--- /dev/null
+ var window = {
+ x:0,
+ y:0,
+ width:1920,
+ height:1080,
+ transparent: false,
+ name:'Flexbox Demo'
+ };
+ var options = {
+ 'window': window
+ }
+try {
+ // target
+ var dali = require('dali')( options );
+catch(err) {
+ // desktop
+ var dali = require('../build/Release/dali')( options );
+var imageDir = "./images/";
+var imageView;
+var currentImageIndex = 0;
+var imageNames = ["image-1.jpg", "image-2.jpg", "image-3.jpg"];
+var daliApp = {};
+daliApp.init = function() {
+ // Create the main flex container
+ var flexContainer = new dali.Control("FlexContainer");
+ flexContainer.parentOrigin = dali.TOP_LEFT;
+ flexContainer.anchorPoint = dali.TOP_LEFT;
+ flexContainer.widthResizePolicy = "FILL_TO_PARENT";
+ flexContainer.heightResizePolicy = "FILL_TO_PARENT";
+ flexContainer.backgroundColor = dali.COLOR_WHITE;
+ flexContainer.flexDirection = "column"; // display toolbar and content vertically
+ dali.stage.add( flexContainer );
+ // Create the toolbar area
+ var toolBar = new dali.Control("FlexContainer");
+ toolBar.parentOrigin = dali.TOP_LEFT;
+ toolBar.anchorPoint = dali.TOP_LEFT;
+ toolBar.backgroundColor = dali.COLOR_CYAN;
+ toolBar.flexDirection = "row"; // display toolbar items horizontally
+ toolBar.alignItems = "center"; // align toolbar items vertically center
+ toolBar.registerCustomProperty("flex", 0.1, dali.PROPERTY_READ_WRITE); // 10 percent of available space in the cross axis
+ flexContainer.add(toolBar);
+ // Create the content area
+ var content = new dali.Control("FlexContainer");
+ content.parentOrigin = dali.TOP_LEFT;
+ content.anchorPoint = dali.TOP_LEFT;
+ content.flexDirection = "row";
+ content.alignItems = "center"; // align items vertically center
+ content.justifyContent = "center"; // align items horizontally center
+ content.registerCustomProperty("flex", 0.9, dali.PROPERTY_READ_WRITE); // 90 percent of available space in the cross axis
+ flexContainer.add(content);
+ // Add a button to the left of the toolbar
+ var prevButton = new dali.Control("PushButton");
+ prevButton.name = "Prev";
+ prevButton.parentOrigin = dali.TOP_LEFT;
+ prevButton.anchorPoint = dali.TOP_LEFT;
+ prevButton.minimumSize = [100.0, 60.0]; // this is the minimum size the button should keep
+ prevButton.labelText = "Prev";
+ prevButton.registerCustomProperty("flexMargin", [10, 10, 10, 10], dali.PROPERTY_READ_WRITE); // set 10 pixel margin around the button
+ toolBar.add( prevButton );
+ // Add a title to the center of the toolbar
+ var title = new dali.Control("TextLabel");
+ title.parentOrigin = dali.TOP_LEFT;
+ title.anchorPoint = dali.TOP_LEFT;
+ title.widthResizePolicy = "USE_NATURAL_SIZE";
+ title.heightResizePolicy = "USE_NATURAL_SIZE";
+ title.horizontalAlignment = "CENTER";
+ title.verticalAlignment = "CENTER";
+ title.text = "Gallery";
+ title.pointSize = 28;
+ title.registerCustomProperty("flex", 1.0, dali.PROPERTY_READ_WRITE); // take all the available space left apart from the two buttons
+ title.registerCustomProperty("flexMargin", [10, 10, 10, 10], dali.PROPERTY_READ_WRITE); // set 10 pixel margin around the title
+ toolBar.add( title );
+ // Add a button to the right of the toolbar
+ var nextButton = new dali.Control("PushButton");
+ nextButton.name = "Next";
+ nextButton.parentOrigin = dali.TOP_LEFT;
+ nextButton.anchorPoint = dali.TOP_LEFT;
+ nextButton.minimumSize = [100.0, 60.0]; // this is the minimum size the button should keep
+ nextButton.labelText = "Next";
+ nextButton.registerCustomProperty("flexMargin", [10, 10, 10, 10], dali.PROPERTY_READ_WRITE); // set 10 pixel margin around the button
+ toolBar.add( nextButton );
+ // Add an image to the center of the content area
+ imageView = new dali.Control("ImageView");
+ imageView.image = imageDir + imageNames[currentImageIndex];
+ imageView.parentOrigin = dali.TOP_LEFT;
+ imageView.anchorPoint = dali.TOP_LEFT;
+ content.add( imageView );
+ // Connect signal callback to button pressed signal
+ prevButton.on("pressed", daliApp.buttonPressedEvent);
+ nextButton.on("pressed", daliApp.buttonPressedEvent);
+daliApp.buttonPressedEvent = function( button ) {
+ // Set the size of image view to its natural size
+ imageView.widthResizePolicy = "USE_NATURAL_SIZE";
+ imageView.heightResizePolicy = "USE_NATURAL_SIZE";
+ // Work out the index of the new image
+ if (button.name == "Prev") {
+ currentImageIndex--;
+ }
+ else {
+ currentImageIndex++;
+ }
+ currentImageIndex %= imageNames.length;
+ // Display the new image
+ imageView.image = imageDir + imageNames[Math.abs(currentImageIndex)];
+function startup() {
+ daliApp.init();