--- /dev/null
+ * DLOG
+ * Copyright (c) 2005-2008, The Android Open Source Project
+ * Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License);
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+ * @file dlog-internal.h
+ * @version 0.4
+ * @brief This file is the header file of interface of dlog.
+ */
+#ifndef _DLOG_INTERNAL_H_
+#define _DLOG_INTERNAL_H_
+#include <tizen_error.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "dlog.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+ * This is the local tag used for the following simplified
+ * logging macros. You can change this preprocessor definition
+ * before using the other macros to change the tag.
+ */
+#ifndef LOG_TAG
+#define LOG_TAG NULL
+#ifndef __MODULE__
+#define __MODULE__ (strrchr(__FILE__, '/') ? strrchr(__FILE__, '/') + 1 : __FILE__)
+ * @internal
+ * @brief log id
+ * @since_tizen @if MOBILE 2.3 @elseif WEARABLE 2.3.1 @endif
+ */
+typedef enum {
+ LOG_ID_MAIN = 0,
+} log_id_t;
+static inline int __dlog_no_print(const char *fmt __attribute__((unused)), ...) { return 0; }
+#define CONDITION(cond) (__builtin_expect((cond) != 0, 0))
+#define NOP(...) ({ do { __dlog_no_print(__VA_ARGS__); } while (0); })
+// Macro inner work---------------------------------------------------------------
+#undef LOG_
+#define LOG_(id, prio, tag, fmt, arg...) \
+ ({ do { \
+ __dlog_print(id, prio, tag, "%s: %s(%d) > " fmt, __MODULE__, __func__, __LINE__, ##arg); \
+ } while (0); })
+#define LOG_(id, prio, tag, fmt, arg...) \
+ ({ do { \
+ if ((int)prio != DLOG_DEBUG) { \
+ __dlog_print(id, prio, tag, "%s: %s(%d) > " fmt, __MODULE__, __func__, __LINE__, ##arg); \
+ } \
+ } while (0); })
+#undef SECURE_LOG_
+#define SECURE_LOG_(id, prio, tag, fmt, arg...) \
+ ({ do { \
+ __dlog_print(id, prio, tag, "%s: %s(%d) > [SECURE_LOG] " fmt, __MODULE__, __func__, __LINE__, ##arg); \
+ } while (0); })
+#define SECURE_LOG_(id, prio, tag, fmt, arg...) NOP(fmt, ##arg)
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * @internal
+ * @brief For Secure Log.
+ * @remarks Normally we strip Secure log from release builds.
+ * Please use this macros.
+ */
+ * @internal
+ * @brief For Application and etc.
+ * @details Simplified macro to send a main log message using the current LOG_TAG.
+ * Example:
+ * SECURE_LOGD("app debug %d", num);
+ * SECURE_LOGE("app error %d", num);
+ */
+#define SECURE_LOGD(format, arg...) SECURE_LOG_(LOG_ID_MAIN, DLOG_DEBUG, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
+#define SECURE_LOGI(format, arg...) SECURE_LOG_(LOG_ID_MAIN, DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
+#define SECURE_LOGW(format, arg...) SECURE_LOG_(LOG_ID_MAIN, DLOG_WARN, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
+#define SECURE_LOGE(format, arg...) SECURE_LOG_(LOG_ID_MAIN, DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
+#define SECURE_LOGF(format, arg...) SECURE_LOG_(LOG_ID_MAIN, DLOG_FATAL, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
+ * @internal
+ * @brief For Framework and system etc.
+ * @details Simplified macro to send a system log message using the current LOG_TAG.
+ * Example:
+ * SECURE_SLOGD("system debug %d", num);
+ * SECURE_SLOGE("system error %d", num);
+ */
+#define SECURE_SLOGD(format, arg...) SECURE_LOG_(LOG_ID_SYSTEM, DLOG_DEBUG, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
+#define SECURE_SLOGI(format, arg...) SECURE_LOG_(LOG_ID_SYSTEM, DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
+#define SECURE_SLOGW(format, arg...) SECURE_LOG_(LOG_ID_SYSTEM, DLOG_WARN, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
+#define SECURE_SLOGE(format, arg...) SECURE_LOG_(LOG_ID_SYSTEM, DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
+#define SECURE_SLOGF(format, arg...) SECURE_LOG_(LOG_ID_SYSTEM, DLOG_FATAL, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
+ * @internal
+ * @brief For Modem and radio etc.
+ * @details Simplified macro to send a radio log message using the current LOG_TAG.
+ * Example:
+ * SECURE_RLOGD("radio debug %d", num);
+ * SECURE_RLOGE("radio error %d", num);
+ */
+#define SECURE_RLOGD(format, arg...) SECURE_LOG_(LOG_ID_RADIO, DLOG_DEBUG, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
+#define SECURE_RLOGI(format, arg...) SECURE_LOG_(LOG_ID_RADIO, DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
+#define SECURE_RLOGW(format, arg...) SECURE_LOG_(LOG_ID_RADIO, DLOG_WARN, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
+#define SECURE_RLOGE(format, arg...) SECURE_LOG_(LOG_ID_RADIO, DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
+#define SECURE_RLOGF(format, arg...) SECURE_LOG_(LOG_ID_RADIO, DLOG_FATAL, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
+ * @internal
+ * @brief For Tizen OSP Application macro.
+ */
+#define SECURE_ALOGD(format, arg...) SECURE_LOG_(LOG_ID_APPS, DLOG_DEBUG, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
+#define SECURE_ALOGI(format, arg...) SECURE_LOG_(LOG_ID_APPS, DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
+#define SECURE_ALOGW(format, arg...) SECURE_LOG_(LOG_ID_APPS, DLOG_WARN, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
+#define SECURE_ALOGE(format, arg...) SECURE_LOG_(LOG_ID_APPS, DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
+#define SECURE_ALOGF(format, arg...) SECURE_LOG_(LOG_ID_APPS, DLOG_FATAL, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
+ * @internal
+ * @details If you want use redefined macro.
+ * You can use this macro.
+ * This macro need priority and tag arguments.
+ */
+#define SECURE_LOG(priority, tag, format, arg...) SECURE_LOG_(LOG_ID_MAIN, D##priority, tag, format, ##arg)
+#define SECURE_SLOG(priority, tag, format, arg...) SECURE_LOG_(LOG_ID_SYSTEM, D##priority, tag, format, ##arg)
+#define SECURE_RLOG(priority, tag, format, arg...) SECURE_LOG_(LOG_ID_RADIO, D##priority, tag, format, ##arg)
+#define SECURE_ALOG(priority, tag, format, arg...) SECURE_LOG_(LOG_ID_APPS, D##priority, tag, format, ##arg)
+ * @internal
+ * @brief For Application and etc.
+ * @details Simplified macro to send a main log message using the current LOG_TAG.
+ * Example:
+ * LOGD("app debug %d", num);
+ * LOGE("app error %d", num);
+ */
+#define LOGD(format, arg...) LOG_(LOG_ID_MAIN, DLOG_DEBUG, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
+#define LOGD(format, arg...) NOP(format, ##arg)
+#define LOGI(format, arg...) LOG_(LOG_ID_MAIN, DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
+#define LOGW(format, arg...) LOG_(LOG_ID_MAIN, DLOG_WARN, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
+#define LOGE(format, arg...) LOG_(LOG_ID_MAIN, DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
+#define LOGF(format, arg...) LOG_(LOG_ID_MAIN, DLOG_FATAL, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
+ * @internal
+ * @brief For Framework and system etc.
+ * @details Simplified macro to send a system log message using the current LOG_TAG.
+ * Example:
+ * SLOGD("system debug %d", num);
+ * SLOGE("system error %d", num);
+ */
+#define SLOGD(format, arg...) LOG_(LOG_ID_SYSTEM, DLOG_DEBUG, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
+#define SLOGD(format, arg...) NOP(format, ##arg)
+#define SLOGI(format, arg...) LOG_(LOG_ID_SYSTEM, DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
+#define SLOGW(format, arg...) LOG_(LOG_ID_SYSTEM, DLOG_WARN, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
+#define SLOGE(format, arg...) LOG_(LOG_ID_SYSTEM, DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
+#define SLOGF(format, arg...) LOG_(LOG_ID_SYSTEM, DLOG_FATAL, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
+ * @internal
+ * @brief For Modem and radio etc.
+ * @details Simplified macro to send a radio log message using the current LOG_TAG.
+ * Example:
+ * RLOGD("radio debug %d", num);
+ * RLOGE("radio error %d", num);
+ */
+#define RLOGD(format, arg...) LOG_(LOG_ID_RADIO, DLOG_DEBUG, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
+#define RLOGD(format, arg...) NOP(format, ##arg)
+#define RLOGI(format, arg...) LOG_(LOG_ID_RADIO, DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
+#define RLOGW(format, arg...) LOG_(LOG_ID_RADIO, DLOG_WARN, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
+#define RLOGE(format, arg...) LOG_(LOG_ID_RADIO, DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
+#define RLOGF(format, arg...) LOG_(LOG_ID_RADIO, DLOG_FATAL, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
+ * @internal
+ * @brief For Tizen OSP Application macro.
+ */
+#define ALOGD(format, arg...) LOG_(LOG_ID_APPS, DLOG_DEBUG, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
+#define ALOGD(format, arg...) NOP(format, ##arg)
+#define ALOGI(format, arg...) LOG_(LOG_ID_APPS, DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
+#define ALOGW(format, arg...) LOG_(LOG_ID_APPS, DLOG_WARN, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
+#define ALOGE(format, arg...) LOG_(LOG_ID_APPS, DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
+#define ALOGF(format, arg...) LOG_(LOG_ID_APPS, DLOG_FATAL, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
+ * @internal
+ * @brief Basic log message macro
+ * @details This macro allows you to specify a priority and a tag
+ * if you want to use this macro directly, you must add this messages for unity of messages.
+ * (LOG(prio, tag, "%s: %s(%d) > " format, __MODULE__, __func__, __LINE__, ##arg))
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * #define MYMACRO(prio, tag, format, arg...) \
+ * LOG(prio, tag, format, ##arg)
+ *
+ * MYMACRO(LOG_DEBUG, MYTAG, "test mymacro %d", num);
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef LOG
+#define LOG(priority, tag, format, arg...) LOG_(LOG_ID_MAIN, D##priority, tag, format, ##arg)
+#define SLOG(priority, tag, format, arg...) LOG_(LOG_ID_SYSTEM, D##priority, tag, format, ##arg)
+#define RLOG(priority, tag, format, arg...) LOG_(LOG_ID_RADIO, D##priority, tag, format, ##arg)
+#define ALOG(priority, tag, format, arg...) LOG_(LOG_ID_APPS, D##priority, tag, format, ##arg)
+ * @internal
+ */
+#define LOG_VA(priority, tag, fmt, args) \
+ vprint_log(D##priority, tag, fmt, args)
+#define ALOG_VA(priority, tag, fmt, args) \
+ vprint_apps_log(D##priority, tag, fmt, args)
+#define RLOG_VA(priority, tag, fmt, args) \
+ vprint_radio_log(D##priority, tag, fmt, args)
+#define SLOG_VA(priority, tag, fmt, args) \
+ vprint_system_log(D##priority, tag, fmt, args)
+#define print_apps_log(prio, tag, fmt...) \
+ __dlog_print(LOG_ID_APPS, prio, tag, fmt)
+#define vprint_apps_log(prio, tag, fmt...) \
+ __dlog_vprint(LOG_ID_APPS, prio, tag, fmt)
+#define print_log(prio, tag, fmt...) \
+ __dlog_print(LOG_ID_MAIN, prio, tag, fmt)
+#define vprint_log(prio, tag, fmt...) \
+ __dlog_vprint(LOG_ID_MAIN, prio, tag, fmt)
+#define print_radio_log(prio, tag, fmt...)\
+ __dlog_print(LOG_ID_RADIO, prio, tag, fmt)
+#define vprint_radio_log(prio, tag, fmt...) \
+ __dlog_vprint(LOG_ID_RADIO, prio, tag, fmt)
+#define print_system_log(prio, tag, fmt...)\
+ __dlog_print(LOG_ID_SYSTEM, prio, tag, fmt)
+#define vprint_system_log(prio, tag, fmt...) \
+ __dlog_vprint(LOG_ID_SYSTEM, prio, tag, fmt)
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Don't use below macro no more!! It will be removed -- Verbose and Fatal priority macro will be removed --
+ * @internal
+ * @breif Conditional Macro.
+ * @remarks Don't use this macro. It's just compatibility.
+ * It will be deprecated.
+ */
+#define LOGD_IF(cond, format, arg...) \
+ ({ do { \
+ if (CONDITION(cond)) { \
+ LOGD(format, ##arg); \
+ } \
+ } while (0); })
+#define LOGI_IF(cond, format, arg...) \
+ ({ do { \
+ if (CONDITION(cond)) { \
+ LOGI(format, ##arg); \
+ } \
+ } while (0); })
+#define LOGW_IF(cond, format, arg...) \
+ ({ do { \
+ if (CONDITION(cond)) { \
+ LOGW(format, ##arg); \
+ } \
+ } while (0); })
+#define LOGE_IF(cond, format, arg...) \
+ ({ do { \
+ if (CONDITION(cond)) { \
+ LOGE(format, ##arg); \
+ } \
+ } while (0); })
+#define LOGF_IF(cond, format, arg...) \
+ ({ do { \
+ if (CONDITION(cond)) { \
+ LOGF(format, ##arg); \
+ } \
+ } while (0); })
+#define SLOGD_IF(cond, format, arg...) \
+ ({ do { \
+ if (CONDITION(cond)) { \
+ SLOGD(format, ##arg); \
+ } \
+ } while (0); })
+#define SLOGI_IF(cond, format, arg...) \
+ ({ do { \
+ if (CONDITION(cond)) { \
+ SLOGI(format, ##arg); \
+ } \
+ } while (0); })
+#define SLOGW_IF(cond, format, arg...) \
+ ({ do { \
+ if (CONDITION(cond)) { \
+ SLOGW(format, ##arg); \
+ } \
+ } while (0); })
+#define SLOGE_IF(cond, format, arg...) \
+ ({ do { \
+ if (CONDITION(cond)) { \
+ SLOGE(format, ##arg); \
+ } \
+ } while (0); })
+#define SLOGF_IF(cond, format, arg...) \
+ ({ do { \
+ if (CONDITION(cond)) { \
+ SLOGF(format, ##arg); \
+ } \
+ } while (0); })
+#define RLOGD_IF(cond, format, arg...) \
+ ({ do { \
+ if (CONDITION(cond)) { \
+ RLOGD(format, ##arg); \
+ } \
+ } while (0); })
+#define RLOGI_IF(cond, format, arg...) \
+ ({ do { \
+ if (CONDITION(cond)) { \
+ RLOGI(format, ##arg); \
+ } \
+ } while (0); })
+#define RLOGW_IF(cond, format, arg...) \
+ ({ do { \
+ if (CONDITION(cond)) { \
+ RLOGW(format, ##arg); \
+ } \
+ } while (0); })
+#define RLOGE_IF(cond, format, arg...) \
+ ({ do { \
+ if (CONDITION(cond)) { \
+ RLOGE(format, ##arg); \
+ } \
+ } while (0); })
+#define RLOGF_IF(cond, format, arg...) \
+ ({ do { \
+ if (CONDITION(cond)) { \
+ RLOGF(format, ##arg); \
+ } \
+ } while (0); })
+#define LOG_ON() ({ do { } while (0); })
+#define LOGV(format, arg...) NOP(format, ##arg)
+#define SLOGV(format, arg...) NOP(format, ##arg)
+#define RLOGV(format, arg...) NOP(format, ##arg)
+#define ALOGV(format, arg...) NOP(format, ##arg)
+#define LOGV_IF(cond, format, arg...) NOP(format, ##arg)
+#define SLOGV_IF(cond, format, arg...) NOP(format, ##arg)
+#define RLOGV_IF(cond, format, arg...) NOP(format, ##arg)
+#define SECLOG(...) ({ do { } while (0); })
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * The stuff in the rest of this file should not be used directly.
+ */
+ * @internal
+ * @brief Send log.
+ * @details Use LOG(), SLOG(), RLOG() family
+ * not to use __dlog_print() directly
+ * @remarks Must not use this API directly. use macros instead.
+ * @param[in] log_id log device id
+ * @param[in] prio priority
+ * @param[in] tag tag
+ * @param[in] fmt format string
+ * @return Operation result
+ * @retval 0>= Success
+ * @retval -1 Error
+ * @pre none
+ * @post none
+ * @see __dlog_print
+ * @code
+ #define LOG_TAG USR_TAG
+ #include<dlog-internal.h>
+ __dlog_print(LOG_ID_MAIN, DLOG_INFO, USR_TAG, "you must not use this API directly");
+ * @endcode
+ */
+int __dlog_print(log_id_t log_id, int prio, const char *tag, const char *fmt, ...);
+ * @internal
+ * @brief Send log with va_list.
+ * @details Use LOG_VA(), SLOG_VA(), RLOG_VA() family
+ not to use __dlog_vprint() directly
+ * @remarks Must not use this API directly. use macros instead.
+ * @param[in] log_id log device id
+ * @param[in] prio priority
+ * @param[in] tag tag
+ * @param[in] fmt format string
+ * @param[in] ap va_list
+ * @return Operation result
+ * @retval 0>= Success
+ * @retval -1 Error
+ * @pre none
+ * @post none
+ * @see __dlog_vprint
+ * @code
+ #define LOG_TAG USR_TAG
+ #include<dlog-internal.h>
+ __dlog_vprint(LOG_ID_MAIN, DLOG_INFO, USR_TAG, "you must not use this API directly", ap);
+ * @endcode
+ */
+int __dlog_vprint(log_id_t log_id, int prio, const char *tag, const char *fmt, va_list ap);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+#endif /* _DLOG_INTERNAL_H_*/
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
+#include "dlog-internal.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#define LOG_TAG NULL
-#ifndef __MODULE__
-#define __MODULE__ (strrchr(__FILE__, '/') ? strrchr(__FILE__, '/') + 1 : __FILE__)
* @addtogroup CAPI_SYSTEM_DLOG
* @{
typedef enum {
} dlog_error_e;
* @}
- * @internal
- * @brief log id
- * @since_tizen @if MOBILE 2.3 @elseif WEARABLE 2.3.1 @endif
- */
-typedef enum {
- LOG_ID_MAIN = 0,
-} log_id_t;
-static inline int __dlog_no_print(const char *fmt __attribute__((unused)), ...) { return 0; }
-#define CONDITION(cond) (__builtin_expect((cond) != 0, 0))
-#define NOP(...) ({ do { __dlog_no_print(__VA_ARGS__); } while (0); })
-// Macro inner work---------------------------------------------------------------
-#undef LOG_
-#define LOG_(id, prio, tag, fmt, arg...) \
- ({ do { \
- __dlog_print(id, prio, tag, "%s: %s(%d) > " fmt, __MODULE__, __func__, __LINE__, ##arg); \
- } while (0); })
-#define LOG_(id, prio, tag, fmt, arg...) \
- ({ do { \
- if ((int)prio != DLOG_DEBUG) { \
- __dlog_print(id, prio, tag, "%s: %s(%d) > " fmt, __MODULE__, __func__, __LINE__, ##arg); \
- } \
- } while (0); })
-#undef SECURE_LOG_
-#define SECURE_LOG_(id, prio, tag, fmt, arg...) \
- ({ do { \
- __dlog_print(id, prio, tag, "%s: %s(%d) > [SECURE_LOG] " fmt, __MODULE__, __func__, __LINE__, ##arg); \
- } while (0); })
-#define SECURE_LOG_(id, prio, tag, fmt, arg...) NOP(fmt, ##arg)
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- * @internal
- * @brief For Secure Log.
- * @remarks Normally we strip Secure log from release builds.
- * Please use this macros.
- */
- * @internal
- * @brief For Application and etc.
- * @details Simplified macro to send a main log message using the current LOG_TAG.
- * Example:
- * SECURE_LOGD("app debug %d", num);
- * SECURE_LOGE("app error %d", num);
- */
-#define SECURE_LOGD(format, arg...) SECURE_LOG_(LOG_ID_MAIN, DLOG_DEBUG, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
-#define SECURE_LOGI(format, arg...) SECURE_LOG_(LOG_ID_MAIN, DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
-#define SECURE_LOGW(format, arg...) SECURE_LOG_(LOG_ID_MAIN, DLOG_WARN, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
-#define SECURE_LOGE(format, arg...) SECURE_LOG_(LOG_ID_MAIN, DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
-#define SECURE_LOGF(format, arg...) SECURE_LOG_(LOG_ID_MAIN, DLOG_FATAL, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
- * @internal
- * @brief For Framework and system etc.
- * @details Simplified macro to send a system log message using the current LOG_TAG.
- * Example:
- * SECURE_SLOGD("system debug %d", num);
- * SECURE_SLOGE("system error %d", num);
- */
-#define SECURE_SLOGD(format, arg...) SECURE_LOG_(LOG_ID_SYSTEM, DLOG_DEBUG, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
-#define SECURE_SLOGI(format, arg...) SECURE_LOG_(LOG_ID_SYSTEM, DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
-#define SECURE_SLOGW(format, arg...) SECURE_LOG_(LOG_ID_SYSTEM, DLOG_WARN, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
-#define SECURE_SLOGE(format, arg...) SECURE_LOG_(LOG_ID_SYSTEM, DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
-#define SECURE_SLOGF(format, arg...) SECURE_LOG_(LOG_ID_SYSTEM, DLOG_FATAL, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
- * @internal
- * @brief For Modem and radio etc.
- * @details Simplified macro to send a radio log message using the current LOG_TAG.
- * Example:
- * SECURE_RLOGD("radio debug %d", num);
- * SECURE_RLOGE("radio error %d", num);
- */
-#define SECURE_RLOGD(format, arg...) SECURE_LOG_(LOG_ID_RADIO, DLOG_DEBUG, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
-#define SECURE_RLOGI(format, arg...) SECURE_LOG_(LOG_ID_RADIO, DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
-#define SECURE_RLOGW(format, arg...) SECURE_LOG_(LOG_ID_RADIO, DLOG_WARN, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
-#define SECURE_RLOGE(format, arg...) SECURE_LOG_(LOG_ID_RADIO, DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
-#define SECURE_RLOGF(format, arg...) SECURE_LOG_(LOG_ID_RADIO, DLOG_FATAL, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
- * @internal
- * @brief For Tizen OSP Application macro.
- */
-#define SECURE_ALOGD(format, arg...) SECURE_LOG_(LOG_ID_APPS, DLOG_DEBUG, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
-#define SECURE_ALOGI(format, arg...) SECURE_LOG_(LOG_ID_APPS, DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
-#define SECURE_ALOGW(format, arg...) SECURE_LOG_(LOG_ID_APPS, DLOG_WARN, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
-#define SECURE_ALOGE(format, arg...) SECURE_LOG_(LOG_ID_APPS, DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
-#define SECURE_ALOGF(format, arg...) SECURE_LOG_(LOG_ID_APPS, DLOG_FATAL, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
- * @internal
- * @details If you want use redefined macro.
- * You can use this macro.
- * This macro need priority and tag arguments.
- */
-#define SECURE_LOG(priority, tag, format, arg...) SECURE_LOG_(LOG_ID_MAIN, D##priority, tag, format, ##arg)
-#define SECURE_SLOG(priority, tag, format, arg...) SECURE_LOG_(LOG_ID_SYSTEM, D##priority, tag, format, ##arg)
-#define SECURE_RLOG(priority, tag, format, arg...) SECURE_LOG_(LOG_ID_RADIO, D##priority, tag, format, ##arg)
-#define SECURE_ALOG(priority, tag, format, arg...) SECURE_LOG_(LOG_ID_APPS, D##priority, tag, format, ##arg)
- * @internal
- * @brief For Application and etc.
- * @details Simplified macro to send a main log message using the current LOG_TAG.
- * Example:
- * LOGD("app debug %d", num);
- * LOGE("app error %d", num);
- */
-#define LOGD(format, arg...) LOG_(LOG_ID_MAIN, DLOG_DEBUG, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
-#define LOGD(format, arg...) NOP(format, ##arg)
-#define LOGI(format, arg...) LOG_(LOG_ID_MAIN, DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
-#define LOGW(format, arg...) LOG_(LOG_ID_MAIN, DLOG_WARN, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
-#define LOGE(format, arg...) LOG_(LOG_ID_MAIN, DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
-#define LOGF(format, arg...) LOG_(LOG_ID_MAIN, DLOG_FATAL, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
- * @internal
- * @brief For Framework and system etc.
- * @details Simplified macro to send a system log message using the current LOG_TAG.
- * Example:
- * SLOGD("system debug %d", num);
- * SLOGE("system error %d", num);
- */
-#define SLOGD(format, arg...) LOG_(LOG_ID_SYSTEM, DLOG_DEBUG, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
-#define SLOGD(format, arg...) NOP(format, ##arg)
-#define SLOGI(format, arg...) LOG_(LOG_ID_SYSTEM, DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
-#define SLOGW(format, arg...) LOG_(LOG_ID_SYSTEM, DLOG_WARN, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
-#define SLOGE(format, arg...) LOG_(LOG_ID_SYSTEM, DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
-#define SLOGF(format, arg...) LOG_(LOG_ID_SYSTEM, DLOG_FATAL, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
- * @internal
- * @brief For Modem and radio etc.
- * @details Simplified macro to send a radio log message using the current LOG_TAG.
- * Example:
- * RLOGD("radio debug %d", num);
- * RLOGE("radio error %d", num);
- */
-#define RLOGD(format, arg...) LOG_(LOG_ID_RADIO, DLOG_DEBUG, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
-#define RLOGD(format, arg...) NOP(format, ##arg)
-#define RLOGI(format, arg...) LOG_(LOG_ID_RADIO, DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
-#define RLOGW(format, arg...) LOG_(LOG_ID_RADIO, DLOG_WARN, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
-#define RLOGE(format, arg...) LOG_(LOG_ID_RADIO, DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
-#define RLOGF(format, arg...) LOG_(LOG_ID_RADIO, DLOG_FATAL, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
- * @internal
- * @brief For Tizen OSP Application macro.
- */
-#define ALOGD(format, arg...) LOG_(LOG_ID_APPS, DLOG_DEBUG, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
-#define ALOGD(format, arg...) NOP(format, ##arg)
-#define ALOGI(format, arg...) LOG_(LOG_ID_APPS, DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
-#define ALOGW(format, arg...) LOG_(LOG_ID_APPS, DLOG_WARN, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
-#define ALOGE(format, arg...) LOG_(LOG_ID_APPS, DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
-#define ALOGF(format, arg...) LOG_(LOG_ID_APPS, DLOG_FATAL, LOG_TAG, format, ##arg)
- * @internal
- * @brief Basic log message macro
- * @details This macro allows you to specify a priority and a tag
- * if you want to use this macro directly, you must add this messages for unity of messages.
- * (LOG(prio, tag, "%s: %s(%d) > " format, __MODULE__, __func__, __LINE__, ##arg))
- *
- * Example:
- * #define MYMACRO(prio, tag, format, arg...) \
- * LOG(prio, tag, format, ##arg)
- *
- * MYMACRO(LOG_DEBUG, MYTAG, "test mymacro %d", num);
- *
- */
-#ifndef LOG
-#define LOG(priority, tag, format, arg...) LOG_(LOG_ID_MAIN, D##priority, tag, format, ##arg)
-#define SLOG(priority, tag, format, arg...) LOG_(LOG_ID_SYSTEM, D##priority, tag, format, ##arg)
-#define RLOG(priority, tag, format, arg...) LOG_(LOG_ID_RADIO, D##priority, tag, format, ##arg)
-#define ALOG(priority, tag, format, arg...) LOG_(LOG_ID_APPS, D##priority, tag, format, ##arg)
- * @internal
- */
-#define LOG_VA(priority, tag, fmt, args) \
- vprint_log(D##priority, tag, fmt, args)
-#define ALOG_VA(priority, tag, fmt, args) \
- vprint_apps_log(D##priority, tag, fmt, args)
-#define RLOG_VA(priority, tag, fmt, args) \
- vprint_radio_log(D##priority, tag, fmt, args)
-#define SLOG_VA(priority, tag, fmt, args) \
- vprint_system_log(D##priority, tag, fmt, args)
-#define print_apps_log(prio, tag, fmt...) \
- __dlog_print(LOG_ID_APPS, prio, tag, fmt)
-#define vprint_apps_log(prio, tag, fmt...) \
- __dlog_vprint(LOG_ID_APPS, prio, tag, fmt)
-#define print_log(prio, tag, fmt...) \
- __dlog_print(LOG_ID_MAIN, prio, tag, fmt)
-#define vprint_log(prio, tag, fmt...) \
- __dlog_vprint(LOG_ID_MAIN, prio, tag, fmt)
-#define print_radio_log(prio, tag, fmt...)\
- __dlog_print(LOG_ID_RADIO, prio, tag, fmt)
-#define vprint_radio_log(prio, tag, fmt...) \
- __dlog_vprint(LOG_ID_RADIO, prio, tag, fmt)
-#define print_system_log(prio, tag, fmt...)\
- __dlog_print(LOG_ID_SYSTEM, prio, tag, fmt)
-#define vprint_system_log(prio, tag, fmt...) \
- __dlog_vprint(LOG_ID_SYSTEM, prio, tag, fmt)
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Don't use below macro no more!! It will be removed -- Verbose and Fatal priority macro will be removed --
- * @internal
- * @breif Conditional Macro.
- * @remarks Don't use this macro. It's just compatibility.
- * It will be deprecated.
- */
-#define LOGD_IF(cond, format, arg...) \
- ({ do { \
- if (CONDITION(cond)) { \
- LOGD(format, ##arg); \
- } \
- } while (0); })
-#define LOGI_IF(cond, format, arg...) \
- ({ do { \
- if (CONDITION(cond)) { \
- LOGI(format, ##arg); \
- } \
- } while (0); })
-#define LOGW_IF(cond, format, arg...) \
- ({ do { \
- if (CONDITION(cond)) { \
- LOGW(format, ##arg); \
- } \
- } while (0); })
-#define LOGE_IF(cond, format, arg...) \
- ({ do { \
- if (CONDITION(cond)) { \
- LOGE(format, ##arg); \
- } \
- } while (0); })
-#define LOGF_IF(cond, format, arg...) \
- ({ do { \
- if (CONDITION(cond)) { \
- LOGF(format, ##arg); \
- } \
- } while (0); })
-#define SLOGD_IF(cond, format, arg...) \
- ({ do { \
- if (CONDITION(cond)) { \
- SLOGD(format, ##arg); \
- } \
- } while (0); })
-#define SLOGI_IF(cond, format, arg...) \
- ({ do { \
- if (CONDITION(cond)) { \
- SLOGI(format, ##arg); \
- } \
- } while (0); })
-#define SLOGW_IF(cond, format, arg...) \
- ({ do { \
- if (CONDITION(cond)) { \
- SLOGW(format, ##arg); \
- } \
- } while (0); })
-#define SLOGE_IF(cond, format, arg...) \
- ({ do { \
- if (CONDITION(cond)) { \
- SLOGE(format, ##arg); \
- } \
- } while (0); })
-#define SLOGF_IF(cond, format, arg...) \
- ({ do { \
- if (CONDITION(cond)) { \
- SLOGF(format, ##arg); \
- } \
- } while (0); })
-#define RLOGD_IF(cond, format, arg...) \
- ({ do { \
- if (CONDITION(cond)) { \
- RLOGD(format, ##arg); \
- } \
- } while (0); })
-#define RLOGI_IF(cond, format, arg...) \
- ({ do { \
- if (CONDITION(cond)) { \
- RLOGI(format, ##arg); \
- } \
- } while (0); })
-#define RLOGW_IF(cond, format, arg...) \
- ({ do { \
- if (CONDITION(cond)) { \
- RLOGW(format, ##arg); \
- } \
- } while (0); })
-#define RLOGE_IF(cond, format, arg...) \
- ({ do { \
- if (CONDITION(cond)) { \
- RLOGE(format, ##arg); \
- } \
- } while (0); })
-#define RLOGF_IF(cond, format, arg...) \
- ({ do { \
- if (CONDITION(cond)) { \
- RLOGF(format, ##arg); \
- } \
- } while (0); })
-#define LOG_ON() ({ do { } while (0); })
-#define LOGV(format, arg...) NOP(format, ##arg)
-#define SLOGV(format, arg...) NOP(format, ##arg)
-#define RLOGV(format, arg...) NOP(format, ##arg)
-#define ALOGV(format, arg...) NOP(format, ##arg)
-#define LOGV_IF(cond, format, arg...) NOP(format, ##arg)
-#define SLOGV_IF(cond, format, arg...) NOP(format, ##arg)
-#define RLOGV_IF(cond, format, arg...) NOP(format, ##arg)
-#define SECLOG(...) ({ do { } while (0); })
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* @addtogroup CAPI_SYSTEM_DLOG
* @{
* @}
- * The stuff in the rest of this file should not be used directly.
- */
- * @internal
- * @brief Send log.
- * @details Use LOG(), SLOG(), RLOG() family
- * not to use __dlog_print() directly
- * @remarks Must not use this API directly. use macros instead.
- * @param[in] log_id log device id
- * @param[in] prio priority
- * @param[in] tag tag
- * @param[in] fmt format string
- * @return Operation result
- * @retval 0>= Success
- * @retval -1 Error
- * @pre none
- * @post none
- * @see __dlog_print
- * @code
- #define LOG_TAG USR_TAG
- #include<dlog.h>
- __dlog_print(LOG_ID_MAIN, DLOG_INFO, USR_TAG, "you must not use this API directly");
- * @endcode
- */
-int __dlog_print(log_id_t log_id, int prio, const char *tag, const char *fmt, ...);
- * @internal
- * @brief Send log with va_list.
- * @details Use LOG_VA(), SLOG_VA(), RLOG_VA() family
- not to use __dlog_vprint() directly
- * @remarks Must not use this API directly. use macros instead.
- * @param[in] log_id log device id
- * @param[in] prio priority
- * @param[in] tag tag
- * @param[in] fmt format string
- * @param[in] ap va_list
- * @return Operation result
- * @retval 0>= Success
- * @retval -1 Error
- * @pre none
- * @post none
- * @see __dlog_vprint
- * @code
- #define LOG_TAG USR_TAG
- #include<dlog.h>
- __dlog_vprint(LOG_ID_MAIN, DLOG_INFO, USR_TAG, "you must not use this API directly", ap);
- * @endcode
- */
-int __dlog_vprint(log_id_t log_id, int prio, const char *tag, const char *fmt, va_list ap);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */