const char *outside_pad;
Evas_Coord h_pad = 0;
+ /* TIZEN_ONLY(20170202): fix popup max height */
+ Evas_Coord y, wy;
+ /* END */
//TIZEN_ONLY(20160623):Apply popup compress mode UX
sd->scr_size_recalc = EINA_FALSE;
sd->max_sc_h = -1;
+ /* TIZEN_ONLY(20170202): fix popup max height
+ adjust notify's height in case height of popup's parent is smaller than window's
+ and there is indicator below the popup
evas_object_geometry_get(sd->notify, NULL, NULL, NULL, &h);
+ */
+ evas_object_geometry_get(sd->notify, NULL, &y, NULL, &h);
+ evas_object_geometry_get(elm_widget_top_get(sd->notify), NULL, &wy, NULL, NULL);
+ h += (y - wy);
+ /* END */
if (sd->title_text || sd->title_icon)
"", NULL, NULL, NULL, &h_title);