delete unnecessary files 1.0_post
authorSungho Park <>
Mon, 30 Apr 2012 10:38:20 +0000 (19:38 +0900)
committerSungho Park <>
Mon, 30 Apr 2012 10:38:20 +0000 (19:38 +0900)
Change-Id: Ifb2fea1c0f0fb85fea87e1aaaf285efc817689bc

21 files changed:
InstallerStub/linux/InstallManager [deleted file]
InstallerStub/linux/installer_ori [deleted file]
InstallerStub/linux/installer_stub [deleted file]
InstallerStub/linux/installmanager.conf.local [deleted file]
InstallerStub/linux/ [deleted file]
InstallerStub/linux/installmanager.conf.unstable [deleted file]
InstallerStub/linux/installmanager.conf.unstable_internal [deleted file]
InstallerStub/linux/installmanager.conf.unstable_public [deleted file]
InstallerStub/linux/makeInstaller [deleted file]
InstallerStub/linux/makeLocal [deleted file]
InstallerStub/linux/makeNetwork [deleted file]
InstallerStub/linux/readme.txt [deleted file]
InstallerStub/windows/readme.txt [deleted file]
UpdateInstallManager/.project [deleted file]
UpdateInstallManager/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs [deleted file]
UpdateInstallManager/src/org/tizen/installmanager/updater/ [deleted file]
unittest/.project [deleted file]
unittest/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs [deleted file]
unittest/src/com/samsung/installmanager/tests/ [deleted file]
unittest/src/com/samsung/installmanager/tests/Packages_repo.list [deleted file]
unittest/src/com/samsung/installmanager/tests/installedpackage.list [deleted file]

diff --git a/InstallerStub/linux/InstallManager b/InstallerStub/linux/InstallManager
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index c3d41b0..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-if [ -e InstallManager.jar ]
-       java -jar InstallManager.jar $@
-elif [ -e $HOME/.TizenSDK/tizensdkpath ]
-       tizenpath=`grep TIZEN_SDK_INSTALLED_PATH $HOME/.TizenSDK/tizensdkpath`
-       SDK_PATH=`echo $tizenpath | cut -f2 -d"="`
-       if [ "x$SDK_PATH" != "x" ]
-       then
-               cd $SDK_PATH/InstallManager
-               if [ -e InstallManager.jar ]
-               then
-                       java -jar InstallManager.jar $@
-               fi
-       fi
-exit 0
diff --git a/InstallerStub/linux/installer_ori b/InstallerStub/linux/installer_ori
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index f517769..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-TPUT="`which tput`"
-if test -t 0 -a -t 1 -a -n "$TPUT"; then
-        CI="`$TPUT setf 6 || true`"; CE="`$TPUT setf 4 || true`"
-        CX="`$TPUT setf 2 || true`"; CN="`$TPUT sgr0 || true`"
-else    CI=''; CE=''; CX=''; CN=''
-echo "$CX=== Preparing to install ===$CN"
-AVAIL_SPACE=`df -k . | tail -n -1 |  awk '{if ( $4 ~ /%/) { print $3 } else { print $4 } }'`
-OS_BLOCKSIZE=`df -k . |head -n 1 | awk '{if ( $4 ~ /%/) { print $1 } else { print $2 } }'`
-if [ $AVAIL_SPACE -lt 5452596 ]; then
-       echo "$CE Available blocks: $AVAIL_SPACE($OS_BLOCKSIZE)    Needed blocks: about 5.2GB "
-       echo " Please free up the required Disk Space and try again. $CN"
-       exit 1
-if [ `whoami` = "root" ] ; then
-       echo "$CE Do not install as 'root' user or 'su' commands. $CN"
-       exit 1
-JAVA_VERSION=`java -version 2>&1 | sed -n "/^java version/p"`
-JAVA_PATH=`which java`
-if [ -z "$JAVA_VERSION" ] || [ -z "$JAVA_PATH" ]; then
-       echo "$CE SDK runs on Eclipse, which requires JRE, JRE 6 or newer package is required. $CN"
-       exit 1
-QEMU_KVM_PATH=`which qemu-img`
-QEMU_KVM_CHECK=`dpkg -l | grep qemu-kvm`
-if [ -z "$QEMU_KVM_PATH" ] && [ -z "$QEMU_KVM_CHECK" ]; then
-       echo "$CE If you want to install SLP-SDK, you must install \"qemu-kvm\" package. $CN"
-       exit 1
-BINUTILS_CHECK=`dpkg -l | grep binutils-multiarch`
-if [ -z "$BINUTILS_CHECK" ]; then
-       echo "$CE If you want to install SLP-SDK, you must install \"binutils-multiarch\" package. $CN"
-       exit 1
-DEBHELPER_CHECK=`dpkg -l | grep debhelper`
-if [ -z "$DEBHELPER_CHECK" ]; then
-       echo "$CE If you want to install SLP-SDK, you must install \"debhelper\" package. $CN"
-       exit 1
-if [ -z "$DISPLAY_CHECK" ]; then
-        echo "$CE If you want to install SLP-SDK, you must execute GUI environment. $CN"
-        exit 1
-CUR_USER=`id -u -n`
-CUR_GROUP=`id -g -n`
-if [ -d ~/.local/applications ]; then
-       cd ~/.local
-       APPLICATIONS_USER=`ls -la | grep applications | awk '{ print $3 }'`
-        APPLICATIONS_GROUP=`ls -la | grep applications | awk '{ print $4 }'`
-       if [ "$CUR_USER" != "$APPLICATIONS_USER" ] || [ "$CUR_GROUP" != "$APPLICATIONS_GROUP" ]; then
-               gksudo "chown $CUR_USER:$CUR_GROUP -R applications"
-        fi
-if [ -d ~/.local/desktop-directories ]; then
-        cd ~/.local
-        DESKTOP_DIRECTORIES_USER=`ls -la | grep desktop-directories | awk '{ print $3 }'`
-        DESKTOP_DIRECTORIES_GROUP=`ls -la | grep desktop-directories | awk '{ print $4 }'`
-               gksudo "chown $CUR_USER:$CUR_GROUP -R desktop-directories"
-        fi
-if [ -d $CUR_DIR/$CREATED_FOLDER ]; then
-       CUR_STATE="go"
-       while [ "$CUR_STATE" != "stop" ]; do
-               echo -n " \"$CUR_DIR/$CREATED_FOLDER\" directory will be removed. (Y/n) "
-               read SEL
-               if [ "$SEL" = "y" ] || [ "$SEL" = "Y" ] || [ "$SEL" = "yes" ] || [ "$SEL" = "Yes" ] || [ "$SEL" = "YES" ] || [ -z "$SEL" ]; then
-                       rm -rf $CUR_DIR/$CREATED_FOLDER
-                       CUR_STATE="stop"
-               elif [ "$SEL" = "n" ] || [ "$SEL" = "N" ] || [ "$SEL" = "No" ] || [ "$SEL" = "NO" ]; then
-                       exit 1
-               else
-                       echo " please input \"y\" or \"n\""
-               fi
-       done
-echo -n "$CI Unpacking      ....... $CN"
-mkdir -p $OUT_PATH
-cd $CUR_DIR
-tail -n +"$ORI_FILE_LEN" "$0" > $OUT_PATH/$OUT_NAME
-echo "$CI OK $CN"
-echo -n "$CI Checksumming   ....... $CN"
-OUT_FILE_md5sum=`md5sum "$OUT_PATH/$OUT_NAME" | awk '{ print $1 }'`
-if [ "$OUT_FILE_md5sum" != "$ORI_FILE_md5sum" ]; then
-       echo "$CI Fail $CN"
-       echo "$CE The download file appears to be corrupted. "
-       echo " Please do not attempt to install this archive file. $CN"
-       exit 1
-echo "$CI OK $CN"
-echo -n "$CI Extracting     ....... $CN"
-unzip -uoq $OUT_NAME -d ../$CREATED_FOLDER
-echo "$CI OK $CN"
-if [ 0 != $? ]; then
-       echo "$CI Installing     .......  Fail $CN"
-       echo "$CI Installing     .......  OK $CN"
-echo -n "$CI Cleaning       ....... $CN"
-rm -rf $OUT_PATH
-echo "$CI OK $CN"
-echo "$CX Done. $CN"
-echo "$CX============================$CN"
-exit 0
diff --git a/InstallerStub/linux/installer_stub b/InstallerStub/linux/installer_stub
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 81df3ef..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-TPUT="`which tput`"
-if test -t 0 -a -t 1 -a -n "$TPUT"; then
-        CI="`$TPUT setf 6 || true`"; CE="`$TPUT setf 4 || true`"
-        CX="`$TPUT setf 2 || true`"; CN="`$TPUT sgr0 || true`"
-else    CI=''; CE=''; CX=''; CN=''
-###### Get system information ######
-AVAIL_SPACE=`df -k . | tail -n -1 |  awk '{if ( $4 ~ /%/) { print $3 } else { print $4 } }'`
-OS_BLOCKSIZE=`df -k . |head -n 1 | awk '{if ( $4 ~ /%/) { print $1 } else { print $2 } }'`
-OS_BIT=`getconf LONG_BIT`
-OS_VERSION=`cat /etc/lsb-release | grep DISTRIB_RELEASE | awk -F= '{print $2}'`
-JAVA_VERSION=`java -version 2>&1 | sed -n "/^java version/p"`
-#### Init Environment Variables ####
-# list for pre installation check. Write including 'space'
-INSTALLATION_CHECK="qemu-kvm binutils-multiarch debhelper fakeroot realpath procps libsdl-gfx1.2-4 gettext liblua5.1-0 libdbus-1-3 libcurl3"
-NVIDIA_CHECK=`lspci | grep nVidia`
-MESA_CHECK=`dpkg -l | egrep -e libgl1-mesa-glx' '`
-echo "$CX=== Preparing to install ===$CN"
-## check the available space ##
-if [ $AVAIL_SPACE -lt 5452596 ]; then
-       echo "${CE} Available blocks: $AVAIL_SPACE($OS_BLOCKSIZE)    Needed blocks: about 5.2GB "
-       echo " Please free up the required Disk Space and try again. $CN"
-       exit 1
-## check the root user ##
-if [ `whoami` = "root" ] ; then
-       echo "${CE} Do not install as 'root' user or 'su' commands. ${CN}"
-       exit 1
-## check the kernel bit ##
-if [ "${OS_BIT}" != 32 ] ; then
-        echo "${CE}Tizen SDK doesn't support 64bits environment yet.${CN}"
-       exit 1
-## check the java installation ##
-if [ -z "${JAVA_VERSION}" ] ; then
-       echo "${CE} SDK runs on Eclipse, which requires JRE, JRE 6 or newer package is required. ${CN}"
-       exit 1
-## check the pre installation packages ##
-        CHECK_FLAG=`dpkg -l | egrep -e ${INPUT_PKG_MANE}' '`
-        if [ -z "$CHECK_FLAG" ] ; then
-                pkg_list="${pkg_list}\"${INPUT_PKG_MANE}\" "
-        fi
-if [ -n "$pkg_list" ] ; then
-        echo "${CN} If you want to install TIZEN-SDK, you must install${CE} ${pkg_list} ${CN}package(s)."
-        exit 1
-## check the mesa driver for emulator ##
-if [ "10.10" = ${OS_VERSION} ] && [ -n "${NVIDIA_CHECK}" ] && [ -z "${MESA_CHECK}" ] ; then
-       echo "We recommend that you use the Mesa OpenGL implementation in Ubuntu 10.10 and nVidia enviroment."
-       echo "Please install${CE} libgl1-mesa-glx ${CN}package."
-       exit 1
-## check the GUI Enviroment ##
-if [ -z "${DISPLAY_MODE}" ]; then
-        echo "$CE If you want to install TIZEN-SDK, you must execute installer in GUI Environment. $CN"
-        exit 1
-echo -n "$CI Unpacking      ....... $CN"
-mkdir -p $OUT_PATH
-cd $CUR_DIR
-tail -n +"$ORI_FILE_LEN" "$0" | tee >(md5sum>$OUT_PATH/checksum) | tar xmz -C $OUT_PATH/
-echo "$CI OK $CN"
-echo -n "$CI Checksumming   ....... $CN"
-OUT_FILE_md5sum=`cat "$OUT_PATH/checksum" | awk '{ print $1 }'`
-if [ "$OUT_FILE_md5sum" != "$ORI_FILE_md5sum" ]; then
-       echo "$CI Fail $CN"
-       echo "$CE The download file appears to be corrupted. "
-       echo " Please do not attempt to install this archive file. $CN"
-       echo "$CX============================$CN"
-       rm -rf $OUT_PATH
-       exit 1
-echo "$CI OK $CN"
-./InstallManager $*
-if [ 0 != $? ]; then
-       echo "$CI Installing     .......  Fail $CN"
-       echo "$CI Installing     .......  OK $CN"
-echo "$CX Done. $CN"
-echo "$CX============================$CN"
-##source bashrc
-source ${HOME}/.bashrc
-exit 0
diff --git a/InstallerStub/linux/installmanager.conf.local b/InstallerStub/linux/installmanager.conf.local
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index f84caca..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-InstallManager-Version: 1.15.0
diff --git a/InstallerStub/linux/ b/InstallerStub/linux/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 86f25de..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-InstallManager-Version: 1.20.0
diff --git a/InstallerStub/linux/installmanager.conf.unstable b/InstallerStub/linux/installmanager.conf.unstable
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index c3c4fbb..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-InstallManager-Version: 1.20.10
diff --git a/InstallerStub/linux/installmanager.conf.unstable_internal b/InstallerStub/linux/installmanager.conf.unstable_internal
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index be54161..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-InstallManager-Version: 1.20.10
diff --git a/InstallerStub/linux/installmanager.conf.unstable_public b/InstallerStub/linux/installmanager.conf.unstable_public
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index c18487d..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-InstallManager-Version: 1.20.10
diff --git a/InstallerStub/linux/makeInstaller b/InstallerStub/linux/makeInstaller
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index bbee117..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-TPUT="`which tput`"
-if test -t 0 -a -t 1 -a -n "$TPUT"; then
-        CI="`$TPUT setf 6 || true`"; CE="`$TPUT setf 4 || true`"
-        CX="`$TPUT setf 2 || true`"; CN="`$TPUT sgr0 || true`"
-else    CI=''; CE=''; CX=''; CN=''
-### 1. check argument ###
-if [ $# != 2 ]; then
-        echo "$CE usage : ./ <> <SDK.bin> $CN"
-        echo "$CE ex) ./ tizen-sdk.tar.gz tizen-sdk.bin $CN"
-        exit 1
-cp installer_stub installerstub_cp
-echo "checking"
-ORI_MD5SUM=`md5sum "$ZIP_FILE" | awk '{ print $1 }'`
-ORI_LEN=`wc -l "$INSTALLSTUB" | awk '{ print $1 }'`
-ORI_LEN=`expr $ORI_LEN + 1`
-echo "making"
-sed -i "s|\$\$\$\$__CHKSUM_REPLACE__\$\$\$\$$|\"$ORI_MD5SUM\"|g" $INSTALLSTUB
-sed -i "s|\$\$\$\$__FILE_LENGTH_REPLACE__\$\$\$\$$|\"$ORI_LEN\"|g" $INSTALLSTUB
diff --git a/InstallerStub/linux/makeLocal b/InstallerStub/linux/makeLocal
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 9092e80..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-#local config file
-cp installmanager.conf
-#download packages to './binary/*'
-./InstallManager -onlyDownload all
-rm installmanager.conf
-cp installmanager.conf.local installmanager.conf
-tar cvfz InstallManager-Local.tar.gz binary/ InstallManager InstallManager.jar installmanager.conf pkg_list_linux
-echo "exitcode="$?
-rm installmanager.conf pkg_list_linux
-if [ $? -eq 0 ]
-       rm -rf binary
-currentDate=`date '+%Y%m%d%H%M'`
-./makeInstaller InstallManager-Local.tar.gz ${binFile}
-rm -rf InstallManager-Local.tar.gz
diff --git a/InstallerStub/linux/makeNetwork b/InstallerStub/linux/makeNetwork
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0b02ccd..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-#local config file
-cp installmanager.conf
-tar cvfz ${tarGzFile} InstallManager InstallManager.jar installmanager.conf
-rm installmanager.conf
-currentDate=`date '+%Y%m%d%H%M'`
-./makeInstaller InstallManager-Network.tar.gz ${binFile}
-rm -rf ${tarGzFile}
diff --git a/InstallerStub/linux/readme.txt b/InstallerStub/linux/readme.txt
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 47bdec9..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-InstallerStub for linux.
-usage : 
-1. download "". 
-2. get md5sum value.
-   $md5sum
-   7915f9a276ec7a84e9cce66a36955380
-3. vi installer_ori
-  ...
- ORI_FILE_md5sum="7915f9a276ec7a84e9cce66a36955380"
-  ...
-4. ./makeinstaller SDK-SLP sdk-slp-rc7.bin
diff --git a/InstallerStub/windows/readme.txt b/InstallerStub/windows/readme.txt
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index c0dba50..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-installerStub for windows.
- --
diff --git a/UpdateInstallManager/.project b/UpdateInstallManager/.project
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 3bc2eb0..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-       <name>InstallManagerUpdater</name>
-       <comment></comment>
-       <projects>
-       </projects>
-       <buildSpec>
-               <buildCommand>
-                       <name>org.eclipse.jdt.core.javabuilder</name>
-                       <arguments>
-                       </arguments>
-               </buildCommand>
-       </buildSpec>
-       <natures>
-               <nature>org.eclipse.jdt.core.javanature</nature>
-       </natures>
diff --git a/UpdateInstallManager/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs b/UpdateInstallManager/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index b6a010f..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-#Fri Nov 11 13:51:11 KST 2011
diff --git a/UpdateInstallManager/src/org/tizen/installmanager/updater/ b/UpdateInstallManager/src/org/tizen/installmanager/updater/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 2d643d0..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-*  InstallManager
-* Copyright (c) 2000 - 2011 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
-* Contact: 
-* Wooyoung Cho <>
-* Shihyun Kim <>
-* Taeyoung Son <>
-* Yongsung kim <>
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-* You may obtain a copy of the License at
-* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-* limitations under the License.
-* Contributors:
-* - S-Core Co., Ltd
-package org.tizen.installmanager.updater;
-public class InstallManagerUpdater {
-       private static PrintWriter writer;
-       private static void initWriter() {
-               try {
-                       writer = new PrintWriter(new File(System.getProperty("user.dir") + 
-                                       File.separator +"updater.log"));
-               } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
-                       e.printStackTrace();
-               }
-       }
-       public boolean moveFile(String from, String to) {
-               return moveFile(new File(from), new File(to));
-       }
-       public boolean moveFile(File from, File to) {
-               writer.println("Move " + from + " to " + to);
-               if (!from.exists()) {
-                       writer.println("File not found: "+from);
-                       return false;
-               } else {} //nothing
-               if (to.exists()) {
-                       writer.println("File exists. try to delete : "+to);
-                       if(to.delete()) {
-                               writer.println("deleted");
-                       } else {
-                               writer.println("delete fail");
-                               return false;
-                       }
-               } else {}
-               return from.renameTo(to);
-       }
-       /**
-        * Moves new IM to old IM and run the IM.
-        * @param args args[0] is path of new IM. args[1] is path of old IM.
-        */
-       public static void main(String[] args) {
-               initWriter();
-               if (args.length < 2) {
-                       return;
-               }
-               try {
-                       writer.println("sleep 3000");
-                       Thread.sleep(3000);
-               } catch (InterruptedException e) {
-                       // TODO Auto-generated catch block
-                       e.printStackTrace();
-               }
-               String[] imargs = new String[args.length-2];
-               for(int i = 0; i < args.length-2; i++) {
-                       imargs[i] = args[i+2];
-               }
-               InstallManagerUpdater upInstallManager = new InstallManagerUpdater();
-               upInstallManager.update(args[0], args[1], imargs);
-       }
-       private void update(String newIM, String oldIM, String[] imargs) {
-               boolean bResult = moveFile(newIM, oldIM);
-               String imarg = "";
-               for(String a : imargs) {
-                       imarg = imarg + " " + a;
-               }
-               if (bResult){
-                       writer.println("move success");
-                       try {
-                               File toFile = new File(oldIM);
-                               toFile.setExecutable(true);
-                               writer.println("run IM");
-                               Runtime.getRuntime().exec("java -jar " + toFile.getAbsolutePath() + " -updated " + imarg);
-                       } catch (IOException e) {
-                               writer.println("run failed");
-                               // TODO Auto-generated catch block
-                               e.printStackTrace();
-                       }
-               } else {
-                       writer.println("move failed");
-               }
-               writer.close();
-       }
diff --git a/unittest/.project b/unittest/.project
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index d57b04a..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-       <name>unittest</name>
-       <comment></comment>
-       <projects>
-       </projects>
-       <buildSpec>
-               <buildCommand>
-                       <name>org.eclipse.jdt.core.javabuilder</name>
-                       <arguments>
-                       </arguments>
-               </buildCommand>
-       </buildSpec>
-       <natures>
-               <nature>org.eclipse.jdt.core.javanature</nature>
-       </natures>
diff --git a/unittest/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs b/unittest/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index da5a3ba..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-#Wed Nov 30 17:51:35 KST 2011
diff --git a/unittest/src/com/samsung/installmanager/tests/ b/unittest/src/com/samsung/installmanager/tests/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 6e9c126..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-import static org.junit.Assert.*;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.LinkedList;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class InstallManagerTest {
-       private List<PropertySection> parse(String resource) {
-               File file;
-               try {
-                       file = PathUtil.getTempFileFromResource(resource, "test", ".list");
-                       PropertyParser parser = new PropertyParser();
-               List<PropertySection> propertySections = parser.readFromFile(file);
-               return propertySections;
-               } catch (IOException e) {
-                       fail();
-               }
-               return null;
-       }
-       @Test
-       public void testPackageManager() {
-               List<PropertySection> installed = parse("/com/samsung/installmanager/tests/installedpackage.list");
-               List<PropertySection> repo = parse("/com/samsung/installmanager/tests/Packages_repo.list");
-               HashMap<String,List<PropertySection>> repoMap = new HashMap<String,List<PropertySection>>();
-               repoMap.put("http://some.where/", repo);
-        PackageManager2 pm = new PackageManager2(installed, repoMap);
-        PackageSet recent = pm.getRecentPackages();
-        //check depends
-        for(Package2 p : recent) {
-               pm.dep(p);
-        }
-        //check conflicts
-        for(Package2 p : recent) {
-               pm.conflict(p);
-        }
-        System.out.println(recent);
-        System.out.println(pm.getUpdatableInstalledPackages());
-        System.out.println(pm.getInstalledMetaPackages());
-        System.out.println(pm.getAllMetaPackages());
-        System.out.println(pm.getNotUpdatableMetaPackages());
-        System.out.println(pm.getUpdatableMetaPackages());
-        LinkedList<String> Msel = new LinkedList<String>();
-        Msel.add("EMULATOR");
-        System.out.println(pm.getResultPackagesAfterUpdate(pm.getPackagesByNames(Msel)));
-       }
diff --git a/unittest/src/com/samsung/installmanager/tests/Packages_repo.list b/unittest/src/com/samsung/installmanager/tests/Packages_repo.list
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index e71209b..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,319 +0,0 @@
-Package : toolchain-gcc-4.5.3
-Version : 0.16.6
-Maintainer : ha taejun <taejun.ha>
-Description : gnu tool chain for SLP SDK
-Depends : slp-base-toolchain, i386-linux-gnueabi-gcc-4.5.3, i386-linux-gnueabi-gdb-7.2, arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc-4.5.3, arm-linux-gnueabi-gdb-7.2
-Category : SDK/build-system/toolchains
-Size: 5068
-Path: /
-SHA256: bd77070bb6f2ba35d27929084cc4738c04bd07a89a9ad2826812a22e947fd9aa
-Package : GUIBuilder
-Version : 0.3.6
-Maintainer : Changhun Lim <>, Hyunjun Son <>
-Description : GUIBuilder
-Category : GUIBuilder
-Depends :
-Install-script :
-Remove-script :
-Size: 7662078
-Path: /
-SHA256: 63b2264b369f27d4c9d6e553587a67d921b151e87a3ed9cdde2917e6d658dcc0
-Maintainer:hoon Kang <>, taeyoung Son, sihyun Kim
-Description:Samsung Liux Platform IDE
-Category:IDE/SLP IDE/Workbench
-Size: 112081040
-Path: /
-SHA256: 93512e98eab1fdbfdf57a86964b201d68a54a57816e131b94db56d5d4e394237
-Package : arm-linux-gnueabi-gdb-7.2
-Version : 0.10.0
-Maintainer : ha taejun <taejun.ha>
-Description : gnu debug tool 7.2 for SLP SDK
-Depends :
-Category : SDK/build-system/toolchains
-Size: 10639372
-Path: /
-SHA256: f797baa924170c6dd66aa0cf52d56313e65749998c8ea61de22a79ce06482e64
-Package : smart-build-interface
-Version : 0.13.0
-Maintainer : taejun ha<taejun.ha>
-Description : smart build interface for SLP SDK
-Depends : 
-Category : SDK/build-system/base
-Size: 1688171
-Path: /
-SHA256: 093808411cdd0cb8dccac4bbfc84ada7392c4630052df0b4b50f856ac014a539
-Package: slp-emulator-image
-Version: 1.1.91
-Maintainer: Yeong-Kyoon, Lee <> Dong-Kyun, Yun <>
-Description: Samsung Linux Platform Emulator Image
-Remove-script: remove.bat
-Category: SDK/Emulator
-Size: 221298348
-Path: /
-SHA256: f3a480a88ec2ce628d7530e11bfa6697d719fe521ad99874c4c2ad5f43b15387
-Package : rootstrap-slp-emulator-1.0
-Version : 0.14.162
-Maintainer : hyoun jiil <>
-Description : i386 rootstrap for SLP SDK
-Depends :
-Category : SDK/build-system/rootstraps
-Size: 160261762
-Path: /
-SHA256: 1acea77cc051ef3d7e1439396979a11ea3d614d054bf0e24e014b378788f28eb
-Package : arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc-4.5.3
-Version : 0.10.0
-Maintainer : ha taejun <taejun.ha>
-Description : gnu compiler 4.5.3 for SLP SDK
-Depends : 
-Category : SDK/build-system/toolchains
-Size: 114253719
-Path: /
-SHA256: 0f48917ba380137de02415dcece5b816f6ed77f1fe8f8a6153591a7db7d871ce
-Package : slp-base-toolchain
-Version : 0.16.2
-Maintainer : ha taejun <taejun.ha>
-Description : base tool chain for SLP SDK
-Depends :
-Category : SDK/build-system/toolchains
-Size: 289526856
-Path: /
-SHA256: befcef30c59b6c046c7c8318652140474401b98e0e31a0b43c15723236d4b929
-Package : NATIVE_IDE
-Version : 0.16.71
-Maintainer : JongHwan Park <>
-Depends : CodeCoverage, rootstrap-slp-device-1.0, arm-linux-gnueabi-gdb-7.2, Profiler, smart-build-interface, UnitTest, arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc-4.5.3, i386-linux-gnueabi-gcc-4.5.3, info, toolchain-gcc-4.5.3, EventInjector, rootstrap-slp-emulator-1.0, slp-base-toolchain, document, i386-linux-gnueabi-gdb-7.2, slp-ide, sdb, GUIBuilder, GUIBuilderPlugins, Efl
-Description : Install NATIVE IDE.
-Attribute : root
-Category : /
-Size: 633
-Path: /
-SHA256: 226a848d5865d40b1175aaee4445e33b0c24b779ae0d390d8cf27af984f61586
-Package : i386-linux-gnueabi-gcc-4.5.3
-Version : 0.10.0
-Maintainer : ha taejun <taejun.ha>
-Description : gnu compiler 4.5.3 for SLP SDK
-Depends : 
-Category : SDK/build-system/toolchains
-Size: 120422681
-Path: /
-SHA256: ba9601d18a228e83ae8df97adc1007176f65326cbe7dcc40fd4de11312270830
-Package : Efl
-Version : 0.3.35
-Maintainer : Changhun Lim <>
-Description : Efl
-Category : Efl
-Depends :
-Size: 46924949
-Path: /
-SHA256: 8e55b402087e192d32942fdab21c91c2e020dfb74f714821ff03b08981b6f739
-Package : rootstrap-slp-device-1.0
-Version : 0.14.162
-Maintainer : hyoun jiil <>
-Description : arm rootstrap for SLP SDK
-Depends :
-Category : SDK/build-system/rootstraps
-Size: 209315907
-Path: /
-SHA256: ff800d4b70153f110383e6842ea9b44fb9e9562e25878342701c549dcf7b077e
-Maintainer:Hoon Kang <>, Joogwan Kim
-Description:Smart Development Bridge for device management
-Size: 146872
-Path: /
-SHA256: 1dffb8554c1a15682313dec96039bc1f3eb2177ed276ec1f15061583987217f4
-Package : EMULATOR
-Version : 0.16.71
-Maintainer : JongHwan Park <>
-Depends :  slp-emulator, slp-emulator-image
-Description : Install EMULATOR.
-Attribute : root
-Category : /
-Size: 476
-Path: /
-SHA256: 598e026e437b75837a68f96d5b69d9bada060387ed96a7fc937a70fc5c972d64
-Package: slp-emulator
-Version: 1.1.221
-Maintainer: Yeong-Kyoon, Lee <> Dong-Kyun, Yun <>
-Description: Samsung Linux Platform Emulator
-Install-script: install.bat
-Remove-script: remove.bat
-Category: SDK/Emulator
-Size: 27050568
-Path: /
-SHA256: b35a229ca04ab7b96b733939388dbe2f0a2b4ffc3f63cf4c20f890f7a88a5831
-Package : info
-Version : 1.0.224
-Maintainer : JongHwan Park<>
-Description : information document for sdk-slp
-Category : SDK
-Size: 42649
-Path: /
-SHA256: f5c91a5a05f59b0dd03e1a3cfb3022b48ca4146295b09e8b43947b595ee69a32
-Maintainer:juyung Kim <>, jaewon lim <>, sungmin Ha <>
-Description:EventInjector for emulator
-Category:IDE/SLP IDE/Plugins/EventInjector
-Size: 223135
-Path: /
-SHA256: 991e094481ce3ef285c0e0a88c3ac0ae882ce778efb2191d9b7c722d39413d92
-Package : WAC_IDE
-Version : 0.16.71
-Maintainer : JongHwan Park <>
-Depends : wac-ide, EventInjector_Wac, info, sdb
-Description : Install WAC IDE.
-Attribute : root
-Category : /
-Size: 487
-Path: /
-SHA256: 62f972aef511cf72145823ad8d44b86e7ec5c7490056159ba18e0e72e28b947b
-Maintainer:juyung Kim <>, jaewon lim <>, sungmin Ha <>
-Description:EventInjector for emulator
-Category:IDE/WAC IDE/Plugins/EventInjector
-Size: 223133
-Path: /
-SHA256: 60ff7fa5da778f4997a361a500dc7488c883e7dc529dd559a91efd9674a97499
-Package : wac-ide
-Version : 1.16.221
-Maintainer : kangho kim <> jihoon song<>
-Description : Samsung Linux Platform WAC IDE
-Category : IDE/WAC IDE/Workbench
-Install-script : install.bat
-Remove-script : remove.bat
-Size: 181060397
-Path: /
-SHA256: 3d4169b08a067bb0ffa582a2f96b05e3784249d6a3de4f0ba278952da33ffcec
-Package: document
-Version: 1.2.147
-Architecture: i386
-Maintainer: Shingil Kang <>
-Description: Samsung API Document. Provides API document for Samsung SDK developers.
-Category: SDK/Documents
-Size: 27098678
-Path: /
-SHA256: a2936d618bf6f92e4c68f566c7817920575bb416fec35db3f8f39ec3b1d58001
-Package : i386-linux-gnueabi-gdb-7.2
-Version : 0.10.0
-Maintainer : ha taejun <taejun.ha>
-Description : gnu debugger 7.2 for SLP SDK
-Depends :
-Category : SDK/build-system/toolchains
-Size: 8984057
-Path: /
-SHA256: e6a836794e7697e5d4bf16591b3b08e1b6b434ac9100fd0303538224a63ab260
-Maintainer:jooyoung Kim <>, sanghyun Lee, gun Kim
-Description:Unit test for SLP IDE
-Category:IDE/SLP IDE/Plugins/UnitTest
-Size: 2085403
-Path: /
-SHA256: 8176c23c1885cfb1e464030f6bbb0bd8daaf2e1bbd805bd97b49ab05f8660592
-Package: Profiler
-Version: 1.0
-Architecture: i386
-Maintainer: Jaewon Lim <>, Juyoung Kim
-Description: Samsung Linux Platform IDE
-Category: IDE/SLP IDE/Plugins/Dynamic analysis
-Size: 43006227
-Path: /
-SHA256: d35b8bf41bfe9f3a4662a9e4c184c64d033fc55de97a2108432c0fc94ed84008
-Maintainer:juyung Kim <>, jeonghwan Kim <>
-Category:IDE/SLP IDE/Plugins/CodeCoverage
-Size: 326181
-Path: /
-SHA256: 86e47fc38a1cae8011ab2872db0ac7f772354cb4307c00e28cdb46636ad27a07
-Maintainer: Changhun Lim <>, Hyunjun Son <>, Jaeyeol Lee <>, Yonghwan Jeon <>
-Description: GUI Builder PlugIns
-Category: IDE/SLP IDE/Plugins/GUIBuilderPlugins
-Depends: slp-ide , GUIBuilder
-Size: 71394
-Path: /
-SHA256: 39f4f687f3664a53885a7a07dfb467f1663154af437d93c09ee23e95ec1119e8
-Package: meta1
-Version: 0.1
-Maintainer: cho
-Description: meta1
-Depends: p1
-Size: 0
-Path: /
-Attribute: root
-Package: p1
-Version: 0.1
-Maintainer: cho
-Description: p1
-Depends: p2
-Size: 0
-Path: /
-Package: p2
-Version: 0.1
-Maintainer: cho
-Description: p2
-Depends: meta1
-Size: 0
-Path: /
-Package: p3
-Version: 0.1
-Maintainer: cho
-Description: p3
-Depends: nopackage
-Size: 0
-Path: /
diff --git a/unittest/src/com/samsung/installmanager/tests/installedpackage.list b/unittest/src/com/samsung/installmanager/tests/installedpackage.list
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index d0be0c7..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-Package: EventInjector_Wac
-Version: 1.1
-Architecture: i386
-Maintainer: juyung Kim <>, jaewon lim <>, sungmin Ha <>
-Description: EventInjector for emulator
-Category: IDE/WAC IDE/Plugins/EventInjector
-Size: 206116
-Path: ./
-SHA256: e50c8b54d46d119468b36850b98ae8e53c81a628668d6f5fbc59493a2704d2f8
-Installed-directory: c:/samsung-sdk
-Package: slp-emulator-image
-Version: 1.1.86
-Maintainer: Yeong-Kyoon, Lee <> Dong-Kyun, Yun <>
-Description: Samsung Linux Platform Emulator Image
-Remove-script: remove.bat
-Category: SDK/Emulator
-Size: 221007566
-Path: ./
-SHA256: 68fcc94883592e1d3b8366ed703165c12ec76e560f2ebab8caba487d55667f53
-Installed-directory: c:/samsung-sdk
-Package: sdb
-Version: 0.1.35
-Maintainer: Hoon Kang <>, Joogwan Kim
-Description: Smart Development Bridge for device management
-Remove-script: remove.bat
-Size: 146872
-Path: /
-SHA256: 1dffb8554c1a15682313dec96039bc1f3eb2177ed276ec1f15061583987217f4
-Installed-directory: c:/samsung-sdk
-Package: EMULATOR
-Version: 0.16.63
-Maintainer: JongHwan Park <>
-Depends: slp-emulator, slp-emulator-image
-Description: Install EMULATOR.
-Attribute: root
-Category: /
-Size: 476
-Path: ./
-SHA256: cb1914c7d2a0318327cce3f5a398eb289a2361d1def4827d5a1c83108f0f03fd
-Installed-directory: c:/samsung-sdk
-Package: slp-emulator
-Version: 1.1.213
-Maintainer: Yeong-Kyoon, Lee <> Dong-Kyun, Yun <>
-Description: Samsung Linux Platform Emulator
-Install-script: install.bat
-Remove-script: remove.bat
-Category: SDK/Emulator
-Size: 24493356
-Path: ./
-SHA256: 793ac5e692faecc7e8749392fc93883078954c058a298171ad9da2909591c458
-Installed-directory: c:/samsung-sdk
-Package: info
-Version: 1.0.224
-Maintainer: JongHwan Park<>
-Description: information document for sdk-slp
-Category: SDK
-Size: 42649
-Path: /
-SHA256: f5c91a5a05f59b0dd03e1a3cfb3022b48ca4146295b09e8b43947b595ee69a32
-Installed-directory: c:/samsung-sdk
-Package: WAC_IDE
-Version: 0.16.71
-Maintainer: JongHwan Park <>
-Depends: wac-ide, EventInjector_Wac, info, sdb
-Description: Install WAC IDE.
-Attribute: root
-Category: /
-Size: 487
-Path: /
-SHA256: 62f972aef511cf72145823ad8d44b86e7ec5c7490056159ba18e0e72e28b947b
-Installed-directory: c:/samsung-sdk
-Package: wac-ide
-Version: 1.16.221
-Maintainer: kangho kim <> jihoon song<>
-Description: Samsung Linux Platform WAC IDE
-Category: IDE/WAC IDE/Workbench
-Install-script: install.bat
-Remove-script: remove.bat
-Size: 181060397
-Path: /
-SHA256: 3d4169b08a067bb0ffa582a2f96b05e3784249d6a3de4f0ba278952da33ffcec
-Installed-directory: c:/samsung-sdk