--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright (c) 2024 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ */
+#include <dali-usd-loader/internal/usd-loader-impl.h>
+#include <dali/integration-api/debug.h>
+#include <pxr/usd/ar/asset.h>
+#include <pxr/usd/ar/resolvedPath.h>
+#include <pxr/usd/ar/resolver.h>
+#include <pxr/usd/usd/prim.h>
+#include <pxr/usd/usd/primRange.h>
+#include <pxr/usd/usd/stage.h>
+#include <pxr/usd/usdGeom/camera.h>
+#include <pxr/usd/usdGeom/mesh.h>
+#include <pxr/usd/usdGeom/primvarsAPI.h>
+#include <pxr/usd/usdGeom/xformCommonAPI.h>
+#include <pxr/usd/usdGeom/xformable.h>
+#include <pxr/usd/usdShade/material.h>
+#include <pxr/usd/usdShade/materialBindingAPI.h>
+#include <pxr/usd/usdSkel/animation.h>
+#include <pxr/usd/usdSkel/bindingAPI.h>
+#include <pxr/usd/usdSkel/root.h>
+#include <pxr/usd/usdSkel/skeleton.h>
+#include <pxr/usd/usdSkel/utils.h>
+#include <dali-scene3d/public-api/loader/load-result.h>
+#include <dali-scene3d/public-api/loader/utils.h>
+using namespace Dali;
+using namespace pxr;
+using namespace Dali::Scene3D::Loader;
+namespace Dali::Scene3D::Loader
+const Vector3 CAMERA_DEFAULT_POSITION(0.0f, 0.0f, 3.5f);
+Debug::Filter* gLogFilter = Debug::Filter::New(Debug::NoLogging, false, "LOG_USD_LOADER");
+// Utility function to print a specific number of indentation levels
+void PrintLevel(int level)
+ for(int i = 0; i < level; i++)
+ {
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, " ");
+ }
+// Convert a USD matrix to a DALi Matrix
+Matrix ConvertUsdMatrix(const GfMatrix4d& gfMat)
+ std::vector<float> matData(gfMat.data(), gfMat.data() + 16);
+ return Matrix(matData.data());
+// Template function to retrieve the value of a USD attribute, handling time samples if available
+template<typename T>
+T GetAttributeValue(UsdAttribute attribute, T& value)
+ std::vector<double> times;
+ attribute.GetTimeSamples(×);
+ if(times.size() > 0u)
+ {
+ attribute.Get<T>(&value, times[0]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ attribute.Get<T>(&value, UsdTimeCode::Default());
+ }
+ return value;
+// Template function to retrieve the flattened value of a USD geometry primvar (e.g., color, normals)
+template<typename T>
+VtArray<T> GetFlattenedPrimvarValue(UsdGeomPrimvar primvar, VtArray<T>& value)
+ std::vector<double> times;
+ primvar.GetAttr().GetTimeSamples(×);
+ if(times.size() > 0u)
+ {
+ primvar.ComputeFlattened<T>(&value, times[0]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ primvar.ComputeFlattened<T>(&value, UsdTimeCode::Default());
+ }
+ return value;
+// Recursively traverses connected shader inputs to collect all relevant shaders
+std::vector<UsdShadeShader> TraverseShaderInputs(const UsdShadeShader& shader)
+ std::vector<UsdShadeShader> matches;
+ for(const auto& i : shader.GetInputs())
+ {
+ if(i.HasConnectedSource())
+ {
+ for(const auto& s : i.GetConnectedSources())
+ {
+ if(s)
+ {
+ matches.push_back(s.source);
+ auto nestedMatches = TraverseShaderInputs(s.source);
+ matches.insert(matches.end(), nestedMatches.begin(), nestedMatches.end());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return matches;
+// Triangulates polygonal faces based on their vertex indices, converting them into triangles.
+// USD can store mesh data in polygons with more than three sides (n-gons). When preparing for
+// rendering, these n-gons must be converted into triangles. This function takes an array of
+// vertex counts per face (e.g., quads, pentagons) and converts these faces into triangles by
+// generating new vertex indices that represent the triangulated mesh.
+// The process of triangulation involves breaking down these polygons (which may have 4, 5,
+// or more vertices) into a set of triangles. Each n-sided polygon is split into n-2 triangles.
+// For example, a quad (4 vertices) is split into two triangles. Triangulation also considers
+// the coordinate system's handedness (left-handed or right-handed), which affects the winding
+// order of vertices in the triangles.
+template<typename T>
+VtArray<T> GetTriangulatedAttribute(const VtArray<int>& countArray, const VtArray<T>& indexArray, bool isLeftHanded)
+ VtArray<T> returnArray;
+ int j = 0;
+ // Iterate over each polygon in the count array
+ for(int count : countArray)
+ {
+ // Extract the indices for the current polygon
+ const VtArray<T> poly(indexArray.begin() + j, indexArray.begin() + j + count);
+ // Triangulate the polygon (assumes convex polygons)
+ for(int i = 0; i < count - 2; ++i)
+ {
+ // Append triangulated indices to the return array
+ if(isLeftHanded)
+ {
+ // Left-handed winding order
+ returnArray.push_back(poly[0]);
+ returnArray.push_back(poly[i + 2]);
+ returnArray.push_back(poly[i + 1]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Right-handed winding order
+ returnArray.push_back(poly[0]);
+ returnArray.push_back(poly[i + 1]);
+ returnArray.push_back(poly[i + 2]);
+ }
+ }
+ // Move to the next polygon
+ j += count;
+ }
+ return returnArray;
+// Converts a USD image path to a standard path format
+std::string ConvertImagePath(const std::string& input)
+ std::string result = input;
+ // Find the position of '[' and ']'
+ size_t startPos = result.find('[');
+ size_t endPos = result.find(']');
+ if(startPos != std::string::npos && endPos != std::string::npos)
+ {
+ // Extract the substring between '[' and ']'
+ std::string extracted = result.substr(startPos + 1, endPos - startPos - 1);
+ // Find the last '/' in the extracted string between '[' and ']'
+ size_t lastSlashPosInExtracted = extracted.rfind('/', endPos);
+ if(lastSlashPosInExtracted != std::string::npos)
+ {
+ extracted.erase(0, lastSlashPosInExtracted + 1);
+ }
+ // Find the last '/' before '[' in the original path
+ size_t lastSlashPos = result.rfind('/', startPos);
+ if(lastSlashPos != std::string::npos)
+ {
+ result.erase(lastSlashPos + 1, endPos - lastSlashPos + 1);
+ result.insert(lastSlashPos + 1, extracted);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+// Loads a USD asset file as a memory buffer (vector of uint8_t)
+std::vector<uint8_t> LoadAssetFileAsBuffer(const std::string resolvedAssetPath)
+ std::shared_ptr<ArAsset> const asset = ArGetResolver().OpenAsset(ArResolvedPath(resolvedAssetPath));
+ if(asset)
+ {
+ std::shared_ptr<const char> const buffer = asset->GetBuffer();
+ if(buffer)
+ {
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "LoadAssetFileAsBuffer: %s, size: %lu", ArResolvedPath(resolvedAssetPath).GetPathString().c_str(), asset->GetSize());
+ // Convert the buffer to a vector of uint8_t
+ return std::vector<uint8_t>(buffer.get(), buffer.get() + asset->GetSize());
+ }
+ }
+ // Return an empty vector if loading fails
+ return std::vector<uint8_t>();
+} // namespace
+struct UsdLoaderImpl::Impl
+ /**
+ * @brief Traverses materials in the USD scene and populate the output.
+ * @param[in, out] output The load result.
+ */
+ void TraverseMaterials(LoadResult& output);
+ /**
+ * @brief Traverses prims in the USD scene and populate the output.
+ * @param[in, out] output The load result.
+ * @param[in] prim The current USD prim being traversed.
+ * @param[in] parentIndex The index of the parent node in the hierarchy.
+ * @param[in] level The level of nesting in the hierarchy.
+ */
+ void TraversePrims(LoadResult& output, const UsdPrim& prim, Index parentIndex, int level);
+ /**
+ * @brief Converts a mesh prim to the internal representation.
+ * @param[in, out] output The load result.
+ * @param[in] prim The USD prim representing the mesh.
+ * @param[in, out] nodeIndex The index of the current node.
+ * @param[in] parentIndex The index of the parent node.
+ */
+ void ConvertMesh(LoadResult& output, const UsdPrim& prim, Index& nodeIndex, Index parentIndex);
+ /**
+ * @brief Converts a node prim to the internal representation.
+ * @param[in, out] output The load result.
+ * @param[in] prim The USD prim representing the node.
+ * @param[in, out] nodeIndex The index of the current node.
+ * @param[in] parentIndex The index of the parent node.
+ */
+ void ConvertNode(LoadResult& output, const UsdPrim& prim, Index& nodeIndex, Index parentIndex);
+ /**
+ * @brief Converts a camera prim to the internal representation.
+ * @param[in, out] output The load result.
+ * @param[in] prim The USD prim representing the camera.
+ */
+ void ConvertCamera(LoadResult& output, const UsdPrim& prim);
+ /**
+ * @brief Converts a texture associated with a material to the internal representation.
+ * @param[in] usdMaterial The USD material.
+ * @param[in] usdUvTexture The USD UV texture.
+ * @param[in, out] materialDefinition The material definition.
+ * @param[in] semantic The semantic information of the texture.
+ * @return True if conversion successful, false otherwise.
+ */
+ bool ConvertTexture(const UsdShadeMaterial& usdMaterial, const UsdShadeShader& usdUvTexture, MaterialDefinition& materialDefinition, uint32_t semantic = 0u);
+ /**
+ * @brief Extracts the transformation (position, rotation, scale) of a given USD primitive.
+ *
+ * This function retrieves the local transformation matrix of a USD prim and decomposes it into
+ * position, rotation, and scale components.
+ *
+ * @param[in] prim The USD primitive from which to extract the transformation.
+ * @param[out] position The extracted position vector.
+ * @param[out] rotation The extracted rotation quaternion.
+ * @param[out] scale The extracted scale vector.
+ * @param[in] time The time at which to sample the transformation.
+ */
+ void GetXformableTransformation(const UsdPrim& prim, Vector3& position, Quaternion& rotation, Vector3& scale, const UsdTimeCode time = UsdTimeCode::Default());
+ /**
+ * @brief Adds a node to the scene graph and optionally sets its transformation.
+ *
+ * This function creates a new node based on a USD primitive and adds it to the scene graph.
+ * Optionally, it can set the transformation of the node (position, rotation, scale).
+ *
+ * @param[in,out] scene The scene definition to which the node will be added.
+ * @param[in] nodeName The name of the node to be added.
+ * @param[in] parentIndex The index of the parent node in the scene graph.
+ * @param[in] position The position of the node (if setting transformation).
+ * @param[in] rotation The rotation of the node (if setting transformation).
+ * @param[in] scale The scale of the node (if setting transformation).
+ * @param[in] setTransformation Whether to apply the transformation to the node.
+ * @return A pointer to the created node definition.
+ */
+ NodeDefinition* AddNodeToScene(SceneDefinition& scene, const std::string nodeName, const Index parentIndex, const Vector3& position, const Quaternion& rotation, const Vector3& scale, bool setTransformation);
+ /**
+ * @brief Retrieves geometric primitive variables from a USD prim.
+ *
+ * This function extracts texture coordinates (texcoords), vertex colors, and tangent attributes
+ * from a USD primitive and categorizes them into separate vectors.
+ *
+ * @param[in] prim The USD primitive from which to retrieve the primvars.
+ * @param[out] texcoords A vector to store the retrieved texture coordinate primvars.
+ * @param[out] colors A vector to store the retrieved color primvars.
+ * @param[out] tangents A vector to store the retrieved tangent primvars.
+ */
+ void RetrieveGeomPrimvars(const UsdPrim& prim, std::vector<UsdGeomPrimvar>& texcoords, std::vector<UsdGeomPrimvar>& colors, std::vector<UsdGeomPrimvar>& tangents);
+ /**
+ * @brief Processes and stores mesh indices in the mesh definition.
+ *
+ * This function processes the triangulated face indices of a mesh, including handling subset indices,
+ * and stores them in the mesh definition.
+ *
+ * @param[in,out] meshDefinition The mesh definition to store the processed indices.
+ * @param[in] indexMap A map of the original to triangulated indices.
+ * @param[in] subsetIdcs The indices belonging to the current subset.
+ * @param[in] triangulatedIndex The triangulated indices for the entire mesh.
+ * @param[out] subIndexArray A vector to store the processed subset indices.
+ * @param[out] flattenedSubTriangulatedIndices A vector to store the flattened triangulated indices.
+ */
+ void ProcessMeshIndices(MeshDefinition& meshDefinition, std::map<int, VtArray<int>>& indexMap, VtIntArray& subsetIdcs, VtArray<int>& triangulatedIndex, std::vector<uint32_t>& subIndexArray, std::vector<uint32_t>& flattenedSubTriangulatedIndices);
+ /**
+ * @brief Processes and stores vertex positions in the mesh definition.
+ *
+ * This function processes the vertex positions based on the subset indices and stores them
+ * in the mesh definition.
+ *
+ * @param[in,out] meshDefinition The mesh definition to store the processed vertex positions.
+ * @param[in] points The original vertex positions.
+ * @param[out] worldPosition A vector to store the processed world positions.
+ * @param[in] subIndexArray The subset indices used to extract the relevant positions.
+ */
+ void ProcessMeshPositions(MeshDefinition& meshDefinition, const VtArray<GfVec3f>& points, VtArray<GfVec3f>& worldPosition, std::vector<uint32_t>& subIndexArray);
+ /**
+ * @brief Processes and stores vertex normals in the mesh definition.
+ *
+ * This function processes the vertex normals, handling both face-varying and vertex-based normals,
+ * and stores them in the mesh definition.
+ *
+ * @param[in,out] meshDefinition The mesh definition to store the processed normals.
+ * @param[in] usdMesh The USD mesh primitive.
+ * @param[out] normals A vector to store the processed normals.
+ * @param[in] subIndexArray The subset indices used to extract the relevant normals.
+ * @param[in] flattenedSubTriangulatedIndices The flattened triangulated indices for face-varying normals.
+ * @param[in] faceVertexCounts The number of vertices per face.
+ * @param[in] isLeftHanded A flag indicating whether the coordinate system is left-handed.
+ */
+ void ProcessMeshNormals(MeshDefinition& meshDefinition, UsdGeomMesh& usdMesh, VtArray<GfVec3f>& normals, std::vector<uint32_t>& subIndexArray, std::vector<uint32_t>& flattenedSubTriangulatedIndices, VtArray<int>& faceVertexCounts, bool isLeftHanded);
+ /**
+ * @brief Generates normals for a mesh if none are provided.
+ *
+ * This function generates normals for a mesh by computing the cross product of adjacent
+ * edges for each face. The generated normals are then stored in the mesh definition.
+ *
+ * @param[in,out] meshDefinition The mesh definition where the generated normals will be stored.
+ */
+ void GenerateNormal(MeshDefinition& meshDefinition);
+ /**
+ * @brief Processes and stores texture coordinates (UVs) in the mesh definition.
+ *
+ * This function processes the texture coordinates, handling both face-varying and vertex-based UVs,
+ * and stores them in the mesh definition.
+ *
+ * @param[in,out] meshDefinition The mesh definition to store the processed texture coordinates.
+ * @param[in] texcoords A vector of texture coordinate primvars to process.
+ * @param[in] subIndexArray The subset indices used to extract the relevant UVs.
+ * @param[in] flattenedSubTriangulatedIndices The flattened triangulated indices for face-varying UVs.
+ * @param[in] faceVertexCounts The number of vertices per face.
+ * @param[in] isLeftHanded A flag indicating whether the coordinate system is left-handed.
+ */
+ void ProcessMeshTexcoords(MeshDefinition& meshDefinition, std::vector<UsdGeomPrimvar>& texcoords, std::vector<uint32_t>& subIndexArray, std::vector<uint32_t>& flattenedSubTriangulatedIndices, VtArray<int>& faceVertexCounts, bool isLeftHanded);
+ /**
+ * @brief Generates tangent vectors for a mesh.
+ *
+ * This function generates tangent vectors for a mesh based on its texture coordinates (UVs)
+ * and stores them in the mesh definition.
+ *
+ * @param[in,out] meshDefinition The mesh definition where the generated tangents will be stored.
+ * @param[in] texcoords A vector of texture coordinate primvars to assist in tangent generation.
+ */
+ void GenerateTangents(MeshDefinition& meshDefinition, std::vector<UsdGeomPrimvar>& texcoords);
+ /**
+ * @brief Processes and stores vertex colors in the mesh definition.
+ *
+ * This function processes the vertex colors, handling different interpolation types (constant, vertex, face-varying),
+ * and stores them in the mesh definition. If no colors are provided, a default white color is assigned.
+ *
+ * @param[in,out] meshDefinition The mesh definition to store the processed vertex colors.
+ * @param[in] colors A vector of color primvars to process.
+ * @param[in] worldPosition The vertex positions to match with colors.
+ * @param[in] subIndexArray The subset indices used to extract the relevant colors.
+ * @param[in] flattenedSubTriangulatedIndices The flattened triangulated indices for face-varying colors.
+ * @param[in] faceVertexCounts The number of vertices per face.
+ * @param[in] isLeftHanded A flag indicating whether the coordinate system is left-handed.
+ */
+ void ProcessMeshColors(MeshDefinition& meshDefinition, std::vector<UsdGeomPrimvar>& colors, VtArray<GfVec3f>& worldPosition, std::vector<uint32_t>& subIndexArray, std::vector<uint32_t>& flattenedSubTriangulatedIndices, VtArray<int>& faceVertexCounts, bool isLeftHanded);
+ /**
+ * @brief Processes and binds materials to a mesh subset within a USD prim.
+ *
+ * This function retrieves and assigns the appropriate material to a specific subset of a mesh
+ * within the USD primitive. It updates the material ID used by the mesh subset in the output data.
+ *
+ * @param[in,out] output The load result where the material binding will be stored.
+ * @param[in] prim The USD primitive containing the mesh and its subsets.
+ * @param[in] subsets A vector of geometric subsets (parts of the mesh) within the USD primitive.
+ * @param[in] subIndex The index of the subset within the mesh for which the material is being processed.
+ * @param[out] meshSubMaterialId The material ID that is associated with the subset. It is updated with the correct ID after processing.
+ */
+ void ProcessMaterialBinding(LoadResult& output, const UsdPrim& prim, std::vector<UsdGeomSubset>& subsets, size_t subIndex, int& meshSubMaterialId);
+ UsdStageRefPtr mUsdStage; ///< Pointer to the USD stage.
+ std::map<std::string, int> mMaterialMap; ///< Maps prim paths to material IDs.
+ Index mNodeIndex; ///< Index of the current node being processed.
+ int mMeshCount; ///< Count of mesh objects encountered during traversal.
+ Index mDefaultMaterial; ///< Index of the default material.
+: mImpl{new Impl}
+UsdLoaderImpl::~UsdLoaderImpl() = default;
+bool UsdLoaderImpl::LoadModel(const std::string& url, Dali::Scene3D::Loader::LoadResult& result)
+ // Open the stage of the USD scene from the specified URL
+ mImpl->mUsdStage = UsdStage::Open(url);
+ mImpl->mMeshCount = 0;
+ mImpl->mNodeIndex = INVALID_INDEX;
+ mImpl->mDefaultMaterial = INVALID_INDEX;
+ // Traverse materials in the USD scene and populate the result
+ mImpl->TraverseMaterials(result);
+ // Get the index of the root node in the result scene
+ Index rootIndex = result.mScene.GetNodeCount();
+ // Create a node definition for the scene root
+ std::unique_ptr<NodeDefinition> sceneRoot{new NodeDefinition()};
+ sceneRoot->mName = "USD_SCENE_ROOT_NODE";
+ // Add the scene root node to the result scene
+ result.mScene.AddNode(std::move(sceneRoot));
+ result.mScene.AddRootNode(rootIndex);
+ // Traverse prims in the USD scene and populate the result
+ UsdPrim rootPrim = mImpl->mUsdStage->GetPseudoRoot();
+ mImpl->TraversePrims(result, rootPrim, rootIndex, 0);
+ // Set default environment map
+ EnvironmentDefinition environmentDefinition;
+ environmentDefinition.mUseBrdfTexture = true;
+ environmentDefinition.mIblIntensity = Scene3D::Loader::EnvironmentDefinition::GetDefaultIntensity();
+ result.mResources.mEnvironmentMaps.push_back({std::move(environmentDefinition), EnvironmentDefinition::Textures()});
+ return true;
+void UsdLoaderImpl::Impl::TraverseMaterials(LoadResult& output)
+ auto& outMaterials = output.mResources.mMaterials;
+ int materialId = 0; // Initialize material ID counter
+ // Traverse all prims (nodes) in the USD stage
+ UsdPrimRange prims = mUsdStage->Traverse();
+ for(auto prim : prims)
+ {
+ // Check if the current prim is a material
+ if(prim.IsA<UsdShadeMaterial>())
+ {
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, " => UsdShadeMaterial: %d: %s\n ", materialId, prim.GetPrimPath().GetText());
+ UsdShadeMaterial material = UsdShadeMaterial(prim);
+ UsdShadeOutput surf = material.GetSurfaceOutput();
+ // If no valid connected sources are found, skip this material
+ if(surf.GetConnectedSources().size() == 0)
+ {
+ DALI_LOG_ERROR("No valid connected sources, ");
+ continue;
+ }
+ UsdShadeConnectableAPI previewSurface = surf.GetConnectedSources()[0].source;
+ std::vector<UsdShadeInput> inputs = previewSurface.GetInputs();
+ // Initialize the material definition with default values
+ MaterialDefinition materialDefinition;
+ materialDefinition.mFlags |= MaterialDefinition::GLTF_CHANNELS;
+ materialDefinition.mShadowAvailable = true;
+ materialDefinition.mBaseColorFactor = Vector4::ONE;
+ materialDefinition.mEmissiveFactor = Vector3::ZERO;
+ materialDefinition.mSpecularFactor = 1.0f;
+ materialDefinition.mSpecularColorFactor = Dali::Vector3::ONE;
+ materialDefinition.mMetallic = 1.0f;
+ materialDefinition.mRoughness = 1.0f;
+ materialDefinition.mNormalScale = 1.0f;
+ materialDefinition.mShadowAvailable = true;
+ materialDefinition.mDoubleSided = false;
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "mMaterialMap[%s] = %d, ", prim.GetPrimPath().GetAsString().c_str(), materialId);
+ // Map the material path to the material ID
+ mMaterialMap[prim.GetPrimPath().GetAsString()] = materialId;
+ materialId++;
+ // Flags to track different material properties
+ bool hasAlpha = false;
+ bool hasThreshold = false;
+ bool needMetallicRoughnessTexture = false;
+ bool needMetallicTexture = false;
+ bool needRoughnessTexture = false;
+ bool needNormalTexture = false;
+ bool needAlbedoTexture = false;
+ float opacityThreshold(0.0f);
+ std::map<uint32_t, UsdShadeInput> shaderInputMap; // Map of texture semantic and shader input
+ // Loop through all inputs of the surface shader and sort them to
+ // match with the order of texture loading in MaterialDefinition.
+ for(auto input : inputs)
+ {
+ std::string baseName = input.GetBaseName().GetString();
+ // Handle opacity input
+ if(baseName == "opacity")
+ {
+ UsdAttribute opacityAttr = input.GetAttr();
+ float opacity(1.0f);
+ if(opacityAttr.HasAuthoredValue())
+ {
+ GetAttributeValue<float>(opacityAttr, opacity);
+ }
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "opacity: %f, ", opacity);
+ // Set the alpha value in the base color factor
+ materialDefinition.mBaseColorFactor.a = opacity;
+ // Check if the material has transparency
+ if(opacity < 1.0f || input.HasConnectedSource())
+ {
+ hasAlpha = true;
+ }
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "hasAlpha: %d, ", hasAlpha);
+ }
+ else if(baseName == "opacityThreshold")
+ {
+ // Handle opacity threshold input (for alpha masking)
+ UsdAttribute opacityThresholdAttr = input.GetAttr();
+ if(opacityThresholdAttr.HasAuthoredValue())
+ {
+ GetAttributeValue<float>(opacityThresholdAttr, opacityThreshold);
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "opacityThreshold: %.7f, ", opacityThreshold);
+ }
+ if(opacityThreshold > 0.0f)
+ {
+ hasThreshold = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(baseName == "ior")
+ {
+ // Handle index of refraction (ior)
+ UsdAttribute iorAttr = input.GetAttr();
+ float ior(1.5f);
+ if(iorAttr.HasAuthoredValue())
+ {
+ GetAttributeValue<float>(iorAttr, ior);
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "ior: %.7f, ", ior);
+ materialDefinition.mIor = ior;
+ materialDefinition.mDielectricSpecular = powf((materialDefinition.mIor - 1.0f) / (materialDefinition.mIor + 1.0f), 2.0f);
+ }
+ }
+ else if(baseName == "diffuseColor")
+ {
+ shaderInputMap[MaterialDefinition::ALBEDO] = input;
+ }
+ else if(baseName == "metallic")
+ {
+ shaderInputMap[MaterialDefinition::METALLIC] = input;
+ }
+ else if(baseName == "roughness")
+ {
+ shaderInputMap[MaterialDefinition::ROUGHNESS] = input;
+ }
+ else if(baseName == "normal")
+ {
+ shaderInputMap[MaterialDefinition::NORMAL] = input;
+ }
+ else if(baseName == "occlusion")
+ {
+ shaderInputMap[MaterialDefinition::OCCLUSION] = input;
+ }
+ else if(baseName == "emissiveColor")
+ {
+ shaderInputMap[MaterialDefinition::EMISSIVE] = input;
+ }
+ else if(baseName == "specularColor")
+ {
+ shaderInputMap[MaterialDefinition::SPECULAR_COLOR] = input;
+ }
+ else if(baseName == "useSpecularWorkflow")
+ {
+ UsdAttribute useSpecularWorkflowAttr = input.GetAttr();
+ int useSpecularWorkflow(0);
+ if(useSpecularWorkflowAttr.HasAuthoredValue())
+ {
+ GetAttributeValue<int>(useSpecularWorkflowAttr, useSpecularWorkflow);
+ }
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "useSpecularWorkflow: %d, ", useSpecularWorkflow);
+ }
+ }
+ // Process each mapped shader input
+ for(auto iter : shaderInputMap)
+ {
+ UsdShadeInput input = iter.second;
+ // Check if the input has a connected texture source
+ UsdShadeShader uvTexture;
+ if(input.HasConnectedSource())
+ {
+ uvTexture = UsdShadeShader(input.GetConnectedSources()[0].source);
+ }
+ std::string baseName = input.GetBaseName().GetString();
+ if(baseName == "diffuseColor")
+ {
+ // Process diffuse color (albedo)
+ UsdAttribute diffuseAttr = input.GetAttr();
+ if(input.HasConnectedSource())
+ {
+ TfToken id;
+ if(uvTexture.GetShaderId(&id) && id.GetString() == "UsdUVTexture")
+ {
+ // Convert the texture and associate it with the material
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "diffuseColorTexture: ");
+ needAlbedoTexture = ConvertTexture(material, uvTexture, materialDefinition, MaterialDefinition::ALBEDO);
+ if(needAlbedoTexture)
+ {
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "TraverseMaterials: MaterialDefinition::ALBEDO, ");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ GfVec3f diffuseColor(0.18f, 0.18f, 0.18f);
+ if(diffuseAttr.HasAuthoredValue())
+ {
+ GetAttributeValue<GfVec3f>(diffuseAttr, diffuseColor);
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "diffuseColor: %.7f, %.7f, %.7f, ", diffuseColor[0], diffuseColor[1], diffuseColor[2]);
+ }
+ // Set the base color factor of the material
+ materialDefinition.mBaseColorFactor.r = diffuseColor[0];
+ materialDefinition.mBaseColorFactor.g = diffuseColor[1];
+ materialDefinition.mBaseColorFactor.b = diffuseColor[2];
+ }
+ }
+ else if(baseName == "metallic")
+ {
+ // Process metallic input
+ UsdAttribute metallicAttr = input.GetAttr();
+ if(input.HasConnectedSource())
+ {
+ TfToken id;
+ if(uvTexture.GetShaderId(&id) && id.GetString() == "UsdUVTexture")
+ {
+ // Convert the texture and associate it with the material
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "metallicTexture: ");
+ needMetallicTexture = ConvertTexture(material, uvTexture, materialDefinition, MaterialDefinition::METALLIC);
+ if(needMetallicTexture)
+ {
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "TraverseMaterials: MaterialDefinition::METALLIC, ");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if(metallicAttr.HasAuthoredValue())
+ {
+ float metallicFactor(0.0f);
+ GetAttributeValue<float>(metallicAttr, metallicFactor);
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "metallicFactor: %.7f, ", metallicFactor);
+ // Set the metallic factor of the material
+ materialDefinition.mMetallic = metallicFactor;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(baseName == "roughness")
+ {
+ // Process roughness input
+ UsdAttribute roughnessAttr = input.GetAttr();
+ if(input.HasConnectedSource())
+ {
+ TfToken id;
+ if(uvTexture.GetShaderId(&id) && id.GetString() == "UsdUVTexture")
+ {
+ // Convert the texture and associate it with the material
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "roughnessTexture: ");
+ needRoughnessTexture = ConvertTexture(material, uvTexture, materialDefinition, MaterialDefinition::ROUGHNESS);
+ if(needRoughnessTexture)
+ {
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "TraverseMaterials: MaterialDefinition::MaterialDefinition::ROUGHNESS, ");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if(roughnessAttr.HasAuthoredValue())
+ {
+ float roughnessFactor(0.5f);
+ GetAttributeValue<float>(roughnessAttr, roughnessFactor);
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "roughnessFactor: %.7f, ", roughnessFactor);
+ // Set the roughness factor of the material
+ materialDefinition.mRoughness = roughnessFactor;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(baseName == "normal")
+ {
+ // Process normal map input
+ UsdAttribute normalAttr = input.GetAttr();
+ if(input.HasConnectedSource())
+ {
+ TfToken id;
+ if(uvTexture.GetShaderId(&id) && id.GetString() == "UsdUVTexture")
+ {
+ // Convert the texture and associate it with the material
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "normalTexture: ");
+ needNormalTexture = ConvertTexture(material, uvTexture, materialDefinition, MaterialDefinition::NORMAL);
+ if(needNormalTexture)
+ {
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "TraverseMaterials: MaterialDefinition::NORMAL, ");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if(normalAttr.HasAuthoredValue())
+ {
+ GfVec3f normal;
+ GetAttributeValue<GfVec3f>(normalAttr, normal);
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "normal: %.7f, %.7f, %.7f, ", normal[0], normal[1], normal[2]);
+ }
+ }
+ else if(baseName == "occlusion")
+ {
+ // Process occlusion map input
+ UsdAttribute occlusionAttr = input.GetAttr();
+ if(input.HasConnectedSource())
+ {
+ TfToken id;
+ if(uvTexture.GetShaderId(&id) && id.GetString() == "UsdUVTexture")
+ {
+ // Convert the texture and associate it with the material
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "occlusionTexture: ");
+ if(ConvertTexture(material, uvTexture, materialDefinition, MaterialDefinition::OCCLUSION))
+ {
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "TraverseMaterials: MaterialDefinition::OCCLUSION, ");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if(occlusionAttr.HasAuthoredValue())
+ {
+ float occlusion(1.0f);
+ GetAttributeValue<float>(occlusionAttr, occlusion);
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "occlusion: %.7f, ", occlusion);
+ }
+ }
+ else if(baseName == "emissiveColor")
+ {
+ // Process emissive color input
+ UsdAttribute emissiveAttr = input.GetAttr();
+ if(input.HasConnectedSource())
+ {
+ TfToken id;
+ if(uvTexture.GetShaderId(&id) && id.GetString() == "UsdUVTexture")
+ {
+ // Convert the texture and associate it with the material
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "emissiveColorTexture: ");
+ if(ConvertTexture(material, uvTexture, materialDefinition, MaterialDefinition::EMISSIVE))
+ {
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "TraverseMaterials: MaterialDefinition::EMISSIVE, ");
+ materialDefinition.mEmissiveFactor = Vector3::ONE;
+ }
+ // Handle emissive color scale
+ UsdShadeInput scaleInput = uvTexture.GetInput(TfToken("scale"));
+ if(scaleInput)
+ {
+ GfVec4d scale;
+ scaleInput.Get<GfVec4d>(&scale);
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "emissiveColorScale: %.7f, %.7f, %.7f, %.7f, ", scale[0], scale[1], scale[2], scale[3]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(emissiveAttr.HasAuthoredValue())
+ {
+ GfVec3f emissiveFactor;
+ GetAttributeValue<GfVec3f>(emissiveAttr, emissiveFactor);
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "emissiveFactor: %.7f, %.7f, %.7f, ", emissiveFactor[0], emissiveFactor[1], emissiveFactor[2]);
+ // Set the emissive factor of the material
+ materialDefinition.mEmissiveFactor = Vector3(emissiveFactor[0], emissiveFactor[1], emissiveFactor[2]);
+ }
+ }
+ else if(baseName == "specularColor")
+ {
+ // Process specular color input
+ UsdAttribute specularAttr = input.GetAttr();
+ if(input.HasConnectedSource())
+ {
+ TfToken id;
+ if(uvTexture.GetShaderId(&id) && id.GetString() == "UsdUVTexture")
+ {
+ // Convert the texture and associate it with the material
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "specularColorTexture: ");
+ if(ConvertTexture(material, uvTexture, materialDefinition, MaterialDefinition::SPECULAR_COLOR))
+ {
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "TraverseMaterials: MaterialDefinition::SPECULAR_COLOR, ");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if(specularAttr.HasAuthoredValue())
+ {
+ GfVec3f specularColor;
+ GetAttributeValue<GfVec3f>(specularAttr, specularColor);
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "specularColor: %.7f, %.7f, %.7f, ", specularColor[0], specularColor[1], specularColor[2]);
+ // Set the specular color factor of the material
+ materialDefinition.mSpecularColorFactor = Vector3(specularColor[0], specularColor[1], specularColor[2]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Set alpha mode based on transparency and threshold values
+ if(hasAlpha)
+ {
+ if(hasThreshold)
+ {
+ materialDefinition.mAlphaModeType = Scene3D::Material::AlphaModeType::MASK;
+ materialDefinition.mIsMask = true;
+ materialDefinition.SetAlphaCutoff(std::min(1.f, std::max(0.f, opacityThreshold)));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ materialDefinition.mAlphaModeType = Scene3D::Material::AlphaModeType::BLEND;
+ materialDefinition.mIsOpaque = false;
+ materialDefinition.mFlags |= MaterialDefinition::TRANSPARENCY;
+ }
+ }
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "TraverseMaterials: materialDefinition.mFlags: %u. needAlbedoTexture: %d, needMetallicRoughnessTexture: %d, needNormalTexture: %d\n", materialDefinition.mFlags, needAlbedoTexture, needMetallicRoughnessTexture, needNormalTexture);
+ // Set texture needs in the material definition
+ materialDefinition.mNeedAlbedoTexture = needAlbedoTexture;
+ materialDefinition.mNeedMetallicRoughnessTexture = needMetallicRoughnessTexture;
+ materialDefinition.mNeedMetallicTexture = needMetallicTexture;
+ materialDefinition.mNeedRoughnessTexture = needRoughnessTexture;
+ materialDefinition.mNeedNormalTexture = needNormalTexture;
+ // Add the processed material to the output materials list
+ outMaterials.emplace_back(std::move(materialDefinition), TextureSet());
+ }
+ }
+void UsdLoaderImpl::Impl::TraversePrims(LoadResult& output, const UsdPrim& prim, Index parentIndex, int level)
+ PrintLevel(level);
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "%s\n", prim.GetName().GetText());
+ auto& scene = output.mScene;
+ Index nodeIndex = scene.GetNodeCount() - 1;
+ if(prim.IsA<UsdGeomMesh>())
+ {
+ ConvertMesh(output, prim, nodeIndex, parentIndex);
+ }
+ else if(prim.IsA<UsdGeomXformable>())
+ {
+ ConvertNode(output, prim, nodeIndex, parentIndex);
+ }
+ else if(prim.IsA<UsdGeomCamera>())
+ {
+ ConvertCamera(output, prim);
+ }
+ else if(prim.IsA<UsdSkelRoot>())
+ {
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, " => UsdSkelRoot\n");
+ }
+ else if(prim.IsA<UsdSkelSkeleton>())
+ {
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, " => UsdSkelSkeleton\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "\n");
+ }
+ level++;
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "TraversePrims: nodeIndex: %d, ", nodeIndex);
+ // Recursively traverse child prims
+ for(const UsdPrim& child : prim.GetChildren())
+ {
+ TraversePrims(output, child, nodeIndex, level);
+ }
+ level--;
+bool UsdLoaderImpl::Impl::ConvertTexture(const UsdShadeMaterial& usdMaterial, const UsdShadeShader& usdUvTexture, MaterialDefinition& materialDefinition, uint32_t semantic)
+ bool transformOffsetAuthored = false;
+ GfVec2f uvTransformOffset(0.0f, 0.0f);
+ float uvTransformRotation = 0.0f;
+ GfVec2f uvTransformScale(0.0f, 0.0f);
+ // Get all inputs (primvar reader, transform, etc)
+ std::vector<UsdShadeShader> deps = TraverseShaderInputs(usdUvTexture);
+ deps.push_back(UsdShadeShader(usdUvTexture.GetPrim()));
+ for(const auto& d : deps)
+ {
+ TfToken tokenId;
+ d.GetShaderId(&tokenId);
+ std::string depsId = tokenId.GetString();
+ // Check if it is a primvar reader (for UV channels)
+ if(depsId == "UsdPrimvarReader_float2")
+ {
+ TfToken tokenVarName("varname");
+ // Handle UV channel
+ UsdShadeInput shaderInput = UsdShadeShader(d).GetInput(tokenVarName);
+ if(shaderInput)
+ {
+ std::string uvMapName;
+ shaderInput.Get<std::string>(&uvMapName);
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "uvMapName: %s, ", uvMapName.c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ else if(depsId == "UsdTransform2d") // Check if it is a 2D transform
+ {
+ // Extract transformation attributes (translation, scale, rotation)
+ for(auto input : UsdShadeShader(d).GetInputs())
+ {
+ transformOffsetAuthored = true;
+ std::string baseName = input.GetBaseName().GetString();
+ if(baseName == "translation")
+ {
+ TfToken tokenTranslation(baseName);
+ UsdShadeInput translationInput = UsdShadeShader(d).GetInput(tokenTranslation);
+ if(translationInput)
+ {
+ translationInput.Get<GfVec2f>(&uvTransformOffset);
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "uvTransformOffset: %.7f, %.7f, ", uvTransformOffset[0], uvTransformOffset[1]);
+ }
+ }
+ else if(baseName == "scale")
+ {
+ TfToken tokenScale(baseName);
+ UsdShadeInput scaleInput = UsdShadeShader(d).GetInput(tokenScale);
+ if(scaleInput)
+ {
+ scaleInput.Get<GfVec2f>(&uvTransformScale);
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "uvTransformScale: %.7f, %.7f, ", uvTransformScale[0], uvTransformScale[1]);
+ }
+ }
+ else if(baseName == "rotation")
+ {
+ TfToken tokenRotation(baseName);
+ UsdShadeInput rotationInput = UsdShadeShader(d).GetInput(tokenRotation);
+ if(rotationInput)
+ {
+ rotationInput.Get<float>(&uvTransformRotation); // in Degree, need to convert it to Radian
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "uvTransformRotation: %.7f, ", uvTransformRotation);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if(depsId == "UsdUVTexture")
+ {
+ // Handle UV texture
+ std::string imagePath;
+ std::vector<uint8_t> imageBuffer;
+ // Extract various texture attributes (file, wrapS, wrapT, scale, bias, st, fallback)
+ std::vector<UsdShadeInput> inputs = usdUvTexture.GetInputs();
+ for(auto input : inputs)
+ {
+ std::string baseName = input.GetBaseName().GetString();
+ if(baseName == "file")
+ {
+ // Get the asset path of the texture
+ SdfAssetPath fileInput;
+ input.Get<SdfAssetPath>(&fileInput);
+ std::string resolvedAssetPath = fileInput.GetResolvedPath();
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "File: %s, ", resolvedAssetPath.c_str());
+ imagePath = ConvertImagePath(resolvedAssetPath);
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "Converted File Path: %s, ", imagePath.c_str());
+ // Load the texture image data as a buffer
+ imageBuffer = LoadAssetFileAsBuffer(resolvedAssetPath);
+ }
+ else if(baseName == "wrapS")
+ {
+ // Handle texture wrapping in S direction
+ TfToken tokenWrapS(baseName);
+ UsdShadeInput wrapSInput = UsdShadeShader(d).GetInput(tokenWrapS);
+ if(wrapSInput)
+ {
+ TfToken wrapS;
+ wrapSInput.Get<TfToken>(&wrapS);
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "wrapS: %s, ", wrapS.GetText());
+ }
+ }
+ else if(baseName == "wrapT")
+ {
+ // Handle texture wrapping in T direction
+ TfToken tokenWrapT(baseName);
+ UsdShadeInput wrapTInput = UsdShadeShader(d).GetInput(tokenWrapT);
+ if(wrapTInput)
+ {
+ TfToken wrapT;
+ wrapTInput.Get<TfToken>(&wrapT);
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "wrapT: %s, ", wrapT.GetText());
+ }
+ }
+ else if(baseName == "scale")
+ {
+ // Handle texture scale
+ TfToken tokenScale(baseName);
+ UsdShadeInput scaleInput = UsdShadeShader(d).GetInput(tokenScale);
+ if(scaleInput)
+ {
+ GfVec4f scale;
+ scaleInput.Get<GfVec4f>(&scale);
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "scale: %.7f, %.7f, %.7f, %.7f, ", scale[0], scale[1], scale[2], scale[3]);
+ }
+ }
+ else if(baseName == "bias")
+ {
+ // Handle texture bias
+ TfToken tokenBias(baseName);
+ UsdShadeInput biasInput = UsdShadeShader(d).GetInput(tokenBias);
+ if(biasInput)
+ {
+ GfVec4f bias;
+ biasInput.Get<GfVec4f>(&bias);
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "bias: %.7f, %.7f, %.7f, %.7f, ", bias[0], bias[1], bias[2], bias[3]);
+ }
+ }
+ else if(baseName == "st")
+ {
+ // Handle texture ST (UV) coordinates
+ TfToken tokenSt(baseName);
+ UsdShadeInput stInput = UsdShadeShader(d).GetInput(tokenSt);
+ if(stInput)
+ {
+ GfVec2f st;
+ stInput.Get<GfVec2f>(&st);
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "st: %.7f, %.7f, ", st[0], st[1]);
+ }
+ }
+ else if(baseName == "fallback")
+ {
+ // Handle fallback color for the texture
+ TfToken tokenFallback(baseName);
+ UsdShadeInput fallbackInput = UsdShadeShader(d).GetInput(tokenFallback);
+ if(fallbackInput)
+ {
+ GfVec4f fallback;
+ fallbackInput.Get<GfVec4f>(&fallback);
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "fallback: %.7f, %.7f, %.7f, %.7f, ", fallback[0], fallback[1], fallback[2], fallback[3]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(imageBuffer.size() > 0)
+ {
+ // If the texture is loaded as an image buffer, add the buffer to the material definition
+ materialDefinition.mTextureStages.push_back({semantic, TextureDefinition{std::move(imageBuffer)}});
+ materialDefinition.mFlags |= semantic;
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "mTextureStages.push_back: semantic: %u, mFlags: %u, imageBuffer: %ld, ", semantic, materialDefinition.mFlags, imageBuffer.size());
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if(!imagePath.empty())
+ {
+ // Otherwise, add the image file path to the material definition
+ materialDefinition.mTextureStages.push_back({semantic, TextureDefinition{std::move(imagePath)}});
+ materialDefinition.mFlags |= semantic;
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "mTextureStages.push_back: semantic: %u, mFlags: %u, imagePath: %s, ", semantic, materialDefinition.mFlags, imagePath.c_str());
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(transformOffsetAuthored)
+ {
+ // @TODO: Process texture transform (similar to KHR_texture_transform) (future work)
+ }
+ return false; // Return false if texture conversion fails
+void UsdLoaderImpl::Impl::GetXformableTransformation(const UsdPrim& prim, Vector3& position, Quaternion& rotation, Vector3& scale, const UsdTimeCode time)
+ // Retrieve the local transformation matrix of the xformable prim
+ auto xformable = UsdGeomXformable(prim);
+ GfMatrix4d result(1);
+ bool resetsXformStack;
+ xformable.GetLocalTransformation(&result, &resetsXformStack, time);
+ // Decompose the matrix into position, rotation, and scale components
+ Matrix transformMatrix = ConvertUsdMatrix(result);
+ transformMatrix.GetTransformComponents(position, rotation, scale);
+ if(transformMatrix == Dali::Matrix::IDENTITY)
+ {
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "IDENTITY, ");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "Position: %.7f, %.7f, %.7f, ", position.x, position.y, position.z);
+ if(rotation == Quaternion::IDENTITY)
+ {
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "Rotation: IDENTITY, ");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "Rotation: %.7f, %.7f, %.7f, %.7f, ", rotation.AsVector().x, rotation.AsVector().y, rotation.AsVector().z, rotation.AsVector().w);
+ }
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "Scale: %.7f, %.7f, %.7f, ", scale.x, scale.y, scale.z);
+ }
+NodeDefinition* UsdLoaderImpl::Impl::AddNodeToScene(SceneDefinition& scene, const std::string nodeName, const Index parentIndex, const Vector3& position, const Quaternion& rotation, const Vector3& scale, bool setTransformation)
+ // Add the node to the scene graph
+ auto weakNode = scene.AddNode([&]() {
+ std::unique_ptr<NodeDefinition> nodeDefinition{new NodeDefinition()};
+ nodeDefinition->mParentIdx = parentIndex;
+ nodeDefinition->mName = nodeName;
+ if(nodeDefinition->mName.empty())
+ {
+ nodeDefinition->mName = std::to_string(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(nodeDefinition.get()));
+ }
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "scene.AddNode (ConvertNode): %s, parentIndex: %d\n", nodeDefinition->mName.c_str(), parentIndex);
+ if (setTransformation)
+ {
+ nodeDefinition->mPosition = position;
+ nodeDefinition->mOrientation = rotation;
+ nodeDefinition->mScale = scale;
+ }
+ return nodeDefinition; }());
+ if(!weakNode)
+ {
+ DALI_LOG_ERROR("Failed to create Node %s!\n", nodeName.c_str());
+ }
+ return weakNode;
+void UsdLoaderImpl::Impl::RetrieveGeomPrimvars(const UsdPrim& prim, std::vector<UsdGeomPrimvar>& texcoords, std::vector<UsdGeomPrimvar>& colors, std::vector<UsdGeomPrimvar>& tangents)
+ UsdGeomPrimvarsAPI pvAPI(prim);
+ std::vector<UsdGeomPrimvar> primvars = pvAPI.GetPrimvars();
+ for(auto p : primvars)
+ {
+ if(p.HasAuthoredValue())
+ {
+ // Collect texture coordinates (UVs), assuming all UVs are stored in one of these primvar types
+ if(p.GetTypeName() == SdfValueTypeNames->TexCoord2hArray || p.GetTypeName() == SdfValueTypeNames->TexCoord2fArray || p.GetTypeName() == SdfValueTypeNames->TexCoord2dArray || (p.GetPrimvarName() == "st" && p.GetTypeName() == SdfValueTypeNames->Float2Array))
+ {
+ texcoords.push_back(p);
+ }
+ else if(p.GetTypeName().GetRole() == SdfValueRoleNames->Color)
+ {
+ // Collect color attributes
+ std::string colorName;
+ size_t pos = p.GetName().GetString().find(":");
+ if(pos != std::string::npos)
+ {
+ colorName = p.GetName().GetString().substr(pos + 1);
+ }
+ if(colorName == "displayColor")
+ {
+ // Add "displayColor" at the front
+ colors.insert(colors.begin(), p);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ colors.push_back(p);
+ }
+ }
+ // Collect tangent attributes
+ if(p.GetName().GetString().find("tangents") != std::string::npos)
+ {
+ tangents.push_back(p);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "texcoords: %lu, colors: %lu, tangents: %lu, ", texcoords.size(), colors.size(), tangents.size());
+void UsdLoaderImpl::Impl::ProcessMeshIndices(MeshDefinition& meshDefinition, std::map<int, VtArray<int>>& indexMap, VtIntArray& subsetIdcs, VtArray<int>& triangulatedIndex, std::vector<uint32_t>& subIndexArray, std::vector<uint32_t>& flattenedSubTriangulatedIndices)
+ std::vector<VtArray<int>> subTriangulatedIndices;
+ // Get indices for each subset
+ for(int index : subsetIdcs)
+ {
+ subTriangulatedIndices.push_back(indexMap[index]);
+ }
+ // Flatten and store the triangulated indices for the current subset
+ for(auto sublist : subTriangulatedIndices)
+ {
+ for(auto item : sublist)
+ {
+ flattenedSubTriangulatedIndices.push_back(item);
+ }
+ }
+ for(int index : flattenedSubTriangulatedIndices)
+ {
+ subIndexArray.push_back(triangulatedIndex[index * 3]);
+ subIndexArray.push_back(triangulatedIndex[index * 3 + 1]);
+ subIndexArray.push_back(triangulatedIndex[index * 3 + 2]);
+ }
+ std::vector<uint32_t> indexArrayTriangulated;
+ for(size_t k = 0; k < subIndexArray.size(); ++k)
+ {
+ indexArrayTriangulated.push_back(k);
+ }
+ // To store the final triangulated indices, we need space for uint32_t.
+ meshDefinition.mRawData->mIndices.resize(indexArrayTriangulated.size() * 2);
+ auto indicesData = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(meshDefinition.mRawData->mIndices.data());
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < indexArrayTriangulated.size(); i++)
+ {
+ indicesData[i] = indexArrayTriangulated[i];
+ }
+void UsdLoaderImpl::Impl::ProcessMeshPositions(MeshDefinition& meshDefinition, const VtArray<GfVec3f>& points, VtArray<GfVec3f>& worldPosition, std::vector<uint32_t>& subIndexArray)
+ // Process vertex positions
+ for(uint32_t index : subIndexArray)
+ {
+ worldPosition.push_back(points[index]);
+ }
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "subIndexArray: %lu, worldPosition: %lu, ", subIndexArray.size(), worldPosition.size());
+ // Add vertex positions into the mesh definition
+ std::vector<uint8_t> bufferPositions(worldPosition.size() * sizeof(GfVec3f));
+ std::copy(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(worldPosition.data()),
+ reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(worldPosition.data() + worldPosition.size()),
+ bufferPositions.begin());
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "bufferPositions.size: %lu, ", bufferPositions.size());
+ meshDefinition.mRawData->mAttribs.push_back({"aPosition", Property::VECTOR3, static_cast<uint32_t>(worldPosition.size()), std::move(bufferPositions)});
+void UsdLoaderImpl::Impl::ProcessMeshNormals(MeshDefinition& meshDefinition, UsdGeomMesh& usdMesh, VtArray<GfVec3f>& normals, std::vector<uint32_t>& subIndexArray, std::vector<uint32_t>& flattenedSubTriangulatedIndices, VtArray<int>& faceVertexCounts, bool isLeftHanded)
+ UsdAttribute normalsAttr = usdMesh.GetNormalsAttr();
+ if(normalsAttr.HasValue())
+ {
+ VtVec3fArray rawNormals;
+ GetAttributeValue<VtVec3fArray>(normalsAttr, rawNormals);
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "rawNormals: %lu, ", rawNormals.size());
+ if(usdMesh.GetNormalsInterpolation().GetString() == "faceVarying")
+ {
+ // Handle face-varying normals (one normal per face vertex)
+ VtArray<GfVec3f> triangulatedNormal = GetTriangulatedAttribute<GfVec3f>(faceVertexCounts, rawNormals, isLeftHanded);
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "normals: faceVarying, triangulatedNormal: %lu, flattenedSubTriangulatedIndices: %lu, ", triangulatedNormal.size(), flattenedSubTriangulatedIndices.size());
+ for(int index : flattenedSubTriangulatedIndices)
+ {
+ normals.push_back(static_cast<GfVec3f>(triangulatedNormal[index * 3]));
+ normals.push_back(static_cast<GfVec3f>(triangulatedNormal[index * 3 + 1]));
+ normals.push_back(static_cast<GfVec3f>(triangulatedNormal[index * 3 + 2]));
+ }
+ }
+ else if(usdMesh.GetNormalsInterpolation().GetString() == "vertex")
+ {
+ // Handle vertex-based normals (one normal per vertex)
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "normals: vertex, subIndexArray: %lu, ", subIndexArray.size());
+ for(auto x : subIndexArray)
+ {
+ normals.push_back(static_cast<GfVec3f>(rawNormals[x]));
+ }
+ }
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "normals: size = %lu, value: ", normals.size());
+ if(normals.size() > 0)
+ {
+ std::vector<uint8_t> bufferNormals(normals.size() * sizeof(GfVec3f));
+ std::copy(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(normals.data()),
+ reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(normals.data() + normals.size()),
+ bufferNormals.begin());
+ // Add normal attribute to the mesh definition
+ meshDefinition.mRawData->mAttribs.push_back({"aNormal", Property::VECTOR3, static_cast<uint32_t>(normals.size()), std::move(bufferNormals)});
+ }
+ }
+void UsdLoaderImpl::Impl::GenerateNormal(MeshDefinition& meshDefinition)
+ auto& attribs = meshDefinition.mRawData->mAttribs;
+ // Determine the number of indices. If indices are not defined, use the number of vertices in the position attribute.
+ const uint32_t numIndices = meshDefinition.mRawData->mIndices.empty() ? attribs[0].mNumElements : static_cast<uint32_t>(meshDefinition.mRawData->mIndices.size() / 2);
+ // Pointer to the vertex positions
+ auto* positions = reinterpret_cast<const Vector3*>(attribs[0].mData.data());
+ std::vector<uint8_t> buffer(attribs[0].mNumElements * sizeof(Vector3));
+ auto normals = reinterpret_cast<Vector3*>(buffer.data());
+ // Pointer to the index data
+ auto indicesData = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(meshDefinition.mRawData->mIndices.data());
+ // Loop through each triangle (3 indices at a time)
+ for(uint32_t i = 0; i < numIndices; i += 3)
+ {
+ // Get the positions of the three vertices of the triangle
+ Vector3 pos[]{positions[indicesData[i]], positions[indicesData[i + 1]], positions[indicesData[i + 2]]};
+ // Compute the edge vectors of the triangle
+ Vector3 a = pos[1] - pos[0]; // Edge from vertex 0 to vertex 1
+ Vector3 b = pos[2] - pos[0]; // Edge from vertex 0 to vertex 2
+ // Compute the normal using the cross product of the two edge vectors
+ Vector3 normal(a.Cross(b));
+ // Accumulate the normal for each vertex of the triangle
+ normals[indicesData[i]] += normal;
+ normals[indicesData[i + 1]] += normal;
+ normals[indicesData[i + 2]] += normal;
+ }
+ // Normalize the accumulated normals to ensure they are unit vectors
+ auto iEnd = normals + attribs[0].mNumElements;
+ while(normals != iEnd)
+ {
+ normals->Normalize();
+ ++normals;
+ }
+ // Add generated normals to the mesh definition
+ attribs.push_back({"aNormal", Property::VECTOR3, attribs[0].mNumElements, std::move(buffer)});
+void UsdLoaderImpl::Impl::ProcessMeshTexcoords(MeshDefinition& meshDefinition, std::vector<UsdGeomPrimvar>& texcoords, std::vector<uint32_t>& subIndexArray, std::vector<uint32_t>& flattenedSubTriangulatedIndices, VtArray<int>& faceVertexCounts, bool isLeftHanded)
+ if(texcoords.size() > 0 && texcoords.size() <= 2)
+ {
+ // Support up to two texture coordinate sets
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < texcoords.size(); i++)
+ {
+ UsdGeomPrimvar stCoords = texcoords[i];
+ std::string stCoordsPrimvarName = stCoords.GetName().GetString();
+ std::string txName = stCoordsPrimvarName.substr(stCoordsPrimvarName.find(":") + 1, std::string::npos);
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "texcoords[%lu]: %s, %s, ", i, stCoordsPrimvarName.c_str(), txName.c_str());
+ if(stCoords.IsDefined())
+ {
+ VtVec2fArray rawUVs;
+ GetFlattenedPrimvarValue<GfVec2f>(stCoords, rawUVs);
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "rawUVs: %lu, value: ", rawUVs.size());
+ VtVec2fArray UVs;
+ TfToken interpolation = stCoords.GetInterpolation();
+ if(interpolation.GetString() == "faceVarying")
+ {
+ // Handle face-varying UVs
+ VtVec2fArray triangulatedUV = GetTriangulatedAttribute<GfVec2f>(faceVertexCounts, rawUVs, isLeftHanded);
+ for(int index : flattenedSubTriangulatedIndices)
+ {
+ UVs.push_back(static_cast<GfVec2f>(triangulatedUV[index * 3]));
+ UVs.push_back(static_cast<GfVec2f>(triangulatedUV[index * 3 + 1]));
+ UVs.push_back(static_cast<GfVec2f>(triangulatedUV[index * 3 + 2]));
+ }
+ }
+ else if(interpolation.GetString() == "vertex")
+ {
+ // Handle vertex-based UVs
+ for(auto x : subIndexArray)
+ {
+ UVs.push_back(static_cast<GfVec2f>(rawUVs[x]));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DALI_LOG_ERROR("Unexpected interpolation type %s for UV, ", interpolation.GetString().c_str());
+ continue;
+ }
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "UVs: size = %lu, value: ", UVs.size());
+ // Flip UVs vertically to match the texture coordinate system in DALi
+ VtVec2fArray flipyUVs;
+ for(const auto& uv : UVs)
+ {
+ flipyUVs.push_back(GfVec2f(uv[0], 1.0f - uv[1]));
+ }
+ std::vector<uint8_t> bufferTexCoords(flipyUVs.size() * sizeof(GfVec2f));
+ std::copy(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(flipyUVs.data()),
+ reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(flipyUVs.data() + flipyUVs.size()),
+ bufferTexCoords.begin());
+ // Add texcoord attribute to the mesh definition
+ meshDefinition.mRawData->mAttribs.push_back({"aTexCoord", Property::VECTOR2, static_cast<uint32_t>(flipyUVs.size()), std::move(bufferTexCoords)});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void UsdLoaderImpl::Impl::GenerateTangents(MeshDefinition& meshDefinition, std::vector<UsdGeomPrimvar>& texcoords)
+ auto& attribs = meshDefinition.mRawData->mAttribs;
+ // Required positions, normals, uvs (if we have them).
+ std::vector<uint8_t> buffer(attribs[0].mNumElements * sizeof(Vector3));
+ auto tangentsData = reinterpret_cast<Vector3*>(buffer.data());
+ // Check if UVs are present. Tangents require UV coordinates for calculation.
+ bool hasUVs = texcoords.size() > 0 && attribs.size() == 3;
+ if(hasUVs)
+ {
+ // Number of indices (each triangle face has 3 indices).
+ const uint32_t numIndices = meshDefinition.mRawData->mIndices.empty() ? attribs[0].mNumElements : static_cast<uint32_t>(meshDefinition.mRawData->mIndices.size() / 2);
+ // Pointers to the vertex positions and UV coordinates.
+ auto* positions = reinterpret_cast<const Vector3*>(attribs[0].mData.data());
+ auto* uvs = reinterpret_cast<const Vector2*>(attribs[2].mData.data());
+ // Pointer to the index data.
+ auto indicesData = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(meshDefinition.mRawData->mIndices.data());
+ // Loop over each triangle (three indices at a time).
+ for(uint32_t i = 0; i < numIndices; i += 3)
+ {
+ // Get the positions of the triangle vertices.
+ Vector3 pos[]{positions[indicesData[i]], positions[indicesData[i + 1]], positions[indicesData[i + 2]]};
+ // Get the UV coordinates of the triangle vertices.
+ Vector2 uv[]{uvs[indicesData[i]], uvs[indicesData[i + 1]], uvs[indicesData[i + 2]]};
+ // Calculate the edge vectors in 3D space.
+ float x0 = pos[1].x - pos[0].x;
+ float y0 = pos[1].y - pos[0].y;
+ float z0 = pos[1].z - pos[0].z;
+ float x1 = pos[2].x - pos[0].x;
+ float y1 = pos[2].y - pos[0].y;
+ float z1 = pos[2].z - pos[0].z;
+ // Calculate the edge vectors in UV space.
+ float s0 = uv[1].x - uv[0].x;
+ float t0 = uv[1].y - uv[0].y;
+ float s1 = uv[2].x - uv[0].x;
+ float t1 = uv[2].y - uv[0].y;
+ // Calculate the determinant of the matrix formed by the UV edges.
+ float det = (s0 * t1 - t0 * s1);
+ // To avoid division by zero, check the determinant against a small epsilon value.
+ float r = 1.f / ((std::abs(det) < Dali::Epsilon<1000>::value) ? (Dali::Epsilon<1000>::value * (det > 0.0f ? 1.f : -1.f)) : det);
+ // Compute the tangent vector using the positions and UVs.
+ Vector3 tangent((x0 * t1 - t0 * x1) * r, (y0 * t1 - t0 * y1) * r, (z0 * t1 - t0 * z1) * r);
+ // Accumulate the tangent for each vertex of the triangle.
+ tangentsData[indicesData[i]] += Vector3(tangent);
+ tangentsData[indicesData[i + 1]] += Vector3(tangent);
+ tangentsData[indicesData[i + 2]] += Vector3(tangent);
+ }
+ }
+ // Normalize the accumulated tangents.
+ auto* normalsData = reinterpret_cast<const Vector3*>(attribs[1].mData.data());
+ auto iEnd = normalsData + attribs[1].mNumElements;
+ while(normalsData != iEnd)
+ {
+ Vector3 tangentVec3;
+ if(hasUVs)
+ {
+ // Tangent is calculated from the accumulated data.
+ tangentVec3 = Vector3((*tangentsData).x, (*tangentsData).y, (*tangentsData).z);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Fallback: generate tangent using the cross product of the normal with the X or Y axis.
+ Vector3 t[]{normalsData->Cross(Vector3::XAXIS), normalsData->Cross(Vector3::YAXIS)};
+ tangentVec3 = t[t[1].LengthSquared() > t[0].LengthSquared()];
+ }
+ // Orthogonalize the tangent by subtracting the component in the direction of the normal.
+ tangentVec3 -= *normalsData * normalsData->Dot(tangentVec3);
+ tangentVec3.Normalize();
+ // Store the calculated tangent.
+ if(hasUVs)
+ {
+ *tangentsData = tangentVec3;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *tangentsData = Vector4(tangentVec3.x, tangentVec3.y, tangentVec3.z, 1.0f);
+ }
+ ++tangentsData;
+ ++normalsData;
+ }
+ // Add tangent attribute to the mesh definition
+ attribs.push_back({"aTangent", Property::VECTOR3, attribs[0].mNumElements, std::move(buffer)});
+void UsdLoaderImpl::Impl::ProcessMeshColors(MeshDefinition& meshDefinition, std::vector<UsdGeomPrimvar>& colors, VtArray<GfVec3f>& worldPosition, std::vector<uint32_t>& subIndexArray, std::vector<uint32_t>& flattenedSubTriangulatedIndices, VtArray<int>& faceVertexCounts, bool isLeftHanded)
+ if(colors.size() > 0)
+ {
+ // We only support up to one color attribute
+ UsdGeomPrimvar displayColor = colors[0];
+ std::string colorPrimvarName = displayColor.GetName().GetString();
+ std::string colorName = colorPrimvarName.substr(colorPrimvarName.find(":") + 1, std::string::npos);
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "displayColor: %s, %s, ", colorPrimvarName.c_str(), colorName.c_str());
+ if(displayColor.IsDefined() && displayColor.HasAuthoredValue())
+ {
+ VtVec3fArray rawColors;
+ GetAttributeValue<VtVec3fArray>(displayColor.GetAttr(), rawColors);
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "rawColors: %lu, ", rawColors.size());
+ VtArray<GfVec3f> convertedColors;
+ TfToken interpolation = displayColor.GetInterpolation();
+ if(interpolation.GetString() == "constant")
+ {
+ // Handle constant color (same color for all vertices)
+ convertedColors = VtArray<GfVec3f>(subIndexArray.size(), rawColors[0]);
+ }
+ else if(interpolation.GetString() == "faceVarying")
+ {
+ // Handle face-varying colors
+ VtVec3fArray triangulatedColors = GetTriangulatedAttribute<GfVec3f>(faceVertexCounts, rawColors, isLeftHanded);
+ for(int index : flattenedSubTriangulatedIndices)
+ {
+ convertedColors.push_back(static_cast<GfVec3f>(triangulatedColors[index * 3]));
+ convertedColors.push_back(static_cast<GfVec3f>(triangulatedColors[index * 3 + 1]));
+ convertedColors.push_back(static_cast<GfVec3f>(triangulatedColors[index * 3 + 2]));
+ }
+ }
+ else if(interpolation.GetString() == "vertex")
+ {
+ // Handle vertex colors
+ for(auto x : subIndexArray)
+ {
+ convertedColors.push_back(static_cast<GfVec3f>(rawColors[x]));
+ }
+ }
+ else if(interpolation.GetString() == "uniform")
+ {
+ // Handle uniform colors
+ GetFlattenedPrimvarValue<GfVec3f>(displayColor, rawColors);
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "rawColors (uniform): %lu, value: ", rawColors.size());
+ for(auto x : subIndexArray)
+ {
+ convertedColors.push_back(static_cast<GfVec3f>(rawColors[x]));
+ }
+ }
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "convertedColors: size = %lu, value: ", convertedColors.size());
+ // COLOR_0
+ std::vector<uint8_t> bufferColors(convertedColors.size() * sizeof(GfVec3f));
+ std::copy(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(convertedColors.data()),
+ reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(convertedColors.data() + convertedColors.size()),
+ bufferColors.begin());
+ // Add color attribute to the mesh definition
+ meshDefinition.mRawData->mAttribs.push_back({"aVertexColor", Property::VECTOR3, static_cast<uint32_t>(convertedColors.size()), std::move(bufferColors)});
+ }
+ }
+ else if(worldPosition.size() > 0)
+ {
+ // If no colors are defined, use white color (Vector4::ONE)
+ std::vector<uint8_t> buffer(worldPosition.size() * sizeof(Vector4));
+ auto bufferColors = reinterpret_cast<Vector4*>(buffer.data());
+ for(uint32_t i = 0; i < worldPosition.size(); i++)
+ {
+ bufferColors[i] = Vector4::ONE;
+ }
+ // Add default white color attribute
+ meshDefinition.mRawData->mAttribs.push_back({"aVertexColor", Property::VECTOR4, static_cast<uint32_t>(worldPosition.size()), std::move(buffer)});
+ }
+void UsdLoaderImpl::Impl::ProcessMaterialBinding(LoadResult& output, const UsdPrim& prim, std::vector<UsdGeomSubset>& subsets, size_t subIndex, int& meshSubMaterialId)
+ auto& outMaterials = output.mResources.mMaterials;
+ int meshMaterialId = INVALID_INDEX;
+ UsdShadeMaterialBindingAPI materialAPI = UsdShadeMaterialBindingAPI(prim);
+ std::string materialPath = materialAPI.ComputeBoundMaterial().GetPrim().GetPath().GetString();
+ if(auto material = mMaterialMap.find(materialPath); material != mMaterialMap.end())
+ {
+ meshMaterialId = material->second;
+ }
+ bool doubleSided(false);
+ if(prim.HasAttribute(TfToken("doubleSided")) && meshMaterialId >= 0)
+ {
+ // Handle double sidedness
+ UsdAttribute doubleSidedAttr = UsdGeomMesh(prim).GetDoubleSidedAttr();
+ GetAttributeValue<bool>(doubleSidedAttr, doubleSided);
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "doubleSided: %d, ", doubleSided);
+ outMaterials[meshMaterialId].first.mDoubleSided = doubleSided;
+ }
+ // Set default mesh material if no material is bound
+ if(meshMaterialId >= 0)
+ {
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "meshMaterialId: %d, materialPath: %s, ", meshMaterialId, materialPath.c_str());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // The default material is used when a mesh does not specify a material
+ if(mDefaultMaterial == INVALID_INDEX)
+ {
+ mDefaultMaterial = outMaterials.size();
+ MaterialDefinition materialDefinition;
+ materialDefinition.mFlags |= MaterialDefinition::GLTF_CHANNELS;
+ materialDefinition.mShadowAvailable = true;
+ materialDefinition.mNeedAlbedoTexture = false;
+ materialDefinition.mNeedMetallicRoughnessTexture = false;
+ materialDefinition.mNeedNormalTexture = false;
+ outMaterials.emplace_back(std::move(materialDefinition), TextureSet());
+ }
+ meshMaterialId = mDefaultMaterial;
+ }
+ meshSubMaterialId = meshMaterialId;
+ std::string subsetMaterialPath;
+ // Set material for the subset of the mesh
+ auto subset = subsets[subIndex];
+ UsdShadeMaterialBindingAPI subsetMaterialAPI = UsdShadeMaterialBindingAPI(subset.GetPrim());
+ subsetMaterialPath = subsetMaterialAPI.ComputeBoundMaterial().GetPath().GetString();
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "subsetMaterialPath: %s, ", subsetMaterialPath.c_str());
+ if(auto subMaterial = mMaterialMap.find(subsetMaterialPath); subMaterial != mMaterialMap.end())
+ {
+ meshSubMaterialId = subMaterial->second;
+ }
+ if(meshSubMaterialId >= 0)
+ {
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "meshSubMaterialId: %d, subsetMaterialPath: %s, ", meshSubMaterialId, subsetMaterialPath.c_str());
+ // Set double-sided property if applicable
+ outMaterials[meshSubMaterialId].first.mDoubleSided = doubleSided;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ meshSubMaterialId = mDefaultMaterial;
+ }
+void UsdLoaderImpl::Impl::ConvertMesh(LoadResult& output, const UsdPrim& prim, Index& nodeIndex, Index parentIndex)
+ auto& scene = output.mScene;
+ nodeIndex = scene.GetNodeCount();
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, " => UsdGeomMesh %d, nodeIndex: %d, parentIndex: %d, ", mMeshCount, nodeIndex, parentIndex);
+ mMeshCount++;
+ Vector3 position;
+ Quaternion rotation;
+ Vector3 scale;
+ Matrix transformMatrix;
+ // Handle transformation for non-skeleton mesh nodes
+ bool isNonSkeletonMeshNode = prim.IsA<UsdGeomXformable>() && !prim.IsA<UsdSkelSkeleton>();
+ if(isNonSkeletonMeshNode)
+ {
+ GetXformableTransformation(prim, position, rotation, scale);
+ }
+ // Create a new node for the mesh in the scene graph
+ nodeIndex = scene.GetNodeCount();
+ NodeDefinition* weakNode = AddNodeToScene(scene, prim.GetName().GetString(), parentIndex, position, rotation, scale, isNonSkeletonMeshNode);
+ // @TODO: Handle xform animation (future work)
+ // Start processing the mesh geometry
+ UsdGeomMesh usdMesh = UsdGeomMesh(prim);
+ // Retrieve the mesh's vertices (points)
+ UsdAttribute pointsAttr = usdMesh.GetPointsAttr();
+ VtArray<GfVec3f> points;
+ GetAttributeValue<VtArray<GfVec3f>>(pointsAttr, points);
+ if(points.empty())
+ {
+ DALI_LOG_ERROR("No points in mesh, ");
+ mMeshCount--;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "PointsCount: %lu, ", points.size());
+ auto& outMeshes = output.mResources.mMeshes;
+ // Get Face Vertex Counts (number of vertices per face)
+ VtArray<int> faceVertexCounts;
+ UsdAttribute facesAttr = usdMesh.GetFaceVertexCountsAttr();
+ GetAttributeValue<VtArray<int>>(facesAttr, faceVertexCounts);
+ // Get Face Vertex Indices (index of vertices for each face)
+ VtArray<int> faceVertexIndices;
+ UsdAttribute indicesAttr = usdMesh.GetFaceVertexIndicesAttr();
+ GetAttributeValue<VtArray<int>>(indicesAttr, faceVertexIndices);
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "FaceVertexCounts: %lu, FaceVertexIndices: %lu, ", faceVertexCounts.size(), faceVertexIndices.size());
+ std::vector<UsdGeomPrimvar> texcoords;
+ std::vector<UsdGeomPrimvar> colors;
+ std::vector<UsdGeomPrimvar> tangents;
+ // Check for UV, color, and tangent attributes
+ RetrieveGeomPrimvars(prim, texcoords, colors, tangents);
+ // Determine if the mesh uses left-handed or right-handed coordinates
+ TfToken orientation;
+ UsdAttribute orientationAttr = usdMesh.GetOrientationAttr();
+ GetAttributeValue<TfToken>(orientationAttr, orientation);
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "orientation: %s, ", orientation.GetText());
+ bool isLeftHanded = orientation.GetString() != "rightHanded";
+ // Maps triangulated indices
+ std::map<int, VtArray<int>> indexMap;
+ int j = 0;
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < faceVertexCounts.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ VtArray<int> tmp;
+ for(int k = 0; k < faceVertexCounts[i] - 2; ++k)
+ {
+ tmp.push_back(j);
+ j++;
+ }
+ indexMap[i] = tmp;
+ }
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "indexMap: %lu, ", indexMap.size());
+ // Triangulate face indices
+ VtArray<int> triangulatedIndex = GetTriangulatedAttribute<int>(faceVertexCounts, faceVertexIndices, isLeftHanded);
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "triangulatedIndex: %lu, ", triangulatedIndex.size());
+ // Get mesh subsets (i.e. the group of faces sharing the same material)
+ std::vector<UsdGeomSubset> subsets = UsdGeomSubset::GetAllGeomSubsets(usdMesh);
+ VtIntArray remainingIndices = UsdGeomSubset::GetUnassignedIndices(subsets, faceVertexCounts.size());
+ if(remainingIndices.size() > 0)
+ {
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "extra subset: remainingIndices: %lu, ", remainingIndices.size());
+ // Handle the case where a prim is an instance and therefore cannot be modified
+ UsdPrim p = prim;
+ while(p.IsInstance())
+ {
+ p = p.GetParent();
+ }
+ // Create a subset for unassigned faces
+ subsets.emplace_back(UsdGeomSubset::CreateGeomSubset(UsdGeomImageable(p), UsdGeomTokens->partition, UsdGeomTokens->face, remainingIndices));
+ }
+ size_t numSubsets = subsets.size();
+ // Reserve space for the mesh renderables
+ weakNode->mRenderables.reserve(numSubsets);
+ // Prepare subset indices
+ std::vector<VtIntArray> subsetIndices(numSubsets, VtIntArray());
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < numSubsets; ++i)
+ {
+ VtIntArray indices;
+ GetAttributeValue<VtIntArray>(subsets[i].GetIndicesAttr(), indices);
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "indices[%lu]: %lu, ", i, indices.size());
+ if(indices == remainingIndices)
+ {
+ subsetIndices[i] = remainingIndices;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ subsetIndices[i] = indices;
+ }
+ }
+ // Process each subset of the mesh
+ for(size_t subIndex = 0; subIndex < numSubsets; ++subIndex)
+ {
+ // Initialize a mesh definition for each subset
+ MeshDefinition meshDefinition;
+ meshDefinition.mRawData = std::make_shared<MeshDefinition::RawData>();
+ meshDefinition.mFlags |= MeshDefinition::U32_INDICES;
+ meshDefinition.mSkeletonIdx = INVALID_INDEX;
+ // Process indices
+ auto& subsetIdcs = subsetIndices[subIndex];
+ std::vector<uint32_t> subIndexArray;
+ std::vector<uint32_t> flattenedSubTriangulatedIndices;
+ ProcessMeshIndices(meshDefinition, indexMap, subsetIdcs, triangulatedIndex, subIndexArray, flattenedSubTriangulatedIndices);
+ // Process vertex positions
+ VtArray<GfVec3f> worldPosition;
+ ProcessMeshPositions(meshDefinition, points, worldPosition, subIndexArray);
+ // Process normals
+ VtArray<GfVec3f> normals;
+ ProcessMeshNormals(meshDefinition, usdMesh, normals, subIndexArray, flattenedSubTriangulatedIndices, faceVertexCounts, isLeftHanded);
+ // Generate normals if not provided
+ if(normals.size() == 0 && meshDefinition.mRawData->mAttribs.size() > 0) // Check if normals are missing but positions are available
+ {
+ GenerateNormal(meshDefinition);
+ }
+ // Process texture coordinates (texcoords)
+ ProcessMeshTexcoords(meshDefinition, texcoords, subIndexArray, flattenedSubTriangulatedIndices, faceVertexCounts, isLeftHanded);
+ // Generate Tangents
+ GenerateTangents(meshDefinition, texcoords);
+ // Process vertex colors
+ ProcessMeshColors(meshDefinition, colors, worldPosition, subIndexArray, flattenedSubTriangulatedIndices, faceVertexCounts, isLeftHanded);
+ // Add the processed meshes to the output meshes list
+ outMeshes.emplace_back(std::move(meshDefinition), MeshGeometry{});
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "outMeshes: mIndices: %lu, mAttribs: %lu, ", outMeshes.back().first.mRawData->mIndices.size(), outMeshes.back().first.mRawData->mAttribs.size());
+ // Process material binding
+ int meshSubMaterialId;
+ ProcessMaterialBinding(output, prim, subsets, subIndex, meshSubMaterialId);
+ // Create a renderable object for the model and associate the mesh and material with the renderable
+ std::unique_ptr<NodeDefinition::Renderable> renderable;
+ auto modelRenderable = new ModelRenderable();
+ modelRenderable->mMeshIdx = mMeshCount - 1 + subIndex;
+ modelRenderable->mMaterialIdx = meshSubMaterialId;
+ renderable.reset(modelRenderable);
+ weakNode->mRenderables.push_back(std::move(renderable));
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "weakNode %s->mRenderables.push_back, ", weakNode->mName.c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "\n");
+void UsdLoaderImpl::Impl::ConvertNode(LoadResult& output, const UsdPrim& prim, Index& nodeIndex, Index parentIndex)
+ auto& scene = output.mScene;
+ nodeIndex = scene.GetNodeCount();
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, " => UsdGeomXformable %d: parentIndex: %d, ", nodeIndex, parentIndex);
+ // Retrieve the local transformation matrix for the node
+ Vector3 position;
+ Quaternion rotation;
+ Vector3 scale;
+ GetXformableTransformation(prim, position, rotation, scale);
+ // Create a new node for the prim in the scene graph
+ nodeIndex = scene.GetNodeCount();
+ AddNodeToScene(scene, prim.GetName().GetString(), parentIndex, position, rotation, scale, true);
+ // @TODO: Handle xform animation (future work)
+void UsdLoaderImpl::Impl::ConvertCamera(LoadResult& output, const UsdPrim& prim)
+ auto& cameraParameters = output.mCameraParameters;
+ // Initialize camera parameters with default values if not present
+ if(cameraParameters.empty())
+ {
+ cameraParameters.push_back(CameraParameters());
+ cameraParameters[0].matrix.SetTranslation(CAMERA_DEFAULT_POSITION);
+ }
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, " => UsdGeomCamera: ");
+ // Convert camera properties from USD to internal representation
+ UsdGeomCamera camera = UsdGeomCamera(prim);
+ UsdAttribute projectionAttr = camera.GetProjectionAttr();
+ if(projectionAttr.HasValue())
+ {
+ TfToken projection("");
+ GetAttributeValue<TfToken>(projectionAttr, projection);
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "projection: %s, ", projection.GetText());
+ if(projection.GetString() == "perspective")
+ {
+ cameraParameters[0].isPerspective = true;
+ }
+ else if(projection.GetString() == "orthographic")
+ {
+ cameraParameters[0].isPerspective = false;
+ }
+ }
+ GfCamera gfCamera = camera.GetCamera(UsdTimeCode::Default());
+ UsdAttribute clippingRangeAttr = camera.GetClippingRangeAttr();
+ if(clippingRangeAttr.HasValue())
+ {
+ GfVec2f clippingRange(0.0f, 0.0f);
+ GetAttributeValue<GfVec2f>(clippingRangeAttr, clippingRange);
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "zNear: %.7f, zFar: %.7f, ", clippingRange[0], clippingRange[1]);
+ cameraParameters[0].zNear = clippingRange[0];
+ cameraParameters[0].zFar = clippingRange[1];
+ }
+ Radian yFOV = Radian(gfCamera.GetFieldOfView(GfCamera::FOVVertical));
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "yFOV: %f, ", yFOV.radian);
+ cameraParameters[0].yFovDegree = Degree(gfCamera.GetFieldOfView(GfCamera::FOVVertical));
+ float aspectRatio = gfCamera.GetAspectRatio();
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "aspectRatio: %.7f, ", aspectRatio);
+ cameraParameters[0].aspectRatio = aspectRatio;
+ float apertureX = gfCamera.GetHorizontalAperture() / 10.0f;
+ float apertureY = gfCamera.GetVerticalAperture() / 10.0f;
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "apertureX: %.7f, apertureY: %.7f\n", apertureX, apertureY);
+ // Apply the camera's transform matrix to the camera parameters
+ GfMatrix4d matrix = gfCamera.GetTransform();
+ cameraParameters[0].matrix = ConvertUsdMatrix(matrix);
+} // namespace Dali::Scene3D::Loader