curr_build_project_id = buildmonitor_db.get_value_from_query_data(query, query_data)
# Skip updating the fail status if Base project
- if 'Base' in project:
+ if 'base' in project.lower():
sr_stage_status = 'S'
- print '[%s] This is [Base] project!! skip updating the fail status\n' % (__file__)
+ ### [PRE_SNAP] stage end : update 'S' status
+ info_stage_id = PRE_SNAP
+ query = "UPDATE sr_stage SET stage_end_time = NOW(), stage_status = %s " \
+ "WHERE sr_status_id = %s AND info_stage_id = %s AND build_project_id = %s"
+ query_data = (sr_stage_status, curr_sr_status_id, info_stage_id, curr_build_project_id)
+ buildmonitor_db.do_query(query, query_data)
+ ### [PRE_IMAGE] stage end : insert 'S' status
+ info_stage_id = PRE_IMAGE
+ query = "INSERT INTO sr_stage (sr_status_id, info_stage_id, stage_start_time, " \
+ "stage_end_time, stage_status, build_project_id) " \
+ "VALUES(%s, %s, NOW(), NOW(), %s, %s)"
+ query_data = (curr_sr_status_id, info_stage_id,
+ sr_stage_status, curr_build_project_id)
+ buildmonitor_db.do_query(query, query_data)
+ print '[%s] This is [Base] project!! All stages are done\n' % (__file__)
sr_stage_status = 'F'
- ### [PRE_SNAP] stage end : update fail status [pre] snapshot creation
- info_stage_id = PRE_SNAP
- query = "UPDATE sr_stage SET stage_status = %s WHERE sr_status_id = %s " \
- "AND info_stage_id = %s AND build_project_id = %s"
- query_data = (sr_stage_status, curr_sr_status_id, info_stage_id, curr_build_project_id)
- buildmonitor_db.do_query(query, query_data)
+ ### [PRE_SNAP] stage end : update 'F' status
+ info_stage_id = PRE_SNAP
+ query = "UPDATE sr_stage SET stage_end_time = NOW(), stage_status = %s " \
+ "WHERE sr_status_id = %s AND info_stage_id = %s AND build_project_id = %s"
+ query_data = (sr_stage_status, curr_sr_status_id, info_stage_id, curr_build_project_id)
+ buildmonitor_db.do_query(query, query_data)
def start_pre_create_snapshot_for_sr_stage(project, bm_git_tag, bm_start_datetime, bBuildFail):
print '[%s] enter start_pre_create_snapshot_for_sr_stage\n' % (__file__)
curr_build_project_id = buildmonitor_db.get_value_from_query_data(query, query_data)
### [PRE_SNAP] stage end : [pre] snapshot creation
+ sr_stage_status = 'S'
info_stage_id = PRE_SNAP
query = "UPDATE sr_stage SET stage_end_time = %s, stage_status = %s " \
"WHERE sr_status_id = %s AND info_stage_id = %s AND build_project_id = %s"
- query_data = (bm_end_datetime, 'S', curr_sr_status_id,
+ query_data = (bm_end_datetime, sr_stage_status, curr_sr_status_id,
info_stage_id, curr_build_project_id)
buildmonitor_db.do_query(query, query_data)
- ### [PRE_IMAGE] stage start : [pre] image creation
+ if 'base' in project.lower():
+ ### [PRE_IMAGE] stage end : [pre] image creation
+ sr_stage_status = 'S'
+ print '[%s] This is [Base] project!! sr_stage_status(%s)\n' \
+ % (__file__, sr_stage_status)
+ else:
+ ### [PRE_IMAGE] stage start : [pre] image creation
+ sr_stage_status = 'R'
info_stage_id = PRE_IMAGE
query = "INSERT INTO sr_stage (sr_status_id, info_stage_id, stage_start_time, " \
"stage_status, build_project_id) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"
query_data = (curr_sr_status_id, info_stage_id, bm_end_datetime,
- 'R', curr_build_project_id)
+ sr_stage_status, curr_build_project_id)
buildmonitor_db.do_query(query, query_data)
def end_pre_create_snapshot_for_build_snapshot(project, bm_snapshot_name,
post_build_project_id = buildmonitor_db.get_value_from_query_data(query, query_data)
print '[%s] post_build_project_id(%s)\n' % (__file__, post_build_project_id)
- # get curr_sr_status_id
+ # get multi_sr_status_id
query = "SELECT sr_status_id FROM sr_status_detail WHERE post_build_project_id = %s"
query_data = (post_build_project_id,)
- curr_sr_status_id = buildmonitor_db.get_value_from_query_data(query, query_data)
- #print '[%s] curr_sr_status_id(%s)\n' \
- # % (__file__, curr_sr_status_id)
- ### [7] stage : update fail status when failed
- bm_start_datetime = bm_end_datetime =
- query = "UPDATE sr_stage SET stage_start_time = %s, stage_end_time = %s, stage_status = %s " \
- "WHERE sr_status_id = %s AND build_project_id = %s"
- query_data = (bm_start_datetime, bm_end_datetime, 'F',
- curr_sr_status_id, post_build_project_id)
- buildmonitor_db.do_query(query, query_data)
+ multi_sr_status_id = buildmonitor_db.get_multi_values_from_query_data(query, query_data)
+ #print '[%s] multi_sr_status_id(%s)\n' \
+ # % (__file__, multi_sr_status_id)
+ # Skip updating the fail status if Base project
+ if 'base' in bm_snapshot_name.lower():
+ sr_stage_status = 'S'
+ for each_sr_status_id in multi_sr_status_id:
+ print '[%s] each_sr_status_id(%s)\n' % (__file__, each_sr_status_id)
+ ### [POST_SNAP] stage end : update 'S' status
+ info_stage_id = POST_SNAP
+ query = "UPDATE sr_stage SET stage_end_time = NOW(), stage_status = %s " \
+ "WHERE sr_status_id = %s AND info_stage_id = %s AND build_project_id = %s"
+ query_data = (sr_stage_status, each_sr_status_id[0], info_stage_id, post_build_project_id)
+ buildmonitor_db.do_query(query, query_data)
+ ### [POST_IMAGE] stage end : insert 'S' status
+ info_stage_id = POST_IMAGE
+ query = "INSERT INTO sr_stage (sr_status_id, info_stage_id, stage_start_time, " \
+ "stage_end_time, stage_status, build_project_id) " \
+ "VALUES(%s, %s, NOW(), NOW(), %s, %s)"
+ query_data = (each_sr_status_id[0], info_stage_id, sr_stage_status, post_build_project_id)
+ buildmonitor_db.do_query(query, query_data)
+ print '[%s] This is [Base] project!! All stages are done\n' % (__file__)
+ else:
+ sr_stage_status = 'F'
+ for each_sr_status_id in multi_sr_status_id:
+ print '[%s] each_sr_status_id(%s)\n' % (__file__, each_sr_status_id)
+ ### [POST_SNAP] stage end : update 'F' status
+ info_stage_id = POST_SNAP
+ query = "UPDATE sr_stage SET stage_end_time = NOW(), stage_status = %s " \
+ "WHERE sr_status_id = %s AND info_stage_id = %s AND build_project_id = %s"
+ query_data = (sr_stage_status, each_sr_status_id[0], info_stage_id, post_build_project_id)
+ buildmonitor_db.do_query(query, query_data)
def start_create_snapshot_for_sr_stage(project, bm_start_datetime):
print '[%s] enter start_create_snapshot_for_sr_stage\n' % (__file__)
for each_sr_status_id in multi_sr_status_id:
print '[%s] each_sr_status_id(%s)\n' % (__file__, each_sr_status_id)
- # change the state_status of previous stage from 'R' to 'S'
+ ### [POST_SNAP] stage end : update 'S' status
+ sr_stage_status = 'S'
info_stage_id = POST_SNAP
query = "UPDATE sr_stage SET stage_end_time = %s, stage_status = %s " \
"WHERE sr_status_id = %s AND info_stage_id = %s AND build_project_id = %s"
- query_data = (bm_end_datetime, 'S',
+ query_data = (bm_end_datetime, sr_stage_status,
each_sr_status_id[0], info_stage_id, post_build_project_id)
buildmonitor_db.do_query(query, query_data)
+ ### [POST_IMAGE] stage end : update 'S' or 'R' status
+ if 'base' in bm_snapshot_name.lower():
+ sr_stage_status = 'S'
+ print '[%s] This is [Base] project!! sr_stage_status(%s)\n' \
+ % (__file__, sr_stage_status)
+ else:
+ sr_stage_status = 'R'
info_stage_id = POST_IMAGE
query = "UPDATE sr_stage SET stage_end_time = %s, stage_status = %s " \
"WHERE sr_status_id = %s AND info_stage_id = %s AND build_project_id = %s"
- query_data = (bm_end_datetime, 'R',
+ query_data = (bm_end_datetime, sr_stage_status,
each_sr_status_id[0], info_stage_id, post_build_project_id)
buildmonitor_db.do_query(query, query_data)
bm_snapshot_url = content.get("bm_snapshot_url")
bm_snapshot_num = content.get("bm_snapshot_num")
- # Skip [Pre_Snap_End] if Base project
- if 'Base' in project:
- print '[%s] This is [Base] project!! skip [Pre_Snap_End]\n' % (__file__)
- return
# func call
if bm_stage == 'Pre_Snap_End':
buildmonitor_enabled = os.getenv("BUILDMONITOR_ENABLED", "0") != "0"
print 'buildmonitor_enabled(%s)\n' % (buildmonitor_enabled)
if buildmonitor_enabled:
- buildmonitor_skip = 1 # for exception case
global bm_start_datetime
bm_start_datetime =
# trigger snapdiff sync
for index, repo in enumerate(trigger_snapdiff.keys()):
- if buildmonitor_enabled:
- # if there is one data at least then do not skip
- if trigger_snapdiff[repo] != []:
- buildmonitor_skip = 0
- print '[%s] repo(%s), trigger_snapdiff[repo](%s)\n' \
- % (__file__, repo, trigger_snapdiff[repo])
trigger_next('snapdiff-trigger_%s' %
index, {repo: trigger_snapdiff[repo]})
trigger_next("update-nuget", data)
if buildmonitor_enabled:
- if buildmonitor_skip == 1:
- print 'snapdiff empty, buildmonitor_skipped!!\n'
- else:
- bm_end_datetime =
- # for sr_stage & build_snapshot
- #buildmonitor.end_create_snapshot_create_images_for_sr_stage(project,
- # bm_start_datetime,
- # bm_end_datetime)
- bm_snapshot_url = os.path.join(base_url, repo_data['repo_path'])
- #buildmonitor.end_create_snapshot_for_post_build_snapshot(project,
- # bm_start_datetime,
- # bm_end_datetime,
- # bm_snapshot_url,
- # repo_data['build_id'])
- bm_stage = 'Post_Snap_End'
- bm_data = {"bm_stage" : bm_stage,
- "bm_start_datetime" : str(bm_start_datetime),
- "bm_end_datetime" : str(bm_end_datetime),
- "bm_snapshot_url" : bm_snapshot_url,
- "bm_snapshot_name" : repo_data['build_id']
- }
- trigger_next("BUILD-MONITOR-4-%s" % bm_stage, bm_data)
+ bm_end_datetime =
+ # for sr_stage & build_snapshot
+ #buildmonitor.end_create_snapshot_create_images_for_sr_stage(project,
+ # bm_start_datetime,
+ # bm_end_datetime)
+ bm_snapshot_url = os.path.join(base_url, repo_data['repo_path'])
+ #buildmonitor.end_create_snapshot_for_post_build_snapshot(project,
+ # bm_start_datetime,
+ # bm_end_datetime,
+ # bm_snapshot_url,
+ # repo_data['build_id'])
+ bm_stage = 'Post_Snap_End'
+ bm_data = {"bm_stage" : bm_stage,
+ "bm_start_datetime" : str(bm_start_datetime),
+ "bm_end_datetime" : str(bm_end_datetime),
+ "bm_snapshot_url" : bm_snapshot_url,
+ "bm_snapshot_name" : repo_data['build_id']
+ }
+ trigger_next("BUILD-MONITOR-4-%s" % bm_stage, bm_data)
+ # Skip [BUILD-MONITOR_Post_Image] if Base project
+ if 'base' in project.lower():
+ print '[%s] This is [Base] project!! skip Post_Image \n' % (__file__)
+ else:
# To check the completion of image-creation stage at Post-release
# project)