 77.1; 1 +IBM; IBM 9512; ibm9512; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 9513 T55A TFT Monitor; ibm2529; 30.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 9514-B TFT Panel; ibm252a; 48.0-65.0; 60.0-75.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 9515; ibm9515; 61.1; 50.0-90.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 9517; ibm9517; 59; 50.0-90.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 9518; ibm9518; 39.4; 50.0-90.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 9521; ibm9521; 30.0-68.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 9524; ibm9524; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 9525; ibm9525; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 9525-0X1; ibm2535; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +IBM; IBM 9527; ibm9527; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +IBM; IBM Aptiva 9900; ibm26ac; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM Aptiva 9901; ibm27ad; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM C220p; IBM1A4F; 30.0-130.0; 50.0-160.0 +IBM; IBM G200; ibm1991; 31.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM G41; ibm198e; 31.0-58.5; 50.0-95.0; 1 +IBM; IBM G50; ibm198f; 31.0-58.5; 50.0-95.0; 1 +IBM; IBM G70; ibm1990; 31.0-64.0; 50.0-105.0; 1 +IBM; IBM MM55; ibm0844; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM MM75; ibm0850; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM P200; ibm199b; 29.0-90.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM P201; ibmp201; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +IBM; IBM P50; ibm1999; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM P70; ibm199a; 29.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +IBM; IBM P76; IBM1996; 30.0-94.0; 48.0-120.0 +ICL; ICL 14C; icl14c; 34.2-36.2; 50.0-90.0; 1 +ICL; ICL 14M; icl14m; 31.5; 70; 1 +ICL; ICL 14V; icl14v; 37.9; 58.0-75.0; 1 +ICL; ICL 15V; icl15v; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ICL; ICL 17V; icl17v; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ICL; ICL ErgoPro 140v; icl-ep140v; 37.9; 58.0-75.0; 1 +ICL; ICL ErgoPro 141p; icl0d00; 47.0-49.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +ICL; ICL ErgoPro 141v; icl0b00; 37.9; 58.0-75.0; 1 +ICL; ICL ErgoPro 142v; icl1400; 37.9; 58.0-75.0; 1 +ICL; ICL ErgoPRO 14C; icl-ep14c; 47.0-49.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +ICL; ICL ErgoPro 151p; icl0700; 30.0-64.0; 48.0-100.0; 1 +ICL; ICL ErgoPro 151p AutoBrite; icl0800; 30.0-64.0; 48.0-100.0; 1 +ICL; ICL ErgoPro 151v; icl0a00; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ICL; ICL ErgoPro 152v; icl0f00; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ICL; ICL ErgoPRO 15C; icl-ep15c; 30.0-62.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ICL; ICL ErgoPro 171p; icl0200; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +ICL; ICL ErgoPro 171v; icl0400; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +ICL; ICL ErgoPRO 17C; icl-ep17c; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +ICL; ICL ErgoPro 211v; icl0100; 24.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +ICL; ICL ErgoPRO VE15C; icl-epve15c; 30.0-62.0; 48.0-100.0; 1 +ICL; ICL ErgoPRO VE15M; icl-epve15m; 44.5; 68.0-89.0; 1 +ICL; ICL SE14M; icl-se14m; 31.5; 70; 1 +ICL; ICL VE15C; icl-ve15c; 30.0-62.0; 48.0-100.0; 1 +ICL; ICL VE17C; icl-ve17c; 30.0-64.0; 48.0-100.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama A101GT, VisionMasterPro 501; ivm2118; 27.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama A102GT, VisionMasterPro 502; ivm2128; 27.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama A201HT, VisionMaster Pro 510; ivm2140; 30.0-130.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama A701GT, VisionMasterPro 400; ivm1711; 27.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama A702HT, VisionMaster Pro 410; ivm1740; 27.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama A705MT, VisionMaster Pro 411 /i70A; ivm174a; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-180.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama A901HT, VisionMaster Pro 450; ivm1901; 27.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama A902MT, VisionMaster Pro 451; ivm1918; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-180.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama AS4314UT 17inches; ivm4648; 24.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama AS4612UT 18inches; ivm4698; 24.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama DR-3114; dr-3114; 38.0; 43.0-70.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama HM903DT, VisionMaster Pro 454; ivm1942; 30-132; 45-200; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama LS902U; IVM1938; 30-96; 50-160 +Iiyama; Iiyama MA201D, VisionMaster Pro 511; ivm2150; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-180.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama MA901U, VisionMaster Pro 452; ivm1928; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-180.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama MF-5014A; mf-5014a; 15.5-38.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama MF-5015A; mf-5015a; 15.5-38.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama MF-5017; mf-5017; 15.0-40.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama MF-5021; mf-5021; 15.5-38.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama MF-5115; mf-5115; 21.8-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama MF-5117; mf-5117; 20.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama MF-5121A; mf-5121a; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama MF-5214A; mf-5214a; 30.0-38.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama MF-5215A; mf-5215a; 30.0-38.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama MF-5217; mf-5217; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama MF-5221; mf-5221; 30.0-80.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama MF-5315; mf-5315; 30.0-68.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama MF-5317; mf-5317; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama MF-5321; mf-5321; 30.0-80.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama MF-5421; mf-5421; 30.0-80.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama MF-5621; mf-5621; 30.0-80.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama MF-8217; mf-8217; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama MF-8221E/T, VisionMaster; ivm2100; 24-94; 50-160; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama MF-8515G, VisionMaster; ivm1501; 27-69; 50-160; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama MF-8617E/T, VisionMaster; ivm1700; 27-86; 50-160; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama MF-8617ES, VisionMaster; ivm1701; 27-86; 50-160; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama MF-8721E, VisionMaster; ivm2101; 27.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama MF901U, VisionMaster 452; ivm1920; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-180.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama MR-5314; mf-5314; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama MT-9017E/T, VisionMasterPro; ivm1730; 27-92; 50-160; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama MT-9021E/T, VisionMasterPro; ivm2130; 24-94; 50-160; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama MT-9221, VisionMasterPro; ivm2102; 27.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama Prolite E485S; ivm4822; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama S101GT, VisionMaster 501; ivm2110; 27.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama S102GT, VisionMaster 502; ivm2120; 27.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama S103MT, VisionMaster 503; ivm2138; 27.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama S104MT, VisionMaster 504; ivm2148; 27.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama S500M1; ivm0815; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama S700JT1; ivm17a8; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama S701GT, VisionMaster 400; ivm1702; 27.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama S702GT, VisionMaster 400; ivm1703; 27.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama S703HT, VisionMaster 403; ivm1742; 27.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama S704HT, VisionMaster 404; ivm1744; 27.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama S705MT, VisionMaster 405; ivm1748; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-180.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama S901GT, VisionMaster 450; ivm1900; 27.0-102.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama S902JT, VisionMaster Pro 451; ivm1910; 27.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama TSA3931HT, Prolite39; ivm3900; 24.8-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama TSA4632HT, Prolite46; ivm4600; 24.8-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama TSA4633JT, Prolite46b; ivm4610; 24.8-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama TSA4634JT; ivm4618; 24.8-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama TXA3601GT; ivm3601; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama TXA3602GT, Prolite36; ivm3602; 24.8-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama TXA3611/3621HT, Prolite36; ivm3604; 24.8-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama TXA3612JT, Prolite36c; ivm3606; 24.8-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama TXA3811/3821HT, Prolite38; ivm3801; 24.8-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama TXA3812JT/3822JT, Prolite38e/38f; ivm3810; 24.8-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama TXA3813/3823MT; ivm3820; 24.8-61.0; 55.0-76.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama TXA3832HT, Prolite38c; ivm3808; 24.8-68.7; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama TXA3833JT, Prolite38g; ivm3818; 24.8-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama Vision Master MF-8221; mf-8221; 24.8-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama Vision Master MF-8317; mf-8317; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama Vision Master MF-8421; mf-8421; 24.8-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama Vision Master MF-8617; mf-8617; 23.6-86.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama Vision Master MF-8617E; ivm1700; 23.6-86.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama Vision Master MF-8621; mf-8621; 24.8-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Iiyama; Iiyama Vision Master Pro 21 MT-9121; mf-9121; 25.0-90.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Ikegami; Ikegami C/CDE-165VB; cde-165vb; 48.0-64.0; 50.0-70.0; 1 +Ikegami; Ikegami C/DM-2010A; dm-2010a; 48.0-64.0; 50.0-70.0; 1 +Ikegami; Ikegami C/DM-2060; dm-2060; 48.0-64.0; 50.0-70.0; 1 +Ikegami; Ikegami CN-20; cn-20; 45.0-68.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Ikegami; Ikegami CT-20; ct-20; 48.0-64.0; 50.0-70.0; 1 +Image Systems Corp.; Image Systems C21LMAX; cs1lmax; 48.0-96.0; 60.0-80.0; 1 +Image Systems Corp.; Image Systems M24LMAX; m24lmax; 48.0-96.0; 60.0-80.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageFlat F770D; iqtf772; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageFlat F790; iqtf790; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest B70A; hiq5004; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest B70D Analog; hiq5008; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest B70D Digital; hiq5d08; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest B71D/B70D Analog; hiq501f; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest B71D/B70D Digital; hiq5d1f; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest B790+; iqt0790; 30.0-97.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest B90A; hiq5005; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest B91D/B70D Analog; hiq5020; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest B91D/B70D Digital; hiq5d20; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest F230; iqtf230; 30.0-125.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest F791; iqtf791; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest G210; iqt0210; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest L50A; iqt0520; 31.0-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest L50S; iqt0503; 31.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest L52S; hiq5006; 31.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest L70A Analog; iqt70aa; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest L70A Digital; iqt70ad; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest L70D+ Analog; hiq70da; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest L70D+ Digital; hiq70dd; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest L70N; hiq0705; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest L70S; iqt0703; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest L72D Analog; hiq5002; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest L72D Digital; hiq5003; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest L72S; hiq5001; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest L80A Analog; iqt80aa; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-87.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest L80A Digital; iqt80ad; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-87.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest L90D+ Analog; hiq91da; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest L90D+ Digital; hiq91dd; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest LM1510A; iqt151b; 31.0-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest N71S; hiq6001; 30-83; 56-75; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest N91S; hiq6002; 30-83; 56-75; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest P910+; iqt0910; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest P990+; iqt0990; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest Q15; iqt2015; 31.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest Q19+ D-sub; hiq500d; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest Q19+ DVI; hiq5d0d; 31.0-67.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest Q770; iqt2770; 30.0-73.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest Q790; iqt2790; 30.0-97.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest Q910; iqt2910; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest Q995; iqt2995; 30.0-97.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest V560; iqt1560; 30.0-55.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest V570; iqt1570; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest V770; iqt1770; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest V770+; iqt1772; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest V773; iqt1773; 30.0-73.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest V780; iqt1780; 30.0-87.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest V791; iqt1791; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest V995; iqt1995; 30.0-97.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Impression; Impression 3 3428G; dcm-1488e; 35.5; 87.0; 1 +Impression; Impression 3 Plus 14; ma-1450; 35.5; 87.0; 1 +Impression; Impression 3 Plus 3428NG; dcm-1458e; 35.5; 87.0; 1 +Impression; Impression 3A; jd144c; 35.5; 87.0; 1 +Impression; Impression 4VX; jd144k; 48.0; 60.0; 1 +Impression; Impression 5 5528NG; dcm-1588e; 63.8; 60.0; 1 +Impression; Impression 5 Plus; dpc6515; 64.0; 60.0; 1 +Impression; Impression 50 Plus; dwe8251; 30.0-55.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Impression; Impression 5V J51A; jen9d00; 30-70; 60.0; 1 +Impression; Impression 5VM; dwe8351; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Impression; Impression 5VX JD155L; jen5510; 30-55; 85.0; 1 +Impression; Impression 5VXL DE570BA; dpc7045; 30-70; 60.0; 1 +Impression; Impression 5VXM; dwe8f51; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Impression; Impression 7 Plus DB770; da-1765; 64.0; 60.0; 1 +Impression; Impression 7 Plus DC-770 BA; dpc7017; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +Impression; Impression 7SP; imp4191; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Impression; Impression 7VX; imp0295; 30.0-96.0; 65.0; 1 +Impression; Impression 9VX; dpc9509; 30-96; 60.0-85.0; 1 +Impression; Impression Vienna 15; dpc6515; 64.0; 60.0; 1 +Impression; Impression Vienna Pro 75; amt3844; 30.0-96.0; 65.0; 1 +Impression; Impression Vienna Pro 75; at1782d; 82.0; 65.0; 1 +Impression; Impression ViennaPro75; imp9802; 30.0-96.0; 65.0; 1 +Intra Electronics USA, Inc.; Intra Electronics USA CM-1403; cm-1403; 15.0-38.0; 40.0-100.0; 1 +Iocomm International Technology Corp.; Iocomm CM-7126; cm-7126; 30.0-75.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +JVC Information Products Co.; JVC GD-H4220US; h422ous; 15.0-37.0; 45.0-87.0; 1 +KFC Computek Components Corp.; KFC Computek CA-17; ca-17; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +KFC Computek Components Corp.; KFC Computek CH-14; ch-14; 15.0-36.0; 50.0-86.0; 1 +KFC Computek Components Corp.; KFC Computek CM-14; cm-14; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +KFC; KFC CA/CB1414VX; sml1414; 30-48; 50-70; 1 +KFC; KFC CA/CB6415DX/6515DX; sml6415; 30-54; 50-100; 1 +KFC; KFC CA/CB6425DX/6525DX; sml6425; 30-54; 50-100; 1 +KFC; KFC CA/CB6736DL/SL(NF); sml501a; 30-65; 50-100; 1 +KFC; KFC CA/CB6738SL; sml6738; 30-85; 50-100; 1 +KFC; KFC CA/CB6748SL; sml6748; 30-86; 50-150; 1 +KFC; KFC CA15/1505/1506/1507/1515DX; sml1506; 30-60; 50-100; 1 +KFC; KFC CA1511VX/CA1515VX; sml1511; 30-60; 50-100; 1 +KFC; KFC CA1516CX/CA1716CX; kfcec05; 30-65; 50-75; 1 +KFC; KFC CA1702/03/05/06 M2; sml1706; 30-80; 50-100; 1 +KFC; KFC CA1712/13/17/18; sml1718; 30-64; 50-100; 1 +KFC; KFC CA2011M2; sml2011; 30-80; 50-120; 1 +KFC; KFC CA2111M2; sml2111; 30-80; 50-120; 1 +KFC; KFC CA6013DX/CA9013DX; sml6013; 30-38; 50-75; 1 +KFC; KFC CA6719/29SL/CA6919/29SL; sml6719; 30-95; 50-150; 1 +KFC; KFC CA8111SL; sml8111; 30-107; 50-160; 1 +KFC; KFC CA8719SL; sml8719; 30-95; 50-150; 1 +KFC; KFC CA8729SL; sml8729; 30-95; 50-160; 1 +KFC; KFC CA8911SL; sml8911; 30-107; 50-160; 1 +KFC; KFC CA8919SL; sml8919; 30-95; 50-160; 1 +KFC; KFC CA8929SL; sml8929; 30-95; 50-160; 1 +KFC; KFC L133/L133E; smll133; 30-61; 55-75; 1 +KFC; KFC L150/L150E; smll150; 30-61; 55-75; 1 +KFC; KFC MA0933; sml0933; 30-31.5; 50-70; 0 +KFC; KFC MM/CA/CB6536DL/SL(NF); sml8819; 30-65; 50-100; 1 +KFC; KFC MM/CA/CB6746SL; sml6746; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +KFC; KFC MM/CA6546SX/(NF)/(MN); sml6546; 30-70; 50-100; 1 +KLH Computers; KLH Computers MN275; mn275; 34.5-38.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Komodo; Komodo P571; 0; 30-70; 50-120 +Korea Data Systems; KDS Avitron AV-5T; kds1540; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Korea Data Systems; KDS Avitron AV-7T; kds1740; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-19; kds07d0; 31.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-19; kdsd007; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-190/VS-195e/VS-195i; STC0812; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0 +Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-190i; STC0812; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0 +Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-190is; STC0812; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0 +Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-190p; STC0812; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0 +Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-195; kds1980; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-195xp; STC0812; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0 +Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-19SN; kds1981; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-21; kds0834; 30.0-117.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-21; kds3408; 30.0-117.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-4; kdsab05; 48.3; 60.0; 1 +Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-4(KD-1452); kds05ac; 28.0-50.0; 40.0-120.0; 1 +Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-450; STC01FF; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0 +Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-4D; kds05af; 28.0-55.0; 40.0-120.0; 1 +Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-4D; kdsaf05; 28.0-55.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-5; kdse605; 28.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-5/VS-51/VSx-5; kds05e6; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-55; kds05f5; 28.0-55.0; 40.0-120.0; 1 +Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-55; kdsf505; 28.0-55.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-55i/VS-55p; STC01FF; 30.0-58.0; 50.0-120.0 +Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-7; kdsc206; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-7/VSx-7; kds06c2; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-70/VS-77/VS-7b/VS-7p; STC02CE; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-160.0 +Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-9; kds06d6; 31.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-9; kdsd606; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VSx-5; kdsfa05; 28.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Korea Data Systems; KDS XFlat XF-70/XF-7b/XF-7e/XF-71/XF-7p; STC0777; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-160.0 +Korea Data Systems; KDS XFlat XF-9b/XF-9c/XF-9e/XF-9p; PTS03E5; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0 +Leading Technology, Inc.; Leading Technology 1730S; 1730s; 21.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Lenovo; Lenovo D153; LEN1154; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Lenovo; Lenovo E50; LEN1976; 30-58; 50-120; 1 +Lenovo; Lenovo E74; LEN18BC; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Lenovo; Lenovo E75; LEN1975; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +Lenovo; Lenovo L151; LEN23CD; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Lenovo; Lenovo L151P(Analog); LEN23F5; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-77.0; 1 +Lenovo; Lenovo L151P(Digital); LEN23F5; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-77.0; 1 +Lenovo; Lenovo L152; LEN24C7; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Lenovo; Lenovo L171p(Analog); LEN24C9; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Lenovo; Lenovo L171p(Digital); LEN4BD9; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Lenovo; Lenovo L172; LEN114C; 30.0-83.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Lenovo; Lenovo L190xC (Analog); LEN1157; 30.0-75.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Lenovo; Lenovo L190xC (Digital); LEN1157; 30.0-75.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Lenovo; Lenovo L191; LEN17F7; 30.0-81.0; 55.0-76.0; 1 +Lenovo; Lenovo L192 Wide; LEN6920; 30.0-80.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Lenovo; Lenovo L192p(Analog); LEN24CB; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Lenovo; Lenovo L192p(Digital); LEN4BDB; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Lenovo; Lenovo L193 Wide; LEN1B08; 30.0-80.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Lenovo; Lenovo L193pC (Analog); LEN114F; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Lenovo; Lenovo L193pC (Digital); LEN114F; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Lenovo; Lenovo L194W Wide LCD Monitor; LEN4434; 24.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0; 1 +Lenovo; Lenovo L200pwD LCD Monitor; LEN1156; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-76.0; 1 +Lenovo; Lenovo L220xwC(Analog); LEN4433; 30.0-94.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Lenovo; Lenovo L220xwC(Digital); LEN4433; 30.0-75.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1455; 1455; 37.9; 72.8; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1455D; 1455d; 37.9; 72.8; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1455DL; 1455dl; 37.9; 72.8; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1460DL; 1460dl; 37.9; 72.8; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1461D; 1461d; 37.9; 72.8; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1462DM; 1462dm; 37.9; 72.8; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1465DL; 1465dl; 48.4; 60.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1465DLS; 1465dls; 48.4; 60.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1465DLS/1468; GSM36BA; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1466; 1466; 48.4; 60.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1466DM; 1466dm; 48.4; 60.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1466LR; 1466lr; 48.4; 60.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1466LRS; 1466lrs; 48.4; 60.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1467; 1467; 48.4; 60.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1468; 1468; 48.4; 60.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1485; 1485; 48.4; 60.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1505; 1505; 37.5; 75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1505S; GSM3AA0; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1515; 1515; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1520; 1520; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1520DM; 1520dm; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1527; 1527; 30.0-57.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1527; gsm3a9a; 30.0-57.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1725; 1725; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1725DM; 1725dm; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1725s; gsm42cf; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1727; 1727; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1730DM; 1730dm; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1771; GSM42F8; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 2010; 2010; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 285LT; GSM55F1; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 291U; GSM5215; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 295LM; GSM55F2; 30.0-94.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 500E; GSM3B65; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 500G; GSM3B66; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 500M; GSM3B38; 30.0-61.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 500N; GSM3B67; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 501E; GSM3B51; 30.0-61.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 501S; GSM3B50; 30.0-61.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 505E; GSM3B83; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 505G; GSM3B91; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 55W; GSM3AD0; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 563A / 563N; GSM3B1B; 30.0-63.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 563LE; GSM3B2F; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 563LS; GSM3B25; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 564LE; GSM3B4B; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 566LE; GSM3B60; 30.0-63.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 566LM; GSM3B5D; 30.0-63.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 568LM; GSM3B43; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 568LT; GSM3B5F; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 575E; GSM3B10; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 575LB / 575LE / 575MS; GSM3B34; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 575LC; GSM3B44; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 575LE; GSM3B02; 31.0-69.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 575LM; GSM3B03; 31.0-69.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 575LM-2; GSM3B35; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 575LS; GSM3B32; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 575MM; GSM3B07; 31.0-69.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 575MS; GSM3B06; 31.0-69.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 576LU; GSM3B08; 31.0-69.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 577LH; GSM3B09; 31.0-69.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 577LH-2; GSM3B3D; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 577LM; GSM3B0A; 31.0-69.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 577LM-2; GSM3B3E; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 585E; GSM3B23; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 680LE; GSM3E81; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 700B; GSM430C; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 700E; GSM4317; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 700M; GSM4336; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 700ME; GSM4335; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 700P; GSM43B9; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 700S; GSM430B; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 701B; GSM432C; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 701S; GSM432B; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 702B; GSM434F; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 702BE; GSM4398; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 702S; GSM4350; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 710E; GSM437C; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 710S; GSM4378; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 771EF; GSM4305; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 772E; GSM4311; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 772EF; GSM431F; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 772EF PLUS; GSM4345; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 772EH PLUS; GSM4355; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 772G; GSM4316; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 773E; GSM42EF; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 773N; GSM42ED; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 774FT; GSM42DB; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 774FT PLUS; GSM437D; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 775E; GSM42E7; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 775FC; GSM42F5; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 775FT; GSM42D1; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 775FT PLUS; GSM4349; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 775N; GSM42B9; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 776FM; GSM42F1; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 777FN; GSM42F7; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 77E; GSM42E5; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 77G; GSM42E4; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 77SFN / 77SFT; GSM431A; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 781C; GSM4312; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 782LE; GSM4327; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 782LM; GSM4341; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 782LS; GSM4351; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 786LS; GSM4353; 30.0-83.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 787LE; GSM437E; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 78FT; GSM4298; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 793FT; GSM42EA; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 793FT PLUS; GSM42EB; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 795FT; GSM42DC; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 795FT; gsm42c6; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 795FT PLUS/795FT SUPER; GSM42DD; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 870LE; GSM4657; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 882LE; GSM4656; 31.0-80.0; 58.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 882SL; GSM4654; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 885LE; GSM4653; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 885LE-2; GSM4655; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 900B; GSM4A5B; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 900B Plus; GSM4A5C; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 901B; GSM4A68; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 910B; GSM4A7D; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 910E; GSM4A7E; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 910S; GSM4A7A; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 915FT PLUS; GSM4A4D; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-200.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 915FT SUPER (Analog); GSM4A63; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-200.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 915FT SUPER (Digital); GSM4A65; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-87.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 995FT PLUS; GSM4A5D; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 995SU; GSM4A55; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG 99G; GSM4A54; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG CB910C; GSM4A40; 30.0-100.0; 50.0-200.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG CF786C; GSM429F; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG CS778DC; GSM42CA; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG CS788C; GSM42A9; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG CS788T; GSM4293; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG CS911; GSM4A4E; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG CS990DC; GSM4A50; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG CS990DE; GSM4A53; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG E700B; GSM4313; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG E700BH; GSM4352; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG E700BH/SH; GSM4389; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG E700S; GSM430D; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG E701S; GSM4340; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG E900B; GSM4A5E; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG E900P; GSM4A62; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG EB771D; GSM4323; 31.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG ez T707B; GSM43F1; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG ez T707S; GSM43F2; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG ez T710BH; GSM4366; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG ez T710MH; GSM43AD; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG ez T710P; GSM4368; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG ez T710PH; GSM4367; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG ez T710PU; GSM437A; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG ez T710S; GSM436C; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG ez T710SH; GSM436B; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG ez T711S; GSM4397; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG ez T730B; GSM43BF; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG ez T730BH; GSM43C2; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG ez T730BH plus; GSM43C1; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG ez T730PH; GSM43E2; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG ez T730PU plus; GSM43CA; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG ez T730S; GSM43F8; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG ez T730SH; GSM43CB; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG ez T910B; GSM4A6D; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG ez T910BH; GSM4A6E; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG ez T910BU; GSM4A6C; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG F700B; GSM4344; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG F700P; GSM434C; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG F700PD (Analog); GSM435A; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG F700PD (Digital); GSM4359; 30.0-90.0; 50.0-87.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG F700PH; GSM435C; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG F702B/710B; GSM437B; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG F702P; GSM4379; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG F702PU; GSM4387; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG F710B; GSM436E; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG F720B; GSM4396; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG F720P; GSM4395; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG F720PD (Analog); GSM4394; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG F720PD (Digital); GSM4393; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-87.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG F730B; GSM43C3; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG F730BY; GSM43D7; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG F730P; GSM43C4; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG F900B; GSM4A66; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG F900BL; GSM4A6A; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG F900P; GSM4A67; 30.0-111.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG F900PL; GSM4A6B; 30.0-111.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG F920B; GSM4A95; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG F920P; GSM4A88; 30.0-111.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1510A; GSM3B69; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1510B; GSM3B5C; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1510BF; GSM3B7E; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1510H; GSM3B70; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1510M; GSM3B61; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1510P (Analog); GSM3B62; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1510P (Digital); GSM3B76; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1510P Plus (Analog); GSM3B77; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1510P Plus (Digital); GSM3B78; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1510S; GSM3B55; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1510SF; GSM3B73; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1510SG; GSM3B8D; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1510T; GSM3B6A; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1511S; GSM3B59; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1511SK; GSM3B68; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1512S; GSM3B64; 30.0-63.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1515S; GSM3B7C; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1515SR; GSM3B94; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1516S; GSM3B85; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1520B; GSM3B80; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1520P (Analog); GSM3B8E; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1520P (Digital); GSM3B90; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1521B; GSM3BA6; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1530B (Analog); GSM3B96; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1530B (Digital); GSM3B97; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1530P (Analog); GSM3B98; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1530P (Digital); GSM3B99; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1530S; GSM3B95; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1530TM (Analog); GSM3B92; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1530TM (Digital); GSM3B93; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1550G; GSM3BAE; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1550S; GSM3BA7; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1710B (Analog); GSM4356; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1710B (Digital); GSM4358; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1710M; GSM4370; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1710P (Analog); GSM4384; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1710P (Digital); GSM4388; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1710S; GSM4357; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1711S; GSM4371; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1712T (Analog); GSM4443; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1712T (Digital); GSM4444; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1713P (Analog); GSM43AB; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1713P (Digital); GSM43AC; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1714SQ; GSM4400; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1715S; GSM436F; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1715SR; GSM438B; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1716S; GSM4373; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1717S; GSM4404; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1718S; GSM443C; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1719S; GSM4441; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1719SP; GSM444C; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L171WT; GSM43A6; 30.0-66.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1720B; GSM4372; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1720B Plus; GSM43BC; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1720BQ; GSM4418; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1720BU; GSM442E; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1720P (Analog); GSM437F; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1720P (Digital); GSM4383; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1720P Plus (Analog); GSM43BD; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1720P Plus (Digital); GSM43BE; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1720PQ (Analog); GSM4419; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1720PQ (Digital); GSM441A; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1721B; GSM43DF; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1722P (Analog); GSM43FD; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1722P (Digital); GSM43FE; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L172WA; GSM4390; 30.0-66.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L172WT; GSM4385; 30.0-66.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1730B (Analog); GSM438E; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1730B (Digital); GSM438F; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1730P (Analog); GSM439D; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1730P (Digital); GSM439E; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1730S; GSM438D; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1730SF; GSM43D5; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1730SY; GSM43D8; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1732P (Analog); GSM441D; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1732P (Digital); GSM441E; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1732P Plus (Analog); GSM4459; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1732P Plus (Digital); GSM445A; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1732S; GSM4413; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1732S PLUS; GSM444F; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1732TQ (Analog); GSM43E9; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1732TQ (Digital); GSM43F9; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1732TX (Analog); GSM4401; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1732TX (Digital); GSM440A; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L173SA (Analog); GSM43A9; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L173SA (Digital); GSM43AA; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L173ST (Analog); GSM43B0; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L173ST (Digital); GSM43B1; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L173WT (Analog); GSM43EC; 30.0-66.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L173WT (Digital); GSM43ED; 30.0-66.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1740B; GSM43D4; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1740B PLUS; GSM4450; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1740BQ; GSM43E5; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1740BU; GSM442F; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1740P (Analog); GSM43CF; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1740P (Digital); GSM43D0; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1740P Plus (Analog); GSM4451; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1740P Plus (Digital); GSM4452; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1740PQ (Analog); GSM43E6; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1740PQ (Digital); GSM43E7; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1750B (Analog); GSM4406; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1750B (Digital); GSM4407; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1750E; GSM4405; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1750G; GSM43FF; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1750H (Analog); GSM43CD; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1750H (Digital); GSM43CE; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1750HQ (Analog); GSM43EA; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1750HQ (Digital); GSM43EB; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1750S; GSM43CC; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1750SQ; GSM43E8; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1750T (Analog); GSM4420; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1750T (Digital); GSM4421; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1751H (Analog); GSM43DA; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1751H (Digital); GSM43DB; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1751S; GSM43D9; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1751SQ; GSM43F3; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1752H (Analog); GSM443D; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1752H (Digital); GSM443E; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1752HM (Analog); GSM443F; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1752HM (Digital); GSM4440; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1752HQ (Analog); GSM4457; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1752HQ (Digital); GSM4458; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1752S; GSM4432; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1752T (Analog); GSM4433; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1752T (Digital); GSM4434; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1752TQ (Analog); GSM4453; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1752TQ (Digital); GSM4454; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1752TX (Analog); GSM4435; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1752TX (Digital); GSM4436; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1760SR; GSM445C; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1760TG (Analog); GSM4455; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1760TG (Digital); GSM4456; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1760TQ (Analog); GSM4446; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1760TQ (Digital); GSM4447; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1760TR (Analog); GSM445D; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1760TR (Digital); GSM445E; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1770H (Analog); GSM4425; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1770H (Digital); GSM4426; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1770HQ (Analog); GSM4408; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1770HQ (Digital); GSM4409; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1780Q (Analog); GSM43E0; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1780Q (Digital); GSM43E1; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1780Q Plus (Analog); GSM441B; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1780Q Plus (Digital); GSM441C; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1780U (Analog); GSM43BA; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1780U (Digital); GSM43BB; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1781Q/U (Analog); GSM43DC; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1781Q/U (Digital); GSM43DD; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1800P (Analog); GSM4659; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1800P (Digital); GSM466C; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1800P Plus (Analog); GSM466A; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1800P Plus (Digital); GSM466B; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1800PK (Analog); GSM465E; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1800PK (Digital); GSM466E; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1800PM (Analog); GSM465C; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1800PM (Digital); GSM466D; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1810A (Analog); GSM4661; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1810A (Digital); GSM4664; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1810B (Analog); GSM465D; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1810B (Digital); GSM4668; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1810M (Analog); GSM4660; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1810M (Digital); GSM4663; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1810S; GSM465B; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1810T (Analog); GSM4666; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1810T (Digital); GSM4667; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1810TS (Analog); GSM466F; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1810TS (Digital); GSM4670; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1811B (Analog); GSM465F; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1811B (Digital); GSM4669; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1811S (Analog); GSM4662; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1811S (Digital); GSM4665; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1900E (Analog); GSM4AFF; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1900E (Digital); GSM4B00; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1900J (Analog); GSM4B01; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1900J (Digital); GSM4B02; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1900R (Analog); GSM4AFD; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1900R (Digital); GSM4AFE; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1910B (Analog); GSM4A70; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1910B (Digital); GSM4A71; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1910BA (Analog); GSM4A9E; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1910BA (Digital); GSM4A9F; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1910BG (Analog); GSM4A7F; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1910BG (Digital); GSM4A80; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1910BM (Analog); GSM4A74; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1910BM (Digital); GSM4A75; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1910P (Analog); GSM4A72; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1910P (Digital); GSM4A73; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1910PM (Analog); GSM4A76; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1910PM (Digital); GSM4A77; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1910S; GSM4A78; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1910SA; GSM4A9D; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1910SM; GSM4A8A; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1912T (Analog); GSM4AF4; 30.0-83.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1912T (Digital); GSM4AF5; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1913P (Analog); GSM4A8E; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1913P (Digital); GSM4A8F; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1915S; GSM4A90; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1915SV; GSM4A9B; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1917S; GSM4AC6; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1919S; GSM4AF2; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1919SP; GSM4B07; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1920B; GSM4A84; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1920P (Analog); GSM4A7B; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1920P (Digital); GSM4A7C; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1920P Plus (Analog); GSM4A99; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1920P Plus (Digital); GSM4A9A; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1921B; GSM4AAD; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1922P (Analog); GSM4AC4; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1922P (Digital); GSM4AC5; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1930B (Analog); GSM4A85; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1930B (Digital); GSM4A86; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1930BQ (Analog); GSM4A94; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1930BQ (Digital); GSM4A96; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1930P (Analog); GSM4A82; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1930P (Digital); GSM4A83; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1930PE (Analog); GSM4AA8; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1930PE (Digital); GSM4AA9; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1930S; GSM4A87; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1930SQ; GSM4A93; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1932P (Analog); GSM4AD4; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1932P (Digital); GSM4AD5; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1932P Plus (Analog); GSM4B1C; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1932P Plus (Digital); GSM4B1D; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1932S; GSM4ACD; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1932S PLUS; GSM4B12; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1932TQ (Analog); GSM4AB6; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1932TQ (Digital); GSM4AB7; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1932TX (Analog); GSM4AE3; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1932TX (Digital); GSM4AE4; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L193SA (Analog); GSM4A8C; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L193SA (Digital); GSM4A8D; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L193ST (Analog); GSM4A91; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L193ST (Digital); GSM4A92; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1940B; GSM4AA6; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1940B PLUS; GSM4B13; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1940BQ; GSM4AD2; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1940P (Analog); GSM4AA4; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1940P (Digital); GSM4AA5; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1940P Plus (Analog); GSM4B14; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1940P Plus (Digital); GSM4B15; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1940PQ (Analog); GSM4AD0; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1940PQ (Digital); GSM4AD1; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L194WT (Analog); GSM4B05; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L194WT (Digital); GSM4B06; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L194WTM (Analog); GSM4B0C; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L194WTM (Digital), GSM4B0D; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L194WTQ (Analog); GSM4B0E; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L194WTQ (Digital); GSM4B0F; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1950B (Analog); GSM4AC8; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1950B (Digital); GSM4AC9; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1950E; GSM4AC7; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1950G; GSM4ABE; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1950H (Analog); GSM4AA2; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1950H (Digital); GSM4AA3; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1950S; GSM4AA1; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1950SQ; GSM4AD3; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1950T (Analog); GSM4ACA; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1950T (Digital); GSM4ACB; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1951H (Analog); GSM4AAB; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1951H (Digital); GSM4AAC; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1951S; GSM4AAA; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1951SQ; GSM4AD6; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1952H (Analog); GSM4AEC; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1952H (Digital); GSM4AED; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1952HM (Analog); GSM4AEE; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1952HM (Digital); GSM4AEF; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1952HQ (Analog); GSM4B08; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1952HQ (Digital); GSM4B09; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1952S; GSM4AE0; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1952T (Analog); GSM4AE1; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1952T (Digital); GSM4AE2; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1952TQ (Analog); GSM4B16; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1952TQ (Digital); GSM4B17; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1952TX (Analog); GSM4AE6; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1952TX (Digital); GSM4AE7; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1960TG (Analog); GSM4B18; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1960TG (Digital); GSM4B19; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1960TQ (Analog); GSM4AF9; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1960TQ (Digital); GSM4AFA; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1960TR (Analog); GSM4B20; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1960TR (Digital); GSM4B21; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1970H (Analog); GSM4ADB; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1970H (Digital); GSM4ADC; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1970HQ (Analog); GSM4AD7; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1970HQ (Digital); GSM4AD8; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1970HR (Analog); GSM4AE8; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1970HR (Digital); GSM4AE9; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1980Q (Analog); GSM4AB2; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1980Q (Digital); GSM4AB3; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1980Q Plus (Analog); GSM4ACE; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1980Q Plus (Digital); GSM4ACF; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1980U (Analog); GSM4A97; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1980U (Digital); GSM4A98; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1981Q/U (Analog); GSM4AAE; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1981Q/U (Digital); GSM4AAF; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1982U (Analog); GSM4B0A; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L1982U (Digital); GSM4B0B; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2000C (Analog); GSM4E39; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2000C (Digital); GSM4E3A; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2000CE (Analog); GSM4E41; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2000CE (Digital); GSM4E42; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2000CEM (Analog); GSM4E43; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2000CEM (Digital); GSM4E44; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2000CM (Analog); GSM4E45; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2000CM (Digital); GSM4E46; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2000CN (Analog); GSM4E52; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2000CN (Digital); GSM4E53; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2010B (Analog) GSM4E2A; 28.0-92.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2010B (Digital); GSM4E2B; 28.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2010P (Analog); GSM4E27; 30.0-96.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2010P (Digital); GSM4E28; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2010T (Analog); GSM4E35; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2010T (Digital); GSM4E36; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2012P (Analog); GSM4E37; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2012P (Digital); GSM4E38; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2013P (Analog); GSM4E2E; 28.0-92.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2013P (Digital); GSM4E2F; 28.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L203WT (Analog); GSM4E3D; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L203WT (Digital); GSM4E3E; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L203WTX (Analog); GSM4E3F; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L203WTX (Digital); GSM4E40; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2040P (Analog); GSM4E30; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2040P (Digital); GSM4E31; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L204WT (Analog); GSM4E47; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L204WT (Digital); GSM4E48; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L204WTM (Analog); GSM4E49; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L204WTM (Digital); GSM4E4A; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L204WTQ (Analog); GSM4E4B; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L204WTQ (Digital); GSM4E4C; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L222W (Analog); GSM5664; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L222W (Digital); GSM5665; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2300B (Analog); GSM5611; 30.0-92.0; 57.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2300B (Digital); GSM5612; 30.0-75.0; 57.0-63.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2300C (Analog); GSM5613; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2300C (Digital); GSM5614; 30.0-72.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2320A (ANALOG); GSM55F5; 30.0-96.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2320A (DVI-D); GSM55F7; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2320A (DVI-I); GSM55F6; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2320T (ANALOG); GSM55F8; 30.0-96.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2320T (DVI-D); GSM55FA; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2320T (DVI-I); GSM55F9; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2323T (Analog); GSM55FD; 30.0-66.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L2323T (Digital); GSM55FE; 30.0-66.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L245WP (Analog); GSM5623; 28.0-84.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L245WP (Digital); GSM5624; 28.0-84.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L245WPM (Analog); GSM562B; 28.0-84.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L245WPM (Digital); GSM562C; 28.0-84.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L3000A (Analog); GSM7531; 30.0-66.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L3000A (Digital); GSM7532; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L3000H (Analog); GSM7537; 30.0-66.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L3000H (Digital); GSM7538; 30.0-66.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L3010T (Analog); GSM753B; 30.0-66.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L3010T (Digital); GSM753C; 30.0-66.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L3020A (Analog); GSM7535; 30.0-66.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L3020A (Digital); GSM7536; 30.0-66.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L3020AL/T (Analog); GSM7533; 30.0-66.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L3020AL/T (Digital); GSM7534; 30.0-66.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L3200A (Analog); GSM754F; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L3200A (Digital); GSM7550; 30.0-72.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L3200T (Analog); GSM7549; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L3200T (Digital); GSM754A; 30.0-72.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L3700A (Analog); GSM754D; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L3700A (Digital); GSM754E; 30.0-72.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L3700T (Analog); GSM7547; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L3700T (Digital); GSM7548; 30.0-72.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L4200A (Analog); GSM9C41; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L4200A (Digital); GSM9C42; 30.0-72.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L4200T (Analog); GSM9C43; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG L4200T (Digital); GSM9C44; 30.0-72.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LB500; GSM3B6F; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LB563B; GSM3B3A; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LG777; GSM4320; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LGIBM 1510TFT; GSM3B5A; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LGIBM 1510TXW; GSM3B6B; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LGIBM 1520TFT; GSM3B9C; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LGIBM 1710TFT (Analog); GSM4360; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LGIBM 1710TFT (Digital); GSM4364; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LGIBM 1711TFT; GSM4376; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LGIBM 1770X; GSM431C; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LGIBM 1771FT; GSM42D3; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LGIBM 1771FT PLUS; GSM434D; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LGIBM 1771FXW; GSM4330; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LGIBM 1771X; GSM4380; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LGIBM 1772 SUPER; GSM4342; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LGIBM 1910TFT (Digital); GSM4A89; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LGIBM 568TXW; GSM3B49; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LGIBM 571TFT; GSM3B2D; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LGIBM 871TFT; GSM465A; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LN777F; GSM431D; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LPL-22W03 (Analog); GSM55FB; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LPL-22W03 (Digital); GSM55FC; 30.0-64.0; 60.0-60.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LS773; GSM4318; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX151; GSM3BA2; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX151M; GSM3BA3; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX152; GSM3BAA; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX171; GSM43C7; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX1717; GSM4415; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX171D (Analog); GSM43C5; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX171D (Digital); GSM43C6; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX172; GSM43C9; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX1721; GSM43DE; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX174D (Analog); GSM43F4; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX174D (Digital); GSM43F5; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX1751Q; GSM43FA; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX1751QD (Analog); GSM43FB; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX1751QD (Digital); GSM43FC; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX178QD (Analog); GSM43EE; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX178QD (Digital); GSM43EF; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX191; GSM4ABA; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX191D (Analog); GSM4A9C; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX191D (Digital); GSM4AB0; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX1921; GSM4AB1; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX194D (Analog); GSM4ABB; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX194D (Digital); GSM4ABC; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX1951; GSM4AC0; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX1951D (Analog); GSM4AC2; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX1951D (Digital); GSM4AC3; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX198QD (Analog); GSM4AB8; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX198QD (Digital); GSM4AB9; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX20D (Analog); GSM4E4E; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX20D (Digital); GSM4E4F; 28.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX713D (Analog); GSM4416; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX713D (Digital); GSM4417; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX732J; GSM4442; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX74Q; GSM442A; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX752; GSM4445; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX752D (Analog); GSM444A; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX752D (Digital); GSM444B; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX77D (Analog); GSM443A; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX77D (Digital); GSM443B; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX932J; GSM4AF3; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX952; GSM4AF8; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX952D (Analog); GSM4B03; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX952D (Digital); GSM4B04; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX97D (Analog); GSM4AEA; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG LX97D (Digital); GSM4AEB; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M1510A; GSM3BA5; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M1510S; GSM3BAB; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M1710A; GSM43D6; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M1710S; GSM43F6; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M1717A; GSM4424; 30.0-70.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M1717S; GSM441F; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M1717TM (Analog); GSM442C; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M1717TM (Digital); GSM442D; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M173WA (Analog); GSM43D1; 30.0-66.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M173WA (Digital); GSM43D2; 30.0-66.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M1740A (Analog); GSM43E3; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M1740A (Digital); GSM43E4; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M1910A; GSM4AA7; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M1910S; GSM4ABF; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M1917A; GSM4ADA; 30.0-70.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M1917S; GSM4AD9; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M1917TM (Analog); GSM4ADD; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M1917TM (Digital); GSM4ADE; 30.0-71.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M1940A (Analog); GSM4AB4; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M1940A (Digital); GSM4AB5; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M203WA (Analog); GSM4E3B; 28.0-83.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M203WA (Digital); GSM4E3C; 28.0-83.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M203WX (Analog); GSM4E2C; 28.0-83.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M203WX (Digital); GSM4E2D; 28.0-83.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M2040A (Analog); GSM4E32; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M2040A (Digital); GSM4E33; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M2343A (Analog); GSM5615; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M2343A (Digital); GSM5616; 30.0-72.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M3200C (Analog); GSM7551; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M3200C (Digital); GSM7552; 30.0-72.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M3201C (Analog); GSM7579; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M3201C (Digital); GSM757A; 30.0-72.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M3700C (Analog); GSM7555; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M3700C (Digital); GSM7556; 30.0-72.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M3701C (Analog); GSM757B; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M3701C (Digital); GSM757C; 30.0-72.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M4200C (Analog); GSM9C49; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M4200C (Digital); GSM9C4A; 30.0-72.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M4201C (Analog); GSM9C5F; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M4201C (Digital); GSM9C60; 30.0-72.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M4600C (Analog); GSM9C4B; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M4600C (Digital); GSM9C4C; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M5500C (Analog); GSMC353; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG M5500C (Digital); GSMC354; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG MX172WT; GSM43F0; 30.0-66.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG MX94D (Analog); GSM4AF6; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG MX94D (Digital); GSM4AF7; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG N2200P; GSM55F3; 30.0-124.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG RM151; GSM3B86; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0, 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 20i; gsm4e21; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 28i; sw28i; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 44i; gsm36b9; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 44m; gsm36b4; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 45i; gsm36bb; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 500LC; GSM3ACE; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 54m; gsm3aa9; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 550m; CXO0f0f; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 55i; gsm3abd; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 560LS; GSM3B1A; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 56i; gsm3aa8; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 56m; gsm3aa2; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 56T; gsm3aaf; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 570LE; GSM3AF2; 31.0-69.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 570LS; GSM3AF3; 31.0-69.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 575N; GSM3AE1; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 5D; gsm3ab6; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 74i; gsm4278; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 74m; gsm4277; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 74m; sw74m; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 76i; gsm426e; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 76m; gsm4273; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 76T; gsm4284; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 78D; gsm427f; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 78DT; gsm4280; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 78i; gsm426c; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 78m; gsm4274; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 78T; gsm426b; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 78T; gsm426d; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 7D; GSM427E; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 7DT; gsm4281; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 880LC; GSM4658; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 995E; gsm4a4c; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG T530B; GSM3BA8; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG T530S; GSM3BA9; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG T705B; GSM43A2; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG T705BH; GSM43A4; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG T705S; GSM43A1; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG T705SH; GSM43A3; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG T710B; GSM4365; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG T711B; GSM43A7; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG T730BG; GSM43C0; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG TX171; GSM43C8; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG TX191; GSM4ABD; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG WS771A; GSM42F2; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG WS771B; GSM42F3; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG Zenith 515Z; GSM3BAC; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG Zenith 715Z; GSM43F7; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG Zenith 721Z; GSM440B; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +LG Electronics Inc.; LG Zenith 921Z; GSM4ACC; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Link Computer, Inc.; Link Computer CE-8; ce-8; 15.5-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Link Computer, Inc.; Link Computer CM-3; cm-3; 15.5-36.0; 50.0-70.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On 1570; ltn1570; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On 1770NSL; ltn1770; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On A1454NE; ltna442; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On A1454NEL; ltna443; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On A1554NE; ltna542; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On A1554NEL; ltna543; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On A1570NSL; ltna595; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On A1570NST(92); ltna596; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On A1570NST(95); ltna597; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On A1770NSL; ltna795; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On A1770NST(92); ltna796; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On A1770NST(95); ltna797; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On A1770NST(99); ltna798; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On A1996NST(95); ltna967; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On B1770NSL; ltnb795; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On B1770NST(92); ltnb796; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On B1770NST(95); ltnb797; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On B1770NST(99); ltnb798; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On B1985NSL; ltnb955; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On B1996NSL; ltnb965; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On B1996NST(95); ltnb967; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On B1996NST(99); ltnb968; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On B1997NST(99); ltn1901; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On BL150AT; ltn0205; 24.0-61.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On BL150ATA; ltn0204; 24.0-61.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On CM-1412; ltn1412; 30.0-38.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On CM-1413; ltn1413; 30.0-38.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On CM-1414; ltn1414; 30.0-38.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On CM-1435; ltn1435; 30.0-38.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On CM-1438; ltn1438; 30.0-38.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On CM-1448; ltn1448; 30.0-48.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On CM-1450; ltn1450; 30.0-56.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On CM-1550MCLR; ltn1550; 30.0-56.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On CM-1554; ltn1554; 30.0-56.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On CM-1555NEL; ltn1555; 30.0-56.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On CM-1565MCLR; ltn1565; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On CM-1566; ltn1566; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On CM-1754; ltn1754; 30.0-56.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On CM-1766; ltn1766; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On CM-1785NSL; ltn1785; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On CM-1995NST; ltn1995; 30.0-97.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On CM-2090M; cm-2090m; 30.0-75.0; 40.0-120.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On DC150AT; ltn020c; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On DC150ATA; ltn0208; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On DP150AT; ltn020b; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On DR150ATA; ltn0209; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On H15ANC; ltn021c; 31.5-60.1; 56.3-75.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On L140PTA; ltn0201; 45.0-54.0; 57.0-65.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On L150ATA; ltn0202; 24.0-61.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On L150PTA; ltn0203; 48.0-61.0; 56.0-61.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On P150AT; ltn0207; 24.0-61.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +Lite-On; Lite-On S1770NSL; ltn1704; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +Logitec; Logitec LCM-15FA; LOG1026; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0 +Logitec; Logitec LCM-15FA2; LOG1040; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0 +Logitec; Logitec LCM-15FA3; LOG1053; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0 +Logitec; Logitec LCM-15FS; LOG4536; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0 +Logitec; Logitec LCM-15TH; LOG1029; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-130.0 +Logitec; Logitec LCM-17DV; LOG1024; 30.0-69.0; 55.0-125.0 +Logitec; Logitec LCM-17FA; LOG1027; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0 +Logitec; Logitec LCM-17FS; LOG1039; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-120.0 +Logitec; Logitec LCM-17FS2; LOG1052; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-120.0 +Logitec; Logitec LCM-17TH; LOG1046; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0 +Logitec; Logitec LCM-17TS; LOG1054; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0 +Logitec; Logitec LCM-17TSU; LOG1048; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0 +Logitec; Logitec LCM-17TX; LOG1031; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-160.0 +Logitec; Logitec LCM-19FS; LOG1050; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0 +Logitec; Logitec LCM-19TS; LOG1062; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0 +Logitec; Logitec LCM-21DX; LOG1025; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-132.0 +Logitec; Logitec LCM-T041A; LOG1061; 24.8-37.5; 55.0-76.0 +Logitec; Logitec LCM-T133A; LOG1035; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0 +Logitec; Logitec LCM-T134AS; LOG1058; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-76.0 +Logitec; Logitec LCM-T141AS; LOG1049; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-85.0 +Logitec; Logitec LCM-T142AS; LOG1055; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-76.0 +Logitec; Logitec LCM-T151A; LOG1036; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-87.0 +Logitec; Logitec LCM-T151AS; LOG1047; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-76.0 +Logitec; Logitec LCM-T152A; LOG1045; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-76.0 +Logitec; Logitec LCM-T153A; LOG1056; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-76.0 +Logitec; Logitec LCM-T181A; LOG1057; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-120.0 +MacroView; MacroView mp712; OEM7692; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG 410V2; mag4561; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG 510V2; mag5662; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG 570FD; mag9510; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG 570V; mag9501; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG 710V2; mag7663; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG 720V2; mag7764; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG 770T; mag9704; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG 770V; mag9701; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG 786FD; mag9705; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG 796FD; mag9706; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG 800V; mag9807; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG 810FD; mag9809; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG 986PF; mag03da; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG Computronic Colorview/15; colorview15; 30.0-68.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG Computronic PMV-14AC/plus; pmv-14ac; 15.0-36.0; 45.0-90.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG Computronic PMV-1531; pmv-1531; 15.0-38.0; 45.0-90.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG D410; mag4577; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DJ530; mag5775; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DJ530AV; mag5767; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DJ700; mag7746; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DJ702; mag7748; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DJ702E; mag7747; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DJ707; mag7752; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DJ707AV; mag7769; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DJ717; mag7854; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DJ800; mag6589; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DJ810; mag8991; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DJ920; mag9156; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DJ925T; mag9157; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DX-1595; mag5620; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DX1495; mag11a6; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DX1595; mag15f4; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DX15F; magdx15; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DX15T; mag5624; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DX1795; mag7626; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DX17F; magdx17; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DX17T; mag00e3; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DX500AV; mag5541; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DX500T; mag5781; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG dx700e; mag7745; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DX700T; mag7740; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DX715T; mag7842; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DX725T; mag7990; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG dx800; mag6589; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG InnoVision DX15F; dx15f; 30-64; 50-90; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG InnoVision DX17F; dx17f; 30-64; 50-90; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG InnoVision DX21F; dx21f; 30-68; 50-120; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG InnoVision LX1450; lx1450; 30-50; 50-100; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG InnoVision MX15F; mx15f; 30.0-68.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG InnoVision MX17F/S; mx17fs; 30.0-68.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG InnoVision MX21NT; mx21nt; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG LT530C; mag5020; 45.0-58.0; 57.0-63.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG LT541C; mag5021; 31.5-68.7; 50.0-85.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG LT541F; magc541; 31.0-69.0; 50.0-85.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG LT561D; magd561; 31.0-69.0; 50.0-85.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG LT561E; mage561; 31.0-69.0; 50.0-85.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG LX1450LG; mag1450; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG LX1564LG; mag1564; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG MX14S; magm14s; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG MX15F; magmx15; 30.0-68.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG MX17F; magmx17; 30.0-68.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG MX17FG; mag17fg; 30.0-68.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG MX17FP; 0; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG MX21F; magmx21; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG MXE15F; mmxe15f; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG MXP17F; mmxp17f; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG PMV14SV; pmv14sv; 30.0-36.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG XJ500; mag5801; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG XJ500T; mag5779; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG XJ530; mag5776; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG XJ700; mag7771; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG XJ700T; mag7780; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG XJ707; mag7772; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG XJ717; mag7874; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG xj770; mag9702; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG XJ796; mag9703; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG XJ810; mag8997; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG XJ910; mag9158; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Magnavox; Magnavox MB4010(14inch/CM1300); 0; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0 +Magnavox; Magnavox MB5314(15inch/CM1200); 0; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-110.0 +Magnavox; Magnavox MB7000(17inch/CM6800); 0; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-130.0 +Magnavox; Magnavox MV5011(15inch/CM1300); 0; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0 +Maxdata Computer; Maxdata Belinea 10 30 52; max06b9; 30.0-97.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Maxdata Computer; Maxdata Belinea 10 40 65; max4065; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Maxdata Computer; Maxdata Belinea 10 50 95; max3539; 30.0-64.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Maxdata Computer; Maxdata Belinea 10 55 75; max7555; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +MED; MED 2914; MED2914; 30-98; 50-120 +MegaImage; MegaImage 17; 106; 30-64; 50-100 +Megavision; MV173 LCD; ate8506; 31.0-80.0; 58.0-75.0 +Microtec; Microtec MD15-9; PBR023c; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Microvitec, Inc.; Microvitec 1020/LP; 1020lp; 15.0-36.5; 45.0-100.0; 1 +Microvitec, Inc.; Microvitec 1020/SP; 1020sp; 15.0-36.5; 45.0-100.0; 1 +Microvitec, Inc.; Microvitec 2012/LP; 2012lp; 15.0-40.0; 45.0-100.0; 1 +Microvitec, Inc.; Microvitec 2014/LP; 2014lp; 15.0-40.0; 45.0-100.0; 1 +Microvitec, Inc.; Microvitec 2014/SVGA; 2014svga; 30.0-40.0; 45.0-90.0; 1 +Microvitec, Inc.; Microvitec 2019/SP; 2019sp; 15.0-38.0; 45.0-100.0; 1 +Microvitec, Inc.; Microvitec 4015/FST; 4015fst; 30.0-50.0; 45.0-100.0; 1 +Microvitec, Inc.; Microvitec 604/FST; 604fst; 15.0-36.5; 45.0-100.0; 1 +Microvitec, Inc.; Microvitec 704/FST; 704fst; 15.0-36.5; 45.0-100.0; 1 +Miro Computer Products AG; Miro miroD1568; mir6815; 31.5-68.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Miro Computer Products AG; Miro miroD1769; mir6917; 31.5-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Miro Computer Products AG; Miro PROOFSCREEN miroC1768; mir6817; 29.0-68.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Miro Computer Products AG; Miro PROOFSCREEN miroC1782; mir8217; 29.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Miro Computer Products AG; Miro PROOFSCREEN miroC2085 E; mir8520; 29.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Miro Computer Products AG; Miro PROOFSCREEN miroC21107; mir0721; 31.5-107.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Miro Computer Products AG; Miro PROOFSCREEN miroC2185; mir8521; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Miro Computer Products AG; Miro PROOFSCREEN miroC2193; mir9321; 30.0-93.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +MiTAC; MiTAC 1450FD; mtc0003; 31.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +MiTAC; MiTAC 1450FV; mtc0001; 31.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +MiTAC; MiTAC 1564FD/1564FS; mtc0002; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Mitsuba Corp.; Mitsuba Corp. 710MH; 710mh; 15.0-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 100 (TFW1105); MEL40E1; 30.0-108.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 100 (TFW1105); mel40e1; 30.0-108.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 120u (TFA1105); MEL42F0; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 120u (TFA1105); mel42f0; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 200 (NSH1117); MEL43F0; 30.0-108.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 200 (NSH1117); mel43f0; 30.0-108.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 230SB; MEL4631; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 230SB; mel4631; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 70 (TF-7700P); mel4190; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-180.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 71 (TFV6708); mel4240; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 72 (TFV8705); mel4160; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 73 (N9705); mel4460; 31.0-69.0; 59.0-86.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 74SB; MEL4623; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 91 (NFL9905); mel43a0; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-140.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 93SB; MEL4625; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 1000 (TFX1105); mel4100; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 1010 (TUX1107); mel4101; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 14 (FW6405); mel6405; 30.0-58; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 14 Plus (SD45xx); mel4500; 30.0-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 0 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 15FS (SD56xx); mel5600; 31.5-64.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 17 (TFS6705); mel6705; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 17TX (TFG8705); mel4040; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 20 (HL7955); mel7955; 30.0-78.0; 50.0-130.0; 0 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 2020u (NUB1107); mel4310; 30.0-121.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 2040u (NSB1107); mel4311; 30.0-121.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 2045u (NSH1157); MEL43F3; 30.0-121.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 2060u (NSZ1207); MEL4511; 30.0-121.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 2070SB; MEL4632; 30.0-140.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 20X (FR8905); mel2040; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 21FS (FFL7165); mel7165b; 30.0-78.0; 50.0-130.0; 0 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 21T (THZ8155); mel8155; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 21TX (THN9105); mel0040; 30.0-93.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 26H (HJ6505); mel6505; 45.0-70.0; 50.0-80.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 26M (HC3505); mel3505; 15.7-38.0; 45.0-90.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 29 (XC2930); mel2930; 15.0-82.0; 40.0-120.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 37 (XC3725); mel3725; 24.0-64.0; 40.0-120.0; 0 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 67TXV (TFV6705); mel4064; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 700 (TFK9705); mel4110; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 710 (NFF8705); mel4360; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 710s (NFN8705); MEL4380; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 720 (NFN9705); mel4381; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 740SB; MEL4521; 31.0-96.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 750SB; MEL4624; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 87TXM (TFM8705); mel40c0; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 900u (NFJ9905); mel42c0; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 91TXM (TFW9105); mel40e0; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 920 (NUR1905); MEL4440; 30.0-108.0; 50.0-140.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 930SB; MEL463D; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro SVGA (SD43xx); mel4300; 30.0-38.5; 50.0-70.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro VGA (SD41xx); mel4100; 31.5; 60.0-70.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Scan 15FS (SD55xx); mel5500; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Scan 15HX (SD57xx); mel8040; 31.5-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Scan 15VX (SD58xx); mel408f; 30-65.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Scan 17FS (FFY7705); mel7705; 30.0-78.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Scan 17HX (FFF8705); mel6140; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Scan 20 (HL6945/55); mel6955; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-130.0; 0 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Scan 20H (FR8905); mel2040; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Scan 20M (HC3925); mel3925; 15.7-38.0; 45.0-90.0; 0 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Scan 21 (FFL7165); mel7165; 30.0-78.0; 50.0-130.0; 0 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Scan 33 (XC3315); mel3315; 15.0-38.0; 40.0-120.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Scan 37 (XC3715); mel3715; 15.0-36.5; 40.0-120.0; 0 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Scan 50 (SD5904); mel41f0; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Scan 70 (SD7704); mel4210; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Scan 90e (FFT9905); mel4220; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi DiamondPoint M55LCD; MEL4647; 31.0-63.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi DiamondPoint NX85 LCD (Analog); MEL4638; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi DiamondPoint NX85 LCD (Digital); MEL4639; 31.0-67.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi DiamondPoint NX86LCD (Analog); MEL4659; 31.0-84.0; 55.0-85.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi DiamondPoint NX86LCD (Digital); MEL4658; 31.0-84.0; 55.0-85.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi DiamondPoint NXM56LCD; MEL4651; 31.0-63.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi DiamondPoint NXM76LCD (Analog); MEL464F; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi DiamondPoint NXM76LCD (Digital); MEL4650; 31.0-70.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi DiamondPoint V50LCD; MEL466C; 31.0-63.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi E55LCD; MEL464E; 31.0-60.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi E85LCD; MEL4344; 31.0-82.0; 55.0-85.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi LCD 151A (LXA572WB); MEL41D4; 31.0-63.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi LCD 40 (LXA420W); mel41c0; 31.5-60.2; 56.3-85.1; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi LCD 50 (LXA520W); mel41d0; 31.5-60.2; 56.3-85.1; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi LCD 51 (LXA530W); MEL41D1; 31.0-63.0; 30.0-85.1; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi LCD 52 (LXA550W/WB); MEL41D2; 31.5-60.5; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi LCD 52 (LXA565W); MEL41D3; 31.5-60.5; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi LCD 580 (LXA580W); MEL41D6; 31.0-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi LCD 80 (LSA810W); MEL4340; 31.0-83.0; 30.0-85.1; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi LCD 80 (LSA820W/WB); MEL4341; 31.0-81.5; 30.0-85.1; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi LCD 80 (LSA831W); MEL4343; 24.0-80.0; 30.0-85.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi LVP-X300 Projector (LVP-X300); mel3001; 15.0-91.0; 50.0-85.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi MegaView 29 (AM2752); mel2752; 15.0-39.0; 45.0-100.0; 0 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi MegaView 33 (XC3315); mel3315; 15.0-38.0; 40.0-120.0; 0 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi MegaView 37 (XC3716); mel3716; 15.0-39.5; 40.0-120.0; 0 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi MegaView 37 Plus (XC3717); mel3717; 15.0-61.0; 40.0-120.0; 0 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi MegaView Pro 29 (XC2930); mel2930; 15.0-82.0; 40.0-120.0; 0 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi MegaView Pro 37 (XC3730); mel3730; 15.0-85.0; 40.0-120.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi MegaView Pro 42 (AM4201); mel4201; 20.0-64.0; 45.0-120.0; 0 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi MERLIN; tat3044; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi PC Division V70 (XJ63754); tat3054; 30-70; 50-100; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Precise Point 5800; melpp_5800; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Precise Point 8705; melpp_8705; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Precise Point 8905; melpp_8905; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi RD15M; mel409f; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi RD17F; mel6040; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi RD17GR; mel4065; 30.0-69.0; 55.0-125.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi RD17GZ; mel4150; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi RD21GH; mel4141; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi RD21GII; mel40f0; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi RD21GIII; mel4140; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi RD21GX; mel40f1; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-132.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi RDF173H; MEL4627; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi RDF193H; MEL4628; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi RDS173X; MEL4626; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi RDT151; mel41b0; 24.8-60.2; 56.3-85.1; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi SpectraView 1000; mel4120; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi SpectraView 700; mel4130; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-152.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi TFT Monitor RDT150S; mel41b3; 24.8-63.0; 30.0-85.1; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi TFT Monitor RDT180S; mel42d0; 24.8-83.0; 30.0-85.1; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi The Big Easy 1281 (VS1281); mel1281; 15.0-103.0; 40.0-150.0; 0 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi The Big Easy G1A (LVPG1A); mellvpg1a; 25.0-37.86; 56.0-72.0; 1 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi VS1280 Projector; mel1280; 15.0-100.0; 40.0-150.0; 0 +Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi XJ59992; tatbbcf; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Modgraph; Modgraph. MG-3200; mg-3200; 15.0-35.0; 47.0-80.0; 1 +Monitronix; Monitronix MX-200MC; mx-200mc; 15.0-75.0; 40.0-120.0; 1 +Monitronix; Monitronix MX-210EZ; mx-210ez; 30.0-75.0; 40.0-120.0; 1 +Monitronix; Monitronix MX-240EZ; mx-240ez; 30.0-75.0; 40.0-120.0; 1 +Monitronix; Monitronix MX240; mx240; 30.0-90.0; 20.0-120.0; 1 +Morse; Morse Monitor; morsemon; 30.0-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao 9060S; nan0502; 15.5-38.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao 9060S; nan0902; 15.5-38.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao 9065S; nan0503; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao 9070U; nan0506; 20.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao 9070U; nan0906; 20.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao 9080i; nan0507; 30.0-64.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao 9080i; nan0907; 30.0-64.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao 9400i; nan0508; 30.0-65.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao 9500; nan0509; 30.0-78.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao Eizo E35F; nan1200; 24.5-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao Eizo E51F; nan1208; 24.5-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao Eizo E51FS; nan1215; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao Eizo E53F; nan1204; 24.5-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao Eizo E54F; nan1220; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao Eizo E55D; nan1205; 24.5-92.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao Eizo E57T; nan1201; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao Eizo E57Ts; nan1210; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao Eizo E65T; nan1203; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao Eizo E66T; nan1202; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao Eizo E67F; nan1213; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao Eizo E67T; nan1214; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao Eizo E75F; nan1206; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao Eizo E76D; nan1211; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao Eizo E76F; nan1218; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao Eizo E78F; nan1207; 31.5-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao Eizo T960; nan1222; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan 33F; nan0800; 24.5-69.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan 52F; nan0882; 24.5-70.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan 53T; nan0993; 30.0-85.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan 54T; nan0805; 24.5-86.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan 55F; nan098c; 24.5-65.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan 56T; nan0913; 30.0-85.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan 6500; nan0900; 56.0-80.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan 6600; nan0406; 56.0-110.0; 70.0-90.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan 68T; nan0914; 30.0-85.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan 76F; nan098f; 30.0-78.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan 77F; nan090f; 24.5-90.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan 88F; nan0802; 31.5-102.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan E151L; nan1209; 24.0-61.0; 50.0-85.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan F340iW; nan050a; 27.0-61.5; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan F347; nan090a; 24.5-61.5; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan F347II; nan098a; 24.5-61.5; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan F550i; nan050b; 30.0-65.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan F550i; nan090b; 30.0-65.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan F550iW; nan050c; 30.0-65.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan F557; nan090c; 24.5-65.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan F560iW; nan050d; 30.0-82.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan F750i; nan050e; 30.0-80.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan F760iW; nan050f; 30.0-78.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan F780iJ; nan0910; 45.0-100.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan F780iW; nan0510; 45.0-100.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan L360; nan1221; 27.0-61.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan L66; nan1219; 27.0-80.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan T560i; nan0511; 30.0-82.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan T560iJ; nan0911; 30.0-82.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan T567; nan0991; 30.0-82.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan T660i; nan0512; 30.0-78.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao FlexScan T660iJ; nan0912; 30.0-82.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao USA F2-15; nan0400; 24.5-69.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao USA F2-17; nan0401; 24.5-69.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao USA F2-17EX; nan0402; 24.5-86.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao USA F2-21; nan0403; 24.5-90.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao USA FlexScan 6300; nan0580; 56.0-80.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao USA FlexScan T2-17; nan0513; 30.0-85.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao USA FlexScan T2-17TS; nan0405; 24.5-86.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao USA FlexScan T2-20; nan0000; 30.0-85.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao USA FlexScan T2-20; nan0514; 30.0-85.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +Nanao; Nanao USA FX2-21; nan0404; 31.5-102.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC 15TFT CP Monitor; necea8e; 48; 60; 1 +NEC; NEC AccuSync 120; nec5dd5; 31.0-96.0; 55.0-200.0; 1 +NEC; NEC AccuSync 125F; NEC61D4; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC AccuSync 50; nec5dc3; 31.0-70.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC AccuSync 500; NEC61DF; 30.0-71.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC AccuSync 70; nec5dc4; 31.0-70.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC AccuSync 700; NEC61E0; 30.0-71.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC AccuSync 700M; NEC61E1; 30.0-71.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC AccuSync 750F; NEC61E2; 30.0-71.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC AccuSync 75F; nec5dcf; 31.0-70.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC AccuSync 90; nec5dc5; 31.0-96.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC AccuSync 900; NEC61E3; 30.0-98.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC AccuSync 95F; nec5dd0; 31.0-96.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC AccuSync LCD200VX; NEC665C; 31.0-95.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +NEC; NEC AccuSync LCD5V; NEC6615; 30.0-63.0; 55.0-76.0; 1 +NEC; NEC AccuSync LCD7V; NEC6617; 30.0-83.0; 55.0-76.0; 1 +NEC; NEC AccuSync LCD9V; NEC6619; 31.0-84.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC C510; necea6b; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC C550; necea65; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +NEC; NEC C700; necea67; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +NEC; NEC C710; necea6c; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC C900; necea69; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +NEC; NEC C900; necea8d; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +NEC; NEC CI A727; GSM5011; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC CS500; nec3e53; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +NEC; NEC CS500 Multimedia Monitor; nec3e53; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC DH28W2; nec0afa; 30.0-38.0; 60.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC DH32W2; nec0c8a; 30.0-38.0; 60.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC DV15A1; nec006e; 30.0-63.0; 60.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC DV15A2; nec019a; 30.0-71.0; 59.0-86.0; 1 +NEC; NEC DV15D1; nec00aa; 30.0-63.0; 60.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC DV17A1; nec0078; 30.0-67.0; 60.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC DV17B1; nec0082; 30.0-67.0; 60.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC DV17B2; nec01ae; 30.0-71.0; 59.0-86.0; 1 +NEC; NEC DV17C1; nec008c; 30.0-67.0; 60.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC DV17C2; nec0096; 30.0-83.0; 60.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC DV17C3; nec01a4; 30.0-71.0; 59.0-86.0; 1 +NEC; NEC F14T1; nec00a0; 24.0-63.0; 60.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC F14T2; nec00b4; 30.0-63.0; 60.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC F14T2H; nec00dc; 31.0-61.0; 59.0-76.0; 1 +NEC; NEC F14T2L; nec00e6; 31.0-61.0; 59.0-76.0; 1 +NEC; NEC F15T1; nec00d2; 31.0-61.0; 59.0-76.0; 1 +NEC; NEC F727; NCI5015; 31.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC LCD1280; 0; 29.5-33.5; 60.0-62.0; 1 +NEC; NEC LCD200; nec2fb2; 24.0-62.0; 53.0-85.0; 1 +NEC; NEC LCD300; 0; 30.8-38.0; 55.0-72.8; 1 +NEC; NEC LCD300; nec-lcd300; 30.8-38.0; 55.0-72.8; 1 +NEC; NEC LCD51V; NEC661B; 31.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC LCD51VM; NEC661A; 31.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC LCD52V; NEC6656; 31.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC LCD52VM; NEC6657; 31.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC LCD71V; NEC661D; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC LCD71VM; NEC661C; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC LCD72V; NEC6658; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC LCD72VM; NEC6659; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC LCD92V; NEC6966; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync 125; nec61b2; 31.0-96.0; 55.0-200.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync 2A; nec-2a; 31.5-35.0; 50.0-70.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync 2V; nec-2v; 30-57; 50-100; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync 3D; nec-3d; 15.5-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync 3Ds; nec-3ds; 15.5-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync 3FGe; nec-3fge; 47.5-49.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync 3FGx; nec-3fgx; 47.8-49.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync 3V; nec-3v; 31.0-50.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync 4D; nec-4d; 30.0-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync 4Ds; nec-4ds; 30.0-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync 4FG; nec-4fg; 27.0-57.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync 4FGe; nec-4fge; 27.0-62.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync 50; nec1d4d; 31.0-69.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync 5D; nec-5d; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync 5FG; nec-5fg; 27.0-79.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync 5FGe; nec-5fge; 31.0-62.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync 5FGp; nec-5fgp; 27.0-79.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync 6FG; nec-6fg; 27.0-79.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync 6FGp; nec-6fgp; 27.0-79.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync 70; nec1e15; 31.0-69.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync 75; nec5dc9; 31.0-70.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync 75F; nec5dd1; 31.0-70.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync 90; nec4bf0; 31.0-92.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync 95; nec5dca; 31.0-96.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync 95F; nec5dd2; 31.0-96.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync A500; nec3d90; 31.0-65.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync A500+; nec3dc2; 31.0-70.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync A700; nec43d0; 31.0-69.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync A700+; nec43ee; 31.0-70.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync A900; nec4be6; 31.0-92.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync C400; nec3a66; 30.0-64.0; 47.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync C500; nec3e4e; 30.0-64.0; 47.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync E1100; nec53c0; 31.0-82.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync E1100+; nec53de; 31.0-96.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync E500; nec3d86; 31.0-69.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync E700; nec4434; 31.0-82.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync E750; nec443e; 31.0-92.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync E900; nec4bd2; 31.0-92.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync E900+; nec4bdc; 31.0-96.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync E950; nec4bfa; 31.0-96.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync FE1250; nec61ab; 31.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync FE1250+; NEC61B6; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync FE2111SB; NEC61DA; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync FE700; nec4272; 31.0-70.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync FE700+; NEC61BA; 31.0-70.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync FE750; nec61ad; 31.0-92.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync FE750+; NEC61B3; 31.0-96.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync FE770; NEC61D5; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync FE771SB; NEC61D6; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync FE791SB; NEC61D7; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync FE950; nec61ae; 31.0-96.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync FE950+; NEC61B4; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync FE990; NEC61DC; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync FE991SB; NEC61D8; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync FP1350; nec578a; 31.0-115.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync FP1370; nec61a8; 31.0-130.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync FP912SB; nec61dd; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync FP950; nec4c04; 31.0-110.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync HR17; 0; 31.0-96.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync HR19; 0; 31.0-110.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1500M; nec3b88; 30.0-61.0; 50.0-77.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1501; NEC65FB; 31.0-63.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1510; nec3b6a; 24.0-60.0; 55.0-86.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1510+; nec3d5f; 24.0-60.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1510V; nec3b74; 24.0-60.0; 55.0-86.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1510V+; nec3d73; 24.0-60.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1511M; NEC6607; 31.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1512; NEC660D; 30.0-63.0; 55.0-76.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1515; NEC6616; 30.0-63.0; 55.0-76.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1525M; nec3bb0; 24.0-60.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1525S; nec3bce; 24.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1525V; nec3ba6; 24.0-49.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1525X; nec6591; 24.0-60.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1530V; nec65a8; 31.0-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1550M; NEC65C7; 31.0-60.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1550V; NEC65C6; 31.0-60.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1550X; NEC65C8; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1560M; NEC65F2; 31.0-63.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1560NX; NEC65FA; 31.0-63.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1560V; NEC65F0; 31.0-63.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1560V+; NEC660F; 31.0-63.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1560VM; NEC65F1; 31.0-63.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1565; NEC6620; 31.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1570NX; NEC667E; 31.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD15T; nec6590; 24.0-60.0; 55.0-85.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1700M; NEC65A9; 31.0-81.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1700M+; NEC65B5; 31.0-81.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1700NX (Analog); NEC65E0; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1700NX (Digital); NEC65DF; 31.0-68.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1700V; NEC65D2; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1701; NEC65EF; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1711M; NEC6606; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1712; NEC660E; 30.0-83.0; 55.0-76.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1715; NEC6618; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1720M; NEC----; 31.0-82.0; 50.0-85.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1760NX (Analog); NEC65ED; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1760NX (Digital); NEC6604; 31.0-69.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1760V; NEC65EE; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1760VM (Analog); NEC65EA; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1760VM (Digital); NEC6603; 31.0-70.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1765; NEC6621; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1800; nec65a1; 24.0-80.0; 55.0-86.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1810; nec4786; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1810X; nec6594; 31.0-82.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1830; NEC65B1; 24.0-82.0; 55.0-85.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1850DX; NEC65B3; 31.0-82.0; 50.0-85.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1850E; NEC65D1; 31.0-82.0; 55.0-85.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1850X; NEC65C0; 31.0-82.0; 50.0-85.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1855NX (Analog); NEC65F7; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1855NX (Digital); NEC65F8; 31.0-68.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1860NX (Analog); NEC65E8; 31.0-82.0; 55.0-85.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1860NX (Digital); NEC65E9; 31.0-80.0; 55.0-85.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1880SX; NEC65D4; 31.0-82.0; 50.0-85.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1912; NEC6614; 31.0-84.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1915X (Analog); NEC663A; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1915X (Digital); NEC663B; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1920NX; NEC65DE; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1960NX (Analog); NEC661E; 31.0-84.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1960NX (Digital); NEC661F; 31.0-84.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1960NXi (Analog); NEC6632; 31.0-84.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1960NXi (Digital); NEC6633; 31.0-84.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1970GX; NEC6685; 31.0-84.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1980SX (Analog); NEC660C; 31.0-84.0; 50.0-85.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1980SX (Digital); NEC660B; 31.0-84.0; 50.0-85.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1980SX TCO-03 (Analog); NEC6627; 31.0-84.0; 50.0-85.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1980SX TCO-03 (Digital); NEC6626; 31.0-84.0; 50.0-85.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1980SXi (Analog); NEC6649; 31.0-84.0; 48.0-85.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1980SXi (Digital); NEC664A; 31.0-84.0; 48.0-85.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD2000; nec4f56; 24.0-81.0; 55.0-85.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD2010; nec4f60; 24.0-81.0; 55.0-85.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD2010X; nec65a2; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD2060NX; NEC6637; 31.0-95.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD2070NX; NEC667B; 31.0-95.0; 56.0-85.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD2080UX; NEC6605; 30.0-98.0; 48.0-87.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD2110; nec6597; 24.0-82.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD2180UX; NEC662C; 30.0-96.0; 48.0-87.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD2335WXM (Analog); NEC667F; 31.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD2335WXM (Digital); NEC6680; 31.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD3000 (Analog); NEC65E6; 30.0-75.0; 58.0-62.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD3000 (Digital); NEC65E7; 30.0-48.0; 58.0-62.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD400; nec3782; 24.0-60.0; 55.0-86.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD4000 (Analog); NEC6609; 30.0-75.0; 58.0-62.0 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD4000 (Digital); NEC6608; 30.0-48.0; 58.0-62.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD400V; nec378c; 24.0-60.0; 55.0-86.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync LT80; nec0320; 15.0-60.0; 50.0-85.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync M500; nec3d68; 30.0-69.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync M700; nec43c6; 31.0-69.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync MT1000; nec2710; 15.0-80.0; 50.0-85.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync MT810; nec1fa4; 15.0-60.0; 50.0-85.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync P1150; nec53ca; 31.0-94.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync P1250+; nec53e8; 31.0-110.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync P750; nec4420; 31.0-94.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync V500; nec3d7c; 31.0-65.0; 55.0-100.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync V520; nec251d; 31.0-70.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync XE15; nec3c00; 31.0-65.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync XE15; nec3c1e; 31.0-65.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync XE17; nec43a8; 31.0-65.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync XE17; nec43b2; 31.0-65.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync XE21; nec533e; 31.0-69.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync XP15; nec3c0a; 31.0-65.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync XP17; nec4416; 31.0-82.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync XP21; nec53b6; 31.0-89.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync XV14; nec37fa; 30.0-57.0; 55.0-100.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync XV14; nec37fb; 30.0-57.0; 55.0-100.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync XV15; nec3c14; 31.0-65.0; 55.0-100.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync XV15+; nec3d5e; 31.0-65.0; 55.0-100.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync XV17 / XV17+; nec43bc; 31.0-65.0; 55.0-100.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync XV17+ (-2); nec43bd; 31.0-82.0; 55.0-100.0; 1 +NEC; NEC MultiSync XV17+ (-2); nec442a; 31.0-82.0; 55.0-100.0; 1 +NEC; NEC PK-DH172; nec00c8; 30.0-63.0; 60.0-85.0; 1 +NEC; NEC Ready Monitor; nec-ready; 31.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +NEC; NEC VistaScan 7000; necea8b; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Nissei Sangyo; Nissei Sangyo CM1483M; cm1483m; 30.0-40.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Nissei Sangyo; Nissei Sangyo CM1584MU; cm1584mu; 30.0-58.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Nissei Sangyo; Nissei Sangyo CM1785MU; cm1785mu; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Nissei Sangyo; Nissei Sangyo CM2085M; cm2085m; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Nissei Sangyo; Nissei Sangyo CM2085MU; cm2085mu; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Nissei Sangyo; Nissei Sangyo CM2086A; cm2086a; 46.0-64.0; 55.0-65.0; 1 +Nissei Sangyo; Nissei Sangyo CM2087MU; cm2087mu; 30.0-78.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Nissei Sangyo; Nissei Sangyo CM2186AF; cm2186af; 60.0-65.0; 60.0-70.0; 1 +Nissei Sangyo; Nissei Sangyo CM2187MU; cm2187mu; 30.0-78.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 300Xa; nok1300; 48.3-60.3; 60.0-75.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 400Xa; nok1400; 48.3-60.3; 60.0-75.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 417TV; nok00b4; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 445G; nok00c7; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-115.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 445M; nok00cd; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 0 +Nokia; Nokia 445PRO; nok01ce; 29.0-125.0; 50.0-180.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 445R; nok00d2; 30.0-102.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 445X; nok00d8; 30.0-102.0; 50.0-120.0; 0 +Nokia; Nokia 445Xav; nok00c1; 30.0-102.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 445Xavc; nok01c0; 30.0-102.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 445Xi; nok00c9; 30.0-102.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 445XiPlus; nok00ca; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 445Xpro; nok01d0; 30.0-121.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 445Xpro125; nok01d2; 30.0-125.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 445ZA; nok01da; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 446PRO; nok0146; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 446Xpro; nok0150; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 446XS; nok0153; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 446Xt; nok0143; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 446ZA; nok0145; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 447B; nok00a2; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-124.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 447DTC; nok00b9; 31.0-92.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 447E; nok00a5; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 447i; nok01aa; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 447K; nok00bc; 30.0-91.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 447KA; nok00ab; 30.0-91.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 447KC; nok00a3; 30.0-91.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 447L; nok00ac; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 447M; nok00ad; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 447PRO; nok01bd; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 447S; nok00a6; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 447V; nok00b6; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 447W; nok00b7; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 447X; nok00b8; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 447Xa; nok00a1; 30.0-91.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 447Xav; nok00bb; 30.0-91.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 447Xavc; nok01a0; 30.0-91.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 447Xi; nok00a9; 30.0-91.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 447XiPlus; nok00aa; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 447Xpro; nok01b0; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 447XS; nok01b3; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 447ZA; nok01ba; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 447Za; nok00ba; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 447ZAPlus; nok01bb; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 447Zi; nok01a9; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 447ZiPlus; nok01bc; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 449E; nok0085; 30.0-62.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 449M; nok008d; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 449X; nok0098; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 449Xa; nok0081; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 449XaPlus; nok0082; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 449Xi; nok0089; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 449XiPlus; nok008a; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 449ZA; nok009a; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 44BS; nok0093; 30.0-62.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 500Xa; nok1500; 31.4-60.0; 56.2-75.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 800PRO-1; nok1802; 30.0-82.0; 55.0-86.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 800PRO-2; nok1803; 31.0-65.0; 58.0-62.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 800XA/820L; nok1801; 24.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Nokia; Nokia 800Xi; nok1800; 24.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +OKI; Oki GD1203; OKI04B3; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 25-314 P-Y; dsm25-314p-y; 31.5; 60.0-70.0; 1 +Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 26-314 LE; dsm26-314le; 31.5; 60.0-70.0; 1 +Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 27-039; dsm27-039; 35.5; 87.0; 1 +Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 27-117; dsm27-117; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 27-120; dsm27-120; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 27-140 LE; dsm27-140le; 30.0-35.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 27-141 PS; dsm27-141ps; 35.5; 87.0; 1 +Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 27-514 MS; dsm27-514ms; 30.0-58.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 27-615; dsm27-615; 30.0-62.0; 48.0-100.0; 1 +Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 28-039 PS; dsm28-039ps; 30.0-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 28-142 PS; dsm28-142ps; 30.0-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 28-143 PS; dsm28-143ps; 30.0-48.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 28-143 PS-2; dsm28-143ps-2; 30.0-48.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 28-144 MS; dsm28-144ms; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-95.0; 1 +Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 28-171 HR; dsm28-171hr; 31.0-82.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 28-172 EY; dsm28-172ey; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 28-201 HR; dsm28-201hr; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 40-151; dsm40-151; 30.0-64.0; 48.0-100.0; 1 +Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 50-148; dsm50-148; 30.0-48.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 50-172; dsm50-172; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 50-201; dsm50-201; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest 1000; optiquest_1000; 30.0-48.0; 47.0-90.0; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest 1000S-2; oqi3234; 31.5-48.4; 50-100; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest 1562A-2; oqi3232; 31.5-62; 50-90; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest 1769DC; oqi3233; 30-69; 50-120; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest 1769DC; oqi4637; 30-69; 50-120; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest 1769DC; vsc4637; 30-69; 50-120; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest 3000; optiquest_3000; 30.0-55.0; 45.0-90.0; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest 4000; optiquest_4000; 30.0-76.0; 40.0-120.0; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest L700; oqi455a; 31-61; 56-75; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest L700-2; oqia20f; 31-62; 50-75; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest L900; oqi3757; 30-80; 50-75; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest Q100; oqi4a31; 30-86; 50-120; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest Q115; oqi4d35; 30-95; 50-180; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest Q41; oqi4136; 30-48; 50-90; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest Q41-2; oqiofoh; 30-48; 50-90; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest Q51; oqi4435; 30-54; 50-100; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest Q51-2; oqi4442; 30-54; 50-100; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest Q51-3; oqi4443; 30-56; 50-120; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest Q51-4; oqi4643; 30-56; 50-120; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest Q53; oqi4433; 30-70; 50-100; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest Q55; oqi4444; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest Q55-2; oqi4543; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest Q71; oqi4735; 30-71; 50-120; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest Q71-2; oqi4738; 30-71; 50-120; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest Q71-3; oqi465a; 30-71; 50-120; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest Q71-4; oqi5a55; 30-71; 50-120; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest Q71-5; oqi5141; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest Q73; oqi4559; 30-71; 50-160; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest Q75; oqi5241; 30-86; 50-160; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest Q75F; oqi4159; 30-95; 50-160; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest Q91; oqi4a38; 30-85; 50-160; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest Q95; oqi4a39; 30-86; 50-160; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest Q95-2; oqi4c39; 30-86; 50-160; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest V115; oqi4d31; 30-95; 50-160; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest V115T; oqi4d32; 30-96; 50-150; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest V55; oqi4436; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest V641; oqi4132; 31.5-48.4; 50-90; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest V655; oqi3332; 30-66; 50-100; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest V655-2; oqi4432; 30-65; 50-100; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest V655-3; oqi4434; 30-70; 50-100; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest V73; oqi5634; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest V75; oqi4739; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest V773; oqi4733; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest V773-2; oqi4736; 30-70; 50-180; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest V775; oqi3333; 30-82; 50-130; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest V775-2; oqi4732; 30-85; 50-120; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest V95; oqi4a32; 30-95; 50-150; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest V95-2; oqi4a36; 30-95; 50-160; 1 +Optiquest; Optiquest VA656; oqi3138; 30-69; 50-120; 1 +Orchestra; Trumpet-14; 0; 31.5-48.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell 1010; pb1010; 30.0-40.0; 50.0-62.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell 1015; pb1015; 30.0-40.0; 50.0-73.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell 1020; pb1020; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell 1020; pbn4100; 30.0-50.0; 30.0-92.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell 1024; pb1024; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell 1024S; pbn4234; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell 1408SLE; pb1408sle; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell 1412SME; pb1412sme; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-62.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell 1428ME; pb1428me; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-80.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell 1511SL; pb1511sl; 30-62; 50-120; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell 1512SL; pb1512sl; 30-62; 50-120; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell 1512SME; pb1512sme; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-80.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell 1712SL; pb1712sl; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-80.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell 2020; pb2020; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell 2024; pb2024; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell 2025; pb2025; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell 3010; pb3010; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell 3010; pbe7123; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell 3020; pb3020; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell 3025; pb3025; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell Monitor; pbgeneric; 30.0-40.0; 50.0-62.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PB8510SV; pb8510sv; 30.0-37.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PB8528SVG; pb8528svg; 31.5-38.0; 55.0-87.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 2024S; pbe5234; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 2024S; pbn5222; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 2024S; pbn5234; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 2025; pbe2352; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-80.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 2025 (for Europe 3G); pbn5102; 30.0-65.0; 30.0-122.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 2025E; pbn5100; 30.0-54.0; 30.0-102.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 2160; pbn5002; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 2160; pbn5109; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 3025; pbe2372; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-80.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 3025 (for Europe 3G); pbn7100; 30.0-65.0; 30.0-122.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 3030; pbe1c9d; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 3030; pbn2372; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 3070; pbn7108; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 4480; pbn4480; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 4480; pbn4483; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 4480; pbn4484; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 4480 (for Europe 3G); pbn4101; 30.0-50.0; 30.0-92.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 5480; pbn5480; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 5480; pbn5481; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 5480; pbn5482; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 5480; pbn5483; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 5480; pbn5484; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 5480; pbn5486; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 5480 (for Europe 3G); pbn5103; 30.0-70.0; 30.0-122.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 5480E; pbn5101; 30.0-54.0; 30.0-102.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 5680; pbn5684; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 7480; pbn1d39; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 7480; pbn7481; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 7480; pbn7483; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 7480 (for Europe 3G); pbn7101; 30.0-70.0; 30.0-122.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 7680; pbn7683; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Packard Bell; Packard Bell Pnp LCD15; pbn5105; 60.0; 75.0; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic 264a; MEI264a; 30-61; 50-120 +Panasonic; Panasonic C-1591E; 7e_f; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic C-1591EA; 7e_e; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic C1491; mp2; 30-49; 50-90; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic C1791E; hv3_a; 30-64; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic C1791Ei; mei0c03; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic C1792P; mei0c12; 30-82; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic C2192P; mei1603; 30-82; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic E15; mei2618; 30-61; 50-90; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic E21; mei1638; 30-89; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic E50; mei2637; 30.0-61.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic E70i; mei2c03; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-180.0; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic LC40; mei1e02; 24.0-61.0; 50.0-77.0; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic LC50S (TX-D5L31F); mei1e07; 30.0-61.0; 50.0-77.0; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic P15; mei2617; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic P17; mei0c3d; 30-86; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic P21; mei1636; 30-115; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic P50; mei2632; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-180.0; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic P70; mei0c81; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-180.0; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic PAMAMEDIA-15; mei2609; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic PANAMEDIA-17; mei0c22; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic PF17; mei100b; 30-86; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic PF70; mei1007; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic PL70i(TX-D7S55); mei0c9b; 30.0-97.0; 50.0-180.0; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic PM15; mei2621; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic PM17; mei0c52; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic S110; mei1649; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-180.0; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic S15; mei2622; 30.0-67.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic S17; mei0c3b; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic S21; mei1630; 30-95; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic SL70i(TX-D7S36); mei0c96; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-180.0; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic SL90 (TX-D9S54); mei120d; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-180.0; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-1713MA series; hv1; 30-64; 50-90; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1562F-E; mei260e; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1562F-G; mei260b; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1562F-SW; mei260d; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1562F-U; mei260c; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1562NMF; mei260a; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1563PE1; mei2619; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1563PE2; mei261c; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1563PG2; mei261f; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1563PU1; mei261a; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1563PU2; mei261b; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1731 series; hv2; 30-82; 50-120; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1732 series; hv3; 30-64; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1733-E; mei0c0a; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1733-G; mei0c07; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1733-J; hv5; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1733-K; mei0c0d; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1733-SW; mei0c09; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1733-U; mei0c08; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1733F-E; mei0c27; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1733F-G; mei0c24; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1733F-J; mei0c48; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1733F-K; mei0c2a; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1733F-SW; mei0c26; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1733F-U; mei0c25; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1734-E; mei0c33; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1734-G; mei0c32; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1734-J; mei0c3c; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1734-SW; mei0c34; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1734-U; mei0c35; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1734F-E; mei0c58; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1734F-G; mei0c57; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1734F-J; mei0c63; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1734F-K; mei0c5b; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1734F-SW; mei0c59; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1734F-U; mei0c5a; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1751 series; hv4; 30-82; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1752-E; mei0c17; 30-82; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1752-G; mei0c14; 30-82; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1752-SW; mei0c16; 30-82; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1752-U; mei0c15; 30-82; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1753-E; mei0c38; 30-86; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1753-G; mei0c37; 30-86; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1753-SW; mei0c39; 30-86; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1753-U; mei0c3a; 30-86; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2051-G; mei1205; 30-82; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2051-K; mei120b; 30-82; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2051-SW; mei1207; 30-82; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2051-U; mei1206; 30-82; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2131 series; gv2; 30-82; 50-150; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2131P series; gv2p; 30-82; 50-150; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2151 series; hv4s; 30-82; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2151-EA; mei1608; 30-82; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2151-GA; mei1605; 30-82; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2151-J; mei1612; 30-82; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2151-KA; mei160b; 30-82; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2151-SWA; mei1607; 30-82; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2151-UA; mei1606; 30-82; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2162-E; mei162c; 30-95; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2162-G; mei162b; 30-95; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2162-J; mei162f; 30-95; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2162-K; mei1631; 30-95; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2162-SW; mei162d; 30-95; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2162-U; mei162e; 30-95; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2171-E; mei1633; 30-115; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2171-G; mei1632; 30-115; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2171-J; mei163e; 30-115; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2171-SW; mei1634; 30-115; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2171-U; mei1635; 30-115; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D4L31-J; mei1e01; 30-61; 50-77; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D7P53-E; mei1008; 30-86; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D7P53-G; mei1007; 30-86; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D7P53-J; mei1006; 30-86; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D7P53-K; mei100c; 30-86; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D7P53-SW; mei1009; 30-86; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D7P53-U; mei100a; 30-86; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-T1562CJ1; 7e_d; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-T1562PE1; 7e_b; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-T1562PE2; mei2604; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-T1562PG1; 7e_a; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-T1562PG2; mei2603; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-T1562PT2; mei2602; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-T1562PU1; 7e_c; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-T1563F-E; mei2623; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-T1563F-G; mei2620; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-T1563F-SW; mei2625; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-T1563F-U; mei2624; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-T1563PT1; mei261e; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-T1565PE1; mei2628; 30-67; 50-120; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-T1565PG1; mei2627; 30-67; 50-120; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-T1565PU1; mei2629; 30-67; 50-120; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-T1567PE1; mei261d; 30-61; 50-90; 1 +Panasonic; Panasonic TX-T1567PT1; mei2626; 30-61; 50-90; 1 +PC Brand; PC Brand Super_VGA; super_vga; 28.0-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Peacock; Peacock P1796 C2; actb013; 30-97; 50-150; 1 +Philips; Magnavox MB7000(17inch/CM6800); phla17b; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Philips; Philips 104B(14inch/CM1300); phl104b; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Philips; Philips 104B(14inch/CM2300); phlb14b; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Philips; Philips 105B(15inch/CM1200); phla15b; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Philips; Philips 105S(15inch/CM1300); phl105c; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Philips; Philips 105S(15inch/CM2300); phlb15c; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Philips; Philips 107B(17inch/CM6800); phl6800; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Philips; Philips 107B20(17inch/CM2317); phle003; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Philips; Philips 107E; PHL0004; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +Philips; Philips 107P(17inch); phle002; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Philips; Philips 107S(17inch/CM1300); phla17c; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Philips; Philips 107S(17inch/CM6800); phl107c; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Philips; Philips 109B40; PHLE00E; 30.0-97.0; 50.0-160.0 +Philips; Philips 109S; phl4109; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Philips; Philips 14C(14inch/7CM5209); 0; 31.5,35.2,35.5; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Philips; Philips 14C(14inch/7CM5279); 0; 31.5,35.2,35.5; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Philips; Philips 150C5 (15inch); PHLC00A; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Philips; Philips 150S; PHL0805; 30-61; 56-75; 1024x768 +Philips; Philips 170C5 (17inch); PHLC00B; 30.0-82.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Philips; Philips 170X; phlc00f; 30-83; 56-76 +Philips; Philips 17ACM38; phl3800; 30-82; 50-160; 1 +Philips; Philips 17BCM28; phl2800; 30-66; 50-130; 1 +Philips; Philips 17TCM26; phl2600; 30-66; 50-100; 1 +Philips; Philips 180B2; PHL0810; 30-82; 56-76 +Philips; Philips 190C; PHL0849; 30-83; 56-76 +Philips; Philips 190S; PHL082f; 30-83; 56-76 +Philips; Philips 200T(20inch/CM0700); phl200d; 30.0-90.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Philips; Philips 201B(21inch/CM0770); phl201b; 30.0-94.0; 48.0-160.0; 1 +Philips; Philips 20CM64; 20cm64; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Philips; Philips 29PX8031 Monitor/TV; phl5f1f; 31.5-35.2; 50.0-56.0; 1 +Philips; Philips 6CM321; 6cm321; 35.2; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Philips; Philips 7BM749; 7bm749; 31.5; 60.0-70.0; 1 +Philips; Philips 7CM321; 7cm321; 35.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Philips; Philips 7CM329; 7cm329; 35.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Philips; Philips 9CM062; 9cm062; 31.5; 60.0-70.0; 1 +Philips; Philips 9CM082; 9cm082; 31.5; 60.0-70.0; 1 +Philips; Philips Brilliance 105(15inch/CM2200); phl105a; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Philips; Philips Brilliance 107(17inch/CM8800); phl0107; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Philips; Philips Brilliance 107(PRODUCT ID 17A58...); phl1107; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Philips; Philips Brilliance 109(PRODUCT ID 19A58...); phl1109; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Philips; Philips Brilliance 201(21inch/CM1700); phl201a; 31.5-107.0; 50.0-170.0; 1 +Philips; Philips Brilliance 201CS; phl0201; 30.0-107.0; 50-170; 1 +Philips; Philips Brilliance AX4500(14.5 LCD MONITOR); phl4500; 30.0-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Philips; Philips CM0200 (14B); phl2000; 31-48; 50-100; 1 +Philips; Philips CM0200 (15C); phl0200; 31-48; 50-100; 1 +Philips; Philips CM0500 (20C); phl0500; 31-64; 50-120; 1 +Philips; Philips CM0700 (20T); phl0700; 30-90; 50-160; 1 +Philips; Philips CM0700 (21B); phl700b; 30-94; 50-160; 1 +Philips; Philips CM0800 (14A); phl8000; 30-58; 50-100; 1 +Philips; Philips CM0800 (15B); phl0800; 30-58; 50-100; 1 +Philips; Philips CM1200 (15A); phl1200; 31-66; 50-110; 1 +Philips; Philips CM1800 (15A); phl1800; 31-66; 50-110; 1 +Philips; Philips CM5600 (20B); phl5600; 31-82; 50-120; 1 +Philips; Philips CM9039; cm9039; 31.5; 60.0-70.0; 1 +Philips; Philips CM9079; cm9079; 35.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Philips; Philips CM9085; cm9085; 31.5; 70; 1 +Philips; Philips CM9089; cm9089; 35.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Philips; Philips CM9214; cm9214; 30.0-58.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Philips; Philips CM9217; cm9217; 30.0-57.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Philips; Philips Magnavox 109S; phl3109; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Philips; Philips Magnavox MB7000(17inch/CM6800); phla17b; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Philips; Philips PD5029S Monitor/TV; phla513; 31.5-35.2; 50.0-56.0; 1 +PLB; PLB 1410 Model; plb1410; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +PLB; PLB 1510 Model; plb1510; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +PLB; PLB 1710; plb1710; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +PLB; PLB 1910; plb1910; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Premier; Premier PM14V-S-1; pm14v-s-1; 34.5-38.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton 14; ultra14; 35.5-37.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton 14ni; ultra14ni; 31.5-48.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton 15; ultra15; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton 17; ultra17; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton AF3.0HD; pgs00f7; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton AGF900; pgs016f; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton AGX700; pgs00cc; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-140.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton AGX740; pgs0169; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-180.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton AGX750; pgs00cb; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton AGX900; pgs00cd; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton APP520; pgs010d; 60.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton APP550; pgs015f; 58.1; 55.0-85.1; 1 +Princeton; Princeton APP560; pgs00f5; 60.0; 56.0-76.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton APP800; pgs0131; 80.0; 60.0-75.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Arcadia AR2.7; pgs006f; 31.5-38.0; 30.0-90.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Arcadia AR2.7AV; pgs0085; 31.5-38.0; 30.0-90.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Arcadia AR3.1; pgs0070; 31.5-38.0; 30.0-90.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Arcadia AR3.1AV; pgs0086; 31.5-38.0; 30.0-90.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Arcadia AR3.6; pgs00d1; 31.5-38.0; 30.0-90.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton C2001; pgs008b; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton DPP500; pgs00ca; 48.4; 60.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton DPP500; pgs3011; 48.4; 60.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton DPP550; pgs00e1; 56.5; 70.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton DPP550; pgs3012; 56.5; 70.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton DPP560; mtc1503; 48.4; 60.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton DPP560; pgs00e3; 48.4; 60.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton DPP560; pgs3013; 48.4; 60.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton DPP800; pgs00eb; 45.1; 42.7; 1 +Princeton; Princeton DPP810; pgs0165; 45.1; 42.7; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO14; pgs003a; 48.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO15; pgs003b; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO17; kds06c2; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO17; pgs003d; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO2000; pgs00f6; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO2010; pgs00ce; 30.0-117.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO40; pgs004e; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO400; pgs009d; 30.0-54.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO50; pgs004f; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO500; pgs008e; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO500n; pgs00d6; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-140.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO505; pgs00be; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO70; pgs0050; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO700; pgs00b6; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO700-1b; pgs00e6; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO700n; pgs00d5; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO705; pgs00bf; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO705n; pgs00dd; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO70n; pgs00d4; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO710; pgs008f; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO710-1b; pgs00e7; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO72; pgs0052; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO720; pgs00b7; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO74/74T; pgs0055; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO75; pgs003c; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO750; pgs00c2; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO76/76T; pgs0056; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO90; pgs0092; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO900; pgs0087; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO900; pgs0171; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO930; pgs00e2; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton EO935S; pgs0172; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton LD150; pgs00de; 68.7; 55.0-85.1; 1 +Princeton; Princeton LD50A; pgs00ae; 60.0; 55.0-75.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton MAX-15; 0; 15.0-36.0; 45.0-120.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton MultiView; multiview; 15.0-60.0; 45.0-90.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton MultiView_II; multiview_ii; 15.0-70.0; 45.0-90.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra 100; pgs00d3; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra 17+; pgs003e; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra 20; pgs003f; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra 40; pgs0051; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra 41; pgs0090; 48.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra 42; pgs011a; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra 50; pgs004d; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra 50e; pgs011b; 30.0-57.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra 51; pgs009b; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra 52/52B; pgs00d0; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra 70F; ___7627; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra 70F; pgs0049; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra 71; pgs0079; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra 71; pgs7900; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra 72; pgs008d; 30.0-69.0; 55.0-90.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra 72e; pgs015d; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra 74; pgs00f2; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra 75/75B; pgs00dc; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra 75e; pgs016a; 30.0-72.0; 47.0-160.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra 77; pgs00fc; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra 77e; pgs016b; 30.0-96.0; 47.0-160.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra 80; pgs0091; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra 90/90B; pgs00d2; 30.0-94.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra 90e; pgs0130; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra 92; pgs016c; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra 95; pgs00fa; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra 95e; pgs016d; 30.0-96.0; 47.0-150.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra 95n; pgs00db; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra-1200; max-15; 15.0-38.0; 45.0-120.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra-1400; ultra-1400; 15.0-38.0; 45.0-120.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra-1600; ultra-1600; 15.0-38.0; 45.0-120.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton Ultra-2000; ultra-2000; 45.0-68.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Princeton; Princeton VL173 Flat Panel; pgs4902; 31-75; 56-75; 1 +Princeton; Princeton VL1916 19inch LCD Display; 0; 24-83; 55-76; 1 +Princeton; W74; pgs00e5; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Princeton; W74n; pgs00fb; 30.0-70.0; 55.0-160.0; 1 +Proview; Proview 2072; PTS0000; 30.0-93.0; 60.0-85.0; 1 +Proview; Proview 456/482; PTS0579; 30.0-60.0; 60.0-75.0; 1 +Proview; Proview 513/516; PTS05DD; 30.0-60.0; 60.0-75.0; 1 +Proview; Proview 570; pts023a; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Proview; Proview 576w; PTS05DF; 30.0-50.0; 60.0-70.0; 1 +Proview; Proview 713/716; PTS06A5; 30.0-80.0; 60.0-75.0; 1 +Proview; Proview 770; pts0302; 30.0-76.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Proview; Proview 775N; PTS0304; 30-75; 50-160; 1" +Proview; Proview 786N; 0; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Proview; Proview 860; pts035c; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Proview; Proview 913/916; PTS076D; 30.0-80.0; 60.0-75.0; 1 +Proview; Proview 926w; PTS077D; 31.0-94.0; 60.0-75.0; 1 +Proview; Proview 996N; pts025c; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Proview; Proview CY965; PTS03c5; 30-80; 60-75 +QDS; QDS 0014; QDS0014; 48-50; 57-62; 1280x800 +Quantex; Quantex TE1564M - Super View 1280; 75; 30-64; 50-100 +Qume; Qume QM835; qm835; 30.0-36.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Radius; Radius PrecisionColor Display/19; pcd19; 30.0-67.0; 72; 1 +Radius; Radius PrecisionColor Display/20; pcd20; 30.0-71.0; 75; 1 +Radius; Radius PrecisionColor Pivot; pcp; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +RasterOps; RasterOps 20/20; r2020; 31-69; 60-76; 1 +RasterOps; RasterOps ClearVueColor 17; cv17; 30-82; 50-90; 1 +RasterOps; RasterOps ClearVueColor 20T; cv20t; 30-82; 50-160; 1 +RasterOps; RasterOps ClearVueColor 21; cv21; 30-82; 50-90; 1 +REDMS Group; REDMS SRC-1401; src-1401; 28.0-40.0; 47.0-90.0; 1 +REDMS Group; REDMS SRC-1402; src-1402; 28.0-50.0; 47.0-90.0; 1 +Relisys; Relisys RE-1420; re-1420; 28.0-40.0; 60; 1 +Relisys; Relisys RE-1520; re-1520; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-80.0; 1 +Relisys; Relisys RE-1528; re-1528; 30.0-48.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Relisys; Relisys RE1438; rel1438; 30-38; 0-100; 1 +Relisys; Relisys RE1450; rel1450; 30-50; 50-100; 1 +Relisys; Relisys RE412; rel0412; 30-57; 50-150; 1 +Relisys; Relisys RE432; rel0432; 30-65; 50-100; 1 +Relisys; Relisys RE438; rel0438; 30-38; 0-100; 1 +Relisys; Relisys RE450; rel0450; 30-50; 50-100; 1 +Relisys; Relisys RE451; rel0451; 30-54; 50-100; 1 +Relisys; Relisys RE518; rel0518; 30-69; 50-150; 1 +Relisys; Relisys RE535; rel0535; 30-65; 50-100; 1 +Relisys; Relisys RE550; rel0550; 30-50; 50-100; 1 +Relisys; Relisys RE551; rel0551; 30-54; 50-150; 1 +Relisys; Relisys RE572; rel0572; 30-72; 50-150; 1 +Relisys; Relisys RE760; rel0760; 30-65; 50-100; 1 +Relisys; Relisys RE767; rel0767; 30-69; 50-150; 1 +Relisys; Relisys RE768; rel0768; 30-86; 50-150; 1 +Relisys; Relisys RE772; rel0772; 30-72; 50-150; 1 +Relisys; Relisys RE786; rel0786; 30-86; 50-150; 1 +Relisys; Relisys RE795; rel0795; 30-96; 50-150; 1 +Relisys; Relisys RE9516S; rel9516; 30-35; 0-100; 1 +Relisys; Relisys RE995; rel0995; 30-95; 50-150; 1 +Relisys; Relisys RM-1541; rm-1541; 48.0-65.0; 40.0-80.0; 1 +Royal Information Company; Royal Information Company TRL/RIC DH-1570M/DH-1570; trl0410; 29.0-70.0; 47.0-120.0; 1 +Royal Information Company; Royal Information Company TRL/RIC DH-1764M/DH-1764; trl0510; 29.0-70.0; 47.0-120.0; 1 +Royal Information Company; Royal Information Company TRL/RIC DH-1764UM/DH-1764U; trl0610; 29.0-85.0; 47.0-120.0; 1 +Royal Information Company; Royal Information Company TRL/RIC DL-1564; trl061c; 29.0-64.0; 47.0-100.0; 1 +Royal Information Company; Royal Information Company TRL/RIC DL-1564M/DL-1564; trl0110; 29.0-64.0; 47.0-120.0; 1 +Royal Information Company; Royal Information Company TRL/RIC DL-1750MU; trl0310; 29.0-70.0; 47.0-120.0; 1 +Royal Information Company; Royal Information Company TRL/RIC RH-1450; trl0010; 29.0-50.0; 47.0-90.0; 1 +Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 15/15g/15gx; 0; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0 +Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 15mx; 0; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-110.0 +Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 17; 0; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0 +Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 1788 17gx; 0; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0 +Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 1789 17gx; 0; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0 +Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 17e; 0; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-90.0 +Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 17g; 0; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0 +Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 17mx; 0; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0 +Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 410; 0; 30.0-48.0; 50.0-90.0 +Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 411; 0; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-120.0 +Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 500; 0; 30.0-48.0; 50.0-90.0 +Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 511; 0; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0 +Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 520; 0; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0 +Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 520A; 0; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0 +Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 711; 0; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0 +Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 720; 0; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0 +Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 730; 0; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0 +Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 731; 0; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0 +Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 750; 0; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-200.0 +Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 760; 0; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0 +Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 761; 0; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-200.0 +Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 830; 0; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0 +Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 850; 0; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-200.0 +Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 950; 0; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-200.0 +Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 960; 0; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-200.0 +Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan GL; 0; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0 +Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan GLX; 0; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0 +Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan Plus/GS; 0; 30.0-62.0; 50.0-90.0 +Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan SV; 0; 30.0-48.0; 50.0-90.0 +Samsung; Samsung 15GLsi; sam1530; 24.0-66.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Samsung; Samsung 17GLi; sam4d73; 24.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Samsung; Samsung 17GLsi; sam4d74; 24.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Samsung; Samsung 5b (CKB52*); sam2c56; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung 5e (CKA52*); sam2c36; 30-55; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung 7e (CKB72*); sam2c58; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung 900DF; SAM00B4; 30-85; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung 990DF; SAM0127; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung CSA-7571; csa-7571; 20.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Samsung; Samsung CT-4581; ct-4581; 15.0-38.0; 47.0-73.0; 1 +Samsung; Samsung MF-4771; mf-4771; 15.0-38.0; 48.0-72.0; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 40B; sam2034; 30-55; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 40Bn; sam202e; 30-55; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 45B(n); sam1034; 30-55; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 4Bi; sam2c33; 30-55; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 5(M)B (CGB5617*); sam1c54; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 5(M)E (CGK5517*); sam1d74; 30-54; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 50(M)E; sam2036; 30-61; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 50B; sam2056; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 55(M)E (Plus); sam1036; 30-61; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 55B (Plus); sam1056; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 55v; sam12b7; 30-55; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 56E/57E/56V; STN0002; 30-55; 50-120 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 5Bi; sam2c55; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 5Ei; sam2c35; 30-55; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 60(M)B; sam2042; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 70(M)E; sam2058; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 75(M)B; sam105a; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 75(M)E (Plus); sam1058; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 75G; sam105b; 30-85; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 75P; sam4ee7; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 75P Plus; sam40d8; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 76DF(X)/77DF(X)/78DF; STN0006; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 7Ei; sam2c57; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 9 In; sam25da; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 90SL; sam4dba; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 95in(T); sam25de; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 95P; sam4f28; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 95P Plus; sam40db; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 98PDF/99DF/99PDF; STN0020; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 9B; sam4f23; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron 9P; sam4f27; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung Samtron SAMTRON 76E/77E; STN0005; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 1000b (CGX1607*); sam1f14; 30-107; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 1000p; sam1f13; 30-107; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 1000s (CGP1607*); sam0cf1; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 1100DF/2100DF/CD210C; SAM006D; 30-121; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 1100p/1109p/CM219C; SAM0051; 30-115; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 1200NF/2200NF/CPN22NF; SAM38D2; 30-121; 50-185; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 14GL; sam14gl; 30-62; 50-100; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 14GL; samsungsm14gl; 30-62; 50-100; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 150N/152N/153N; SAM00A4; 30-61; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 151MP/155MP/RB1500MP; SAM0004; 31-70; 50-85; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 152MP/156MP/CX510MP/CX500MB; SAM00A8; 30-71; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 153T; SAM00CD; 30-61; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 153V/153S/153B; SAM00A2; 30-61; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 15GL; sam15gl; 30-62; 50-100; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 15GL; samsungsm15gl; 30-62; 50-100; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 15GLe; sam4d50; 30-50; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 15GLe; sam6d20; 30-50; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 15GLi; sam4d51; 30-65; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 15M; sam4d52; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 15Me; sam5450; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 171MP/175MP/RB1700MP; SAM000A; 31-80; 50-85; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 171N/175N/171Np/171Nm/CX174N/CX171N/MX174N; SAM006B; 30-81; 56-76; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 171S/175S/170S/CX175S-AZ/LX175S; SAM001B; 30-81; 56-85; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 171v; samsungsm171v; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 172MP/176MP/CX710MP/CX700MB; SAM00A7; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 172T/176T/CX176T/CX171T (Analog); SAM006E; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 172T/176T/CX176T/CX171T (Digital); SAM006F; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 172X/177X/CX710X (Analog); SAM00C8; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 172X/177X/CX710X (Digital); SAM00E5; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 173P/CX710P (Analog); SAM00D3; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 173P/CX710P (Digital); SAM00E2; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 173T/177T/CX700T/CX710T; SAM00BA; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 173V/172V/173S/173B/174V/175V; SAM00A3; 30-81; 56-76; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 177MP/710MP/CX711MP/CX710MP; SAM00D2; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 17GL; sam17gl; 30-65; 50-100; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 17GL; samsungsm17gl; 30-65; 50-100; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 17GLi; sam4d70; 30-65; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 17GLs; sam17gls; 30-82; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 17GLs; samsungsm17gls; 30-82; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 17GLsi; sam4d71; 30-85; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 181T; sam0020; 30-81; 56-85; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 190N(M)/192N(M)/193N(M); SAM00A6; 30-81; 56-85; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 191+/191Tplus/193T/197T/CX900T; SAM00BB; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 191TFT; sam0014; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-85.0 ; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 192MPplus/930MP (Analog); SAM015B; 30-81; 56-85; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 192MPplus/930MP (Digital); SAM015C; 30-81; 56-85; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 192T/196T/CX910T(M); SAM00B6; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 193P/CX910P (Analog); SAM00EC; 30-81; 56-75 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 193P/CX910P (Digital); SAM00ED; 30-81; 56-75 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 198T/910T/CX901T (Analog); SAM010E; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 198T/910T/CX901T (Digital); SAM010F; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 2032BW(Analog); SAM0301; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 2032BW(Digital); SAM0302; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 2043BW/2043BWX,SyncMaster Magic CX2043BW(Analog); SAM0351; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 2043BW/2043BWX,SyncMaster Magic CX2043BW(Digital); SAM0352; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 204T/204Ts/214T,SyncMaster Magic CX201Ts(Analog); SAM01AD; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 204T/204Ts/214T,SyncMaster Magic CX201Ts(Digital); SAM01AE; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 205BW (Analog); SAM021D; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 205BW (Digital); SAM021E; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 206BW (Analog); SAM027C; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 206BW (Digital); SAM027D; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 20gls; sam20gls; 30-82; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 20gls; samsungsm20gls; 30-82; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 20GLsi; sam4690; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 210T/LXA210T (Analog); SAM4251; 30-93; 50-85; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 210T/LXA210T (Digital); SAM4252; 30-81; 50-85; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 211MP/215MP/CX211MP; SAMOO56; 30-85; 55-85; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 213T/CX210T; SAMOO91; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 215TW(Analog); SAM0213; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 215TW(Digital); SAM0214; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 21GLs; sam4610; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 2243BW/2243BWX,SyncMaster Magic CX2243BW(Analog); SAM0372; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 2243BW/2243BWX,SyncMaster Magic CX2243BW(Digital); SAM0373; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 225BW (Analog); SAM0254; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 225BW (Digital); SAM0255; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 226; SAM0226; 30-81; 56-75 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 226BW (Analog); SAM027E; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 226BW (Digital); SAM027F; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 240T (Analog); SAM4254; 30-93; 50-85; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 240T (Digital); SAM4255; 30-81; 50-85; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 241MP/245MP; SAMOO4B; 30-85; 50-85; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 243T/CX240T (Analog); SAM00D9; 30-80; 55-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 243T/CX240T (Digital); SAM00F7; 30-80; 55-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 2443BWX; SAM043F; 30-81; 56-60; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 2494HM (Analog); SAM04d3; 30-81; 56-60; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 2494HM (Digital); SAM04d4; 30-81; 56-60; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 3; sam3; 35.5; 43.5; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 3; samsungsm3; 35.5; 43.5; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 320TFT (LXB310*); sam6053; 30-61; 50-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 330/331TFT (LXB350*); sam6054; 30-61; 50-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 3NE; sam3ne; 48.4; 60.0; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 3NE; samsungsm3ne; 48.4; 60.0; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 3Ne; sam0000; 31.5-48.0; 43.5-75.0; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 400b (CKA4217*); sam2c34; 30-55; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 410b(CHA4217*); sam2033; 30-55; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 450(N)b; sam1033; 30-55; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 470S TFT; sam49d4; 30-61; 50-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 4NE; sam4ne; 30-50; 50-100; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 4NE; samsungsm4ne; 30-50; 50-100; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 4S; sam0100; 31.5-48.4; 43.5-75.0; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 500(M)p (CGC5607*); sam1c73; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 500(M)s (CGK5507*); sam1d73; 30-54; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 500(M)s Plus (CKE5507*); sam0d65; 30-60; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 500b; sam1c53; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 500b Plus (CKF5607*); sam0d66; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 510(M)s (CHA5807*); sam2035; 30-61; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 510b(CHB5707*); sam2055; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 510N/512N/CX511N/CX501N; SAM011D; 30-61; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 515V; SAM0172; 30-61; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 520TFT (LXB530*); sam6055; 30-61; 50-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 530/531TFT (LXB550*); sam6056; 30-61; 50-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 550(M)s; sam1035; 30-61; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 550b; sam1055; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 550v; sam12b6; 30-55; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 570B TFT/580B TFT; sam49d5; 30-61; 50-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 591v; sam022e; 30-55; 50-120; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 610(M)b(CHB6107*); sam2041; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 6Ne; sam4d72; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 700(M)b (CGM7607*); sam1db3; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 700(M)s (CGE7507*); sam1cb3; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 700(M)s Plus (CKG7507*); sam0d67; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 700b Plus; sam2cf8; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 700DF; SAM00B3; 30-71; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 700IFT (CSH780B*); sam4ee9; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 700NF; sam38d7; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 700p Plus (CSH7839*); sam4ee6; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 700TFT; sam6057; 61.5-81.0; 59.0-76.0; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 701 IFT; sam4eeb; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 703(M)s/753(M)s/750(M)s/753(M)v/CM173A(M); SAM0027; 30-71; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 710(M)b (CHB7709*); sam2059; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 710(M)s (CHB7707*); sam2057; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 710N/177N/CX711N/CX701N; SAM011E; 30-81; 56-85; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 710Tplus/711T/712T (Analog); SAM0165; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 710Tplus/711T/712T (Digital); SAM0166; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 711N/712N; SAM0124; 30-81; 56-85; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 712V/713V/710S/715V; SAM0125; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 730B (Analog); SAM0191; 30-81; 56-75 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 730B (Digital); SAM0192; 30-81; 56-75 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 731B/731BF/731BA/730BA; SAM0215; 30-81; 56-75 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 750(M)b; sam1059; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 750(M)s(T); sam1057; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 750s(T); SAM12B6; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 753DF(X)/703DF(X)/783DF(X)/CD173A(T); SAM0022; 30-71; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 755DF(X)/705DF(X)/CDP17BDF(U)(UP); SAM1156; 30-85; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 755DFG/740DFG/CTT17DFG; SAM0009; 30-85; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 757DF(X)/707DF(X)/700IFT/CD177A(P); SAM0029; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 757MB/717MB/CD177D(P); SAM0059; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 757NF; SAM002a; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 763MB/713MB/CD173D(P); SAM0045; 30-71; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 765MB/715MB/CD175D(P); SAM0048; 30-85; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 770 TFT; SAM12D7; 30-81; 56-76; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 790DF; SAM0126; 30-71; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 793DF/793MB; SAM0107; 30-71; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 793S/793V/CM173G; SAM0117; 30-71; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 794MB/794MBplus/798MB; SAM01AB; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 795DF/795MB/CD175GP; SAM0108; 30-85; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 796MB/796MBplus; SAM01AC; 30-85; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 800TFT; sam6058; 61.5-81.0; 59.0-76.0; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 900 In; sam25d9; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 900IFT; sam4f29; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 900NF; sam38d9; 30-110; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 900p (CSH9839*); sam4f26; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 900SL (CSM92*); sam4db9; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 905DF(X)/955DF(X)/CD195A; SAM002D; 30-85; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 906BW; SAM0273; 30-81; 56-75 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 910MP; SAM0187; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 910N/912N; SAM011F; 30-81; 56-85; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 910V/910M/913V; SAM0115; 30-81; 56-75 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 917MB/950MB/957MB/CD197D(P); SAM0070; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 920T/CX911T (Analog); SAM014A; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 920T/CX911T (Digital); SAM014B; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 930B; sam0193; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 931BF (DVI); SAM0217; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 931BF (VGA); SAM0218; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 940N,SyncMaster Magic CX915N/CX916N/CX917N; SAM01E1; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 940T/940B/940Fn(Analog); SAM01BA; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 940T/940B/940Fn(Digital); SAM01BB; 30-81; 56-75; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 950in(T); sam25dc; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 955df; sam413b; 30-85; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 955MB/915MB/CD195D(P); SAM0081; 30-85; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 957FS/950FS/907FS/CS197A(P); SAM0023; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 957p; sam002c; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 959NF/900NF/909NF/CN199A(P); SAM002F; 30-110; 50-160; 1 +Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 997DF/927DF/997MB/927MB/927DFI/927MBI; SAM0109; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +Samtron; Samtron 428PT/PTL; sdi1428; 31.5-48.0; 43.5-75.0; 1 +Samtron; Samtron SC-208DXL+; sdi4690; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Samtron; Samtron SC-528MDL; sdi5451; 30.0-48.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Samtron; Samtron SC-528MXLJ; sdi1530; 24.0-66.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Samtron; Samtron SC-528TXL; sdi1528; 30.0-48.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Samtron; Samtron SC-528UXL; sdi1529; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Samtron; Samtron SC-726GXL; sdi4d71; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Samtron; Samtron SC-728FXL; sdi4d70; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Samtron; Samtron SC-728FXLJ; sdi4d73; 24.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Seiko; Seiko CM-1440; cm-1440; 31.0-40.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Seiko; Seiko CM-1450; cm-1450; 31.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Seiko; Seiko CM-2050; cm-2050; 31.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +SGI; SGI 1600SW FlatPanel; SGX0640; 72.0; 60.0 +SGI; SGI 17-inch 340C; 0; 30-95; 48-180 +SGI; SGI 17-inch GDM-17E11; 0; 30.0-85.0; 48.0-150.0 +SGI; SGI 17-inch GDM-17E21; 0; 30.0-85.0; 48.0-160.0 +SGI; SGI 17-inch GDM-2011P; 0; 30.0-92.0; 48.0-160.0 +SGI; SGI 17-inch M-7S54SG; 0; 30.0-95.0; 48.0-180.0 +SGI; SGI 19-inch CMNB024B; 0; 30-100; 48-200 +SGI; SGI 20-inch GDM-20E21; 0; 30.0-96.0; 48.0-160.0 +SGI; SGI 20-inch GDM-4011P; 0; 30.0-96.0; 48.0-160.0 +SGI; SGI 21-inch 420C; 0; 30-107; 48-160 +SGI; SGI 21-inch GDM-5011P; 0; 30.0-107.0; 48.0-160.0 +SGI; SGI 21-inch GDM-5021PT; 0; 30.0-107.0; 48.0-160.0 +SGI; SGI 21-inch GDM-5411; 0; 30-121; 48-160 +SGI; SGI 21-inch GDM5011P; 0; 30-107; 48-160 +SGI; SGI 24-inch GDM-90W11; 0; 30.0-96.0; 48.0-160.0 +SGI; SGI GDM-90W11; 0; 30.0-96.0; 48.0-160.0 +Shamrock; Shamrock C407L; 0; 31.5-55.0; 50-70 +Siemens Nixdorf; Siemens Nixdorf MCM1402; siemens1; 30-64; 50-100; 1 +Siemens Nixdorf; Siemens Nixdorf MCM1503; siemens2; 30-64; 50-100; 1 +Siemens Nixdorf; Siemens Nixdorf MCM1702; siemens3; 30-82; 50-150; 1 +Siemens Nixdorf; Siemens Nixdorf MCM2102; siemens4; 30-82; 50-160; 1 +Sliding Unika; Sliding S 2201 LCD 16/9 22inch; 0; 31-80; 50-75; 1 +Smile; Smile 85Khz Monitor; sml6738; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Smile; Smile CA6425DL/CB6425DL; sml6425; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Smile; Smile CA6525DL/CB6525DL; sml6525; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Smile; Smile CA6546SL/CB6546SL; sml6546; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Smile; Smile CA6719SL/CB6719SL; sml6719; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Smile; Smile CA6746SL/CB6746SL; sml6746; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Smile; Smile CA6748SL/CB6748SL; sml6748; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Smile; Smile CA6919SL/CB6919SL; sml6919; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-100ES; sny0450; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-100GS; sny0550; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-100SF; sny0150; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-100SX; sny8050; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-100VS; sny0050; 31.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-101VS iGPE; sny0a50; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-110GS/110EST/T9; sny0c50; 30.0-70.0; 48.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-120AS; sny0850; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-120VS; sny0650; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-1302; cpd-1302; 15.5-34.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-1304; cpd-1304; 28.0-50.0; 50.0-87.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-1304S; cpd-1304s; 28.0-57.0; 55.0-110.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-1430; cpd-1430; 28.0-58.0; 55.0-110.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-15ES; sny0750; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-15ES2; sny0b50; 30.0-70.0; 48.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-15SF2; sny0000; 31.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-15SF9; sny0350; 24.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-15SX1; sny0000; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-1604S; cpd-1604s; 28-57; 50-87; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-1730; cpd-1730; 28.0-58.0; 55.0-115.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-17C1; sny0b70; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-17ES2; sny0f70; 30.0-70.0; 48.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-17GS; sny0a70; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-17MS; sny0970; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-17SF2; sny0000; 31.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-17SF8; sny0000; 24.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-17SF8R; sny0070; 24.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-17SF9; sny0470; 24.0-80.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-2003GT; sny017b; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-200ES; sny0770; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-200GS; sny0a70; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-200SF; sny0270; 30.0-80.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-200SFT; sny0370; 30.0-80.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-200SX; sny0570; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-201VS iGPE; sny0e70; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-20SF2; sny0000; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-20SF2T; sny0000; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-20SF2T5; sny00a0; 30.0-85.0; 48.0-150.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-20SF3; sny01a0; 30.0-86.0; 48.0-150.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-210GS/210EST/T9; sny1070; 30.0-70.0; 48.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-210SFB; sny0870; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-220AS; sny0d70; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-220GS/17GS2; sny0071; 30.0-85.0; 48.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-220VS; sny0670; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-300SFT; sny03a0; 30.0-86.0; 48.0-150.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-300SFT5; sny04a0; 30.0-86.0; 48.0-150.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-420GS/GST/19GS2; sny0091; 30.0-96.0; 48.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-520GS/520GST/21GS2; sny02b0; 30.0-96.0; 48.0-160.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-A100/HMD-A100; sny0e50; 30.0-70.0; 48.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-A200/HMD-A200; sny1370; 30.0-70.0; 48.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-E100/E100E; sny0d50; 30.0-70.0; 48.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-E200/E200E; sny1470; 30.0-85.0; 48.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-E220/E220E; SNY1770; 30.0-85.0; 48.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-E400/E400E; sny0390; 30.0-96.0; 48.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-E500/E500E; sny04b0; 30.0-96.0; 48.0-160.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-G200; sny1270; 30.0-96.0; 48.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-G400; sny0290; 30.0-107.0; 48.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-G410R; sny0191; 30.0-110.0; 40.0-170.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-G420; sny0490; 30.0-110.0; 48.0-170.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-G500; sny03b0; 30.0-121.0; 48.0-160.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-H200; sny1170; 30.0-70.0; 48.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-L100; sny0140; 30.0-61.0; 50.0-65.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-L133; sny0030; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-65.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-L141; sny0040; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-65.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-L150; sny0950; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-65.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-L181/181A; sny0080; 30.0-92.0; 48.0-65.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-L200/M151; sny0f50; 30.0-61.0; 50.0-65.0; 1 +Sony; Sony CPD-V200; sny1570; 30.0-70.0; 48.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony GDM-1310; cpd-1310; 15.7-36.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Sony; Sony GDM-17SE1; gdm-17se1; 31.5-82.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Sony; Sony GDM-17SE2T; sny0170; 30.0-85.0; 48.0-150.0; 1 +Sony; Sony GDM-1936; cpd-1936; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony GDM-200PS; sny0c70; 30.0-92.0; 48.0-160.0; 1 +Sony; Sony GDM-2038; cpd-2038; 28.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Sony; Sony GDM-20SE2T5; sny05a0; 30.0-96.0; 48.0-160.0; 1 +Sony; Sony GDM-20SE3T; sny06a0; 30.0-96.0; 48.0-160.0; 1 +Sony; Sony GDM-20SHT; sny0000; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony GDM-20SHT(NEW); sny08a0; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Sony; Sony GDM-400PS/400PST/19PS; sny0090; 30.0-95.0; 48.0-160.0; 1 +Sony; Sony GDM-500PS/T/T9/21PS; sny00b0; 30.0-107.0; 48.0-160.0; 1 +Sony; Sony GDM-C520; SNY01B1; 30.0-130.0; 48.0-170.0; 1 +Sony; Sony GDM-F400/F400T9; sny0190; 30.0-107.0; 48.0-160.0; 1 +Sony; Sony GDM-F500/F500T9; sny01b0; 30.0-121.0; 48.0-160.0; 1 +Sony; Sony GDM-W900; sny00e0; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Sony; Sony GVM-2020; cpd-2020; 15.7-36.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Sony; Sony HMD-A240; SNY0871; 30.0-70.0; 48.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony HMD-A440; SNY0E90; 30.0-96.0; 48.0-170.0; 1 +Sony; Sony HMD-H200; SNY1170; 30.0-70.0; 48.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony HMD-V200; SNY1570; 30.0-70.0; 48.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony KL-W7000; sny01f2; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-85.0; 1 +Sony; Sony MFM-HT75W (Analog); SNY1200; 28.0-64.0; 57.0-75.0; 1 +Sony; Sony MFM-HT75W (Digital); SNY1400; 28.0-64.0; 57.0-63.0; 1 +Sony; Sony MFM-HT95 (Analog); SNY1300; 28.0-81.0; 57.0-75.0; 1 +Sony; Sony MFM-HT95 (Digital); SNY1500; 28.0-65.0; 57.0-63.0; 1 +Sony; Sony Multiscan 15sf; ms-15sf; 31.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony Multiscan 17sf; ms-17sf; 31.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Sony; Sony Multiscan 20se; ms-20se; 31.5-85; 50-150; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-HS53; SNY2250; 28.0-49.0; 57.0-63.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-HS73; SNY2270; 28.0-65.0; 48.0-65.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-HS73P; SNY2B70; 28.0-80.0; 48.0-75.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-HS74P (Analog); SNY3070; 28.0-81.0; 48.0-75.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-HS74P (Digital); SNY3170; 28.0-65.0; 57.0-63.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-HS75; SNY2400; 28.0-81.0; 48.0-75.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-HS75P (Analog); SNY2200; 28.0-81.0; 48.0-75.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-HS75P (Digital); SNY2300; 28.0-65.0; 57.0-63.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-HS93; SNY1190; 28.0-65.0; 48.0-65.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-HS94P (Analog); SNY1B90; 28.0-81.0; 48.0-75.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-HS94P (Digital); SNY1C90; 28.0-65.0; 57.0-63.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-HX73 (Analog); SNY2870; 28.0-81.0; 57.0-75.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-HX73 (Digital); SNY2970; 28.0-65.0; 57.0-63.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-HX93 (Analog); SNY1490; 28.0-81.0; 57.0-75.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-HX93 (Digital); SNY1590; 28.0-65.0; 57.0-63.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-M51; SNY1650; 28.0-61.0; 48.0-65.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-M51D (Analog); SNY1850; 28.0-61.0; 48.0-65.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-M51D (Digital); SNY1950; 28.0-61.0; 59.0-61.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-M61 (Analog); SNY0060; 28.0-80.0; 48.0-75.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-M61 (Digital); SNY0160; 28.0-65.0; 59.0-61.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-M81 (Analog); SNY0380; 28.0-80.0; 48.0-75.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-M81 (Digital); SNY0480; 28.0-65.0; 59.0-61.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-N50; SNY1050; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-65.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-N50PS; SNY1150; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-65.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-N50TV; SNY1550; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-65.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-N80 (Analog); SNY0180; 28.0-107.0; 48.0-65.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-N80 (Digital); SNY0280; 28.0-92.0; 48.0-65.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-P232W (Analog); SNY00D0; 30.0-95.0; 55.0-65.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-P232W (Digital); SNY01D0; 30.0-92.0; 55.0-65.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-P234 (Analog); SNY03D0; 28.0-92.0; 57.0-85.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-P234 (Digital); SNY02D0; 28.0-75.0; 57.0-63.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-P82 (Analog); SNY0880; 28.0-65.0; 57.0-63.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-P82 (Digital); SNY0980; 28.0-65.0; 57.0-63.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-S204 (Analog); SNY0EA0; 28.0-92.0; 57.0-85.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-S204 (Digital); SNY0FA0; 28.0-75.0; 57.0-63.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-S51; SNY1E50; 28.0-61.0; 48.0-65.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-S53; SNY2450; 28.0-62.0; 57.0-75.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-S71; SNY1F70; 28.0-65.0; 48.0-65.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-S73; SNY2770; 28.0-65.0; 57.0-75.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-S74 (Analog); SNY2C70; 28.0-81.0; 48.0-75.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-S74 (Digital); SNY2D70; 28.0-65.0; 57.0-63.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-S81; SNY0580; 28.0-65.0; 48.0-65.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-S91; SNY1090; 28.0-65.0; 55.0-65.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-S93; SNY1390; 28.0-65.0; 57.0-75.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-S94 (Analog); SNY1790; 28.0-65.0; 57.0-75.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-S94 (Digital); SNY1890; 28.0-65.0; 57.0-63.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-V72W; SNY0B71; 28.0-70.0; 59.0-61.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-X202 (Analog); SNY09A0; 30.0-92.0; 55.0-65.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-X202 (Digital); SNY0AA0; 30.0-92.0; 55.0-65.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-X52 (Analog); SNY1F50; 28.0-49.0; 57.0-63.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-X52 (Digital); SNY2050; 28.0-49.0; 57.0-63.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-X53 (Analog); SNY2350; 28.0-52.0; 57.0-75.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-X53 (Digital); SNY2550; 28.0-52.0; 57.0-63.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-X72 (Analog); SNY1D70; 28.0-65.0; 57.0-63.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-X72 (Digital); SNY1E70; 28.0-65.0; 57.0-63.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-X73 (Analog); SNY2670; 28.0-65.0; 57.0-75.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-X73 (Digital); SNY2A70; 28.0-65.0; 57.0-63.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-X82 (Analog); SNY0680; 28.0-63.0; 57.0-63.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-X82 (Digital); SNY0780; 28.0-63.0; 57.0-63.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-X93 (Analog); SNY1290; 28.0-65.0; 57.0-75.0; 1 +Sony; Sony SDM-X93 (Digital); SNY1690; 28.0-65.0; 57.0-63.0; 1 +Sony; Sony VMU-1000; sny07a0; 30.0-86.0; 48.0-150.0; 1 +Sun; Sun 16-inch 574; sun0574; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Sun; Sun 17-inch 447Z; 100; 31.0-72.0; 50.0-120.0 +Sun; Sun 17-inch CHB7727L (Samsung); 0; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Sun; Sun 18-inch Flat Panel Display; sun0004; 64.0-81.0; 60.0-76.0; 1 +Sun; Sun 21-inch N3; 0; 30.0-96.0; 48.0-160.0 +Sun; Sun 24-inch; 0; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0 +Sunshine; Sunshine DM-8 CM-1433H; 0; 31.5-35.1; 55.0-66.0 +Sylvania; Sylvania F74; syl00f4; 30.0-70.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +Talon; Talon Tuff/CRT; tuffcrt; 15.0-35.0; 47.0-73.0; 1 +Tandberg; Tandberg ErgoScan 21c; 0; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0 +Targa; TARGA TM 1710 D; 0; 30-65; 50-90 +Targa; Targa TM-3887, 15 Inch Monitor; tm-3887; 30-70; 50-130; 1 +Targa; Targa TM-4287, 17 Inch Monitor; tm-4287; 30-70; 50-130; 1 +Targa; Targa TM-xxxx, 19 Inch Monitor; tm-xxxx; 30-70; 50-130; 1 +Tatung; Intelliscan TM442x series; tat2f44; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Tatung; Intelliscan TM452x series; tat2f45; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Tatung; Intelliscan TM651x series; tat1f65; 31.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Tatung; Intelliscan TM671x series; tat1f67; 31.0-65.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung C4A; c4a; 31.5-48.4; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung C4D; c4d; 31.5-54.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung C4E; c4e; 31.5-54.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung C5D; c5d; 31.5-56.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung C5D; tat3044; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung C5E; c5e; 31.5-56.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung C5V; c5v; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung C7BZR; tat3742; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung C7G; c7g; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-1492V; cm-1492v; 31.5; 50.0-70.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-1495G; cm-1495g; 15.0-37.0; 40.0-120.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-1498M; cm-1498m; 35.5-37.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-1498R; cm-1498r; 35.5-37.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-1498T; cm-1498t; 35.5-37.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-1498X/T; cm-1498x/t; 31.5-35.6; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-14MP; cm-14mp; 31-50; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-14SBM/E with Power Saving; cm-14sbm/e-lp; 31.5-35.6; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-14SBM/S/E; cm-14sbm/s/e; 31.5-35.6; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-14SHS/E/R; cm-14shs/e/r; 31.5-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-14UAE with Power Saving; cm-14uae-lp; 31.5-48.4; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-14UAS/E; cm-14uas/e; 31.5-48.4; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-14UH; tat4855; 31.5-48.4; 56.0-87.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-14UHE/R; cm-14uhe/r; 31-50; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-15MCS; cm-15mcs; 29-65; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-15MOS/E/R; cm-15mos/e/r; 29.0-65; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-15MP; cm-15mp; 31-50; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-15UH; cm-15uh; 31-50; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-15VBE/R; cm-15vbe/r; 31.5-56.5; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-15VCR; cm-15vcr; 29-65; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-15VDE; cm-15vde; 31.5-56.5; 56.0-75.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-1700; cm-1700; 31.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-17MBD/R; cm-17mbd/r; 29-65; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-17MC; tat434d; 31.5-65.0; 56.0-87.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-17MCR; cm-17mcr; 29-65; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-17MKR; cm-17mkr; 28-82; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-17MLP; cm-17mlp; 29-65; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-17MOR; cm-17mor; 29-65; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-17MVR; cm-17mvr; 28-82; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-2000; cm-2000; 21.0-65.0; 43.0-100.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-20MBD/R; cm-20mbd/r; 29-65; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-20MKR; cm-20mkr; 28-82; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung CM-20MVR; cm-20mvr; 28-82; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung MM-1295; mm-1295; 15.0-35.0; 50.0-70.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung MM-14SAE; mm-14sae; 31.5-35.6; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung MM-14SCE; mm-14sce; 31.5-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Tatung; Tatung VM-14AF; vm-14af; 31.5-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Taxan; Ergovision 430LR; taxe430; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Taxan; Ergovision 550TCO95/TCO95-S; taxe550; 30.0-69.0; 55.0-110.0; 1 +Taxan; Ergovision 730TCO95/TCO95-S; taxe730; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Taxan; Ergovision 740TCO95/TCO95-S; taxe740; 30.0-85.0; 55.0-120.0; 1 +Taxan; Ergovision 750TCO95; taxe750; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Taxan; Ergovision 760TCO95/TCO95-S; taxe760; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Taxan; Ergovision 975TCO95; taxe975; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-150.0; 1 +Taxan; Taxan MV_770+; mv_770+; 15.0-37.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Taxan; Taxan MV_795; mv_795; 30.0-57.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Taxan; Taxan MV_875; mv_875; 30.0-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Taxan; Taxan UV_1000; uv_1000; 60.0-72.0; 50.0-80.0; 1 +Taxan; Taxan UV_1095; uv_1095; 28.0-80.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Taxan; Taxan UV_1150; uv_1150; 60.0-78.0; 50.0-80.0; 1 +TECO; TECO TE1438; tei1438; 30-38; 0-100; 0 +TECO; TECO TE1491; te1491; 38.0-80.0; 45.0-100.0; 1 +TECO; TECO TE1591; te1591; 30.0-50.0; 45.0-100.0; 1 +TECO; TECO TE1791; te1791; 30.0-50.0; 45.0-100.0; 1 +TECO; TECO TE2191; te2191; 60.0-66.0; 45.0-100.0; 1 +TECO; TECO TE412; tei0412; 30-57; 50-150; 1 +TECO; TECO TE432; tei0432; 30-65; 50-100; 1 +TECO; TECO TE438; tei0438; 30-38; 0-100; 1 +TECO; TECO TE450; tei0450; 30-50; 50-100; 1 +TECO; TECO TE518; tei0518; 30-69; 50-150; 1 +TECO; TECO TE535; tei0535; 30-65; 50-100; 1 +TECO; TECO TE550; tei0550; 30-50; 50-100; 1 +TECO; TECO TE551; tei0551; 30-54; 50-150; 1 +TECO; TECO TE572; tei0572; 30-72; 50-150; 1 +TECO; TECO TE760; tei0760; 30-65; 50-100; 1 +TECO; TECO TE767; tei0767; 30-69; 50-150; 1 +TECO; TECO TE768; tei0768; 30-86; 50-150; 1 +TECO; TECO TE772; tei0772; 30-72; 50-150; 1 +TECO; TECO TE786; tei0786; 30-86; 50-150; 1 +TECO; TECO TE795; tei0795; 30-96; 50-150; 1 +TECO; TECO TE9516S; tei9516; 30-35; 50-100; 0 +TECO; TECO TE995; tei0995; 30-95; 50-150; 1 +Toshiba; Toshiba DP566M, Equium 15-inch Monitor; tsb5002; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-100.0; 1 +Toshiba; Toshiba DP782M, Equium 17-inch Monitor; tsb5003; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Toshiba; Toshiba DR569M (PV2001U); tsb5004; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Toshiba; Toshiba DR769MF (PV2002U); tsb5005; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-110.0; 1 +Toshiba; Toshiba P17CM00; p17cm00; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Toshiba; Toshiba P17CM01; p17cm01; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Toshiba; Toshiba P17CS01; p17cs01; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Toshiba; Toshiba P17CU01; p17cu01; 30.0-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Toshiba; Toshiba P21CM00; p21cm00; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Toshiba; Toshiba P21CR01; p21cr01; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +Toshiba; Toshiba TOS5082; tos5082; 31.5-48.5; 50.0-70.0; 1 +TPG; TPG 554e; TPG1554; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +TTX; TTX 3435AG; ttx3435ag; 15.5-35.5; 50.0-70.0; 1 +TTX; TTX 3436AG; ttx3436ag; 15.0-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +TTX; TTX 3450AG; ttx3450ag; 20.0-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +TVM; TVM AS4Dp/LR4Dp Model; tvm0487; 30.0-55.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +TVM; TVM AS5S Model; tvm0588; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +TVM; TVM MG-11; mg-11; 15.0-38.0; 47.0-75.0; 1 +TVM; TVM SuperSync 3+; ss_3+; 15.0-38.0; 47.0-90.0; 1 +TVM; TVM SuperSync 4A; ss_4a; 31.0-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +TVM; TVM SuperSync 5A; ss_5a; 31.0-48.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +TVM; TVM SuperSync 6A; ss_6a; 31.0-65.0; 40.0-100.0; 1 +TVM; TVM SuperSync 7A; ss_7a; 31.0-65.0; 40.0-100.0; 1 +TVM; TVM TCO5S Model; tvm0589; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +TVM; TVM TCO6S Model; tvm0688; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +TW Casper; TW Casper TM-5156H; tm-5156h; 15.5-50.0; 60.0-70.0; 1 +TW Casper; TW Casper TM-5414; tm-5414; 15.5-35.0; 50.0-70.0; 1 +Unisys; Unisys EVG-142-COL; unm2014; 30.0-48.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Unisys; Unisys EVG-152-COL; unm2015; 30.0-48.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Unisys; Unisys EVG-153-COL; unm3015; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Unisys; Unisys EVG-174-COL; unm4017; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1 +Unisys; Unisys EVG-215-COL; unm5021; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Unisys; Unisys EVG-300-COL; evg300; 30-62.0; 50-100; 1 +Unisys; Unisys EVG-400-COL; evg400; 30-62.0; 50-100; 1 +Unisys; Unisys EVG-500-COL; evg500; 30-82; 50-120; 1 +Unisys; Unisys EVG1000-E2; unm1002; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-65.0; 1 +Unisys; Unisys EVG2000-E; unm2001; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Unisys; Unisys EVG2000-P; unm2002; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Unisys; Unisys EVG2100-E; unm2101; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-130.0; 1 +Unisys; Unisys EVG2100-P; unm2102; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Unisys; Unisys EVG3000-E; unm3001; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Unisys; Unisys EVG3000-P; unm3002; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Unisys; Unisys EVG3100-E; unm3101; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-75.0; 1 +Unisys; Unisys EVG3100-P; unm3102; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Unisys; Unisys EVG4000-P; unm4002; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Unisys; Unisys EVG5000-P; unm5002; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1 +Unisys; Unisys SVG-100-COL; svg100; 31-38.0; 60-87; 1 +Unisys; Unisys SVG-200-COL; svg200; 31-38.0; 60-87; 1 +Unisys; Unisys SVG-201-COL; svg201; 31-38.0; 60-87; 1 +Unisys; Unisys SVG-250-COL; svg250; 31-38.0; 60-87; 1 +Unisys; Unisys VGA-200-MON; vga200; 31-32; 60-70; 1 +Unisys; Unisys VGA-250-MON; vga250; 31-32; 60-70; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 14ES; vsc3141; 31-51.0; 50-75; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 15; vs_15; 30-64; 50-90; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 15E; vs_15e; 30-62; 50-90; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 15ES-2; vsc3844; 31-62; 50-100; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 15EX; vs_15ex; 30-62; 50-100; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 15G; vs_15g; 30-64; 50-90; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 15G-2; vsc3744; 30-66; 50-100; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 15GA; vsc3644; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 15GA-2; vsc3245; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 15GS; vsc2601; 30-69; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 15GS-2; vsc4439; 30-69; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 15GS-3; vsc3145; 30-69; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 17; vs_17; 30-82; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 17E; vs_17e; 30-64; 50-90; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 17EA; vsc384a; 30-69; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 17G; vs_17g; 30-64; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 17GA; vsc0c1f; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 17GA-2; vsc444a; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 17GS; vsc0c00; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 17GS-2; vsc394a; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 17PS; vsc0c0f; 30-82; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 17PS-2; vsc434a; 30-86; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 20; vs_20; 30-82; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 21; vs_21; 30-82; 50-152; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 21PS; vsc1600; 30-82; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 4; vs_4; 20.0-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 4E; vs_4e; 35.5; 50.0-90.0; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 5; vs_5; 31.0-55.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 5+; vs_5+; 31.0-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 5E; vs_5e; 31.0-60.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 6; vs_6; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 6E; vs_6e; 31.5-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 7; vs_7; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic 8; vs_8; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic A50; vsc5a45; 30-56; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic A70; vsc5a43; 30-70; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic A70f+; VSC9E0B; 30-70; 60-150 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic A70f-2; VSC8E06; 30-70; 50-160 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic A72f-2; VSC8F06; 30-70; 50-160 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic A75f; vsc5841; 30-70; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic A75s; vsc5a42; 30-70; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic A75s-2; vsc8913; 30-70; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic A90; vsc504e; 30-86; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic A90f+; VSC200D; 30-86; 50-150 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic A95f; vsc594d; 30-97; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic airpanel V150; VSCF50B; 30-62; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic AL750; vsc5947; 30-60; 50-75; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic AL950; vsc3858; 30-80; 50-75; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E220; VSC6505; 30-97; 50-160 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E220-2; VSCBD0C; 30-97; 50-180 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E40; vsc4441; 30-54; 55-100; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E40-2; vsc4741; 30-54; 50-100; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E40-3; vsc4943; 30-48; 50-90; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E40-4; vsc0900; 30-48; 50-90; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E40-5; vsc4a42; 30-48; 50-90; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E41; vsc3741; 30-54; 50-100; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E50; vsc4545; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E50-4; VSC8B06; 30-56; 50-120 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E51; vsc3445; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E55-3; VSC5E13; 30-70; 50-160 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E641; vsc3441; 30-54; 50-100; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E641-2; vsc3641; 30-54; 50-100; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E641-3; vsc4541; 30-54; 50-100; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E651; vsc4645; 30-54; 50-100; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E651-2; vsc4d45; 30-50; 50-100; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E651-3; vsc5745; 30-56; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E653; vsc5249; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E653-2; vsc5645; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E653-3; vsc0e00; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E653-4; vsc1300; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E655; vsc3345; 30-65; 50-100; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E655-2; vsc3745; 30-70; 50-100; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E655-3; vsc4945; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E655-4; vsc5845; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E70; vsc5244; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E70-10; VSCF711; 30-72; 50-180 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E70-2; vsc5346; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E70-3; vsc4b41; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E70-4; vsc5041; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E70-7; VSC5007; 30-70; 50-120 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E70-8; VSCE905; 30-70; 50-160 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E70f+; VSC2B0B; 30-70; 60-150 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E70f+-2; VSCD313; 30-70; 50-150 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E70f-2; VSC4E07; 30-70; 50-150 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E70f-3; VSC3908; 30-70; 50-120 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E70f-5/E70fb-5; VSC2011; 30-72; 50-160 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E70fb-2; VSC4F07; 30-70; 50-150 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E71; vsc4e4a; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E75f; VSCD305; 30-86; 50-150 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E771; vsc564a; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E771-2; vsc4844; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E771-4; vsc5941; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E773; vsc5044; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E790; vsc4d4d; 30-95; 50-200; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E790-3; vsce005; 30-95; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E790B; vsc514d; 30-95; 50-200; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E790B-4; vsce405; 30-95; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E810; vsc5251; 30-95; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E90; vsc564e; 30-86; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E90-4; VSCA418; 30-86; 50-180 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E90f+; VSC890E; 30-86; 50-180 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E90f+-3; VSC9517; 30-86; 50-180 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E90fb; VSCA306; 30-86; 50-150 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E90fmb; VSC2408; 30-86; 50-150 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic E92f+; VSC9417; 30-97; 50-180 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic EA771; vsc4d4a; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic EA771B; vsc4244; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic G220f; VSCE709; 30-110; 50-180 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic G220fb; VSCE809; 30-110; 50-180 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic G653; vsc3645; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic G653-2; vsc4745; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic G655; vsc5045; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic G655-3; vsc0400; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic G70f; VSC8D06; 30-70; 50-160 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic G70f-2; VSCEA18; 30-70; 50-160 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic G70fm; VSCD405; 30-70; 50-160 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic G70fmb; VSCC306; 30-70; 50-160 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic G71f+; VSCAC09; 30-70; 50-180 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic G71f+-2; VSC9312; 30-72; 50-160 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic G75f-2; VSCF505; 30-86; 50-180 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic G75f-3; VSC2E0C; 30-86; 50-180 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic G771; vsc4c4a; 30-70; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic G773; vsc524a; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic G773-2; vsc4a44; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic G773-3; vsc5341; 30-70; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic G790; vsc384d; 30-95; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic G790-2; vsc484d; 30-95; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic G800; vsc374d; 30-86; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic G810; vsc3751; 30-89; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic G810-2; vsc4951; 30-92; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic G810-4; vsc5151; 30-97; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic G810-6; VSCC308; 30-97; 50-180 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic G90f+; VSC3513; 30-110; 50-160 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic G90f-2; VSC8A06; 30-97; 50-180 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic G90fB; 0; 30-97; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic G90fb-2; VSC4907; 30-97; 50-180 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic GA655; vsc4145; 30-70; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic GA771; vsc514a; 30-70; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic GF775; vsc5744; 30-86; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic GS771; vsc594a; 30-70; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic GS773; vsc4c44; 30-70; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic GS773-2; vsc0202; 30-70; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic GS790; vsc4f4d; 30-97; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic GT770; vsc424a; 30-65; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic GT775; vsc4b4a; 30-86; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic GT775-3; vsc5944; 30-87; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic GT800; vsc354d; 30-85; 50-150; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic M50; vsc5445; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic M70; vsc5444; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic M70B; vsc4948; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic MB110; vsc4a51; 30-95; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic MB50; vsc4845; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic MB70; vsc4644; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic MB90; vsc444d; 30-95; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic N1700w; VSC5C0B; 24-82; 60-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic N3000w; VSC5A16; 30-83; 59-75; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest 1000S; oqi3234; 48.4; 0-60; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest 1562A-2; oqi3232; 31.5-62; 50-90; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest 1769DC; oqi4637; 30-69; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest Q100; oqi4a31; 30-86; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest Q41; oqi4136; 30-48; 50-90; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest Q51; oqi4435; 30-54; 50-100; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest Q53; oqi4433; 30-70; 50-100; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest Q71; oqi4735; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest Q71-2; oqi4738; 30-70; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest Q71-6; oqie702; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest V115T; oqi4d32; 30-96; 50-150; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest V55; oqi4436; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest V641; oqi4132; 48.36; 60; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest V655; oqi3332; 30-66; 50-100; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest V655-2; oqi4432; 30-65; 50-100; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest V655-3; oqi4434; 30-70; 50-100; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest V73; oqi5634; 30-70; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest V75; oqi4739; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest V773; oqi4733; 30-69; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest V773-2; oqi4736; 30-70; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest V775; oqi3333; 30-82; 50-130; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest V775-2; oqi4732; 30-85; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest V95; oqi4a32; 30-95; 50-150; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest VA656; oqi3138; 30-63; 50-100; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic P220f-3; VSC7F12; 30-110; 50-160 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic P220fb-2; VSC430C; 30-110; 50-180 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic P225f-4; VSCBB0C; 30-127; 50-180 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic P225f-5; VSC8012; 30-127; 50-160 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic P225fb-4; VSCBC0C; 30-127; 50-180 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic P655; vsc4245; 30-70; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic P70f; VSC5107; 30-97; 50-120 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic P75f+; VSC2C09; 30-97; 50-160 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic P775; vsc504a; 30-95; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic P795; vsc424d; 30-107; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic P810; vsc3551; 30-95; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic P810-3; vsc4851; 30-95; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic P810-4; vsc5551; 30-110; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic P810-A; vsc3553; 30-95; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic P810-E; vsc3552; 30-95; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic P810-ER; vsc5235; 30-95; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic P810-MR; vsc5135; 30-95; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic P815; vsc3651; 30-115; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic P815-4; vsc4f51; 30-117; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic P817; vsc4c51; 30-137; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic P817-E; vsc4c52; 30-137; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic P90f; VSC5207; 30-110; 50-180 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic P95f+; VSC2B09; 30-110; 50-160 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic P95f+-2; VSC1114; 30-110; 50-160 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PF775; vsc5a44; 30-96; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PF77a; vscf801; 30-97; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PF77d; vscf901; 30-92; 50-85; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PF790; vsc554d; 30-97; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PF795; vsc4c4d; 30-110; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PF815; vsc5751; 30-117; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PF817; vsc5951; 30-127; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PF97a; vsce505; 30-97; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PF97d; vsce605; 30-92; 50-85; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PJ1000; vsc3454; 31-64; 50-85; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PJ1060; vsc4c56; 25-80; 56-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PJ1200; vsc4654; 24-80; 50-85; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PJ800; vsc3254; 15.75-69; 50-75; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PJ820; vsc3854; 30-69; 50-85; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PJ850; vsc4454; 31-90; 50-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PJ860; vsc4754; 30-60; 56-85; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PJ860-2; vsc4c54; 25-80; 56-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PJL1005; vsc4456; 15-72; 43-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PJL1035; vsc4555; 25-80; 56-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PJL1035-2; vsc4a56; 25-80; 56-120; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PJL802; vsc3554; 31-61; 50-85; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PJL855; vsc4a54; 25-60; 56-85; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PS775; vsc4444; 30-97; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PS775-2; vsc4d44; 30-95; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PS790; vsc434d; 30-95; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PS795; vsc474e; 30-110; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PT770; vsc364a; 30-82; 50-130; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PT771; vsc5a4a; 30-92; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PT775; vsc474a; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PT775-6; vsc4b44; 30-96; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PT795; vsc454d; 30-110; 50-180; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PT810; vsc3351; 30-86; 50-130; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PT810-2; vsc3451; 30-95; 50-130; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PT810-3; vsc3851; 30-96; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic PT813; vsc4151; 30-107; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VA500; VSCF605; 30-60; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VA520; VSCBA07; 30-62; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VA520-2; VSC6A01; 30-62; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VA520-3; VSCF70C; 30-62; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VA550; VSCFA02; 30-62; 50-60 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VA700; VSCF705; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VA702b; VSC231C; 30-82; 50-85; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VA720; VSC6C09; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VA720-2; VSC700B; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VA800; VSCDE00; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic vcdts21367-1; oqi4d31; 30-95; 50-160; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VE150; VSC5547; 30-60; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VE150B; vsc8115; 30-60; 50-75; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VE150m; VSCC203; 30-60; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VE150mb; VSCED05; 30-60; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VE151; vsc5345; 31-61; 56-75; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VE155; VSCB807; 30-60; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VE155b; VSC260A; 30-62; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VE170; VSCA601; 30-80; 50-80 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VE170b; VSCA701; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VE170m; VSCE705; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VE170mb; VSCE805; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VE175; VSEE08 ; 30-80; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VE175-2; VSCC314; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VE175b; VSCE10A; 30-80; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VE175b-2; VSCC414; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VE500; VSC4108; 30-62; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VE500-2; VSCBC17; 30-62; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VE510+; VSC6500; 30-62; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VE700; VSC4308; 24-82; 56-85 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VE800; VSC3A08; 30-80; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG150; vsc5147; 30-62; 50-60; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG150m; VSCFC09; 30-62; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG150m-2; VSC4811; 30-62; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG150mb; VSCFD09; 30-62; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG151; vsc5a47; 24.8-61; 56-75; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG151b; VSCDA06; 30-62; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG171; 9E06 ; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG171b; VSCD906; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG175; VSCDD00; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG180; vsc464d; 30-80; 60-85; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG180-2; vsc464e; 30-80; 56-85; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG180-3; vsc7517; 30-82; 50-75; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG181; VSC7517; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG181b; VSCD806; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG191; VSC2007; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG191b; VSC2107; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG500; VSC3D08; 30-62; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG500-2; VSCF118; 30-62; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG500b; VSCB40A; 30-62; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG700; VSC3E08; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG700b; VSC9D0E; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG700b-2; VSCB50B; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG710b; VSCA318; 30-82; 50-85 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG710s; VSCA218; 30-82; 50-85 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG750; VSC3F08; 24-82; 56-85 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG800; VSC6F08; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG800-2; VSCF311; 30-83; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG800b; VSC230E; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG800b-2; VSCF411; 30-83; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG810b; VSCC018; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG810s; VSCBF18; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG900b; VSC240E; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG910b; VSCDB18; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG910s; VSCDA18; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VP140; vsc3541; 30-61; 50-77; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VP140-2; vsc4841; 30-60; 50-75; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VP140-3; vsc7d15; 30-62; 50-75; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VP150; vsc3845; 30-61; 50-77; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VP151; vsc5945; 30-94; 50-85; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VP171b; VSC0C11; 30-82; 50-85 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VP171s; VSCB716; 30-82; 50-85 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VP181; vsc574d; 30-95; 50-75; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VP181b-2; VSC6711; 30-92; 50-85 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VP181s; VSCB816; 30-92; 50-85 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VP190; vsc474d; 30-82; 50-77; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VP191b; VSC0E11; 30-82; 50-85 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VP191s; VSCB916; 30-82; 50-85 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VP201b; VSC6911; 30-95; 50-85 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VP201m; VSC5404; 30-82; 50-85 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VP201mb; VSCEB04; 30-82; 50-85 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VP201s; VSC0C18; 30-95; 50-85 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VP2030; VSC131C; 30-92; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VP211b; VSC6A11; 30-95; 50-85 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VP230mb; VSC7203; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VPA138; vsc4141; 30-62; 50-75; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VPA145; vsc3941; 30-62; 50-75; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VPA150; vsc4345; 30-62; 50-75; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VPD150; vsc4b47; 48; 60; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VPD180; vsc4b49; 64; 60; 1 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VT550; VSCB711; 30-62; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VX2000; VSC4208; 30-82; 50-85 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VX2025wm; 0; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VX500+; VSCF008; 30-62; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VX500-2; VSCCB0F; 30-80; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VX700; VSC6206; 24-82; 56-85 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VX700-2; VSCEF08; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VX700-3; VSC8F11; 30-83; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VX800; VSC0B07; 24-82; 56-85 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VX800-2; VSC8209; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VX800-3; VSCF511; 30-83; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VX900; VSC0B08; 30-82; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VX900-2; VSC9011; 30-83; 50-75 +ViewSonic; ViewSonic VX910; VSC3C19; 30-82; 50-85; 1 +Vobis; Vobis Highscreen MS 1795P; VOB0c7c; 30-82; 47-120 +WYSE; WYSE WY-670; wy-670; 34.0-38.0; 55.0-87.0; 1 +WYSE; WYSE WY-890N; wy-890n; 38.5-51.0; 58.0-77.0; 1 +Yakumo Electronics; Yakumo OF1564 DO; yak6146; 30-64; 50-100; 1 +Zenith; Zenith ZCM-1411; 0; 35.587; 86.96; 1 +Zenith; Zenith ZCM-1426; 0; 35.587; 86.96; 1 +Zenith; Zenith ZCM-1440; 0; 30.0-62; 48-100; 1 +Zenith; Zenith ZCM-1450; 0; 30.0-60; 48-90; 1 +Zenith; Zenith ZCM-1520; 0; 30.0-64; 50-100; 1 +Zenith; Zenith ZCM-1522; 0; 30.0-64; 50-120; 1 +Zenith; Zenith ZCM-1540; 0; 30.0-62; 48-100; 1 +Zenith; Zenith ZCM-1550; 0; 31.0-65.0; 55-100; 1 +Zenith; Zenith ZCM-1740; 0; 31.0-82; 50-100; 1 +Zenith; Zenith ZCM-1750; 0; 30.0-85; 50-100; 1 diff --git a/README b/README new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2ddfa28 --- /dev/null +++ b/README @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +To update the various IDs files, run 'make download'. + +MonitorsDB is woefully inadequate as a format. You are encouraged not to +rely on it. diff --git a/blacklist.conf b/blacklist.conf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a1e3466 --- /dev/null +++ b/blacklist.conf @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +# +# Listing a module here prevents the hotplug scripts from loading it. +# Usually that'd be so that some other driver will bind it instead, +# no matter which driver happens to get probed first. Sometimes user +# mode tools can also control driver binding. +# +# Syntax: see modprobe.conf(5). +# + +# watchdog drivers +blacklist i8xx_tco + +# framebuffer drivers +blacklist aty128fb +blacklist atyfb +blacklist radeonfb +blacklist i810fb +blacklist cirrusfb +blacklist intelfb +blacklist kyrofb +blacklist i2c-matroxfb +blacklist hgafb +blacklist nvidiafb +blacklist rivafb +blacklist savagefb +blacklist sstfb +blacklist neofb +blacklist tridentfb +blacklist tdfxfb +blacklist virgefb +blacklist vga16fb +blacklist viafb + +# ISDN - see bugs 154799, 159068 +blacklist hisax +blacklist hisax_fcpcipnp + +# sound drivers +blacklist snd-pcsp + +# I/O dynamic configuration support for s390x (bz #563228) +blacklist chsc_sch diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100755 index 0000000..c0f8a39 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python + +import re +import sys + +# Check that the sorting order is preserved in pci.ids + +vendor_id = None +device_id = None +lineno = 1 + +file = open("pci.ids") +hexnum = '([0-9a-fA-F]{4})' +desc = '(.*\S)' + +for line in file: + + m = re.match(hexnum + '\s+' + desc, line) + if m: + new_id = int('0x' + (1), 16) + if new_id <= vendor_id: + print ("%d: Vendor ID (0x%04x) is less that previous ID (0x%04x)" % + (lineno, new_id, vendor_id)) + sys.exit (-1) + + vendor_id = new_id + device_id = -1 + + m = re.match('\t' + hexnum + '\s+' + desc, line) + if m: + new_id = int('0x' + (1), 16) + if new_id <= device_id: + print ("%d: Device ID (0x%04x) is less that previous ID (0x%04x)" % + (lineno, new_id, device_id)) + sys.exit (-1) + + device_id = new_id + + lineno = lineno + 1 diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100755 index 0000000..72c19f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +#!/usr/bin/python + +f = open("MonitorsDB", "r") +out = open("MonitorsDBOut", "w") + +monIds = dict() + +for line in f.readlines(): + if len(line.strip()) and not line.strip().startswith('#'): + values = map(lambda x: x.strip(), line.split(';')) + if len(values) < 5: + print "This line contains two few values\n%s" % line + manufacturer = values[0] + model = values[1] + monId = values[2] + vGh = values[3] + hGh = values[4] + if len(manufacturer) == 0: + print "This line doesn't contain Manufacturer\t%s" % line + continue + if len(model) == 0: + print "This line contains empty model\t%s" % line + continue + if len(monId) == 0 or monId == "0": + print "This line contains empty monitor Id\n%s" % line + continue + if len(vGh) == 0 or len(hGh) == 0: + print "This line contains wrong Gh\t%s" % line + continue + if monIds.has_key(monId): + print "Two line have the same monitor Ids\n%s%s" % (monIds[monId], line) + continue + else: + monIds[monId] = line + out.write(line) +f.close() +out.close() + diff --git a/hwdata.spec b/hwdata.spec new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6b13456 --- /dev/null +++ b/hwdata.spec @@ -0,0 +1,781 @@ +Name: hwdata +Summary: Hardware identification and configuration data +Version: 0.232 +Release: 1%{?dist} +License: GPLv2+ +Group: System Environment/Base +Source: hwdata-%{version}.tar.bz2 +URL: +BuildArch: noarch +Conflicts: Xconfigurator, system-config-display < 1.0.31, pcmcia-cs, kudzu < 1.2.0 +Requires: module-init-tools >= 3.2 +BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n) + +%description +hwdata contains various hardware identification and configuration data, +such as the pci.ids database and MonitorsDb databases. + +%prep + +%setup -q + +%build +# nothing to build + +%install +rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT +make install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT + +%clean +rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT + +%files +%defattr(-,root,root) +%doc LICENSE COPYING +%dir %{_datadir}/%{name} +%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf +%{_datadir}/%{name}/* + +%changelog +* Thu Aug 05 2010 Karsten Hopp 0.232-1 +- update usb.ids, out.txt and pci.ids (#550020, #611860) +- fix incorrect syntax doc/comment in blacklist.conf (Ville Skyttä, #532802) +- add Acer B243HL and BenQ G2420HDBL (Ville Skyttä, #590787) +- add HP LP2475w and Samsung 2494HM (Ville Skyttä, #595059) + + + + + +* Tue May 25 2010 Phil Knirsch 0.230-1 +- update usb.ids, out.txt and pci.ids +- Resolves: #584788 + +* Mon Mar 29 2010 Karsten Hopp 0.229-1 +- update usb.ids, out.txt and pci.ids for F-13 (#571914) + +* Wed Mar 17 2010 Phil Knirsch 0.228-1 +- Blacklist chsc_sch for s390x +- Resolves: #563228 + +* Mon Feb 22 2010 Karsten Hopp 0.227-1 +- update usb.ids, pci.ids, oui.txt +- update license + +* Tue Feb 23 2010 Dave Airlie 0.227-1 +- add viafb to blacklist + +* Fri Jan 15 2010 Karsten Hopp 0.226-1 +- update release number + +* Fri Jan 15 2010 Karsten Hopp 0.225-4 +- update usb.ids pci.ids oui.txt + +* Mon Nov 30 2009 Dennis Gregorovic - 0.225-3.1 +- Rebuilt for RHEL 6 + +* Fri Jul 24 2009 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.225-3 +- Rebuilt for + +* Tue Jul 07 2009 Adam Jackson 0.225-2 +- pnp-dell.patch: Fix Dell's entry in pnp.ids + +* Thu Apr 09 2009 Adam Jackson 0.224-1 +- Update pci.ids, usb.ids, and oui.txt +- Add pnp.ids + +* Thu Mar 19 2009 Karsten Hopp 0.223-1 +- update usb.ids pci.ids oui.txt +- rename /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf + +* Wed Jan 28 2009 Karsten Hopp 0.222-1 +- update usb.ids pci.ids oui.txt and build for all current releases + Fixes p.e. #465440 + +* Wed Jan 21 2009 Karsten Hopp 0.221-1 +- update usb.ids pci.ids oui.txt + +* Tue Dec 02 2008 Karsten Hopp 0.220-1 +- add new monitor entries from Mandriva hardware database (Thierry Vignaud) +- make generic entries have properly formated frequencies (Thierry Vignaud) +- remove duplicate Dell monitor entries (Thierry Vignaud) +- more vendor name fixes +- fix extra field in 'Compudyne KD-1500N' definition (Thierry Vignaud) +- make Dell monitors case consistent (Thierry Vignaud) +- make all GoldStar monitors have the same vendor name (Thierry Vignaud) +- add URL of git repository +- fix spacing (Thierry Vignaud) +- sort MonitorDB file with LANG=C sort -f -t ";" -k1,2 +- add Samsung SyncMaster 2443BWX (Marc van den Dikkenberg) +- add some Lenovo monitors (Im Sza) + +* Wed Jul 23 2008 Karsten Hopp 0.220-1 +- update pci.ids, usb.ids, oui.txt +- MonitorsDB: add some Samsung monitors (Ronald Warsow) +- MonitorsDB: add Dell E1609W (Matt Domsch) +- MonitorsDB: add 7 Dell monitors (Matt Domsch) +- MonitorsDB: add a bunch of Hyundai and ImageQuest monitors + +* Mon Jun 09 2008 Karsten Hopp 0.219-1 +- add BenQ FP2091 monitor (Peter Williams) +- add a bunch of Hyundai and ImageQuest monitors + +* Mon Jun 02 2008 Karsten Hopp 0.219-1 +- update pci.ids, usb.ids, oui.txt +- blacklist snd-pcsp (#448425) + +* Mon May 19 2008 Karsten Hopp 0.218-1 +- add some Acer monitors (Im Sz) + +* Tue Apr 01 2008 Karsten Hopp 0.217-1 +- update pci.ids, oui.txt +- update usb.ids, fixes #439963 +- add HP w1907 LCD monitor, fixes #431359 +- fix many monitor entries (Stanislav Ievlev, #430276) + + +* Wed Mar 03 2008 Karsten Hopp 0.216-1 +- update pci.ids, usb.ids (#431658) + +* Tue Jan 29 2008 Phil Knirsch 0.215-1 +- Pull new upstream pci.ids + +* Wed Jan 23 2008 Karsten Hopp 0.215-1 +- add HP W2207 monitor +- add oui.txt, a list of bluetooth device makers + +* Fri Jan 18 2008 Karsten Hopp 0.214-1 +- remove MonitorsDB.generic as it isn't used anywhere +- drop RHEL-5 blacklist patch in -devel + +* Tue Jan 15 2008 Karsten Hopp 0.213-1 +- add many monitor entries (Im Sza, #367111) + +* Fri Jan 11 2008 Karsten Hopp 0.212-1 +- pull new upstream pci.ids, usb.ids +- Resolves: #300831 +- added HP TFT5600 LCD Monitor +- Resolves: #250569 +- added Acer AL1916W, Eizo L568/L568D, Samsung 795DF +- Resolves: #250582 +- Add Samsung 205BW/206BW/225BW/226BW +- Resolves: #250584 +- Add Samsung 931BF +- Resolves: #250587 + +* Sat Dec 22 2007 Karsten Hopp 0.209-1 +- add Proview 926w monitor (#363091) + +* Sat Dec 22 2007 Karsten Hopp 0.208-1 +- new release +- drop dell-monitors patch, already included in tarball + +* Thu Dec 13 2007 Karsten Hopp 0.207-3 +- fix License tag +- add empty %%build section for fedora-review + +* Thu Oct 25 2007 Matt Domsch 0.207-2 +- MonitorsDB: add 20 new Dell monitors + +* Wed Sep 26 2007 Karsten Hopp 0.211-1 +- pull new upstream pci.ids, usb.ids + +* Thu Sep 20 2007 Karsten Hopp 0.210-1 +- add for Chelsio 10GbE Ethernet Adapter +- Resolves: bz #296811 + +* Wed Sep 19 2007 Karsten Hopp 0.209-1 +- pull new upstream pci.ids, usb.ids + +* Wed Aug 29 2007 Karsten Hopp 0.207-1 +- update license tag + +* Wed Aug 15 2007 Karsten Hopp 0.207-1 +- pull new upstream pci.ids and rebuild +- Resolves: bz #251732 +- Resolves: bz #251734 +- Resolves: bz #252195 +- Resolves: bz #252196 +- Resolves: bz #241274 + +* Tue Aug 14 2007 Karsten Hopp 0.205-1 +- add HP TFT5600 #229370 + +* Mon Jul 09 2007 Karsten Hopp 0.205-1 +- enable iwl4965 blacklist +- Resolves: bz#245379 + +* Mon Jun 25 2007 Karsten Hopp 0.205-1 +- really update pci.ids, update-pciids downloaded an old file +- disable iwl4965 blacklist as it is not approved yet (#245379) + +* Mon Jun 25 2007 Karsten Hopp 0.202-1 +- don't load iwl4965 module automatically +- Resolves: #245379 + +* Tue Jun 19 2007 Karsten Hopp 0.201-1 +- add some monitors +- Resolves: #224511 +- update pci.ids +- Related: #223105 + +* Tue Jan 02 2007 Karsten Hopp 0.194-1 +- Update to latest pci.ids/usb.ids for RHEL5 +- Resolves: #220182 + Add some Dell monitors to MonitorDB + +* Mon Oct 09 2006 Phil Knirsch - 0.191-1 +- Update to latest pci.ids for RHEL5 + +* Thu Sep 21 2006 Adam Jackson - 0.190-1 +- Add a description for the 'intel' driver. + +* Mon Sep 18 2006 Phil Knirsch - 0.189-1 +- Updated usb.ids for FC6 + +* Mon Sep 11 2006 Phil Knirsch - 0.188-1 +- Update of pci.ids for FC6 + +* Thu Aug 31 2006 Adam Jackson - 0.187-1 +- Fix sync ranges for Samsung SyncMaster 710N (#202344) + +* Thu Aug 03 2006 Phil Knirsch - 0.186-1 +- Updated pci.ids once more. + +* Tue Jul 25 2006 Phil Knirsch - 0.185-1 +- Added the 17inch Philips LCD monitor entry (#199828) + +* Mon Jul 24 2006 Phil Knirsch - 0.184-1 +- Added one more entry for missing Philips LCD monitor (#199828) + +* Tue Jul 18 2006 Phil Knirsch - 0.183-1 +- Updated pci.ids before FC6 final (#198994) +- Added several missing Samsung monitors (#197463) +- Included a new from Matt Domsch (#158723) + +* Tue Jul 11 2006 Adam Jackson - 0.182-1 +- Added ast driver description to videodrivers +- Numerous Dell monitor additions (#196734) +- Numerous Belinea monitor additions (#198087) + +* Sat Jul 8 2006 Adam Jackson - 0.181-1 +- Updated videodrivers to mention i945 +- New monitors: Sony CPD-G420 (#145902), Compaq P1110 (#155120). + +* Thu May 11 2006 Phil Knirsch - 0.180-1 +- Updated and added some MonitorsDB entries + +* Tue May 02 2006 Phil Knirsch - 0.179-1 +- Updated PCI ids from upstream (#180402) +- Fixed missing monitor entry in MonitorsDB (#189446) + +* Wed Mar 01 2006 Phil Knirsch - 0.178-1 +- Commented out the VT lines at the end of usb.ids as our tools don't handle + them properly. + +* Fri Feb 24 2006 Bill Nottingham - 0.177-1 +- remove stock videoaliases in favor of driver-specific ones in + the X driver packages + +* Wed Feb 22 2006 Phil Knirsch - 0.176-1 +- More entries from Dell to MonitorsDB (#181008) + +* Fri Feb 10 2006 Phil Knirsch - 0.175-1 +- Added a few more entries to MonitorsDB + +* Wed Feb 01 2006 Phil Knirsch - 0.174-1 +- Some cleanup and adds to the MonitorDB which closes several db related bugs. + +* Tue Dec 13 2005 Bill Nottingham - 0.173-1 +- add some IDs to the generic display entries for matching laptops + +* Fri Nov 18 2005 Bill Nottingham - 0.172-1 +- ditto for radeon + +* Fri Nov 18 2005 Jeremy Katz - 0.171-1 +- r128 -> ati. should fix the unresolved symbol and kem says its more + generally the "right" thing to do + +* Wed Nov 16 2005 Bill Nottingham - 0.170-1 +- handle mptsas for migration as well +- move videoaliases file to a subdir + +* Fri Sep 16 2005 Bill Nottingham +- add Iiyama monitor (#168143) + +* Tue Sep 13 2005 Bill Nottingham +- add IBM monitor (#168080) + +* Thu Sep 8 2005 Bill Nottingham - 0.169-1 +- remove Cards, pcitable. Add videodrivers + +* Fri Sep 2 2005 Dan Williams - 0.168-1 +- Add more Gateway monitors + +* Fri Sep 2 2005 Dan Williams - 0.167-1 +- Add some ADI monitors, one BenQ, and and DPMS codes for two Apples + +* Fri Sep 2 2005 Bill Nottingham - 0.166-1 +- add videoaliases file +- remove CardMonitorCombos, as nothing uses it + +* Thu Aug 25 2005 Dan Williams - 0.165-1 +- Add a bunch of Acer monitors + +* Tue Aug 9 2005 Jeremy Katz - 0.164-1 +- migrate sk98lin -> skge + +* Sat Jul 30 2005 Bill Nottingham +- migrate mpt module names (#161420) +- remove pcitable entries for drivers in modules.pcimap +- switch lone remaining 'Server' entry - that can't work right + +* Tue Jul 26 2005 Bill Nottingham +- add Daytek monitor (#164339) + +* Wed Jul 13 2005 Bill Nottingham - 0.162-1 +- remove /etc/pcmcia/config, conflict with pcmcia-cs + +* Fri Jul 7 2005 Bill Nottingham - 0.160-1 +- move blacklist to /etc/modprobe.d, require new module-init-tools +- add LG monitors (#162466, #161734) +- add orinoco card (#161696) +- more mptfusion stuff (#107088) + +* Thu Jun 23 2005 Bill Nottingham +- add Samsung monitor (#161013) + +* Wed Jun 22 2005 Bill Nottingham - 0.159-1 +- pcitable: make branding happy (#160047) +- Cards: add required blank line (#157972) +- add some monitors +- add JVC CD-ROM (#160907, ) +- add hisax stuff to blacklist (#154799, #159068) + +* Mon May 16 2005 Bill Nottingham - 0.158-1 +- add a orinoco card (#157482) + +* Thu May 5 2005 Jeremy Katz - 0.157-1 +- add 20" Apple Cinema Display + +* Sun Apr 10 2005 Mike A. Harris 0.156-1 +- Update SiS entries in Cards/pcitable to match what Xorg X11 6.8.2 supports + +* Wed Mar 30 2005 Dan Williams 0.155-1 +- Add a boatload of BenQ, Acer, Sony, NEC, Mitsubishi, and Dell monitors + +* Wed Mar 30 2005 Dan Williams 0.154-1 +- Add Typhoon Speednet Wireless PCMCIA Card mapping to atmel_cs driver + +* Mon Mar 28 2005 Bill Nottingham 0.153-1 +- update the framebuffer blacklist + +* Wed Mar 9 2005 Bill Nottingham 0.152-1 +- fix qlogic driver mappings, add upgradelist mappings for the modules + that changed names (#150621) + +* Wed Mar 2 2005 Mike A. Harris 0.151-1 +- Added one hundred billion new nvidia PCI IDs to pcitable and Cards to + synchronize it with X.Org X11 6.8.2. (#140601) + +* Tue Jan 11 2005 Dan Williams - 0.150-1 +- Add Dell UltraSharp 1704FPV (Analog & Digital) + +* Sun Nov 21 2004 Bill Nottingham - 0.148-1 +- add Amptron monitors (#139142) + +* Wed Nov 10 2004 Bill Nottingham - 0.147-1 +- update usb.ids (#138533) +- migrate dpt_i2o to i2o_block (#138603) + +* Tue Nov 9 2004 Bill Nottingham - 0.146-1 +- update pci.ids (#138233) +- add Apple monitors (#138481) + +* Wed Oct 20 2004 Bill Nottingham - 0.145-1 +- remove ahci mappings, don't prefer it over ata_piix + +* Tue Oct 19 2004 Kristian Høgsberg - 0.144-1 +- update IDs for Cirrus, Trident, C&T, and S3 + +* Tue Oct 12 2004 Bill Nottingham - 0.143-1 +- add ahci mappings to prefer it over ata_piix +- map davej's ancient matrox card to vesa (#122750) + +* Thu Oct 7 2004 Dan Williams - 0.141-1 +- Add Belkin F5D6020 ver.2 (802.11b card based on Atmel chipset) + +* Fri Oct 1 2004 Bill Nottingham - 0.140-1 +- include /etc/hotplug/blacklist here + +* Thu Sep 30 2004 Bill Nottingham - 0.136-1 +- add S3 UniChrome (#131403) +- update pci.ids + +* Thu Sep 23 2004 Bill Nottingham - 0.135-1 +- megaraid -> megaraid_mbox + +* Wed Sep 22 2004 Bill Nottingham - 0.134-1 +- map ncr53c8xx to sym53c8xx (#133181) + +* Fri Sep 17 2004 Bill Nottingham - 0.132-1 +- fix 3Ware 9000 mapping (#132851) + +* Tue Sep 14 2004 Kristian Høgsberg - 0.131-1 +- Add python script to check sorting of pci.ids + +* Thu Sep 9 2004 Kristian Høgsberg 0.131-1 +- Add pci ids and cards for new ATI, NVIDIA and Intel cards + +* Sat Sep 4 2004 Bill Nottingham 0.130-1 +- trim pcitable - now just ids/drivers + +* Wed Sep 1 2004 Bill Nottingham 0.125-1 +- pci.ids updates +- remove updsftab.conf.* + +* Sun Aug 29 2004 Mike A. Harris 0.124-1 +- Updates to pcitable/Cards for 'S3 Trio64 3D' cards. (#125866,59956) + +* Fri Jul 9 2004 Mike A. Harris 0.123-1 +- Quick pcitable/Cards update for ATI Radeon and FireGL boards + +* Mon Jun 28 2004 Bill Nottingham +- add Proview monitor (#125853) +- add ViewSonic monitor (#126324) +- add a Concord camera (#126673) + +* Wed Jun 23 2004 Brent Fox - 0.122-1 +- Add Vobis monitor to MonitorsDB (bug #124151) + +* Wed Jun 09 2004 Dan Williams - 0.121-1 +- add Belkin F5D5020 10/100 PCMCIA card (#125581) + +* Fri May 28 2004 Bill Nottingham +- add modem (#124663) + +* Mon May 24 2004 Bill Nottingham - 0.120-1 +- mainly: + fix upgradelist module for CMPci cards (#123647) +- also: + add another wireless card (#122676) + add wireless card (#122625) + add 1280x800 (#121548) + add 1680x1050 (#121148) + add IntelligentStick (#124313) + +* Mon May 10 2004 Jeremy Katz - 0.119-1 +- veth driver is iseries_veth in 2.6 + +* Wed May 5 2004 Jeremy Katz - 0.118-1 +- add a wireless card (#122064) +- and a monitor (#121696) + +* Fri Apr 16 2004 Bill Nottingham 0.117-1 +- fix makefile + +* Thu Apr 15 2004 Bill Nottingham 0.116-1 +- move updfstab.conf here +- add wireless card (#116865) +- add laptop display panel (#117385) +- add clipdrive (#119928) +- add travelling disk (#119143) +- add NEXDISK (#106782) + +* Thu Apr 15 2004 Brent Fox 0.115-1 +- replace snd-es1960 driver with snd-es1968 in pcitable (bug #120729) + +* Mon Mar 29 2004 Bill Nottingham 0.114-1 +- fix entries pointing to Banshee (#119388) + +* Tue Mar 16 2004 Bill Nottingham 0.113-1 +- add a Marvell sk98lin card (#118467, <>) + +* Fri Mar 12 2004 Brent Fox 0.112-1 +- add a Sun flat panel to MonitorsDB (bug #118138) + +* Fri Mar 5 2004 Brent Fox 0.111-1 +- add Samsung monitor to MonitorsDB (bug #112112) + +* Mon Mar 1 2004 Mike A. Harris 0.110-1 +- Added 3Dfx Voodoo Graphics and Voodoo II entries to the Cards database, both + pointing to Alan Cox's new "voodoo" driver which is now included in XFree86 + 4.3.0-62 and later builds in Fedora development. Mapped their PCI IDs to + the new Cards entry in pcitable. +- Updated the entries for 3Dfx Banshee + +* Mon Feb 23 2004 Bill Nottingham 0.109-1 +- pci.ids and other updates + +* Thu Feb 19 2004 Mike A. Harris 0.108-1 +- Added Shamrock C407L to MonitorsDB for bug (#104920) + +* Thu Feb 19 2004 Mike A. Harris 0.107-1 +- Massive Viewsonic monitor update for MonitorsDB (#84882) + +* Fri Feb 13 2004 John Dennis 0.106-1 +- fix typo, GP should have been HP + +* Thu Jan 29 2004 Bill Nottingham 0.105-1 +- many monitor updates (#114260, #114216, #113993, #113932, #113782, + #113685, #113523, #111203, #107788, #106526, #63005) +- add some PCMCIA cards (#113006, #112505) + +* Tue Jan 20 2004 Bill Nottingham 0.104-1 +- switch sound module mappings to alsa drivers + +* Mon Jan 19 2004 Brent Fox 0.103-1 +- fix tab spacing + +* Fri Jan 16 2004 Brent Fox 0.102-1 +- added an entry for ATI Radeon 9200SE (bug #111306) + +* Sun Oct 26 2003 Jeremy Katz 0.101-1 +- add 1920x1200 Generic LCD as used on some Dell laptops (#108006) + +* Thu Oct 16 2003 Brent Fox 0.100-1 +- add entry for Sun (made by Samsung) monitor (bug #107128) + +* Tue Sep 23 2003 Mike A. Harris 0.99-1 +- Added entries for Radeon 9600/9600Pro/9800Pro to Cards +- Fixed minor glitch in pcitable for Radeon 9500 Pro + +* Tue Sep 23 2003 Jeremy Katz 0.98-1 +- add VMWare display adapter pci id and map to vmware X driver + +* Thu Sep 11 2003 Bill Nottingham 0.97-1 +- bcm4400 -> b44 + +* Sun Sep 7 2003 Bill Nottingham 0.96-1 +- fix provided Dell tweaks (#103892) + +* Fri Sep 5 2003 Bill Nottingham 0.95-1 +- Dell tweaks (#103861) + +* Fri Sep 5 2003 Bill Nottingham 0.94-1 +- add adaptec pci id (#100844) + +* Thu Sep 4 2003 Brent Fox 0.93-1 +- add an SGI monitor for bug (#74870) + +* Wed Aug 27 2003 Bill Nottingham 0.92-1 +- updates from pci.ids, update pcitable accordingly + +* Mon Aug 18 2003 Mike A. Harris 0.91-1 +- Added HP monitors for bug (#102495) + +* Fri Aug 15 2003 Brent Fox 0.90-1 +- added a sony monitor (bug #101550) + +* Tue Jul 15 2003 Bill Nottingham 0.89-1 +- updates from modules.pcimap + +* Sat Jul 12 2003 Mike A. Harris 0.88-1 +- Update MonitorsDB for new IBM monitors from upstream XFree86 bugzilla: + + +* Mon Jun 9 2003 Bill Nottingham 0.87-1 +- fusion update + +* Mon Jun 9 2003 Jeremy Katz 0.86-1 +- pci id for ata_piix + +* Wed Jun 4 2003 Brent Fox 0.85-1 +- correct entry for Dell P991 monitor + +* Tue Jun 3 2003 Bill Nottingham 0.84-1 +- fix qla2100 mapping (#91476) +- add dell mappings (#84069) + +* Mon Jun 2 2003 John Dennis +- Add new Compaq and HP monitors - bug 90570, bug 90707, bug 90575, IT 17231 + +* Wed May 21 2003 Brent Fox 0.81-1 +- add an entry for SiS 650 video card (bug #88271) + +* Wed May 21 2003 Michael Fulbright 0.80-1 +- Changed Generic monitor entries in MonitorsDB to being in LCD and CRT groups + +* Tue May 20 2003 Bill Nottingham 0.79-1 +- pci.ids and usb.ids updates + +* Tue May 6 2003 Brent Fox 0.78-1 +- added a Samsung monitor to MonitorsDB + +* Fri May 2 2003 Bill Nottingham +- add Xircom wireless airo_cs card (#90099) + +* Fri Apr 18 2003 Jeremy Katz 0.77-1 +- add generic framebuffer to Cards + +* Mon Mar 17 2003 Mike A. Harris 0.76-1 +- Updated MonitorsDb for Dell monitors (#86072) + +* Tue Feb 18 2003 Mike A. Harris 0.75-1 +- Change savage MX and IX driver default back to "savage" for the 1.1.27t + driver update + +* Tue Feb 18 2003 Brent Fox 0.74-1 +- Use full resolution description for Dell laptop screens (bug #80398) + +* Thu Feb 13 2003 Mike A. Harris 0.73-1 +- Updated pcitable and Cards database to fix Savage entries up a bit, and + change default Savage/MX driver to 'vesa' as it is hosed and with no sign + of working in time for 4.3.0. Fixes (#72476,80278,80346,80423,82394) + +* Wed Feb 12 2003 Brent Fox 0.72-1 +- slightly alter the sync rates for the Dell 1503FP (bug #84123) + +* Tue Feb 11 2003 Bill Nottingham 0.71-1 +- large pcitable and pci.ids updates +- more tg3, e100 + +* Mon Feb 10 2003 Mike A. Harris 0.69-1 +- Updated pcitable and Cards database for new Intel i852/i855/i865 support + +* Mon Feb 10 2003 Mike A. Harris 0.68-1 +- Massive update of all ATI video hardware PCI IDs in pcitable and a fair + number of additions and corrections to the Cards database as well + +* Wed Jan 29 2003 Brent Fox 0.67-1 +- change refresh rates of sny0000 monitors to use a low common denominator + +* Wed Jan 29 2003 Bill Nottingham 0.66-1 +- don't force DRI off on R200 (#82957) + +* Fri Jan 24 2003 Mike A. Harris 0.65-1 +- Added Card:S3 Trio64V2 (Unsupported RAMDAC) entry to pcitable, pci.ids, and + Cards database to default this particular variant to "vesa" driver (#81659) + +* Thu Jan 2 2003 Bill Nottingham 0.64-1 +- pci.ids and associated pcitable updates + +* Sun Dec 29 2002 Mike A. Harris 0.63-1 +- Updates for GeForce 2 Go, GeForce 4 (#80209) + +* Thu Dec 12 2002 Jeremy Katz 0.62-2 +- fix Cards for NatSemi Geode + +* Thu Dec 12 2002 Jeremy Katz 0.62-1 +- use e100 instead of eepro100 for pcmcia + +* Mon Nov 25 2002 Mike A. Harris +- Complete reconstruction of all Neomagic hardware entries in Cards + database to reflect current XFree86, as well as pcitable update, + and submitted cleaned up entries to sourceforge + +* Mon Nov 4 2002 Bill Nottingham 0.61-1 +- move pcmcia config file here +- sort MonitorsDB, add some entries, remove dups +- switch some network driver mappings + +* Tue Sep 24 2002 Bill Nottingham 0.48-1 +- broadcom 5704 mapping +- aic79xx (#73781) + +* Thu Sep 5 2002 Bill Nottingham 0.47-1 +- pci.ids updates +- add msw's wireless card + +* Tue Sep 3 2002 Jeremy Katz 0.46-1 +- Card entries in pcitable need matching in Cards + +* Sun Sep 1 2002 Mike A. Harris 0.45-1 +- Update G450 entry in Cards + +* Tue Aug 13 2002 Bill Nottingham 0.44-1 +- fix some of the Dell entries +- add cardbus controller id (#71198) +- add audigy mapping +- add NEC monitor (#71320) + +* Tue Aug 13 2002 Preston Brown 0.43-1 +- for SMC wireless PCI card (#67346) + +* Sat Aug 10 2002 Mike A. Harris 0.42-1 +- Change default driver for old S3 based "Miro" card for bug (#70743) + +* Fri Aug 9 2002 Preston Brown 0.41-1 +- fix tabs in pci.ids +- Change pci ids for the PowerEdge 4 series again... + +* Tue Aug 6 2002 Preston Brown 0.39-1 +- Dell PERC and SCSI additions + +* Tue Aug 6 2002 Mike A. Harris 0.38-1 +- Removed and/or invalid entries from Cards database BLOCKER (#70802) + +* Mon Aug 5 2002 Mike A. Harris 0.37-1 +- Changed Matrox G450 driver default options to fix bug (#66697) +- Corrected S3 Trio64V2 bug in Cards file (#66492) + +* Tue Jul 30 2002 Bill Nottingham 0.36-1 +- tweaks for Dell Remote Assisstant cards (#60376) + +* Thu Jul 26 2002 Mike A. Harris 0.35-1 +- Updated Cards db for CT69000 +- Various ATI cleanups and additions to Cards and pcitable +- Updated S3 Trio3D to default to "vesa" driver (#59956) + +* Tue Jul 23 2002 Bill Nottingham 0.33-1 +- Eizo monitor updates (#56080, ) +- pci.ids updates, corresponding pcitable updates +- pcilint for pcitable + +* Fri Jun 28 2002 Bill Nottingham 0.32-1 +- switch de4x5 back to tulip + +* Mon Jun 24 2002 Mike A. Harris 0.31-1 +- Modified ATI entries in pcitable to be able to autodetect the FireGL 8700 + and FireGL 8800 which both have the same ID, but different subdevice ID's. + Added entries to Cards database for the 8700/8800 as well. + +* Tue May 28 2002 Mike A. Harris 0.30-1 +- Reconfigured Cards database to default to XFree86 4.x for ALL video + hardware, since 3.3.6 support is being removed. Video cards not + supported natively by 4.x will be changed to use the vesa or vga + driver, or completely removed as unsupported. + +* Tue Apr 17 2002 Michael Fulbright 0.14-1 +- another megaraid variant + +* Mon Apr 15 2002 Michael Fulbright 0.13-1 +- fix monitor entry for Dell 1600X Laptop Display Panel + +* Fri Apr 12 2002 Bill Nottingham 0.13-1 +- more aacraid + +* Tue Apr 9 2002 Bill Nottingham 0.12-1 +- another 3ware, another megaraid + +* Fri Apr 5 2002 Mike A. Harris 0.11-1 +- Added commented out line for some Radeon 7500 cards to Cards database. + +* Tue Apr 2 2002 Mike A. Harris 0.10-1 +- Fixed i830 entry to use driver "i810" not "i830" which doesn't exist + +* Mon Apr 1 2002 Bill Nottingham 0.9-1 +- fix rebuild (#62459) +- SuperSavage ids (#62101) +- updates from pci.ids + +* Mon Mar 18 2002 Bill Nottingham 0.8-2 +- fix errant space (#61363) + +* Thu Mar 14 2002 Bill Nottingham 0.8-1 +- nVidia updates + +* Wed Mar 13 2002 Bill Nottingham 0.7-1 +- lots of pcitable updates + +* Tue Mar 5 2002 Mike A. Harris 0.6-1 +- Updated Cards database + +* Mon Mar 4 2002 Mike A. Harris 0.5-1 +- Built new package with updated database files for rawhide. + +* Fri Feb 22 2002 Bill Nottingham 0.3-1 +- return of XFree86-3.3.x + +* Wed Jan 30 2002 Bill Nottingham 0.1-1 +- initial build diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100755 index 0000000..6714f90 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,240 @@ +#!/usr/bin/python +# +# convert MicroSoft .inf files for monitors to MonitorDB +# +# originally by Matt Wilson +# option parsing and database comparison by Fred New +# ini parsing completely rewritten by Matt Domsch 2006 +# +# Copyright 2002 Red Hat, Inc. +# Copyright 2006 Dell, Inc. +# +# This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU +# library public license. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library Public License +# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software +# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. +""" +""" + + +import sys +import string +import re +import ConfigParser + +# this is a class to deal with various file line endings and leading whitespace +# converts all \r line endings to \n. +# It also strips leading whitespace. +# NOTE: be sure to always return _something_, even if it is just "\n", or we +# break the file API. (nothing == eof) +class myFile(object): + def __init__(self, *args): + self.fd = open(*args) + + def close(self): + return self.fd.close() + + def readline(self, *args): + line = self.fd.readline(*args) + line = line.replace('\r', '\n') + line = line.replace('\n\n', '\n') + line = line.lstrip(" \t") + return line + + +# we will use this to override default option parsing in ConfigParser to handle +# Microsoft-style "INI" files. (Which do not necessarily have " = value " after +# the option name +OPTCRE = re.compile( + r'(?P