renderer.SetProperty( Renderer::Property::RENDER_MODE, RenderMode::COLOR );
ResetDebugAndFlush( application, glEnableDisableStack, glStencilFunctionStack );
renderer.SetProperty( Renderer::Property::RENDER_MODE, RenderMode::COLOR_STENCIL );
+ // Set a different stencil function as the last one is cached.
+ renderer.SetProperty( Renderer::Property::STENCIL_FUNCTION, StencilFunction::ALWAYS );
ResetDebugAndFlush( application, glEnableDisableStack, glStencilFunctionStack );
DALI_TEST_CHECK( glEnableDisableStack.FindMethodAndParams( "Enable", GetStencilTestString() ) );
}; const int StencilOperationLookupTableCount = sizeof( StencilOperationLookupTable ) / sizeof( StencilOperationLookupTable[0] );
// Set all 3 StencilOperation properties to a default.
- renderer.SetProperty( Renderer::Property::STENCIL_OPERATION_ON_FAIL, StencilOperation::ZERO );
+ renderer.SetProperty( Renderer::Property::STENCIL_OPERATION_ON_FAIL, StencilOperation::KEEP );
renderer.SetProperty( Renderer::Property::STENCIL_OPERATION_ON_Z_FAIL, StencilOperation::ZERO );
renderer.SetProperty( Renderer::Property::STENCIL_OPERATION_ON_Z_PASS, StencilOperation::ZERO );
* - Checks the correct parameters to "glStencilFunc" were used
* - Checks the above for all 3 parameter placements of StencilOperation ( OnFail, OnZFail, OnPass )
- int stencilOperationPropertyKeys[] = { Renderer::Property::STENCIL_OPERATION_ON_FAIL, Renderer::Property::STENCIL_OPERATION_ON_Z_FAIL, Renderer::Property::STENCIL_OPERATION_ON_Z_PASS };
std::string methodString( "StencilOp" );
- for( int parameterIndex = 0; parameterIndex < 3; ++parameterIndex )
+ for( int i = 0; i < StencilOperationLookupTableCount; ++i )
- for( int i = 0; i < StencilOperationLookupTableCount; ++i )
+ for( int j = 0; j < StencilOperationLookupTableCount; ++j )
- // Set the property (outer loop causes all 3 different properties to be set separately).
- renderer.SetProperty( stencilOperationPropertyKeys[ parameterIndex ], static_cast<Dali::StencilFunction::Type>( i ) );
- // Check GetProperty returns the same value.
- DALI_TEST_EQUALS<int>( static_cast<int>( renderer.GetProperty( stencilOperationPropertyKeys[ parameterIndex ] ).Get<int>() ), i, TEST_LOCATION );
- // Reset the trace debug.
- ResetDebugAndFlush( application, glEnableDisableStack, glStencilFunctionStack );
- // Check the function is called and the parameters are correct.
- // Set the expected parameter value at its correct index (only)
- parameters[ parameterIndex ] = StencilOperationLookupTable[ i ];
- // Build the parameter list.
- std::stringstream parameterStream;
- for( int parameterBuild = 0; parameterBuild < 3; ++parameterBuild )
+ for( int k = 0; k < StencilOperationLookupTableCount; ++k )
- parameterStream << parameters[ parameterBuild ];
- // Comma-separate the parameters.
- if( parameterBuild < 2 )
+ // Set the property (outer loop causes all 3 different properties to be set separately).
+ renderer.SetProperty( Renderer::Property::STENCIL_OPERATION_ON_FAIL, static_cast<Dali::StencilFunction::Type>( i ) );
+ renderer.SetProperty( Renderer::Property::STENCIL_OPERATION_ON_Z_FAIL, static_cast<Dali::StencilFunction::Type>( j ) );
+ renderer.SetProperty( Renderer::Property::STENCIL_OPERATION_ON_Z_PASS, static_cast<Dali::StencilFunction::Type>( k ) );
+ // Check GetProperty returns the same value.
+ DALI_TEST_EQUALS<int>( static_cast<int>( renderer.GetProperty( Renderer::Property::STENCIL_OPERATION_ON_FAIL ).Get<int>() ), i, TEST_LOCATION );
+ DALI_TEST_EQUALS<int>( static_cast<int>( renderer.GetProperty( Renderer::Property::STENCIL_OPERATION_ON_Z_FAIL ).Get<int>() ), j, TEST_LOCATION );
+ DALI_TEST_EQUALS<int>( static_cast<int>( renderer.GetProperty( Renderer::Property::STENCIL_OPERATION_ON_Z_PASS ).Get<int>() ), k, TEST_LOCATION );
+ // Reset the trace debug.
+ ResetDebugAndFlush( application, glEnableDisableStack, glStencilFunctionStack );
+ // Check the function is called and the parameters are correct.
+ // Set the expected parameter value at its correct index (only)
+ parameters[ 0u ] = StencilOperationLookupTable[ i ];
+ parameters[ 1u ] = StencilOperationLookupTable[ j ];
+ parameters[ 2u ] = StencilOperationLookupTable[ k ];
+ // Build the parameter list.
+ std::stringstream parameterStream;
+ for( int parameterBuild = 0; parameterBuild < 3; ++parameterBuild )
- parameterStream << ", ";
+ parameterStream << parameters[ parameterBuild ];
+ // Comma-separate the parameters.
+ if( parameterBuild < 2 )
+ {
+ parameterStream << ", ";
+ }
- }
- // Check the function was called and the parameters were correct.
- DALI_TEST_CHECK( glStencilFunctionStack.FindMethodAndParams( methodString, parameterStream.str() ) );
+ // Check the function was called and the parameters were correct.
+ DALI_TEST_CHECK( glStencilFunctionStack.FindMethodAndParams( methodString, parameterStream.str() ) );
+ }
void StencilFunc(GLenum func, GLint ref, GLuint mask)
+ if( ( func != mStencilFunc ) || ( ref != mStencilFuncRef ) || ( mask != mStencilFuncMask ) )
+ {
+ mStencilFunc = func;
+ mStencilFuncRef = ref;
+ mStencilFuncMask = mask;
- LOG_GL("StencilFunc %x %d %d\n", func, ref, mask);
- CHECK_GL( mGlAbstraction, mGlAbstraction.StencilFunc(func, ref, mask) );
+ LOG_GL("StencilFunc %x %d %d\n", func, ref, mask);
+ CHECK_GL( mGlAbstraction, mGlAbstraction.StencilFunc(func, ref, mask) );
+ }
void StencilOp(GLenum fail, GLenum zfail, GLenum zpass)
- LOG_GL("StencilOp %x %x %x\n", fail, zfail, zpass);
- CHECK_GL( mGlAbstraction, mGlAbstraction.StencilOp(fail, zfail, zpass) );
+ if( ( fail != mStencilOpFail ) || ( zfail != mStencilOpDepthFail ) || ( zpass != mStencilOpDepthPass ) )
+ {
+ mStencilOpFail = fail;
+ mStencilOpDepthFail = zfail;
+ mStencilOpDepthPass = zpass;
+ LOG_GL("StencilOp %x %x %x\n", fail, zfail, zpass);
+ CHECK_GL( mGlAbstraction, mGlAbstraction.StencilOp(fail, zfail, zpass) );
+ }
GLenum mBlendEquationSeparateModeRGB; ///< Controls RGB blend mode
GLenum mBlendEquationSeparateModeAlpha; ///< Controls Alpha blend mode
+ // glStencilFunc() and glStencilOp() state.
+ GLenum mStencilFunc;
+ GLint mStencilFuncRef;
+ GLuint mStencilFuncMask;
+ GLenum mStencilOpFail;
+ GLenum mStencilOpDepthFail;
+ GLenum mStencilOpDepthPass;
GLenum mDepthFunction; ///The depth function
GLint mMaxTextureSize; ///< return value from GetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE)