#include "clipping-item-factory.h"
+#include "item-view-orientation-constraint.h"
using namespace Dali;
using namespace Dali::Toolkit;
const char * const APPLICATION_TITLE( "Clipping Controls" );
const Vector3 APPLICATION_TITLE_PARENT_ORIGIN( 0.5f, 0.03f, 0.5f ); // Set the parent origin to a small percentage below the top (so the demo will scale for different resolutions).
const Vector3 ITEM_VIEW_LAYOUT_SIZE_SCALE( 0.75f, 0.5f, 0.75f );
const float ITEM_VIEW_BORDER_SIZE = 2.0f;
const char * const BUTTON_LABEL( "Toggle Clipping Mode" );
} // unnamed namespace
* need to clip to. UI Controls automate the creation of the renderers/visuals when they are set to clip their children.
* This example displays an item-view whose clipping mode is toggled without the need for adding any renderers to it.
+ *
+ * Additionally, a constraint is used to modify the item-view's orientation.
class ClippingExample : public ConnectionTracker
const Vector3 itemViewLayoutSize( ITEM_VIEW_LAYOUT_SIZE_SCALE.x * stageSize.x, ITEM_VIEW_LAYOUT_SIZE_SCALE.y * stageSize.y, ITEM_VIEW_LAYOUT_SIZE_SCALE.z * stageSize.x );
mItemView.ActivateLayout( 0, itemViewLayoutSize, 0.0f );
+ // Connect to the scroll started and completed signals to apply orientation constraints & animations.
+ mItemView.ScrollStartedSignal().Connect( this, &ClippingExample::ScrollStarted );
+ mItemView.ScrollCompletedSignal().Connect( this, &ClippingExample::ScrollCompleted );
+ // Create a constraint for the item-view which we apply when we start scrolling and remove when we stop.
+ mItemViewOrientationConstraint = Constraint::New< Quaternion >( mItemView, Actor::Property::ORIENTATION, ItemViewOrientationConstraint( ITEM_VIEW_MAXIMUM_ROTATION_IN_DEGREES, ITEM_VIEW_LAYOUT_POSITION_CHANGE_MULTIPLIER ) );
+ mItemViewOrientationConstraint.AddSource( LocalSource( ItemView::Property::LAYOUT_POSITION ) );
// Create a border around item-view (as item-view is clipping its children, we should NOT add this as a child of item-view).
Control border = Control::New();
border.SetParentOrigin( ParentOrigin::CENTER );
border.SetProperty( Control::Property::BACKGROUND,
Property::Map().Add( Visual::Property::TYPE, Visual::BORDER )
.Add( BorderVisual::Property::COLOR, Color::WHITE )
- .Add( BorderVisual::Property::SIZE, 2.0f ) );
+ .Add( BorderVisual::Property::SIZE, 2.0f )
+ .Add( BorderVisual::Property::ANTI_ALIASING, true ) );
border.SetSize( Vector3( itemViewLayoutSize.x + ITEM_VIEW_BORDER_SIZE * 2.0f, itemViewLayoutSize.y + ITEM_VIEW_BORDER_SIZE * 2.0f, itemViewLayoutSize.z + ITEM_VIEW_BORDER_SIZE * 2.0f ) );
stage.Add( border );
+ // Constrain the border's orientation to the orientation of item-view.
+ Constraint constraint = Constraint::New< Quaternion >( border, Actor::Property::ORIENTATION, EqualToConstraint() );
+ constraint.AddSource( Source( mItemView, Actor::Property::ORIENTATION ) );
+ constraint.Apply();
// Create a button to toggle the clipping mode
PushButton button = Toolkit::PushButton::New();
button.SetParentOrigin( ParentOrigin::BOTTOM_CENTER );
button.SetResizePolicy( ResizePolicy::FILL_TO_PARENT, Dimension::WIDTH );
button.SetResizePolicy( ResizePolicy::USE_NATURAL_SIZE, Dimension::HEIGHT );
button.SetProperty( Actor::Property::DRAW_MODE, DrawMode::OVERLAY_2D );
- button.SetProperty( Button::Property::LABEL,
- Property::Map().Add( Toolkit::Visual::Property::TYPE, Toolkit::DevelVisual::TEXT )
- .Add( Toolkit::TextVisual::Property::TEXT, BUTTON_LABEL ) );
+ button.SetProperty( Button::Property::LABEL, BUTTON_LABEL );
button.ClickedSignal().Connect( this, &ClippingExample::OnButtonClicked );
stage.Add( button );
+ /**
+ * @brief Called when the item-view starts to scroll.
+ *
+ * Here we want to apply the item-view constraint.
+ */
+ void ScrollStarted( const Vector2& /* currentScrollPosition */ )
+ {
+ mItemViewOrientationConstraint.Apply();
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Called when the item-view scrolling completes.
+ *
+ * Here we remove the item-view orientation constraint and perform an animation to return the item-view back to base-rotation.
+ */
+ void ScrollCompleted( const Vector2& /* currentScrollPosition */ )
+ {
+ Animation animation = Animation::New( ITEM_VIEW_ROTATION_ANIMATION_TIME );
+ animation.AnimateTo( Property( mItemView, Actor::Property::ORIENTATION ), Quaternion( Degree( 0.0f ), Vector3::XAXIS ), AlphaFunction::EASE_IN_SINE );
+ animation.Play();
+ mItemViewOrientationConstraint.Remove();
+ }
* @brief Called when any key event is received
Application& mApplication; ///< Reference to the application class.
ItemView mItemView; ///< The item view which whose children we would like to clip.
ClippingItemFactory mClippingItemFactory; ///< The ItemFactory used to create our items.
+ Constraint mItemViewOrientationConstraint; ///< The constraint used to control the orientation of item-view.
int DALI_EXPORT_API main( int argc, char **argv )
--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright (c) 2017 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ */
+#include <dali/public-api/animation/constraint.h>
+#include <dali/public-api/math/degree.h>
+#include <dali/public-api/math/math-utils.h>
+#include <dali/public-api/math/quaternion.h>
+#include <dali/public-api/math/radian.h>
+#include <dali/public-api/math/vector3.h>
+ * @brief Constraint used to constrain the orientation of the item-view depending on the position within the layout.
+ */
+class ItemViewOrientationConstraint
+ /**
+ * @brief Constructor.
+ * @param[in] maximumRotationInDegrees The maximum rotation (in degrees) that we should rotate the item-view by.
+ * @param[in] layoutPositionChangeMultiplier This value is used to multiply the change in layout position
+ * (in order to exaggerate the amount moved so it's more visible).
+ */
+ ItemViewOrientationConstraint( float maximumRotationInDegrees, float layoutPositionChangeMultiplier )
+ : mMaximumRotationInDegrees( maximumRotationInDegrees ),
+ mLayoutPositionChangeMultiplier( layoutPositionChangeMultiplier ),
+ mStartingLayoutPosition( 0.0f ),
+ mStartingAngle( 0.0f ),
+ mFirstCall( true )
+ {
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Will be called by the Constraint.
+ *
+ * The first time this operator is called, it uses the values as it's base reference.
+ * Thereafter, the position in the layout is used to determine the rotation around the X-Axis.
+ *
+ * @param[in] rotation The rotation of the item-view.
+ * @param[in] inputs The constraint inputs:
+ * [0] ItemView::Property::LAYOUT_POSITION, float
+ */
+ void operator()( Dali::Quaternion& rotation, const Dali::PropertyInputContainer& inputs )
+ {
+ const float& layoutPosition = inputs[ 0 ]->GetFloat();
+ // Store values for base reference when called the first call.
+ if( mFirstCall )
+ {
+ mStartingLayoutPosition = layoutPosition;
+ Dali::Vector3 axis;
+ Dali::Radian angleInRadians;
+ rotation.ToAxisAngle( axis, angleInRadians );
+ Dali::Degree angleInDegrees( angleInRadians ); // Convert to Degrees
+ mStartingAngle = angleInDegrees.degree;
+ if( axis.x < 0.0f ) // We only rotate round the X-Axis. So if the X-Axis is negative, then the angle is also a negative angle.
+ {
+ mStartingAngle = -mStartingAngle;
+ }
+ mFirstCall = false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // All subsequent calls should tilt the orientation of the item-view around the X-Axis depending on how much our position has changed in the layout.
+ Dali::Degree angle( mStartingAngle + mLayoutPositionChangeMultiplier * ( mStartingLayoutPosition - layoutPosition ) );
+ Dali::ClampInPlace( angle.degree, -mMaximumRotationInDegrees, mMaximumRotationInDegrees ); // Ensure the angle does not exceed maximum specified (in both directions).
+ rotation = Dali::Quaternion( angle, Dali::Vector3::XAXIS );
+ }
+ }
+ const float mMaximumRotationInDegrees; ///< The maximum allowable rotation of the item-view.
+ const float mLayoutPositionChangeMultiplier; ///< This value is used to multiply the change in layout position.
+ float mStartingLayoutPosition; ///< The starting layout position.
+ float mStartingAngle; ///< The starting angle (in degrees) of the item-view.
+ bool mFirstCall; ///< A boolean to state whether this is the first time the operator() is called. Allows us to set the starting values.