This package is designed for an X server platform.
In a system released, based exclusively on Wayland platform, it should be in a excluded status.
Tizen devel | Tizen release
succeeded | succeeded
excluded | excluded
broken |
failed |
unresolvable |
blocked |
locked |
- The disabled status is only
allowed for OBS administration.
Change-Id: I1495b66a2e32b580223229ead6bc66426ff680a6
Signed-off-by: Ronan Le Martret <>
+%bcond_with x
Name: dbus-x11
%define _name dbus
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(x11)
+%if !%{with x}
D-Bus contains some tools that require Xlib to be installed, those are
in this separate package so server systems need not install X.