In tizen_8.0, it uses interger value about background_volume_ratio.
So, when it upgrade from 7.0 to 8.0, it's data type also changes together.
Change-Id: I3f3d5c10cc1fb940a8da529898a0ffd0bcb087e5
+ ## change backgound_volume_ratio value type from float to integer in 8.0
+ background_volume_ratio=$(awk -F '<|>' '/background-volume-ratio/{print $3}' $SRC_PREV_CONF_PATH)
+ log I "bg volume = $background_volume_ratio"
+ if [[ "${background_volume_ratio}" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
+ integer_volume_ratio=${background_volume_ratio}
+ else
+ integer_volume_ratio=$(echo $background_volume_ratio | awk '{printf "%.2f\n", $1}' | awk '{$1=$1*100; print $1}')
+ fi
+ log I "after change bg volume = $integer_volume_ratio"
+ sed -i "s/<background-volume-ratio>[^<]*<\/background-volume-ratio>/<background-volume-ratio>${integer_volume_ratio}\<\/background-volume-ratio>/" $SRC_PREV_CONF_PATH
mig_copy $SRC_PREV_ENGINE_PATH $DST_NEW_ENGINE_PATH || error_handle "default_data" $LINENO
mig_copy $SRC_PREV_CONF_PATH $DST_CONF_PATH || error_handle "default_data" $LINENO