// emulate load success
EmulateImageLoaded( application, 80, 80 );
+ // Request a second load using exact-match image size:
ImageAttributes attr = ImageAttributes::New();
attr.SetSize( 80, 80 );
RequestPtr req2 = imageFactory.RegisterRequest( gTestImageFilename, &attr );
ImageFactory& imageFactory = Internal::ThreadLocalStorage::Get().GetImageFactory();
- Vector2 testSize(80.0f, 80.0f);
- application.GetPlatform().SetClosestImageSize(testSize);
+ Vector2 testSize( 2048.0f, 2048.0f );
+ application.GetPlatform().SetClosestImageSize( testSize );
// request with default attributes ( size is 0,0 )
RequestPtr req = imageFactory.RegisterRequest( gTestImageFilename, NULL );
// emulate load success
- EmulateImageLoaded( application, 80, 80 );
+ EmulateImageLoaded( application, testSize.x, testSize.y );
- // Request bigger size than actual image.
- // This will load the same resource.
- // However if image size changes later on to eg. 512*512 (file is overwritten),
- // reissuing these two requests will load different resources.
+ // Request slightly bigger size than actual image.
+ // This will load the same resource as the ImageFactory cache uses a small fudge factor in matching.
// See UtcDaliImageFactoryReload06
ImageAttributes attr = ImageAttributes::New();
- attr.SetSize( 92, 92 );
+ attr.SetSize( testSize.x + 1, testSize.y + 1 );
RequestPtr req2 = imageFactory.RegisterRequest( gTestImageFilename, &attr );
ResourceTicketPtr ticket2 = imageFactory.Load( *req2.Get() );
+// Different requests, incompatible resource, so two loads result:
+int UtcDaliImageFactoryInCompatibleResource(void)
+ TestApplication application;
+ tet_infoline( "UtcDaliImageFactoryCompatibleResource02 - Two requests mapping to same resource." );
+ ImageFactory& imageFactory = Internal::ThreadLocalStorage::Get().GetImageFactory();
+ Vector2 testSize(2048.0f, 2048.0f);
+ application.GetPlatform().SetClosestImageSize(testSize);
+ // request with default attributes ( size is 0,0 )
+ RequestPtr req = imageFactory.RegisterRequest( gTestImageFilename, NULL );
+ ResourceTicketPtr ticket = imageFactory.Load( *req.Get() );
+ application.SendNotification();
+ application.Render();
+ application.SendNotification();
+ application.Render();
+ // emulate load success
+ EmulateImageLoaded( application, testSize.x, testSize.y );
+ // Request substantially different size than actual image.
+ // This will issue a second resource load as difference in sizes is greater than
+ // the small fudge factor used in the ImageFactory cache.
+ ImageAttributes attr = ImageAttributes::New();
+ attr.SetSize( testSize.x - 16, testSize.y - 16 );
+ RequestPtr req2 = imageFactory.RegisterRequest( gTestImageFilename, &attr );
+ ResourceTicketPtr ticket2 = imageFactory.Load( *req2.Get() );
+ DALI_TEST_CHECK( req != req2 ); // different requests
+ DALI_TEST_CHECK( ticket->GetId() != ticket2->GetId() ); // differnet resources
// Different requests, compatible resource
int UtcDaliImageFactoryCompatibleResource03(void)
ImageFactory& imageFactory = Internal::ThreadLocalStorage::Get().GetImageFactory();
- Vector2 testSize(80.0f, 80.0f);
- application.GetPlatform().SetClosestImageSize(testSize);
+ Vector2 testSize(2048.0f, 2048.0f);
+ application.GetPlatform().SetClosestImageSize( testSize );
// request with default attributes ( size is 0,0 )
RequestPtr req = imageFactory.RegisterRequest( gTestImageFilename, NULL );
// emulate load success
- EmulateImageLoaded( application, 80, 80 );
+ EmulateImageLoaded( application, testSize.x, testSize.y );
// Request bigger size than actual image.
// This will load the same resource.
// However if image size changes later on to eg. 512*512 (file is overwritten),
// reissuing these two requests will load different resources.
ImageAttributes attr = ImageAttributes::New();
- attr.SetSize( 92, 92 );
+ attr.SetSize( testSize.x + 1, testSize.y + 1 );
RequestPtr req2 = imageFactory.RegisterRequest( gTestImageFilename, &attr );
ResourceTicketPtr ticket2 = imageFactory.Load( *req2.Get() );
// emulate load success
// note: this is the only way to emulate what size is loaded by platform abstraction
- EmulateImageLoaded( application, 92, 92 );
+ EmulateImageLoaded( application, testSize.x + 1, testSize.y + 1 );
// reload default size request
ticket = imageFactory.Reload( *req.Get() );