* Constant values for building the GUI
-const Vector4 POPUP_BORDER( 14.0f, 14.0f, 14.0f, 14.0f ); ///< The margin of the popup.
+const Vector4 POPUP_MARGIN( 14.0f, 14.0f, 14.0f, 14.0f ); ///< Margin around the popup visible background Image.
+const Vector4 POPUP_BORDER( 2.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f ); ///< The Border of the popup.
const Vector2 POPUP_MIN_SIZE( 0.0f, 126.0f ); ///< The minimum size of the popup.
const Vector2 POPUP_MAX_SIZE( 720.0f, 126.0f ); ///< The maximum size of the popup.
const float POPUP_TAIL_Y_OFFSET( -2.25f ); ///< The y offset of the tail.
const Vector2 POPUP_TAIL_SIZE( 36.0f, 36.0f ); ///< The size of the tail.
const Vector2 POPUP_DIVIDER_SIZE( 1.0f, 126.0f ); ///< The size of the divider.
-const Vector4 OPTION_MARGIN( 0.0f, 0.0f, 24.0f, 19.0f ); ///< The margin of the icon. the order is left, right, top and bottom
-const Vector2 OPTION_MAX_SIZE( 360.0f, 126.0f ); ///< The maximum size of the option.
+const Vector4 OPTION_PADDING( 16.0f, 16.0f, 24.0f, 19.0f ); ///< The padding within the option to position icon and text away from the border. The order is left, right, top and bottom
+const Vector2 OPTION_MAX_SIZE( 220.0f, 126.0f ); ///< The maximum size of the option.
const Vector2 OPTION_MIN_SIZE( 128.0f, 126.0f ); ///< The minimum size of the option.
const Vector2 OPTION_ICON_SIZE( 45.0f, 45.0f ); ///< The size of the icon.
const Vector2 OPTION_TEXT_MIN_SIZE( 128.0f, 30.0f ); ///< The minimum size of the text.
: mState(StateHidden),
- mRoot(Layer::New()),
+ mRoot( Layer::New() ),
+ mButtons(),
mPopupTailXPosition( 0.0f ),
- mContentSize( POPUP_MIN_SIZE ),
+ mContentSize(),
+void TextInputPopup::CreateLayer( const Vector2& size )
+ mLayer = Layer::New();
+ mLayer.SetParentOrigin(ParentOrigin::CENTER);
+ mLayer.SetAnchorPoint(AnchorPoint::CENTER);
+ mLayer.SetSize( size ); // matches stencil size
+ mLayer.SetName("popup-mLayer");
void TextInputPopup::CreateStencil( const Vector2& size )
mStencil = CreateSolidColorActor( Color::BLUE );
void TextInputPopup::OnScrollStarted( const Vector3& position )
- mBackground.SetSensitive( false );
+ mButtons.SetSensitive( false );
void TextInputPopup::OnScrollCompleted( const Vector3& position )
- mBackground.SetSensitive( true );
+ mButtons.SetSensitive( true );
void TextInputPopup::CreateScrollView()
mScrollView = Toolkit::ScrollView::New();
- mScrollView.SetAnchorPoint( AnchorPoint::TOP_LEFT );
- mScrollView.SetParentOrigin( ParentOrigin::TOP_LEFT );
- mScrollView.SetPosition( POPUP_BORDER.x, POPUP_BORDER.y );
+ mScrollView.SetAnchorPoint( AnchorPoint::CENTER );
+ mScrollView.SetParentOrigin( ParentOrigin::CENTER );
mScrollView.SetScrollingDirection( PanGestureDetector::DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL, Degree( 40.0f ) );
mScrollView.SetAxisAutoLock( true );
mScrollView.ScrollStartedSignal().Connect( this, &TextInputPopup::OnScrollStarted );
UnparentAndReset( mTail );
UnparentAndReset( mStencil );
UnparentAndReset( mBackground );
+ UnparentAndReset( mButtons );
UnparentAndReset( mScrollView );
- mButtonContainer.clear();
- mRoot.RemoveConstraints();
mState = StateHidden;
icon.SetParentOrigin( ParentOrigin::TOP_CENTER );
icon.SetAnchorPoint( AnchorPoint::TOP_CENTER );
icon.SetColor( color );
- icon.SetY( OPTION_MARGIN.z );
return icon;
Toolkit::TextView textView = Toolkit::TextView::New( styledCaption );
textView.SetSizePolicy( Toolkit::Control::Fixed, Toolkit::Control::Fixed );
- textView.SetWidthExceedPolicy( Toolkit::TextView::ShrinkToFit );
- textView.SetHeightExceedPolicy( Toolkit::TextView::ShrinkToFit );
+ textView.SetWidthExceedPolicy( Toolkit::TextView::EllipsizeEnd );
+ textView.SetHeightExceedPolicy( Toolkit::TextView::EllipsizeEnd );
textView.SetParentOrigin( ParentOrigin::BOTTOM_CENTER );
textView.SetAnchorPoint( AnchorPoint::BOTTOM_CENTER );
- textView.SetY( -OPTION_MARGIN.w );
+ textView.SetY( -OPTION_PADDING.w + POPUP_BORDER.w );
+ MarkupProcessor::StyledTextArray styledCaptionEllipsize;
+ MarkupProcessor::SetTextStyle( Text("..."), styledCaptionEllipsize, style );
+ textView.SetEllipsizeText( styledCaptionEllipsize );
const float textWidth = textView.GetWidthForHeight( OPTION_TEXT_MIN_SIZE.y );
textView.SetSize( textWidth, OPTION_TEXT_MIN_SIZE.y );
mBackground.SetAnchorPoint( AnchorPoint::CENTER );
mBackground.SetParentOrigin( ParentOrigin::CENTER );
mBackground.SetName( "text-input-popup-background" );
- mBackground.ApplyConstraint( Constraint::New<Vector3>( Actor::SIZE, ParentSource( Actor::SIZE ), EqualToConstraint() ) );
mBackground.SetColor( mBackgroundColor );
Image bgEffectImg = Image::New( POPUP_BACKGROUND_EFFECT );
mBackgroundEffect.Add( mBackgroundLine );
- GetRootActor().Add( mBackground );
ImageActor divider = Toolkit::CreateSolidColorActor( mLineColor );
divider.SetParentOrigin( ParentOrigin::TOP_LEFT );
divider.SetAnchorPoint( AnchorPoint::TOP_LEFT );
- divider.SetSize( POPUP_DIVIDER_SIZE );
+ divider.SetSize( POPUP_DIVIDER_SIZE.width , mContentSize.height );
divider.SetPosition( mContentSize.width - POPUP_DIVIDER_SIZE.width, 0.0f );
// Keep track of all the dividers. As their height's need to be updated to the max of all
- if ( !match)
+ if ( !match )
mOrderListOfButtons.push_back( currentButton );
+Vector2 TextInputPopup::GetConstrainedTextSize( const Vector2& textSize )
+ return Vector2( std::min( textSize.width, OPTION_MAX_SIZE.width - OPTION_PADDING.x - OPTION_PADDING.y ), textSize.height );
void TextInputPopup::AddOption(const std::string& name, const std::string& caption, const Image iconImage, bool finalOption)
// 1. Create container for text and icon when not pressed.
// 4. Calculate the size of option.
const Vector2 textSize = Vector2( captionTextView.GetNaturalSize() );
- const Vector2 optionSize( std::max( textSize.x, OPTION_ICON_SIZE.x ),
- const Vector2 constrainedOptionSize = Min( Max( optionSize, OPTION_MIN_SIZE ), OPTION_MAX_SIZE );
+ captionTextView.SetSize( GetConstrainedTextSize( textSize ) );
+ const Vector2 optionSize( std::max( textSize.x, OPTION_ICON_SIZE.x ) + OPTION_PADDING.x + OPTION_PADDING.z,
+ Vector2 constrainedOptionSize = Min( Max( optionSize, OPTION_MIN_SIZE ), OPTION_MAX_SIZE );
+ constrainedOptionSize.height = constrainedOptionSize.height - POPUP_BORDER.y - POPUP_BORDER.z;
// 5. Create a option.
Toolkit::PushButton option = Toolkit::PushButton::New();
option.SetName( name );
option.SetAnimationTime( 0.0f );
option.ClickedSignal().Connect( this, &TextInputPopup::OnButtonPressed );
- mScrollView.Add( option );
+ mButtons.Add( option );
// 6. Set the normal option image.
option.SetButtonImage( optionContainer );
// 7. Update the content size.
mContentSize.x += constrainedOptionSize.x;
+ mContentSize.y = std::max ( constrainedOptionSize.y, mContentSize.y );
// 8. Create the pressed container.
Actor optionPressedContainer = Actor::New();
// 9. Add option pressed background.
- Vector2 optionPressedBackgroundSize( constrainedOptionSize.x - 1.0f, constrainedOptionSize.y - 2.0f );
+ Vector2 optionPressedBackgroundSize( constrainedOptionSize.x - POPUP_BORDER.x, mContentSize.y - POPUP_BORDER.y - POPUP_BORDER.w );
ImageActor optionPressedBackground = CreatePressedBackground( optionPressedBackgroundSize );
optionPressedContainer.Add( optionPressedBackground );
// 10. Add pressed text
Toolkit::TextView pressedCaptionTextView = CreateOptionCaption( caption, mTextPressedColor );
+ pressedCaptionTextView.SetSize( GetConstrainedTextSize( Vector2( pressedCaptionTextView.GetNaturalSize() ) ) );
optionPressedBackground.Add( pressedCaptionTextView );
// 11. Add pressed icon
if ( !finalOption )
ImageActor divider = CreateDivider();
- mScrollView.Add( divider );
+ mButtons.Add( divider );
void TextInputPopup::AddPopupOptions()
- mContentSize = POPUP_MIN_SIZE;
+ mContentSize = Vector2( POPUP_MIN_SIZE.width, ( POPUP_BORDER.y + POPUP_BORDER.z ) );
// 1. Create the background.
- mRoot.Add(mBackground);
// 2. Create the tail.
- mBackground.Add( mTail );
- // 3. Create the scroll view.
+ // 3. Create the scroll view and Actor to hold buttons.
- mBackground.Add( mScrollView );
+ // Clear previous buttons
+ if ( mButtons )
+ {
+ UnparentAndReset( mButtons );
+ }
+ mButtons = Actor::New();
+ mButtons.SetParentOrigin( ParentOrigin::CENTER );
+ mButtons.SetAnchorPoint( AnchorPoint::CENTER );
// 4. Create the options and add into the scroll view.
for( std::vector<ButtonRequirement>::const_iterator it = mOrderListOfButtons.begin(), endIt = mOrderListOfButtons.end(); ( it != endIt ); ++it )
// 5. Calculate size of content and of popup including borders
- const Vector2 visibleContentSize = Vector2( std::min( mContentSize.x, POPUP_MAX_SIZE.x - POPUP_BORDER.x - POPUP_BORDER.y ), mContentSize.y );
- const Vector2 popupSize = Vector2( POPUP_BORDER.x + visibleContentSize.x + POPUP_BORDER.y,
- POPUP_BORDER.z + visibleContentSize.y + POPUP_BORDER.w );
- mVisiblePopUpSize = Vector3( popupSize.x, popupSize.y, 1.0f);
+ const Vector2 popupSize = Vector2( std::min ( ( POPUP_BORDER.x + mContentSize.width + POPUP_BORDER.z ), POPUP_MAX_SIZE.width ) , POPUP_BORDER.y + mContentSize.height + POPUP_BORDER.w );
+ mVisiblePopUpSize = Vector3( popupSize.width - POPUP_BORDER.x - POPUP_BORDER.z , mContentSize.height, 1.0f);
+ mBackground.SetSize( popupSize.x + 28 - POPUP_BORDER.x - POPUP_BORDER.z, popupSize.y + 28 - POPUP_BORDER.y - POPUP_BORDER.w );
+ mButtons.SetSize( mVisiblePopUpSize.GetVectorXY() );
// 6. Set the scroll view ruler.
- UpdateScrollViewRulerAndSize( visibleContentSize );
+ UpdateScrollViewRulerAndSize( mVisiblePopUpSize.GetVectorXY() );
// 7. Create stencil
- const Vector2 stencilSize = Vector2( popupSize.x, popupSize.y + POPUP_TAIL_SIZE.x + POPUP_TAIL_Y_OFFSET );
+ const Vector2 stencilSize = Vector2( mVisiblePopUpSize.GetVectorXY() );
+ CreateLayer( stencilSize );
CreateStencil( stencilSize );
- mRoot.Add( mStencil );
+ mScrollView.Add ( mButtons );
+ mLayer.Add( mScrollView);
+ mLayer.Add( mStencil);
+ mRoot.Add( mTail );
+ mRoot.Add( mBackground );
+ mRoot.Add( mLayer );
// 8. Set the root size.
mRoot.SetSize( popupSize ); // Make Root Actor reflect the size of its content
-void TextInputPopup::SetPopupBoundary( const Rect<float>& boundingRectangle )
- mBoundingRect = boundingRectangle;
const Vector3& TextInputPopup::GetVisibileSize() const
return mVisiblePopUpSize;
void TextInputPopup::SetTailPosition( const Vector3& position, bool yAxisFlip )
- mPopupTailXPosition = position.x;
- mTail.SetX( position.x );
+ mPopupTailXPosition = std::max( position.x, POPUP_TAIL_SIZE.width*0.5f - mVisiblePopUpSize.width*0.5f + POPUP_BORDER.x );
+ std::min( mPopupTailXPosition, mVisiblePopUpSize.width*0.5f - POPUP_BORDER.x - POPUP_TAIL_SIZE.width*0.5f );
+ mTail.SetX( mPopupTailXPosition );
if ( yAxisFlip )
Image tail = Image::New( POPUP_TAIL_TOP );
+ Image tailEffect = Image::New( POPUP_TAIL_TOP_EFFECT );
+ Image tailLine = Image::New( POPUP_TAIL_TOP_LINE );
mTail.SetImage( tail );
+ mTailEffect.SetImage( tailEffect );
+ mTailLine.SetImage( tailLine );
mTail.SetParentOrigin( ParentOrigin::TOP_CENTER );
mTail.SetAnchorPoint( AnchorPoint::BOTTOM_CENTER );
- Image tailEffect = Image::New( POPUP_TAIL_TOP_EFFECT );
- mTailEffect.SetImage( tailEffect );
- Image tailLine = Image::New( POPUP_TAIL_TOP_LINE );
- mTailLine.SetImage( tailLine );
void CreateOrderedListOfOptions();
+ /**
+ * Get the TextSize after constrained by the Popup margins.
+ * @param[in] textSize Natural size of text
+ * @return Vector2 constrained text size.
+ *
+ */
+ Vector2 GetConstrainedTextSize( const Vector2& textSize );
* Adds a popup option.
* @note Creates popup frame if not already created.
void Show( Actor target, bool animate = true );
- /**
- * Sets Alternative offset property.
- * The alternative offset property is how much to move in the horizontal and vertical
- * axes when the popup goes out of the screen on the left/right sides or top/bottom sides.
- * @param[in] offset Vector holding the left/right offset (x) and top/bottom offset (y)
- */
- void SetAlternativeOffset(Vector2 offset);
* Returns the current state of the popup.
* @return The state of the popup see enum State
void AddPopupOptions();
- /**
- * Set Boundary that Popup should stay within
- * @param[in] boundingRectangle coordinates of bounding box from Top Left
- */
- void SetPopupBoundary( const Rect<float>& boundingRectangle );
* Get Visible size of the Popup, excludes content that needs scrolling
* @return Vector3 size of Popup
void ApplyTailConstraint();
+ /**
+ * Create Layer to be used with stencil to allow scrolling of buttons which do not fit in visible popup
+ * @param[in] size of the layer.
+ */
+ void CreateLayer( const Vector2& size );
* Create a stencil to clip the scroll view content
* @param[in] size of the stencil.
State mState; ///< Popup State.
- Layer mRoot; ///< The actor which all popup content is added to (i.e. panel and buttons)
+ Layer mRoot; ///< The actor which all popup content is added to (i.e. panel and buttons)
+ Actor mButtons; ///< Actor which holds all the buttons, sensitivity can be set on all buttons via this actor
ImageActor mBackground; ///< The background popup panel
ImageActor mBackgroundEffect; ///< The background effect
ImageActor mBackgroundLine; ///< The background line
float mPopupTailXPosition; ///< X position of PopUp tail.
Vector2 mContentSize; ///< Size of Content (i.e. Buttons)
- ActorContainer mButtonContainer; ///< List of buttons added to popup.
ActorContainer mDividerContainer; ///< List of dividers added to popup.
Animation mAnimation; ///< Popup Hide/Show animation.
+ Layer mLayer; ///< Layer to be used with Stencil
Actor mStencil; ///< Stencil to clip scrollview
Toolkit::ScrollView mScrollView; ///< Scrollview to house the popup
Vector4 mTextColor; // Color of the popup text.
Vector4 mTextPressedColor; // Color of the popup text when pressed.
- Rect<float> mBoundingRect; // Boundary that Popup must stay within.
// Priority of Options/Buttons in the Cut and Paste pop-up, higher priority buttons are displayed first, left to right.
std::size_t mSelectOptionPriority; // Position of Select Button
std::size_t mSelectAllOptionPriority; // Position of Select All button