// If not called, Boruta server will terminate the tunnel when ReqInfo.Job.Timeout
// passes, and change state of request to CLOSED.
func (client *BorutaClient) ProlongAccess(reqID boruta.ReqID) error {
- return util.ErrNotImplemented
+ path := client.url + "reqs/" + strconv.Itoa(int(reqID)) + "/prolong"
+ resp, err := http.Post(path, "", nil)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ return processResponse(resp, nil)
// ListWorkers queries Boruta server for list of workers that are in given groups
func TestProlongAccess(t *testing.T) {
- assert, client := initTest(t, "")
- assert.NotNil(client)
+ prefix := "prolong-access-"
+ path := "/api/v1/reqs/"
- err := client.ProlongAccess(ReqID(0))
- assert.Equal(util.ErrNotImplemented, err)
+ tests := []*testCase{
+ &testCase{
+ // valid request
+ name: prefix + "valid",
+ path: path + "1/prolong",
+ contentType: contentJSON,
+ status: http.StatusNoContent,
+ },
+ &testCase{
+ // missing request
+ name: prefix + "missing",
+ path: path + "2/prolong",
+ contentType: contentJSON,
+ status: http.StatusNotFound,
+ },
+ }
+ srv := prepareServer(http.MethodPost, tests)
+ defer srv.Close()
+ assert, client := initTest(t, srv.URL)
+ // valid
+ assert.Nil(client.ProlongAccess(ReqID(1)))
+ // missing
+ assert.Equal(errReqNotFound, client.ProlongAccess(ReqID(2)))
+ // http.Post failure
+ client.url = "http://nosuchaddress.fail"
+ assert.NotNil(client.ProlongAccess(ReqID(1)))
func TestListWorkers(t *testing.T) {