--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ */
+#include <dali/dali.h>
+#include <dali-toolkit/dali-toolkit.h>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <map>
+#include "shared/utility.h"
+#include "sparkle-effect.h"
+using namespace Dali;
+using Dali::Toolkit::ImageView;
+using namespace SparkleEffect;
+namespace // unnamed namespace
+//background image for normal status
+const char * const CIRCLE_BACKGROUND_IMAGE( DEMO_IMAGE_DIR "sparkle_normal_background.png" );
+//particle shape image
+const char * const PARTICLE_IMAGE( DEMO_IMAGE_DIR "sparkle_particle.png" );
+float EaseOutSquare( float progress )
+ return 1.0f - (1.0f-progress) * (1.0f-progress);
+float CustomBounce( float progress )
+ float p = 1.f-progress;
+ p *=p;
+ return 17.68f*p*p*p*progress;
+float Mix( const Vector2& range, float a )
+ return range.x * a + range.y*(1.f-a)-0.001f;
+const Vector4 BACKGROUND_COLOR( 0.f, 0.f, 0.05f, 1.f );
+} // unnamed namespace
+// This example shows a sparkle particle effect
+class SparkleEffectExample : public ConnectionTracker
+ /**
+ * Create the SparkleEffectExample
+ * @param[in] application The DALi application instance
+ */
+ SparkleEffectExample( Application& application )
+ : mApplication( application ),
+ mAnimationIndex( 0u ),
+ mShaking( false )
+ {
+ mApplication.InitSignal().Connect( this, &SparkleEffectExample::OnInit );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Initialize the SparkleEffectExample
+ * @param[in] application The DALi application instance
+ */
+ void OnInit( Application& application )
+ {
+ Stage stage = Stage::GetCurrent();
+ stage.KeyEventSignal().Connect(this, &SparkleEffectExample::OnKeyEvent);
+ stage.SetBackgroundColor( BACKGROUND_COLOR );
+ mCircleBackground = ImageView::New( CIRCLE_BACKGROUND_IMAGE );
+ mCircleBackground.SetParentOrigin( ParentOrigin::CENTER );
+ mCircleBackground.SetAnchorPoint( AnchorPoint::CENTER );
+ stage.Add( mCircleBackground );
+ mEffect = SparkleEffect::New();
+ mMeshActor = CreateMeshActor();
+ stage.Add( mMeshActor );
+ mMeshActor.SetPosition( ACTOR_POSITION );
+ mMeshActor.SetScale( ACTOR_SCALE );
+ mTapDetector = TapGestureDetector::New();
+ mTapDetector.Attach(mCircleBackground);
+ mTapDetector.DetectedSignal().Connect( this, &SparkleEffectExample::OnTap );
+ mPanGestureDetector = PanGestureDetector::New();
+ mPanGestureDetector.DetectedSignal().Connect( this, &SparkleEffectExample::OnPan );
+ mPanGestureDetector.Attach( mCircleBackground );
+ PlayWanderAnimation( 35.f );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create the mesh representing all the particles
+ */
+ Actor CreateMeshActor()
+ {
+ // shuffling to assign the color in random order
+ unsigned int* shuffleArray = new unsigned int[NUM_PARTICLE];
+ for( unsigned int i = 0; i<NUM_PARTICLE; i++ )
+ {
+ shuffleArray[i] = i;
+ }
+ std::random_shuffle(&shuffleArray[0],&shuffleArray[NUM_PARTICLE]);
+ // Create vertices
+ std::vector< Vertex > vertices;
+ std::vector< unsigned short > faces;
+ for( unsigned int i = 0; i<NUM_PARTICLE; i++ )
+ {
+ float colorIndex = GetColorIndex( shuffleArray[i] );
+ AddParticletoMesh( vertices, faces, PATHS[i], colorIndex );
+ }
+ delete [] shuffleArray;
+ Property::Map vertexFormat;
+ vertexFormat["aTexCoord"] = Property::VECTOR2;
+ vertexFormat["aParticlePath0"] = Property::VECTOR2;
+ vertexFormat["aParticlePath1"] = Property::VECTOR2;
+ vertexFormat["aParticlePath2"] = Property::VECTOR2;
+ vertexFormat["aParticlePath3"] = Property::VECTOR2;
+ vertexFormat["aParticlePath4"] = Property::VECTOR2;
+ vertexFormat["aParticlePath5"] = Property::VECTOR2;
+ PropertyBuffer propertyBuffer = PropertyBuffer::New( vertexFormat );
+ propertyBuffer.SetData( &vertices[0], vertices.size() );
+ Geometry geometry = Geometry::New();
+ geometry.AddVertexBuffer( propertyBuffer );
+ geometry.SetIndexBuffer( &faces[0], faces.size() );
+ geometry.SetType( Geometry::TRIANGLES );
+ Texture particleTexture = DemoHelper::LoadTexture( PARTICLE_IMAGE );
+ TextureSet textureSet = TextureSet::New();
+ textureSet.SetTexture( 0u, particleTexture );
+ Renderer renderer = Renderer::New( geometry, mEffect );
+ renderer.SetTextures( textureSet );
+ Actor meshActor = Actor::New();
+ meshActor.SetParentOrigin( ParentOrigin::CENTER );
+ meshActor.SetSize( 1, 1 );
+ meshActor.AddRenderer( renderer );
+ return meshActor;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Defines a rule to assign particle with a color according to its index
+ */
+ float GetColorIndex( unsigned int particleIndex )
+ {
+ unsigned int thereshold = 0;
+ for( unsigned int i = 0; i<NUM_COLOR; i++ )
+ {
+ thereshold += PARTICLE_COLORS[i].numParticle;
+ if( particleIndex < thereshold)
+ {
+ return i + Mix( PARTICLE_COLORS[i].AlphaRange, static_cast<float>(thereshold-particleIndex)/PARTICLE_COLORS[i].numParticle );
+ }
+ }
+ return NUM_COLOR-1;
+ }
+ /**
+ * All a particle to the mesh by giving the moving path and color index
+ *
+ * Two triangles per particle
+ * 0---------3
+ * |\ |
+ * | \ |
+ * | \ |
+ * | \|
+ * 1---------2
+ *
+ * The information we need to pass in through attribute include:
+ *
+ * path which contains 12 integer
+ * ---- passed in 6 Vector2 attributes
+ *
+ * color index, particle index and textureCoor( (0,0) or (1,0) or (0,1) or (1,1) )
+ * ---- package these info into texCood attribute as: (+-colorIndex, +-particleIndex)
+ */
+ void AddParticletoMesh( std::vector< Vertex >& vertices,
+ std::vector< unsigned short >& faces,
+ MovingPath& movingPath,
+ float colorIndex )
+ {
+ unsigned int idx = vertices.size();
+ // store the path into position and normal, which would be decoded inside the shader
+ Vector2 particlePath0( movingPath[0], movingPath[1] );
+ Vector2 particlePath1( movingPath[2], movingPath[3] );
+ Vector2 particlePath2( movingPath[4], movingPath[5] );
+ Vector2 particlePath3( movingPath[6], movingPath[7] );
+ Vector2 particlePath4( movingPath[8], movingPath[9] );
+ Vector2 particlePath5( movingPath[10], movingPath[11] );
+ float particleIdx = static_cast<float>(idx/4 + 1); // count from 1
+ float colorIdx = colorIndex+1.f; // count from 1
+ vertices.push_back( Vertex( Vector2(-colorIdx, -particleIdx), particlePath0, particlePath1, particlePath2, particlePath3, particlePath4, particlePath5 ) );
+ vertices.push_back( Vertex( Vector2(-colorIdx, particleIdx), particlePath0, particlePath1, particlePath2, particlePath3, particlePath4, particlePath5 ) );
+ vertices.push_back( Vertex( Vector2( colorIdx, particleIdx), particlePath0, particlePath1, particlePath2, particlePath3, particlePath4, particlePath5 ) );
+ vertices.push_back( Vertex( Vector2( colorIdx, -particleIdx), particlePath0, particlePath1, particlePath2, particlePath3, particlePath4, particlePath5 ) );
+ faces.push_back(idx);
+ faces.push_back(idx+1);
+ faces.push_back(idx+2);
+ faces.push_back(idx);
+ faces.push_back(idx+2);
+ faces.push_back(idx+3);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Main key event handler
+ */
+ void OnKeyEvent(const KeyEvent& event)
+ {
+ if(event.state == KeyEvent::Down)
+ {
+ if( IsKey( event, Dali::DALI_KEY_ESCAPE) || IsKey( event, Dali::DALI_KEY_BACK) )
+ {
+ mApplication.Quit();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Callback of the TapGesture
+ */
+ void OnTap( Actor actor, const TapGesture& tap )
+ {
+ {
+ PlayTapAnimation(5.f, tap.localPoint);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Callback of the PanGesture
+ */
+ void OnPan( Actor actor, const PanGesture& gesture )
+ {
+ if( gesture.state == Gesture::Finished )
+ {
+ switch(mAnimationIndex)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ {
+ PlayParticleFadeAnimation(0, NUM_PARTICLE, 0.f, 3.f );
+ break;
+ }
+ case 1:
+ {
+ PlayBreakAnimation(2.0f);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 2:
+ {
+ PlayShakeAnimation(0.5f, 2.5f);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ mAnimationIndex = (mAnimationIndex+1)%3;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Animate the particle position to make them wandering on the screen with 'seemingly' random fade in/out
+ * @param[in] duration The duration for the particle to move a cycle on the path. the bigger this value the slower the floating movement.
+ * @param[in] looping Infinite playing or not
+ */
+ void PlayWanderAnimation( float duration, bool looping = true )
+ {
+ Animation wanderAnimation= Animation::New(duration);
+ wanderAnimation.AnimateTo( Property( mEffect, PERCENTAGE_UNIFORM_NAME ), 1.f );
+ wanderAnimation.SetLooping(looping); // infinite playing
+ wanderAnimation.Play();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Accelerate the particle moving speed
+ * @param[in] cycle How many extra cycles to move during the animation
+ * @param[in] duration The duration for the animation
+ */
+ void PlayShakeAnimation( float cycle, float duration )
+ {
+ if( mShaking )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ DestroyAnimation( mTapAnimationAux );
+ float accelaration = GetFloatUniformValue( ACCELARATION_UNIFORM_NAME );
+ mEffect.SetProperty( mEffect.GetPropertyIndex(ACCELARATION_UNIFORM_NAME), accelaration - int( accelaration) ); // Set the value as its fractional part
+ Animation shakeAnimation = Animation::New(duration);
+ shakeAnimation.AnimateBy( Property( mEffect, ACCELARATION_UNIFORM_NAME ), cycle, AlphaFunction::EASE_OUT );
+ shakeAnimation.FinishedSignal().Connect( this, &SparkleEffectExample::OnShakeAnimationFinished );
+ shakeAnimation.Play();
+ mShaking = true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Animate the particles to appear from center and spread all over around
+ * @param[in] duration The duration for the animation
+ */
+ void PlayBreakAnimation( float duration )
+ {
+ if( GetFloatUniformValue(BREAK_UNIFORM_NAME) > 0.f )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Stop the fading / tap animation before the breaking
+ DestroyAnimation( mFadeAnimation);
+ mTapIndices.x = mTapIndices.y;
+ mEffect.SetProperty( mEffect.GetPropertyIndex( TAP_INDICES_UNIFORM_NAME ), mTapIndices );
+ mEffect.SetProperty( mEffect.GetPropertyIndex( ACCELARATION_UNIFORM_NAME ), 0.f );
+ // prepare the animation by setting the uniform to the required value
+ mEffect.SetProperty( mEffect.GetPropertyIndex( BREAK_UNIFORM_NAME ), 1.f );
+ mMeshActor.SetScale(0.01f);
+ mEffect.SetProperty( mEffect.GetPropertyIndex( "uScale" ), 0.01f );
+ mMeshActor.SetPosition( 0.f, 0.f, 1.f );
+ Animation breakAnimation = Animation::New(duration*1.5f);
+ breakAnimation.AnimateTo( Property(mMeshActor, Actor::Property::SCALE), Vector3(ACTOR_SCALE,ACTOR_SCALE,ACTOR_SCALE), EaseOutSquare);
+ breakAnimation.AnimateTo( Property( mEffect, "uScale" ), ACTOR_SCALE, EaseOutSquare);
+ breakAnimation.AnimateTo( Property(mMeshActor, Actor::Property::POSITION), ACTOR_POSITION, EaseOutSquare);
+ breakAnimation.FinishedSignal().Connect( this, &SparkleEffectExample::OnBreakAnimationFinished );
+ float timeUnit = duration/ (NUM_PARTICLE+1) /(NUM_PARTICLE+1) ;
+ std::ostringstream oss;
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i<NUM_PARTICLE; i++)
+ {
+ oss.str("");
+ oss<< OPACITY_UNIFORM_NAME<< i << "]";
+ mEffect.SetProperty( mEffect.GetPropertyIndex( oss.str() ), 0.01f);
+ float timeSlice = timeUnit*i*i;
+ breakAnimation.AnimateTo( Property( mEffect, oss.str() ), 1.f, AlphaFunction::EASE_IN_OUT_SINE, TimePeriod( timeSlice*0.5f, timeSlice ) );
+ }
+ breakAnimation.Play();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Animate the particle opacity
+ * Particles with index between startIndex ~ startIndex+numParticle-1 fade to the target opacity one after another
+ * @param[in] startIndex The index of the first particle
+ * @param[in] numParticle The number of particle to change opacity
+ * @param[in] targetValue The final opacity
+ * @param[in] duration The duration for the animation
+ */
+ void PlayParticleFadeAnimation( unsigned int startIndex, unsigned int numParticle, float targetValue, float duration )
+ {
+ if( GetFloatUniformValue(BREAK_UNIFORM_NAME) > 0.f )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ // start the opacity animation one particle after another gradually
+ float timeSlice = duration / (numParticle+1);
+ float fadeDuration = timeSlice>0.5f ? timeSlice : 0.5f;
+ Animation fadeAnimation= Animation::New(duration+fadeDuration*2.f);
+ std::ostringstream oss;
+ for(unsigned int i = startIndex; i<numParticle; i++)
+ {
+ if( i>=NUM_PARTICLE ) break; // out of bound
+ oss.str("");
+ oss<< OPACITY_UNIFORM_NAME<< i << "]";
+ fadeAnimation.AnimateTo(Property( mEffect, oss.str()), targetValue, TimePeriod( timeSlice*i, fadeDuration*2.f ));
+ }
+ fadeAnimation.Play();
+ mFadeAnimation = fadeAnimation;
+ mFadeAnimation.FinishedSignal().Connect( this, &SparkleEffectExample::OnFadeAnimationFinished );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Push the particles to the edge all around the circle then bounce back
+ * @param[in] duration The duration for the animation
+ * @param[in] tapPoint The position of the tap point
+ */
+ void PlayTapAnimation(float duration, const Vector2& tapPoint )
+ {
+ if( mTapIndices.y > mTapIndices.x && mTapAnimation.GetCurrentProgress() < 0.2f)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ Animation animation= Animation::New(duration);
+ int idx = int(mTapIndices.y)%MAXIMUM_ANIMATION_COUNT;
+ mTapIndices.y += 1.f;
+ std::ostringstream oss;
+ oss<< TAP_OFFSET_UNIFORM_NAME<< idx << "]";
+ mEffect.SetProperty( mEffect.GetPropertyIndex( oss.str() ), 0.f);
+ animation.AnimateTo( Property( mEffect, oss.str() ), 0.75f, CustomBounce);
+ oss.str("");
+ oss<< TAP_POINT_UNIFORM_NAME<< idx << "]";
+ mEffect.SetProperty( mEffect.GetPropertyIndex( oss.str() ), tapPoint/ACTOR_SCALE);
+ mEffect.SetProperty( mEffect.GetPropertyIndex( TAP_INDICES_UNIFORM_NAME ), mTapIndices);
+ if(!mShaking)
+ {
+ mTapAnimationAux = Animation::New(duration*0.2f);
+ mTapAnimationAux.AnimateBy( Property( mEffect, ACCELARATION_UNIFORM_NAME ), 0.15f, AlphaFunction::EASE_IN_OUT );
+ mTapAnimationAux.Play();
+ }
+ animation.Play();
+ mTapAnimationIndexPair[animation] = static_cast<int>(mTapIndices.y -1.f);
+ animation.FinishedSignal().Connect( this, &SparkleEffectExample::OnTapAnimationFinished );
+ mTapAnimation = animation;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Callback of the animation finished signal
+ */
+ void OnShakeAnimationFinished( Animation& animation)
+ {
+ mShaking = false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Callback of the animation finished signal
+ */
+ void OnFadeAnimationFinished( Animation& animation)
+ {
+ mFadeAnimation.Clear();
+ mFadeAnimation.Reset();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Callback of the animation finished signal
+ */
+ void OnBreakAnimationFinished( Animation& animation)
+ {
+ mEffect.SetProperty( mEffect.GetPropertyIndex( BREAK_UNIFORM_NAME ), 0.f );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Callback of the animation finished signal
+ */
+ void OnTapAnimationFinished( Animation& animation )
+ {
+ if( mTapAnimationIndexPair[animation] == static_cast<int>(mTapIndices.x) )
+ {
+ mTapIndices.x += 1.f;
+ if( mTapIndices.x >= mTapIndices.y )
+ {
+ mTapIndices = Vector2::ZERO;
+ }
+ mEffect.SetProperty( mEffect.GetPropertyIndex( TAP_INDICES_UNIFORM_NAME ), mTapIndices);
+ }
+ mTapAnimationIndexPair.erase( animation );
+ if( mTapAnimationIndexPair.size() < 1 && mTapIndices != Vector2::ZERO)
+ {
+ mTapIndices = Vector2::ZERO;
+ mEffect.SetProperty( mEffect.GetPropertyIndex( TAP_INDICES_UNIFORM_NAME ), mTapIndices);
+ }
+ animation.Clear();
+ animation.Reset();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Helper retrieve a uniform value from the Sparkle effect shader
+ * @param[in] uniformName The uniform
+ * @return The float value
+ */
+ float GetFloatUniformValue( const std::string& uniformName )
+ {
+ float value;
+ mEffect.GetProperty(mEffect.GetPropertyIndex(uniformName)).Get(value);
+ return value;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Terminate the given animation
+ */
+ void DestroyAnimation( Animation& animation )
+ {
+ if( animation )
+ {
+ animation.Clear();
+ animation.Reset();
+ }
+ }
+ Application& mApplication;
+ Shader mEffect;
+ ImageView mCircleBackground;
+ Actor mMeshActor;
+ PanGestureDetector mPanGestureDetector;
+ TapGestureDetector mTapDetector;
+ Animation mFadeAnimation;
+ Animation mTapAnimation;
+ Animation mTapAnimationAux;
+ Vector2 mTapIndices;
+ unsigned int mAnimationIndex;
+ bool mShaking;
+ std::map< Animation, int > mTapAnimationIndexPair;
+void RunTest( Application& application )
+ SparkleEffectExample theApp( application );
+ application.MainLoop();
+// Entry point for Linux & Tizen applications
+int DALI_EXPORT_API main( int argc, char **argv )
+ Application application = Application::New( &argc, &argv );
+ RunTest( application );
+ return 0;
--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ */
+#include <dali/dali.h>
+#include <dali-toolkit/dali-toolkit.h>
+using namespace Dali;
+using Dali::Toolkit::ImageView;
+/* Custom sparkle effect shader******************************/
+namespace SparkleEffect
+ // uniform which controls the position of particle on the path
+ const std::string PERCENTAGE_UNIFORM_NAME( "uPercentage" );
+ // uniform array of particle color, set their value as the PARTICLE_COLORS given below
+ const std::string PARTICLE_COLOR_UNIFORM_NAME("uParticleColors[");
+ // uniform array of particle opacity
+ const std::string OPACITY_UNIFORM_NAME("uOpacity[");
+ // uniform which offsets the path control point, with this values >=0, the paths are squeezed towards the GatheringPoint
+ const std::string ACCELARATION_UNIFORM_NAME("uAcceleration");
+ // uniform which indicates the ongoing tap animations
+ const std::string TAP_INDICES_UNIFORM_NAME("uTapIndices");
+ // uniform which controls how much the offset of the midpoints relative to the start/end points of the cubic bezier curve when the path is squeezed for tap animation
+ const std::string TAP_OFFSET_UNIFORM_NAME("uTapOffset[");
+ // uniform which gives the position of the tapping, in this way the particles will be pushed away from this point
+ const std::string TAP_POINT_UNIFORM_NAME("uTapPoint[");
+ // uniform which trigger the break animation, set to 1.0 when break animation is playing, otherwise set to 0.0
+ const std::string BREAK_UNIFORM_NAME("uBreak");
+ /****************particle colors******************/
+ struct ParticleColor
+ {
+ Vector3 RGB;
+ Vector2 AlphaRange;
+ unsigned int numParticle;
+ };
+ ParticleColor PARTICLE_COLORS[]=
+ {
+ { Vector3( 0.f, 240.f, 255.f )/255.f, Vector2( 0.2f, 1.f ), 22 }, // 00f0ff, opacity 20%~100%
+ { Vector3( 89.f, 151.f, 239.f )/255.f, Vector2( 0.2f, 0.5f ), 12 }, // 5997ef, opacity 20%~50%
+ { Vector3( 181.f, 181.f, 207.f )/255.f, Vector2( 0.5f, 1.f ), 22 }, // b5b5cf, opacity 50%~100%
+ { Vector3( 147.f, 147.f, 170.f )/255.f, Vector2( 0.5f, 0.5f ), 22 }, // 9393aa, opacity 50%~50%
+ { Vector3( 145.f, 145.f, 201.f )/255.f, Vector2( 1.f, 1.f ), 12 }, // 91bdc9, opacity 100%~100%
+ { Vector3( 145.f, 145.f, 201.f )/255.f, Vector2( 0.2f, 0.2f ), 21 } // 91bdc9, opacity 20%~20%
+ };
+ const unsigned int NUM_COLOR( sizeof( PARTICLE_COLORS ) / sizeof( PARTICLE_COLORS[0] ) );
+ /***************particle moving paths********************/
+ typedef int MovingPath[12];
+ // these paths are defined inside the circle which has the center at (250, 250) and the radius as 250
+ MovingPath PATHS[]=
+ { // each path is composed of two cubic b-curves: (p0, p1, p2, p3) & (p3, p4, p5, p0)
+ // p0 p1 p2 p3 p4 p5
+ { 280,273, 386,41, 489,141, 491,199, 494,256, 230,394 },
+ { 129,226, 357,120, 150,491, 291,406, 433,320, 47,283 },
+ { 96,264, 356,133, 446,196, 370,297, 294,399, -169,384 },
+ { 345,110, 359,186, 14,393, 4,247, -6,101, 321,-28 },
+ { 166,161, 128,353, 566,200, 487,304, 413,403, 203,-32 },
+ { 193,286, 106,331, 206,569, 334,477, 462,385, 279,240 },
+ { 336,247, 293,232, 301,465, 346,479, 390,493, 374,261 },
+ { 250,72, 314,72, 332,495, 250,497, 168,499, 161,72 },
+ { 48,387, 32,241, 452,558, 433,358, 411,121, 62,523 },
+ { 300,32, 159,27, 442,568, 186,492, -70,415, 551,41 },
+ { 479,150, 503,203, 216,403, 163,298, 110,193, 448,78 },
+ { 346,75, 311,97, 336,196, 389,160, 442,123, 383,51 },
+ { 90,61, 54,96, 218,373, 294,300, 370,227, 141,11 },
+ { 126,225, 240,280, 378,29, 221,16, 64,4, 11,170 },
+ { 308,101, 243,22, -10,271, 22,352, 49,422, 396,208 },
+ { 193,188, 174,302, 502,389, 500,250, 498,111, 212,72 },
+ { 227,3, 16,35, 577,309, 428,423, 279,537, 438,-28 },
+ { 410,58, 387,18, 22,179, 154,277, 286,374, 459,142 },
+ { 178,272, 109,299, 144,429, 218,396, 293,362, 221,254 },
+ { 247,46, 98,5, -91,357, 160,431, 412,505, 397,88 },
+ { 41,112, 22,144, 123,273, 158,187, 192,101, 75,56 },
+ { 8,300, 23,340, 267,294, 238,218, 209,142, -20,226 },
+ { 112,256, 24,270, -1,470, 154,433, 308,396, 201,242 },
+ { 212,277, 267,346, 509,202, 452,103, 398,8, 150,199 },
+ { 154,205, 146,287, 496,282, 492,194, 488,107, 160,140 },
+ { 281,350, 365,318, 415,476, 332,482, 248,489, 204,379 },
+ { 327,23, 346,81, 154,319, 123,207, 92,95, 313,-21 },
+ { 323,233, 283,307, 454,420, 478,354, 501,288, 374,136 },
+ { 318,186, 311,252, 488,248, 481,168, 474,87, 328,76 },
+ { 7,192, -10,270, 249,398, 269,307, 290,216, 25,111 },
+ { 148,22, 98,22, 25,458, 125,458, 225,458, 198,22 },
+ { 349,32, 307,39, 492,416, 399,446, 305,477, 460,16 },
+ { 147,474, 222,554, 392,154, 486,240, 581,325, 73,394 },
+ { 57,186, 13,200, 51,398, 114,374, 178,349, 97,174 },
+ { 257,192, 198,188, 162,345, 240,349, 319,354, 316,197 },
+ { 242,4, 283,21, 30,172, 81,215, 133,257, 209,-10 },
+ { 149,408, 165,442, 472,340, 444,275, 416,210, 120,348 },
+ { 106,271, 136,359, 483,370, 422,186, 360,2, 76,186 },
+ { 120,146, 29,224, 469,262, 346,390, 222,518, 393,-87 },
+ { 318,265, 415,280, 398,537, 247,491, 96,446, 222,249 },
+ { 171,275, 207,246, 274,469, 237,497, 199,525, 139,300 },
+ { 196,84, 135,105, 256,510, 334,486, 412,462, 280,55 },
+ { 485,314, 452,170, 158,606, 111,411, 55,179, 515,446 },
+ { 134,54, 266,4, 175,607, 392,451, 609,296, -100,144 },
+ { 3,229, -1,287, 334,383, 350,267, 366,150, 10,151 },
+ { 105,115, 146,125, 154,227, 92,209, 30,192, 62,105 },
+ { 343,20, 388,42, 323,357, 228,313, 132,269, 278,-10 },
+ { 362,186, 271,274, 60,82, 204,19, 349,-44, 453,97 },
+ { 145,128, 181,32, 501,185, 498,272, 495,347, 97,257 },
+ { 286,172, 342,274, 59,463, 16,331, -27,198, 231,69 },
+ { 194,7, 404,-32, -38,410, 140,469, 317,528, -16,45 },
+ { 39,120, 48,74, 445,109, 352,244, 259,379, 20,215 },
+ { 328,247, 402,250, 411,384, 330,377, 248,370, 281,244 },
+ { 189,56, 317,-31, 610,240, 396,392, 183,543, 61,144 },
+ { 402,53, 430,77, 376,231, 315,161, 255,91, 351,10 },
+ { 496,218, 494,260, 249,296, 251,214, 254,133, 498,139 },
+ { 381,210, 469,195, 557,376, 399,391, 241,407, 292,226 },
+ { 297,263, 267,346, -8,289, 14,176, 35,69, 331,168 },
+ { 329,187, 363,263, 30,371, 5,287, -19,203, 302,128 },
+ { 257,354, 168,351, 171,516, 252,496, 333,475, 340,356 },
+ { 106,60, 107,121, 366,284, 359,168, 352,52, 105,14 },
+ { 178,257, 240,314, 115,476, 71,421, 28,367, 98,182 },
+ { 163,213, 191,273, 22,327, 3,248, -17,170, 118,113 },
+ { 459,117, 500,185, 297,390, 248,311, 199,232, 416,46 },
+ { 270,3, 317,-14, 528,375, 434,407, 339,440, 223,19 },
+ { 88,76, 130,68, 78,485, 176,483, 274,482, -22,96 },
+ { 422,428, 378,528, 88,205, 26,317, -36,428, 467,328 },
+ { 414,127, 460,125, 489,325, 421,322, 353,320, 372,128 },
+ { 227,197, 281,174, 367,311, 294,340, 221,370, 173,220 },
+ { 180,14, 147,44, 436,104, 401,161, 366,219, 207,-10 },
+ { 400,367, 395,404, 71,406, 77,336, 82,265, 407,300 },
+ { 396,222, 396,316, 71,439, 70,245, 68,51, 396,132 },
+ { 342,109, 454,153, 49,332, 208,413, 367,494, 8,-23 },
+ { 147,167, 222,137, 266,169, 231,199, 197,229, 129,178 },
+ { 227,272, 310,243, 277,313, 322,266, 367,219, 207,313 },
+ { 279,192, 339,233, 396,211, 367,182, 338,152, 228,194 },
+ { 236,20, 283,75, 346,26, 338,71, 330,116, 207,17 },
+ { 129,83, 164,23, 158,14, 179,11, 200,8, 91,78 },
+ { 86,231, 129,293, 164,421, 104,348, 44,275, 66,200 },
+ { 193,328, 197,278, 240,348, 276,305, 311,263, 199,354 },
+ { 231,364, 241,209, 309,104, 326,236, 342,367, 225,424 },
+ { 414,230, 398,328, 446,445, 467,363, 489,281, 373,254 },
+ { 289,122, 332,123, 348,161, 322,158, 297,156, 275,125 },
+ { 142,235, 199,308, 402,229, 283,218, 164,206, 130,206 },
+ { 174,396, 210,387, 328,501, 246,455, 165,409, 138,394 },
+ { 288,388, 366,357, 372,458, 393,400, 414,343, 249,431 },
+ { 351,278, 409,369, 497,316, 437,288, 376,260, 351,243 },
+ { 87,134, 181,77, 311,121, 206,140, 101,160, 61,159 },
+ { 95,195, 126,208, 133,258, 110,236, 88,215, 95,195 },
+ { 140,293, 158,330, 169,275, 184,299, 198,323, 126,313 },
+ { 336,319, 383,357, 388,278, 393,333, 397,388, 311,325 },
+ { 338,107, 434,209, -37,469, 151,287, 338,104, 285,50 },
+ { 403,134, 446,182, 378,318, 386,233, 393,149, 360,98 },
+ { 366,82, 413,93, 416,158, 390,118, 364,78, 336,75 },
+ { 448,188, 448,230, 465,269, 470,225, 474,181, 448,177 },
+ { 121,398, 142,418, 126,475, 111,436, 96,396, 100,382 },
+ { 40,296, 90,352, 170,310, 143,350, 116,391, 7,300 },
+ { 25,203, 45,241, 70,204, 45,248, 19,293, 4,204 },
+ { 243,222, 225,275, 345,256, 296,237, 247,218, 249,199 },
+ { 159,149, 282,133, 284,199, 226,191, 169,184, 147,160 },
+ { 149,257, 290,322, 151,374, 166,338, 182,302, 116,263 },
+ { 255,285, 354,327, 234,287, 279,327, 323,367, 193,290 },
+ { 188,220, 353,190, 290,354, 348,293, 407,231, 152,248 },
+ { 305,122, 382,174, 402,229, 366,198, 329,167, 297,127 },
+ { 378,260, 406,267, 390,330, 384,293, 377,257, 366,263 },
+ { 178,396, 357,365, 273,461, 248,431, 223,401, 157,412 },
+ { 180,89, 258,88, 302,94, 255,115, 207,136, 166,96 },
+ { 81,197, 139,232, 39,257, 94,259, 150,261, 58,200 },
+ { 314,89, 378,40, 383,38, 389,42, 395,45, 267,90 },
+ { 371,141, 482,233, 508,244, 498,272, 488,299, 307,157 },
+ { 339,348, 361,465, 382,477, 406,442, 430,406, 269,369 }
+ };
+ const unsigned int NUM_PARTICLE( sizeof( PATHS ) / sizeof( PATHS[0] ) );
+ const float PARTICLE_SIZE = 13.f;
+ const float ACTOR_SCALE = 0.704f; // resize 500*500 to 352*352, a bit smaller than 360*360
+ const Vector3 ACTOR_POSITION( -176.f, -176.f, 1.f);
+ // Geometry format used by the SparkeEffect
+ struct Vertex
+ {
+ Vertex( const Vector2& texCoord,
+ const Vector2& aParticlePath0,
+ const Vector2& aParticlePath1,
+ const Vector2& aParticlePath2,
+ const Vector2& aParticlePath3,
+ const Vector2& aParticlePath4,
+ const Vector2& aParticlePath5 )
+ : aTexCoord( texCoord ),
+ aParticlePath0( aParticlePath0 ),
+ aParticlePath1( aParticlePath1 ),
+ aParticlePath2( aParticlePath2 ),
+ aParticlePath3( aParticlePath3 ),
+ aParticlePath4( aParticlePath4 ),
+ aParticlePath5( aParticlePath5 )
+ {
+ }
+ Vector2 aTexCoord;
+ Vector2 aParticlePath0;
+ Vector2 aParticlePath1;
+ Vector2 aParticlePath2;
+ Vector2 aParticlePath3;
+ Vector2 aParticlePath4;
+ Vector2 aParticlePath5;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Create a SparkleEffect object.
+ * @return A handle to a newly allocated SparkleEffect
+ */
+ Shader New()
+ {
+ std::string vertexShader = DALI_COMPOSE_SHADER(
+ precision highp float;\n
+ \n
+ attribute vec2 aTexCoord;\n
+ uniform mat4 uMvpMatrix;\n
+ varying vec2 vTexCoord;\n
+ \n
+ attribute vec2 aParticlePath0;\n
+ attribute vec2 aParticlePath1;\n
+ attribute vec2 aParticlePath2;\n
+ attribute vec2 aParticlePath3;\n
+ attribute vec2 aParticlePath4;\n
+ attribute vec2 aParticlePath5;\n
+ \n
+ uniform float uPercentage;\n
+ uniform float uPercentageMarked;\n
+ uniform vec3 uParticleColors[NUM_COLOR];\n
+ uniform float uOpacity[NUM_PARTICLE];\n
+ uniform vec2 uTapIndices;
+ uniform float uTapOffset[MAXIMUM_ANIMATION_COUNT];\n
+ uniform vec2 uTapPoint[MAXIMUM_ANIMATION_COUNT];\n
+ uniform float uAcceleration;\n
+ uniform float uRadius;\n
+ uniform float uScale;\n
+ uniform float uBreak;\n
+ \n
+ varying lowp vec4 vColor;\n
+ \n
+ void main()\n
+ {\n
+ // we store the particle index inside texCoord attribute
+ float idx = abs(aTexCoord.y)-1.0;\n
+ \n
+ // early out if the particle is invisible
+ if(uOpacity[int(idx)]<1e-5)\n
+ {\n
+ gl_Position = vec4(0.0);\n
+ vColor = vec4(0.0);\n
+ return;\n
+ }\n
+ \n
+ // As the movement along the b-curve has nonuniform speed with a uniform increasing parameter 'uPercentage'
+ // we give different particles the different 'percentage' to make them looks more random
+ float increment = idx / float(NUM_PARTICLE)*5.0;
+ float percentage = mod(uPercentage +uAcceleration+increment, 1.0);
+ \n
+ vec2 p0; vec2 p1; vec2 p2; vec2 p3;
+ // calculate the particle position by using the cubic b-curve equation
+ if(percentage<0.5)\n // particle on the first b-curve
+ {\n
+ p0 = aParticlePath0;\n
+ p1 = aParticlePath1;\n
+ p2 = aParticlePath2;\n
+ p3 = aParticlePath3;\n
+ }\n
+ else\n
+ {\n
+ p0 = aParticlePath3;\n
+ p1 = aParticlePath4;\n
+ p2 = aParticlePath5;\n
+ p3 = aParticlePath0;\n
+ }\n
+ float t = mod( percentage*2.0, 1.0);\n
+ vec2 position = (1.0-t)*(1.0-t)*(1.0-t)*p0 + 3.0*(1.0-t)*(1.0-t)*t*p1+3.0*(1.0-t)*t*t*p2 + t*t*t*p3;\n
+ \n
+ vec2 referencePoint = mix(p0,p3,0.5);\n
+ float maxAnimationCount = float(MAXIMUM_ANIMATION_COUNT);\n
+ \n
+ for( float i=uTapIndices.x; i<uTapIndices.y; i+=1.0 )\n
+ {
+ int id = int( mod(i+0.5,maxAnimationCount ) );\n
+ vec2 edgePoint = normalize(referencePoint-uTapPoint[id])*uRadius+vec2(uRadius);\n
+ position = mix( position, edgePoint, uTapOffset[id] ) ;\n
+ }\n
+ \n
+ position = mix( position, vec2( 250.0,250.0 ),uBreak*(1.0-uOpacity[int(idx)]) ) ;
+ \n
+ // vertex position on the mesh: (sign(aTexCoord.x), sign(aTexCoord.y))*PARTICLE_HALF_SIZE
+ gl_Position = uMvpMatrix * vec4( position.x+sign(aTexCoord.x)*PARTICLE_HALF_SIZE/uScale,
+ position.y+sign(aTexCoord.y)*PARTICLE_HALF_SIZE/uScale,
+ 0.0, 1.0 );\n
+ \n
+ // we store the color index inside texCoord attribute
+ float colorIndex = abs(aTexCoord.x);
+ vColor.rgb = uParticleColors[int(colorIndex)-1];\n
+ vColor.a = fract(colorIndex) * uOpacity[int(idx)];\n
+ \n
+ // produce a 'seemingly' random fade in/out
+ percentage = mod(uPercentage+increment+0.15, 1.0);\n
+ float ramdomOpacity = (min(percentage, 0.25)-0.15+0.9-max(percentage,0.9))*10.0;\n
+ vColor.a *=ramdomOpacity;\n
+ \n
+ vTexCoord = clamp(aTexCoord, 0.0, 1.0);\n
+ }\n
+ );
+ std::string fragmentShader = DALI_COMPOSE_SHADER(
+ precision highp float;\n
+ uniform sampler2D sTexture;\n
+ varying vec2 vTexCoord;\n
+ \n
+ varying lowp vec4 vColor;\n
+ \n
+ void main()\n
+ {\n
+ gl_FragColor = vColor;\n
+ gl_FragColor.a *= texture2D(sTexture, vTexCoord).a;\n
+ }\n
+ );
+ std::ostringstream vertexShaderStringStream;
+ vertexShaderStringStream<< "#define NUM_COLOR "<< NUM_COLOR << "\n"
+ << "#define NUM_PARTICLE "<< NUM_PARTICLE << "\n"
+ << vertexShader;
+ Shader handle = Shader::New( vertexShaderStringStream.str(), fragmentShader );
+ // set the particle colors
+ std::ostringstream oss;
+ for( unsigned int i = 0; i < NUM_COLOR; i++ )
+ {
+ oss.str("");
+ handle.RegisterProperty(oss.str(), PARTICLE_COLORS[i].RGB);
+ }
+ handle.RegisterProperty( "uRadius", 250.f );
+ handle.RegisterProperty( "uScale", ACTOR_SCALE );
+ // set the initial uniform values
+ for( unsigned int i = 0; i < NUM_PARTICLE; i++ )
+ {
+ oss.str("");
+ oss<< OPACITY_UNIFORM_NAME << i << "]";
+ handle.RegisterProperty(oss.str(), 1.f);
+ }
+ handle.RegisterProperty( PERCENTAGE_UNIFORM_NAME, 0.f );
+ handle.RegisterProperty( ACCELARATION_UNIFORM_NAME, 0.f );
+ handle.RegisterProperty( BREAK_UNIFORM_NAME, 0.f);
+ handle.RegisterProperty( TAP_INDICES_UNIFORM_NAME, Vector2::ZERO);
+ for( int i = 0; i < MAXIMUM_ANIMATION_COUNT; i++ )
+ {
+ oss.str("");
+ oss<< TAP_OFFSET_UNIFORM_NAME << i << "]";
+ handle.RegisterProperty(oss.str(), 0.f);
+ oss.str("");
+ oss<< TAP_POINT_UNIFORM_NAME << i << "]";
+ handle.RegisterProperty(oss.str(), Vector2( 250.0f,250.0f ));
+ }
+ return handle;
+ }
+}; // namespace SparkleEffect