it turns to pause state then resume animation when it's visible again.
Warning: This auto play will be only affected to the next animation source.
- So must be called before elm_animation_view_file_set().]]
+ So must be called before elm_animation_view_file_set().
+ \@since_tizen 5.5
+ ]]
set {
get {
[[Turn on/off animation looping.
If $auto_repeat is $true, it repeats animation when animation frame is reached to
- end. This auto repeat mode is valid to both play and play_back cases.]]
+ end. This auto repeat mode is valid to both play and play_back cases.
+ \@since_tizen 5.5
+ ]]
set {
get {
animation double-time faster, you can give $speed 2. If you want to play
animation double-time slower, you can give $speed 0.5.
- Warning: speed must be greater than zero.]]
+ Warning: speed must be greater than zero.
+ \@since_tizen 5.5
+ ]]
set {
return: bool; [[$true when it's successful. $false otherwise.]]
[[Get the duration of animation in seconds.
This API returns total duration time of current animation in the seconds.
- If current animation source isn't animatable, it returns zero.]]
+ If current animation source isn't animatable, it returns zero.
+ \@since_tizen 5.5
+ ]]
get {
values {
When you required to jump on a certain frame instantly,
you can change current keyframe by using this API.
- Warning: The range of keyframe is 0 ~ 1.]]
+ Warning: The range of keyframe is 0 ~ 1.
+ \@since_tizen 5.5
+ ]]
set {
get {
play forward from there.
Warning: Play request will be ignored if animation source is not set yet or
- animation is paused state or it's already on playing.]]
+ animation is paused state or it's already on playing.
+ \@since_tizen 5.5
+ ]]
return: bool; [[$true when it's successful. $false otherwise.]]
play_back {
play backward from there.
Warning: Play back request will be ignored if animation source is not set yet or
- animation is paused state or it's already on playing back.]]
+ animation is paused state or it's already on playing back.
+ \@since_tizen 5.5]]
return: bool; [[$true when it's successful. $false otherwise.]]
pause {
Once animation is paused, animation view must get resume to play continue again.
- Warning: Animation must be on playing or playing back status.]]
+ Warning: Animation must be on playing or playing back status.
+ \@since_tizen 5.5
+ ]]
return: bool; [[$true when it's successful. $false otherwise.]]
resume {
[[Resume paused animation to continue animation.
- Warning: This resume must be called on animation paused status. ]]
+ Warning: This resume must be called on animation paused status.
+ \@since_tizen 5.5
+ ]]
return: bool; [[$true when it's successful. $false otherwise.]]
stop {
Stop animation instatly regardless of it's status and reset to
show first frame of animation. Even though current animation is paused,
- the animation status will be stopped.]]
+ the animation status will be stopped.
+ \@since_tizen 5.5]]
return: bool; [[$true when it's successful. $false otherwise.]]
@property default_size {
get {
[[Get the default view size that specified from vector resource.
- @since 1.22]]
+ @since 1.22
+ \@since_tizen 5.5
+ ]]
values {
size: Eina.Size2D;
* @ingroup Elm_Animation_View
* @since 1.22
+ * @since_tizen 5.5
EAPI Elm_Animation_View *elm_animation_view_add(Evas_Object *parent);
* @ingroup Elm_Animation_View
* @since 1.22
+ * @since_tizen 5.5
EAPI Eina_Bool elm_animation_view_file_set(Elm_Animation_View *obj, const char *file, const char *key);
* @ingroup Elm_Animation_View
* @since 1.22
+ * @since_tizen 5.5
EAPI Elm_Animation_View_State elm_animation_view_state_get(const Elm_Animation_View *obj);
* @warning If animation view is not on playing, it will return @c EINA_FALSE.
* @since 1.22
+ * @since_tizen 5.5
EAPI Eina_Bool elm_animation_view_is_playing_back(const Elm_Animation_View *obj);