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+# How to use the Android NDK to build ArmNN
+* [Introduction](#introduction)
+* [Download the Android NDK and make a standalone toolchain](#downloadNDK)
+* [Build the Boost C++ libraries](#buildBoost)
+* [Build the Compute Library](#buildCL)
+* [Build Google's Protobuf library](#buildProtobuf)
+* [Download TensorFlow](#downloadTF)
+* [Build ArmNN](#buildArmNN)
+* [Run ArmNN UnitTests on an Android device](#runArmNNUnitTests)
+#### <a name="introduction">Introduction</a>
+These are step by step instructions for using the Android NDK to build ArmNN.
+They have been tested on a clean install of Ubuntu 18.04, and should also work with other OS versions.
+The instructions show how to build the ArmNN core library and the optional TensorFlow parser.
+All downloaded or generated files will be saved inside the `~/armnn-devenv` directory.
+#### <a name="downloadNDK">Download the Android NDK and make a standalone toolchain</a>
+* Download the Android NDK from [the official website](https://developer.android.com/ndk/downloads/index.html):
+ ```bash
+ mkdir -p ~/armnn-devenv/toolchains
+ cd ~/armnn-devenv/toolchains
+ # For Mac OS, change the NDK download link accordingly.
+ wget https://dl.google.com/android/repository/android-ndk-r16b-linux-x86_64.zip
+ unzip android-ndk-r16b-linux-x86_64.zip
+ export NDK=~/armnn-devenv/toolchains/android-ndk-r16b
+ ```
+ You may want to append `export NDK=~/armnn-devenv/toolchains/android-ndk-r16b` to your `~/.bashrc` (or `~/.bash_profile` in Mac OS).
+* Make a standalone toolchain:
+ (Requires python if not previously installed: `sudo apt install python`)
+ ```bash
+ # Create an arm64 API 26 libc++ toolchain.
+ $NDK/build/tools/make_standalone_toolchain.py \
+ --arch arm64 \
+ --api 26 \
+ --stl=libc++ \
+ --install-dir=$HOME/armnn-devenv/toolchains/aarch64-android-r16b
+ export PATH=$HOME/armnn-devenv/toolchains/aarch64-android-r16b/bin:$PATH
+ ```
+ You may want to append `export PATH=$HOME/armnn-devenv/toolchains/aarch64-android-r16b/bin:$PATH` to your `~/.bashrc` (or `~/.bash_profile` in Mac OS).
+#### <a name="buildBoost">Build the Boost C++ libraries</a>
+* Download Boost version 1.64:
+ ```bash
+ mkdir ~/armnn-devenv/boost
+ cd ~/armnn-devenv/boost
+ wget https://dl.bintray.com/boostorg/release/1.64.0/source/boost_1_64_0.tar.bz2
+ tar xvf boost_1_64_0.tar.bz2
+ ```
+* Build:
+ (Requires gcc if not previously installed: `sudo apt install gcc`)
+ ```bash
+ echo "using gcc : arm : aarch64-linux-android-clang++ ;" > $HOME/armnn-devenv/boost/user-config.jam
+ cd ~/armnn-devenv/boost/boost_1_64_0
+ ./bootstrap.sh --prefix=$HOME/armnn-devenv/boost/install
+ ./b2 install --user-config=$HOME/armnn-devenv/boost/user-config.jam \
+ toolset=gcc-arm link=static cxxflags=-fPIC --with-filesystem \
+ --with-test --with-log --with-program_options -j16
+ ```
+#### <a name="buildCL">Build the Compute Library</a>
+* Clone the Compute Library:
+ (Requires Git if not previously installed: `sudo apt install git`)
+ ``` bash
+ cd ~/armnn-devenv
+ git clone https://github.com/ARM-software/ComputeLibrary.git
+ ```
+* Build:
+ (Requires SCons if not previously installed: `sudo apt install scons`)
+ ```bash
+ cd ComputeLibrary
+ scons arch=arm64-v8a neon=1 opencl=1 embed_kernels=1 extra_cxx_flags="-fPIC" \
+ benchmark_tests=0 validation_tests=0 os=android -j16
+ ```
+#### <a name="buildProtobuf">Build Google's Protobuf library</a>
+* Clone protobuf:
+ ```bash
+ mkdir ~/armnn-devenv/google
+ cd ~/armnn-devenv/google
+ git clone https://github.com/google/protobuf.git
+ cd protobuf
+ git checkout -b v3.5.2 v3.5.2
+ ```
+* Build a native (x86) version of the protobuf libraries and compiler (protoc):
+ (Requires cUrl, autoconf, llibtool, and other build dependencies if not previously installed: `sudo apt install curl autoconf libtool build-essential g++`)
+ ```bash
+ ./autogen.sh
+ mkdir x86_build
+ cd x86_build
+ ../configure --prefix=$HOME/armnn-devenv/google/x86_pb_install
+ make install -j16
+ cd ..
+ ```
+* Build the arm64 version of the protobuf libraries:
+ ```bash
+ mkdir arm64_build
+ cd arm64_build
+ CC=aarch64-linux-android-clang \
+ CXX=aarch64-linux-android-clang++ \
+ CFLAGS="-fPIE -fPIC" LDFLAGS="-pie -llog" \
+ ../configure --host=aarch64-linux-android \
+ --prefix=$HOME/armnn-devenv/google/arm64_pb_install \
+ --with-protoc=$HOME/armnn-devenv/google/x86_pb_install/bin/protoc
+ make install -j16
+ cd ..
+ ```
+#### <a name="downloadTF">Download TensorFlow</a>
+* Clone TensorFlow source code:
+ ```bash
+ cd ~/armnn-devenv/google/
+ git clone https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow.git
+ ```
+#### <a name="buildArmNN">Build ArmNN</a>
+* Clone ArmNN source code:
+ ```bash
+ cd ~/armnn-devenv/
+ git clone https://github.com/ARM-software/armnn.git
+ ```
+* Generate TensorFlow protobuf definitions:
+ ```bash
+ cd ~/armnn-devenv/google/tensorflow
+ ~/armnn-devenv/armnn/scripts/generate_tensorflow_protobuf.sh \
+ $HOME/armnn-devenv/google/tf_pb $HOME/armnn-devenv/google/x86_pb_install
+ ```
+ * Build ArmNN:
+ (Requires CMake if not previously installed: `sudo apt install cmake`)
+ ```bash
+ mkdir ~/armnn-devenv/armnn/build
+ cd ~/armnn-devenv/armnn/build
+ CXX=aarch64-linux-android-clang++ \
+ CC=aarch64-linux-android-clang \
+ cmake .. \
+ -DARMCOMPUTE_ROOT=$HOME/armnn-devenv/ComputeLibrary/ \
+ -DARMCOMPUTE_BUILD_DIR=$HOME/armnn-devenv/ComputeLibrary/build \
+ -DBOOST_ROOT=$HOME/armnn-devenv/boost/install/ \
+ -DTF_GENERATED_SOURCES=$HOME/armnn-devenv/google/tf_pb/ -DBUILD_TF_PARSER=1 \
+ -DPROTOBUF_ROOT=$HOME/armnn-devenv/google/arm64_pb_install/
+ make -j16
+ ```
+#### <a name="runArmNNUnitTests">Run the ArmNN unit tests on an Android device</a>
+* Push the build results to an Android device and make symbolic links for shared libraries:
+ ```bash
+ adb push libarmnnTfParser.so libarmnn.so UnitTests \
+ $NDK/sources/cxx-stl/llvm-libc++/libs/arm64-v8a/libc++_shared.so \
+ /data/local/tmp/
+ adb push $HOME/armnn-devenv/google/arm64_pb_install/lib/libprotobuf.so \
+ /data/local/tmp/libprotobuf.so.15.0.1
+ adb shell 'ln -s libprotobuf.so.15.0.1 /data/local/tmp/libprotobuf.so.15'
+ adb shell 'ln -s libprotobuf.so.15.0.1 /data/local/tmp/libprotobuf.so'
+ ```
+* Run ArmNN unit tests:
+ ```bash
+ adb shell 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/data/local/tmp /data/local/tmp/UnitTests'
+ ```
+ If libarmnnUtils.a is present in `~/armnn-devenv/armnn/build/` and the unit tests run without failure then the build was successful.