// Finally, perform a more accurate ray test to see if our ray actually hits the actor.
if(rayTest.ActorTest(actor, rayOrigin, rayDir, hitPointLocal, distance))
- if(distance >= nearClippingPlane && distance <= farClippingPlane)
+ // Calculate z coordinate value in Camera Space.
+ const Matrix& viewMatrix = renderTask.GetCameraActor()->GetViewMatrix();
+ const Vector4& hitDir = Vector4(rayDir.x * distance, rayDir.y * distance, rayDir.z * distance, 0.0f);
+ const float cameraDepthDistance = (viewMatrix * hitDir).z;
+ // Check if cameraDepthDistance is between clipping plane
+ if(cameraDepthDistance >= nearClippingPlane && cameraDepthDistance <= farClippingPlane)
// If the hit has happened on a clipping actor, then add this clipping depth to the mask of hit clipping depths.
// This mask shows all the actors that have been hit at different clipping depths.